Client Module Classes

BindListener -> Listener -> Class

bindgroup( String bindgroup )

    Create a new bind group

binditem( String name, String command, [ String animation ] )

    Create a new bind item in the interface


ConsoleHider -> Listener -> Class


    Signal that the window was closed


    Specifies that the widget has been destroyed.

DialogEntry -> Class

Event -> Class

ExecCmd -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Signal that the button was pressed

FilePickerClass -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

    Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

    Signaled when an item is selected

GameInventory -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse exiting a widget event

mouse_moved( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with no buttons down

right_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Right mouse button has been pressed down

GameItemList -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse exiting a widget event

mouse_moved( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with no buttons down

right_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Right mouse button has been pressed down

right_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Right mouse button has been released


    Specifies that the widget has been destroyed.

GameplayDatabase -> Listener -> Class

GameplayObject -> Class

GameplayProperty -> Class

invlistener -> Listener -> Class

angledeltas( Vector angles )

    How to spin or bob the model

angles( Vector angles )

    The orientation of the model

anim( String anim )

    Which anim this item uses

checkammo( Boolean bool )

    Check if the weapon has ammo before using it

command( String command )

    Command to execute

equip( String use, [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ] )

    Which ways you can use this item

hudangledeltas( Vector angles )

    How to spin or bob the model

hudangles( Vector angles )

    The orientation of the model

hudanim( String anim )

    Which anim this item uses

hudmodel( String name )

    Which model this item is

hudmove( String movetype )

    How to move the model when selected.
    either bob or spin

hudoffset( Vector offset )

    Offsets the origin of the model for moving

hudrotateoffset( Vector offset )

    Offsets the origin of the model for rotation

hudscale( Float scale )

    How much to scale the model

item( String item_name )

    The name of the current item

itemfovx( Float fovx )

    The fov x for the inventory item

itemfovy( Float fovy )

    The fov y for the inventory item

itemnoammoshader( String shader )

    The shader to display when item has no ammo.

itemnotavailableshader( String shader )

    The shader to display when the item is not available.

itemselectedshader( String shader )

    Selected shader for the inventory item

itemshader( String shader )

    Normal shader for the inventory item

model( String name )

    Which model this item is

modelwindow( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height )

    Specifies the dimensions of the model window for the inventory in normalized coordinates

move( String movetype )

    How to move the model when selected.
    either bob or spin

offset( Vector offset )

    Offsets the origin of the model for moving

rotateoffset( Vector offset )

    Offsets the origin of the model for rotation

scale( Float scale )

    How much to scale the model

showonlyifvalid( String name, [ Boolean default ] )

    Specifies if the item should only show if its valid. This is for when there are groups ofweapons where only one weapon is valid. For instance, if there were several machine gunswhere each gun is similar, but the player will only have one of these machine guns. By default all these guns would show, so this way you can group the machine guns by some nameand only the item in that group that is valid will display. If there is more than one weapon that is valid, the last valid weapon will show up. If there are no valid weapons in the group,the specified default will show.

typedef( String type )

    Specifies which class of item you're editing

typeselectedshader( String shader )

    type shader

typeshader( String shader )

    type shader


    Open brace, useless


    Close brace, useless

Listener -> Class


    Removes this listener immediately.


    Removes this listener the next time events are processed.

MapRunnerClass -> FilePickerClass -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

Menu -> Listener -> Class


    Hides the menu.

showmenu( [ Boolean activate ] )

    Shows the menu.

MenuManager -> Listener -> Class


    Lock out the menu from receiving input

pushmenu( String menuname )

    Pushes the menu on the stack


    Unlock the menu from receiving input

Miniconsole -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

Script -> Class

SoundPickerClass -> FilePickerClass -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

ToggleCVar -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Signal that the button was pressed

UIAmmoColorLabel -> UIColorStatLabel -> UIFakkLabel -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

UIBindButton -> UIButton -> UIButtonBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Sets button to display alternate key

any_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Any mouse button has been pressed

bindcommand( String cmd )

    Command to bind

UIButton -> UIButtonBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

pressedshader( String shaderName )

    Set the shader to on the background of the widget when the widget is pressed down

UIButtonBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Clears all dialog threads.


    Clears the list of server threads.

DialogThreadToRun( String threadName )

    Adds to the list of dialog threads to run when the button is pressed.

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse exiting a widget event

serverThreadProperty( String objectName, String propertyName )

    Sets the server thread to run when clicked.

ServerThreadToRun( String threadName )

    Adds to the list of server thread to run when button is pressed

ServerVarToSet( String varName )

    Adds to the list of server variables to set when button is pressed
    This name is the name of the cvar and must start with ClientVar_
    This variable maps to a level variable in the script on the sever side


    Keeps the button in the armed state.

UIChatConsole -> UIConsole -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

messageMode( String messageModeName )

    Sets the message mode of the chat console.


    Removes the last line from the console.

UICheckBox -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

checked_command( String command )

    Command to execute when checkbox is checked

checked_shader( String shader )

    Set the shader of the small button when it is checked

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

linkcvarbit( Integer bit )

    bit to change in the cvar

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse exiting a widget event

unchecked_command( String command )

    Command to execute when checkbox is checked

unchecked_shader( String shader )

    Set the shader of the small button when it is unchecked

UIChildSpaceWidget -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

UIColorStatLabel -> UIFakkLabel -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

decreasecolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Decrease color

increasecolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Increase color

UIConsole -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Clears the console.


    Makes this console not interactive.


    Makes the console only draw the text.

print( String string )

    Print the string to the console


    Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UIDialogHead -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

dialogheadentity( Integer entnum )

    The entity reference number to render

UIDialogTextConsole -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

dialog_printtext( String dialogName, String dialogText, Float dialogLength )

    Adds dialog text to the dialogConsole


    Resets the text dialog

rect( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height, [ Boolean resize ] )

    Set the rect of the widget


    Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UIFakkLabel -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Displays the stat in hours:minutes:seconds. Title must be in seconds.

invalidPlayerStatValue( Integer invalidPlayerStatValue )

    Hides the display of the player stat if it is equal to this

invmodelrender( Integer handindex )

    set the specified hand index to render a 3d model

itemstat( Integer itemstatValue )

    set itemstat for layout

maxplayerstat( String maxPlayerstatName )

    set the playerstat that holds the max value for that stat. Used for statbars

modelangles( Vector angles )

    Render model angles

modelanim( String anim )

    Render model anim

modeloffset( Vector offset )

    Render model offset

modelrotateoffset( Vector offset )

    Render model rotation offset

modelscale( Float scale )

    Render model scale

playerstat( String playerStatName )

    set playerstat for layout

playerstatconfigstring( Integer playerstatValue )

    set playerstat for layout - will print out the corresponding configstring

rendermodel( Boolean bool )

    Render the model specified by the cvar.

statbar( String orientation, [ Integer min ], [ Integer max ] )

    make this label present the stat using a graphical bar. Optionally specify a min and max value

statbar_repeatshader( String Shader )

    set the repeat shader for the statbar

statbar_shader( String shader )

    set the shader for this statbar

statbar_shader_flash( String shader )

    set the flash shader for this statbar

statbar_tileshader( String shader )

    set the tile shader for this statbar

statbar_tileshader_flash( String shader )

    set the flash tile shader for this statbar

statbardirection( String direction )

    Sets the direction for that statbar to move. Choices are up, down, left, and right

statisticProperty( String object, String property )

    Hooks this widget up to the specified gameplay object property, which is treatedlike a statistic. A graphical bar is used to present it. Use statbar as wellto define the stat bar properties.

statmultiplier( Float max, Float multiplier )

    Sets the stat multiplier, if a stat exceeds the max, then the multiplier is used.

warningLevel( Integer warningLevel )

    Sets the value at which the hud will start blinking

warningSound( String warningSound, Integer warningSoundFreq )

    Sets up a warning sound to play when stat is too low.


    Makes a warning noise when changed (works with warningLevel also).

UIFAKKLoadGameClass -> UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

    Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

    Signaled when an item is selected


    Load the currently selected game


    Delete the currently selected game


    Save the currently selected game

UIFAKKServerList -> UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Connect to the specified server

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

    Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

    Signaled when an item is selected


    Refresh the LAN serverlist


    Refresh the serverlist

UIField -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

activate( [ Boolean force ] )

    Called when the widget activates


    Called when the widget deactivates.

maxcharacters( Integer maxcharacter )

    Sets the maximum characters the field can have

UIFloatingConsole -> UIFloatingWindow -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Signal that the window was closed

UIFloatingWindow -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Signals that the widget has been activated.


    Signal that the window was closed


    Signal that the window was minimized

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down


    Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UIIcon -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

playerstat( String playerStatName )

    set playerstat for layout

UIInformationLabel -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

information( Integer index )

    Sets this label to display information from the mission information list

textbox( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height )

    Set the dimensions for the text box to display

textcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the text color of an complete objective

UIInventoryBar -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Signals that the widget has been activated.


    Called when the widget deactivates.


    Disables the inventory bar


    Enables the inventory bar

inventorychangesound( String changeSound )

    The change sound

inventoryemptygroupshader( String shader )

    Sets the empty group shader


    Hides the inventory

inventoryitemsize( Float width, Float height )

    inventory item size


    next inventory item

inventorynoammoselectionshader( String shader )

    Sets the selection shader when the item has no ammo

inventorynotavailselectionshader( String shader )

    Sets the selection shader when the item is not available.


    previous inventory item

inventoryrejectsound( String rejectSound )

    The reject sound

inventoryselectionshader( String shader )

    Sets the selection shader

inventoryselectsound( String selectSound )

    The select sound


    Shows the inventory

inventorytypesize( Float width, Float height )

    inventory type size

inventorywarpitem( String typename )

    Warps to a type in the inventory

UIInventoryItem -> UIMove -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

UIInventoryType -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

linkstring( Integer value, String string )

    Creates a link from the specified value to a string.Use this if you want the label to display a string different from the value of the cvar

UILayout -> Listener -> Class

menu( String name, Float width, Float height, String direction, [ Float motion_time ] )

    Sets up the layout of the menu.

UIList -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

additem( String itemname, [ String command ] )

    Add an item to the list

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

addconfigstringitem( Integer index, [ String command ] )

    Add an item to the list that uses a configstring

additem( String itemname, [ String command ] )

    Add an item to the list


    Delete all the items from the widget

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released


    Makes sure items in list are unique

UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse entered a widget event


    Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UIMove -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Clears all of the commands.

mwc_move( Float x, Float y, Float time )

    Moves the widget.

mwc_moveto( Float x, Float y, Float time )

    Moves the widget to the specified location over the time period specified.

mwc_movetocvar( String x, String y, [ Float scale ], [ Float time ] )

    Moves the widget to (x+cvar1*scale,y+cvar2*scale) over the specified time.


    Makes the widget commands start from the beginning.

mwc_wait( Float time )

    Waits the specified amount of time.


    Restarts all of the commands.

UIMultiLineEdit -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

edit( Boolean bool )

    Set whether or not the text is editable

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down


    Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.


    Causes text box to update itself using the assigned cvar

UINotepad -> UIFloatingWindow -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Signal that the window was closed

openfile( String nameOfFile )

    called to open a file in the notepad

UINotepadEdit -> UIMultiLineEdit -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

UIObjectiveLabel -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

completeshader( String shader )

    Sets complete shader

completetextcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the text color of an complete objective

displaytype( String displayType )

    Sets the display type of the objective.

failedshader( String shader )

    Sets the failed shader for the objective

failedtextcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the text color of an failed objective

incompleteshader( String shader )

    Sets the incomplete shader for the objective

incompletetextcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the text color of an incomplete objective

objective( Integer index )

    Sets this label to display information from the mission objectives list

UIPickFileClass -> FilePickerClass -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

UIPopupMenu -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse exiting a widget event

mouse_moved( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with no buttons down

UIPulldownMenu -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Called when the widget deactivates.

highlight_bgcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b )

    Set the background color of the highlighted text when a pulldown is used

highlight_fgcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b )

    Set the foreground color of the highlighted text when a pulldown is used

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

UIPulldownMenuContainer -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

addpopup( String menuname, String title, String type, String string )

    Adds a popup to the list box.
    menuname - the name of the menu to add this to
    title - the string to display
    type - type of item this is (command,cvar,event_name)
    string - the data that corresponds to the correct type

armedshadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the material color

clicksound( String soundName )

    Set the sound to be played when the widget is clicked

font( String title )

    Set the font of the widget

highlight_bgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

    Set the highlight foreground color of the pulldown menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

highlight_fgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

    Set the highlight background color of the pulldown menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

hovershadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the material color

menushader( String menuname, String shader )

    Adds a menu to the container and sets the shader.
    menuname - the name of the menu to add this to
    shader - the string to display

popup_bgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

    Set the foreground color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

popup_fgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

    Set the background color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

popup_highlight_bgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

    Set the highlight foreground color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

popup_highlight_fgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

    Set the highlight background color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

popup_width( Float width )

    Sets the width of the menu popup

selectedshadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the material color

selmenushader( String menuname, String shader )

    Adds a menu to the container and sets the shader when it's selected.
    menuname - the name of the menu to add this to
    shader - the string to display

shadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the material color

UIRadarDialog -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

blipmodel( String blip )

    Sets the blip shader to use

blipscale( Float scale )

    Sets the scale on the blip sprite

complexbackgroundcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the complex background color

complexgroundmodel( String path )

    Sets the radar gound model to use

fovmodel( String path )

    Sets the radar fov model

groundmodelboundingsize( Float size )

    Sets the bounding size of the ground model.

objectivearrowmodel( String objectivearrow )

    Sets the mission objective arrow

objectiveblipmodel( String selectedblip )

    Sets the mission objective blip model

objectiveselectedblipmodel( String selectedblip )

    Sets the mission objective selected blip model

range( Float range )

    Sets the range on the radar

selectedblipmodel( String selectedblip )

    Sets the selected blip shader

simplebackgroundcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the simple background color

simplegroundmodel( String path )

    Sets the simple radar ground model to use

UIRadioButton -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

bindcvar( String cvar )

    link radio buttons to a particular cvar

buttonshader( String button_material )

    set the normal button shader

buttonsize( Float buttonsize.x, Float buttonsize.y )

    set the size of the radio buttons

padding( Float pad.x, Float pad.y )

    set the padding from top-left corner

radiobutton( String returnstring, String label, String stuffcommand )

    create a new radio button/label

rowheight( Float rowheight )

    set the height of each row

selectshader( String select_material )

    set the selected button shader

UIRandomLabel -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

UIRenderModel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

altclicksoundproperty( String object, String property )

    Uses the specified object's property as the sound to play whenthe widget is right clicked.

clicksoundproperty( String object, String property )

    Uses the specified object's property as the sound to play whenthe widget is left clicked.

hoverbob( Vector _hoverbob, [ Float _hoverbobtime ] )

    causes model to bob up and down a specified vector and period on hover

hoverpivot( Vector _hoverpivot, [ Float _hoverpivottime ] )

    causes model to pivot back and forth with a specified angle and period on hover

hoverspin( Vector _hoverspin, [ Float _hoverspintime ] )

    causes model to spin with a specified direction and speed on hover

modelProperty( String object, String property )

    Hooks this widget up to the specfied gameplay object property, which is treatedas a model to render. In addition to fetching the model from the gameplaydatabase, the other rendering properties are pulled from the database as well.

normalbob( Vector _normalbob, [ Float _normalbobtime ] )

    causes model to bob up and down a specified vector and period

normalpivot( Vector _normalpivot, [ Float _normalpivottime ] )

    causes model to pivot back and forth with a specified angle and period

normalspin( Vector _normalspin, [ Float _normalspintime ] )

    causes model to spin with a specified direction and speed

rendermodel( String modelname )

    The name of the model to render

rendermodelangles( Vector angleVector )

    The vector for the model angles

rendermodelanimation( String animations )

    The default model animation to play

rendermodelarmedanimation( String animations )

    The model animation to play when armed

rendermodeldisabledanimation( String animations )

    The model animation to play when disabled

rendermodelfov( Integer fovX, Integer fovY )

    The fov to render the model at

rendermodelhoveranimation( String animations )

    The model animation to play during mouse hover

rendermodeloffset( Vector offsetVector )

    The offset vector of the render model

rendermodelpitch( Float pitchangle )

    Set the model's pitch


    Makes the model get cached immediately

rendermodelroll( Float rollangle )

    Set the model's roll

rendermodelrotateoffset( Vector rotationVector )

    The rotation offset to rotate the model.

rendermodelselectedanimation( String animations )

    The model animation to play when selected

rendermodelyaw( Float yawangle )

    Set the model's yaw

UIRow -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Sets the no row highlight

UIRowColumn -> UIScrollable -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Triggers the activate commnand

activatecolumncommand( String command, Integer column, [ Integer i1 ], [ Integer i2 ], [ Integer i3 ], [ Integer i4 ], [ Integer i5 ] )

    The command to execute when the column is activated.

activatecommand( String command, [ Integer i1 ], [ Integer i2 ], [ Integer i3 ], [ Integer i4 ], [ Integer i5 ] )

    The command to execute when the row is activated (double clicked). I1-I5 are the column indices

addrow( String s1, [ String s2 ], [ String s3 ], [ String s4 ], [ String s5 ], [ String s6 ], [ String s7 ], [ String s8 ] )

    The string arguments to set on the row

addrowitem( String item, [ String data ] )

    Adds an item to a row.

addrowwidgets( String s1, [ String s2 ], [ String s3 ], [ String s4 ], [ String s5 ], [ String s6 ], [ String s7 ], [ String s8 ] )

    Adds specific widgets to the row.

bgrowcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Specifies the explicit background color to use on the row

column( String templatename, Float width, String datatype )

    The column properties.


    Delete all the items from the widget


    Deselects all items in the list

fgrowcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Specifies the explicit foreground color to use on the row

hovercommand( String command )

    Set the command to be stuffed when the widget is hovered over

hoveredcolumncommand( String command, Integer column, [ Integer i1 ], [ Integer i2 ], [ Integer i3 ], [ Integer i4 ], [ Integer i5 ] )

    The command to execute when the column is hovered.

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse entered a widget event


    Prevents the wigdet from gaining focus.


    Sets the no row highlight


    Prevents the row from selecting

selectedcolumncommand( String command, Integer column, [ Integer i1 ], [ Integer i2 ], [ Integer i3 ], [ Integer i4 ], [ Integer i5 ] )

    The command to execute when the column is selected

selectedcommand( String command, [ Integer i1 ], [ Integer i2 ], [ Integer i3 ], [ Integer i4 ], [ Integer i5 ] )

    The command to exectue when the row is selected (single clicked)

selectrow( Integer rowIndex )

    Specifies the row to select

selectrowwithdata( Integer column, String data )

    Selects a row based on the stored data

setrow( Integer rowIndex, String s1, [ String s2 ], [ String s3 ], [ String s4 ], [ String s5 ], [ String s6 ], [ String s7 ], [ String s8 ] )

    The string arguments to set on the row

sortcolumn( Integer columnIndex )

    Sorts the column based on the column index

sorttype( String type )

    Specifies the sorting method

UIScrollable -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

itemheight( Float height )

    The height of the item in the list.

scrollbar_width( Float width )

    Sets the scrollbar width

scrollbartemplate( String templateName )

    Sets the name of the scrollbar template

UIScrollShader -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

scroll( Float min, Float max, Float percent )

    Minimum texcoord, Max texcoord, Expose Percentage

UISlider -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Used to auto decrement the slider


    Used to auto increment the slider

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

leftshader( String shader, [ String depressed_shader ] )

    Set the shader of the slider's left arrow

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse exiting a widget event

rightshader( String shader, [ String depressed_shader ] )

    Set the shader of the slider's right arrow

setrange( Float min, Float max )

    Used to set the range of a slider

slidertype( String sliderType(float|integer) )

    Set the slider type to be floating point or integral

stepsize( Float stepsize )

    Set the step size of the slider

thumbshader( String shader, [ String depressed_shader ] )

    Set the shader of the slider's thumb

UIStatusBar -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Specifies that the widget has been realigned.


    Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UISwitchBox -> UIButton -> UIButtonBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

imagenameoption( String image, String name, [ String command ], [ String cvarvalue ] )

    Like an image option, but will return a name on the getData call, rather than the image path

imageoption( String image, [ String command ], [ String cvarvalue ] )

    The properties of a image switch box option


    Switches to the next option

option( String name, [ String command ], [ String cvarvalue ] )

    The properties of a switchbox option

UITable -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class


    Triggers the activate commnand

activatecommand( String command, [ Integer i1 ], [ Integer i2 ], [ Integer i3 ], [ Integer i4 ], [ Integer i5 ] )

    The command to execute when the row is activated (double clicked). I1-I5 are the column indices

addrow( String s1, [ String s2 ], [ String s3 ], [ String s4 ], [ String s5 ], [ String s6 ], [ String s7 ], [ String s8 ] )

    The string arguments to set on the row

allowusersort( Boolean canSort )

    Specifies whether we allow the user to sort the list.


    Delete all the items from the widget


    Deselects all items in the list

headerheight( Integer height )

    Height of the column header widget

hovercommand( String command )

    Set the command to be stuffed when the widget is hovered over

hoverexitcommand( String command )

    Set the command to be stuffed when the widget is no longer being hovered over

itemheight( Float height )

    The height of the item in the list.


    Sets the no row highlight


    Prevents the row from selecting

scrollbar_width( Float width )

    Sets the scrollbar width

scrollbartemplate( String templateName )

    Sets the name of the scrollbar template

selectedcommand( String command, [ Integer i1 ], [ Integer i2 ], [ Integer i3 ], [ Integer i4 ], [ Integer i5 ] )

    The command to exectue when the row is selected (single clicked)

selectrow( Integer rowIndex )

    Specifies the row to select

sortcolumn( Integer columnIndex )

    Sorts the column based on the column index

sorttype( String type )

    Specifies the sorting method

tablecolumn( String templateName,, Integer width,, String datatype,, String headerTemplate,, String title )

    Adds a column to the table

UIVertScroll -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse exiting a widget event

scrollbar_scroll( Integer scrollrate, Integer autorepeat )

    scroll the scrollbar, at the specified rate.
    The autorepeat is used for autoscrolling with the mouse button held down

scrollbar_solidbordercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the border color for the scroll bar

scrollbar_thumbcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the thumb color for the scroll bar

scrollbar_width( Float width )

    Sets the scrollbar width

UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

activate( [ Boolean force ] )

    Called when the widget activates

aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

    Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource

align( String alignment )

    Set the side of the screen to align the widget(left right top bottom)

altclicksound( String soundName )

    Set the sound to be played when the widget is right-clicked.

armedbgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the armed background color

armedbordercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the armed border color

armedfgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the armed foreground color

armedshader( String shaderName )

    Set the armed shader on the background of the widget when the widget is armed

armedshadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the material color

armedtextshadowcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Set the armed text shadow color of the widget

bgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Set the background color of the widget

bordercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Set the border color of the widget

borderstyle( String style )

    Set the borderstyle of the widget(NONE, 3D_BORDER, INDENT_BORDER)

borderwidth( Float width )

    Pixel width of the border


    Clears all of the commands.

clicksound( String soundName )

    Set the sound to be played when the widget is clicked

cvarcheckdisable( String cvar_name, String cvar_value, [ String checkType ] )

    Adds a cvar check for disabling to the widget, where they checkType is what determines what check to
    To apply to see if this needs to be disabled ( ==, !=, <, <=, >, or >=, defaults to == )

cvarvisibility( String cvar_name, String cvar_value, [ String checkType ] )

    Shows a widget when the specified cvar equals the specified value. Otherwise it hides.
    To apply to see if this needs to be visible ( ==, !=, <, <=, >, or >=, defaults to == )

depth( Float depth )

    Sets the widget containers zdepth

direction( String direction, [ Float time ] )

    Set the direction the widget will appear from on the screen
    (from_top, from_bottom, from_left, or from_right)
    Time is specified to determine how fast the widget will scroll in


    enable the widget.

disabledbgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the disabled background color

disabledbordercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the disabled border color

disabledfgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the disabled foreground color

disabledshadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the disabled shader color

disabledtextshadowcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the text shadow color


    enable the widget.

enableProperty( String object, String property )

    Sets the widget to enable/disable based on the gameplay property

fadedelay( Float fadedelay )

    Sets the delay before the fade out occurs

fadein( Float fadetime )

    Set the amount of time it takes for the widget to fade in

fadeout( Float fadetime )

    Sets the amount it takes for the widget to fade out.

fgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Set the foreground color of the widget

floatProperty( String object, String property )

    Hooks this widget up to the specified gameply object float property

font( String title )

    Set the font of the widget


    Hides the widget.

hidecommand( String command )

    Set a command to be executed when the widget is hidden


    Hides this widget or menu from when loading.

hidesound( String command )

    Set a sound to be played when the widget is hidden

horizontaljustify( String horizontal )

    Specifies the horizontal justification of text - left, right or center

hoverbgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    The hover background color

hoverbordercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    The hover border color

hovercommand( String command )

    Set the command to be stuffed when the widget is hovered over

hoverexitcommand( String command )

    Set the command to be stuffed when the widget is no longer being hovered over

hoverfgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    The hover foreground color

hovershader( String shaderName )

    Set the shader to on the background of the widget when the mouse is over the widget

hovershadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the material color


    Set the sound to play when mouse enters widget

hovertextshadowcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Set the hover text shadow color of the widget

initdata( String datastring )

    Set the linkcvar to be initialized to this value

keycommand( String key, String command )

    Sets the command to execute when a key is pressed

labeltext( String text )

    Used by labels to simply dump text into the label, justified top-left.

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

linkcvar( String cvarname )

    Set the cvar that will be updated when the widget is changed

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse exiting a widget event

mwc_move( Float x, Float y, Float time )

    Moves the widget.

mwc_moveto( Float x, Float y, Float time )

    Moves the widget to the specified location over the time period specified.

mwc_movetocvar( String x, String y, [ Float scale ], [ Float time ] )

    Moves the widget to (x+cvar1*scale,y+cvar2*scale) over the specified time.

mwc_movetoprop( String x, String y, [ Float scale ], [ Float time ] )

    Moves the widget to (x+obj.prop*scale,y+obj.prop*scale) over the specified time.

mwc_movetostat( String x, String y, [ Float scale ], [ Float time ] )

    Moves the widget to (x+stat*scale,y+stat*scale) over the specified time.


    Makes the widget commands start from the beginning.

mwc_setposition( Float x, Float y )

    Immediately moves the position of the widget.

mwc_wait( Float time )

    Waits the specified amount of time.

name( String name )

    Set the name of the widget


    Set the widget to not be adjusted by the parent widget


    Set the widget to not be clipped by the parent widget


    Do not resize the widget when the resolution changes

ordernumber( Integer num )

    Set the order the widget should be activated in

popcommand( String command )

    Set a command to be executed when the widget is popped off the stack

pushcommand( String command )

    Set a command to be executed when the widget is pushed on the stack

rect( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height, [ Boolean resize ] )

    Set the rect of the widget


    Refreshes the shader for this widget


    Restarts all of the commands.

right_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Right mouse button has been pressed down

selectedbgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the selected background color

selectedbordercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the selected border color

selectedfgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the selected foreground color

selectedshader( String shaderName )

    Set the select shader on the background of the widget when the widget is selected

selectedshadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the material color

selectedtextshadowcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Set the selected text shadow color of the widget

setaltcommand( String command )

    Sets the alternate command. By default, this command is executed when theright mouse button is pressed on a widget.

setchild( String child )

    Makes target widget a child of current widget

shader( String shaderName )

    Set the shader to draw on the background of the widget

shadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Sets the material color

shaderProperty( String object, String property )

    Hooks this widget up to display the specified gameplay object shader

showcommand( String command )

    Set a command to be executed when the widget is shown

showsound( String command )

    Set a sound to be played when the widget is shown

size( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height )

    Set the size of the widget

statVisibility( String stat_name, String stat_value, Boolean equal )

    Shows a widget when the specified stat is equal/not equal to the specified value. Otherwise it hides it.

stopsound( String soundName )

    Set the sound to be played when the widget stops moving

stretch( String stretchdir )

    Set the widget to be stretched horizontally or vertically across the screen

stringProperty( String object, String property )

    Hooks this widget up to the specified gameply object string property

stuffcommand( String command )

    Set the command to be stuffed when the widget is clicked

textshadowcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Set the text shadow color of the widget

texturecoordinates( Float s1, Float t1, Float s2, Float t2 )

    The texture coordinates for the shader

tileshader( String shaderName )

    Set the shader to draw tiled on the background of the widget

title( String title )

    Set the title of the widget to be displayed in the center of it

verticaljustify( String vertical )

    Specifies the vertical justification of text - top bottom, center

visibilityProperty( String object, String property )

    Hooks this widget up to the specified gameply object visibility property

widgetstate( String widgetState )

    Sets the widget state

UIWidgetContainer -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

bgfill( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

    Set a color to fill the entire background

fullscreen( Boolean fullscreen )

    Set container to be fullscreen. This will disable the game rendering if it's active


    Allows focus to the game window

noEscape( Boolean noEscape )

    Sets the menu if escape key sequence is allowed.


    Tells container not to pop up mouse.

vidmode( Integer vidmode )

    Set container's vidmode to change to when it's active

UIWindowManager -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

UIWindowSizer -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been released

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

USignal -> Listener -> Class

View3D -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

activate( [ Boolean force ] )

    Called when the widget activates


    Called when the widget deactivates.

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

    Left mouse button has been pressed down

ViewSetPickerClass -> FilePickerClass -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

ViewSpawnerClass -> FilePickerClass -> USignal -> Listener -> Class

79 Client Module Classes.
478 Client Module Events.