active( Integer active_flag )
Specifies whether the actor's is active or not.
actor_pickup( String tag_name )
Makes the actor pickup current pickup_ent (should only be called from
a tiki).
actor_throw( String tag_name )
Makes the actor throw whatever is in its hand (should only be called
from a tiki).
Makes the actor fade out.
actorondamage( String thread_name, [ Integer damage_threshold
] )
sets the thread that is called when actor is damaged
actortoactordamage( Float modifier )
Amount to modifiy damage by 1 is full damage, 0 would be no damage
actortype( String actor_type )
addcustomthread( String threadType, String threadName
Adds a custom thread to the actor. The thread type is the specific type
to call, the name is the thread to call
aggressive( Float aggressiveness )
sets the aggressiveness of the actor... valid range between 0 and 1
Turns the AI off for this actor.
Turns the AI on for this actor.
alertevent( [ Float soundRadius ] )
Alerts Entities within the radius of the enemy's location.
allowfall( [ Boolean allow_fall_bool ] )
Makes the actor ignore falls when trying to move.
allowhangback( Integer allow_bool )
Sets whether or not the actor will bother to hang back.
allowtalk( Integer allow_bool )
Sets whether or not the actor will bother to talk to the player.
anim( String anim_name )
Starts the PlayAnim behavior.
Called when the actor's animation is done, it is not meant to be called
from script.
animateonce( String anim_name )
Runs the specified animation one time, then holds the last frame
attachactor( String model, String targetname, String
bone )
attach actor to the given bone
attachcurrentenemy( String bone )
attach current enemy to the given bone
attack( Entity ent, [ Boolean force ] )
Makes the actor attack the specified entity.
Makes enemies of all the players.
bleed_after_death( Boolean bleed_bool )
Sets whether or not the actor will bleed after dying.
blindlyfollowpath( String anim_name, [ Float offset ],
[ String pathnode ] )
Actor walks to specified path node without avoidance or collision
blink( Boolean shouldBlink )
Sets whether or not the actor should blink
Makes projectiles bounce off of actor (if they can't damage actor).
bounceoffeffect( String bounce_off_effect_name )
Sets the name of the effect to play when something bounces off the actor.
bounceoffevent( Vector object_origin )
Lets the actor know something just bounces off of it.
branchdialog( String dialogName )
Presents a branch dialog to the player.
broadcastdialog( String context )
Broadcasts a context dialog
bullet( String tag_name, Boolean use_current_pitch, Float
damage, Float knockback, String means_of_death, Vector spread, [ Float
range ] )
Fires a bullet from the actor from the specified tag towards the current
canbefinishedby( String mod1, [ String mod2 ], [ String
mod3 ], [ String mod4 ], [ String mod5 ], [ String mod6 ] )
Adds to the can be finished by list for this actor.
Allows the actor to walk on top of others.
changetype( String new_model_name )
Changes the actor to the specified new type of actor.
chargewater( Float damage, Float range )
Does a charge water attack.
checkactordead( Entity entity_to_check )
checks if an actor is dead
childsetanim( String childname, String anim_name )
sets the child to play the anim specified
childsuicide( String childname )
sets the child to kill itself
childusebehaviorpackage( String childname, String package_name
sets the child to use the specified behavior package but does NOT set
the master state
Sets Current Enemy to Null
Clears the list of items to spawn when this actor is killed.
clears the f'ng torso anim
combattraceinterval( Float interval )
Determines how often an actor will re-trace when doing can-attack types
of checks
cripple( Integer cripple_flag )
cripple actor ( 1 ) or not cripple actor ( 0 )
Makes the actor only do melee damage at most once during this attack.
Specifies that the actor is done with the damage once event.
damageallowed( Boolean damage_allowed )
Turns melee damage on and off.
damageangles( Float damage_angles )
Sets the the angles where the actor can be hurt (like fov).
damageenemy( Float damage, [ String model ] )
Damages the current enemy by the specified amount.
damageself( Float damage, String means_of_death )
Does everything necessary when an actor dies, it is not meant to be
called from script.
deathEffect( String deathEffectName )
Displays a display effect instead of fading, shrinking, etc.
Makes the actor fade when dead.
Makes the actor shrink when dead.
Makes the actor sink into the ground when dead.
deathsize( Vector min, Vector max )
Sets the actors new size for death.
Called for Debug Purposes from state machine
debugstates( Integer debug_state )
sets debug level for actor statemachine
dialog( String alias, [ String token1 ], [ String token2
], [ String token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String
token6 ] )
Add a dialog to this sentient.
Not meant to be called from script -- So DONT FREAKIN DO IT!!!!
Called when the sentient's dialog is done, it is not meant to be called
from script.
dialogMorphMult( Float dialogMorphMult )
Sets the multiplier for all dialog morphs for this actor.
diecompletely( Boolean die_bool )
Sets whether or not the actor dies completely (if he doesn't he mostly
just runs his kill_thread).
disable( Integer disable_flag )
disable actor ( 1 ) or not disable actor ( 0 )
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
domissionfailure( [ String reason ] )
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
emotion( [ String expression_name ] )
Sets the actors current emotion.
Ends the current behavior, it is not meant to be called from script.
Ends the current eye behavior it is not meant to be called from script.
Ends the current head behavior it is not meant to be called from script.
Ends the current torso behavior it is not meant to be called from script.
turns off the current enemy AI
turns on the current enemy AI
enemytype( String enemytype )
Sets the name of this actor's enemy type.
Makes the actor evaluate his enemy list
eyeoffset( Vector eyeoffset )
Sets the actor's eye position.
eyewatch( Entity entity_to_watch, [ Float max_speed ]
Actor watches the specified entity by turning his eyes.
failmission( Float time, [ String reason ] )
Fails the mission in the time specified
falltodeath( Float forwardmove, Float sidemove, Float
speed, String startanim, String fallanim, String deathanim, [ Float
anim_delay ] )
makes an actor fall to his death
feetwidth( Float feet_width )
Sets the width of the feet for this actor if different than the bounding
box size.
fire( [ String hand ], [ String mode ] )
Fires the weapon in the specified hand. With the specified mode (primary,
fly( [ Boolean fly_bool ] )
Specifies actor as being able to fly (optional bool can turn fly on
or off).
followcombatrange( Float maxRange )
Sets a range that the target considers _close enough_ while following
in a combat situation
followcombatrangemin( Float minRange )
Sets a minimum range for following in a combat situation
followrange( Float maxRange )
Sets a range that the target considers _close enough_ while following
followrangemin( Float minRange )
Sets a minimum range for following
followtarget( Entity entity_to_follow )
Sets the following target for the actor
followwaypoints( String waypointnode_name, [ String starting_anim_name
] )
Makes an actor follow a waypoint path starting at , starting at the
Makes the actor set his contents to setclip
Makes the actor forget about all enemies for one frame
forwardspeed( Float forwardspeed )
Sets the actor's forward speed.
fov( Float fov )
Sets the actor's field of view (fov).
fuzzyengine( String fuzzyengine_name )
Sets which fuzzy engine file to use
fuzzyengineactive( Boolean active )
sets the fuzzy engine active or not
getstage( )
Returns this actors current stage.
giveactorweapon( String weapon, [ Integer amount ] )
Gives a weapon to an actor
Makes the actor goto his next stage.
Makes the actor goto his previous stage.
gotostage( Integer stage_number )
Makes the actor goto the specified stage.
groupactortype( String actortype )
Sends an actortype event to the whole group
Sends and attack event to the whole group with this actors current enemy
groupdeaththread( String thread_name )
Sets a thread to call when all the members of a group have been killed
groupmemberinjured( Boolean injured )
Informs us that a group member is injured or not
groupnumber( Integer group_number )
sets the group number of the actor
havething( Integer thing_number, Boolean have_bool )
Sets whether or not the actor has this thing number.
headandeyewatch( Entity entity_to_watch, [ Float max_speed
] )
Actor watches the specified entity by turning his eyes,then head.
headTwitch( Boolean bool )
Sets whether or not the head should twitch.
headwatch( Entity entity_to_watch, [ Float max_speed
] )
Actor watches the specified entity by turning his head.
headwatchtarget( String target, Float speed )
sets the headwatch target... currently to enemy or none
health( Integer newHealth )
set the health of the entity to newHealth
heardsound( Entity noisyEntity, Vector noisyLocation,
Integer soundtype )
sent to entities when another makes a sound, not for script use
helpernodecommand( String commandtype )
Command from a helper node
idlestate( [ String state_name ] )
Tells the actor to go into idle mode.
ifcanhideat( Vector pos, [ String token1 ], [ String
token2 ], [ String token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [
String token6 ] )
Processes command if actor can hide at specified position.
ifenemyvisible( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ],
[ String token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6
] )
Process the following command if enemy is visible
ifenemywithin( Float distance, [ String token1 ], [ String
token2 ], [ String token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [
String token6 ] )
Processes command if actor is within distance of its current enemy.
ifnear( String name, Float distance, [ String token1
], [ String token2 ], [ String token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String
token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Process the following command if enemy is within specified distance
ignore_placement_warning( String warning_string )
Makes the specified placement warning not get printed for this actor.
Makes the actor ignore monster clip brushes.
ignorenextcontext( Boolean flag, String context )
Makes the actor ignore the next context event it receives
Makes this actor ignore pain from other actors.
ignorewater( Boolean ignore_water_bool )
Sets whether or not this actor will ignore water when moving.
immortal( Boolean immortal_bool )
Sets whether or not the actor is immortal or not.
in_alcove( Integer in_alcove_flat )
in alcove ( 1 ) or not in alcove ( 0 )
incoming_proj( Entity ent )
Notifies the actor of an incoming projectile.
incontext( String context )
Used to start a context dialog
jumpto( String pathnode_or_entity, [ Float launchAngle
], [ Float dummy_arg ] )
Actor jumps to specified path node
killed( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor,
Integer meansofdeath )
event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed
killthread( String kill_thread )
Sets the actor's kill thread.
lookat( Entity ent )
Specifies an entity to look at.
masterstatemap( String statemap_name, [ String state_name
] )
Sets which masterstatemap file to use and optionally what the first
state to go to.
max_inactive_time( Float max_inactive_time )
Sets the maximum amount of time an actor will stay idle before going
to sleep.
Also sepecifies the maximum amount of time an actor will keep looking
for an
enemy that the actor can no longer see.
maxbosshealth( Float max_boss_health )
Sets the actor's max boss health.
maxheadpitch( Float maxpitch )
Sets the max pitch the headwatcher can turn the head
maxheadyaw( Float maxyaw )
Sets the max yaw the headwatcher can turn the head
maxhealth( Integer newMaxHealth )
set the max_health of the entity to newMaxHealth
melee( [ Float damage ], [ String tag_name ], [ String
means_of_death ], [ Vector attack_vector ], [ Float knockback ], [ Integer
use_pitch_to_enemy ], [ Float attack_min_height ] )
Makes the actor do a melee attack. attack_vector = width length height
minmeleeheight( Float minimum_height )
Sets the minimum height a melee attack has to be to hurt the actor.
mouthangle( Float mouth_angle )
Sets the mouth angle of the sentient.
movementmode( String movment_mode )
sets the movment mode of the actor
name( String name )
Specifies the name of this actor type.
Makes the actor not chatter.
Specifies actor as not being able to walk on land.
Makes the actor use a mask of 0.
Makes the actor not broadcast sounds (AI stimuli) when taking pain or
Player fails the level if he kills an actor with this set.
Notifies the current behavior of an event,it is not meant to be called
from script.
Notifies the current eye behavior of an eventit is not meant to be called
from script.
Notifies the current head behavior of an eventit is not meant to be
called from script.
Makes the actor notify other actors of the same type when killed.
Notifies the current torso behavior of an eventit is not meant to be
called from script.
Makes the actor use a nonsolid mask.
onuse( String thread_name )
pain( Integer damage, Entity attacker, Integer meansofdeath
used to inflict pain to an entity
painthreshold( Float pain_threshold )
Sets the actor's pain threshold.
part_name( String part_name )
Specifies the name of this part (implying that this is a multi-part
permanentrespondto( String stimuli, Boolean respond )
sets AI response to stimuli
persistData( String var_name, String var_value )
Sets a persistant variable
pickupent( Entity entity_to_pickup, String pickup_anim_name
Makes actor pick up the specified entity
pickupthrowobject( String bone )
playdialog( [ String sound_file ], [ Float volume ],
[ Float min_dist ], [ Boolean headDisplay ], [ Boolean do_talk ], [
String state_name ], [ Entity user ] )
Called when a posture animation is done
posturestatemap( String statemap, [ Boolean loadingFlag
] )
Sets the state machine for the posture controller
printmessage( String message )
Prints a warning message to the console
Causes any subclass of entity to process any specific gameplay related
proj( String tag_name, String projectile_name, [ Integer
number_of_tags ], [ Boolean arc_bool ], [ Float speed ], [ Float offset
], [ Boolean lead ], [ Float spread ] )
Fires a projectile from the actor towards the current enemy.
projectileclose( Entity owener )
Informs Actor that a projectile is close
push( Vector dir )
Pushes the actor in the specified direction.
pushable( [ Boolean flag ] )
Sets whether or not an actor can be pushed out of the way.
putawayweapon( [ String hand ] )
Deactivate the weapon in the specified hand.
radiusattack( String tag_name, String means_of_death,
Float damage, Float radius, Float knockback, Boolean constant_damage
Does a radius attack from the tag name
register_parts( Entity entity, Integer forward )
Registers the passed in part as another part of this actor and specifies
whether or not to forward this message to the other parts.
Starts registration process for multi-entity actors
registerpackage( String package_name )
registers a behavior package
releasenode( Vector pos )
Releases a path node from being reserved.
Removes a useless dead body from the game.
removeactorweapon( String weapon )
reservenode( Vector pos, Float time )
Reserves a path node for the specified amount of time.
reseteyes( [ Float max_speed ] )
Actor resets its eyes back to looking forwards.
resethead( [ Float max_speed ] )
Actor resets its head back to looking forwards.
Resets and resyncs movedir with animdir
resettorso( Float max_speed )
Actor resets its torso to looking forwards
respondto( String stimuli, Boolean respond )
sets AI response to stimuli
Returns a projectile to the current enemy
runs an actors alert thread - NOT MEANT TO BE CALLED FROM SCRIPT
runthread( String label )
Runs the specified thread.
Saves off the last hit_bone
Sets the actor's current enemy to be the closest enemy in it's hate
Sets the actor's current enemy to be the next enemy in it's hate list,
assuming there is one.
selfdetonatemodel( String modelname )
Set the modelname of the explosion to be spawned when an actor self-detonates
sendcommand( String command, String part_name )
Sends a command to another one of its parts.
sendeventtogroup( String event, [ String parm ], [ String
parm ], [ String parm ], [ String parm ], [ String parm ] )
sends the specified event to the entire group
set_idle_state_name( String new_idle_state_name )
Sets the actor's new idle state name.
setabsolutemaxrange( Float absolute_max_range )
sets the absolute maximum range the actor will get from an entity
setabsoluteminrange( Float absolute_min_range )
sets the absolute minimum range the actor will get from an entity
setactivatethread( String thread_name )
Sets the thread to call when the AI Activates
setactivationdelay( Float delay )
If set up to use it, actors will delay action for the specifed delay
setactorflag( String flag_name, [ Boolean flag_bool ]
setaimleadfactors( Float minLeadFactor, Float maxLeadFactor
sets the lead factor for projectile aiming; 0 = don't lead, 1 = perfect
setalertthread( String thread_name )
sets a thread to be called when AI goes to alert
setanim( String anim_name, [ Float animationRate ] )
Sets the animation directly.
setbehaviorpackage( String package_name )
sets the actor to use the specified behavior package AND sets the masterstate
SetCheckConeOfFireDistance( Float distance )
Sets how close an actor must be for IN_CONE_OF_FIRE checks from a state
setcontextsoundinterval( Float interval )
Sets the context sound ( dialog ) interval
setdeathknockbackvalues( Float vertical_value, Float
horiz_value )
Sets Death Knockback Values
setdialogmode( String mode_type )
Sets the Dialog Mode for the actor, valid values are 'anxious', 'normal',
or 'ignore'
setenemyactorflag( String flag_name, [ Boolean flag_bool
] )
setenemyattached( Boolean attached )
sets whether or not the current enemy is attached -- Quetzal Specific
setenemytargeted( Boolean targeted )
Sets whether or not the enemy should display targeted shader
seteyeangleconstraints( Float min_eye_yaw_angle, Float
max_eye_yaw_angle, Float min_eye_pitch_angle, Float max_eye_pitch_angle
Sets the constraints on eye movement
setfloatproperty( String name, Float value )
Sets a float property on the actor
setheadwatchmaxdistance( Float maxdistance )
Sets the max distance for the headwatcher
sethitscanresponse( Float chance )
sets chance an actor will respond to hitscan attacks
setidlethread( String thread )
Sets the thread that will be run if this actor gets back to the idle
state again.
setmask( String mask_name )
Sets the actor's mask to the specified mask.
setmasterstate( String state_name )
setminpaintime( Float time )
Sets the minimum pain time
setnodeid( Integer id_number )
Sets the ID number of the helper nodes that this actor can use
setnotifyflag( String flag_name, [ Boolean flag_bool
] )
Sets an Actor's Notify Flag
setpackagetendency( String package_name, Float tendency
sets the tendency to execute the behavior package
setplaypainsoundinterval( Float interval )
Sets the pain sound interval
setposturestate( String currentState, String requestedState
setpreferredmaxrange( Float preferred_max_range )
sets the preferred maximum range the actor would like to be from an
setpreferredminrange( Float preferred_min_range )
sets the preferred minimum range the actor would like to be from an
setradiusdialogrange( Float range )
Sets the range for playing radius dialog
setsimplifiedthink( [ Boolean boolean ] )
change actor to SimplifiedThink think strategy
setsticktoground( Boolean stick )
Sets a bool that determines whether the actor ground follows
settalkwatchmode( String mode, [ Boolean useConvAnim
] )
Sets the talk watch mode -- valid entries are turnto, headwatchonly,
and ignore
setTargetType( Integer set_target_type )
Set Type of Target (0) Any, (1) Player Only, (2) Actors Only (3) Scripted
Only (4) Level_Interaction Triggers Only
settendency( String name, Float value )
Sets a tendency for the actor
setturretmode( Boolean on_off )
sets turret mode on or off
setvalidtarget( Boolean valid_target )
Sets whether or not actor is valid target in actor to actor confrontations
setvar( String var_name, String var_value )
setvartime( String var_name )
Sets the variable name to the current level time
setweaponready( Boolean ready )
sets if the actor has its weapon ready or not
Makes the actor use simplier path finding.
Makes the actor use a solid mask.
spawnactor( String model_name, String tag_name, Integer
how_many, Boolean attack, Float width, Float height, [ Float spawn_offset
], [ Boolean force ], [ Float add_height ] )
Spawns the specified number of actors.
spawnactoraboveenemy( String model_name, Integer how_many,
Boolean attack, Float width, Float height, Float how_far )
Spawns actors above current enemy
spawnactoratlocation( String model_name, String pathnode_name,
Integer how_many_path_nodes, Boolean attack, Float width, Float height
Spawns the specified actor at the specified pathnode.
spawnblood( String blood_name, String tag_name, [ Boolean
use_last_spawn_result ] )
Spawns blood at the specified tag.
spawnchance( Float spawn_chance )
Sets the chance that this actor will spawn something when killed.
spawngib( Vector offset, Float final_pitch, Float width,
String cap_name, String surface_name1, [ String surface_name2 ], [ String
surface_name3 ], [ String surface_name4 ], [ String surface_name5 ],
[ String surface_name6 ], [ String surface_name7 ], [ String surface_name8
], [ String surface_name9 ] )
spawngibattag( String tag_name, Float final_pitch, Float
width, String cap_name, String surface_name1, [ String surface_name2
], [ String surface_name3 ], [ String surface_name4 ], [ String surface_name5
], [ String surface_name6 ], [ String surface_name7 ], [ String surface_name8
], [ String surface_name9 ] )
spawnitem( String spawn_item_name )
Adds this names item to what will be spawned when this actor is killed.
spawnnamedgib( String gib_name, String tag_name, Float
final_pitch, Float width )
Initializes the actor a little, it is not meant to be called from script.
Sets the activationStart time to the current level time
statemap( String statemap_name, [ String state_name ]
Sets which statemap file to use and optionally what the first state
to go to.
Makes the actor stay solid after death.
steeringdirectionpreference( String preference )
Sends a string to define the way actors will turn when avoiding obstacles
Stops the actor's dialog.
stopfire( String hand )
Stops the firing of the weapon in the specified hand.
strictlyfollowpath( Boolean boolean )
Lets the actor know if he should follow paths exactly or if he can go
directly to his goal.
Makes the actor commit suicide.
Specifies actor as being able to swim.
talkiness( Float talkiness )
sets the talkiness of the actor... valid range between 0 and 1
targetable( Boolean should_target )
Sets whether or not this actor should be targetable by the player.
throwent( String throw_anim_name )
Makes actor throw the entity in hands
timebetweensleepchecks( Float delay )
sets the time between tests to see if the actor should sleep
Called when actor's torso anim is done, If you call this from script,
I will hunt you down, and end you
tossthrowobject( Float speed, Float gravity )
touchtriggers( [ Boolean touch_triggers_bool ] )
Sets whether the entity should touch triggers or not
trigger_field( Vector min, Vector max )
Specifies to create a trigger field around the actor of the specified
trigger_touched( Entity ent )
Notifies the actor that its trigger field has been touched.
turnspeed( Float turnspeed )
Sets the actor's turnspeed.
turntoangle( Float direction )
Specifies the direction to look in.
turntowardsenemy( Float angle )
Turns the actor towards the current enemy.
turntowardsentity( Entity entity )
Turns the actor towards the entity
Turns the actor towards the player.
unregisterpackage( String package_name )
unregisters a behavior package
Unreserves the current helper node
updatebosshealth( [ Boolean updateFlag ], [ Boolean forceOn
] )
Tells the actor to update the bosshealth cvar each time it thinks.
useactorweapon( String weapon, [ String hand ] )
Makes the specified weapon active for the actor
If they have the weapon
useanimset( String anim_set )
Sets the AnimSet... Valid Set Names are AnimSet1 , AnimSet2
usebehaviorpackage( String package_name )
sets the actor to use the specified behavior package but does NOT set
the master state
usegravity( Boolean use_gravity )
Tells the actor whether or not to use gravity for this animation.
useweapondamage( [ String hand ], [ Boolean setflag ]
Makes the melee event reference the damage of the weapon in the specified
visiondistance( Float vision_distance )
Sets the distance the actor can see.
walkto( String pathnode, [ String anim_name ], [ Float
force ], [ Float maxfailures ] )
Actor walks to specified path node
walkwatch( String pathnode, Entity entity, [ String anim_name
] )
Actor walks to specified path node and watches the specified entity
warpto( String node_name )
Warps the actor to the specified node
Makes the actor print a bunch of debug state info to the console
Makes the actor print the current behaviors failure reaon to the console
Used to control timing on adaption information loads
setadaptionfx( String adaption_fx )
set the adaption fx model
setFXlife( Float Normal_Time, Float Explosive_Time )
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
anim( String animName )
set the legs animation to animName.
animate_newanim( Integer animNum, Integer bodyPart )
Start a new animation, not for script use.
Legs animation has finished, not for script use.
setframe( Integer frameNumber, [ String animName ] )
Set the frame on the legs, if anim is not specified, current is assumed.
setmovedelta( Vector moveDelta )
movement from animation, not for script use.
stop the legs from animating. Animation will end at the end of current
torso_anim( String animName )
set the torso animation to animName.
Torso animation has finished, not for script use.
torso_setframe( Integer frameNumber, [ String animName
] )
Set the frame on the torso, if anim is not specified, current is assumed.
stop the torso from animating. Animation will end at the end of current
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
setactoranim( String anim_name )
sets what primary anim to set an actor to, when it reaches this waypoint
setwaypointthread( String thread_name )
sets the script thread to be called when the actor reaches this waypoint
angles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00>
set the angles of the entity to newAngles.
auto_active( Boolean newActiveState )
Whether or not the auto camera is active.
auto_maxfov( Float maxFOV )
Sets the maximum FOV that should be used when automatically calculating
auto_radius( Float newRadius )
Sets the radius of the automatic camera.
auto_starttime( Float newTime )
Sets how long it takes for the camera to be switched to.
auto_state( String state1, [ String state2 ], [ String
state3 ], [ String state4 ], [ String state5 ], [ String state6 ] )
Sets the states the player needs to be in for this camera to activate.
auto_stoptime( Float newTime )
Sets how long it takes for the camera switch back to the player.
Called each frame to allow the camera to adjust its position.
Continue the camera movement.
switch camera states immediately, do not transition
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
fadetime( Float fadetime )
Sets the fade time for camera transitioning.
follow( Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] )
Makes the camera follow an entity and optionally watch an entity.
follow_distance( Float distance )
Sets the camera follow distance.
follow_yaw( Float yaw )
Sets the yaw offset of the camera following an entity.
Makes the follow camera yaw absolute.
Makes the follow camera yaw relative (not absolute).
fov( Float fov, [ Float fadeTime ] )
Sets the camera's field of view (fov).
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time
if fov is less than 3, than an auto_fov will be assumed
the value of fov will be the ratio used for keeping a watch
entity in the view at the right scale
interpolatefov( Float fov, Float interpolateTime )
This is just like the camera set fov, but this uses a different name
To prevent naming conflicts.
loadKFC( String kfcFileName )
Load KFC file, parse it, create an instance of a CameraPath
lookat( Entity ent )
Makes the camera look at an entity.
moveto( Entity ent )
Move the camera's position to that of the specified entities.
movetopos( Vector position )
Move the camera's position to the specified position.
nextcamera( String nextCamera )
Sets the next camera to use.
nowatch( [ Float fadeTime ] )
Stop watching an entity or looking along a path.
Camera is now static as far as orientation.
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time
orbit( Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] )
Makes the camera orbit around an entity and optionally watch an entity.
orbit_height( Float height )
Sets the orbit camera's height.
setthread( String thread )
speed( Float speed )
Stop the camera movement.
thread( String thread )
turnto( Vector angle )
Makes the camera look in the specified direction.
watch( Entity watchEnt, [ Float fadeTime ] )
Makes the camera watch an entity.
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time
watchnode( [ Float fadeTime ] )
Makes the camera watch based on what is stored
in the camera nodes.
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time
watchpath( [ Float fadeTime ] )
Makes the camera look along the path of travel.
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time
Add a new point to the camera path where the player is standing.
Delete the current path node.
destroyKFCpath( [ Entity path ] )
Delete the specified .kfc file.
load( String filename )
loopPath( [ Entity path ] )
Loop the current path or the specified one.
Move the player to the current path node position.
Go to the next path node.
Set the current path node to watch nothing.
play( [ Entity path ] )
Play the current path or the specified one once.
playKFCpath( String kfc_filename, [ Float yaw_offset
], [ Vector origin_offset ] )
Loads a key-framed camera path (.KFC) file. Yaw_offset and origin_offset
are optional.
Go to the previous path node.
renamepath( String newName )
Rename the path to the new name.
Replace the current path node position/angle with the player's.
save( String filename )
savemap( String filename )
Saves the camera path to a map file.
setfadetime( Float newFadeTime )
Set the fadetime of the current path node.
setfov( String newFOV )
Set the fov at the current path node.
setpath( Entity path )
setspeed( Float speed )
Set the speed of the camera at the current path node.
settarget( String target )
settargetname( String targetname )
setthread( String thread )
Sets the thread for the current path node.
showpath( [ Entity path ] )
Shows the specified path.
Stop the camera playing path.
Updates the current node with user interface values.
watch( String watch )
Set the current path node to watch something.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the requested posture is active
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
beginCinematic( [ String originName ], [ Boolean callStartThreadFlag
] )
Begins the cinematic at the specified named origin. If theorigin name
isn't specified, begins at 0,0,0 with 0 degrees of yaw rotation.
beginCinematicAt( [ Vector originVector ], [ Float yawRotation
], [ Boolean callStartThreadFlag ] )
Begins the cinematic at the specified origin with the specified rotation.If
they are not specified, begins at 0,0,0 with 0 degrees of yaw rotation.
endCinematic( [ Boolean callEndThreadFlag ] )
setbeginthread( String threadName )
Sets the thread to call when the cinematic begins.
setendthread( String threadName )
Sets the thread to call when the cinematic ends.
behaviorfinished( Integer behaviorReturnCode, [ String
behaviorFailureReason ] )
The last behavior finished with the specified return code and optionally
a failure reason.This is sent to controllers of the actor.
Sent to a controller when it loses control.
Turns on debugging information for cinematics.
playCinematic( String cinematic, [ String originname
] )
Play the current cinematic or the specified one once.
playCinematicAt( String cinematic, [ Vector origin ],
[ Float yaw ] )
Play a cinematic at the specified origin with optional yaw rotatioin.
Stops a cinematic camera.
cinematiccut( )
Makes a cinematic camera cut.
cinematiccutfadeout( )
Fades out leading to a cinematic camera cut.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the requested posture is active
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the requested posture is active
ai_calcpath( Integer nodenum1, Integer nodenum2 )
Calculate path from node1 to node2.
ai_recalcpaths( Integer nodenum )
Update the specified node.
alias( String alias_name, String real_name, [ String
arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ] )
aliascache( String alias_name, String real_name, [ String
arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ] )
Sets up an alias and caches the resourse.
allowActionMusic( [ Boolean boolean ] )
Sets whether or not action music is allowed or not.
allowMusicDucking( [ Boolean boolean ] )
Sets whether or not music ducking is allowed.
arctandegrees( Float y, Float x )
Returns the angle (in degrees) described by a 2d vector pointing to
assert( Float value )
Asserts so that we can break back into the debugger from script.
cache( String resource_name )
Cache the specified resource.
cam( String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ],
[ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )
Processes a camera command.
cam_fadein( Float time, Float color_red, Float color_green,
Float color_blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] )
Sets up fadein in values.
cam_fadeout( Float time, Float color_red, Float color_green,
Float color_blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] )
ceil( Float float_value )
Returns the closest integer not smaller than float.
centerprint( String stuffToPrint )
prints the included message in the middle of all player's screens
Clear the fade from the screen
clearletterbox( Float time )
connectPathnodes( String node1, String node2 )
Connects the 2 specified nodes.
cosdegrees( Float degrees )
Returns the cosine of the angle specified (in degrees).
cosradians( Float radians )
Returns the cosine of the angle specified (in radians).
cprint( String string )
createCinematic( String cinematicName )
Creates a cinematic from disk. Returns the created cinematic.Each call
to this function creates a new cinematic, even if acinematic with this
name already exists.
cuecamera( Entity entity, [ Float switchTime ] )
Cue the camera. If switchTime is specified, then the camera
will switch over that length of time.
cueplayer( [ Float switchTime ] )
Go back to the normal camera. If switchTime is specified,
then the camera will switch over that length of time.
disconnectPathnodes( String node1, String node2 )
Disconnects the 2 specified nodes.
div( Integer nominator, Integer denominator )
Returns the integer value from nominator / denominator
doesEntityExist( Entity entity )
Returns whether or not an entity exists.
doesVarExist( String variable_name )
Returns whether or not a variable exists.
Makes it so we don't save the player's orientation across this sublevel.
Ends the player death thread (goes on to mission failed).
exp( Float x )
fadeisactive( )
Returns 1 if a fade is in progress.
Will create a fake version of the player, hide the real one and
call the fake one 'fakeplayer'.
floor( Float float_value )
Returns the closest integer not larger than float.
forcemusic( String current, [ String fallback ] )
Forces the current and fallback (optional) music moods.
getcurrententity( )
Retrieves the current entity
getcvar( String cvar_name )
Returns the string value of the specified cvar.
getcvarfloat( String cvar_name )
Returns the float value of the specified cvar.
getcvarint( String cvar_name )
Returns the integer value of the specified cvar.
getentity( String entityname )
Returns the entity with the specified targetname.
getfloatvar( String variable_name )
Gets a level, game, or entity variable.
getgameplayfloat( String objname, String propname )
Returns the float value of the object property.
getgameplaystring( String objname, String propname )
Returns the string value of the object property.
getintfromstring( String string )
Returns the integer found in a string. Can be called with strings that
contain text, such as enemy12.
getLevelTime( )
Returns how many seconds.milliseconds the current level has been running.
getnextentity( Entity currententity )
Returns the next entity in the list with the same name as the current
GetNumFreeReliableServerCommands( Entity player )
Returns the number of reliable server command slots that are still available
for use
getstringvar( String variable_name )
Gets a level, game, or entity variable.
getvectorvar( String variable_name )
Gets a level, game, or entity variable.
isactoralive( String actor_name )
Checks if an Actor is alive or not
isactordead( String actor_name )
Checks if an Actor is dead or not
killclass( String class_name, [ Integer except ] )
Kills everything in the specified class except for the specified entity
killent( Integer ent_num )
Kill the specified entity.
killthread( String threadName )
kills all threads starting with the specified name
letterbox( Float time )
Puts the game in letterbox mode.
level_ai( Boolean on_or_off )
Turns on or off Level-wide AI for monsters.
log( Float x )
Returns the log (base 2).
map( String map_name )
Starts the specified map.
mod( Integer nominator, Integer denominator )
Returns the integer remainder from nominator / denominator
movedone( Entity finishedEntity )
Sent to commanding thread when done with move .
music( String current, [ String fallback ] )
Sets the current and fallback (optional) music moods.
musicvolume( Float volume, Float fade_time )
Sets the volume and fade time of the music.
Makes it so no intermission happens at the end of this level.
playerDeathThread( String threadName )
Sets a thread to run when the player dies.
print( String string, [ String string ], [ String string
], [ String string ], [ String string ], [ String string ], [ String
string ], [ String string ], [ String string ], [ String string ], [
String string ], [ String string ], [ String string ], [ String string
], [ String string ], [ String string ] )
printfloat( Float float )
printint( Integer integer )
printvector( Vector vector )
randomfloat( Float max_float )
Sets the float to a random number.
randomint( Integer max_int )
Sets the integer to a random number.
removeActorsNamed( String class_name )
remove all actors in the game that have a matching name field (NOT targetname)
removeclass( String class_name, [ Integer except ] )
Removes everything in the specified class except for the specified entity
removeent( Integer ent_num )
Removes the specified entity.
Will delete the fake version of the player, un-hide the real one and
return to the normal game
removevar( String variable_name )
Removes a level, game, or entity variable and frees any memory used
by it
restoremusicvolume( Float fade_time )
Restores the music volume to its previous value.
Restores the soundtrack to the previous one.
round( Float float_value )
Returns the rounded value of a float.
runThreadNamed( String label )
Creates a thread starting at label.
script_callback( Entity slave, String name, Entity other
SendClientCommand( Entity player, String command )
Sends a command across to the client
SendClientVar( Entity player, String varName )
Sends a variable across to the client
setcvar( String cvar_name, String value )
Sets the value of the specified cvar.
setfloatvar( String variable_name, Float float_value
Sets a level, game, or entity variable.
setgameplayfloat( String objname, String propname, Float
value )
Sets a property float value on an object
setgameplaystring( String objname, String propname, String
valuestr )
Sets a property string value on an object
setlightstyle( Integer lightstyleindex, String lightstyledata
Set up the lightstyle with lightstyleindex to the specified data
setstringvar( String variable_name, String string_value
Sets a level, game, or entity variable.
setvectorvar( String variable_name, Vector vector_value
Sets a level, game, or entity variable.
sindegrees( Float degrees )
Returns the sine of the angle specified (in degrees).
sinradians( Float radians )
Returns the sine of the angle specified (in radians).
skipthread( String thread_name )
soundtrack( String soundtrack_name )
spawn( String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String
value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3
], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )
Spawn the specified entity.
sqrt( Float x )
Returns the sign-preserving square root of x.
stuffcmd( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String
arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )
targetof( Entity entity )
Gets the name of the entity's target
terminate( Integer thread_number )
Terminates the specified thread or the current one if none specified.
thread( String label )
Creates a thread starting at label.
threadname( String threadName )
sets the name of the thread
trigger( String entname )
Trigger the specified target.
triggerentity( Entity entityToTrigger )
Trigger the specified entity.
vectorcross( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )
Returns the cross product of vector1 and vector2.
vectordot( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )
Returns the dot product of vector1 and vector2.
vectorforward( Vector vector )
Returns the forward vector of the vector.
vectorgetx( Vector vector )
Returns the x of the vector.
vectorgety( Vector vector )
Returns the y of the vector.
vectorgetz( Vector vector )
Returns the z of the vector.
vectorleft( Vector vector )
Returns the left vector of the vector.
vectorlength( Vector vector )
Returns the length of the vector.
vectornormalize( Vector vector )
Returns the normalized vector.
vectorscale( Vector vector, Float scale_value )
Returns the vector scaled by scale
vectorsetx( Vector vector, Float x_value )
Sets the x value of a vector
vectorsety( Vector vector, Float y_value )
Sets the y value of a vector
vectorsetz( Vector vector, Float z_value )
Sets the z value of a vector
vectorToString( Vector vector )
Converts a vector to a string
vectorup( Vector vector )
Returns the up vector of the vector.
wait( Float wait_time )
Wait for the specified amount of time.
waitDialogLength( String dialogName )
Wait for the length of time of the dialog.
waitfor( Entity ent )
Wait for the specified entity.
waitForAnimation( Entity entity, String animName, [ Float
additionalDelay ] )
Waits for time of the animation length plus the additional delayt specified.
waitForDeath( String name )
waitForDialog( Entity actor, [ Float additional_delay
] )
Wait for end of the dialog for the specified actor.
If additional_delay is specified, than the actor will
wait the dialog length plus the delay.
Wait for player to be ready.
waitForSound( String sound_name, Float delay )
Wait for end of the named sound plus an optional delay.
waitForThread( Integer thread_number )
Wait for the specified thread.
Called when the dispenser's animation is done
Makes the dispenser give out its stuff instantly
dispenser_maxamount( Float maxAmount )
Sets the total amount that this dispenser can give out.
dispenser_openDistance( Float openDistance )
Sets the distance from the player that the dispenser will open/close
dispenser_rate( Float dispenseRate )
Sets the dispense rate (how many units per second to give out).
dispenser_regenrate( Float regenRate )
Sets the regen rate (how many units per second to regen).
dispenser_soundName( String soundName )
Makes the dispenser use the specified looping sound when its being used
dispenser_subtype( String subtype )
Sets the subtype of thing to give out.
There is no subtype for health, the subtype for ammo is the ammo type.
dispenser_type( String type )
Sets the type of thing to give out.
Only health and ammo are valid currently.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
dmg( Integer damage )
Sets the amount of damage the door will do to entities that get stuck
in it.
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
doBlocked( Entity obstacle )
sent to entity when blocked.
door_triggerfield( Entity other )
Is called when a doors trigger field is touched.
Called when the door finishes closing.
Called when the door finishes opening.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
extraTriggerSize( Vector extraTriggerSize )
Sets the extra trigger size to use for a door, defaults to (0 0 0).
gdb_setdamage( String damagestr )
Sets the gameplay version of damage with keywords.
killed( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor,
Integer meansofdeath )
event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed
open( Entity other )
sound_locked( String sound_locked )
Sets the sound to use when the door is locked.
sound_message( String sound_message )
Sets the sound to use when the door displays a message.
sound_move( String sound_move )
Sets the sound to use when the door moves.
sound_stop( String sound_stop )
Sets the sound to use when the door stops.
time( Float traveltime )
Sets the time it takes for the door to open an close.
toggledoor( Entity other )
Toggles the state of the door (open/close).
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
tryToOpen( Entity other )
wait( Float wait )
Sets the amount of time to wait before automatically shutting.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
killed( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor,
Integer meansofdeath )
event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed
distance( Float distance )
Sets the distance that an earthquake will effect things.
duration( Float duration )
Sets the duration of the earthquake.
earthquake_playsound( [ Boolean bool ] )
Sets whether or not the earthquake plays its looping sound or not (defaults
to true).
magnitude( Float theMagnitude )
Sets the magnitude of the earthquake.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
emitter( String name )
addHealthOverTime( Float healthToAdd, Float timeToAdd
Specifies how much and howlong to add health.
alias( String alias, String realname, [ String parameter1
], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4
], [ String parameter5 ], [ String paramater6 ] )
create an alias for the given realname
Valid parameters are as follows:
global - all instances act as one
stop - once used, don't use again
timeout [seconds] - once used wait [seconds] until using again
maxuse [times] - can only be used [times] times.
weight [weight] - random weighting
aliascache( String alias, String realname, [ String parameter1
], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4
], [ String parameter5 ], [ String paramater6 ] )
create an alias for the given realname and cache the resource
Valid parameters are as follows:
global - all instances act as one
stop - once used, don't use again
timeout [seconds] - once used wait [seconds] until using again
maxuse [times] - can only be used [times] times.
weight [weight] - random weighting
alpha( Float newAlpha )
Set the alpha of the entity to alpha.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
angles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00>
set the angles of the entity to newAngles.
anim( String animName )
set the legs animation to animName.
animate_newanim( Integer animNum, Integer bodyPart )
Start a new animation, not for script use.
archetype( String archetype )
Sets the archetype name for this entity
attach( Entity parent, String tagname, [ Integer use_angles
], [ Vector offset ], [ Vector angles_offset ] )
attach this entity to the parent's legs tag called tagname
attachanim( String anim_name, String tag_name )
sets the anim on an attached entity at the specified tag
attachmodel( String modelname, String tagname, [ Float
scale ], [ String targetname ], [ Boolean detach_at_death ], [ Float
removetime ], [ Float fadeintime ], [ Float fadeoutdelay ], [ Float
fadetime ], [ Vector offset ], [ Vector angles_offset ] )
attach a entity with modelname to this entity to tag called tagname.
scale - scale of attached entities
targetname - targetname for attached entities
detach_at_death - when entity dies, should this model be detached.
removetime - when the entity should be removed, if not specified, never.
fadeintime - time to fade the model in over.
fadeoutdelay - time to wait until we fade the attached model out
fadeoutspeed - time the model fades out over
offset - vector offset for the model from the specified tag
angles_offset - angles offset for the model from the specified tag
autocache( String resourceName )
pre-cache the given resource.
bind( Entity parent )
bind this entity to the specified entity.
cache( String resourceName )
pre-cache the given resource.
used to ban certain contact when in parentmode
Called when an entity's cinematic animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
classname( String nameOfClass )
Determines what class to use for this entity,
this is pre-processed from the BSP at the start
of the level.
clearCustomEmitter( String emitterName )
Clears the custom emitter for this Entity
clearcustomshader( String shader_name )
Clears Custom Shader FX on Entity
contents( String ct1, [ String ct2 ], [ String ct3 ],
[ String ct4 ], [ String ct5 ], [ String ct6 ] )
The content type of the entity
damage_type( String meansofdeathstring )
Set the type of damage that this entity can take
damagemodifier( String modifiertype, String value, Float
multiplier, [ Float chance ], [ Float minpain ], [ Float maxpain ] )
Add a damage modifier to this entities list
modifiertypes are:
tikiname, name, group, actortype, targetname, damagetype
Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this gets
called each frame).
Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this starts
detach this entity from its parent.
Detach all the children from the entity.
displayeffect( String effect_type, [ String effect_name
] )
Displays the named effect.
doesVarExist( String variable_name )
Returns whether or not a variable exists.
doradiusdamage( Float damage, String meansofdeath, Float
radius, Float knockback, [ Boolean constant_damage ], [ Float repeat_time
] )
calls RadiusDamage() using the entity information and owner
droptofloor( [ Float maxRange ] )
drops the entity to the ground, if maxRange is not specified 8192 is
earthquake( Float magnitude, Float duration, [ Float
distance ] )
effects( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ],
[ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ],
[ String parameter6 ] )
Change the current entity effects flags.
Valid flags are as follows:
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag
everyframe - process commands every time entity is rendered
executeobjectprogram( Float time )
executes this objects program at the specified time
explosionattack( String explosionModel, [ String tagName
] )
Spawn an explosion optionally from a specific tag
fade( [ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float target_alpha<0.00...1.00>
] )
Fade the entity's alpha, reducing it by 0.03
every FRAMETIME, until it has faded out, does not remove the entity
fadein( [ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float
target_alpha<0.00...1.00> ] )
Fade the entity's alpha and scale in, increasing it by 0.03
every FRAMETIME, until it has faded completely in to 1.0.
If fadetime or target_alpha are defined, they will override
the default values.
fadeout( [ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float
target_alpha<0.00...1.00> ] )
Fade the entity's alpha and scale out, reducing it by 0.03
every FRAMETIME, until it has faded out. If fadetime or
target_alpha are defined, they will override the defaults.
Once the entity has been completely faded, the entity is removed.
flags( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ],
[ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ],
[ String parameter6 ] )
Change the current entity flags.
Valid flags are as follows:
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag
blood - should it bleed
explode - should it explode when dead
die_gibs - should it spawn gibs when dead
god - makes the entity invincible
notarget - makes the entity notarget
forcealpha( [ Boolean bool ] )
Sets whether or not alpha is forced
fulltrace( Boolean on_or_off )
Turns fulltrace physics movement on or off for this entity.
gdb_sethealth( String healthstr )
Sets the gameplay version of health with keywords.
getangles( )
Retrieves the entity's angles
getfloatvar( String variable_name )
Gets a level, game, or entity variable.
gethealth( )
Gets the health of the entity
getmaxs( )
Returns the maximum extent of the bounding box
getmins( )
Returns the minimum extent of the bounding box
getmodelname( )
Retrieves the model name of the entity
getorigin( )
Gets the origin of the entity.
getRawTargetName( )
Gets the targetname of the entity without the leading $.
getstringvar( String variable_name )
Gets a level, game, or entity variable.
getTarget( [ Boolean wantsPrefix ] )
Returns the name of the current target.
gettargetentity( )
Returns the current target entity
getTargetName( )
Gets the targetname of the entity with the leading $.
getvectorvar( String variable_name )
Gets a level, game, or entity variable.
getvelocity( )
make non-solid but still send to client regardless of hide status.
gravity( Float gravityValue )
Change the gravity on this entity
health( Integer newHealth )
set the health of the entity to newHealth
hide the entity, opposite of show.
hurt( Float damage, [ String means_of_death ], [ Vector
direction ] )
Inflicts damage if the entity is damageable. If the number of damage
points specified in the command argument is greater or equal than the
entity's current health, it will be killed or destroyed.
ifskill( Integer skillLevel, String command, [ String
argument1 ], [ String argument2 ], [ String argument3 ], [ String argument4
], [ String argument5 ] )
if the current skill level is skillLevel than execute command
boosts the shotsFired on this entity's parent if it is an actor
iswithindistanceof( Entity targetEntity, Float distance
returns 1.0 if this entity is within the specified distance of the target
entity return 0.0 if it is not
joinTeam( Entity teamMember )
console based command to kill yourself if stuck.
kill all the attached entities.
killtarget( String targetName )
when dying kill entities with this targetName.
light( Float color_red, Float color_green, Float color_blue,
Float radius )
Create a dynmaic light on this entity.
lightBlue( Float blue )
Set the blue component of the dynmaic light on this entity.
lightGreen( Float green )
Set the green component of the dynmaic light on this entity.
Turn the configured dynamic light on this entity off.
Turn the configured dynmaic light on this entity on.
lightRadius( Float radius )
Set the radius of the dynmaic light on this entity.
lightRed( Float red )
Set the red component of the dynmaic light on this entity.
lightStyle( Integer lightStyleIndex )
What light style to use for this dynamic light on this entity.
Makes the player look at this object if close.
loopsound( String soundName, [ Float volume ], [ String
minimum_distance ] )
play a looped-sound with a certain volume and minimum_distance
which is attached to the current entity.
mask( String mask1, [ String mask2 ], [ String mask3
], [ String mask4 ], [ String mask5 ], [ String mask6 ] )
Sets the mask of the entity. Masks can either be real masks or contents.
A +before themask adds it, a - removes it, and nothing sets it
mass( Integer massAmount )
set the mass of this entity.
maxhealth( Integer newMaxHealth )
set the max_health of the entity to newMaxHealth
missionobjective( Boolean missionobjective )
Sets the mission objective flag
model( String modelName )
set the model to modelName.
morph( String morph_target_name, [ Float final_percent
], [ Float morph_time ], [ Boolean return_to_zero ] )
Morphs to the specified morph target
Does all of the morph work each frame
multiplayer( String realEventName, [ String parm1 ],
[ String parm2 ], [ String parm3 ], [ String parm4 ], [ String parm5
] )
Sends off a real event only if this is a multiplayer game
Sets this entity as detail that doesn't get sent across the network
of set as low bandwidth by the client
entity does not take damage.
note( String note )
origin( Vector newOrigin )
Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.
playsound( String soundName, [ Integer channel ], [ Float
volume ], [ String min_distance ] )
play a sound coming from this entity.
default channel, CHAN_BODY.
processinit( Integer modelIndex )
process the init section of this entity, this is an internal command,
it is not meant to be called from script.
projectileattack( String projectile_name, [ String tag_name
] )
projectileattackentity( String projectileName, String
entityName, [ Float trajectoryAngle ], [ Float lifespan ] )
Launches a projectile at the named entity
projectileattackfrompoint( String projectileName, Vector
position, Vector direction, [ Float speed ], [ Float lifespan ] )
Launches a projectile from the desired location
projectileattackfromtag( String projectileName, String
tagName, [ Float speed ], [ Float lifespan ] )
Launches a projectile from the named tag
projectileattackpoint( String projectileName, Vector
targetPosition, [ Float trajectoryAngle ], [ Float lifespan ] )
Launches a projectile at the named entity
projectilecansticktome( Boolean can_stick )
Bool that determines whether projectiles stick in this entity.
quit the current bind team
randomScale( Float minScale, Float maxScale )
Set the scale of the entity randomly between minScale and maxScale
removeattachedmodel( String tagname, [ Float fadetime
], [ String modelname ] )
Removes the model attached to this entity at the specified tag.
removeAttachedModelByTargetname( String targetname )
Removes all models that are attached to this entity with the specified
removevar( String variable_name )
Removes a level, game, or entity variable and frees any memory used
by it
rendereffects( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2
], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5
], [ String parameter6 ] )
Change the current render effects flags.
Valid flags are as follows:
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag
dontdraw - send the entity to the client, but don't draw
betterlighting - do sphere based vertex lighting on the entity
lensflare - add a lens glow to the entity at its origin
viewlensflare - add a view dependent lens glow to the entity at its
lightoffset - use the dynamic color values as a light offset to the
skyorigin - this entity is the portal sky origin
minlight - this entity always has some lighting on it
fullbright - this entity is always fully lit
additivedynamiclight - the dynamic light should have an additive effect
lightstyledynamiclight - the dynamic light uses a light style, use the
depthhack - this entity is drawn with depth hack on
'lightstyle' command to set the index of the light style to be used
scale( Float newScale )
set the scale of the entity
scriptshader( String shaderCommand, Float argument1,
[ Float argument2 ] )
alias for shader command, change a specific shader parameter for the
Valid shader commands are:
translation [trans_x] [trans_y] - change the texture translation
offset [offset_x] [offset_y] - change the texture offset
rotation [rot_speed] - change the texture rotation speed
frame [frame_num] - change the animated texture frame
wavebase [base] - change the base parameter of the wave function
waveamp [amp] - change the amp parameter of the wave function
wavebase [phase] - change the phase parameter of the wave function
wavefreq [freq] - change the frequency parameter of the wave function
spawns and explosion and removes this entity
setcinematicanim( String anim_name )
sets a cinematic anim on an entity
setcontrollerangles( Integer num, Vector angles )
Sets the control angles for the specified bone.
setCustomEmitter( String emitterName )
Sets up a custom emitter for this entity.
setcustomshader( String shader_name )
Sets Custom Shader FX on Entity
setentityexplosionmodel( String model_name )
sets this entitys explosion model which is used in selfDetonate
setfloatvar( String variable_name, Float float_value
Sets a level, game, or entity variable.
setframe( Integer frameNumber, [ String animName ] )
Set the frame on the legs, if anim is not specified, current is assumed.
setgroupid( Integer groupID )
Sets the groupID of this entity
setmovetype( String movetype )
Sets the move type of this entity
Valid types are:
none , stationary , noclip , push , stop
walk , step , fly , toss , flymissile
bounce, slider, rope , gib , vehicle
setobjectprogram( String program )
sets this objects program
Sets the origin every frame ( for bound objects )
setsize( Vector mins, Vector maxs )
Set the bounding box of the entity to mins and maxs.
setstringvar( String variable_name, String string_value
Sets a level, game, or entity variable.
settargetposition( String targetbone )
Sets the Target Position Bone
setvectorvar( String variable_name, Vector vector_value
Sets a level, game, or entity variable.
setvelocity( Vector velocity )
shader( String shaderCommand, Float argument1, [ Float
argument2 ] )
change a specific shader parameter for the entity.
Valid shader commands are:
translation [trans_x] [trans_y] - change the texture translation
offset [offset_x] [offset_y] - change the texture offset
rotation [rot_speed] - change the texture rotation speed
frame [frame_num] - change the animated texture frame
wavebase [base] - change the base parameter of the wave function
waveamp [amp] - change the amp parameter of the wave function
wavebase [phase] - change the phase parameter of the wave function
wavefreq [freq] - change the frequency parameter of the wave function
show the entity, opposite of hide.
simplePlayDialog( String sound_file, [ Float volume ],
[ Float min_dist ] )
Plays a dialog without all the special features the actors' have.
soundevent( [ Float soundRadius ], [ String soundtype
] )
Let the AI know that this entity made a sound,
radius determines how far the sound reaches.
spawneffect( String modelName, String tagName, [ Float
removeTime ] )
Spawns the effect at the specified tag
spawnflags( Integer flags )
spawnflags from the BSP, these are set inside the editor
Makes the entity go into stasis mode
entity does not move, causes no physics to be run on it.
stop the legs from animating. Animation will end at the end of current
Stop the looped-sound on this entity.
stopsound( [ Integer channel ] )
stop the current sound on the specified channel.
default channel, CHAN_BODY.
Makes the entity stop its stasis mode
surface( String surfaceName, [ String parameter1 ], [
String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [
String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] )
change a legs surface parameter for the given surface.
+ sets the flag, - clears the flag
Valid surface commands are:
skin1 - set the skin1 offset bit
skin2 - set the skin2 offset bit
nodraw - don't draw this surface
svflags( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ],
[ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ],
[ String parameter6 ] )
Change the current server flags.
Valid flags are as follows:
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag
broadcast - always send this entity to the client
makes entity take damage.
target( String targetname_to_target )
target another entity with targetname_to_target.
targetname( String targetName )
set the targetname of the entity to targetName.
team( String moveTeam )
used to make multiple entities move together.
todo( String todo )
This is an item that needs to be done
stop the torso from animating. Animation will end at the end of current
touchtriggers( [ Boolean touch_triggers_bool ] )
Sets whether the entity should touch triggers or not
traceattack( Float damage, Float range, [ String means_of_death
], [ Float knockback ], [ String tag_name ] )
traceHitsEntity( String tagName, Float length, Entity
entityToCheck )
Does a trace to check to see if it hits this entity
.Use this very rarely or a programmer will kill you!
trigger( String name )
Trigger the specified target or entity.
unmorph( String morph_target_name )
Unmorphs the specified morph target
useanim( String animname )
Animation for the player to play when this entity is used.
do not perform perfect collision, use bounding box instead.
usecount( Integer count )
Sets the number of times this entity can be used.
usedata( String animname, String usetype, String threadname
Sets data for this usuable entity.
usemaxdist( Float maxdist )
Sets maximum distance this entity can be used.
uservar1( String string_value )
uservar2( String string_value )
uservar3( String string_value )
uservar4( String string_value )
usethread( String threadname )
Thread to call when this entity is used.
usetype( String usetype )
Use type (widget name) for the use icon
viewmode( String viewModeName )
Specifies that this entity uses the specified view mode.
warp( Vector position )
Warps the entity to the specified position.
watchoffset( Vector offset )
Sets the entity's watch offset.
call airstrike from equipment
hasmodes( String mode1, [ String mode2 ], [ String mode3
], [ String mode4 ], [ String mode5 ], [ String mode6 ], [ String mode7
], [ String mode8 ], [ String mode9 ], [ String mode10 ] )
Specify the modes this equipment has.
The equipment has a radar
The equipment has a scanner
typeName( String typeName )
Sets the type name of this equipment
amount( Integer amountOfDebris )
How much debris to spawn each time.
debrismodel( String debrisModel )
What kind of debris to spawn when triggered.
doexplosion( [ String explosionModel ], [ Float explosionRadius
] )
Causes the object to explode (use dmg to set the damage)
explodeObject_EarthquakeDistance( Float earthquakeDistance
Sets the earthquake distance
explodeObject_EarthquakeDuration( Float earthquakeDuration
Sets the earthquake duration
explodeObject_EarthquakeMagnitude( Float earthquakeMagnitude
Sets the earthquake magnitude
Causes the object to spawn an earthquake when it explodes
Specifies that this is an exploding tiki file (visible and solid). Use
only in tiki files
setsound( String soundname )
Sound played when the debris explosion occurs
severity( Float newSeverity )
How violently the debris should be ejected.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
dmg( Integer damage )
Sets the damage the explosion does.
gdb_setdamage( String damagestr )
Sets the gameplay version of damage with keywords.
health( Integer newHealth )
set the health of the entity to newHealth
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
anglespeed( Float speed )
base_velocity( Vector velocity )
Check if exploding wall is on ground.
dmg( Integer dmg )
Set the damage from the exploding wall.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
explosions( Integer explosions )
Set the number of explosions.
gdb_setdamage( String damagestr )
Sets the gameplay version of damage with keywords.
land_angles( Vector angles )
land_radius( Float radius )
random_velocity( Vector velocity )
Set the amount of random variation of the base velocity.
Initializes the exploding wall.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
Makes the explosion do constant damage over the radius
This event is generated each frame if explosion is set to damage each
Makes the explosion damage every frame
flash( Float mintime, Float time, Float color_red, Float
color_green, Float color_blue, Float minradius, Float radius )
radius( Float projectileRadius )
set the radius for the explosion
radiusdamage( Float radiusDamage )
set the radius damage an explosion does
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
sent to entity when touched.
dmg( Integer dmg )
Set the damage from the rock.
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
gdb_setdamage( String damagestr )
Sets the gameplay version of damage with keywords.
noise( String sound )
Set the sound to play when the rock bounces
rotates the falling rock.
speed( Float speed )
Set the speed that the rock moves at.
wait( Float wait )
How long to wait before rock starts falling.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
dampening( Float newDampening )
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
limit( Float newLimit )
angular limit for the fulcrum.
movesound( String newSinkSound )
Sound played when fulcrum is moving.
Reset the fulcrum right now.
resetspeed( Float newResetspeed )
Speed at which fulcrum resets itself, defaults to 0.002 * speed.
speed( Float speed )
Speed at which fulcrum operates itself.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
angles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00>
set the angles of the entity to newAngles.
color( Vector color_beam<0.00...1.00><0.00...1.00><0.00...1.00>
Set the color of the beam
delay( Float delay )
Set the amount of delay on the beam updater
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
endalpha( Float alpha )
Set the endpoint alpha value of the beam
endpoint( Vector beam_end_point )
Set the end point of the beam. The beam will be draw from the origin
the end point.
Find the endpoint of a beam
life( Float beam_life )
Set the amount of time the beam stays on when activated
maxoffset( Float max_offset )
Set the maximum offset the beam can travel above, below, forward or
back of it's endpoints
minoffset( Float min_offset )
Set the minimun offset the beam can travel above, below, forward or
back of it's endpoints
model( String modelName )
set the model to modelName.
numsegments( Integer numsegments )
Set the number of segments for the beam
numspherebeams( Integer num )
Set the number of beams that will be shot out in a sphere like formation
overlap( Float beam_overlap )
Set the amount of overlap the beams have when they are being strung
persist( Boolean bool )
Set the persist property of the beam
radius( Float radius )
Set the starting radius of the beams if this is a beamsphere
shader( String beam_shader )
Set the shader that the beam will use
Make the beam cause damage to entities that get in the way
shootradius( Float radius )
Set the radius of the damage area between beam endpoints
target( String beam_target )
Set the target of the beam. The beam will be drawn from the origin
to the origin of the target entity
tileshader( String beam_shader )
Set the shader that the beam will use. This shader will be tiled.
toggledelay( Float time, [ Boolean isRandom ] )
Causes a beam toggling effect. Sets the time between toggling.
If the isRandom flag is set, the time will be random from 0 to the time
Update the endpoint of a beam
Update the origin of a beam
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the requested posture is active
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.
throwgib( Entity ent, Float velocity, Float scale )
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
goodebriscount( Integer count )
Number of pieces of debris to spawn
goodebrismodel( String modelname )
Model name for the debris that is spawned on explosion
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Deactivate the grav path.
maxspeed( Float maxspeed )
Set the max speed of the grav path.
radius( Float radius )
Set the radius of the grav path.
speed( Float speed )
Set the speed of the grav path.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
item_pickup( Entity item )
Pickup the specified item.
Causes any subclass of entity to process any specific gameplay related
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
activationrange( Float activation_range )
Specifies the range an actor needs to be to consider using the node
addanim( String anim, String waittype )
Adds an animation to the custom anim list
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
animactive( Boolean active )
Specifies if the animation component is active
animcount( Integer num_times )
Sets the max number of times that an animation can be set on this node
animtarget( String targetname )
Allows you to specify a target name to apply the animation to
attacktarget( String targetname )
Specifies a target for a sniping AI to attack
Alerts the node to a critical change
descriptor( String descriptorValue )
sets an additional descriptor for a node
maxkills( Integer max_kills )
Specifies the maximum number of kills that can be done from this node
minenemyrange( Float min_range )
Specifies the minimum range an enemy is allowed to get before actor
leaves this node
minhealth( Float min_health )
Specifies the minimum health an actor is allowed to get to before leaving
this node
nodeID( Integer node_id )
Assigns an ID to this node
origin( Vector newOrigin )
Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.
priority( Float priority )
Specfies the priority for this node
sendnodecommand( String commandToSend )
sends an event to the user of the node
setcoverdir( String cover_dir )
Specifies the direction from the cover that the AI can attack
setcovertype( String cover_type )
Specifies the covertype of the node
setcustomtype( String type )
Specifies a custom helper node type
setnodeanim( String animation )
Sets the animation that will be played by the actor on this node
setnodeentrythread( String thread )
Sets the thread that will be called by the actor when it reaches this
setnodeexitthread( String thread )
Sets the thread that will be called by the actor when it leaves this
spawnflags( Integer flags )
spawnflags from the BSP, these are set inside the editor
target( String targetname_to_target )
target another entity with targetname_to_target.
targetname( String targetName )
set the targetname of the entity to targetName.
wait( Float time )
Makes a patrolling AI pause at this node for the specified time
waitforanim( Boolean wait_for_anim )
Makes the AI wait until the anim is finished before finishing a behavior
waitrandom( Float max_time )
Makes a patrolling AI pause randomly for a min time of 1 to a max time
of specified
sendevent( String targetname, String eventName, [ String
token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String token3 ], [ String token4 ], [
String token5 ], [ String token6 ], [ String token7 ] )
Sends the event to the specified node
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
powerupToSpawn( String powerupName )
Sets the powerup to spawn when used.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
forceforwardspeed( Float speed )
Forces the vehicle to move forward at the specified speed
sethorsespeed( Float speed )
Set the speed of the horse
setmovemode( String mode, [ Float angles ] )
Mode ( standard , strafe, or locked ) and a Vector describing the view
Angle )
waypointname( String waypoint_target_name )
Set the waypoint node name to go to first
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
waypointname( String waypoint_target_name )
Set the waypoint node name to go to first
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
amount( Integer amount )
Sets the amount of the item.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
bot_inventory( Integer botInventoryIndex )
sets the index used for bot inventory pickups
coolitem( [ String dialog ], [ String anim_to_play ]
Specify that this is a cool item when we pick it up for the first time.
If dialog is specified, than the dialog will be played during the pickup.
If anim_to_play is specified, than the specified anim will be played
the initial cinematic.
dialogneeded( String dialog_needed )
Sets the dialog needed string.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
forcecoolitem( [ String dialog ], [ String anim_to_play
] )
Specify that this is a cool item when we pick it up regardless of whether
or not we have it.
If dialog is specified, than the dialog will be played during the pickup.
If anim_to_play is specified, than the specified anim will be played
the initial cinematic.
iconName( String iconName )
Sets the name of the icon to use for this item.
Drops the item to the ground.
item_pickup( Entity item )
Pickup the specified item.
Tells the item that it had spawned successfully
maxamount( Integer max_amount )
Sets the max amount of the item.
missingSkin( Integer skinNum )
Sets the skin number to use when its been picked up and is missing
name( String item_name )
Makes it so the item is not removed from the world when it is picked
Called when the item pickup is done.
pickup_thread( String labelName )
A thread that is called when an item is picked up.
Called when the item respawn is done.
Turns on the respawn sound for this item.
set_respawn( Integer respawn )
set_respawn_time( Float respawn_time )
sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Removes this listener immediately.
Removes this listener the next time events are processed.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
movedone( Entity finishedEntity )
Sent to commanding thread when done with move .
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
dmg( Integer damage )
Sets the damage the explosion does.
duration( Float duration )
Sets the duration of the explosion.
gdb_setdamage( String damagestr )
Sets the gameplay version of damage with keywords.
health( Integer newHealth )
set the health of the entity to newHealth
random( Float randomness )
Sets the randomness value of the explosion.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
wait( Float explodewait )
Sets the wait time of the explosion.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
killed( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor,
Integer meansofdeath )
event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
anim( String animname )
Sets up the object with the specified animname.
killed( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor,
Integer meansofdeath )
event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed
Make the object shootable but not necessarily solid to the player.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
Calculates all of the paths.
ai_calcpath( Integer nodenum1, Integer nodenum2 )
Calculate path from node1 to node2.
Clears all of the path nodes.
ai_connectNodes( String node1, String node2 )
Connects the 2 specified nodes.
ai_disconnectNodes( String node1, String node2 )
Disconnects the 2 specified nodes.
ai_load( String filename )
Optimizes the path nodes.
ai_recalcpaths( Integer nodenum )
Update the specified node.
ai_save( String filename )
Saves the path nodes under the default name.
ai_setflags( Integer nodenum, [ String token1 ], [ String
token2 ], [ String token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [
String token6 ] )
Set the flags for the specified node.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
angles( Vector angles )
Sets the path node's angles.
anim( String animname )
Sets the animname used for this path node.
Adds this node to the path manager.
jumpangle( Float jumpangle )
Sets the jump angle for this path node.
origin( Vector origin )
Sets the path node's origin.
spawnflags( Integer node_flags )
Sets the path nodes flags.
target( String target )
Sets the target for this path node.
targetname( String targetname )
Sets the target name for this path node.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
setactoranim( String anim_name )
sets what primary anim to set an actor to, when it reaches this waypoint
setwaypointthread( String thread_name )
sets the script thread to be called when the actor reaches this waypoint
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Activates 2 weapons at once
Active the new weapon specified by useWeapon.
Activates the player's shield
actor( String modelname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String
value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3
], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )
actorinfo( Integer actor_number )
Prints info on the specified actor.
addHud( String hudName )
Tells the player to add a hud to his display.
addmeleeattacker( Entity attack_ent )
Adds the entity to the melee attacker list.
addrosterteammate1( Entity entity )
Sets the teammate to roster position 1
addrosterteammate2( Entity entity )
Sets the teammate to roster position 2
addrosterteammate3( Entity entity )
Sets the teammate to roster position 3
addrosterteammate4( Entity entity )
Sets the actor to roster position 4
adjust_torso( Boolean boolean )
Turn or off the torso adjustment
animateweapon( String anim, [ String hand ], [ Boolean
animatingFlag ] )
Animates the weapon, optionally, in the specific hand (defaults to DUAL)If
the animatingFlag is set to false, it will not set the WEAPON_ANIMATINGas
the status for this animation.
Called when the legs animation has finished.
Called when the torso animation has finished.
attacktype( String attacktype )
Sets the attack type of the attack
backpackAttachAngles( Vector anglesOffset )
Sets the attachment angles offset for backpacks
backpackAttachOffset( Vector offset )
Sets the attachment offset for backpacks
bendtorso( [ Float multiplier ] )
Sets multiplier for the torso bend angles, defaults to 0.75
callvote( String arg1, [ String arg2 ] )
Makes the player able to transfer energy from ammo to armor.
changechar( String statefile, String model, String replacemodelName,
String spawnNPC )
Changes the character state and model.
Begins the fade in and swaps character.
Clears the dialog for the player
Clears the finishing move list.
Clears the incoming melee flag.
Clears internal legs stance data.
Clears internal torso stance data.
Clears the target of the player
Clears the text dialog of the player
Called at the end of each frame for each client.
The movement packet from the client is processed by this event.
damage_multiplier( Float damage_multiplier )
Sets the current damage multiplier
Deactivates the player's shield
deactivateweapon( String side )
Deactivate the weapon in the specified hand.
Called when the player is dead.
disableinventory( Float disable )
Disables the player's inventory
disableuseweapon( [ Boolean disable ] )
doDamageScreenFlash( [ Boolean bool ] )
Makes the screen flash when the player is damaged (or turns it off).
Fires off the finishing move.
When the useentity animation is complete
dontturnlegs( Boolean flag )
Specifies whether or not to turn the legs while strafing.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
Called from the tiki on a frame to use an entity.
Drops the player's current rune.
dualwield( String weaponleft, String weaponright )
Dual wield the specified weapons
Called when the player gets to the end of the level.
enter( Entity vehicle, [ String driver_anim ] )
Called when someone gets into a vehicle.
Equips active items from the database.
Evaluate the torso anim for possible changes
exit( Entity vehicle )
Called when driver gets out of the vehicle.
finishingmove( String state, String direction, [ Float
coneangle ], [ Float distance ], [ Float enemyyaw ], [ Float chance
] )
Changes the viewpoint of the player, alternates between 1st and 3rd
Fires off all targets associated with a particular useanim.
Fires off all targets associated with a particular useobject.
flagAttachAngles( Vector anglesOffset )
Sets the attachment angles offset for flags
flagAttachOffset( Vector offset )
Sets the attachment offset for flags
forceMoveType( String moveTypeName )
Forces the player to use the named move type
Tells the weapon to reload
forcetimescale( [ Float timescale ] )
Sets the timescale for the game
forcetorsostate( String torsostate )
Force the player's torso to a certain state
fov( [ Float fov ] )
freeze( [ Boolean freeze ] )
Freezes the player until the freeze 0 is called
gib( Integer number, [ Integer power ], [ Float scale
], [ String gibmodel ] )
causes entity to spawn a number of gibs
give( String name, [ Integer amount ] )
Gives the player the specified thing (weapon, ammo, item, etc.) and
optionally the amount.
givepoints( Integer points )
Gives the player points (added to current points)
giveweapon( String weapon_name )
Gives the player the specified weapon.
god( [ Integer god_mode ] )
Sets the god mode cheat or toggles it.
gotkill( Entity victim, Integer damage, Entity inflictor,
Integer meansofdeath, Boolean gib )
event sent to attacker when an entity dies
Sets the Makes the player try to use whatever is in front of her.
headwatchallowed( [ Boolean flag ] )
Sets whether to headwatch or not, default is true.
Player is finished showing the cool item, now hide it
Holsters all wielded weapons, or unholsters previously put away weapons
hudPrint( String string )
immobilize( [ Boolean immobilize ] )
Immobilizes the player until the immobilize 0 is called (can only look
isplayeronground( )
Checks if the player is on the ground -- returns 1 if true 0 if false
joinmpteam( String teamName )
Makes the player join the specified team.
jump( Float height )
jumpxy( Float forwardmove, Float sidemove, Float speed
console based command to kill yourself if stuck.
Calls stopdialog on all the actors in the level
killclass( String classname, [ Integer except_entity_number
] )
Kills all of the entities in the specified class.
killed( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor,
Integer meansofdeath )
event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed
killent( Integer entity_number )
Kills the specified entity.
knockbackmultiplier( Integer knockbackmult )
Sets knockback multiplierfor the player
List of the player's inventory.
loadobjectives( String name )
Loads the a set of objectives
logstats( Boolean state )
Turn on/off the debugging playlog
melee( [ Float damage ], [ String means_of_death ], [
Float knockback ] )
Makes the player do a weapon-less melee attack.
meleedamageend( [ String hand ] )
Stop doing melee damage with the weapon in the specified hand.
meleedamagestart( [ String hand ] )
Start doing melee damage with the weapon in the specified hand.
missionfailed( [ String reason ] )
Displays the mission failed screen on the client side
mouthangle( Float mouth_angle )
Sets the mouth angle of the sentient.
mpCmd( String command, String parm )
Sends a command from the player to the multiplayer system.
nextgameplayanim( String objname )
Increments the gameplay animation index.
nextpaintime( Float seconds )
Set the next time the player experiences pain (Current time + seconds
Toggles player nightvision mode
Toggles the noclip cheat.
Toggles the notarget cheat.
pain( Integer damage, Entity attacker, Integer meansofdeath
used to inflict pain to an entity
Clears the waitForPlayer script command, allowing threads to run
playerknockback( Float knockback )
Sets knockback for the player
playerviewangles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00>
set the angles of the player to newAngles.
Changes the viewpoint of the player, alternates between 1st and 3rd
projdetonate( Boolean detonate )
Event that sets the whether or not to detonate a trigger projectile
(grenade launcher)
putawayweapon( String whichHand )
Put away or deactivate the current weapon, whichHand can be left, right
or dual.
reloadviewtiki( String tikiname )
Reloads the specified TIKI file from disk
removeclass( String classname, [ Integer except_entity_number
] )
Removes all of the entities in the specified class.
removeent( Integer entity_number )
Removes the specified entity.
removeHud( String hudName )
Tells the player to remove a hud from his display.
Removes the current powerup.
Removed the teammate from roster position 1
Removed the teammate from roster position 2
Removed the teammate from roster position 3
Removed the teammate from roster position 4
resethaveitem( String weapon_name )
Resets the game var that keeps track that we have gotten this weapon
Reset the player's state table.
safeholster( Boolean putaway )
Holsters all wielded weapons, or unholsters previously put away weapons
preserves state, so it will not holster or unholster unless necessary
Show the score for the current deathmatch game
setaim( String aimtype )
Sets the accuracy modifiers for the player
setgameplayanim( [ Integer index ] )
Sets the gameplay animation index directly.
setinformationshow( String name, Boolean show )
Sets whether or not a specified information is shown
setobjectivecomplete( String name, Boolean complete )
Sets whether or not a specified objective is complete
setobjectivefailed( String name, Boolean failed )
Sets whether or not a specified objective is failed
setobjectiveshow( String name, Boolean show )
Sets whether or not a specified objective is shown
setplayerchar( String statefile, String model )
Sets the player character.
setpoints( Integer points )
Sets the players number of points.
setstat( String stat_name, Integer stat_value )
setupdialog( Integer entnum, String soundname )
Sets up the dialog for the player
show the entity, opposite of hide.
Player is showing the cool item, actually display it
Shows the current heuristic numbers
Skip the current cinematic
spawn( String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String
value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3
], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )
Ends charging up for a special move
Starts charging up for a special move
specialmovetime( Float time )
Sets how long to wait before triggering the special move.
stance( Integer stanceNumber )
Makes the player change to the specified stance
Player is starting to show off the cool item
starts up the useobject's animations.
Dumps the player's state to the console.
Player is starting to show off the cool item
stopwatchingactor( Entity entity_to_stop_watching )
Makes the player's camera stop watching the specified entity.
Tells the weapon to switch modes of fire
takepain( Boolean bool )
Set whether or not to take pain
testthread( String scriptfile, [ String label ] )
Starts the named thread at label if provided.
turn( Float yawangle, [ Float time ] )
Causes player to turn the specified amount.
turnlegs( Float yawangle )
Turns the players legs instantly by the specified amount.
turntowardsentity( Entity entity )
Causes the player to turn towards the specified entity.
turnupdate( Float yaw, Float timeleft )
Causes player to turn the specified amount.
use( String name, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )
Use the specified weapon in the hand choosen (optional).
Use the weapons that are on the dual wield list
useentity( Entity entity )
makes player use the passed in entity
usestuff( [ Entity usingEntity ] )
Makes the player try to use whatever is in front of her.
Specifies that this model is valid for the player.
vote( String arg1 )
Player votes either yes or no
waitForState( String stateToWaitFor )
When set, the player will clear waitforplayer when this state is hit
in the legs or torso.
warp( Vector position )
Warps the entity to the specified position.
watchactor( Entity entity_to_watch, [ Float time ], [
Float angle ], [ Boolean watchEntireDuration ] )
Makes the player's camera watch the specified entity.
watchentity( Entity entityToWatch, [ Float time ], [
Float angle ], [ Boolean watchEntireDuration ] )
Makes the player's camera watch the specified entity.
weaponcommand( String hand, [ String arg1 ], [ String
arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String
arg6 ], [ String arg7 ] )
Pass the args to the active weapon in the specified hand
whatis( Integer entity_number )
Prints info on the specified entity.
Gives player all weapons.
spawnpoint_type( String spawnpointType )
Sets the named type of this spawnpoint
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
thread( String thread )
Set the thread to execute when this player start is used
roll( Float roll )
Sets the portal camera's roll.
Locates the camera position.
setactoranim( String anim_name )
sets what primary anim to set an actor to, when it reaches this waypoint
setwaypointthread( String thread_name )
sets the script thread to be called when the actor reaches this waypoint
amount( Integer amount )
Sets the amount of the item.
amount( Integer amount )
Sets the amount of the item.
powerup_modelToAttach( String modelName, [ String tagName
], [ Float removeTime ] )
Sets the model info to use when the powerup is used.
powerup_modelToSpawn( String modelName )
Sets the model to spawn when the powerup is used (only works on certain
powerup_shader( String shaderName )
Sets the shader use when the powerup is used.
addownervelocity( Boolean bool )
Set whether or not the owner's velocity is added to the projectile's
addvelocity( Float velocity_x, Float velocity_y, Float
velocity_z )
Set a velocity to be added to the projectile when it is created
Make the projectile update it's angles in flight
avelocity( [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float yaw ],
[ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float pitch ], [ String [random|crandom]
], [ Float roll ] )
set the angular velocity of the projectile
beam( String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2
], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6
] )
send a command to the beam of this projectile
bouncefactor( Float bounceFactor )
set the amount of velocity retained when a projectile bounces
Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces
bouncetouch( String bouncetype )
Make the projectile bounce when it hits a non-damageable solid
Make the projectile be able to hit its owner
set the projectile's life to be determined by the charge time
set the projectile's speed to be determined by the charge time
Make the projectile be able to hit its owner now
controlTurnSpeed( Float controlTurnSpeed )
Sets the max turn speed of a controlled projectile
dlight( Float color_red, Float color_green, Float color_blue,
Float intensity )
set the color and intensity of the dynamic light on the projectile
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
drunk( [ Boolean drunkFlag ], [ Float angleModifier ]
Make the projectile drunk
Make the projectile explode
explosionmodel( String modelname )
Set the modelname of the explosion to be spawned
Make the projectile heat seek
hitdamage( Float projectileHitDamage )
set the damage a projectile does when it hits something
impactmarkorientation( Float degrees )
Set the orientation of the impact mark
impactmarkradius( Float radius )
Set the radius of the impact mark
impactmarkshader( String shader )
Set the impact mark of the shader
killed( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor,
Integer meansofdeath )
event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed
knockback( Float projectileKnockback )
set the knockback of the projectile when it hits something
life( Float projectileLife )
set the life of the projectile
meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )
set the meansOfDeath of the projectile
minlife( Float minProjectileLife )
set the minimum life of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)
minOnGroundTime( Float minOnGroundTime )
Specifies how long the projectile has to stay on the ground until it
changes it's animation.
minspeed( Float minspeed )
set the minimum speed of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)
Notify's active actors when close
Make the projectile's angles controlled by the player
ownerControlLaser( [ Boolean bool ] )
Make's the projectile's angles controlled by the player (laser method)
proj_HitsProjectiles( Boolean hitsProjectilesBool )
Specifies whether or not this projectile will hit other projectiles.
Specifies that this projectile is not shootable and can't hit shootable
only stuff.
Make the projectile get removed when it stops
scaleByCharge( Float minScale, Float maxScale )
Makes the projectile size scaled by the charge.
Make the explosion scale with the projectile.
If projectile times out without dying, make it not play explosion tiki
speed( Float projectileSpeed )
set the speed of the projectile
stickontouch( [ Boolean stick_on_touch ] )
sets whether or not the projectile sticks on contact
sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.
triggerdetonate( [ Boolean bool ] )
Make the projectile explode when triggered.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
dmg( Integer damage )
doBlocked( Entity obstacle )
sent to entity when blocked.
gdb_setdamage( String damagestr )
Sets the gameplay version of damage with keywords.
pushsound( String sound )
becomeModBarInSkill( Float skill )
Tells a puzzleobject to just display a timed modulation bar in any skill
less than or equal to the specified one.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
Lets the object think and respond to the player again. DOES NOT affect
any change in animation.
Called when the puzzle object's animation is done.
Received when the puzzle is canceled
puzzleobject_canceledthread( String threadname )
The thread to call when the puzzle is canceled
Makes the object unresponsive to input and the player. DOES NOT affect
any change in animation.
Received when the puzzle fails
puzzleobject_failedthread( String threadname )
The thread to call when the puzzle fails
puzzleobject_itemtouse( String item )
The item to use on the puzzle
puzzleobject_itemusedthread( String threadname )
The thread to call when the item is used
puzzleobject_opendistance( Float openDistance )
Sets the open distance from player that the puzzle object will open
or close
Resets a previously solved puzzle so that it can be triggered again
Received when the puzzle is solved
puzzleobject_solvedthread( String threadname )
The thread to call when the puzzle is solved
puzzleobject_timerHudName( String hudName )
Sets the hud name to use for the timer hud.
puzzleobject_timeToUse( Float timeToUse )
Makes the puzzle object solved after the user has used it for long enough.
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
max_time( Float maxTime )
Maximum time between random spawns.
min_time( Float minTime )
Minimum time between random spawns.
chance( Float newChance<0.00...1.00> )
Sets the chance that the sound will play when triggered.
maxdelay( Float max_delay )
Sets the maximum time between playings.
mindelay( Float min_delay )
Sets the minimum time between playings.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the requested posture is active
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Closes the door (special doors).
doopen( Entity other )
Opens the door (special doors).
openangle( Float open_angle )
Sets the open angle of the door.
Makes the rune respawn in its original position.
chance( Float chance )
chance that trigger will spawn something.
delay( Float delay )
time between RunThrough being activated.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
lip( Float lip )
distance below trigger we should spawn things.
offset( Vector spawn_offset )
When triggered, what to offset the spawned object by.
spawnmodel( String model_to_spawn )
When triggered, what to spawn.
speed( Float speed )
threshold speed at which RunThrough is activated.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
Closes the door (special doors).
doopen( Entity other )
Opens the door (special doors).
door_triggerfield( Entity other )
Is called when a doors trigger field is touched.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
getdoorstate( )
Returns the current state
open( Entity other )
openpercentage( Float percentage )
Sets the percentage for the door to open
targeted( Boolean flag )
Sets the targeted flag ( 1 ) is true , ( 0 ) is false
toggle( Boolean flag )
Sets Toggle Mode ( 1 ) is true, ( 0 ) is false
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
anim( String anim_name )
Sets the script model's animation
animdriven( [ Boolean boolean ] )
Sets the script model to be anim driven
animonce( String anim_name )
Sets the script model's animation but only plays it once
gib( Integer number, [ Integer power ], [ Float scale
], [ String gibmodel ] )
causes entity to spawn a number of gibs
model( String modelName )
set the model to modelName.
model( String modelName )
set the model to modelName.
baseposition( Vector base_position )
Sets the base position of the sky origin.
maxtranslationdist( Float max_translation_distance )
Sets the maximum distance the sky origin will translate.
playerbaseposition( Vector base_position )
Sets the base position for the player for the sky origin.
translationmult( Float translation_multiplier )
Sets the translation multiplier for the sky origin.
addrequireddamagemod( String MOD_String )
Adds the required MOD for damage to be applied
allowAttackFromOtherScriptObjects( Boolean allow_flag
Sets the _canBeAttackedByOtherScriptSlaves variable
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
angles( Vector angles )
bind( Entity parent )
bind this entity to the specified entity.
Close the area portal enclosed in this object
makes a script object continue on a spline
damageEffect( String damageEffectModel )
Sets the damage effect model name.
dmg( Float damage )
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
doBlocked( Entity obstacle )
sent to entity when blocked.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
followpath( Entity path, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2
], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6
] )
Makes the script slave follow the specified path. The allowable arguments
are ignoreangles,
normalangles, loop, and a number specifying the start time.
gdb_setdamage( String damagestr )
Sets the gameplay version of damage with keywords.
getforcefieldnumber( )
getscanner( )
gettriggernumber( )
handlesdamage( Boolean damage_flag )
sets the handlesdamage flag on the script slave
jumpto( String vector_or_entity, [ Float token ], [ Float
token ] )
Jump to specified vector or entity.
model( String modelName )
set the model to modelName.
moveBackward( Float dist )
Move the position backward.
moveDown( Float dist )
moveEast( Float dist )
moveForward( Float dist )
Move the position forward.
moveLeft( Float dist )
moveNorth( Float dist )
moveRight( Float dist )
moveSouth( Float dist )
moveto( Entity entity_to_move_to )
Move to the specified entity.
movetopos( Vector position )
Move to the specified position.
moveUp( Float dist )
moveWest( Float dist )
Inform script that it is about to get new orders.
Removes the onblock thread.
Removes the ondamage thread.
Removes the ontouch thread.
Removes the ontrigger thread.
Makes the script slave not shootable
Removes the onuse thread.
onblock( String label )
Sets what label to jump to and process script at when blocked.
ondamage( String label )
Sets what label to jump to and process script at when damaged.
ontouch( String label )
Sets what label to jump to and process script at when touched.
ontrigger( String label )
Sets what label to jump to and process script at when triggered.
onuse( String label )
Sets what label to jump to and process script at when used.
Open the area portal enclosed in this object
Turn physics off this script object on
Turn physics on this script object on
physics_velocity( Vector impulseVector )
Add a physical impulse to an object when it is being physically simulated
rotateaxis( Integer axis, Float avelocity )
Rotate about the specified axis at the specified angular velocity.
rotateaxisdown( Integer axis, Float angle )
Rotate the specified axis down by the specified amount.
rotateaxisdownto( Integer axis, Float angle )
Rotate the specified axis down to angle.
rotateaxisup( Integer axis, Float angle )
Rotate the specified axis up by the specified amount.
rotateaxisupto( Integer axis, Float angle )
Rotate the specified axis up to angle.
rotatedownto( Vector direction )
Rotate down to the specified direction.
rotateto( Vector direction )
Rotate to the specified direction.
rotateupto( Vector direction )
Rotate up to the specified direction.
rotateX( Float avelocity )
Rotate about the x axis at the specified angular velocity.
rotateXdown( Float angle )
Rotate the x down by the specified amount.
rotateXdownto( Float angle )
Rotate the x down to angle.
rotateXup( Float angle )
Rotate the x up by the specified amount.
rotateXupto( Float angle )
Rotate the x up to angle.
rotateY( Float avelocity )
Rotate about the y axis at the specified angular velocity.
rotateYdown( Float angle )
Rotate the y down by the specified amount.
rotateYdownto( Float angle )
Rotate the y down to angle.
rotateYup( Float angle )
Rotate the y up by the specified amount.
rotateYupto( Float angle )
Rotate the y up to angle.
rotateZ( Float avelocity )
Rotate about the z axis at the specified angular velocity.
rotateZdown( Float angle )
Rotate the z down by the specified amount.
rotateZdownto( Float angle )
Rotate the z down to angle.
rotateZup( Float angle )
Rotate the z up by the specified amount.
rotateZupto( Float angle )
Rotate the z up to angle.
scriptSlave_explode( Float damage )
Creates an explosion at the script slave's position
Called every frame to actually follow the path
Called when the script slave is doen moving
setBloodModel( String bloodmodel )
setmeansofdeath( String means_of_death )
Set the damage means of death.
setobjectparms( Float force_field_number, Float trigger_number
speed( Float speed )
stops an scriptobject from moving on a spline
time( Float travel_time )
trigger( String entname )
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
addhealth( Float health_to_add, [ Float maxhealth ] )
Adds health to the sentient.
addtomyarmor( Float amountToAdd )
Adds the amount to the current Armor
ammo( String type, Integer amount, [ Integer max_amount
] )
Gives the sentient some ammo.
armor( String type, [ Float amount ], [ Boolean pickedup
] )
Gives the sentient some armor.
armorcommand( String arg1, [ String arg2 ], [ String
arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String
arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] )
Pass the args to the active armor
Called before attack animation begins
Is the end of the sentient's block.
Is the start of the sentient's block.
bloodmodel( String bloodModel )
set the model to be used when showing blood
cacheStateMachineAnims( String stateMachineName )
Caches all of the anims needed by the statemachine
Catches the actor on fire.
Check the animations in the .tik file versus the statefile
Clears out and resets the damage threshold
displayfireeffect( [ Boolean flag ] )
Sets whether or not this sentient displays the fire effect when on fire.
dropitem( String itemName )
Drops the item by the specified name.
Called after attack animation ends
fire( [ String hand ], [ String mode ] )
Fires the weapon in the specified hand. With the specified mode (primary,
Frees the sentient's inventory
getActiveWeaponName( [ String hand ] )
Gets the name of the weapon in the specified hand (left, right, or dual).
If no hand is specified it will return the first it finds
give( String name )
Gives the sentient the targeted item.
giveAmmoOverTime( String type, Integer amount, Float
time )
Gives the sentient some ammo over the specified period of time.
headwatchallowed( [ Boolean flag ] )
Sets whether to headwatch or not, default is true.
healatinterval( Float percentageToAdd, Float interval,
Float maxPercentage )
Will add the specified amount to health, then, if necessary , will generate
a new event of its
own type to continue the regen process
healovertime( Float add_immediately, Float add_at_interval,
Float interval, Float max_percentage )
Will add specified amount of health immediatly, then add more at each
specified time interval
until health reaches the maxPercentage
health( Float health )
Gives the sentient the specified amount health.
immune( String immune_string1, [ String immune_string2
], [ String immune_string3 ], [ String immune_string4 ], [ String immune_string5
], [ String immune_string6 ] )
Adds to the immunity list for this sentient.
item( String type, Integer amount )
Gives the sentient the specified amount of the specified item.
jumpxy( Float forwardmove, Float sidemove, Float speed
maxgibs( Integer max_number_of_gibs )
Sets the maximum amount of generic gibs this sentient will spawn when
maxmouthangle( Float max_mouth_angle )
Sets the max mouth angle.
meleeattackend( [ String hand ] )
Is the end of the sentient's melee attack.
meleeattackstart( [ String hand ] )
Is the start of the sentient's melee attack.
Turns off the shadow for this sentient.
Called every frame when the sentient is on fire.
Is the end of the sentient's hitscan attack.
Is the start of the sentient's hitscan attack.
releasefire( Float fireholdtime )
Releases the attack in the time specified.
removeimmune( String immune_string1, [ String immune_string2
], [ String immune_string3 ], [ String immune_string4 ], [ String immune_string5
], [ String immune_string6 ] )
Removes from the immunity list for this sentient.
removeresistance( String resistance_string )
Removes from the resistance list for this sentient.
resistance( String resistance_string, Integer resistance_amount
Adds to the resistance list for this sentient.
setcriticalhealthpercentage( Float percentage )
Sets the percentage of health that qualifies as critical -- Note, values
must be entered as
floating point numbers... .10 for example is 10 percent
setdamagethreshold( Float maxDamage, Float duration )
Sets up the damage threshold
sethatemodifier( Float hate_modifier )
setmyarmoramount( Float amount )
Sets the amount of armor to the specifed number
setmyarmormultiplier( Float multiplier )
Sets the mulitplier of the armor
setmyarmorstatus( Boolean flag )
Sets The Active Status on Armor
setstatefile( String state_file )
Change the state file associated with this character
setviewmode( String viewModeName, [ Boolean override
] )
Puts this sentient into the specified view mode.
Override defaults to true.
Turns on the shadow for this sentient.
spawnbloodygibs( [ Integer number_of_gibs ], [ Float
scale ] )
Spawns some bloody generic gibs.
startcharge( String firemode )
Draws back the bow string
stopfire( String hand )
Stops the firing of the weapon in the specified hand.
Stops the sentient from being on fire.
Is the end of the sentient's stun.
Is the start of the sentient's stun.
swipeoff( String hand )
Turn off the sword swiping for the weapon in the specified hand
swipeon( String hand )
Turn on the sword swiping for the weapon in the specified hand
take( String item_name )
Takes away the specified item from the sentient.
Updates the offset color.
weapon( String weapon_modelname )
Gives the sentient the weapon specified.
weaponanimon( String animname, String hand )
Put the weapon in hand in the animation specified
noprotection( String MOD )
Adds a MOD to the No Protection List
setarmoractivestatus( Boolean active )
setarmormultiplier( Float multiplier )
sets the damage multiplier for the armor
usearmordirection( Float directionAngleMin, Float directionAngleMax
Only allows armor to work if attack is within the specifed yaw range
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
setshrapnelcount( Integer count )
The number of shrapnel pieces to spawn
setshrapnelmodel( String modelname )
The model of the shrapnel pieces that are spawned when the main bomb
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
make the SinkObject active, so that it will respond to players touching
dampening( Float newDampening )
delay( Float delay )
Delay until SinkObject starts falling.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
limit( Float newLimit )
maximum displacement of the SinkObject.
make the SinkObject not active, so that it won't respond to players
touching it.
Reset the SinkObject right now.
resetdelay( Float newResetDelay )
Delay between when sinkobject starts resetting.
resetsound( String newResetSound )
Sound played when sinkobject is resetting.
resetspeed( Float newResetspeed )
Speed at which SinkObject resets itself, defaults to 0.002 * speed.
sinksound( String newSinkSound )
Sound played when sinkobject is sinking.
speed( Float speed )
Speed at which SinkObject starts falling.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
Closes the door (special doors).
doopen( Entity other )
Opens the door (special doors).
lip( Float lip )
Sets the lip of the sliding door.
Sets up the sliding door.
speed( Float speed )
Sets the speed of the sliding door.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Add a new music trigger where the player is standing.
Add a new sound where the player is standing.
Add a new reverb trigger where the player is standing.
Add a new sound where the player is standing.
Delete the current sound.
globaltranslate( Vector translate_amount )
Translates all sounds and triggers by specified amount.
Move the player to the current sound position.
Go to the previous sound.
Test out the current reverb settings.
Replace the current sound position with the player's.
Resets the state of all sounds and triggers.
reset the reverb settings to a normal.
show( [ Entity path ] )
Switch the current facet that we are editing.
Updates the current sound with user interface values.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
attackmode( Integer attackmode )
Sets the _attackMode for this spawn entity.
Checks to see if there is space for the spawn entity.
Clears all of the key/value pairs for the spawner.
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
modelname( String model_name1, [ String model_name2 ],
[ String model_name3 ], [ String model_name4 ], [ String model_name5
], [ String model_name6 ], [ String model_name7 ], [ String model_name8
], [ String model_name9 ] )
Sets up to nine model names for this spawn entity.
pickupthread( String threadName )
Sets the pickup thread for the spawned entity.
setspawngroupdeaththread( String group_death_thread )
Sets the group death thread to spawn with
setspawngroupID( Integer groupID )
Sets the groupID to spawn with
setSpawnKeyValue( String key, String value )
Sets any key/value pair to set on the spawned entity.
setspawnmasterstatemap( String masterstatemap )
Sets the masterstatemap to spawn with
setspawnvelocity( Vector velocity )
Sets the velocity to spawn with
spawn_spawnchance( Float spawn_chance )
Sets the chance that this spawned entity will spawn something when killed,
if it is an actor.
spawn_spawnitem( String spawn_item_name )
Adds this named item to what will be spawned when this spawned entity
is killed, if it is an actor.
spawneffectname( String effectType, [ String effectName
] )
Displays this effect on spawn.
spawnnow( )
Spawns the entity and returns it.
spawntarget( String spawntarget )
Sets spawn target for this spawn entity.
spawntargetname( String spawntargetname )
Sets spawn target name for this spawn entity.
startanim( String animname )
Animation to spawn the actor with
starthidden( [ Boolean hidden_bool ] )
Sets whether or not the entity starts hidden.
use_3rd_person_camera( Boolean bool )
Whether or not to check from the camera or character.
checkFOV( [ Boolean boolean ] )
Use checkFOV to indicate that it's OK to spawn as long as the spawner
is not in the player's FOV.
fadetime( Float fadeTime )
Sets the fadetime at this node.
fov( Float cameraFOV )
Sets the fov at this node.
loopSpline( String loop_name )
movespline( Vector new_position )
Sets the new position of the spline.
offsetspline( Vector offset )
Offsets the position of the spline.
speed( Float speed )
Creates the spline path from the target list.
thread( String thread )
triggertarget( String target )
turnspline( Vector angle_offset )
watch( String watchEntity )
Sets the entity to watch at this node.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
Notifies the talk behavior the greeting dialog is done
stopteleport( Entity entity )
Releases the entity at the end of the teleport.
teleport( Entity entity )
Teleports the entity to destination.
teleportthread( String thread_name )
Sets the thread to run when the player is teleported.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
pickup( Entity entity, String tag_name )
Picks up this throw object and attaches it to the entity.
pickupoffset( Vector pickup_offset )
throw( Entity owner, Float speed, Entity targetent, [
Float grav ] )
throwsound( String throw_sound )
Sets the sound to play when object is thrown.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
bouncesound( String sound )
When bouncing, what sound to play on impact
bouncesoundchance( Float chance<0.00...1.00> )
When bouncing, the chance that the bounce sound will be played
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
activatetrigger( Entity triggering_entity )
Activates all of the targets for this trigger.
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
checkEntList( Float check_the_list )
Checks the ent list to see if everyone is still in the bounding box
cnt( Integer count )
Set the amount of times this trigger can be triggered
cone( Float newTriggerCone )
Sets the cone in which directed triggers will trigger.
delay( Float delay_time )
Set the delay time (time between triggering and firing) for this trigger
destructible( Boolean boolean )
Makes a trigger destructible. By default this is false.
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
edgetriggered( Boolean newEdgeTriggered )
If true, trigger will only trigger when object enters trigger, not when
it is inside it.
getLastActivatingEntity( )
Returns the activating entity for this object, or 0 if no activating
health( Integer newHealth )
set the health of the entity to newHealth
instantdeath( String damage_type )
Sets a damage type that will instantly kill the trigger, such as impact,
sword, gas, bullet, etc.
key( String key )
Set the object needed by the sentient to activate this trigger
killed( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor,
Integer meansofdeath )
event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed
message( String message )
Set a message to be displayed when this trigger is activated
model( String modelName )
set the model to modelName.
multifaceted( Integer facetDirection )
Make this trigger multifaceted. If facet is 1, than trigger is North/South
If facet is 2 than trigger is East/West oriented. If facet is 3 than
trigger is Up/Down oriented.
noise( String sound )
Set the sound to play when this trigger is activated
sound( String sound )
Set the sound to play when this trigger is activated
thread( String thread )
Set the thread to execute when this trigger is activated
Turn this trigger back on
triggerondamage( Boolean boolean )
Forces the thread to trigger when it takes damage
triggerondeath( Boolean boolean )
Forces the thread to trigger when it dies
Start the trigger thread.
wait( Float wait_time )
Set the wait time (time bewteen triggerings) for this trigger
maxs( Vector maxs )
Sets the maximum bounds of the trigger box.
mins( Vector mins )
Sets the minimum bounds of the trigger box.
triggername( String targetname_of_object )
If set, trigger will only respond to objects with specified name.
checkready( )
event to check if trigger has all required ents in place and is ready
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
exitThread( String thread_name )
thread to call when entity exits the trigger
requiredentity( String targetname )
sets this entity to be required for a trigger to work
Turn this trigger back on
triggerexit( Float trigger_exit )
called when an entity has left the trigger bounding box
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
map( String map_name )
Sets the map to change to when triggered.
spawnspot( String spawn_spot )
Sets the spawn spot to use.
thread( String thread )
Set the thread to execute when this trigger is activated
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
activatetrigger( Entity triggering_entity )
Activates all of the targets for this trigger.
damage( Float damage )
Sets the amount of damage to do.
gdb_setdamage( String damagestr )
Sets the gameplay version of damage with keywords.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
entryThread( String thread_name )
thread to call when entity enters the trigger
exitThread( String thread_name )
thread to call when entity exits the trigger
getforcefieldnumber( )
gettriggernumber( )
onEntry( String thread_name )
thread to call when entity enters the trigger
onExit( String thread_name )
thread to call when entity exits the trigger
settriggerparms( Float force_field_number, Float trigger_number
Marks the trigger as entered
Marks the trigger as exited
triggerexit( Float trigger_exit )
called when an entity has left the trigger bounding box
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
Make this a one time trigger.
powerupname( String powerup_name )
Specifies the powerup to give to the sentient.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
activatetrigger( Entity triggering_entity )
Activates all of the targets for this trigger.
doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )
General trigger event for all entities
setgroupnumber( Integer groupNumber )
Sets up the group number the event will be passed to
setpassevent( String eventName, [ String string1 ], [
String string2 ], [ String string3 ], [ String string4 ], [ String string5
], [ String string6 ], [ String string7 ], [ String string8 ] )
Sets up the event to be passed on to the group
damage( Float damage )
Sets the amount of damage to do.
damagetype( String damageType )
Sets the type of damage a TriggerHurt delivers.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
gdb_setdamage( String damagestr )
Sets the gameplay version of damage with keywords.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
altcurrent( String alternate_current_mood )
Sets the alternate current mood to use when triggered.
altfallback( String alterante_fallback_mood )
Sets the alternate fallback mood to use when triggered.
current( String current_mood )
Sets the current mood to use when triggered.
fallback( String fallback_mood )
Sets the fallback mood to use when triggered.
Make this a one time trigger.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
triggereffectalt( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger. This event is only triggered when using
a trigger
as a multi-faceted edge trigger.
channel( Integer channel )
Sets the sound channel to play on.
min_dist( Float min_dist )
Sets the minimum distance.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
volume( Float volume )
angle( Float newAngle )
set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2
speed( Float speed )
Set the push speed of the TriggerPush
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
speed( Float speed )
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
altreverblevel( Float reverbLevel )
Sets the reverb level to be used when triggered.
altreverbtype( Integer reverbType )
Make this a one time trigger.
reverblevel( Float reverbLevel )
Sets the reverb level to be used when triggered.
reverbtype( Integer reverbType )
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
triggereffectalt( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger. This event is only triggered when using
a trigger
as a multi-faceted edge trigger.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )
Send event to owner of trigger.
value( String variableValue )
Set the value of the variable to set.
values can also use one of the following reserved words:
increment - increment the variable
decrement - decrement the variable
toggle - toggle the value of the variable
variable( String variableName )
Set the name of the variable to set
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
entryThread( String thread_name )
thread to call when entity enters the trigger
exitThread( String thread_name )
thread to call when entity exits the trigger
inContactWithEntity( Entity entityWrapper )
sent to an entity that is in contact with specified entity.
lostContactWithEntity( Entity entityNoLongerInContact
sent to an entity no longer in contact with specified entity.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
helpernodecommand( String commandtype )
Command from a helper node
action_type( [ String actionType ] )
Action type (kick, ignite, etc)
anim( String animName )
set the animation to use for player.
camera( String cameraPosition )
set the camera to use when in this animation.
topdown, behind, front, side, behind_fixed, side_left, side_right
count( Integer newCount )
Sets how many times the UseAnim can be triggered.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
key( String keyName )
set the key needed to make this UseAnim function.
num_loops( Integer loopCount )
set the number of times to loop an animation per use.
state( String stateName )
set the state to use for the player.
thread( String label )
Sets which thread to use when this UseAnim is triggered.
triggertarget( String targetname )
Sets what should be triggered, when this UseAnim is triggered.
anim( String animName )
set the animation to use for player.
num_loops( Integer loopCount )
set the number of times to loop an animation per use.
state( String stateName )
set the state to use for the player.
action_type( [ String actionType ] )
The type of action (kick, ignite, etc)
Allow the useobject to be used.
cone( Float newCone )
Sets the cone in angles of where the Useobject can be used.
count( Integer newCount )
Sets how many times the UseObject can be triggered.
damage_type( String newDamageType )
Sets what kind of damage is needed to activate the trigger.
Do not allow the useobject to be used.
move_thread( String label )
Sets which move thread to use when this UseObject has finshed looping.
Attempt to move the player to the UseObject location.
offset( Vector newOffset )
Sets the offset to use for this UseObject.
reset_thread( String label )
Sets which thread to call when resetting.
reset_time( Float newResetTime )
Sets the time it takes for the UseObject to reset itself.
state( String newState )
Sets the state to use for this UseObject.
state_backwards( String newState )
Sets the backward state to use for this UseObject.
stop_thread( String label )
Sets which stop thread to use when this UseObject is finished.
triggertarget( String targetname )
Sets what should be triggered, when this UseObject is triggered.
usematerial( String nameOfUseMaterial )
the name of the material that glows when active.
yaw_offset( Float newYawOffset )
Sets the yaw offset to use for this UseObject.
canjump( Boolean jumpable )
Sets whether or not the vehicle can jump
Disables the inventory when the player uses this vehicle
doBlocked( Entity obstacle )
sent to entity when blocked.
doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )
sent to entity when touched for the first time.
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
Make the vehicle drivable
driveranim( String animation )
Set the animation of the driver to use when the driver is in the vehicle
Sets the vehicle to be locked
noprediction( Boolean bool )
Turns no prediction on or off
restrictpitch( Float pitchDelta )
The max and minimum pitch of the driver
restrictrotation( Float rotateDelta )
The max and min rotation of the driver
seatanglesoffset( Vector angles )
Set the angles offset of the seat
seatoffset( Vector offset )
Set the offset of the seat
setweapon( String weaponname )
Set the weapon for the vehicle
Set the weapon to be show in the view
Set the vehicle to turn in place
turnrate( Float rate )
Set the turning rate of the vehicle
Make the vehicle undrivable
Sets the vehicle to be unlocked
vehiclespeed( Float speed )
Set the speed of the vehicle
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
viewangles( Float pitch<0.00...360.00>, Float yaw<0.00...360.00>,
Float roll<0.00...360.00> )
Set the angles of the current viewthing
Cycle through the animations modes of the current viewthing
No Animation
Animation with no motion
Animation with looping motion
Animation with motion
viewattach( String tagname, String model )
Attach a model the the specified tagname
viewchangepitch( Integer offsetamount )
rotate current viewspawn around y axis by specified amount
viewchangeroll( Integer offsetamount )
rotate current viewspawn around x axis by specified amount
viewchangeyaw( Integer offsetamount )
rotate current viewspawn around z axis by specified amount
Copies the current viewthing
Delete the current viewthing
Detach the current viewthing from its parent
Detach all the models attached to the current viewthing
Flashes the currently select viewthing
viewlistjump( Integer modelindex )
Jumps to a specific model in a view set (.lst file) of models
viewlistliftmodel( Float z )
Raise the origin (z) by specified amount
Delete current viewthing and load next view thing in view list
Delete current viewthing and load prev view thing in view list
Toggle whether objects are dropped upon spawning
viewmodel( String viewthingModel )
Set the model of the current viewthing
Advance to the next frame of animation of the current viewthing
Advance to the next animation of the current viewthing
Goes to the next morph for this model
viewoffset( Float x, Float y, Float z )
Offsets the origin of the current viewthing
vieworigin( Float x, Float y, Float z )
Set the origin of the current viewthing
viewpitch( Float pitch )
Set the pitch of the current viewthing
Advance to the previous frame of animation of the current viewthing
Advance to the previous animation of the current viewthing
Goes to the previous morph for this model
Sets the origin of current viewspawn to its current origin
viewroll( Float roll )
Set the roll of the current viewthing
viewscale( Float scale )
Set the scale of the current viewthing
Decrease the scale of the current viewthing
Increase the scale of the current viewthing
viewsetanim( Float animNum )
Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value
Set the animation to a specific frame number.
viewsetload( String filename )
Loads the specified viewset
Saves names and positions of currently spawned things data to disk
viewsetstatic( Integer boolean )
Makes the current viewthing a static (not dynamically lit) object
Shoots current viewthing ahead and sticks it on the wall
viewspawn( String model )
Create a viewthing with the specified model
viewspawnfromts( String reloadmodel, [ String spawnmodel
] )
Create a viewthing from the model specified by the ToolServer
Change the active viewthing to the next viewthing
Change the active viewthing to the previous viewthing
Pulls the current viewthing to the camera
viewtransx( Integer offsetamount )
translate current viewspawn in x direction by specified amount
viewtransy( Integer offsetamount )
translate current viewspawn in y direction by specified amount
viewtransz( Integer offsetamount )
translate current viewspawn in z direction by specified amount
Unmorphs the current morph
viewxtranslate( Float xtrans )
Translate current viewthing in x direction
viewyaw( Float yaw )
Set the yaw of the current viewthing
viewytranslate( Float ytrans )
Translate current viewthing in y direction
viewztranslate( Float ztrans )
Translate current viewthing in z direction
viewangles( Float pitch<0.00...360.00>, Float yaw<0.00...360.00>,
Float roll<0.00...360.00> )
Set the angles of the current viewthing
Cycle through the animations modes of the current viewthing
No Animation
Animation with no motion
Animation with looping motion
Animation with motion
viewattach( String tagname, String model )
Attach a model the the specified tagname
viewchangepitch( Integer offsetamount )
rotate current viewspawn around y axis by specified amount
viewchangeroll( Integer offsetamount )
rotate current viewspawn around x axis by specified amount
viewchangeyaw( Integer offsetamount )
rotate current viewspawn around z axis by specified amount
Delete the current viewthing
Detach the current viewthing from its parent
Detach all the models attached to the current viewthing
Flashes the currently select viewthing
Called when the view things last animation frame is displayed.
viewmodel( String viewthingModel )
Set the model of the current viewthing
Advance to the next frame of animation of the current viewthing
Advance to the next animation of the current viewthing
Goes to the next morph for this model
vieworigin( Float x, Float y, Float z )
Set the origin of the current viewthing
viewpitch( Float pitch )
Set the pitch of the current viewthing
Advance to the previous frame of animation of the current viewthing
Advance to the previous animation of the current viewthing
Goes to the previous morph for this model
viewroll( Float roll )
Set the roll of the current viewthing
Called after the model is spawned to save off the models original surfaces.
viewscale( Float scale )
Set the scale of the current viewthing
Decrease the scale of the current viewthing
Increase the scale of the current viewthing
viewsetanim( Float animNum )
Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value
Set the animation to a specific frame number.
viewsetstatic( Integer boolean )
Makes the current viewthing a static (not dynamically lit) object
Called every frame to process the view thing.
Unmorphs the current morph
viewyaw( Float yaw )
Set the yaw of the current viewthing
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
setactoranim( String anim_name )
sets what primary anim to set an actor to, when it reaches this waypoint
setwaypointthread( String thread_name )
sets the script thread to be called when the actor reaches this waypoint
actionincrement( Integer actionLevelIncrement )
Set the action level increment of the weapon.
When the weapon is fired, it will raise the action level by this amount
advancedViewShake( Vector minViewShake, Vector maxViewShake,
[ Float viewShakeDuration ], [ Boolean override ] )
Sets the min shake vector, max shake vector, & duration of the view
shaking while firing this weapon.
Duration defaults to .05 if not set
allowAutoSwitch( Boolean allowAutoSwitch )
Specifies whether or not the weapon automatically switches to another
weapon when it's out of ammo.
Starts the alternate bow draw strain animation
ammo_in_clip( Integer ammoInClip )
Set the amount of ammo in the clip
ammoBoost( Integer amount )
Set the ammo given to a sentient that picks up this weapon but already
had a weapon of this type.
ammorequired( Integer amount )
Set the amount of ammo this weapon requires to fire
ammotype( String name )
Set the type of ammo this weapon uses
anim( String animName )
set the legs animation to animName.
animate_newanim( Integer animNum, Integer bodyPart )
Start a new animation, not for script use.
arcprojectile( Boolean arc_bool )
Specifies for actors if the projectile should arc
autoaim( [ Float selection_angle ], [ Float lockon_angle
] )
Turn on auto aiming for the weapon
autoputaway( Boolean bool )
Set the weapon to be automatically put away when out of ammo
autoReload( Boolean autoReload )
Specifies whether or not the weapon automatically reloads.
bulletcount( Float bulletCount )
Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired
bulletdamage( Float bulletDamage )
Set the damage that the bullet causes
bulletknockback( Float bulletKnockback )
Set the knockback that the bullet causes
bulletrange( Float bulletRange )
Set the range of the bullets
bulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY,
[ Float endSpreadX ], [ Float endSpreadY ], [ Float spreadTime ] )
Set the max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis, optionally with
a different end spread and time interval
burstmode( Integer burstcount )
Set this mode to be burst mode, that uses burstcount ammo
burstModeDelay( Float burstModeDelay )
Specifies the length of time to use between bursts (do not use this
if you want to use the animation timing)
canInterruptFiringState( [ Boolean bool ] )
Sets whether or not the weapon can be interrupted during its firing
Changes the idle animation
chargedModels( Integer numChargedModels )
Sets the number of charged models there are to use.
Clears the current view shake.
clipsize( Integer ammoClipSize )
Set the amount of rounds a clip of the weapon holds
controllingProjectile( [ Boolean bool ] )
Sets whether or not the weapon is currently controlling a projectile
or not.
controlProjHidden( Boolean hiddenBool )
Sets whether or not the projectile control is currently hidden.
controlProjParms( String emitterName, String soundName
Sets the paramaters to use when controlling a projectile.
crosshair( Boolean bool )
Turn on/off the crosshair for this weapon
Signals the end of the fire animation
Called when the weapon is done with it's putaway anim
Signals the end of the reload animation
Signals the end of the reload animation for a burst
Signals the end of the switching to mode animation
Signals the end of the switching to 'neutral' animation
Starts the bow draw strain animation
dualattachtotag( String tagname )
Set the name of the tag to attach this to it's owner when wielded dual
dualholsterangles( Vector angles )
Set the angles of this weapon when it's attached to the dual holster
dualholstertag( String tagname )
Set the name of the tag to attach this to when the weapon is put away
from dual handed
finishedfiring( Integer finished_firing )
Sets if the gun is finished firing
fireOffset( Vector fireOffset )
Sets the offset where the weapon will fire from.
firetype( String firingType )
Set the firing type of the weapon (projectile or bullet)
Forces a reload to occur.
fullAmmoSkin( Integer skinNum, Integer modeNum )
Sets the skin number to use when the weapon has full ammo
Internal event used to give ammo boost to the player that just picked
up this weapon.
hand( String weaponHand )
Set the hand the weapon can be wielded in (lefthand, righthand, both,
or any)
holsterscale( Float scale )
Set the scale of the weapon when it's attached to the holster
Puts the weapon into an idle state
item_pickup( Entity item )
Pickup the specified item.
leftattachtotag( String tagname )
Set the name of the tag to attach this to it's owner when wielded in
the left hand.
leftholsterangles( Vector angles )
Set the angles of this weapon when it's attached to the left holster
leftholstertag( String tagname )
Set the name of the tag to attach this to when the weapon is put away
from the left hand.
Makes the weapon fire by looping the fire animation.
lowarcrange( Float range )
Specifies for actors the range at which to change from high trajectory
to normal
makenoise( [ Float noise_radius ], [ Boolean force ]
Makes the weapon make noise that actors can hear.
maxchargetime( Integer time )
Set the maximum time the weapon may be charged up
maxmode( String maxmode )
Overrides the maximum number of modes for this weapon (default is 2)
maxrange( Float maxRange )
Set the maximum range of a weapon so the AI knows how to use it
maxViewShakeChange( Float maxViewChange )
Sets the max view change for this weapon.
meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )
Set the meansOfDeath of the weapon.
meleeParms( Float width, Float height, Float length )
Sets the parms of the melee attack.
minrange( Float minRange )
Set the minimum range of a weapon so the AI knows how to use it
modeset( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3
], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7
], [ String arg8 ], [ String arg9 ] )
Set a value for a mode by passing commands through
moveSpeedModifier( Float modifier )
Sets the move speed modifier for this weapon (when not shooting).
nextSwitchTime( Float time )
Sets the next switch time.
Specifies that the current mode also has a no ammo mode.
Specifies that this mode has no delay.
Makes a weapon not droppable
Pauses the regen of ammo for a little bit.
playmisssound( Boolean playsound )
Sets whether or not to play a miss sound( snd_ricochet ) at the point
of impact
powerrating( Float rating )
Specifies how much damage is done per second by the weapon
Forces a processing of the init commands for the model
Causes any subclass of entity to process any specific gameplay related
projectile( String projectileModel )
Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires
projectiledamage( Float proj_damage )
Specifies the damage of the projectile
projectilespeed( Float proj_speed )
Specifies the speed of the projectile -- Used by AI
Makes the weapon make no noise.
range( Float range )
Set the range of the weapon
Signals the end of the ready animation so the weapon can be used
Reduces the current view shake.
regenammo( Integer regenamount, Integer regentime )
Specifics that a weapon regenerates ammo over time
Specifics that the weapon only regenerates ammo when idle, must still
use regen ammo to set how much.
Rezooms to the last zoom fov
rightattachtotag( String tagname )
Set the name of the tag to attach this to it's owner when wielded in
the right hand.
rightholsterangles( Vector angles )
Set the angles of this weapon when it's attached to the right holster
rightholstertag( String tagname )
Set the name of the tag to attach this to when the weapon is put away
from the right hand.
setaccuracy( String firemode, Float stoppedac, Float
acchange, Float walkac, Float runac, Float crouchac )
Sets the accuracy of the weapon
setaim( String aimtype )
Sets the aimtype of the weapon (changes according to player state)
setaimanim( String aimAnimation, Integer aimFrame )
Set the aim animation and frame for when a weapon fires
setendzoom( Float endzoom )
setfiretimer( String mode, Float mintime )
Specifies the minimum time between shots
setreticuletime( Float reticuletime )
setstartzoom( Float startzoom )
setzoomfov( Float zoomfov )
setzoomstage( Float fov1, Float fov2 )
setzoomtime( Float zoomtime )
Sets the time it takes to zoom from startzoom to endzoom
shoot( [ String mode ] )
shootingMoveSpeedModifier( Float modifier )
Sets the move speed modifier for this weapon while shooting.
shootingskin( Integer skinNum )
Sets the skin number to use when shooting
soundevent( [ Float soundRadius ], [ String soundtype
] )
Let the AI know that this entity made a sound,
radius determines how far the sound reaches.
spreadAnimData( Integer numAnims, Float totalTime )
Sets up the info for spread over time using different fire anims.
startammo( Integer amount )
Set the starting ammo of this weapon
Sets the time that the weapon starts firing (for spread computations)
Internal event used to give ammo to the owner of the weapon
Starts the weapons view shake.
Specifies that this is a switch mode weapon (right button switches)
This weapon have a specific on-target idle
Think event to check for target on target idle weapons
targetingskin( Integer skinNum )
Sets the skin number to use when targeting something
torsoaim( Boolean bool )
Turn on/off the torsoaim for this weapon
useactoraiming( [ Boolean flag ] )
This weapon aims with it's tag_barrel. Regardless of who is holding
usenoammo( Boolean bool )
Set the weapon to be able to be used when it's out of ammo
Specifies that ammo comes out of the same clip in all fire modes
viewShake( Float viewShakeMagnitude, [ Float viewShakeDuration
] )
Sets the magnitude & duration of the view shaking while firing this
Duration defaults to .05 if not set
Signals the end of the ready animation so the weapon can be used
weaponviewmodel( String filename )
weildedScale( Float scale )
Sets the scale of the weapon when it's weilded
worldhitspawn( String modelname )
Set a model to be spawned when the weapon strikes the world.
anim( String animName )
set the legs animation to animName.
animate_newanim( Integer animNum, Integer bodyPart )
Start a new animation, not for script use.
Tells the behavior that the current animation is done, it is not meant
to be called from script.
args( [ String token1 ], [ String token2 ], [ String
token3 ], [ String token4 ], [ String token5 ], [ String token6 ] )
Gives the current behavior arguments.
helpernodecommand( String commandtype )
Command from a helper node
addworker( String worker_name )
adds a valid worker to the trigger
doUse( Entity activatingEntity )
sent to entity when it is used by another entity
setworkanim( String work_anim )
Tells the actor to play this specified animation when using the trigger
setworktime( Float work_time )
sets how long to work at node ( -1 ) is infinite
addAvailableViewMode( String modeName )
Adds this view mode as being available
addbroken( String brokenThingName )
Adds this thing to the broken list
canShakeCamera( Boolean canShakeCamera )
Specifies whether or not cinematic camera's can shake from earthquakes.
Clears all available modes
entity_fade_dist( Float entity_fade_dist )
Sets the default distance to fade out entities
farplane( Float farplaneDistance )
Set the distance of the far clipping plane
farplane_color( Vector color_farplane )
Set the color of the far clipping plane fog
farplane_cull( Boolean farplaneCull )
Whether or not the far clipping plane should cull things out of the
farplane_fog( Boolean farplaneFog )
Whether or not to use fog with far plane
getlightintensity( String light_group_name )
Gets the intensity of a dynamic light
lavaalpha( Float lavaAlpha )
Set the alpha of lava screen blend
lavacolor( Vector color_lava )
Set the color of lava screen blend
light_default_intensity( String light_group_name, Float
light_intensity )
Sets the default intensity of a dynamic light. This is used only when
r_dynamiclightmaps is 0.
A value below 0 specifies that this light has no default value and will
always be dynamic
light_fade( String light_group_name, Float end_light_intensity,
Float fade_time )
Sets a up a dynamic light to fade
light_intensity( String light_group_name, Float light_intensity
Sets the intensity of a dynamic light
light_lightstyle( String light_group_name, String light_style,
[ Boolean stop_at_end ] )
Sets the lightstyle of a dynamic light
message( String worldMessage )
Set a message for the world
nextmap( String nextMap )
Set the next map to change to
physicsVar( String physicsVarName, Float physicsVerValue
Sets one of the world's physics variables
removeAvailableViewMode( String modeName )
Removes this view mode as being available
removebroken( String brokenThingName )
Removes this thing to the broken list
script( String worldScript )
Set the script for this map
skipthread( String skipThread )
Set the thread for skipping cinematics
skyalpha( Float newAlphaForPortalSky )
skyportal( Boolean newSkyPortalState )
Whether or not to use the sky portal at all
slimealpha( Float slimeAlpha )
Set the alpha of the slime screen blend
slimecolor( Vector color_slime )
Set the slimecolor screen blend
soundtrack( String MusicFile )
Set music soundtrack for this level.
terrainglobal( Boolean terrain_global_bool )
Turns the terrain drawing as global on or off
terrainglobalmin( Float terrain_global_min )
Turns the terrain drawing as global on and sets the minimum
time_scale( Float time_scale )
Sets the time scale for the world
wateralpha( Float waterAlpha )
Set the alpha of the water screen blend
watercolor( Vector color_water )
Set the watercolor screen blend
weather( String type, Float intensity )
wind_direction( Vector wind_direction )
Sets the direction of the wind
wind_fade( Float end_wind_intensity, Float fade_time
Fades the wind intensity to the new value
wind_gust( Float wind_intensity, Float fade_time, Float
gust_time )
wind_intensity( Float wind_intensity )
Sets the intensity of the wind
wind_minmax( Float min_wind_intensity, Float min_wind_intensity,
[ Float max_change_per_frame ] )
Sets the min & max intensity of the wind
345 Game Module Classes.
2074 Game Module Events.