[Global] CurrentGame=0 TotalGames=3 [Game0] Name=Elite Force 2 GameType=EF2 Extensions=tga;dds;tik;shader;tan;ska;skb;skm;cpp; autosave=maps/autosave.map basepath=C:\Program Files\Activision\EF2\base entitypath=code mapspath=maps modelpath=models shaderpath=shaders texturepath=textures NumBuildCommands=6 BuildCommand0_Description=Normal compile (BSP,VIS,LIGHT) BuildCommand0_NumSubcommands=4 BuildCommand0_Subcommand0=$q + $ubermap +$q $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand0_Subcommand1=$q + $ubermap + $q -vis $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand0_Subcommand2=$q + $ubermap + $q -light $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand0_Subcommand3=pause BuildCommand1_Description=Full Compile (BSP,VIS,LIGHT -extra) BuildCommand1_NumSubcommands=4 BuildCommand1_Subcommand0=$q + $ubermap +$q $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand1_Subcommand1=$q + $ubermap +$q -vis $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand1_Subcommand2=$q + $ubermap +$q -light -extra $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand1_Subcommand3=pause BuildCommand2_Description=Quick Compile (BSP-only) BuildCommand2_NumSubcommands=2 BuildCommand2_Subcommand0=$q + $ubermap +$q $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand2_Subcommand1=pause BuildCommand3_Description=Quick Compile (BSP and VIS) BuildCommand3_NumSubcommands=3 BuildCommand3_Subcommand0=$q + $ubermap +$q $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand3_Subcommand1=$q + $ubermap +$q -vis $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand3_Subcommand2=pause BuildCommand4_Description=Compile Bots (BSPC only, -optimize) BuildCommand4_NumSubcommands=2 BuildCommand4_Subcommand0=$q + $bspc + $q -optimize -bsp2aas $q + $bspname + $q BuildCommand4_Subcommand1=pause BuildCommand5_Description=Full Compile with bots (BSP,VIS,LIGHT -extra,BSPC -optimize) BuildCommand5_NumSubcommands=5 BuildCommand5_Subcommand0=$q + $ubermap +$q $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand5_Subcommand1=$q + $ubermap +$q -vis $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand5_Subcommand2=$q + $ubermap +$q -light -extra $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand5_Subcommand3=$q + $bspc + $q -optimize -bsp2aas $q + $bspname + $q BuildCommand5_Subcommand4=pause NumDefines=6 Define0=$bspc = $radiantpath +\bspc.exe Define1=$enginepath = c:\program files\activision\ef2 Define2=$exampledefine1 = use this to define commonly-used variables Define3=$exampledefine2 = $mapname and $bspname are defined for you on the fly Define4=$q = " Define5=$ubermap = $radiantpath +\ubermap.exe [Game1] Name=Quake 3: Arena GameType=Quake3 Extensions=tga;jpg;shader;md3; autosave=maps/autosave.map basepath=c:\program files\quake III arena\baseq3 entitypath=scripts mapspath=maps modelpath=models shaderpath=scripts texturepath=textures NumBuildCommands=1 BuildCommand0_Description=Example - Final Q3Map2 compile (BSP -meta,VIS,LIGHT -fast -super 2 -filter -bounce 8) BuildCommand0_NumSubcommands=4 BuildCommand0_Subcommand0=$q + $q3map +$q -v -fs_basepath $q + $enginepath + $q $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand0_Subcommand1=$q + $q3map + $q -v -vis -saveprt -fs_basepath $q + $enginepath + $q $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand0_Subcommand2=$q + $q3map + $q -v -light -fs_basepath $q + $enginepath + $q -fast -super 2 -filter -bounce 8 $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand0_Subcommand3=pause NumDefines=6 Define0=$bspc = $radiantpath +\bspc.exe Define1=$enginepath = $q + c:\program files\quake III arena\ + $q Define2=$exampledefine1 = use this to define commonly-used variables Define3=$exampledefine2 = $mapname and $bspname are defined for you on the fly Define4=$q = " Define5=$q3map = $radiantpath +\q3map2.exe [Game2] Name=Star Trek: Elite Force GameType=Quake3 Extensions=tga;jpg;shader;md3; autosave=maps/autosave.map basepath=C:\Program Files\Raven\Star Trek Voyager Elite Force entitypath=..\tools mapspath=maps modelpath=models shaderpath=scripts texturepath=textures NumBuildCommands=1 BuildCommand0_Description=Example - Final Q3Map2 compile (BSP -meta,VIS,LIGHT -fast -super 2 -filter -bounce 8) BuildCommand0_NumSubcommands=4 BuildCommand0_Subcommand0=$q + $q3map +$q -v -game ef -fs_basepath $q + $enginepath + $q $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand0_Subcommand1=$q + $q3map + $q -v -game ef -vis -saveprt -fs_basepath $q + $enginepath + $q $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand0_Subcommand2=$q + $q3map + $q -v -game ef -light -fs_basepath $q + $enginepath + $q -fast -super 2 -filter -bounce 8 $q + $mapname + $q BuildCommand0_Subcommand3=pause NumDefines=6 Define0=$bspc = $radiantpath +\bspc.exe Define1=$enginepath = $q + C:\Program Files\Raven\Star Trek Voyager Elite Force + $q Define2=$exampledefine1 = use this to define commonly-used variables Define3=$exampledefine2 = $mapname and $bspname are defined for you on the fly Define4=$q = " Define5=$q3map = $radiantpath +\q3map2.exe