The TIKI model system is designed primarily with modularity in mind.
Traditional engines use a monolithic file format to represent their models
which limits the use of a particular model or set of animations. The TIKI
system solves this by creating an easy and convenient way of making many
different models with the same set or subset of animations. The TIKI system
works with either 3D Studio MAX or Lightwave.
Before the internals of the system are explained, it is very important
that one learns how to use Visual SourceSafe effectively. Visual SourceSafe
is an application that allows one to make multiple revisions of a file
and log those changes so that at any time, one can access any previous
version with a simple mouse click. The reason this is crucially important
because as the assets increase it will become an ever-increasing job to
maintain all the assets. Since the artists and modelers are the asset
creators, it will be your job to make sure that the assets are kept up
to date and correct. Here is a breakdown of concepts that are important
with SourceSafe: checking in files, checking out files, Setting one’s
working folder, Showing history of a particular file. Since explaining
these concepts has already been covered in the documentation for SourceSafe,
they won’t be covered here.
The TIKI model system employs three different kinds of assets: the TIK
file, a number of TAN files and a number of TGA files. The TIK file is
the main file of the TIKI model system, it defines all the different animations
to be used for a model as well as which textures are to be used and any
unique information for that model. The TAN file is a proprietary format
that is created by LW2TAN for Lightwave and MAX2TAN for 3D Studio MAX
2. The TGA file is the native format for the textures used to comprise
the skin of the model.
The TAN file is a TIKI animation file, it is the basic building block
of all models. A TAN file can be created in one of two ways, using the
LW2TAN utility for Lightwave or using the MAX2TAN exporter for 3D Studio
MAX 2. Any animation can be converted to a TAN file provided that it meets
the following requirements:
- It must have texture coordinates assigned. Either through a uv file
in Lightwave’s case or have them present in the model for 3D Studio
- All animations must match each other in terms of number of surfaces,
number of triangles, number of vertices, and number of tags.
TAN files support a bunch of unique features including: tags (bones),
origin and surfaces.
A tag simply defines an attachment point for other models. It is defined
by a single triangle whose material’s name starts with the name
“tag_”. The number of “tags” must be consistent
throughout all TAN files for a given model. So there can’t be 3
tags in one animation and then 5 in another animation. The tag triangle
should be a right triangle which “points” straight ahead.
This triangle not only defines the position of an attachment point but
also the orientation of the attached model. Therefore, the orientation
of the right triangle is crucial. The tag triangle should not be equilateral,
it should be orientated as follows:

There are three sides to the triangle: the hypotenuse, the long side
and the short side.
The long side should point forward along the X Axis.
The short side should point to the right, along the Negative Y Axis.
The normal of the triangle should point straight up, along the Z Axis.
The hypotenuse should look like a \.
The origin tag is a special tag that can redefine the origin for each
frame of the animation. It is defined the same way as a normal tag (a
right triangle whose material’s name is “origin”). The
origin tag is the tag which is used to determine movement inside an animation.
The origin tag should always be placed in the same relative position to
the model unless the displacement is intended. For example, lets say a
walking animation is to be exported. The model starts at the origin on
frame 0 and then walks to (100,0,0) within 10 frames of animation. If
the animation contains 10 frames of animation than the origin triangle
would be placed at the following locations for each frame:
Frame / |
Coordinate |
0 |
(0,0,0) |
1 |
(10,0,0) |
2 |
(20,0,0) |
3 |
(30,0,0) |
4 |
(40,0,0) |
5 |
(50,0,0) |
6 |
(60,0,0) |
7 |
(70,0,0) |
8 |
(80,0,0) |
9 |
(90,0,0) |
The exporter or conversion utility automatically moves each frame “back
to the origin” so there is no need to auto-center the model oneself.
Surfaces define how the model will be broken up. Each surface can have
only one texture or shader active on it at any given time. Therefore by
skinning the model and breaking it up into two different skins, 2 different
surfaces are automatically created. Even though textures are assigned
in a program like Uview or within MAX, one still needs to define which
texture or shader will be used for each surface, this is done in the SETUP
SECTION of the TIK file. The way that surfaces are created (which triangles
go to which surface) is very important in that it defines the different
parts of a model. Splitting the model up into multiple parts allows one
to turn on or off or apply special effects to distinct regions of the
model. Surface naming is also critical in that it defines a hierarchy
that will be used in the game to determine what part of the model is what
(the game will look for keywords like head, torso, arm, leg etc.). The
surface naming convention is explained below.
General Guidelines
There are certain “default” tag names that should exist in
a model.
The standard name of the origin tag.
If a model is going to be carrying a gun and that gun is a separate
model (it is not integrated into the model) than the model should have
a tag named “tag_weapon”. This tag should be placed in the
hand of whichever arm the model will be wielding the weapon.
If a model is a weapon or the model has a weapon integrated into it,
it should have a tag named “tag_barrel”. This is the tag
at which muzzle flashes will be attached as well as where the projectile
or bullet will be fired.
If the model is a multi-segmented model with separate head, torso and
legs, than the following tags must exist: In the legs model a “tag_torso”
must exist. This is the attachment point of the torso to the legs. In
the torso model a “tag_head” must exist. This is the attachment
point of the head to the torso.
If the model will have limbs chopped off and the intent is that the model
spurt blood or something else from the location of severance, than a tag
must be created at that area. If one chopped off the left arm than the
tag would be called tag_arm_left and would be located at the left shoulder
The surface naming convention is hierarchical, in that any part that
is part of a larger part has that larger part as the beginning of its
name. For example, if one have a pair of glasses on a model’s face
than the surface describing the head might be called “head”
and the surface describing the glasses would be called “head_glasses”.
This way one can instantly tell that the glasses belong to the head. The
naming convention does get a bit confusing at times, but this way if one
blows off someone’s legs_left_high, one can delete all the surfaces
which begin with “legs_left_high” that includes “legs_left_high”,
”legs_left_high_low” and “legs_left_high_low_foot”.
Here is a list of surface names which should be used as much as possible
and wherever applicable (these surface names are for a standard biped,
and one’s creature may not be bipedal in nature). Also, not all
these surfaces have to exist by any means, in fact it is desirable to
have as few surfaces as possible.
- head
- head_hair
- torso_front
- torso_back
- legs_left_high
- legs_left_high_low
- legs_left_high_low_foot
- legs_right_high
- legs_right_high_low
- legs_right_high_low_foot
- arm_left_high
- arm_left_high_low
- arm_left_high_low_hand
- arm_right_high
- arm_right_high_low
- arm_right_high_low_hand
For severed limbs, one would implement “cap surfaces”, these
would be surfaces which would be turned on to cap off severed portions
of the model. They would utilize the naming convention as follows. If
one blows away the arm_left_high, than the cap surface one would use would
be cap_arm_left. If one blows away the arm_righ_high_low_hand surface
than the cap that one would use would be cap_arm_right_low.
The beginning of a TIK file must always start with the “TIKI”
identifier. The rest of the TIK file is made up of sections. A TIK file
is broken up into 3 distinct sections, the setup section, the init section
and the Animations section. The setup section is the section in which
all surface definitions are made as well as things like global scale and
global origin offset. The Init section contains all setup events for a
given model for both the client and the server. The Animations section
is where all animations are defined. This section also contains the individual
frame definitions for each animation in the model.
A TIK file can be created with any text editor. For those that do not
have a preference, Notepad is a simple text editor included with Windows
The TIK file supports some unique parsing tools that can make one’s
life easier. First of all, a TIK file can contain any number of Setup,
Init and Animation sections, there doesn’t have to be just one of
each. This has no real application for a single TIK file but makes more
sense when one considers the next feature of TIK files. TIK files support
two unique keywords which are $define and $include.
$define <macro_name> <macro_expansion>
This allows one to define a macro that will be automatically substituted
in the TIK file. This feature is especially useful when one has a filename
or some piece of text that is used over and over again and may change
at any time. Macros can only be used in the file once they are defined,
so a macro won’t be substituted correctly until it has been defined.
Macro definitions can be placed anywhere in the TIK file regardless of
which section is currently being processed. Here is an example:
When the shader definition for the head is parsed instead of getting
“$texpath$nostril.tga” as a texture name. The macro would
be properly substituted and one would get “textures/gorilla/head/nostril.tga”.
Macros must be surrounded by the “$” to be properly substituted.
$include <filename>
This allows one to include another file into the current one. What this
means is that the included file will be parsed from then on in the TIK
file until the included file’s end has been reached. This allows
one to include a “common” TIK file that has the basic animations
and setup information for a particular group of models and then make only
a few minor changes in this TIK file.
Comments may be created in TIK files at any time simply by starting the
comment out with “//”. Once the double slash is encountered,
the rest of the line will automatically be skipped.
The format of the setup section is as follows:
The following are valid setup keywords: scale, path, origin and surface.
- scale <global scale value>
Allows one to globally scale the model, where 1.0 is the default scale.
- path <subpath>
This will be prepended to all TGA and TAN files. One can use the “path”
command to specify a subdirectory where all the files are located.
- origin <x y z>
Apply a global origin offset to all animations. This allows one to re-position
a model without having to re-export it.
- lightoffset <x y z>
When lighting the model, apply this offset to the lighting sample location.
This can be used to fix models whose centroids occasionally drop below
the origin.
- surface <surface_name> flags <flag_keywords …>
surface <surface_name> damage <damage_multiplier>
surface <surface_name> shader <shader_name>
- surface_name
This is the name of the surface to modify. This can also be “all”
to apply to all surfaces or utilitze the “*” to modify
multiple surfaces at once. For example, given that we have a model
with all the default surfaces defined. If the surface_name is “legs*”,
then all surfaces beginning with “legs” will be modified.
- flags
This allows one to modify default surface attributes utilizing the
following keywords: skin1, skin2, skin3, nodraw, twosided, nodamage,
- damage
This allows one to specify how much the damage should be “amplified”
or scaled when damage is inflicted upon this surface.
- shader
This allows you to specify which texture will be used on which surface.
If the “shader_name” ends in a “.tga” then
that texture will be used. If it does not end with an extension,
then the “shader_name” will be assumed to be a valid
shader registered in some other “.shader” file.
The format of the init section is as follows:
Client initialization events are executed when a model is registered
on the client. Server initialization commands are executed when ever the
model is spawned on the server
The format of the Animations section is as follows:
Each animation is defined by an anim_alias followed by a TAN file. The
alias allows one to rename the animation so that it can adhere to a naming
convention, without having to rename all the TAN files to the same name.
It also allows the same animation to be used multiple times with different
effects. The braced section following an animation define the events to
be processed on the client or server at specific frames of the animations.
- frame_num
This is either a specific frame number from 0 to the number of frames
in the animation minus one. This can also be one of the keywords: start,
end, first, last, every, entry, and exit. The exit keyword means that
that command will be executed whenever leaving that animation. The entry
keyword means that the command will be executed the first time you enter
an animation, all subsequent loops of the animation will not call this
event. Both entry and exit can only be used on the client.
TGA files should be 24-bit unless it is absolutely imperative that the
texture needs to utilize an alpha channel. This would only be the case
if the texture and model utilized masking or alpha effects
This is a plugin for 3D Studio Max 2.0. It outputs the texture coordinates,
triangle definitions and surface definitions to a file with a UV extension.
This file is later read by MAX2TAN. You can simply rename your surfaces
by editing this file manually. Surfaces are defined in 3D Studio Max by
assigning material id’s to various faces. When the UV file is generated,
you will see the material id’s appear at the top of the file. By
default the materials are named material# where # is the material used
inside MAX. Simply rename material# to tag_origin or torso or whatever
name makes the most sense.
This is a plugin for 3D Studio Max 2.0. It outputs animation information
for a given model. It will create a file with a ANM extension. This file
is later read by MAX2TAN. The ANM is a binary file and cannot be edited.
This program converts 3D Studio MAX ANM and UV files to the TAN format.
All animations must have an appropriate UV file for texture coordinate
assignment. When converting an animation, it will check for the presence
of the destination and only re-grab the source if the time/date of the
source is newer than the destination or the –force option is used.
MAX2TAN has the following options:
- animname
The name of an ANM file created by ANIMOUT.
- uv
If a uv file is not specified, a uv file will be looked for called “animname.uv”.
This allows one to create one uv file for a model and use it for each
- force
Causes MAX2TAN to re-process the animation regardless of what the time
and date of the destination TAN file is.
- scale
Specifies a scale to be used when converting the file. The default scale
is 1.
- ignore
Specifies an external file which contains a list of surfaces to ignore
when grabbing this model. This is used extensively when grabbing a multi-part
- origin
Specifies an alternate surface name for the origin. Normally, the origin
surface is simply called “origin”, this allows one to choose
an alternate surface name for the origin. This is used extensively when
grabbing a multi-part model.
- dest
Specifies an alternate destination name for the TAN file, normally the
TAN file shares the same name as the animname but with a TAN extension.
- nolod
Do not create an LOD mapping for this model.
- verbose
Outputs a lot of information while processing the model.
- noclampz
By default, the Z component of the origin tag is clamped to only positive
and zero values. If you would like to allow negative Z values, use this
- zeroz
Always set the Z component of the origin tag to zero.
- rotate [yaw]
Rotates the model before processing.
- reverse
reverse the order of frames of the animation.
- noorigin
Tells max2tan to not subtract the origin’s position from the model’s
position. No movement deltas are produced.
- clearz
Specifies that Z movement is cleared out on deltas.
- clearxy
Specifies that X and Y movement is cleared out on deltas.
The following commands allow one to test a TIK model inside the game
- viewspawn <modelname>
Spawns a viewthing with <modelname> as the model.
- viewmodel <modelname>
Sets the model of the current viewthing
- viewthingnext
Makes the next viewthing in your world the current one.
- viewthingprev
Makes the previous viewthing in your world the current one.
- viewnext
Increments the current frame of the current viewthing.
- viewprev
Decrements the current frame of the current viewthing.
- viewnextanim
Increments the current anim of the current viewthing.
- viewprevanim
Decrements the current anim of the current viewthing.
- viewanimate
Toggles the animation of the current viewthing. 4 states, off, on, on
with movement, on with movement and looping.
- viewscaleup
Increments the current scale of the current viewthing.
- viewscaledown
Decrements the current scale of the current viewthing.
- viewscale <scale>
Sets the scale of the current viewthing.
- viewyaw <angle>
Sets the yaw of the current viewthing.
- viewdelete
Deletes the current viewthing.
- viewattach <tag name> <fully realized path name of model
to attach>
Tag name is the name of the tag to attach to, fully realized path name
would be like <models/grunt.tik>, normally on viewspawn and viewmodel
commands you don't need to prepend models/, but in this case you do.
- viewdetachall
Detach and delete all my children.
- vieworigin <x y z>
Specifies an absolute position for the viewthing.
- viewangles <pitch yaw roll>
Specifies new angles for the viewthing.
- R_lodscale
Adjust the global LOD scale for all models, default is 5. Lower values
increase LOD, higher values decrease LOD. You can easily bind two keys
to change the CVAR like so:
- Bind key1 “add r_loadscale 0.25”
- Bind key2 “add r_loadscale –0.025”
- Testmodel <model.tik>
Spawns a test model in front of the player.
- testscale <scale value>
Changs the scale of the test model.
- testscaleup
Ups the scale of the test model.
- testscaledown
Downs the scale of the test model.
- testanimate
Toggles the animation state of the test model. One toggle animates the
model in place (without movement information). The second toggle animates
the model with movement but resets the movement after each animation
loop. The third toggle animates the model with movement and continues
looping. The fourth toggle resets the model to not animate and brings
it back to its origin.
- testorigin <x y z>
Specifies a new origin for the given model.
- testangles <pitch yaw roll>
Specifies new angles for the test model.
- Nextframe
Goes to the next frame in the current animation of the test model.
- Prevframe
Goes to the previous frame in the current animation of the test model.
- Nextanim
Goes to the next animation in the test model.
- Prevanim
Goes to the previous animation in the test model.
// All TIKI files must have this at the
// beginning of the file |
// The setup section |
// specify a scale of 1.1 |
// set the path for all files to
// models/julia |
// set all surfaces to use
// eden_julia_dam5.tga as their
// default texture |
// define a macro called playerdir |
// The init section |
// the server init events |
// override the default bounding box |
// the client init events |
// The animations section |
// create an animation called idle |
// create an animation called taunt |
// client events for the taunt anim |
// on the first frame of idle play
// a taunt sound |