
400 lines
12 KiB

// $Logfile:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/sentient.h $
// $Revision:: 70 $
// $Author:: Markd $
// $Date:: 11/16/98 8:59p $
// Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// $Log:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/sentient.h $
// 70 11/16/98 8:59p Markd
// Added TakeItem event to header
// 69 11/13/98 10:21p Aldie
// Added event take item
// 68 11/09/98 6:22p Markd
// Added dropweaponnow event
// 67 10/26/98 8:48p Jimdose
// exported EV_Sentient_WeaponUse and EV_Sentient_SetDropWeapon
// 66 10/25/98 11:53p Jimdose
// 65 10/22/98 2:38a Aldie
// Added setdropweapon command for sentients
// 64 10/20/98 11:23p Jimdose
// added ignore to BestWeapon
// 63 10/20/98 8:06p Aldie
// Added a DoGib function to ease readability
// 62 10/18/98 6:42p Markd
// Added WeaponKnockedFromHands method
// 61 10/16/98 3:10a Aldie
// Added armordouble
// 60 10/14/98 1:33a Jimdose
// Got cross-level persitant data working
// 59 10/11/98 8:58p Aldie
// Moved fields to sentient
// 58 10/10/98 5:58p Aldie
// More quantumdestab fixes
// 57 10/04/98 10:28p Aldie
// Added multiple weapon changes. Damage, flashes, quantum stuff
// 56 10/03/98 7:27p Markd
// working on swimming character and redid some weapon aiming stuff
// 55 9/22/98 12:15p Aldie
// Added sentientFrozen
// 54 9/21/98 6:05p Markd
// added archive and unarchive functions
// 53 9/21/98 1:55a Aldie
// Moved some vars to sentient
// 52 9/18/98 9:55p Markd
// Added noshadow event
// 51 9/11/98 2:50p Aldie
// Added releasefiring functionality
// 50 9/02/98 11:08a Markd
// Put in setModel into Sentient so that weapon could be properly detached and
// re-attached again.
// 49 8/31/98 5:46p Aldie
// Powerup timer stuff
// 48 8/31/98 1:55p Markd
// weapons no longer double trigger animations
// 47 8/29/98 7:24p Aldie
// Added a givetargetname function
// 46 8/29/98 5:55p Jimdose
// Moved prototype of ResetBloodSplats into sentient.h
// 45 8/29/98 2:53p Aldie
// Updated printing of location based damage
// 44 8/27/98 6:00p Aldie
// Drop inventory items if the actors are gibbed.
// 43 8/14/98 5:48p Aldie
// Moved bloodsplats to sentient
// 42 8/12/98 4:20p Aldie
// Fixed icons not showing up correctly
// 41 7/31/98 4:20p Jimdose
// Externed a few events
// 40 7/25/98 2:11a Jimdose
// Added SentientList
// 39 7/24/98 6:16p Aldie
// Added check for inventory items
// 38 7/24/98 4:13p Aldie
// Externed an event
// 37 7/24/98 3:50p Aldie
// added uselesscheck
// 36 7/19/98 5:42p Markd
// Added TakeItem support
// 35 7/19/98 5:21p Markd
// Added ForceChangeWeapon
// 34 7/17/98 4:04p Markd
// Added CanChangeWeapons
// 33 7/14/98 6:59p Aldie
// Updated health
// 32 6/25/98 8:48p Markd
// Rewrote Item class, added keyed items to triggers, cleaned up item system
// 31 6/25/98 12:43p Aldie
// Added a method to get the number of inventory items
// 30 6/24/98 1:39p Aldie
// Implementation of inventory system and picking stuff up
// 29 6/20/98 7:50p Markd
// Added gun_bone_group_name variable
// 28 6/19/98 9:28p Jimdose
// Added GetGunOrientation
// 27 6/19/98 6:39p Aldie
// Updated item stuff
// 26 6/18/98 9:29p Aldie
// Started inventory system
// 25 6/17/98 1:18a Jimdose
// Changed attack to FireWeapon
// Removed include of item.h
// 24 6/15/98 9:12p Aldie
// Made a give generic and an function that updates silenced weapons
// 23 6/10/98 2:10p Aldie
// Updated damage function.
// 22 6/05/98 6:27p Aldie
// Added armor stuff
// 21 5/26/98 4:46p Aldie
// added take functions
// 20 5/20/98 6:38p Jimdose
// Made anim functions use const char *
// 19 5/13/98 4:53p Jimdose
// now uses SafePtrs
// 18 4/07/98 6:47p Jimdose
// Rewrote weapon code
// 17 3/30/98 2:38p Jimdose
// Added Ammo
// Added weapon dropping
// 16 3/29/98 10:01p Jimdose
// Added animation control functions
// 15 3/27/98 5:38p Jimdose
// Added FreeInventory
// 14 3/23/98 1:33p Jimdose
// Revamped event and command system
// 13 3/18/98 7:23p Jimdose
// Added code for handling readying and putting away weapons
// 12 3/02/98 8:49p Jimdose
// Changed CLASS_PROTOTYPE to only take the classname
// 11 3/02/98 5:38p Jimdose
// Added destructor.
// Changed Container to a template
// 10 2/19/98 2:36p Jimdose
// Added weapons back in
// 9 2/17/98 6:58p Jimdose
// no longer pass script into interpretCommand
// 8 2/03/98 10:51a Jimdose
// Updated to work with Quake 2 engine
// Moved initialization to constructor and removed Init function
// 6 12/09/97 7:41p Markd
// Added NumWeapons and WeaponNumber functions
// 5 11/15/97 6:54p Markd
// Added InterpretCommand
// 4 11/12/97 5:12p Jimdose
// Added event definitions
// 3 10/27/97 2:59p Jimdose
// Removed dependency on quakedef.h
// 2 9/26/97 6:47p Jimdose
// Added standard Ritual headers
// Base class of entity that can carry other entities, and use weapons.
#ifndef __SENTIENT_H__
#define __SENTIENT_H__
#include "g_local.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "container.h"
extern Event EV_Sentient_Attack;
extern Event EV_Sentient_ReleaseAttack;
extern Event EV_Sentient_GiveWeapon;
extern Event EV_Sentient_GiveAmmo;
extern Event EV_Sentient_TakeAmmo;
extern Event EV_Sentient_GiveArmor;
extern Event EV_Sentient_TakeArmor;
extern Event EV_Sentient_TakeItem;
extern Event EV_Sentient_GiveItem;
extern Event EV_Sentient_GiveInventoryItem;
extern Event EV_Sentient_GiveHealth;
extern Event EV_Sentient_WeaponPutAway;
extern Event EV_Sentient_WeaponReady;
extern Event EV_Sentient_WeaponDoneFiring;
extern Event EV_Sentient_AnimLoop;
extern Event EV_Sentient_UselessCheck;
extern Event EV_Sentient_TurnOffShadow;
extern Event EV_Sentient_Freeze;
extern Event EV_Sentient_UnFreeze;
extern Event EV_Sentient_ImpactDamage;
extern Event EV_Sentient_WeaponUse;
extern Event EV_Sentient_SetDropWeapon;
// Shutup compiler
class Weapon;
class Item;
class InventoryItem;
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL Sentient : public Entity
Container<int> inventory;
Weapon *currentWeapon;
InventoryItem *currentItem;
Weapon *newWeapon;
str currentAnim;
qboolean animOverride;
Event *tempAnimEvent;
str gun_bone_group_name;
qboolean stopanimating_tillchange;
int poweruptype;
int poweruptimer;
qboolean sentientFrozen;
qboolean dropweapon;
virtual void EventGiveWeapon( Event *ev );
virtual void EventTakeWeapon( Event *ev );
virtual void EventGiveAmmo( Event *ev );
virtual void EventTakeAmmo( Event *ev );
virtual void EventGiveArmor( Event *ev );
virtual void EventTakeArmor( Event *ev );
virtual void EventGiveItem( Event *ev );
virtual void EventGiveHealth( Event *ev );
virtual void EventGiveInventoryItem( Event *ev );
virtual void EventGiveTargetname( Event *ev );
virtual void EventTakeItem( Event *ev );
virtual void WeaponPutAway( Event *ev );
virtual void WeaponReady( Event *ev );
virtual void WeaponDoneFiring( Event *ev );
virtual void AnimLoop( Event *ev );
virtual void ArmorDamage( Event *ev );
virtual void TurnOffShadow( Event *ev );
virtual void Freeze( Event *ev );
virtual void UnFreeze( Event *ev );
virtual void WeaponKnockedFromHands( void );
Vector gunoffset;
Vector eyeposition;
// Weapon charging stuff
float firedowntime;
qboolean firedown;
str saveskin;
str savemodel;
virtual ~Sentient();
virtual void RestorePersistantData( SpawnArgGroup &group );
virtual void WritePersistantData( SpawnArgGroup &group );
Vector EyePosition( void );
virtual Vector GunPosition( void );
virtual void GetGunOrientation( Vector pos, Vector *forward, Vector *right, Vector *up );
virtual Item *giveItem( const char * itemname, int amount, int icon_index = -1 );
virtual void FireWeapon( Event *ev );
virtual void ReleaseFireWeapon( Event *ev );
virtual void AddItem( Item *object );
virtual void RemoveItem( Item *object );
virtual Item *FindItem( const char *itemname );
virtual void FreeInventory( void );
virtual void FreeInventoryOfType( const char *weaptype );
virtual qboolean HasItem( const char *itemname );
virtual void ForceChangeWeapon( Weapon *weapon );
virtual void ChangeWeapon( Weapon *weapon );
virtual void SetCurrentWeapon( Weapon *weapon );
virtual Weapon *CurrentWeapon( void );
virtual Weapon *BestWeapon( Weapon *ignore = NULL );
virtual Weapon *NextWeapon( Weapon *weapon );
virtual Weapon *PreviousWeapon( Weapon *weapon );
virtual qboolean WeaponReady( void );
virtual void DropWeapon( Weapon *weapon );
virtual void DropCurrentWeapon( void );
virtual Weapon *giveWeapon( const char *weaponname );
virtual void takeWeapon( const char *weaponname );
virtual void takeItem( const char *weaponname, int amount );
virtual Weapon *useWeapon( const char *weaponname );
virtual int NumWeapons( void );
virtual Weapon *WeaponNumber( int weaponnum );
virtual void SetAnim( const char *anim );
virtual void TempAnim( const char *anim, Event *event );
virtual void TempAnim( const char *anim, Event &event );
virtual void UpdateSilencedWeapons( void );
virtual int NumInventoryItems( void );
virtual Item *NextItem( Item *item );
virtual Item *PrevItem( Item *item );
virtual void SearchBody( Event *ev );
virtual qboolean CanChangeWeapons( void );
virtual void UselessCheck( Event *ev );
virtual qboolean HasInventoryOfType( const char * );
virtual void DropInventoryItems( void );
void SprayBlood( Vector src, Vector dir, float damage );
void PrintDamageLocationToAttacker( edict_s *attacker, const char *victim_name, const char *location );
void PrintDamageLocationToVictim( edict_s *victim, const char *location );
qboolean PowerupActive( void );
virtual void setModel( const char *model );
virtual void setModel( str &mdl );
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void Unarchive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void ImpactDamage( Event *ev );
virtual void WeaponUse( Event *ev );
void GetMuzzlePositionAndDirection( Vector *pos, Vector *dir);
void DoubleArmor( void );
virtual qboolean DoGib( int meansofdeath, Entity *inflictor );
virtual void SetDropWeapon( Event *ev );
virtual void DropWeaponNowEvent( Event *ev );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Sentient::setModel
str &mdl
setModel( mdl.c_str() );
template class EXPORT_FROM_DLL SafePtr<Sentient>;
template class EXPORT_FROM_DLL Container<Sentient *>;
typedef SafePtr<Sentient> SentientPtr;
extern Container<Sentient *> SentientList;
void EXPORT_FROM_DLL ResetBloodSplats( void );
#endif /* sentient.h */