mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 18:41:08 +00:00
Vector support for most item types
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 1747 additions and 499 deletions
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
// $Log$
// Revision 1.13 2005/09/07 20:24:33 makro
// Vector support for most item types
// Revision 1.12 2005/02/15 16:33:39 makro
// Tons of updates (entity tree attachment system, UI vectors)
@ -280,6 +283,9 @@
//Makro - startup menu text
#define UI_RQ3_STARTUP 168
#define UI_HANDICAP 200
#define UI_EFFECTS 201
@ -6,22 +6,13 @@
--------------------Configuration: ui - Win32 Debug TA--------------------
<h3>Command Lines</h3>
Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\Andrei\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP17B.tmp" with contents
Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\Andrei\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP51.tmp" with contents
/nologo /G5 /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "UI_EXPORTS" /Fp"D:\Work\rq3source\reaction\Release/ta_ui.pch" /YX /Fo"D:\Work\rq3source\reaction\Release/" /Fd"D:\Work\rq3source\reaction\Release/" /FD /GZ /c
Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\Andrei\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP17B.tmp"
Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\Andrei\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP17C.tmp" with contents
Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\Andrei\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP51.tmp"
Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\Andrei\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP52.tmp" with contents
/nologo /base:"0x40000000" /dll /incremental:yes /pdb:"../Debug/ui.pdb" /map:"D:\Work\rq3source\reaction\Release/uix86.map" /debug /machine:I386 /def:".\ui.def" /out:"D:\Work\rq3source\reaction\Release\uix86.dll" /implib:"D:\Work\rq3source\reaction\Release/uix86.lib" /pdbtype:sept
@ -35,27 +26,16 @@ Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\Andrei\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP17C.tmp" with conte
Creating command line "link.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\Andrei\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP17C.tmp"
Creating command line "link.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\Andrei\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP52.tmp"
<h3>Output Window</h3>
d:\work\rq3source\reaction\game\q_math.c(1885) : warning C4101: 'result' : unreferenced local variable
Creating library D:\Work\rq3source\reaction\Release/uix86.lib and object D:\Work\rq3source\reaction\Release/uix86.exp
uix86.dll - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
uix86.dll - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
// $Log$
// Revision 1.22 2005/09/07 20:24:33 makro
// Vector support for most item types
// Revision 1.21 2005/02/15 16:33:39 makro
// Tons of updates (entity tree attachment system, UI vectors)
@ -593,9 +596,11 @@ void UI_Shutdown(void)
Adjusted for resolution and screen aspect ratio
Makro - converted to macro, see ui_local.h
void UI_AdjustFrom640(float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h)
void _UI_AdjustFrom640(float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h)
// expect valid pointers
#if 0
@ -619,7 +624,7 @@ void UI_DrawNamedPic(float x, float y, float width, float height, const char *pi
hShader = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(picname);
UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &width, &height);
//trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, hShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, hShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, hShader, qfalse);
void UI_DrawHandlePic(float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t hShader)
@ -649,7 +654,7 @@ void UI_DrawHandlePic(float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t hShader)
UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &w, &h);
//trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, w, h, s0, t0, s1, t1, hShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, w, h, s0, t0, s1, t1, hShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, w, h, s0, t0, s1, t1, hShader, qfalse);
@ -665,27 +670,29 @@ void UI_FillRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color
UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &width, &height);
//trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader, qfalse);
void UI_DrawSides(float x, float y, float w, float h)
//Makro - added shader parm
void UI_DrawSides(float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t shader)
UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &w, &h);
//trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, 1, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
//trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x + w - 1, y, 1, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, 1, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x + w - 1, y, 1, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, 1, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, shader, qfalse);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x + w - 1, y, 1, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, shader, qfalse);
void UI_DrawTopBottom(float x, float y, float w, float h)
//Makro - added shader parm
void UI_DrawTopBottom(float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t shader)
UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &w, &h);
//trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
//trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y + h - 1, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y + h - 1, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, shader, qfalse);
uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic(x, y + h - 1, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, shader, qfalse);
@ -695,12 +702,13 @@ UI_DrawRect
Coordinates are 640*480 virtual values
void UI_DrawRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color)
//Makro - added shader
void UI_DrawRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color, qhandle_t shader)
UI_DrawTopBottom(x, y, width, height);
UI_DrawSides(x, y, width, height);
UI_DrawTopBottom(x, y, width, height, shader);
UI_DrawSides(x, y, width, height, shader);
@ -720,7 +728,7 @@ void UI_DrawTextBox(int x, int y, int width, int lines)
UI_FillRect(x + BIGCHAR_WIDTH / 2, y + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT / 2, (width + 1) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH,
(lines + 1) * BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, colorBlack);
UI_DrawRect(x + BIGCHAR_WIDTH / 2, y + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT / 2, (width + 1) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH,
(lines + 1) * BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, colorWhite);
(lines + 1) * BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, colorWhite, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader);
qboolean UI_CursorInRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
// $Log$
// Revision 1.27 2005/09/07 20:24:33 makro
// Vector support for most item types
// Revision 1.26 2005/02/15 16:33:39 makro
// Tons of updates (entity tree attachment system, UI vectors)
@ -199,6 +202,9 @@ extern vmCvar_t ui_RQ3_modelCommand;
//Makro - model cvar
extern vmCvar_t ui_RQ3_model;
//Makro - tablet support in the UI
extern vmCvar_t ui_RQ3_tabletMode;
//Makro - team counts for the join menu
//Handled in cgame now
//extern vmCvar_t ui_RQ3_teamCount1;
@ -1011,6 +1017,12 @@ typedef struct {
//Makro - weapon/item bans
int weapBan, itemBan;
//Makro - custom key bind status
const char *keyBindStatus1, *keyBindStatus2;
//Makro - startup menu text
char startupText[512];
} uiInfo_t;
extern uiInfo_t uiInfo;
@ -1025,9 +1037,9 @@ extern float UI_ClampCvar(float min, float max, float value);
extern void UI_DrawNamedPic(float x, float y, float width, float height, const char *picname);
extern void UI_DrawHandlePic(float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t hShader);
extern void UI_FillRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color);
extern void UI_DrawRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color);
extern void UI_DrawTopBottom(float x, float y, float w, float h);
extern void UI_DrawSides(float x, float y, float w, float h);
extern void UI_DrawRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color, qhandle_t shader);
extern void UI_DrawTopBottom(float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t shader);
extern void UI_DrawSides(float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t shader);
extern void UI_UpdateScreen(void);
extern void UI_SetColor(const float *rgba);
extern void UI_LerpColor(vec4_t a, vec4_t b, vec4_t c, float t);
@ -1038,7 +1050,11 @@ extern int UI_ProportionalStringWidth(const char *str);
extern void UI_DrawString(int x, int y, const char *str, int style, vec4_t color);
extern void UI_DrawChar(int x, int y, int ch, int style, vec4_t color);
extern qboolean UI_CursorInRect(int x, int y, int width, int height);
extern void UI_AdjustFrom640(float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h);
//Makro - converted to macro
extern void _UI_AdjustFrom640(float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h);
#define UI_AdjustFrom640(px, py, pw, ph) (*(px) *= uiInfo.uiDC.xscale, *(py) *= uiInfo.uiDC.yscale, *(pw) *= uiInfo.uiDC.xscale, *(ph) *= uiInfo.uiDC.yscale)
extern void UI_DrawTextBox(int x, int y, int width, int lines);
extern qboolean UI_IsFullscreen(void);
extern void UI_SetActiveMenu(uiMenuCommand_t menu);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
// $Log$
// Revision 1.21 2005/09/07 20:24:33 makro
// Vector support for most item types
// Revision 1.20 2005/02/15 16:33:39 makro
// Tons of updates (entity tree attachment system, UI vectors)
@ -88,16 +91,16 @@
#define WINDOW_MOUSEOVER 0x00000001 // mouse is over it, non exclusive
#define WINDOW_HASFOCUS 0x00000002 // has cursor focus, exclusive
#define WINDOW_VISIBLE 0x00000004 // is visible
#define WINDOW_GREY 0x00000008 // is visible but grey ( non-active )
#define WINDOW_GREY 0x00000008 // is visible but grey ( non-active )
#define WINDOW_DECORATION 0x00000010 // for decoration only, no mouse, keyboard, etc..
#define WINDOW_FADINGOUT 0x00000020 // fading out, non-active
#define WINDOW_FADINGIN 0x00000040 // fading in
#define WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT 0x00000080 // mouse is over it, non exclusive
#define WINDOW_INTRANSITION 0x00000100 // window is in transition
#define WINDOW_FORECOLORSET 0x00000200 // forecolor was explicitly set ( used to color alpha images or not )
#define WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT 0x00000080 // mouse is over it, non exclusive
#define WINDOW_INTRANSITION 0x00000100 // window is in transition
#define WINDOW_FORECOLORSET 0x00000200 // forecolor was explicitly set ( used to color alpha images or not )
#define WINDOW_HORIZONTAL 0x00000400 // for list boxes and sliders, vertical is default this is set of horizontal
#define WINDOW_LB_LEFTARROW 0x00000800 // mouse is over left/up arrow
#define WINDOW_LB_RIGHTARROW 0x00001000 // mouse is over right/down arrow
#define WINDOW_LB_LEFTARROW 0x00000800 // mouse is over left/up arrow
#define WINDOW_LB_RIGHTARROW 0x00001000 // mouse is over right/down arrow
#define WINDOW_LB_THUMB 0x00002000 // mouse is over thumb
#define WINDOW_LB_PGUP 0x00004000 // mouse is over page up
#define WINDOW_LB_PGDN 0x00008000 // mouse is over page down
@ -105,12 +108,14 @@
#define WINDOW_OOB_CLICK 0x00020000 // close on out of bounds click
#define WINDOW_WRAPPED 0x00040000 // manually wrap text
#define WINDOW_AUTOWRAPPED 0x00080000 // auto wrap text
#define WINDOW_FORCED 0x00100000 // forced open
#define WINDOW_POPUP 0x00200000 // popup
#define WINDOW_BACKCOLORSET 0x00400000 // backcolor was explicitly set
#define WINDOW_TIMEDVISIBLE 0x00800000 // visibility timing ( NOT implemented )
#define WINDOW_FORCED 0x00100000 // forced open
#define WINDOW_POPUP 0x00200000 // popup
#define WINDOW_BACKCOLORSET 0x00400000 // backcolor was explicitly set
#define WINDOW_TIMEDVISIBLE 0x00800000 // visibility timing ( NOT implemented )
//Makro - ugliest hack ever... by far
#define WINDOW_RENDERPOINT 0x01000000
#define WINDOW_RENDERPOINT 0x01000000
//Makro - forced text color
#define WINDOW_FORCE_TEXT_COLOR 0x02000000
// CGAME cursor type bits
@ -137,15 +142,22 @@
#define ART_FX_WHITE "menu/art/fx_white"
#define ART_FX_YELLOW "menu/art/fx_yel"
#define ASSET_GRADIENTBAR "ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR "ui/assets/scrollbar.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWDOWN "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_dwn_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWUP "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_up_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWLEFT "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_left.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWRIGHT "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_right.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLL_THUMB "ui/assets/scrollbar_thumb.tga"
#define ASSET_SLIDER_BAR "ui/assets/slider2.tga"
#define ASSET_SLIDER_THUMB "ui/assets/sliderbutt_1.tga"
#define ASSET_GRADIENTBAR "ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_V "ui/assets/scrollbar_vert.tga"
//Makro - horizontal scrollbar
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_H "ui/assets/scrollbar_horz.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWDOWN "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_dwn_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWUP "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_up_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWLEFT "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_left_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWRIGHT "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_right_a.tga"
//Makro - displayed when clicked
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWDOWN2 "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_dwn_b.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWUP2 "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_up_b.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWLEFT2 "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_left_b.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWRIGHT2 "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_right_b.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLL_THUMB "ui/assets/scrollbar_thumb.tga"
#define ASSET_SLIDER_BAR "ui/assets/slider2.tga"
#define ASSET_SLIDER_THUMB "ui/assets/sliderbutt_1.tga"
#define SCROLLBAR_SIZE 16.0
#define SLIDER_WIDTH 96.0
#define SLIDER_HEIGHT 16.0
@ -180,12 +192,19 @@ typedef struct {
} pointDef_t;
typedef pointDef_t Point;
typedef enum
} colorType_t;
//Makro - for the new fading method
typedef struct {
vec4_t color1;
vec4_t color2;
qboolean active;
qboolean forecolor;
colorType_t colorType;
int startTime, endTime;
} timeFade_t;
@ -303,6 +322,27 @@ typedef struct modelDef_s {
#define CVAR_SHOW 0x00000004
#define CVAR_HIDE 0x00000008
//Makro - added for YES/NO items
#define YESNO_TEXT 0
typedef struct yesnoDef_s
int groupIndex;
float activeCvarVal;
char activeCvarStr[128];
int kind; //text / icon_left / icon_right
qboolean strDef;
qboolean wasActive;
int lastChangeTime;
} yesnoDef_t;
typedef struct itemDef_s {
Window window; // common positional, border, style, layout info
Rectangle textRect; // rectangle the text ( if any ) consumes
@ -337,6 +377,7 @@ typedef struct itemDef_s {
colorRangeDef_t colorRanges[MAX_COLOR_RANGES];
float special; // used for feeder id's etc.. diff per type
int cursorPos; // cursor position in characters
void *typeData; // type specific data ptr's
//Makro - color to fade when
} itemDef_t;
@ -361,6 +402,10 @@ typedef struct {
//Makro - executed when the menu is shown
const char *onShow;
const char *onFirstShow;
//Makro - executed when the user clicks outside the active area
const char *onOOBClick;
//Makro - special script to be executed when the menu is opened with "openspecial"
const char *onOpenSpecial;
qboolean shown;
int showCount;
const char *soundName; // background loop sound for menu
@ -389,7 +434,14 @@ typedef struct {
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowDown;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowLeft;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowRight;
qhandle_t scrollBar;
//Makro - shown when clicked
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowUp2;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowDown2;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowLeft2;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowRight2;
//Makro - two separate backgrounds
qhandle_t scrollBarH;
qhandle_t scrollBarV;
qhandle_t scrollBarThumb;
qhandle_t buttonMiddle;
qhandle_t buttonInside;
@ -418,6 +470,8 @@ typedef struct {
//Makro - for drop shadow effects
qhandle_t dropShadowCorners[4];
qhandle_t dropShadowRight, dropShadowBottom;
//Makro - for grouped checkboxes
qhandle_t checkBox0, checkBox1;
} cachedAssets_t;
@ -439,25 +493,28 @@ typedef struct {
qhandle_t(*registerShaderNoMip) (const char *p);
void (*setColor) (const vec4_t v);
void (*drawHandlePic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t asset);
//Makro - added "adjust"
void (*drawStretchPic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2,
qhandle_t hShader);
qhandle_t hShader, qboolean adjust);
//Makro - angled pictures
void (*drawAngledPic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, const float *u, const float *v, const float *color, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2,
qhandle_t hShader);
//Makro - added forceColor and maxwidth
void (*drawText) (float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust, int limit,
int style);
float maxwidth, int style, qboolean forceColor);
//Makro - angled text
void (*drawAngledText) (float x, float y, const float *u, const float *v, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust, int limit,
int style);
float maxwidth, int style, qboolean forceColor);
int (*textWidth) (const char *text, float scale, int limit);
int (*textHeight) (const char *text, float scale, int limit);
qhandle_t(*registerModel) (const char *p);
void (*modelBounds) (qhandle_t model, vec3_t min, vec3_t max);
void (*fillRect) (float x, float y, float w, float h, const vec4_t color);
void (*drawRect) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, const vec4_t color);
void (*drawSides) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
void (*drawAngledRect) (float x, float y, float w, float h, const float *u, const float *v, float size, const float *color, unsigned char type);
void (*drawTopBottom) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
//Makro - added shader parm
void (*drawRect) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, const vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader);
void (*drawSides) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, qhandle_t shader);
void (*drawAngledRect) (float x, float y, float w, float h, const float *u, const float *v, float size, const float *color, unsigned char type, qhandle_t shader);
void (*drawTopBottom) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, qhandle_t shader);
void (*clearScene) ();
void (*addRefEntityToScene) (const refEntity_t * re);
void (*renderScene) (const refdef_t * fd);
@ -475,6 +532,9 @@ typedef struct {
void (*setCVar) (const char *cvar, const char *value);
void (*drawTextWithCursor) (float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, int cursorPos,
char cursor, int limit, int style);
//Makro - vector items
void (*drawAngledTextWithCursor) (float x, float y, const float *u, const float *v, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, int cursorPos,
char cursor, int limit, int style);
void (*setOverstrikeMode) (qboolean b);
qboolean(*getOverstrikeMode) ();
void (*startLocalSound) (sfxHandle_t sfx, int channelNum);
@ -511,6 +571,9 @@ typedef struct {
//Makro - mouse down
qboolean mouseDown[3];
int mouseDownPos[2];
//Makro - last time the cursor was moved
int mouseMoveTime;
qboolean debug;
cachedAssets_t Assets;
@ -563,7 +626,8 @@ qboolean PC_Script_Parse(int handle, const char **out);
int Menu_Count();
void Menu_New(int handle);
void Menu_PaintAll();
menuDef_t *Menus_ActivateByName(const char *p);
//Makro - added second parameter
menuDef_t *Menus_ActivateByName(const char *p, qboolean special);
void Menu_Reset();
qboolean Menus_AnyFullScreenVisible();
void Menus_Activate(menuDef_t * menu);
@ -577,7 +641,8 @@ void *Display_CaptureItem(int x, int y);
qboolean Display_MouseMove(void *p, int x, int y);
int Display_CursorType(int x, int y);
qboolean Display_KeyBindPending();
void Menus_OpenByName(const char *p);
//Makro - added second parameter
void Menus_OpenByName(const char *p, qboolean special);
menuDef_t *Menus_FindByName(const char *p);
void Menus_ShowByName(const char *p);
void Menus_CloseByName(const char *p);
@ -605,9 +670,12 @@ int trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine(int handle, char *filename, int *line);
//Makro - new rendering stuff
void UI_AddQuadToScene(qhandle_t hShader, const polyVert_t *verts);
void UI_Render2DScene();
void Rect_ToInnerCoords(rectDef_t *rect, float x, float y, float *resx, float *resy);
#define UI_POLY_Z_OFFSET -0.00001f
//Makro - for all the lazy people
#define IsBetween(a, min, max) ( (a) >= (min) && (a) <= (max) )
#define PRINT_RECT(r) (r).x, (r).y, (r).w, (r).h
#define RECT_SIDES 1
Reference in a new issue