
273 lines
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// $Logfile:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/console.h $
// $Revision:: 30 $
// $Author:: Jimdose $
// $Date:: 10/25/98 11:53p $
// Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// $Log:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/console.h $
// 30 10/25/98 11:53p Jimdose
// 29 10/19/98 6:13p Jimdose
// Unarchive now accounts for the mission computer
// 28 10/10/98 9:59p Jimdose
// working on console savegames
// 27 10/07/98 11:43p Jimdose
// Rewrote archiving functions
// 26 9/29/98 5:58p Markd
// put in archive and unarchive
// 25 5/25/98 2:28p Aldie
// Fixed issues with not loading game dll
// 24 5/24/98 8:46p Jimdose
// Made a lot of functions more str-friendly.
// Got rid of a lot of char * based strings
// Cleaned up get spawn arg functions and sound functions
// sound functions now use consistant syntax
// 23 5/24/98 4:48p Jimdose
// Made char *'s const
// 22 5/02/98 8:37p Aldie
// More console stuff for demos
// 21 4/30/98 4:46p Aldie
// Server side console states.
// 20 4/27/98 1:51p Aldie
// Added activate to console.
// 19 4/21/98 2:25p Aldie
// 18 4/18/98 6:12p Aldie
// 17 4/07/98 3:49p Aldie
// 16 4/05/98 9:27p Aldie
// Added foreground color to consoles.
// Consoles are script controlled decals that can change dynamically. Eventually,
// their behaviour will be expanded to include interaction with the player as well.
#ifndef __CONSOLE_H__
#define __CONSOLE_H__
#include "g_local.h"
#include "trigger.h"
#include "container.h"
// Console stuff
extern Event EV_EnterConsole;
extern Event EV_ExitConsole;
extern Event EV_KickFromConsole;
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL Console : public TriggerUse
str console_name;
str menufile;
int rows;
int cols;
int console_number;
qboolean scroll;
qboolean menu;
float virtual_width;
float virtual_height;
float fraction;
qboolean created;
Console( );
~Console( );
void Activate( Event *ev );
void ProcessCmd( Event *ev );
void Use(Event *ev);
const char *ConsoleName() { return console_name.c_str(); };
int ConsoleNumber() {return console_number;};
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void Unarchive( Archiver &arc );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Console::Archive
Archiver &arc
TriggerUse::Archive( arc );
arc.WriteString( console_name );
arc.WriteString( menufile );
arc.WriteInteger( rows );
arc.WriteInteger( cols );
arc.WriteInteger( console_number );
arc.WriteBoolean( scroll );
arc.WriteBoolean( menu );
arc.WriteFloat( virtual_width );
arc.WriteFloat( virtual_height );
arc.WriteFloat( fraction );
arc.WriteBoolean( created );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Console::Unarchive
Archiver &arc
TriggerUse::Unarchive( arc );
arc.ReadString( &console_name );
arc.ReadString( &menufile );
arc.ReadInteger( &rows );
arc.ReadInteger( &cols );
arc.ReadInteger( &console_number );
arc.ReadBoolean( &scroll );
arc.ReadBoolean( &menu );
arc.ReadFloat( &virtual_width );
arc.ReadFloat( &virtual_height );
arc.ReadFloat( &fraction );
arc.ReadBoolean( &created );
template class EXPORT_FROM_DLL Container<Console *>;
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL ConsoleManager : public Listener
Container<Console *> consoleList;
int mission_console_number;
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( ConsoleManager );
int AddConsole( Console *console );
void RemoveConsole( Console *console );
void CreateMissionComputer( void );
void Reset();
int ConsoleExists( str con_name );
qboolean ConsoleExists(int con_number);
void ProcessCmd(Event *ev);
void ProcessVar(Event *ev);
void ConsolePositionPositive( Event *ev );
void ConsolePositionNegative( Event *ev );
void ConsolePositionReturn( Event *ev );
void ConsoleMenuInfo( Event *ev );
void ConsolePrint( Event *ev );
void ConsoleNewline( Event *ev );
void ConsoleLayout( Event *ev );
void ConsoleLayoutFile( Event *ev );
void ConsoleAppLayout( Event *ev );
void ConsoleClearLayout( Event *ev );
void ConsoleVirtualWidth ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleVirtualHeight ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleFraction ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleDeactivate ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleActivate( Event *ev );
void ConsoleRows ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleColumns ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleClear ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleLoadMenuFile ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleFocus ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleForeground ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleMenuActive ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleMenuInactive ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleStatusBar ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleStatusBarValue ( Event *ev );
void ConsoleKickUsers ( Event *ev );
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void Unarchive( Archiver &arc );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void ConsoleManager::Archive
Archiver &arc
int i;
int num;
netconsole_t *s;
Listener::Archive( arc );
arc.WriteInteger( mission_console_number );
num = consoleList.NumObjects();
arc.WriteInteger( num );
for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
arc.WriteObjectPointer( consoleList.ObjectAt( i ) );
// read the console states
s = g_consoles;
for( i = 0; i < game.maxconsoles; i++, s++ )
arc.WriteBoolean( s->inuse );
if ( s->inuse )
arc.WriteRaw( &s->s, sizeof( s->s ) );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void ConsoleManager::Unarchive
Archiver &arc
int i;
int num;
netconsole_t *s;
Listener::Unarchive( arc );
arc.ReadInteger( &mission_console_number );
arc.ReadInteger( &num );
consoleList.Resize( num );
for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
arc.ReadObjectPointer( ( Class ** )consoleList.AddressOfObjectAt( i ) );
// write the console states
s = g_consoles;
for( i = 0; i < game.maxconsoles; i++, s++ )
arc.ReadBoolean( &s->inuse );
if ( s->inuse )
arc.ReadRaw( &s->s, sizeof( s->s ) );
// account for mission computer since we don't create an object for it.
extern ConsoleManager consoleManager;
#endif /* console.h */