114 lines
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114 lines
2.6 KiB
/* bullet holes quickc program
by jim dose' 11/20/96
copyright (c)1996 hipnotic interactive, inc.
all rights reserved.
do not distribute.
/*quaked wallsprite (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
places a sprite on a wall. angles should be opposite of face.
"model" sprite to place on wall. default is "progs/s_blood1.spr".
void() wallsprite =
if ( !self.model )
self.model = "progs/s_blood1.spr";
precache_model( self.model );
setmodel (self, self.model );
// quakeed doesn't save up and down angles properly.
if (self.angles == '0 -1 0')
self.angles = '-90 0 0';
else if (self.angles == '0 -2 0')
self.angles = '90 0 0';
// pull the sprite away from the wall slightly to
// get rid of z sort errors.
setorigin( self, self.origin - ( v_forward * 0.2 ) );
makestatic (self);
void() initbulletholes =
precache_model ("progs/s_bullet.spr");
bulletholes = nullentity;
lastbullet = nullentity;
numbulletholes = 0;
void() remove_bullethole =
local entity ent;
// there is a possibility that this is not the first bullet
// in the list, but it doesn't really matter. all that
// matters is there is one less bullet. just make sure
// we don't remove the world!
if ( bulletholes == nullentity )
objerror("remove_bullethole: bulletholes == nullentity! " );
ent = bulletholes;
if ( ent.classname != "bullethole" )
objerror("remove_bullethole: tried to remove non-bullethole!" );
bulletholes = bulletholes.lastvictim;
remove( ent );
if ( lastbullet == ent )
lastbullet = nullentity;
numbulletholes = numbulletholes - 1;
void( vector pos ) placebullethole =
local entity new;
local entity ent;
local vector norm;
new = spawn();
new.owner = new;
new.movetype = movetype_none;
new.solid = solid_not;
new.classname = "bullethole";
setmodel( new, "progs/s_bullet.spr" );
setsize (new, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
norm = trace_plane_normal;
norm_x = 0 - norm_x;
norm_y = 0 - norm_y;
new.angles = vectoangles( norm );
setorigin( new, pos - ( v_forward * 0.2 ) );
new.think = remove_bullethole;
new.nextthink = time + 300;
numbulletholes = numbulletholes + 1;
if ( numbulletholes > 10 )
if ( lastbullet != nullentity )
lastbullet.lastvictim = new;
bulletholes = new;
new.lastvictim = nullentity;
lastbullet = new;