
366 lines
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// $Logfile:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/chaingun.cpp $
// $Revision:: 43 $
// $Author:: Jimdose $
// $Date:: 11/18/98 6:11p $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// $Log:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/chaingun.cpp $
// 43 11/18/98 6:11p Jimdose
// fix problems with gravaxis
// 42 11/15/98 9:12p Markd
// Put in more precaching for models and sprites
// 41 11/13/98 3:30p Markd
// put in more precaching on weapons
// 40 10/27/98 3:43a Aldie
// Tweak damage
// 39 10/26/98 2:50p Aldie
// Fixed a bug with checking of NULL owners
// 38 10/24/98 12:42a Markd
// changed origins to worldorigins where appropriate
// 37 10/23/98 5:38a Jimdose
// Added SpawnBlastDamage
// 36 10/22/98 7:57p Markd
// put in proper pre-caching in all the classes
// 35 10/22/98 5:56p Markd
// Made a bunch of global sounds local to that entity
// 34 10/20/98 8:26p Markd
// Added Attacker to DamageSurface stuff
// 33 10/19/98 12:07a Jimdose
// made all code use fast checks for inheritance (no text lookups when possible)
// isSubclassOf no longer requires ::_classinfo()
// 32 10/16/98 10:22p Aldie
// Updated single player damage settings
// 31 10/16/98 9:49p Aldie
// Added SecondaryAmmo command
// 30 10/10/98 7:40p Aldie
// Added a smoke anim
// 29 10/10/98 7:14p Aldie
// Tweaked damage
// 28 9/27/98 4:19p Aldie
// Increase the damage a little
// 27 9/18/98 8:14p Markd
// rewrote surface system so that surfaces are now damaged by surface name instead
// of by surfinfo
// 26 9/05/98 12:10p Aldie
// Bounce grenades off things with < 0 health
// 25 9/01/98 3:05p Markd
// Rewrote explosion code
// 24 8/29/98 5:27p Markd
// added specialfx, replaced misc with specialfx where appropriate
// 23 8/24/98 6:51p Jimdose
// Added SetGravityAxis
// 22 8/22/98 9:37p Jimdose
// Added support for alternate gravity axis
// 21 8/18/98 11:08p Markd
// Added new Alias System
// 20 8/18/98 8:12p Aldie
// Added dual mode weapons to base class
// 19 8/06/98 10:53p Aldie
// Added weapon tweaks and kickback. Also modified blast radius damage and rocket
// jumping.
// 18 8/01/98 3:24p Aldie
// Added server effects flag for specific weapons
// 17 8/01/98 3:03p Aldie
// Client side muzzle flash (dynamic light)
// 16 7/25/98 7:19p Aldie
// Client side explosion
// 15 7/25/98 7:10p Markd
// Put in EV_Removes for demo
// 14 7/23/98 6:17p Aldie
// Updated damage system and fixed some damage related bugs. Also put tracers
// back to the way they were, and added gib event to funcscriptmodels
// 13 7/22/98 9:57p Markd
// Defined weapon type
// 12 7/22/98 5:15p Aldie
// Fixed NextAttack time
// 11 7/21/98 1:10p Aldie
// Added meansofdeath to obituaries
// 10 6/30/98 6:47p Aldie
// Changed damage and explosion effect.
// 9 6/19/98 9:29p Jimdose
// Moved gun orientation code to Weapon
// 8 6/15/98 10:36a Aldie
// Updated the mode setting
// 7 6/10/98 10:03p Aldie
// Updated orientation of shell
// 6 6/10/98 2:10p Aldie
// Updated damage function.
// 5 6/09/98 12:52p Aldie
// Added alternate use - Grenade Launcher
// 4 6/08/98 7:21p Aldie
// Updated attack time
// 3 5/27/98 1:33a Markd
// fixed spawn function name
// 2 5/11/98 11:24a Markd
// First time
// 1 5/11/98 11:13a Markd
// 1 5/11/98 9:55a Markd
// High velocity chain gun
#include "g_local.h"
#include "bullet.h"
#include "chaingun.h"
#include "rocketlauncher.h"
#include "explosion.h"
#include "specialfx.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "surface.h"
#define BULLET_MODE 1
CLASS_DECLARATION( Projectile, Grenade, "grenade" );
Event EV_Grenade_Explode( "grenade_explode" );
ResponseDef Grenade::Responses[] =
{ &EV_Touch, ( Response )Grenade::Grenade_Touch },
{ &EV_Grenade_Explode, ( Response )Grenade::Explode },
EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Grenade::Grenade_Touch
Event *ev
Entity *other;
other = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
assert( other );
if ( other->entnum == owner )
if ( HitSky() )
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0 );
if ( !other->takedamage || other->health <= 0 )
// Play a bouncy sound
RandomSound( "grenade_bounce", 1 );
Explode( ev );
EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Grenade::Explode
Event *ev
int damg;
Vector v;
Entity *other;
Entity *owner;
other = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
assert( other );
if ( other->isSubclassOf( Teleporter ) )
stopsound( CHAN_VOICE );
setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
if ( HitSky() )
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0 );
owner = G_GetEntity( this->owner );
if ( !owner )
owner = world;
damg = 75 + ( int )G_Random( 25 );
if ( !deathmatch->value && owner->isClient() )
damg *= 1.5;
if ( other->takedamage )
other->Damage( this, owner, damg, worldorigin, velocity, level.impact_trace.plane.normal, 30, 0, MOD_GRENADE, -1, -1, 1.0f );
SpawnBlastDamage( &level.impact_trace, damg, owner );
v = velocity;
// don't do radius damage to the other, because all the damage
// was done in the impact
v = worldorigin - v * 24;
CreateExplosion( v, damg, 1.0f, true, this, owner, other );
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0.1 );
EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Grenade::Setup
Entity *owner,
Vector pos,
Vector forward,
Vector right,
Vector up
Event *ev;
setModel( "grenade.def" );
this->owner = owner->entnum;
edict->owner = owner->edict;
setSolidType( SOLID_BBOX );
takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
edict->clipmask = MASK_PROJECTILE;
health = 10;
SetGravityAxis( owner->gravaxis );
velocity = forward * ( 500 + G_Random( 200 ) );
velocity += up * ( 200 + crandom() * 10.0 );
velocity += right * ( crandom() * 10.0 );
avelocity = "575 0 0";
ev = new Event( EV_Grenade_Explode );
ev->AddEntity( world );
PostEvent( ev, 2.5 + G_Random(1.0) );
edict->s.effects |= EF_ROCKET;
setOrigin( pos );
worldorigin.copyTo( edict->s.old_origin );
setSize( "-4 -4 -4", "4 4 4" );
edict->s.effects |= EF_EVERYFRAME;
RandomAnimate( "smoke", NULL );
CLASS_DECLARATION( BulletWeapon, ChainGun, "weapon_highvelocitygun" );
ResponseDef ChainGun::Responses[] =
{ &EV_Weapon_Shoot, ( Response )ChainGun::Shoot },
#ifdef SIN_DEMO
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0 );
SetModels( "hvgun.def", "view_hvgun.def" );
SetAmmo( "Bullet50mm", 1, 30 );
SetSecondaryAmmo( "Rockets", 1, 5);
SetRank( 50, 50 );
dualmode = true;
modelIndex( "grenade.def" );
modelIndex( "rocket.def" );
modelIndex( "rockets.def" );
modelIndex( "50mm.def" );
modelIndex( "sprites/blastmark.spr" );
modelIndex( "sprites/hvblast.spr" );
modelIndex( "sprites/tracer.spr" );
modelIndex( "hvshell.def" );
void ChainGun::Shoot
Event *ev
if ( weaponmode == PRIMARY )
if ( deathmatch->value )
FireBullets( 1, "300 300 300", 24, 32, DAMAGE_BULLET, MOD_CHAINGUN, false );
FireBullets( 1, "300 300 300", 16, 24, DAMAGE_BULLET, MOD_CHAINGUN, false );
NextAttack( 0 );
Grenade *grenade;
Vector pos;
Vector forward;
Vector up;
Vector right;
GetMuzzlePosition( &pos, &forward, &up, &right );
grenade = new Grenade;
grenade->Setup( owner, pos, forward, up, right );
NextAttack( 0.8 );