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UberTools GDK
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub0')">» Introduction & Contents</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub0">
<a href="../start.html">Introduction</a><br>
<a href="../start.html#2">Utilities</a><br>
<a href="../start.html#3">Source Files</a><br>
<br>Level Design<br>
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub1')">» Setting Up UberRadiant</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub1">
<a href="radiant_setup.html">That Scary Error Msg</a><br>
<a href="radiant_setup.html#2">General Tab</a><br>
<a href="radiant_setup.html#3">Display Tab</a><br>
<a href="radiant_setup.html#4">User Interface Tab</a><br>
<a href="radiant_setup.html#5">Keyboard Shortcuts Tab</a><br>
<a href="radiant_setup.html#6">Colors Tab</a><br>
<a href="radiant_setup.html#7">Game / Paths Tab</a><br>
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub2')">» Building Your First Room</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub2">
<a href="radiant_firstroom.html">Editor Interface Basics</a><br>
<a href="radiant_firstroom.html#2">Choosing Your Textures</a><br>
<a href="radiant_firstroom.html#3">Building The Room</a><br>
<a href="radiant_firstroom.html#4">Adding a Light</a><br>
<a href="radiant_firstroom.html#5">Adding a Player Start</a><br>
<a href="radiant_firstroom.html#6">Compiling Your Level</a><br>
<a href="radiant_firstroom.html#7">Viewing the Level</a><br>
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub3')">» Constructing Terrain</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub3">
<a href="radiant_terrain.html">Setting up the Tools</a><br>
<a href="radiant_terrain.html#2">Creating Terrain</a><br>
<a href="radiant_terrain.html#3">Modifying the Textures</a><br>
<a href="radiant_terrain.html#4">Adding More Terrain</a><br>
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub4')">» Additional Reference</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub4">
<a href="ldesign_lighting.html">Lighting System</a><br>
<a href="ldesign_terrain.html">Terrain Texture Blending</a><br>
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub5')">» Scripting Tutorials</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub5">
<a href="scripting_syntax.html">Scripting Syntax</a><br>
<a href="scripting_waves.html">Spawning Waves</a><br>
<a href="scripting_flying.html">Creating Flying Creatures</a><br>
<a href="scripting_tripwires.html">Setting Up Tripwires</a><br>
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub6')">» Global Script Synopsis</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub6">
<a href="scripting_globalscripts.html">Introduction</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_accelmove.html">global_accelerated</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_accelmove.html">Movement.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_archetype.html">global_archetype.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_array.html">global_array.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_cinefx.html">global_cinematicFX.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_common.html">global_common.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_debug.html">global_debugUtils.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_flyin.html">global_flyin.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_math.html">global_math.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_ploadout.html">global_playerLoadout.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_soundpan.html">global_soundPan.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_spawnwave.html">global_spawnWave.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_transport.html">global_Transport.scr</a><br>
<a href="scripting_globalscripts_tripwire.html">global_tripwire.scr</a><br>
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub7')">» Classes Reference</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub7">
<a href="allclasses_g.html">Game Module</a><br>
<a href="allclasses_cl.html">Client Module</a><br>
<a href="allclasses_cg.html">Client Game Module</a><br>
<br>Older Documentation<br>
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub8')">» Heavy Metal FAKK2</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub8">
<a href="fakk2_camera.html">Camera Documentation</a><br>
<a href="fakk2_clientsidecmds.html">Client Side Commands</a><br>
<a href="fakk2_gui.html">GUI Documentation</a><br>
<a href="fakk2_ingameutils.html">In-Game Utilities</a><br>
<a href="fakk2_max2skl.html">MAX2SKL Reference</a><br>
<a href="fakk2_shadermanual.html">Shader Manual</a><br>
<a href="fakk2_soundsystem.html">Sound System</a><br>
<a href="fakk2_tiki.html">TIKI Model System</a><br>
<div class="menutitle" onclick="SwitchMenu('sub9')">» Web Links & Credits</div>
<span class="submenu" id="sub9">
<a href="other_links.html">Web Links</a><br>
<a href="other_credits.html">Credits</a><br>
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GUI Documentation</p>
<p class="subheader">DlgEdit</p>
<p> This is the editor that allows you to create GUIs for the game. Right
click the on the window to bring up the Menu Properties dialog. Here’s
a description of the fields:</p>
<ul type="square">
<li><b>Menu Name</b><br>
The name of the menu that you will reference it by in the game.<br>
<li> <b>Motion Direction</b><br>
This is the direction that the menu will appear from when toggled in
the game. Choices are: <br>
<li> NONE (Default)</li>
<li> <b>Time</b><br>
This is the amount of time the menu takes to appear or disappear when
<li> <b>General Commands</b><br>
You can add any of the appropriate layout commands mentioned below.</li>
<p class="subheader">Creating A Widget</p>
<p>To create a widget, just click the LMB anywhere in the background and
drag out a region. This will define the frame of the widget. Double click
in the frame of that widget to bring up the Widget Properties Dialog.
Here’s a description of the fields:</p>
<ul type="square">
<li> <b>Name</b><br>
Internal name of the widget. This really isn’t used much in the
game and was added (just in case we need it).<br>
<li> <b>Class</b><br>
Defines the class of the widget (Button, Label, List, etc…).<br>
<li> <b>Title</b><br>
Title to be displayed for labels, buttons, etc..<br>
<li> <b>Cmd</b><br>
Stuff command to be put into the command buffer when the widget is activated
(i.e. button is pressed).<br>
<li> <b>Cvar</b><br>
Name of the cvar to link this widget with. If the value of the widget
changes, then this cvar will be updated with the appropriate value.<br>
<li> <b>Border</b><br>
Style of the border of the widget.<br>
<li> <b>BGColor</b><br>
Background color of the widget.<br>
<li> <b>BGAlpha</b><br>
Background alpha of the widget.<br>
<li> <b>FGColor</b><br>
Foreground color of the widget.<br>
<li> <b>FGAlpha</b><br>
Foreground alpha of the widget.<br>
<li> <b>Position</b><br>
Position of the widget ( x,y,width,height).<br>
<li> <b>Class specific attributes</b><br>
Extra information that applies to the widget. See the list of layout
commands below.</li>
<p class="subheader"> Layout commands</p>
<ul type="square">
<li> <b>align <left> <right> <top> <bottom></b><br>
Aligns the widget to the specified directions (resolution independent)<br>
<li> <b>shader <shadername></b><br>
Sets the shader of the widget. This will be drawn stretched in the widget<br>
<li><b> tileshader <shadername></b><br>
Sets the shader of the widget. This will be drawn tiled in the widget<br>
<li> <b>hovershader <shadername></b><br>
Sets the shader that will be drawn when the mouse is hovering over the
<li> <b>additem <item></b><br>
Adds the specified item to a list or listbox widget<br>
<li> <b>setrange <min> <max></b><br>
Sets the range of the slider from min to max<br>
<li> <b>direction <from_left | from_right | from_top | from_bottom></b><br>
Sets the direction of the shader when it appears on the screen. It will
scroll in from that direction over time<br>
<li> <b>slidertype <integer | float></b><br>
Sets the type of the slider to either integral or floating value<br>
<li> <b>fadein <time></b><br>
Makes the widget fade in over the specified time<br>
<li> <b>stopsound <soundname></b><br>
Plays the sound specified when the widget stops moving<br>
<li> <b>clicksound <soundname></b><br>
Plays the sound specified when the widget is clicked<br>
<li> <b>stretch < horizontal | vertical ></b><br>
Stretch the widget horizontally or vertically across the whole screen
(resolution independent )<br>
<li> <b>initdata <data></b><br>
Initializes the widget to data (used for sliders)<br>
<li> <b>sliderstep <stepsize></b><br>
Sets the stepsize for the slider</li>
<p> </p></td>
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<td class="legal"> Copyright ©2003 Ritual Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.<br>
Please do not email Ritual Entertainment with questions about the
UberTools Game Development Kit. It is provided as is and is not supported by Ritual Entertainment.</td>
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