
256 lines
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// $Logfile:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/surface.h $
// $Revision:: 19 $
// $Author:: Jimdose $
// $Date:: 10/25/98 11:53p $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// $Log:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/surface.h $
// 19 10/25/98 11:53p Jimdose
// 18 10/20/98 8:26p Markd
// Added Attacker to DamageSurface stuff
// 17 10/10/98 9:59p Jimdose
// made savegames work with surfaces
// 16 10/05/98 11:02p Jimdose
// Added destructor
// Made Reset free up all surfaces
// 15 9/21/98 10:15p Markd
// Putting archiving and unarchiving functions in
// 14 9/21/98 4:21p Markd
// Put in archive functions and rewrote all archive routines
// 13 9/18/98 8:14p Markd
// rewrote surface system so that surfaces are now damaged by surface name
// instead of by surfinfo
// 12 8/31/98 7:45p Aldie
// Updated surface data structure and removed surfinfo field
// 11 8/29/98 9:53p Jimdose
// moved prototype of CreateSurfaces from g_local.h
// 10 6/08/98 7:23p Aldie
// Added damage command back in
// 9 5/25/98 2:29p Aldie
// Fixed issues with not loading game dll
// 8 5/24/98 9:00p Jimdose
// made SetName us G_CopyString to allocate a string
// 7 5/24/98 4:48p Jimdose
// Made char *'s const
// 6 5/13/98 4:47p Aldie
// Update damage surfaces
// 5 5/05/98 2:44p Aldie
// Added server side surface states
// 3 5/04/98 8:12p Aldie
// Added texture states.
// 2 3/23/98 1:33p Jimdose
// Revamped event and command system
// Controls surfaces
#ifndef __SURFACE_H__
#define __SURFACE_H__
#include "g_local.h"
#include "listener.h"
extern Event EV_Surface_TransOn;
extern Event EV_Surface_TransOff;
extern Event EV_Surface_TransToggle;
extern Event EV_Surface_TransMag;
extern Event EV_Surface_Translucence;
extern Event EV_Surface_Magnitude;
extern Event EV_Surface_Frequency;
extern Event EV_Surface_TransAngle;
extern Event EV_Surface_DamageFrame;
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL Surface : public Class
str surface_name;
int surface_number;
int damage;
int state;
int threshold;
int numframes;
int style;
const char *SurfaceName() {return surface_name.c_str();}
int SurfaceNumber() {return surface_number;};
int Damage() {return damage;};
int State() {return state;};
int Threshold() {return threshold;};
int NumFrames() {return numframes;};
int LightStyle() {return style;};
void SetThreshold(int num) {threshold = num;};
void SetNumFrames(int num) {numframes = num;};
void SetLightStyle(int num) {style = num;};
void SetDamage(int num) {damage = num;};
void SetNumber(int num) {surface_number = num;};
void SetState(int num) {state = num;};
void SetName(const char *surf_name)
surface_name = str( surf_name );
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void Unarchive( Archiver &arc );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Surface::Archive
Archiver &arc
arc.WriteInteger( damage );
arc.WriteInteger( state );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Surface::Unarchive
Archiver &arc
arc.ReadInteger( &damage );
arc.ReadInteger( &state );
template class EXPORT_FROM_DLL Container<Surface *>;
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL SurfaceModifier : public Listener
Container<Surface *> surfaceList;
void DoDamage ( trace_t * trace, const char * group_name, float damage, Entity * attacker = world );
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( SurfaceModifier );
void CreateSurface (const char *surf_name, csurface_t *surfinfo);
int AddSurface(Surface *surf);
void RemoveSurface(const char *surf_name);
int SurfaceExists(const char *surf_name);
Surface *GetSurface(const char *surf_name);
void DamageSurface( trace_t * trace, float damage, Entity * attacker );
void Reset();
void TranslationOn(Event *ev);
void TranslationOff(Event *ev);
void TranslationToggle(Event *ev);
void SetTranslationMagnitude(Event *ev);
void SetTranslationAngle(Event *ev);
void SetTranslucence(Event *ev);
void SetMagnitude(Event *ev);
void SetFrequency(Event *ev);
void SetDamageFrame(Event *ev);
void SetDamage(Event *ev);
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void Unarchive( Archiver &arc );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void SurfaceModifier::Archive
Archiver &arc
int i;
Surface * surf;
netsurface_t *s;
int num;
Listener::Archive( arc );
num = surfaceList.NumObjects();
arc.WriteInteger( num );
for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
// we only save out the dynamic fields
surf = surfaceList.ObjectAt( i );
arc.WriteObject( surf );
// write the surface states
s = g_surfaces;
for( i = 0; i < game.maxsurfaces; i++, s++ )
arc.WriteBoolean( s->inuse );
if ( s->inuse )
arc.WriteRaw( &s->s, sizeof( s->s ) );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void SurfaceModifier::Unarchive
Archiver &arc
int i;
Surface *surf;
netsurface_t *s;
int num;
char *name;
Listener::Unarchive( arc );
// get the number
arc.ReadInteger( &num );
for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
// we only read in the dynamic fields
surf = surfaceList.ObjectAt( i );
arc.ReadObject( surf );
// read the surface states
s = g_surfaces;
for( i = 0; i < game.maxsurfaces; i++, s++ )
arc.ReadBoolean( &s->inuse );
if ( s->inuse )
name = s->;
arc.ReadRaw( &s->s, sizeof( s->s ) );
s-> = name;
extern SurfaceModifier surfaceManager;
extern "C" void CreateSurfaces( csurface_t *surfaces, int count );
#endif /* surface.h */