
542 lines
9.7 KiB

// $Logfile:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/path.cpp $
// $Revision:: 33 $
// $Author:: Jimdose $
// $Date:: 10/16/98 8:25p $
// Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// $Log:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/path.cpp $
// 33 10/16/98 8:25p Jimdose
// Added distanceToNextNode and dirToNextNode;
// Optimized ClosestPointOnPath, DistanceAlongPath, PointAtDistance
// 32 10/16/98 1:53a Jimdose
// Added another NextNode function for finding the next node after the
// specified node
// 31 10/14/98 10:18p Jimdose
// Made GetNode check for NULL nodes and error out
// 30 10/14/98 10:16p Jimdose
// Added assert to GetNode to help find any NULL pointers in the list
// 29 8/29/98 9:45p Jimdose
// Made SV_ commands begin with G_
// 28 8/18/98 10:02p Jimdose
// Added NextNode
// 27 6/04/98 10:48p Jimdose
// Fixed a bunch of things that got broken just in time for E3. Paths and
// scripting actually work now.
// 26 5/25/98 5:30p Jimdose
// Pathnodes are no longer a subclass of Entity. This was done to save on
// edicts
// 25 5/22/98 9:38p Jimdose
// working on ai
// 24 5/20/98 6:37p Jimdose
// ClosestPointOnPath does a trace to see if the point is accessible
// 23 5/18/98 8:14p Jimdose
// Renamed Navigator back to PathManager
// 22 5/16/98 3:38p Jimdose
// Added ClosestPointOnPath, DistanceAlongPath, and PointAtDistance
// 21 5/13/98 4:48p Jimdose
// PathList now uses SafePtr
// 20 5/05/98 6:12p Jimdose
// removed spline test stuff
// 19 5/05/98 2:38p Jimdose
// testing splines
// 18 4/27/98 6:09p Jimdose
// Changed alpha on debug lines
// 17 4/27/98 4:12p Jimdose
// Now use debug lines for drawing path instead of beams to cut down on net
// traffic
// 16 4/16/98 2:08p Jimdose
// Rewrote to use new PathNode
// 15 4/07/98 11:55p Jimdose
// Changed beams to specify color
// 14 3/23/98 1:31p Jimdose
// Revamped event and command system
// 13 3/05/98 3:49p Jimdose
// Made the pathinfo_t == operator EXPORT_FROM_DLL
// 12 3/04/98 1:42p Jimdose
// Added pathinfo_t comparison function
// 11 3/02/98 8:49p Jimdose
// Changed the classid parameter of CLASS_DECLARATION to a quoted string so
// that you could have a NULL classid.
// 10 3/02/98 5:43p Jimdose
// Continued development on paths. Now uses Path class to represent a path.
#include "g_local.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "container.h"
#include "navigate.h"
#include "misc.h"
ResponseDef Path::Responses[] =
pathlength = 0;
from = NULL;
to = NULL;
nextnode = 1;
int numnodes
pathlength = 0;
from = NULL;
to = NULL;
nextnode = 1;
pathlist.Resize( numnodes );
dirToNextNode.Resize( numnodes );
distanceToNextNode.Resize( numnodes );
void Path::Clear
nextnode = 1;
pathlength = 0;
from = NULL;
to = NULL;
void Path::Reset
nextnode = 1;
PathNode *Path::Start
return from;
PathNode *Path::End
return to;
void Path::AddNode
PathNode *node
Vector dir;
float len;
int num;
if ( !from )
from = node;
to = node;
pathlist.AddObject( PathNodePtr( node ) );
len = 0;
distanceToNextNode.AddObject( len );
dirToNextNode.AddObject( vec_zero );
num = NumNodes();
if ( num > 1 )
dir = node->worldorigin - GetNode( num - 1 )->worldorigin;
len = dir.length();
dir *= 1 / len;
distanceToNextNode.SetObjectAt( num - 1, len );
dirToNextNode.SetObjectAt( num - 1, dir );
pathlength += len;
PathNode *Path::GetNode
int num
PathNode *node;
node = pathlist.ObjectAt( num );
assert( node != NULL );
if ( node == NULL )
error( "GetNode", "Null pointer in node list\n" );
return node;
PathNode *Path::NextNode
if ( nextnode <= NumNodes() )
return pathlist.ObjectAt( nextnode++ );
return NULL;
PathNode *Path::NextNode
PathNode *node
int i;
int num;
PathNode *n;
num = NumNodes();
// NOTE: We specifically DON'T check the last object (hence the i < num instead
// of the usual i <= num, so don't go doing something stupid like trying to fix
// this without keeping this in mind!! :)
for( i = 1; i < num; i++ )
n = pathlist.ObjectAt( i );
if ( n == node )
// Since we only check up to num - 1, it's ok to do this.
// We do this since the last node in the list has no next node (duh!).
return pathlist.ObjectAt( i + 1 );
return NULL;
Vector Path::ClosestPointOnPath
Vector pos
PathNode *s;
PathNode *e;
int num;
int i;
float bestdist;
Vector bestpoint;
float dist;
float segmentlength;
Vector delta;
Vector p1;
Vector p2;
Vector p3;
float t;
num = NumNodes();
s = GetNode( 1 );
bestpoint = s->worldorigin;
delta = bestpoint - pos;
bestdist = delta * delta;
for( i = 2; i <= num; i++ )
e = GetNode( i );
// check if we're closest to the endpoint
delta = e->worldorigin - pos;
dist = delta * delta;
if ( dist < bestdist )
bestdist = dist;
bestpoint = e->worldorigin;
// check if we're closest to the segment
segmentlength = distanceToNextNode.ObjectAt( i - 1 );
p1 = dirToNextNode.ObjectAt( i - 1 );
p2 = pos - s->worldorigin;
t = p1 * p2;
if ( ( t > 0 ) && ( t < segmentlength ) )
p3 = ( p1 * t ) + s->worldorigin;
delta = p3 - pos;
dist = delta * delta;
if ( dist < bestdist )
bestdist = dist;
bestpoint = p3;
s = e;
return bestpoint;
float Path::DistanceAlongPath
Vector pos
PathNode *s;
PathNode *e;
int num;
int i;
float bestdist;
float dist;
float segmentlength;
Vector delta;
Vector p1;
Vector p2;
Vector p3;
float t;
float pathdist;
float bestdistalongpath;
pathdist = 0;
num = NumNodes();
s = GetNode( 1 );
delta = s->worldorigin - pos;
bestdist = delta * delta;
bestdistalongpath = 0;
for( i = 2; i <= num; i++ )
e = GetNode( i );
segmentlength = distanceToNextNode.ObjectAt( i - 1 );
// check if we're closest to the endpoint
delta = e->worldorigin - pos;
dist = delta * delta;
if ( dist < bestdist )
bestdist = dist;
bestdistalongpath = pathdist + segmentlength;
// check if we're closest to the segment
p1 = dirToNextNode.ObjectAt( i - 1 );
p2 = pos - s->worldorigin;
t = p1 * p2;
if ( ( t > 0 ) && ( t < segmentlength ) )
p3 = ( p1 * t ) + s->worldorigin;
delta = p3 - pos;
dist = delta * delta;
if ( dist < bestdist )
bestdist = dist;
bestdistalongpath = pathdist + t;
s = e;
pathdist += segmentlength;
return bestdistalongpath;
Vector Path::PointAtDistance
float dist
PathNode *s;
PathNode *e;
int num;
int i;
float t;
float pathdist;
float segmentlength;
num = NumNodes();
s = GetNode( 1 );
pathdist = 0;
for( i = 2; i <= num; i++ )
e = GetNode( i );
segmentlength = distanceToNextNode.ObjectAt( i - 1 );
if ( ( pathdist + segmentlength ) > dist )
t = dist - pathdist;
return s->worldorigin + dirToNextNode.ObjectAt( i - 1 ) * t;
s = e;
pathdist += segmentlength;
// cap it off at start or end of path
return s->worldorigin;
PathNode *Path::NextNode
float dist
PathNode *s;
PathNode *e;
int num;
int i;
float pathdist;
float segmentlength;
num = NumNodes();
s = GetNode( 1 );
pathdist = 0;
for( i = 2; i <= num; i++ )
e = GetNode( i );
segmentlength = distanceToNextNode.ObjectAt( i - 1 );
if ( ( pathdist + segmentlength ) > dist )
return e;
s = e;
pathdist += segmentlength;
// cap it off at start or end of path
return s;
void Path::DrawPath
float r,
float g,
float b,
float time
Vector s;
Vector e;
Vector offset;
PathNode *node;
int num;
int i;
num = NumNodes();
if ( ai_debugpath->value )
gi.dprintf( "numnodes %d, len %d, nodes %d :", PathManager.NumNodes(), ( int )Length(), num );
for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
node = GetNode( i );
gi.dprintf( " %d", node->nodenum );
gi.dprintf( "\n" );
node = GetNode( 1 );
s = node->worldorigin;
offset = Vector( r, g, b ) * 4 + Vector( 0, 0, 20 );
for( i = 2; i <= num; i++ )
node = GetNode( i );
e = node->worldorigin;
G_DebugLine( s + offset, e + offset, r, g, b, 1 );
s = e;
int Path::NumNodes
return pathlist.NumObjects();
float Path::Length
return pathlength;