mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:22:13 +00:00
removed spherical head detection and may have helped the ssg accuracy bug
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 52 additions and 199 deletions
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
// $Log$
// Revision 1.80 2002/09/02 02:23:45 niceass
// removed spherical head detection and may have helped the ssg accuracy bug
// Revision 1.79 2002/08/28 23:10:06 jbravo
// Added cg_RQ3_SuicideLikeARealMan, timestamping to server logs and
// fixed stats for non-TP modes.
@ -516,11 +519,9 @@ void Bullet_Fire(gentity_t * ent, float spread, int damage, int MOD)
//u = sin(r) * crandom() * spread * 16;
//r = cos(r) * crandom() * spread * 16;
//FYI: multiply by 16 so we can reach the furthest ends of a "TA" sized map
u = crandom() * spread * 16;
r = crandom() * spread * 16;
VectorMA(muzzle, 8192 * 16, forward, end);
u = crandom() * spread;
r = crandom() * spread;
VectorMA(muzzle, 8192, forward, end);
VectorMA(end, r, right, end);
VectorMA(end, u, up, end);
@ -540,13 +541,14 @@ void Bullet_Fire(gentity_t * ent, float spread, int damage, int MOD)
// snap the endpos to integers, but nudged towards the line
SnapVectorTowards(tr.endpos, muzzle);
// send bullet impact
// NiceAss: Special hit-detection stuff for the head
if (traceEnt->takedamage && traceEnt->client && G_HitPlayer(traceEnt, forward, tr.endpos) == qfalse) {
VectorCopy(tr.endpos, muzzle);
passent = tr.entityNum;
if (traceEnt->takedamage && traceEnt->client) {
/*if (bg_itemlist[traceEnt->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_KEVLAR &&
@ -770,18 +772,14 @@ void ShotgunPattern(vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, int seed, gentity_t * ent, in
// generate the "random" spread pattern
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (shotType == WP_M3) {
r = Q_crandom(&seed) * DEFAULT_M3_HSPREAD * 16;
u = Q_crandom(&seed) * DEFAULT_M3_VSPREAD * 16;
//r = Q_crandom( &seed ) * DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_SPREAD * 16;
//u = Q_crandom( &seed ) * DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_SPREAD * 16;
r = Q_crandom(&seed) * DEFAULT_M3_HSPREAD;
u = Q_crandom(&seed) * DEFAULT_M3_VSPREAD;
} else {
r = Q_crandom(&seed) * DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_HSPREAD * 16 * 4;
u = Q_crandom(&seed) * DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_VSPREAD * 16 * hc_multipler;
//r = Q_crandom( &seed ) * DEFAULT_HANDCANNON_SPREAD * 16 * 4;
//u = Q_crandom( &seed ) * DEFAULT_HANDCANNON_SPREAD * 16 * 4;
r = Q_crandom(&seed) * DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_HSPREAD * 4;
u = Q_crandom(&seed) * DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_VSPREAD * hc_multipler;
VectorMA(origin, 8192 * 16, forward, end);
VectorMA(origin, 8192, forward, end);
VectorMA(end, r, right, end);
VectorMA(end, u, up, end);
if (ShotgunPellet(origin, end, ent) && !hitClient) {
@ -931,48 +929,6 @@ void weapon_railgun_fire(gentity_t * ent)
//Blaze: No need for grappling hook
void Weapon_GrapplingHook_Fire (gentity_t *ent)
if (!ent->client->fireHeld && !ent->client->hook)
fire_grapple (ent, muzzle, forward);
ent->client->fireHeld = qtrue;
void Weapon_HookFree (gentity_t *ent)
ent->parent->client->hook = NULL;
ent->parent->client->ps.pm_flags &= ~PMF_GRAPPLE_PULL;
G_FreeEntity( ent );
void Weapon_HookThink (gentity_t *ent)
if (ent->enemy) {
vec3_t v, oldorigin;
VectorCopy(ent->r.currentOrigin, oldorigin);
v[0] = ent->enemy->r.currentOrigin[0] + (ent->enemy->r.mins[0] + ent->enemy->r.maxs[0]) * 0.5;
v[1] = ent->enemy->r.currentOrigin[1] + (ent->enemy->r.mins[1] + ent->enemy->r.maxs[1]) * 0.5;
v[2] = ent->enemy->r.currentOrigin[2] + (ent->enemy->r.mins[2] + ent->enemy->r.maxs[2]) * 0.5;
SnapVectorTowards( v, oldorigin ); // save net bandwidth
G_SetOrigin( ent, v );
VectorCopy( ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->parent->client->ps.grapplePoint);
@ -1197,50 +1153,6 @@ int RQ3_Spread(gentity_t * ent, int spread)
return (int) (spread * factor[stage]);
//Elder: original AQ2 code
int running = 225; // minimum speed for running
int walking = 10; // minimum speed for walking
int laser = 0;
float factor[] = {.7, 1, 2, 6};
int stage = 0;
// 225 is running
// < 10 will be standing
float xyspeed = (ent->velocity[0]*ent->velocity[0] + ent->velocity[1]*ent->velocity[1]);
if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) // crouching
return( spread * .65);
if ( (ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(FindItem(LASER_NAME))])
&& (ent->client->curr_weap == MK23_NUM
|| ent->client->curr_weap == MP5_NUM
|| ent->client->curr_weap == M4_NUM ) )
laser = 1;
// running
if ( xyspeed > running*running )
stage = 3;
// walking
else if ( xyspeed >= walking*walking )
stage = 2;
// standing
stage = 1;
// laser advantage
if (laser)
if (stage == 1)
stage = 0;
stage = 1;
return (int)(spread * factor[stage]);
@ -1382,7 +1294,7 @@ void Weapon_SSG3000_Fire(gentity_t * ent)
vec3_t end;
trace_t trace;
gentity_t *tent[MAX_SSG3000_HITS];
gentity_t *tent;//[MAX_SSG3000_HITS];
gentity_t *tentWall;
gentity_t *traceEnt = NULL;
int damage;
@ -1404,76 +1316,60 @@ void Weapon_SSG3000_Fire(gentity_t * ent)
if (ent->client && ((g_gametype.integer == GT_TEAMPLAY && level.team_round_going) || g_gametype.integer != GT_TEAMPLAY))
VectorMA(muzzle, 8192 * 16, forward, end);
VectorMA(muzzle, 8192, forward, end);
//Elder: added to assist in zoom crap
if (RQ3_isZoomed(ent)) {
spread = 0;
} else {
r = random() * M_PI * 2.0f;
u = sin(r) * crandom() * spread * 16;
r = cos(r) * crandom() * spread * 16;
VectorMA (end, r, right, end);
VectorMA (end, u, up, end);
if (!RQ3_isZoomed(ent)) {
spread = RQ3_Spread(ent, SNIPER_SPREAD);
u = crandom() * spread * 16;
r = crandom() * spread * 16;
u = crandom() * spread;
r = crandom() * spread;
VectorMA(end, r, right, end);
VectorMA(end, u, up, end);
//VectorMA (muzzle, 8192*16, forward, end);
// trace only against the solids, so the SSG3000 will go through people
unlinked = 0;
hits = 0;
passent = ent->s.number;
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: Begin loop\n", level.time);
do {
//Elder: need to store this flag because
//the entity may get wiped out in G_Damage
hitBreakable = qfalse;
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: Trapping trace\n", level.time);
trap_Trace(&trace, muzzle, NULL, NULL, end, passent, MASK_SHOT);
if (trace.entityNum >= ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL) {
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: OOB Entity: exiting loop\n", level.time);
// Basically, it hit a wall (worldspawn)
if (trace.entityNum >= ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL)
traceEnt = &g_entities[trace.entityNum];
if (traceEnt->unbreakable == qtrue) {
Material = GetMaterialFromFlag(trace.surfaceFlags);
//if ( (trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS) ||
// (trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_METAL2) )
if (IsMetalMat(Material))
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_METAL);
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_METAL);
else if (Material == MAT_GLASS)
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_GLASS);
//Makro - added
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_GLASS);
else if (IsWoodMat(Material))
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WOOD);
//Makro - added
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WOOD);
else if (Material == MAT_BRICK)
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_BRICK);
//Makro - added
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_BRICK);
else if (Material == MAT_CERAMIC)
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_CERAMIC);
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_CERAMIC);
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WALL);
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WALL);
tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte(trace.plane.normal);
tent->s.otherEntityNum = ent->s.number;
if (traceEnt && traceEnt->s.eType == ET_PRESSURE)
G_CreatePressure(trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, traceEnt);
G_Damage(traceEnt, ent, ent, forward, trace.endpos, 0, 0, MOD_SNIPER);
// NiceAss: Special hit-detection stuff for the head
if (traceEnt->takedamage && traceEnt->client && G_HitPlayer(traceEnt, forward, trace.endpos) == qfalse) {
// It actually didn't hit anything...
@ -1481,10 +1377,9 @@ void Weapon_SSG3000_Fire(gentity_t * ent)
if (traceEnt->takedamage) {
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: hit damagable entity\n", level.time);
//flag hitBreakable - bullets go through even
//if it doesn't "shatter" - but that's usually
//not the case
@ -1493,40 +1388,30 @@ void Weapon_SSG3000_Fire(gentity_t * ent)
// send impacts
if (traceEnt->client ) {
//if (bg_itemlist[traceEnt->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_KEVLAR)
if ( !OnSameTeam(traceEnt, ent) || (OnSameTeam(traceEnt, ent) && g_friendlyFire.integer > 0) ) {
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_SSG3000_HIT_FLESH);
tent[unlinked]->s.eventParm = DirToByte(forward);
tent[unlinked]->s.otherEntityNum2 = traceEnt->s.number;
tent[unlinked]->s.otherEntityNum = ent->s.number;
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_SSG3000_HIT_FLESH);
tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte(forward);
tent->s.otherEntityNum2 = traceEnt->s.number;
tent->s.otherEntityNum = ent->s.number;
//tent[unlinked]->s.eventParm = traceEnt->s.number;
} else {
// impact type
//Makro - new surfaceparm system
Material = GetMaterialFromFlag(trace.surfaceFlags);
//if ( (trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS) ||
// (trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_METAL2) )
if (IsMetalMat(Material))
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_METAL);
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_METAL);
else if (Material == MAT_GLASS)
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_GLASS);
//Makro - added
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_GLASS);
else if (IsWoodMat(Material))
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WOOD);
//Makro - added
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WOOD);
else if (Material == MAT_BRICK)
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_BRICK);
//Makro - added
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_BRICK);
else if (Material == MAT_CERAMIC)
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_CERAMIC);
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_CERAMIC);
tent[unlinked] = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WALL);
tent = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WALL);
tent[unlinked]->s.eventParm = ReflectVectorByte(forward, trace.plane.normal);
tent[unlinked]->s.otherEntityNum = ent->s.number;
tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte(trace.plane.normal);
tent->s.otherEntityNum = ent->s.number;
if (LogAccuracyHit(traceEnt, ent)) {
@ -1535,13 +1420,11 @@ void Weapon_SSG3000_Fire(gentity_t * ent)
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: Doing damage to target\n", level.time);
G_Damage(traceEnt, ent, ent, forward, trace.endpos, damage, 0, MOD_SNIPER);
//Elder: go through non-solids and breakables
//If we ever wanted to "shoot through walls" we'd do stuff here
// traceEnt->client->kevlarHit ||
if ( hitBreakable == qfalse && (trace.contents & CONTENTS_SOLID) ) {
// G_Printf("hitKev %d hitBreak %d contents %d\n", traceEnt->client->kevlarHit, hitBreakable, trace.contents);
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: did not hit breakable and hit solid, exiting loop\n", level.time);
break; // we hit something solid enough to stop the beam
@ -1551,72 +1434,40 @@ void Weapon_SSG3000_Fire(gentity_t * ent)
unlinkedEntities[unlinked] = traceEnt;
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: Unlinked count: %d\n", level.time, unlinked);
} while (unlinked < MAX_SSG3000_HITS);
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: Relinking unlinked entities\n", level.time);
// link back in any entities we unlinked
for (i = 0; i < unlinked; i++) {
// the final trace endpos will be the terminal point of the rail trail
// snap the endpos to integers to save net bandwidth, but nudged towards the line
SnapVectorTowards(trace.endpos, muzzle);
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: Sending bullet impact event\n", level.time);
// send wall bullet impact
// no explosion at end if SURF_NOIMPACT
Material = GetMaterialFromFlag(trace.surfaceFlags);
//G_Printf("SSG3000: Hit entity #%i (%s): surfaceFlag = %i\n", trace.entityNum, g_entities[trace.entityNum].classname, trace.surfaceFlags);
if (!(trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT)) {
//Makro - new surfaceparm system
//if ( (trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS) ||
// (trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_METAL2) )
if (IsMetalMat(Material))
tentWall = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_METAL);
else if (Material == MAT_GLASS)
tentWall = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_GLASS);
//Makro - added
else if (IsWoodMat(Material))
tentWall = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WOOD);
//Makro - added
else if (Material == MAT_BRICK)
tentWall = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_BRICK);
//Makro - added
else if (Material == MAT_CERAMIC)
tentWall = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_CERAMIC);
tentWall = G_TempEntity(trace.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WALL);
tentWall->s.eventParm = ReflectVectorByte(forward, trace.plane.normal);
tentWall->s.eventParm = DirToByte(trace.plane.normal);
tentWall->s.otherEntityNum = ent->s.number;
if (traceEnt && traceEnt->s.eType == ET_PRESSURE)
G_CreatePressure(trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, traceEnt);
// send railgun beam effect
//tent = G_TempEntity( trace.endpos, EV_RAILTRAIL );
// set player number for custom colors on the railtrail
//tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;
//VectorCopy( muzzle, tent->s.origin2 );
// move origin a bit to come closer to the drawn gun muzzle
//VectorMA( tent->s.origin2, 4, right, tent->s.origin2 );
//VectorMA( tent->s.origin2, -1, up, tent->s.origin2 );
// no explosion at end if SURF_NOIMPACT, but still make the trail
//if ( trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) {
//tent->s.eventParm = 255; // don't make the explosion at the end
//} else {
//tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte( trace.plane.normal );
//tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;
//G_Printf("(%d) SSG: Shooter reward\n", level.time);
// give the shooter a reward sound if they have made two railgun hits in a row
if (hits == 0) {
@ -1968,7 +1819,6 @@ void FireWeapon(gentity_t * ent)
case WP_SSG3000:
//Weapon_SSG3000_FireOld( ent );
@ -2084,7 +1934,7 @@ void Laser_Think(gentity_t * self)
// Keep tracing if it hits glass.
for (l = 0; l < 10; l++) {
VectorMA(start, 8192 * 16, forward, end);
VectorMA(start, 8192, forward, end);
//Trace Position
trap_Trace(&tr, start, NULL, NULL, end, passent, MASK_SHOT);
@ -2098,10 +1948,13 @@ void Laser_Think(gentity_t * self)
// It "hit" a player, but actually missed (thanks to new headshot code!)
if ((traceEnt->takedamage && traceEnt->client && G_HitPlayer(traceEnt, forward, tr.endpos) == qfalse)) {
passent = tr.entityNum;
//Makro - new surfaceparm system
//if (!(tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_GLASS)) break;
if (!(GetMaterialFromFlag(tr.surfaceFlags) == MAT_GLASS))
Reference in a new issue