//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id$ // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Log$ // Revision 1.11 2002/07/02 20:22:35 jbravo // Changed the files to use the right ui. // // Revision 1.10 2002/06/22 00:19:57 jbravo // Cleanups for colors and stopped bots looking for team leaders in TP // // Revision 1.9 2002/06/16 20:06:13 jbravo // Reindented all the source files with "indent -kr -ut -i8 -l120 -lc120 -sob -bad -bap" // // Revision 1.8 2002/06/16 17:37:59 jbravo // Removed the MISSIONPACK ifdefs and missionpack only code. // // Revision 1.7 2002/05/03 19:08:51 makro // Bot stuff // // Revision 1.6 2002/03/18 12:25:10 jbravo // Live players dont get fraglines, except their own. Cleanups and some // hacks to get bots to stop using knives only. // // Revision 1.5 2002/01/11 19:48:29 jbravo // Formatted the source in non DOS format. // // Revision 1.4 2001/12/31 16:28:42 jbravo // I made a Booboo with the Log tag. // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // /***************************************************************************** * name: ai_team.c * * desc: Quake3 bot AI * * $Archive: /MissionPack/code/game/ai_team.c $ * $Author$ * $Revision$ * $Modtime: 11/16/00 11:35a $ * $Date$ * *****************************************************************************/ #include "g_local.h" #include "../botlib/botlib.h" #include "../botlib/be_aas.h" #include "../botlib/be_ea.h" #include "../botlib/be_ai_char.h" #include "../botlib/be_ai_chat.h" #include "../botlib/be_ai_gen.h" #include "../botlib/be_ai_goal.h" #include "../botlib/be_ai_move.h" #include "../botlib/be_ai_weap.h" // #include "ai_main.h" #include "ai_dmq3.h" #include "ai_chat.h" #include "ai_cmd.h" #include "ai_dmnet.h" #include "ai_team.h" #include "ai_vcmd.h" #include "match.h" // for the voice chats //Blaze: was there a extra ../ here? #include "../ui/menudef.h" //ctf task preferences for a client typedef struct bot_ctftaskpreference_s { char name[36]; int preference; } bot_ctftaskpreference_t; bot_ctftaskpreference_t ctftaskpreferences[MAX_CLIENTS]; /* ================== BotValidTeamLeader ================== */ int BotValidTeamLeader(bot_state_t * bs) { if (!strlen(bs->teamleader)) return qfalse; if (ClientFromName(bs->teamleader) == -1) return qfalse; return qtrue; } /* ================== BotNumTeamMates ================== */ int BotNumTeamMates(bot_state_t * bs) { int i, numplayers; char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; numplayers = 0; for (i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++) { trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS + i, buf, sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "n"))) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; // if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) { numplayers++; } } return numplayers; } /* ================== BotClientTravelTimeToGoal ================== */ int BotClientTravelTimeToGoal(int client, bot_goal_t * goal) { playerState_t ps; int areanum; if (BotAI_GetClientState(client, &ps)) { areanum = BotPointAreaNum(ps.origin); } else { areanum = 0; } if (!areanum) return 1; return trap_AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(areanum, ps.origin, goal->areanum, TFL_DEFAULT); } /* ================== BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime ================== */ int BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bot_state_t * bs, int *teammates, int maxteammates) { int i, j, k, numteammates, traveltime; char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; int traveltimes[MAX_CLIENTS]; bot_goal_t *goal = NULL; if (gametype == GT_CTF || gametype == GT_1FCTF) { if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) goal = &ctf_redflag; else goal = &ctf_blueflag; } numteammates = 0; for (i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++) { trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS + i, buf, sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "n"))) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; // if (BotSameTeam(bs, i) && goal) { // traveltime = BotClientTravelTimeToGoal(i, goal); // for (j = 0; j < numteammates; j++) { if (traveltime < traveltimes[j]) { for (k = numteammates; k > j; k--) { traveltimes[k] = traveltimes[k - 1]; teammates[k] = teammates[k - 1]; } break; } } traveltimes[j] = traveltime; teammates[j] = i; numteammates++; if (numteammates >= maxteammates) break; } } return numteammates; } /* ================== BotSetTeamMateTaskPreference ================== */ void BotSetTeamMateTaskPreference(bot_state_t * bs, int teammate, int preference) { char teammatename[MAX_NETNAME]; ctftaskpreferences[teammate].preference = preference; ClientName(teammate, teammatename, sizeof(teammatename)); strcpy(ctftaskpreferences[teammate].name, teammatename); } /* ================== BotGetTeamMateTaskPreference ================== */ int BotGetTeamMateTaskPreference(bot_state_t * bs, int teammate) { char teammatename[MAX_NETNAME]; if (!ctftaskpreferences[teammate].preference) return 0; ClientName(teammate, teammatename, sizeof(teammatename)); if (Q_stricmp(teammatename, ctftaskpreferences[teammate].name)) return 0; return ctftaskpreferences[teammate].preference; } /* ================== BotSortTeamMatesByTaskPreference ================== */ int BotSortTeamMatesByTaskPreference(bot_state_t * bs, int *teammates, int numteammates) { int defenders[MAX_CLIENTS], numdefenders; int attackers[MAX_CLIENTS], numattackers; int roamers[MAX_CLIENTS], numroamers; int i, preference; numdefenders = numattackers = numroamers = 0; for (i = 0; i < numteammates; i++) { preference = BotGetTeamMateTaskPreference(bs, teammates[i]); if (preference & TEAMTP_DEFENDER) { defenders[numdefenders++] = teammates[i]; } else if (preference & TEAMTP_ATTACKER) { attackers[numattackers++] = teammates[i]; } else { roamers[numroamers++] = teammates[i]; } } numteammates = 0; //defenders at the front of the list memcpy(&teammates[numteammates], defenders, numdefenders * sizeof(int)); numteammates += numdefenders; //roamers in the middle memcpy(&teammates[numteammates], roamers, numroamers * sizeof(int)); numteammates += numroamers; //attacker in the back of the list memcpy(&teammates[numteammates], attackers, numattackers * sizeof(int)); numteammates += numattackers; return numteammates; } /* ================== BotSayTeamOrders ================== */ void BotSayTeamOrderAlways(bot_state_t * bs, int toclient) { char teamchat[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; char buf[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; char name[MAX_NETNAME]; //if the bot is talking to itself if (bs->client == toclient) { //don't show the message just put it in the console message queue trap_BotGetChatMessage(bs->cs, buf, sizeof(buf)); ClientName(bs->client, name, sizeof(name)); Com_sprintf(teamchat, sizeof(teamchat), EC "(%s" EC ")" EC ": %s", name, buf); trap_BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_CHAT, teamchat); } else { trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, toclient, CHAT_TELL); } } /* ================== BotSayTeamOrders ================== */ void BotSayTeamOrder(bot_state_t * bs, int toclient) { BotSayTeamOrderAlways(bs, toclient); } /* ================== BotVoiceChat ================== */ void BotVoiceChat(bot_state_t * bs, int toclient, char *voicechat) { } /* ================== BotVoiceChatOnly ================== */ void BotVoiceChatOnly(bot_state_t * bs, int toclient, char *voicechat) { } /* ================== BotSayVoiceTeamOrder ================== */ void BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bot_state_t * bs, int toclient, char *voicechat) { } /* ================== BotCTFOrders ================== */ void BotCTFOrders_BothFlagsNotAtBase(bot_state_t * bs) { int numteammates, defenders, attackers, i, other; int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS] = {0}; char name[MAX_NETNAME], carriername[MAX_NETNAME]; numteammates = BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bs, teammates, sizeof(teammates)); BotSortTeamMatesByTaskPreference(bs, teammates, numteammates); //different orders based on the number of team mates switch (bs->numteammates) { case 1: break; case 2: { //tell the one not carrying the flag to attack the enemy base if (teammates[0] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[0]; else other = teammates[1]; ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, other, VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); break; } case 3: { //tell the one closest to the base not carrying the flag to accompany the flag carrier if (teammates[0] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[0]; else other = teammates[1]; ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name)); if (bs->flagcarrier != -1) { ClientName(bs->flagcarrier, carriername, sizeof(carriername)); if (bs->flagcarrier == bs->client) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompanyme", name, NULL); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, other, VOICECHAT_FOLLOWME); } else { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompany", name, carriername, NULL); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, other, VOICECHAT_FOLLOWFLAGCARRIER); } } else { // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, other, VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); } BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other); //tell the one furthest from the the base not carrying the flag to get the enemy flag if (teammates[2] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[2]; else other = teammates[1]; ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, other, VOICECHAT_RETURNFLAG); break; } default: { defenders = (int) (float) numteammates *0.4 + 0.5; if (defenders > 4) defenders = 4; attackers = (int) (float) numteammates *0.5 + 0.5; if (attackers > 5) attackers = 5; if (bs->flagcarrier != -1) { ClientName(bs->flagcarrier, carriername, sizeof(carriername)); for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) { // if (teammates[i] == bs->flagcarrier) { continue; } // ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name)); if (bs->flagcarrier == bs->client) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompanyme", name, NULL); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i], VOICECHAT_FOLLOWME); } else { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompany", name, carriername, NULL); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i], VOICECHAT_FOLLOWFLAGCARRIER); } BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]); } } else { for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) { // if (teammates[i] == bs->flagcarrier) { continue; } // ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) { // if (teammates[numteammates - i - 1] == bs->flagcarrier) { continue; } // ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1], VOICECHAT_RETURNFLAG); } // break; } } } /* ================== BotCTFOrders ================== */ void BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase(bot_state_t * bs) { int numteammates, defenders, attackers, i; int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS]; char name[MAX_NETNAME]; numteammates = BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bs, teammates, sizeof(teammates)); BotSortTeamMatesByTaskPreference(bs, teammates, numteammates); //passive strategy if (!(bs->ctfstrategy & CTFS_AGRESSIVE)) { //different orders based on the number of team mates switch (bs->numteammates) { case 1: break; case 2: { //both will go for the enemy flag ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); // ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); break; } case 3: { //keep one near the base for when the flag is returned ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); //the other two get the flag ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); // ClientName(teammates[2], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); break; } default: { //keep some people near the base for when the flag is returned defenders = (int) (float) numteammates *0.3 + 0.5; if (defenders > 3) defenders = 3; attackers = (int) (float) numteammates *0.6 + 0.5; if (attackers > 6) attackers = 6; for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) { // ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); } for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) { // ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); } // break; } } } else { //different orders based on the number of team mates switch (bs->numteammates) { case 1: break; case 2: { //both will go for the enemy flag ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); // ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); break; } case 3: { //everyone go for the flag ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); // ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); // ClientName(teammates[2], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); break; } default: { //keep some people near the base for when the flag is returned defenders = (int) (float) numteammates *0.2 + 0.5; if (defenders > 2) defenders = 2; attackers = (int) (float) numteammates *0.7 + 0.5; if (attackers > 7) attackers = 7; for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) { // ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); } for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) { // ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); } // break; } } } } /* ================== BotCTFOrders ================== */ void BotCTFOrders_EnemyFlagNotAtBase(bot_state_t * bs) { int numteammates, defenders, attackers, i, other; int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS]; char name[MAX_NETNAME], carriername[MAX_NETNAME]; numteammates = BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bs, teammates, sizeof(teammates)); BotSortTeamMatesByTaskPreference(bs, teammates, numteammates); //different orders based on the number of team mates switch (numteammates) { case 1: break; case 2: { //tell the one not carrying the flag to defend the base if (teammates[0] == bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[1]; else other = teammates[0]; ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, other, VOICECHAT_DEFEND); break; } case 3: { //tell the one closest to the base not carrying the flag to defend the base if (teammates[0] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[0]; else other = teammates[1]; ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, other, VOICECHAT_DEFEND); //tell the other also to defend the base if (teammates[2] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[2]; else other = teammates[1]; ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, other, VOICECHAT_DEFEND); break; } default: { //60% will defend the base defenders = (int) (float) numteammates *0.6 + 0.5; if (defenders > 6) defenders = 6; //30% accompanies the flag carrier attackers = (int) (float) numteammates *0.3 + 0.5; if (attackers > 3) attackers = 3; for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) { // if (teammates[i] == bs->flagcarrier) { continue; } ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); } // if we have a flag carrier if (bs->flagcarrier != -1) { ClientName(bs->flagcarrier, carriername, sizeof(carriername)); for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) { // if (teammates[numteammates - i - 1] == bs->flagcarrier) { continue; } // ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name)); if (bs->flagcarrier == bs->client) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompanyme", name, NULL); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1], VOICECHAT_FOLLOWME); } else { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompany", name, carriername, NULL); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1], VOICECHAT_FOLLOWFLAGCARRIER); } BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]); } } else { for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) { // if (teammates[numteammates - i - 1] == bs->flagcarrier) { continue; } // ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]); } } // break; } } } /* ================== BotCTFOrders ================== */ void BotCTFOrders_BothFlagsAtBase(bot_state_t * bs) { int numteammates, defenders, attackers, i; int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS] = {0}; char name[MAX_NETNAME]; //sort team mates by travel time to base numteammates = BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bs, teammates, sizeof(teammates)); //sort team mates by CTF preference BotSortTeamMatesByTaskPreference(bs, teammates, numteammates); //passive strategy if (!(bs->ctfstrategy & CTFS_AGRESSIVE)) { //different orders based on the number of team mates switch (numteammates) { case 1: break; case 2: { //the one closest to the base will defend the base ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); //the other will get the flag ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); break; } case 3: { //the one closest to the base will defend the base ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); //the second one closest to the base will defend the base ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); //the other will get the flag ClientName(teammates[2], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); break; } default: { defenders = (int) (float) numteammates *0.5 + 0.5; if (defenders > 5) defenders = 5; attackers = (int) (float) numteammates *0.4 + 0.5; if (attackers > 4) attackers = 4; for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) { // ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); } for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) { // ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); } // break; } } } else { //different orders based on the number of team mates switch (numteammates) { case 1: break; case 2: { //the one closest to the base will defend the base ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); //the other will get the flag ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); break; } case 3: { //the one closest to the base will defend the base ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); //the others should go for the enemy flag ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); // ClientName(teammates[2], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); break; } default: { defenders = (int) (float) numteammates *0.4 + 0.5; if (defenders > 4) defenders = 4; attackers = (int) (float) numteammates *0.5 + 0.5; if (attackers > 5) attackers = 5; for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) { // ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i], VOICECHAT_DEFEND); } for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) { // ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL); BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1], VOICECHAT_GETFLAG); } // break; } } } } /* ================== BotCTFOrders ================== */ void BotCTFOrders(bot_state_t * bs) { int flagstatus; // if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) flagstatus = bs->redflagstatus * 2 + bs->blueflagstatus; else flagstatus = bs->blueflagstatus * 2 + bs->redflagstatus; // switch (flagstatus) { case 0: BotCTFOrders_BothFlagsAtBase(bs); break; case 1: BotCTFOrders_EnemyFlagNotAtBase(bs); break; case 2: BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase(bs); break; case 3: BotCTFOrders_BothFlagsNotAtBase(bs); break; } } /* ================== BotCreateGroup ================== */ void BotCreateGroup(bot_state_t * bs, int *teammates, int groupsize) { char name[MAX_NETNAME], leadername[MAX_NETNAME]; int i; // the others in the group will follow the teammates[0] ClientName(teammates[0], leadername, sizeof(leadername)); for (i = 1; i < groupsize; i++) { ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name)); if (teammates[0] == bs->client) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompanyme", name, NULL); } else { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompany", name, leadername, NULL); } BotSayTeamOrderAlways(bs, teammates[i]); } } /* ================== BotTeamOrders FIXME: defend key areas? ================== */ void BotTeamOrders(bot_state_t * bs) { int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS]; int numteammates, i; char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; numteammates = 0; for (i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++) { trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS + i, buf, sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "n"))) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; // if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) { teammates[numteammates] = i; numteammates++; } } // switch (numteammates) { case 1: break; case 2: { //nothing special break; } case 3: { //have one follow another and one free roaming BotCreateGroup(bs, teammates, 2); break; } case 4: { BotCreateGroup(bs, teammates, 2); //a group of 2 BotCreateGroup(bs, &teammates[2], 2); //a group of 2 break; } case 5: { BotCreateGroup(bs, teammates, 2); //a group of 2 BotCreateGroup(bs, &teammates[2], 3); //a group of 3 break; } default: { if (numteammates <= 10) { for (i = 0; i < numteammates / 2; i++) { BotCreateGroup(bs, &teammates[i * 2], 2); //groups of 2 } } break; } } } /* ==================================== RQ3_Bot_TPOrders Added by Makro (just an edited version of BotTeamOrders) ==================================== */ void RQ3_Bot_TPOrders(bot_state_t * bs) { int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS]; int numteammates, i; char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; static int maxclients; if (!maxclients) maxclients = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_maxclients"); numteammates = 0; for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS + i, buf, sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "n"))) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; // if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) { teammates[numteammates] = i; numteammates++; } } // //TODO: find a human player; make 2 bots follow him // if no human player on the team. make groups of 2-3 bots // and send them to spawn points switch (numteammates) { case 1: break; case 2: { //nothing special break; } case 3: { //have one follow another and one free roaming BotCreateGroup(bs, teammates, 2); break; } case 4: { BotCreateGroup(bs, teammates, 2); //a group of 2 BotCreateGroup(bs, &teammates[2], 2); //a group of 2 break; } case 5: { BotCreateGroup(bs, teammates, 2); //a group of 2 BotCreateGroup(bs, &teammates[2], 3); //a group of 3 break; } default: { if (numteammates <= 10) { for (i = 0; i < numteammates / 2; i++) { BotCreateGroup(bs, &teammates[i * 2], 2); //groups of 2 } } break; } } } /* ================== FindHumanTeamLeader ================== */ int FindHumanTeamLeader(bot_state_t * bs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (g_entities[i].inuse) { // if this player is not a bot if (!(g_entities[i].r.svFlags & SVF_BOT)) { // if this player is ok with being the leader if (!notleader[i]) { // if this player is on the same team if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) { ClientName(i, bs->teamleader, sizeof(bs->teamleader)); // if not yet ordered to do anything if (!BotSetLastOrderedTask(bs)) { // go on defense by default BotVoiceChat_Defend(bs, i, SAY_TELL); } return qtrue; } } } } } return qfalse; } /* ================== BotTeamAI ================== */ void BotTeamAI(bot_state_t * bs) { int numteammates; char netname[MAX_NETNAME]; // if (gametype < GT_TEAM) return; //make sure we've got a valid team leader if (!BotValidTeamLeader(bs)) { // JBravo: try to stop that teamleader crap in TP if (!FindHumanTeamLeader(bs) && gametype != GT_TEAMPLAY) { // if (!bs->askteamleader_time && !bs->becometeamleader_time) { if (bs->entergame_time + 10 > FloatTime()) { bs->askteamleader_time = FloatTime() + 5 + random() * 10; } else { bs->becometeamleader_time = FloatTime() + 5 + random() * 10; } } if (bs->askteamleader_time && bs->askteamleader_time < FloatTime()) { // if asked for a team leader and no response BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "whoisteamleader", NULL); trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_TEAM); bs->askteamleader_time = 0; bs->becometeamleader_time = FloatTime() + 8 + random() * 10; } if (bs->becometeamleader_time && bs->becometeamleader_time < FloatTime()) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "iamteamleader", NULL); trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_TEAM); BotSayVoiceTeamOrder(bs, -1, VOICECHAT_STARTLEADER); ClientName(bs->client, netname, sizeof(netname)); strncpy(bs->teamleader, netname, sizeof(bs->teamleader)); bs->teamleader[sizeof(bs->teamleader)-1] = '\0'; bs->becometeamleader_time = 0; } return; } } bs->askteamleader_time = 0; bs->becometeamleader_time = 0; //return if this bot is NOT the team leader ClientName(bs->client, netname, sizeof(netname)); if (Q_stricmp(netname, bs->teamleader) != 0) return; // numteammates = BotNumTeamMates(bs); //give orders switch (gametype) { case GT_TEAM: { if (bs->numteammates != numteammates || bs->forceorders) { bs->teamgiveorders_time = FloatTime(); bs->numteammates = numteammates; bs->forceorders = qfalse; } //if it's time to give orders if (bs->teamgiveorders_time && bs->teamgiveorders_time < FloatTime() - 5) { BotTeamOrders(bs); //give orders again after 120 seconds bs->teamgiveorders_time = FloatTime() + 120; } break; } // JBravo // Makro - separate case now case GT_TEAMPLAY: { if (bs->numteammates != numteammates || bs->forceorders) { bs->teamgiveorders_time = FloatTime(); bs->numteammates = numteammates; bs->forceorders = qfalse; } //if it's time to give orders if (bs->teamgiveorders_time && bs->teamgiveorders_time < FloatTime() - 5) { RQ3_Bot_TPOrders(bs); //give orders again after 120 seconds bs->teamgiveorders_time = FloatTime() + 120; } break; } case GT_CTF: { //if the number of team mates changed or the flag status changed //or someone wants to know what to do if (bs->numteammates != numteammates || bs->flagstatuschanged || bs->forceorders) { bs->teamgiveorders_time = FloatTime(); bs->numteammates = numteammates; bs->flagstatuschanged = qfalse; bs->forceorders = qfalse; } //if there were no flag captures the last 3 minutes if (bs->lastflagcapture_time < FloatTime() - 240) { bs->lastflagcapture_time = FloatTime(); //randomly change the CTF strategy if (random() < 0.4) { bs->ctfstrategy ^= CTFS_AGRESSIVE; bs->teamgiveorders_time = FloatTime(); } } //if it's time to give orders if (bs->teamgiveorders_time && bs->teamgiveorders_time < FloatTime() - 3) { BotCTFOrders(bs); // bs->teamgiveorders_time = 0; } break; } } }