1998-11-29 00:00:00 +00:00

822 lines
19 KiB

#include "g_local.h"
#include "m_infantry.h"
void InfantryMachineGun (edict_t *self);
static int sound_pain1;
static int sound_pain2;
static int sound_die1;
static int sound_die2;
static int sound_gunshot;
static int sound_weapon_cock;
static int sound_punch_swing;
static int sound_punch_hit;
static int sound_sight;
static int sound_search;
static int sound_idle;
mframe_t infantry_frames_stand [] =
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_stand = {FRAME_stand50, FRAME_stand71, infantry_frames_stand, NULL};
void infantry_stand (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_stand;
mframe_t infantry_frames_fidget [] =
ai_stand, 1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 1, NULL,
ai_stand, 3, NULL,
ai_stand, 6, NULL,
ai_stand, 3, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, -1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, -2, NULL,
ai_stand, 1, NULL,
ai_stand, 1, NULL,
ai_stand, 1, NULL,
ai_stand, -1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, -1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, -1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, -1, NULL,
ai_stand, -1, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, -3, NULL,
ai_stand, -2, NULL,
ai_stand, -3, NULL,
ai_stand, -3, NULL,
ai_stand, -2, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_fidget = {FRAME_stand01, FRAME_stand49, infantry_frames_fidget, infantry_stand};
void infantry_fidget (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_fidget;
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_idle, 1, ATTN_IDLE, 0);
mframe_t infantry_frames_walk [] =
ai_walk, 5, NULL,
ai_walk, 4, NULL,
ai_walk, 4, NULL,
ai_walk, 5, NULL,
ai_walk, 4, NULL,
ai_walk, 5, NULL,
ai_walk, 6, NULL,
ai_walk, 4, NULL,
ai_walk, 4, NULL,
ai_walk, 4, NULL,
ai_walk, 4, NULL,
ai_walk, 5, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_walk = {FRAME_walk03, FRAME_walk14, infantry_frames_walk, NULL};
void infantry_walk (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_walk;
mframe_t infantry_frames_run [] =
ai_run, 10, NULL,
ai_run, 20, NULL,
ai_run, 5, NULL,
ai_run, 7, monster_done_dodge,
ai_run, 30, NULL,
ai_run, 35, NULL,
ai_run, 2, NULL,
ai_run, 6, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_run = {FRAME_run01, FRAME_run08, infantry_frames_run, NULL};
void infantry_run (edict_t *self)
monster_done_dodge (self);
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_STAND_GROUND)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_stand;
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_run;
mframe_t infantry_frames_pain1 [] =
ai_move, -3, NULL,
ai_move, -2, NULL,
ai_move, -1, NULL,
ai_move, -2, NULL,
ai_move, -1, NULL,
ai_move, 1, NULL,
ai_move, -1, NULL,
ai_move, 1, NULL,
ai_move, 6, NULL,
ai_move, 2, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_pain1 = {FRAME_pain101, FRAME_pain110, infantry_frames_pain1, infantry_run};
mframe_t infantry_frames_pain2 [] =
ai_move, -3, NULL,
ai_move, -3, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, -1, NULL,
ai_move, -2, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 2, NULL,
ai_move, 5, NULL,
ai_move, 2, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_pain2 = {FRAME_pain201, FRAME_pain210, infantry_frames_pain2, infantry_run};
void infantry_pain (edict_t *self, edict_t *other, float kick, int damage)
int n;
if (self->health < (self->max_health / 2))
self->s.skinnum = 1;
if (!self->groundentity)
// if ((g_showlogic) && (g_showlogic->value))
// gi.dprintf ("infantry: pain avoided due to no ground\n");
monster_done_dodge (self);
if (level.time < self->pain_debounce_time)
self->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 3;
if (skill->value == 3)
return; // no pain anims in nightmare
n = rand() % 2;
if (n == 0)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_pain1;
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_pain1, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_pain2;
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_pain2, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
// PMM - clear duck flag
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DUCKED)
vec3_t aimangles[] =
0.0, 5.0, 0.0,
10.0, 15.0, 0.0,
20.0, 25.0, 0.0,
25.0, 35.0, 0.0,
30.0, 40.0, 0.0,
30.0, 45.0, 0.0,
25.0, 50.0, 0.0,
20.0, 40.0, 0.0,
15.0, 35.0, 0.0,
40.0, 35.0, 0.0,
70.0, 35.0, 0.0,
90.0, 35.0, 0.0
void InfantryMachineGun (edict_t *self)
vec3_t start, target;
vec3_t forward, right;
vec3_t vec;
int flash_number;
if(!self->enemy || !self->enemy->inuse) //PGM
return; //PGM
// pmm - new attack start frame
if (self->s.frame == FRAME_attak104)
flash_number = MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_1;
AngleVectors (self->s.angles, forward, right, NULL);
G_ProjectSource (self->s.origin, monster_flash_offset[flash_number], forward, right, start);
if (self->enemy)
VectorMA (self->enemy->s.origin, -0.2, self->enemy->velocity, target);
target[2] += self->enemy->viewheight;
VectorSubtract (target, start, forward);
VectorNormalize (forward);
AngleVectors (self->s.angles, forward, right, NULL);
flash_number = MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_2 + (self->s.frame - FRAME_death211);
AngleVectors (self->s.angles, forward, right, NULL);
G_ProjectSource (self->s.origin, monster_flash_offset[flash_number], forward, right, start);
VectorSubtract (self->s.angles, aimangles[flash_number-MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_2], vec);
AngleVectors (vec, forward, NULL, NULL);
monster_fire_bullet (self, start, forward, 3, 4, DEFAULT_BULLET_HSPREAD, DEFAULT_BULLET_VSPREAD, flash_number);
void infantry_sight (edict_t *self, edict_t *other)
gi.sound (self, CHAN_BODY, sound_sight, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
void infantry_dead (edict_t *self)
VectorSet (self->mins, -16, -16, -24);
VectorSet (self->maxs, 16, 16, -8);
self->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
self->svflags |= SVF_DEADMONSTER;
gi.linkentity (self);
M_FlyCheck (self);
mframe_t infantry_frames_death1 [] =
ai_move, -4, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, -1, NULL,
ai_move, -4, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, -1, NULL,
ai_move, 3, NULL,
ai_move, 1, NULL,
ai_move, 1, NULL,
ai_move, -2, NULL,
ai_move, 2, NULL,
ai_move, 2, NULL,
ai_move, 9, NULL,
ai_move, 9, NULL,
ai_move, 5, NULL,
ai_move, -3, NULL,
ai_move, -3, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_death1 = {FRAME_death101, FRAME_death120, infantry_frames_death1, infantry_dead};
// Off with his head
mframe_t infantry_frames_death2 [] =
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 1, NULL,
ai_move, 5, NULL,
ai_move, -1, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 1, NULL,
ai_move, 1, NULL,
ai_move, 4, NULL,
ai_move, 3, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, -2, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, -2, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, -3, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, -1, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, -2, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, 0, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, 2, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, 2, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, 3, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, -10, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, -7, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, -8, InfantryMachineGun,
ai_move, -6, NULL,
ai_move, 4, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_death2 = {FRAME_death201, FRAME_death225, infantry_frames_death2, infantry_dead};
mframe_t infantry_frames_death3 [] =
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, -6, NULL,
ai_move, -11, NULL,
ai_move, -3, NULL,
ai_move, -11, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_death3 = {FRAME_death301, FRAME_death309, infantry_frames_death3, infantry_dead};
void infantry_die (edict_t *self, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, int damage, vec3_t point)
int n;
// check for gib
if (self->health <= self->gib_health)
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex ("misc/udeath.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
for (n= 0; n < 2; n++)
ThrowGib (self, "models/objects/gibs/bone/tris.md2", damage, GIB_ORGANIC);
for (n= 0; n < 4; n++)
ThrowGib (self, "models/objects/gibs/sm_meat/tris.md2", damage, GIB_ORGANIC);
ThrowHead (self, "models/objects/gibs/head2/tris.md2", damage, GIB_ORGANIC);
self->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
if (self->deadflag == DEAD_DEAD)
// regular death
self->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
self->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
n = rand() % 3;
if (n == 0)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_death1;
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_die2, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
else if (n == 1)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_death2;
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_die1, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_death3;
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_die2, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
mframe_t infantry_frames_duck [] =
ai_move, -2, monster_duck_down,
ai_move, -5, monster_duck_hold,
ai_move, 3, NULL,
ai_move, 4, monster_duck_up,
ai_move, 0, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_duck = {FRAME_duck01, FRAME_duck05, infantry_frames_duck, infantry_run};
// PMM - dodge code moved below so I can see the attack frames
void infantry_cock_gun (edict_t *self)
// pmm .. code that was here no longer needed
gi.sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, sound_weapon_cock, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
void infantry_fire (edict_t *self)
InfantryMachineGun (self);
if (level.time >= self->monsterinfo.pausetime)
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_HOLD_FRAME;
self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_HOLD_FRAME;
// this is here instead of cock_gun
void infantry_fire_prep (edict_t *self)
int n;
n = (rand() & 15) + 3 + 1;
self->monsterinfo.pausetime = level.time + n*FRAMETIME;
// pmm
// frames reordered, tweaked for new frames
mframe_t infantry_frames_attack1 [] =
ai_charge, -3, NULL, //101
ai_charge, -2, NULL, //102
ai_charge, -1, infantry_fire_prep, //103
ai_charge, 5, infantry_fire, //104
ai_charge, 1, NULL, //105
ai_charge, -3, NULL, //106
ai_charge, -2, NULL, //107
ai_charge, 2, infantry_cock_gun, //108
ai_charge, 1, NULL, //109
ai_charge, 1, NULL, //110
ai_charge, -1, NULL, //111
ai_charge, 0, NULL, //112
ai_charge, -1, NULL, //113
ai_charge, -1, NULL, //114
ai_charge, 4, NULL //115
mmove_t infantry_move_attack1 = {FRAME_attak101, FRAME_attak115, infantry_frames_attack1, infantry_run};
void infantry_swing (edict_t *self)
gi.sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, sound_punch_swing, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
void infantry_smack (edict_t *self)
vec3_t aim;
VectorSet (aim, MELEE_DISTANCE, 0, 0);
if (fire_hit (self, aim, (5 + (rand() % 5)), 50))
gi.sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, sound_punch_hit, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
mframe_t infantry_frames_attack2 [] =
ai_charge, 3, NULL,
ai_charge, 6, NULL,
ai_charge, 0, infantry_swing,
ai_charge, 8, NULL,
ai_charge, 5, NULL,
ai_charge, 8, infantry_smack,
ai_charge, 6, NULL,
ai_charge, 3, NULL,
mmove_t infantry_move_attack2 = {FRAME_attak201, FRAME_attak208, infantry_frames_attack2, infantry_run};
void infantry_attack(edict_t *self)
monster_done_dodge (self);
if (range (self, self->enemy) == RANGE_MELEE)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_attack2;
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_attack1;
void infantry_jump_now (edict_t *self)
vec3_t forward,up;
monster_jump_start (self);
AngleVectors (self->s.angles, forward, NULL, up);
VectorMA(self->velocity, 100, forward, self->velocity);
VectorMA(self->velocity, 300, up, self->velocity);
void infantry_jump2_now (edict_t *self)
vec3_t forward,up;
monster_jump_start (self);
AngleVectors (self->s.angles, forward, NULL, up);
VectorMA(self->velocity, 150, forward, self->velocity);
VectorMA(self->velocity, 400, up, self->velocity);
void infantry_jump_wait_land (edict_t *self)
if(self->groundentity == NULL)
self->monsterinfo.nextframe = self->s.frame;
if(monster_jump_finished (self))
self->monsterinfo.nextframe = self->s.frame + 1;
self->monsterinfo.nextframe = self->s.frame + 1;
mframe_t infantry_frames_jump [] =
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, infantry_jump_now,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, infantry_jump_wait_land,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_jump = { FRAME_jump01, FRAME_jump10, infantry_frames_jump, infantry_run };
mframe_t infantry_frames_jump2 [] =
ai_move, -8, NULL,
ai_move, -4, NULL,
ai_move, -4, NULL,
ai_move, 0, infantry_jump_now,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, infantry_jump_wait_land,
ai_move, 0, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL
mmove_t infantry_move_jump2 = { FRAME_jump01, FRAME_jump10, infantry_frames_jump2, infantry_run };
void infantry_jump (edict_t *self)
if(self->enemy->s.origin[2] > self->s.origin[2])
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_jump2;
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_jump;
qboolean infantry_blocked (edict_t *self, float dist)
if(blocked_checkshot (self, 0.25 + (0.05 * skill->value) ))
return true;
if(blocked_checkjump (self, dist, 192, 40))
return true;
if(blocked_checkplat (self, dist))
return true;
return false;
void infantry_dodge (edict_t *self, edict_t *attacker, float eta, trace_t *tr)
//PMM - rogue rewrite of gunner dodge code.
float r;
float height;
int shooting = 0;
if (!self->enemy)
self->enemy = attacker;
FoundTarget (self);
// PMM - don't bother if it's going to hit anyway; fix for weird in-your-face etas (I was
// seeing numbers like 13 and 14)
if ((eta < 0.1) || (eta > 5))
r = random();
if (r > (0.25*((skill->value)+1)))
if ((self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_attack1) ||
(self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_attack2))
shooting = 1;
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DODGING)
height = self->absmax[2];
height = self->absmax[2]-32-1; // the -1 is because the absmax is s.origin + maxs + 1
// check to see if it makes sense to duck
if (tr->endpos[2] <= height)
vec3_t right,diff;
if (shooting)
self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_SLIDING;
AngleVectors (self->s.angles, NULL, right, NULL);
VectorSubtract (tr->endpos, self->s.origin, diff);
if (DotProduct (right, diff) < 0)
self->monsterinfo.lefty = 1;
// if it doesn't sense to duck, try to strafe away
monster_done_dodge (self);
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_run;
self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_SLIDING;
if (skill->value == 0)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_duck;
// PMM - stupid dodge
self->monsterinfo.duck_wait_time = level.time + eta + 1;
self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_DODGING;
if (!shooting)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_duck;
self->monsterinfo.duck_wait_time = level.time + eta + (0.1 * (3 - skill->value));
self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_DODGING;
void infantry_duck (edict_t *self, float eta)
// if we're jumping, don't dodge
if ((self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_jump) ||
(self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_jump2))
if ((self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_attack1) ||
(self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_attack2))
// if we're shooting, and not on easy, don't dodge
if (skill->value)
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_DUCKED;
if (skill->value == 0)
// PMM - stupid dodge
self->monsterinfo.duck_wait_time = level.time + eta + 1;
self->monsterinfo.duck_wait_time = level.time + eta + (0.1 * (3 - skill->value));
// has to be done immediately otherwise he can get stuck
self->monsterinfo.nextframe = FRAME_duck01;
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_duck;
void infantry_sidestep (edict_t *self)
// if we're jumping, don't dodge
if ((self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_jump) ||
(self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_jump2))
if ((self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_attack1) ||
(self->monsterinfo.currentmove == &infantry_move_attack2))
// if we're shooting, and not on easy, don't dodge
if (skill->value)
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_DODGING;
if (self->monsterinfo.currentmove != &infantry_move_run)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_run;
/*QUAKED monster_infantry (1 .5 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Ambush Trigger_Spawn Sight
void SP_monster_infantry (edict_t *self)
if (deathmatch->value)
G_FreeEdict (self);
sound_pain1 = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infpain1.wav");
sound_pain2 = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infpain2.wav");
sound_die1 = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infdeth1.wav");
sound_die2 = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infdeth2.wav");
sound_gunshot = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infatck1.wav");
sound_weapon_cock = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infatck3.wav");
sound_punch_swing = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infatck2.wav");
sound_punch_hit = gi.soundindex ("infantry/melee2.wav");
sound_sight = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infsght1.wav");
sound_search = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infsrch1.wav");
sound_idle = gi.soundindex ("infantry/infidle1.wav");
self->movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;
self->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
self->s.modelindex = gi.modelindex("models/monsters/infantry/tris.md2");
VectorSet (self->mins, -16, -16, -24);
VectorSet (self->maxs, 16, 16, 32);
self->health = 100;
self->gib_health = -40;
self->mass = 200;
self->pain = infantry_pain;
self->die = infantry_die;
self->monsterinfo.stand = infantry_stand;
self->monsterinfo.walk = infantry_walk;
self->monsterinfo.run = infantry_run;
// pmm
self->monsterinfo.dodge = M_MonsterDodge;
self->monsterinfo.duck = infantry_duck;
self->monsterinfo.unduck = monster_duck_up;
self->monsterinfo.sidestep = infantry_sidestep;
// self->monsterinfo.dodge = infantry_dodge;
// pmm
self->monsterinfo.attack = infantry_attack;
self->monsterinfo.melee = NULL;
self->monsterinfo.sight = infantry_sight;
self->monsterinfo.idle = infantry_fidget;
self->monsterinfo.blocked = infantry_blocked;
gi.linkentity (self);
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &infantry_move_stand;
self->monsterinfo.scale = MODEL_SCALE;
walkmonster_start (self);