#include "maps/global_scripts/global_common.scr"
Loads out the player in terms of weapons, ammo, and viewmodes depending
upon if the player typed the map command, or if they're playing through
the single player game .
After the waitForPlayer, in the level script, call the AssignWeapons
function, passing the level's map name as a string. The key to this is
the '-' dash in the middle of the map name must be changed to an '_' underscore.
For example, 'm1l1a-borg_sphere' needs to be changed to 'm1l1a_borg_sphere'.
globalLoadout_AssignWeapons( strLevelName )
Runs the set loadout routine for the passed in level
- strLevelName - string, pass a string into this function
that is the converted map name as mentioned above