
1289 lines
30 KiB

// $Logfile:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/specialfx.cpp $
// $Revision:: 40 $
// $Author:: Markd $
// $Date:: 11/15/98 11:33p $
// Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// $Log:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/specialfx.cpp $
// 40 11/15/98 11:33p Markd
// 39 11/14/98 11:15p Markd
// bullet proofed fire blowing up
// 38 11/08/98 11:02p Markd
// increased damage of firebarrel
// 37 11/07/98 10:15p Markd
// put in forcemusic support
// 36 10/24/98 12:42a Markd
// changed origins to worldorigins where appropriate
// 35 10/23/98 5:37a Jimdose
// Added SpawnBlastDamage
// 34 10/12/98 4:30p Aldie
// Added some more functionality to sprites
// 33 10/11/98 8:50p Jimdose
// Added sound to fire sprite
// 32 10/10/98 5:58p Aldie
// More quantumdestab fixes
// 31 10/09/98 7:38p Aldie
// Fix dir when doing trace to surfaces
// 30 10/08/98 7:25p Aldie
// Fixed a comment
// 29 10/08/98 4:28p Aldie
// Do a trace to surface to apply a sprite
// 28 10/07/98 2:32p Aldie
// Changed "model" to "sprite" for fx_sprite
// 27 9/29/98 4:25p Markd
// put in parallel fire support
// 26 9/29/98 4:15p Aldie
// Removed the sined section
// 25 9/25/98 3:00p Aldie
// Added lightstyle and type to tessellation
// 24 9/21/98 4:36p Aldie
// Added fx_sprite
// 23 9/20/98 9:09p Aldie
// Removed a no longer needed function
// 22 9/20/98 7:11p Aldie
// Added flags to particles
// 21 9/19/98 4:47p Markd
// fixed music stuff and added actionincrement to weapons
// 20 9/18/98 8:41p Aldie
// Added type to tesselate message
// 19 9/18/98 5:47p Aldie
// Remove the EV_Remove on func_beams
// 18 9/18/98 5:30p Aldie
// Removed func_beam for demo version
// 17 9/17/98 9:08p Aldie
// Don't use edict->s.parent for stuff :-)
// 16 9/16/98 4:06p Aldie
// Added a comment
// 15 9/16/98 4:03p Aldie
// Fixed targeting of beams
// 14 9/15/98 7:34p Markd
// Added ChangeMusic and ChangeSoundtrack
// 13 9/13/98 5:39p Aldie
// Changed a command
// 12 9/13/98 4:34p Aldie
// Added lots of beam stuff
// 11 9/12/98 11:10p Aldie
// Made func beam generic
// 10 9/11/98 11:36p Aldie
// Added activate and deactivate
// 9 9/11/98 5:45p Aldie
// Updated some flags for beam
// 8 9/10/98 8:38p Aldie
// Electrical beam effects
// 7 9/09/98 3:56p Aldie
// New lightning effect
// 6 9/01/98 6:17p Markd
// Added additonal sprite types to fire
// 5 9/01/98 3:05p Markd
// Rewrote explosion code
// 4 8/29/98 7:42p Markd
// Fixed flicker code for fx_fire
// 3 8/29/98 7:24p Markd
// put in light ability on fx_fire
// 2 8/29/98 5:27p Markd
// added specialfx, replaced misc with specialfx where appropriate
// 1 8/29/98 4:39p Markd
// Special fx
#include "g_local.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "trigger.h"
#include "explosion.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "light.h"
#include "specialfx.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "g_utils.h"
#include "surface.h"
void SpawnBlastDamage
trace_t *trace,
int damage,
Entity *attacker
Entity *blastmark;
Vector norm;
assert( trace );
assert( attacker );
if ( !trace )
if ( !attacker )
attacker = world;
surfaceManager.DamageSurface( trace, damage, attacker );
if ( trace->ent && trace->ent->entity && trace->ent->entity->flags & FL_BLASTMARK )
blastmark = new Entity;
blastmark->setMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
blastmark->setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
blastmark->setModel( "sprites/blastmark.spr" );
blastmark->setSize( "0 0 0", "0 0 0" );
blastmark->edict->s.scale = G_Random() + 0.7;
norm = trace->plane.normal;
norm.x = -norm.x;
norm.y = -norm.y;
blastmark->angles = norm.toAngles();
blastmark->angles.z = G_Random( 360 );
blastmark->setAngles( blastmark->angles );
blastmark->setOrigin( Vector( trace->endpos ) + ( Vector( trace->plane.normal ) * 0.2 ) );
blastmark->PostEvent( EV_FadeOut, 5 );
void Particles
Vector org,
Vector norm,
int count,
int lightstyle,
int flags
if (count>255) count = 255;
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WriteByte( TE_PARTICLES );
gi.WritePosition( org.vec3() );
gi.WriteDir( norm.vec3() );
gi.WriteByte( lightstyle );
gi.WriteByte( count );
gi.WriteByte( flags );
gi.multicast( org.vec3(), MULTICAST_PVS );
void SpawnBlood
Vector org,
Vector norm,
int damage
if (damage > 150) damage = 150;
Particles( org, norm, damage, 121, 0 );
void SpawnSparks
Vector org,
Vector norm,
int count
Particles( org, norm, count, 122, PARTICLE_OVERBRIGHT );
void SpawnBeam
Vector start,
Vector end,
int parent_entnum,
int modelindex,
float alpha,
float life,
int flags
byte sendflags;
sendflags = 0;
if ( alpha != 1.0f )
sendflags |= BM_ALPHA;
if ( life != 30 )
sendflags |= BM_LIFE;
if ( flags )
sendflags |= BM_FLAGS;
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WriteByte( TE_BEAM );
gi.WriteByte( sendflags );
gi.WritePosition( start.vec3() );
gi.WritePosition( end.vec3() );
gi.WriteShort( modelindex );
if ( sendflags & BM_ALPHA )
gi.WriteByte( alpha*255 );
if ( sendflags & BM_FLAGS )
gi.WriteByte( flags );
if ( sendflags & BM_LIFE )
gi.WriteShort( life );
gi.multicast( start.vec3(), MULTICAST_PVS );
void SpawnRocketExplosion
Vector org
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WritePosition( org.vec3() );
gi.multicast( org.vec3(), MULTICAST_PVS );
void SpawnScaledExplosion
Vector org,
float scale
scale *= 64;
if ( scale > 255 )
scale = 255;
else if ( scale < 0 )
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WritePosition( org.vec3() );
gi.WriteByte( scale );
gi.multicast( org.vec3(), MULTICAST_PVS );
void SpawnTempDlight
Vector org,
float r,
float g,
float b,
float radius,
float decay,
float life
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WriteByte( TE_DLIGHT );
gi.WritePosition( org.vec3() );
gi.WriteByte( r*255.0f );
gi.WriteByte( g*255.0f );
gi.WriteByte( b*255.0f );
gi.WriteByte( radius/4 );
gi.WriteByte( decay*255.0f );
gi.WriteByte( life*25.5f );
gi.multicast( org.vec3(), MULTICAST_PVS );
void SpawnTeleportEffect
Vector org,
int lightstyle
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WritePosition( org.vec3() );
gi.WriteByte( lightstyle );
gi.multicast( org.vec3(), MULTICAST_PVS );
void BurnWall
Vector org,
Vector end,
int amount
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WriteByte( TE_BURNWALL );
gi.WritePosition( org.vec3() );
gi.WritePosition( end.vec3() );
gi.WriteByte( amount );
gi.multicast( org.vec3(), MULTICAST_ALL );
void TempModel
Entity * parent,
Vector origin,
Vector angles,
const char * modelname,
int anim,
float scale,
float alpha,
int flags,
float life
byte sendflags;
int modelindex;
sendflags = 0;
// encode sendflags
if (origin[0] || origin[1] || origin[2])
sendflags |= TM_ORIGIN;
if (angles[0] || angles[1] || angles[2])
sendflags |= TM_ANGLES;
if (anim)
sendflags |= TM_ANIM;
if (scale != 1.0f)
sendflags |= TM_SCALE;
if (flags != 0)
sendflags |= TM_FLAGS;
if (life != 0.1f)
sendflags |= TM_LIFE;
if (parent)
sendflags |= TM_OWNER;
if (alpha != 1.0f)
sendflags |= TM_ALPHA;
modelindex = gi.modelindex( modelname );
// send the stuff out
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WriteByte( TE_TEMPMODEL );
gi.WriteByte( sendflags );
if (sendflags & TM_ORIGIN)
gi.WritePosition( origin.vec3() );
if (sendflags & TM_ANGLES)
gi.WritePosition( angles.vec3() );
if (sendflags & TM_ANIM)
gi.WriteByte( anim );
if (sendflags & TM_SCALE)
gi.WriteShort( scale*256 );
if (sendflags & TM_ALPHA)
gi.WriteByte( alpha*255 );
if (sendflags & TM_FLAGS)
gi.WriteByte( flags );
if (sendflags & TM_OWNER)
gi.WriteShort( parent->entnum );
if (sendflags & TM_LIFE)
gi.WriteShort( life*1000.0f );
gi.WriteShort( modelindex );
if (parent)
gi.multicast( parent->worldorigin.vec3(), MULTICAST_ALL );
gi.multicast( origin.vec3(), MULTICAST_ALL );
void TesselateModel
Entity * ent,
int min_size,
int max_size,
Vector dir,
float power,
float percentage,
int thickness,
Vector origin,
int type,
int lightstyle
short sendflags;
sendflags = 0;
if (power > 255) power = 255;
if (power < 0) power = 0;
if (thickness > 255 ) thickness = 255;
if (thickness < 0 ) thickness = 0;
if (percentage < 0) percentage = 0;
if (percentage > 1) percentage = 1;
if (min_size > 255) min_size = 255;
if (min_size < 0) min_size = 0;
if (max_size > 255) max_size = 255;
if (max_size < 0) max_size = 0;
// encode sendflags
if ( origin[0] || origin[1] || origin[2] )
sendflags |= TESS_ORIGIN;
if ( dir[0] || dir[1] || dir[2] )
sendflags |= TESS_DIR;
if ( ent && ent->edict )
sendflags |= TESS_ENTNUM;
if ( min_size != TESS_DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE )
sendflags |= TESS_MINSIZE;
if ( max_size != TESS_DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE )
sendflags |= TESS_MAXSIZE;
if ( power != TESS_DEFAULT_POWER )
sendflags |= TESS_POWER;
if ( percentage != TESS_DEFAULT_PERCENT )
sendflags |= TESS_PERCENT;
if ( thickness != min_size )
sendflags |= TESS_THICK;
if (lightstyle != TESS_DEFAULT_LIGHTSTYLE)
sendflags |= TESS_LIGHTSTYLE;
if (type != TESS_DEFAULT_TYPE)
sendflags |= TESS_TYPE;
// send the stuff out
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WriteByte( TE_TESSELATE );
gi.WriteShort( sendflags );
if (sendflags & TESS_ORIGIN)
gi.WritePosition( origin.vec3() );
if (sendflags & TESS_DIR)
gi.WriteDir( dir.vec3() );
if (sendflags & TESS_ENTNUM)
gi.WriteShort( ent->entnum );
if (sendflags & TESS_MINSIZE)
gi.WriteByte( min_size );
if (sendflags & TESS_MAXSIZE)
gi.WriteByte( max_size );
if (sendflags & TESS_POWER)
gi.WriteByte( power );
if (sendflags & TESS_PERCENT)
gi.WriteByte( percentage * 255.0f );
if (sendflags & TESS_THICK)
gi.WriteByte( thickness );
if (sendflags & TESS_LIGHTSTYLE)
gi.WriteByte( lightstyle );
if (sendflags & TESS_TYPE)
gi.WriteByte( type );
if (ent)
if (gi.IsModel( ent->edict->s.modelindex ))
gi.multicast( ((ent->absmax+ent->absmin)*0.5).vec3(), MULTICAST_PVS );
gi.multicast( ent->worldorigin.vec3(), MULTICAST_ALL );
gi.multicast( origin.vec3(), MULTICAST_ALL );
Event EV_Bubble_Think( "think" );
ResponseDef Bubble::Responses[] =
{ &EV_Bubble_Think, ( Response )Bubble::Think },
//{ &EV_Touch, ( Response )Bubble::Touch },
EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Bubble::Touch
Event *ev
edict->s.scale *= 0.8f;
velocity[ 0 ] = G_CRandom( 30 );
velocity[ 1 ] = G_CRandom( 30 );
velocity[ 2 ] = -G_Random( 30 );
EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Bubble::Think
Event *ev
velocity[ 0 ] *= 0.8f;
velocity[ 1 ] *= 0.8f;
velocity[ 2 ] += 10;
if ( ( edict->s.scale > 0.2f ) || ( edict->s.scale < 0.02f ) || !waterlevel )
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0 );
PostEvent( EV_Bubble_Think, 0.1 );
void Bubble::Setup
Vector pos
setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
setMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLY );
setModel( "sprites/bubble.spr" );
setOrigin( pos );
worldorigin.copyTo( edict->s.old_origin );
mass = 0;
watertype = gi.pointcontents( worldorigin.vec3() );
PostEvent( EV_Bubble_Think, 0.1 );
velocity[ 0 ] = G_CRandom( 30 );
velocity[ 1 ] = G_CRandom( 30 );
velocity[ 2 ] = -G_Random( 30 );
edict->s.scale = 0.05f + G_CRandom( 0.04f );
CLASS_DECLARATION( ScriptSlave, FuncBeam, "func_beam" );
Event EV_FuncBeam_Activate( "activate" );
Event EV_FuncBeam_Deactivate( "deactivate" );
Event EV_FuncBeam_Diameter( "diameter" );
Event EV_FuncBeam_Lightstyle( "beamstyle" );
Event EV_FuncBeam_Maxoffset( "maxoffset" );
Event EV_FuncBeam_Minoffset( "minoffset" );
Event EV_FuncBeam_Color( "color" );
Event EV_FuncBeam_SetTarget( "settarget" );
ResponseDef FuncBeam::Responses[] =
{ &EV_Activate, ( Response )FuncBeam::Activate },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Activate, ( Response )FuncBeam::Activate },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Deactivate, ( Response )FuncBeam::Deactivate },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Diameter, ( Response )FuncBeam::SetDiameter },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Lightstyle, ( Response )FuncBeam::SetLightstyle },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Maxoffset, ( Response )FuncBeam::SetMaxoffset },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Minoffset, ( Response )FuncBeam::SetMinoffset },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Color, ( Response )FuncBeam::SetColor },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_SetTarget, ( Response )FuncBeam::SetTarget },
void FuncBeam::SetColor
Event *ev
Vector color = ev->GetVector( 1 );
edict->s.color_r = color[0];
edict->s.color_g = color[1];
edict->s.color_b = color[2];
void FuncBeam::SetMaxoffset
Event *ev
edict->s.frame = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void FuncBeam::SetMinoffset
Event *ev
edict->s.radius = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void FuncBeam::SetDiameter
Event *ev
edict->s.frame = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void FuncBeam::SetLightstyle
Event *ev
edict->s.skinnum = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
void FuncBeam::Deactivate
Event *ev
// Cancel all of the events to activate
CancelEventsOfType( EV_FuncBeam_Activate );
CancelEventsOfType( EV_Activate );
void FuncBeam::Shoot
Vector start,
Vector end,
int radius
trace_t trace;
Vector dir;
Vector b1=vec_zero, b2=vec_zero;
dir = end - start;
if ( edict->s.effects & EF_BEAMEFFECT )
b1 = Vector( -radius, -radius, -radius );
b2 = Vector( radius, radius, radius );
trace = G_FullTrace( start, b1, b2, end, radius, this, MASK_SHOT, "FuncBeam::Activate" );
if ( trace.ent->entity && trace.ent->entity->takedamage )
if ( trace.intersect.valid )
// We hit a valid group so send in location based damage
trace.ent->entity->Damage( this,
trace.intersect.damage_multiplier );
// We didn't hit any groups, so send in generic damage
trace.ent->entity->Damage( this,
1 );
void FuncBeam::Activate
Event *ev
Vector forward,endpoint;
trace_t trace;
// An entity is targeted
if ( end )
VectorCopy( end->origin, edict->s.old_origin );
worldangles.AngleVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );
endpoint = forward * 8192;
trace = G_Trace( origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, endpoint, this, MASK_SOLID, "FuncBeam::Activate" );
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, edict->s.old_origin );
if ( damage )
Shoot( origin, edict->s.old_origin, edict->s.frame );
// If life is set, then post a deactivate message
if ( life > 0 && !EventPending( EV_FuncBeam_Deactivate ) )
PostEvent( EV_FuncBeam_Deactivate, life );
// Shoot beam and cause damage
PostEvent( EV_Activate, 0.1 );
void FuncBeam::SetTarget
Event *ev
const char *target;
int num;
// Set the end position if there is a target set.
target = Target();
if ( target && strlen( target ) )
if ( num = G_FindTarget( 0, target ) )
end = G_GetEntity( num );
assert( end );
VectorCopy( end->origin.vec3(), edict->s.old_origin );
This creates a beam effect from the origin to the target's origin. If no
target is specified, uses angles and projects beam out from there.
"model" Specifies the model to use as the beam
"overlap" Specifies the amount of overlap each beam link should have. Use this to fill
in the cracks when using electric on beams. (Default is 0)
"minoffset" Amount of electrical variation at the endpoints of beam (Default is 5)
"maxoffset" Amount of electrical variation in the middle of beam (Default is 25)
"color" Vector specifiying the red,green, and blue components. (Default is "1 1 1")
"alpha" Alpha of the beam (Default is 1.0)
"damage" Amount of damage the beam inflicts if beam hits someone (Default is 0)
"angles" Sets the angle of the beam if no target is specified.
"life" Deactivates the beam life seconds after the beam is activated. If not set, beam
will not be deactivated.
"beamstyle" Sets the style for this beam to cycle through. This applies only
to beams without models. sample styles (121 blood, 120 gunsmoke, 123 orangeglow, 124 blueyellow,
125 debris trail, 128 oil, 129 waterspray 130 blue-yellow-blue) See global0.scr for
more style numbers
START_ON - Starts the beam on
ANIMATE - Plays animation of the model
FAST - Plays the animation at 20 frames/sec
ROLL - Rolls the beam
RANDSTART - Starts each segment of the beam's animation on a different frame
ELECTRIC - Applies a random electric efffect to the beam
RANDALPHA - Randomly generate the alpha for the beam
If the model field is not set, then a straight beam will be created using the color
specified. color, minoffset, maxoffset ,ANIMATE, FAST, ROLL, RANDSTART,
ELECTRIC, and RANDALPHA are not applicable if the model is not set.
Vector color;
const char *target;
trace_t trace;
Vector endpoint, forward;
const char *model=0;
qboolean setangles;
setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
setOrigin( origin );
end = NULL;
target = Target();
if ( target )
PostEvent( EV_FuncBeam_SetTarget, 0 );
// No target specified, so use angles to get direction and do a trace to get endpoint.
setangles = ( G_GetSpawnArg( "angle" ) || G_GetSpawnArg( "angles" ) );
if ( setangles )
float angle;
angle = G_GetFloatArg( "angle", 0 );
angles = G_GetVectorArg( "angles", Vector( 0, angle, 0 ) );
setAngles( angles );
angles.AngleVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );
setAngles( angles );
endpoint = forward * 8192;
trace = G_Trace( origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, endpoint, this, MASK_SOLID, "FuncBeam" );
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, edict->s.old_origin );
else // Nothing specified. Remove this thing
gi.dprintf( "No target or angles set on FuncBeam.\n" );
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0 );
// Check for a model and use the beam models if it is set
model = G_GetSpawnArg( "model" );
if ( model && strlen( model ) )
setModel( model );
edict->s.effects |= EF_BEAMEFFECT;
edict->s.frame = G_GetFloatArg( "maxoffset", 25 );
edict->s.radius = G_GetFloatArg( "minoffset", 5 );
edict->s.lightofs = G_GetIntArg( "overlap", 0 );
// skinnum will hold the flags
edict->s.skinnum = 0;
if ( spawnflags & 0x0002 )
edict->s.skinnum |= BEAM_AUTO_ANIMATE;
if ( spawnflags & 0x0004 )
edict->s.skinnum |= BEAM_ANIMATE_FAST;
if ( spawnflags & 0x0008 )
edict->s.skinnum |= BEAM_ROLL;
if ( spawnflags & 0x0010 )
edict->s.skinnum |= BEAM_ANIMATE_RANDOM_START;
if ( spawnflags & 0x0020 )
edict->s.skinnum |= BEAM_LIGHTNING_EFFECT;
if ( spawnflags & 0x0040 )
edict->s.skinnum |= BEAM_RANDOM_ALPHA;
else // Otherwise do a Quake2 style beam
edict->s.renderfx |= RF_BEAM;
edict->s.frame = G_GetIntArg( "diameter", 4 );
edict->s.skinnum = G_GetIntArg( "beamstyle", 255 );;
color = G_GetVectorArg( "color", Vector( 1,1,1 ) );
edict->s.color_r = color.x;
edict->s.color_g = color.y;
edict->s.color_b = color.z;
edict->s.modelindex = 1; // must be non-zero
edict->s.alpha = G_GetFloatArg( "alpha", 1 );
damage = G_GetFloatArg( "damage", 0 );
life = G_GetFloatArg( "life", 0 );
if ( spawnflags & 0x0001 ) // Start On
PostEvent( EV_Activate, 0 );
ResponseDef Beam::Responses[] =
edict->s.frame = 0;
edict->s.skinnum = 0;
setMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
edict->s.renderfx |= RF_BEAM;
edict->s.modelindex = 1; // must be non-zero
void Beam::setBeam
Vector startpos,
Vector endpos,
int diameter,
float r,
float g,
float b,
float alpha,
float lifespan
if ( lifespan )
PostEvent( EV_Remove, lifespan );
start = startpos;
end = endpos;
setOrigin( start );
edict->s.old_origin[ 0 ] = end[ 0 ];
edict->s.old_origin[ 1 ] = end[ 1 ];
edict->s.old_origin[ 2 ] = end[ 2 ];
edict->s.frame = diameter;
edict->s.skinnum = 255;
edict->s.color_r = r;
edict->s.color_g = g;
edict->s.color_b = b;
edict->s.alpha = alpha;
CLASS_DECLARATION( Entity, Projectile, NULL );
ResponseDef Projectile::Responses[] =
void Projectile::Setup
Entity *owner,
Vector pos,
Vector dir
// This should never be called, but just in case.
assert( 0 );
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0 );
/*SINED fx_fire (0 .8 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) SINGLE STAR PARALLEL
This creates a fire sprite, it defaults to the cross shape
SINGLE - Only one sprite orientated
STAR - 4 sprites in a star shape
If you want flickering
Set style to the identifier contained in groupname in the surfaces to control.
"on_style" light style to set to when "on" (default is a flicker)
"off_style" light style to set to when "off" (default is "a")
#define SINGLE (1<<0)
#define STAR (1<<1)
#define PARALLEL (1<<2)
CLASS_DECLARATION( Light, FireSprite, "fx_fire" )
ResponseDef FireSprite::Responses[] =
if ( on_style == str( "m" ) )
on_style = str( "kkllmmnnmmllkkonnmmkkllonnmmkkllnnoonnmmllkkonnnnmmllkko" );
ProcessEvent( EV_Light_TurnOn );
setMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
edict->svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
edict->s.effects |= EF_AUTO_ANIMATE;
if ( spawnflags & SINGLE )
setModel( "sprites/fire.spr" );
else if ( spawnflags & STAR )
setModel( "sprites/fire_star.spr" );
else if ( spawnflags & PARALLEL )
setModel( "sprites/fire_single.spr" );
setModel( "sprites/fire_cross.spr" );
RandomGlobalEntitySound( "snd_fire" );
ProcessEvent( EV_Light_TurnOff );
// spawn an explosion
if ( world )
CreateExplosion( worldorigin, 100, edict->s.scale * 0.5f, true, this, this, this );
CLASS_DECLARATION( Trigger, Sprite, "fx_sprite" )
Event EV_Sprite_Activate( "activate" );
Event EV_Sprite_Deactivate( "deactivate" );
ResponseDef Sprite::Responses[] =
{ &EV_Activate, ( Response )FuncBeam::Activate },
{ &EV_Sprite_Activate, ( Response )FuncBeam::Activate },
{ &EV_Sprite_Deactivate, ( Response )FuncBeam::Deactivate },
void Sprite::Activate
Event *ev
void Sprite::Deactivate
Event *ev
str model;
qboolean setangles;
Vector dir;
Vector color;
model = G_GetStringArg( "sprite", "" );
edict->s.frame = G_GetIntArg( "frame", 0 );
edict->s.scale = G_GetFloatArg( "scale", 1.0 );
edict->s.alpha = G_GetFloatArg( "alpha", 1.0 );
color = G_GetVectorArg("color",Vector(1,1,1));
edict->s.color_r = color.x;
edict->s.color_g = color.y;
edict->s.color_b = color.z;
if ( !model.length() )
gi.dprintf( "fx_sprite: sprite not defined, removing.\n" );
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0 );
setModel( model.c_str() );
setMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
edict->svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
if ( spawnflags & 1 )
edict->s.effects |= EF_AUTO_ANIMATE;
setangles = ( G_GetSpawnArg( "angle" ) || G_GetSpawnArg( "angles" ) );
if ( setangles )
float angle;
angle = G_GetFloatArg( "angle", 0 );
setAngles( G_GetVectorArg( "angles", Vector( 0, angle, 0 ) ) );
// If trace to surface, apply sprite and remove this.
if ( spawnflags & 2 )
Vector dir,end,norm;
trace_t trace;
Entity *splat;
dir = G_GetMovedir();
end = worldorigin + dir * 8192;
trace = G_Trace( worldorigin, vec_zero, vec_zero, end, this, MASK_SOLIDNONFENCE, "Sprite::Sprite" );
if ( HitSky( &trace ) || ( trace.ent->solid != SOLID_BSP ) )
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0 );
splat = new Entity;
splat->setMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
splat->setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
splat->setModel( model.c_str() );
splat->edict->s.frame = edict->s.frame;
splat->edict->s.scale = edict->s.scale;
splat->edict->s.alpha = edict->s.alpha;
splat->edict->s.color_r = edict->s.color_r;
splat->edict->s.color_g = edict->s.color_g;
splat->edict->s.color_b = edict->s.color_b;
if ( spawnflags & 1 )
splat->edict->s.effects |= EF_AUTO_ANIMATE;
norm = trace.plane.normal;
norm.x = -norm.x;
norm.y = -norm.y;
splat->angles = norm.toAngles();
splat->setAngles( splat->angles );
splat->setOrigin( Vector( trace.endpos ) + ( Vector( trace.plane.normal ) * 0.2 ) );
PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0.1f );
void ChangeMusic
const char *current,
const char *fallback,
qboolean force
int j;
edict_t *other;
if ( current || fallback )
for( j = 1; j <= game.maxclients; j++ )
other = &g_edicts[ j ];
if ( other->inuse && other->client )
Player * client;
client = ( Player * )other->entity;
client->ChangeMusic( current, fallback, force );
void ChangeSoundtrack
const char * soundtrack
gi.configstring( CS_SOUNDTRACK, soundtrack );