//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/teleportToEntity.cpp $ // $Revision:: 5 $ // $Author:: Singlis $ // $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $ // // Copyright (C) 2002 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This source may not be distributed and/or modified without // expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // // // DESCRIPTION: // TeleportToEntity Behavior Implementation. // -- Currently, this is misnamed as a result of the transition to individual // files for each behavior. Additionally, this behavior needs much refactoring // to make it more generalized and flexible // // -- What it does RIGHT NOW // The Behavior grabs the player's position, offsets it ( Preferring to go behind ) // It checks if this new position will hold the actor. If that is true, then // it plays the "start" animation. When that animation is completed, it rechecks // the spot -- If it's still good, then it sets the actor's origin to that spot // and plays the "end" animation // // ANIMATIONS: // Start Animation : Parameter // End Animation : Parameter //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "actor.h" #include "player.h" #include "teleportToEntity.hpp" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class Declaration and Event Registration // //-------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS_DECLARATION( Behavior, AnimatedTeleportToPlayer, NULL ) { { &EV_Behavior_Args, &AnimatedTeleportToPlayer::SetArgs }, { NULL, NULL } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: SetArgs() // Class: AnimatedTeleportToPlayer // // Description: Sets Variables based on arguments inside the event // // Parameters: Event *ev // // Returns: None //-------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimatedTeleportToPlayer::SetArgs( Event *ev ) { _startAnim = ev->GetString( 1 ); _endAnim = ev->GetString( 2 ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: Begin() // Class: AnimatedTeleportToPlayer // // Description: Initializes the behavior // // Parameters: Actor &self // // Returns: None //-------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimatedTeleportToPlayer::Begin( Actor &self ) { _state = ANIM_TELEPORT_BEGIN; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: Evaluate() // Class: AnimatedTeleportToPlayer // // Description: Update for this behavior -- called every server frame // // Parameters: Actor &self // // Returns: None //-------------------------------------------------------------- BehaviorReturnCode_t AnimatedTeleportToPlayer::Evaluate ( Actor &self ) { int current_position; qboolean teleport_position_found; Vector new_position; int i; Vector dir; Vector angles; Player *player = NULL; Player *temp_player = NULL; // Make sure the player is alive and well for(i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++) { player = GetPlayer(i); // don't target while player is not in the game or he's in notarget if ( temp_player && !( temp_player->flags & FL_NOTARGET ) ) { player = temp_player; break; } } if ( !player ) return BEHAVIOR_SUCCESS; switch ( _state ) { case ANIM_TELEPORT_BEGIN: // Default the teleport position to where we are now _teleportPosition = self.origin; teleport_position_found = false; // Always teleport BEHIND the player - - we don't want him to see us pop in. current_position = TELEPORT_BEHIND; // Test this position if ( testPosition( self, current_position, new_position, player, true ) ) { _teleportPosition = new_position; teleport_position_found = true; } else { if ( testPosition( self, current_position, new_position, player, false ) ) { _teleportPosition = new_position; teleport_position_found = true; } } if ( !teleport_position_found ) return BEHAVIOR_FAILED; _state = ANIM_TELEPORT_START_ANIM; break; case ANIM_TELEPORT_START_ANIM: self.SetAnim( _startAnim , EV_Anim_Done , legs ); _state = ANIM_TELEPORT_START_ANIMATING; break; case ANIM_TELEPORT_START_ANIMATING: if ( self.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_ANIM_DONE ) ) _state = ANIM_TELEPORT_TELEPORT; break; case ANIM_TELEPORT_TELEPORT: _teleportPosition = self.origin; teleport_position_found = false; // Always teleport BEHIND the player - - we don't want him to see us pop in. current_position = TELEPORT_BEHIND; // Test this position if ( testPosition( self, current_position, new_position, player, true ) ) { _teleportPosition = new_position; teleport_position_found = true; } else { if ( testPosition( self, current_position, new_position, player, false ) ) { _teleportPosition = new_position; teleport_position_found = true; } } if ( !teleport_position_found ) { _state = ANIM_TELEPORT_END_ANIM; break; } self.setOrigin( _teleportPosition ); self.NoLerpThisFrame(); dir = player->origin - _teleportPosition; angles = dir.toAngles(); angles[ROLL] = 0.0f; angles[PITCH] = 0.0f; self.setAngles( angles ); _state = ANIM_TELEPORT_END_ANIM; break; case ANIM_TELEPORT_END_ANIM: self.SetAnim( _endAnim , EV_Anim_Done , legs ); _state = ANIM_TELEPORT_END_ANIMATING; break; case ANIM_TELEPORT_END_ANIMATING: if ( self.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_ANIM_DONE ) ) return BEHAVIOR_SUCCESS; break; } return BEHAVIOR_EVALUATING; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: End() // Class: AnimatedTeleportToPlayer // // Description: Ends this behavior -- cleans things up // // Parameters: Actor &self // // Returns: None //-------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimatedTeleportToPlayer::End( Actor &self ) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: testPosition() // Class: AnimatedTeleportToPlayer // // Description: Tests if the given position is valid for teleporting into // // Parameters: Actor &self // int test_pos // Vector &good_position // Entity *player, // bool use_player_dir // // Returns: true or false //-------------------------------------------------------------- bool AnimatedTeleportToPlayer::testPosition( Actor &self, int test_pos, Vector &good_position, Entity* player, bool use_player_dir ) { Vector test_position; Vector player_angles; Vector player_forward; Vector player_left; trace_t trace; // Get the position to test test_position = player->origin; if ( use_player_dir ) { // Get the player direction info player_angles = player->angles; player_angles.AngleVectors( &player_forward, &player_left ); // Check Behind the Player test_position -= player_forward * 128.0f; } else { // Check Behind the Player test_position += Vector(-128, 0, 0); } // Final Tweaking test_position += Vector(0, 0, 64); // Test to see if we can fit at the new position trace = G_Trace( test_position, self.mins, self.maxs, test_position - Vector( "0 0 250" ), &self, self.edict->clipmask, false, "Teleport::TestPosition" ); if ( trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid ) return false; if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) return false; // Make sure we can see the Player from this position /*if ( !self.IsEntityAlive( player ) || !self.sensoryPerception->CanSeeEntity( Vector( trace.endpos ), player , true , true ) ) return false;*/ // This is a good position good_position = trace.endpos; return true; }