
514 lines
13 KiB

// $Logfile:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/camera.h $
// $Revision:: 25 $
// $Author:: Jimdose $
// $Date:: 10/25/98 11:53p $
// Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// $Log:: /Quake 2 Engine/Sin/code/game/camera.h $
// 25 10/25/98 11:53p Jimdose
// 24 9/29/98 5:58p Markd
// put in archive and unarchive
// 23 9/24/98 1:19a Markd
// bullet proofed some equating bspline code
// 22 9/20/98 6:49p Markd
// Added Thread ability to cameras when they are looked through
// 21 8/17/98 7:42p Markd
// Added SetOverlay
// 20 8/17/98 6:20p Markd
// Changed SetCamera to a Player method
// 19 8/17/98 4:35p Markd
// Added SecurityCamera
// 18 8/14/98 8:18p Markd
// reworked camera class
// 17 8/08/98 7:29p Aldie
// Added intermissions for deathmatch
// 16 7/22/98 5:22p Markd
// Added MoveToPos and TurnTo
// 15 7/22/98 4:12p Markd
// Redid camera stuff
// 14 7/18/98 6:14p Markd
// Added optional watch commands at the end of follow and orbit events
// 13 7/13/98 12:58p Markd
// added fixed_position
// 12 7/11/98 6:31p Markd
// removed valid orientation, simplified code
// 11 7/10/98 1:12p Markd
// Added more functionality to camera stuff
// 10 7/08/98 12:42p Markd
// Removed CameraPath with SplinePath
// 9 7/02/98 9:48p Markd
// Added orientation support to cameras
// 8 5/27/98 3:18a Jimdose
// cameras can now watch specific entities
// 7 5/26/98 8:49p Jimdose
// Added yaw commands
// 6 5/26/98 8:18p Jimdose
// added height event
// 5 5/26/98 7:56p Jimdose
// added scripted cameras
// 4 5/13/98 4:55p Jimdose
// now uses SafePtrs
// 3 5/07/98 10:41p Jimdose
// fleshed out functionality a bit more
// 2 5/05/98 2:37p Jimdose
// Created file
// Camera. Duh.
#ifndef __CAMERA_H__
#define __CAMERA_H__
#include "g_local.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "bspline.h"
#define ORBIT 1
#define START_ON 2
#define PANNING 4
extern Event EV_Camera_FollowingPath;
extern Event EV_Camera_StartMoving;
extern Event EV_Camera_Pause;
extern Event EV_Camera_Continue;
extern Event EV_Camera_StopMoving;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetSpeed;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetDistance;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetHeight;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetYaw;
extern Event EV_Camera_FixedYaw;
extern Event EV_Camera_RelativeYaw;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetFOV;
extern Event EV_Camera_Orbit;
extern Event EV_Camera_Follow;
extern Event EV_Camera_Watch;
extern Event EV_Camera_LookAt;
extern Event EV_Camera_TurnTo;
extern Event EV_Camera_MoveToEntity;
extern Event EV_Camera_MoveToPos;
extern Event EV_Camera_NoWatch;
extern Event EV_Camera_IgnoreAngles;
extern Event EV_Camera_UseAngles;
extern Event EV_Camera_SplineAngles;
extern Event EV_Camera_NormalAngles;
extern Event EV_Camera_FixedPosition;
extern Event EV_Camera_NoFixedPosition;
extern Event EV_Camera_JumpTime;
extern Event EV_Camera_JumpCut;
extern Event EV_Camera_Pan;
extern Event EV_Camera_StopPan;
extern Event EV_Camera_PanSpeed;
extern Event EV_Camera_PanMax;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetPanAngles;
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL CameraMoveState
Vector pos;
BSpline cameraPath;
float cameraTime;
EntityPtr followEnt;
EntityPtr orbitEnt;
qboolean followingpath;
float speed;
qboolean fixed_position;
float fov;
float height;
float follow_dist;
int follow_mask;
void operator=( CameraMoveState &newstate );
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void Unarchive( Archiver &arc );
inline void CameraMoveState::operator=
CameraMoveState &newstate
pos = newstate.pos;
cameraPath = newstate.cameraPath;
cameraTime = newstate.cameraTime;
followEnt = newstate.followEnt;
orbitEnt = newstate.orbitEnt;
followingpath = newstate.followingpath;
speed = newstate.speed;
fixed_position = newstate.fixed_position;
fov = newstate.fov;
height = newstate.height;
follow_dist = newstate.follow_dist;
follow_mask = newstate.follow_mask;
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void CameraMoveState::Archive
Archiver &arc
arc.WriteVector( pos );
cameraPath.Archive( arc );
arc.WriteFloat( cameraTime );
arc.WriteSafePointer( followEnt );
arc.WriteSafePointer( orbitEnt );
arc.WriteBoolean( followingpath );
arc.WriteFloat( speed );
arc.WriteBoolean( fixed_position );
arc.WriteFloat( fov );
arc.WriteFloat( height );
arc.WriteFloat( follow_dist );
arc.WriteInteger( follow_mask );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void CameraMoveState::Unarchive
Archiver &arc
arc.ReadVector( &pos );
cameraPath.Unarchive( arc );
arc.ReadFloat( &cameraTime );
arc.ReadSafePointer( &followEnt );
arc.ReadSafePointer( &orbitEnt );
arc.ReadBoolean( &followingpath );
arc.ReadFloat( &speed );
arc.ReadBoolean( &fixed_position );
arc.ReadFloat( &fov );
arc.ReadFloat( &height );
arc.ReadFloat( &follow_dist );
arc.ReadInteger( &follow_mask );
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL CameraWatchState
Vector dir;
EntityPtr watchEnt;
qboolean ignoreangles;
qboolean splineangles;
qboolean panning;
float pan_offset;
float pan_dir;
float pan_max;
float pan_speed;
Vector pan_angles;
float yaw;
qboolean fixedyaw;
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void Unarchive( Archiver &arc );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void CameraWatchState::Archive
Archiver &arc
arc.WriteVector( dir );
arc.WriteSafePointer( watchEnt );
arc.WriteBoolean( ignoreangles );
arc.WriteBoolean( splineangles );
arc.WriteBoolean( panning );
arc.WriteFloat( pan_offset );
arc.WriteFloat( pan_dir );
arc.WriteFloat( pan_max );
arc.WriteFloat( pan_speed );
arc.WriteVector( pan_angles );
arc.WriteFloat( yaw );
arc.WriteBoolean( fixedyaw );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void CameraWatchState::Unarchive
Archiver &arc
arc.ReadVector( &dir );
arc.ReadSafePointer( &watchEnt );
arc.ReadBoolean( &ignoreangles );
arc.ReadBoolean( &splineangles );
arc.ReadBoolean( &panning );
arc.ReadFloat( &pan_offset );
arc.ReadFloat( &pan_dir );
arc.ReadFloat( &pan_max );
arc.ReadFloat( &pan_speed );
arc.ReadVector( &pan_angles );
arc.ReadFloat( &yaw );
arc.ReadBoolean( &fixedyaw );
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL CameraState
CameraMoveState move;
CameraWatchState watch;
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void Unarchive( Archiver &arc );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void CameraState::Archive
Archiver &arc
move.Archive( arc );
watch.Archive( arc );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void CameraState::Unarchive
Archiver &arc
move.Unarchive( arc );
watch.Unarchive( arc );
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL Camera : public Entity
float default_fov;
float default_yaw;
float default_follow_dist;
float default_height;
float default_speed;
float default_pan_max;
float default_pan_speed;
Vector default_angles;
CameraState currentstate;
CameraState newstate;
float watchTime;
float followTime;
float jumpTime;
EntityPtr targetEnt;
EntityPtr targetWatchEnt;
str nextCamera;
str overlay;
str thread;
qboolean showcamera;
Event moveevent;
void FollowingPath( Event *ev );
void CreateOribit( Vector pos, float radius );
void CreatePath( SplinePath *path, splinetype_t type );
void InitializeMoveState( CameraMoveState &movestate );
void InitializeWatchState( CameraWatchState &watchstate );
void InitializeState( CameraState &state );
float fov;
void Stop( void );
void FollowPath( SplinePath *path, qboolean loop, Entity *watch );
void Orbit( Entity *ent, float dist, Entity *watch );
void FollowEntity( Entity *ent, float dist, int mask, Entity *watch = NULL );
void StartMoving( Event *ev );
void StopMoving( Event *ev );
void Pause( Event *ev );
void Continue( Event *ev );
void SetSpeed( Event *ev );
void SetDistance( Event *ev );
void SetHeight( Event *ev );
void SetYaw( Event *ev );
void FixedYaw( Event *ev );
void RelativeYaw( Event *ev );
void SetFOV( Event *ev );
void OrbitEvent( Event *ev );
void FollowEvent( Event *ev );
void WatchEvent( Event *ev );
void NoWatchEvent( Event *ev );
void LookAt( Event *ev );
void MoveToEntity( Event *ev );
void MoveToPos( Event *ev );
void IgnoreAngles( Event *ev );
void UseAngles( Event *ev );
void SplineAngles( Event *ev );
void NormalAngles( Event *ev );
void FixedPosition( Event *ev );
void NoFixedPosition( Event *ev );
void JumpCut( Event *ev );
void JumpTime( Event *ev );
void TurnTo( Event *ev );
void EvaluatePosition( CameraState &state );
void PanEvent( Event *ev );
void StopPanEvent( Event *ev );
void PanSpeedEvent( Event *ev );
void PanMaxEvent( Event *ev );
void SetPanAngles( Event *ev );
void SetNextCamera( Event *ev );
void SetOverlay( Event *ev );
void SetThread( Event *ev );
str &NextCamera( void );
str &Thread( void );
str &Overlay( void );
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
virtual void Unarchive( Archiver &arc );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Camera::Archive
Archiver &arc
Entity::Archive( arc );
arc.WriteFloat( default_fov );
arc.WriteFloat( default_yaw );
arc.WriteFloat( default_follow_dist );
arc.WriteFloat( default_height );
arc.WriteFloat( default_speed );
arc.WriteFloat( default_pan_max );
arc.WriteFloat( default_pan_speed );
arc.WriteVector( default_angles );
// currentstate
currentstate.Archive( arc );
// newstate
newstate.Archive( arc );
arc.WriteFloat( watchTime );
arc.WriteFloat( followTime );
arc.WriteFloat( jumpTime );
arc.WriteSafePointer( targetEnt );
arc.WriteSafePointer( targetWatchEnt );
arc.WriteString( nextCamera );
arc.WriteString( overlay );
arc.WriteString( thread );
arc.WriteBoolean( showcamera );
arc.WriteEvent( moveevent );
arc.WriteFloat( fov );
inline EXPORT_FROM_DLL void Camera::Unarchive
Archiver &arc
Entity::Unarchive( arc );
arc.ReadFloat( &default_fov );
arc.ReadFloat( &default_yaw );
arc.ReadFloat( &default_follow_dist );
arc.ReadFloat( &default_height );
arc.ReadFloat( &default_speed );
arc.ReadFloat( &default_pan_max );
arc.ReadFloat( &default_pan_speed );
arc.ReadVector( &default_angles );
// currentstate
currentstate.Unarchive( arc );
// newstate
newstate.Unarchive( arc );
arc.ReadFloat( &watchTime );
arc.ReadFloat( &followTime );
arc.ReadFloat( &jumpTime );
arc.ReadSafePointer( &targetEnt );
arc.ReadSafePointer( &targetWatchEnt );
arc.ReadString( &nextCamera );
arc.ReadString( &overlay );
arc.ReadString( &thread );
arc.ReadBoolean( &showcamera );
arc.ReadEvent( &moveevent );
arc.ReadFloat( &fov );
void SetCamera( Entity *ent );
template class EXPORT_FROM_DLL SafePtr<Camera>;
typedef SafePtr<Camera> CameraPtr;
class EXPORT_FROM_DLL SecurityCamera : public Camera
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( SecurityCamera );
#endif /* camera.h */