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2003-11-05 00:00:00 +00:00
// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/FollowPath.cpp $
// $Revision:: 47 $
// $Author:: Singlis $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Provides base functionality for path following with avoidance
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "FollowPath.h"
// Name: DrawBox
// Class: none
// Description: draws a box in the xy plane
// Parameters:
// Vector center - the point about which the box is centered
// float width - the width of the box
// float r, g, b - the color values for the box
// float alpha - the amount of alpha applied to the box
// Returns: None
void DrawBox(const Vector &center, const float width, const float r, const float g, const float b, const float alpha )
float squareSize=width/2.0f;
Vector topLeftPoint = center + Vector(-squareSize, -squareSize, 0);
Vector topRightPoint = center + Vector(+squareSize, -squareSize, 0);
Vector bottomRightPoint = center + Vector(+squareSize, +squareSize, 0);
Vector bottomLeftPoint = center + Vector(-squareSize, +squareSize, 0);
G_DebugLine( topLeftPoint, topRightPoint, r, g, b, alpha );
G_DebugLine( topRightPoint, bottomRightPoint, r, g, b, alpha );
G_DebugLine( bottomRightPoint, bottomLeftPoint, r, g, b, alpha );
G_DebugLine( bottomLeftPoint, topLeftPoint, r, g, b, alpha );
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: FollowNode
// Base Class: Class
// Description: FollowNodes are a lightweight class meant to
// store translation information for the FollowNodePath class
// Method of Use: FollowNodes should only be created by
// FollowNodePaths but other classes my need access a node's
// translation.
// Name: FollowNode
// Class: FollowNode
// Description: default constructor
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
FollowNode::FollowNode ( void ):
_position( 0, 0, 0 ),
_isTemporary( false ),
_isJumpNode( false ),
_jumpAngle( 45.0f )
// Name: FollowNode
// Class: FollowNode
// Description: constructor
// Parameters:
// Vector position - translation of the FollowNode
// bool isTemporary - flag identifying temporary nodes
// Returns: None
FollowNode::FollowNode ( const Vector &position, const bool isTemporary, const bool isJumpNode, const float jumpAngle ):
_position( position ),
_isTemporary( isTemporary ),
_isJumpNode( isJumpNode ),
_jumpAngle( jumpAngle )
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: FollowNodePath
// Base Class: Class
// Description: FollowNodePaths are simple paths that support the
// concept of temporary path nodes (allowing temporary insertion
// nodes into the path).
// Method of Use: FollowNodePaths should primarily be used by
// FollowPath classes, although other classes may need access to
// most of the members of the class
CLASS_DECLARATION( Class, FollowNodePath, NULL )
// Name: FollowNodePath
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: default constructor
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Name: RemoveNode
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: removes node from path while maintaining
// the correct current node
// Parameters: FollowNodePtr node - pointer to the node to
// be removed
// Returns: None
void FollowNodePath::RemoveNode(FollowNodePtr node)
if (node == GetCurrentNode())
FollowNodePtr newCurrentNode=GetNextNode(GetCurrentNode());
if (newCurrentNode == NULL)
// Name: InsertNode
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: inserts a node into the path while maintaining
// the correct current node
// Parameters:
// FollowNodePtr node - pointer to the node to
// be inserted
// int index - the index in the list where the
// node is to be inserted
// Returns: None
void FollowNodePath::InsertNode(FollowNodePtr node, const int index)
int currentNodeIndex=GetNodeIndex(GetCurrentNode());
_nodes.InsertObjectAt(index, node);
if (currentNodeIndex >= index)
// Name: GetPreviousNode
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: returns a pointer to the node preceding the
// one passed to the method
// Parameters:
// FollowNodePtr node - node following the node
// to be returned
// Returns: the node preceding 'node'
FollowNodePtr FollowNodePath::GetPreviousNode(const FollowNodePtr node ) const
int nodeIndex=GetNodeIndex(node);
if (nodeIndex > 1)
return GetNodeAt(nodeIndex - 1);
return NULL;
// Name: GetNextNode
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: returns a pointer to the node following the
// one passed to the method
// Parameters:
// FollowNodePtr node - node preceding the node
// to be returned
// Returns: the node following 'node'
FollowNodePtr FollowNodePath::GetNextNode(const FollowNodePtr node ) const
int nodeIndex=GetNodeIndex(node);
if (nodeIndex < NumNodes())
return GetNodeAt(nodeIndex + 1);
return NULL;
// Name: Evaluate
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: ensures that the path maintains the correct
// current node as the actor follows the path
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Vector goalPosition - the place that the path
// is taking the Actor
// Returns: Steering::ReturnValue used to return success
// or reason for failure
const Steering::ReturnValue FollowNodePath::Evaluate( Actor &self, const Vector &goalPosition )
Steering::ReturnValue returnValue = Steering::EVALUATING;
if (
( NumNodes() < 1 ) &&
( SetPath( self, self.origin, goalPosition ) != PATH_CREATION_SUCCESS )
return Steering::FAILED_NO_PATH;
returnValue = AdvanceCurrentNode( self );
if (RetreatCurrentNode( self, goalPosition ) == Steering::FAILED_NO_PATH)
returnValue = Steering::FAILED_NO_PATH;
if ( g_showactorpath->integer )
return returnValue;
// Name: SetPath
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: builds a new path for an Actor to follow
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Vector from - the place that the path starts
// Vector to - the place that the path leads to
// Returns: bool that is false if no path is created
unsigned int const FollowNodePath::SetPath(Actor &self, const Vector &from, const Vector &to)
// Find the end node
PathNode *goalNode = thePathManager.NearestNode( to, &self );
if ( !goalNode )
// Find the start node
PathNode *node = thePathManager.NearestNode( from, &self );
if ( !node || ( goalNode == node ) )
// Find the best _path
StandardMovePath find;
find.heuristic.setSize( self.size );
find.heuristic.entnum = self.entnum;
find.heuristic.can_jump = self.CanJump() != 0;
Path *newpath = find.FindPath( node, goalNode );
if ( newpath != NULL )
BuildFromPathNodes( newpath, self );
delete newpath;
newpath = NULL;
SetCurrentNode( FirstNode() );
if ( !FindNewCurrentNode( self ) )
SetCurrentNode( FirstNode() );
SetCurrentNode( NULL );
assert ( NumNodes() > 0 );
//AddNode( new FollowNode( to, false ) );
// Name: Clear
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: removes all FollowNodes from the path and
// deletes them
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
void FollowNodePath::Clear()
for (int i=NumNodes(); i>0; i--)
FollowNodePtr node=GetNodeAt(i);
RemoveNode( node );
delete node;
// Name: Draw
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: draws all nodes, all connections and the goal
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
void FollowNodePath::Draw( void ) const
if (NumNodes() == 0)
float squareSize=8.0f;
Vector verticalOffset(0,0,16);
DrawBox(GetNodeAt(1)->GetPosition() + verticalOffset, squareSize , 0, 1, 0, 1);
for (int i=NumNodes(); i>1; i--)
if ( GetNodeAt(i)->GetIsTemporary() )
DrawBox(GetNodeAt(i)->GetPosition() + verticalOffset, squareSize , 1, 0, 1, 1);
DrawBox(GetNodeAt(i)->GetPosition() + verticalOffset, squareSize , 0, 1, 0, 1);
if (i%2)
G_DebugLine( GetNodeAt(i)->GetPosition() + verticalOffset, GetNodeAt(i-1)->GetPosition() + verticalOffset, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
G_DebugLine( GetNodeAt(i)->GetPosition() + verticalOffset, GetNodeAt(i-1)->GetPosition() + verticalOffset, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
if (_currentNode!=NULL)
DrawBox(_currentNode->GetPosition() + verticalOffset, squareSize * 2, 1, 1, 1, 1);
DrawBox(LastNode()->GetPosition() + verticalOffset, squareSize * 4, 1, 0, 0, 1);
// Name: BuildFromPathNodes
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: builds a FollowNode path from a PathNode path
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Vector from - the place that the path starts
// Vector to - the place that the path leads to
// Returns: bool that is false if no path is created
void FollowNodePath::BuildFromPathNodes(Path *path, const Actor &self)
assert(path->NumNodes() > 0);
int sourceNodeNumber=1;
int sourceNumNodes=path->NumNodes();
AddNode (new FollowNode(path->GetNode(sourceNodeNumber++)->origin));
PathNodePtr currentPathNode = NULL;
PathNodePtr nextPathNode = NULL;
while(sourceNodeNumber < sourceNumNodes)
bool isJumpNode = false;
float jumpAngle = 0.0f;
currentPathNode = path->GetNode(sourceNodeNumber);
if ( sourceNodeNumber < path->NumNodes() && (currentPathNode->nodeflags & AI_JUMP) && currentPathNode->target.length() )
nextPathNode = path->GetNode(sourceNodeNumber + 1);
if (currentPathNode->target == nextPathNode->targetname)
isJumpNode = true;
jumpAngle = currentPathNode->jumpAngle;
AddNode ( new FollowNode( currentPathNode->origin, false, isJumpNode, jumpAngle ) );
AddNode (new FollowNode( path->GetNode(sourceNumNodes)->origin));
// Name: FindNewCurrentNode
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: sets the current node to the node furthest
// down the path that the Actor can see
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: bool that is true if a new current node is set
const bool FollowNodePath::FindNewCurrentNode(const Actor &self)
int mask;
int currentNodeIndex = GetNodeIndex( GetCurrentNode() );
for (
int currentTestNodeNumber = NumNodes();
currentTestNodeNumber > currentNodeIndex;
FollowNodePtr testnode = GetNodeAt(currentTestNodeNumber);
if (currentTestNodeNumber == 1)
return true;
mask = self.edict->clipmask & ~CONTENTS_BODY;
trace_t trace = self.Trace( self.origin, testnode->GetPosition(), mask, "FollowPath" );
if ( !trace.startsolid && ( trace.fraction == 1.0f ) && self.movementSubsystem->CanWalkTo( testnode->GetPosition() ) )
return true;
return false;
// Name: AdvanceCurrentNode
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: sets the current node to the next node if the
// Actor gets close to the current node
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: Steering::ReturnValue returns reason for failure
const Steering::ReturnValue FollowNodePath::AdvanceCurrentNode( Actor const &self )
if ( GetCurrentNode() != NULL )
// Advance current node if possible
FollowNodePtr nextNode = GetNextNode( GetCurrentNode() );
// check if the distance remaining is less than the distance we'll travel
float radius = max( self.total_delta.lengthXY(), 16.0f );
if ( Vector::DistanceXY( self.origin, GetCurrentNode()->GetPosition() ) <= radius )
if ( nextNode != NULL )
SetCurrentNode ( nextNode );
return Steering::SUCCESS;
return Steering::EVALUATING;
return Steering::FAILED_NO_PATH;
// Name: RetreatCurrentNode
// Class: FollowNodePath
// Description: search backwards from the current node searching
// for a node that is not blocked by the world
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: Steering::ReturnValue returns reason for failure
const Steering::ReturnValue FollowNodePath::RetreatCurrentNode(Actor &self, const Vector &goalPosition)
int mask;
if ( GetCurrentNode() == NULL )
return Steering::FAILED_NO_PATH;
if ( GetCurrentNodeIndex() == 1 )
return Steering::EVALUATING;
// Build the correct mask (the actor's normal mask without body)
mask = self.edict->clipmask & ~CONTENTS_BODY;
if ( !GetPreviousNode(GetCurrentNode() )->GetIsJumpNode() )
//Vector myPosition( self.origin );
trace_t traceToCurrentNode = self.Trace( self.origin, GetCurrentNode()->GetPosition(), mask, "FollowPath" );
if ( traceToCurrentNode.startsolid || ( traceToCurrentNode.fraction < 1.0f ) )
gi.WDPrintf( "Couldn't complete path, building new one for %s (%d)\n" , self.TargetName(), self.entnum );
if ( SetPath( self, self.origin, goalPosition ) != PATH_CREATION_SUCCESS )
return Steering::FAILED_NO_PATH;
return Steering::EVALUATING;
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: FollowPath
// Base Class: Steering
// Description: FollowPath is the base class for and Steering
// classes that need to navigate any significant distance through
// the level.
// Method of Use: Never instantiate an object of type FollowPath.
// If the TikiEngine architecture allowed, this cless would be an
// interface class. If you need FollowPath behavior either use an
// existing FollowPath subclass or derive a new class from a
// FollowPath class.
CLASS_DECLARATION( Steering, FollowPath, NULL )
// Name: FollowPath
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: default constructor
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
_jumping( false )
// Name: Begin
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: Initializes variables necessary to Evaluate
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: None
void FollowPath::Begin(Actor &self)
_desiredHeading = self.movementSubsystem->getMoveDir().toAngles();
_jumping = false;
// Name: SetSteeringForceAndDesiredHeading
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: Sets absolute direction that Actor should turn to
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// EulerAngles steeringForce - deltaRotation that
// Actor should turn
// Returns: None
void FollowPath::SetSteeringForceAndDesiredHeading( Actor &self, const Vector &steeringForce )
_desiredHeading = self.movementSubsystem->getMoveDir().toAngles() + steeringForce;
SetSteeringForce( steeringForce );
// Name: DoneTurning
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: test used to determine if the Actor is facing
// the desired heading
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: bool - true if the Actor is facing the desired
// direction
const bool FollowPath::DoneTurning( Actor &self ) const
Vector deltaHeading( _desiredHeading - self.movementSubsystem->getMoveDir().toAngles() );
return fabs( deltaHeading[YAW] ) < 1.0f ;
// Name: GotoCurrentNode
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: steers the Actor towards the current FollowNode
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: Steering::ReturnValue returns reason for failure
const Steering::ReturnValue FollowPath::GotoCurrentNode( Actor &self )
float traceLength = min(Vector::DistanceXY( self.origin, GetCurrentNode()->GetPosition() ), GetAvoidanceDistance() );
Vector traceEnd = self.origin + ( self.movementSubsystem->getMoveDir() * traceLength );
trace_t horizontalTrace;
trace_t verticalTrace;
stepmoveresult_t result = self.movementSubsystem->IsMoveValid( horizontalTrace, verticalTrace, self.origin, traceEnd );
if ( result == STEPMOVE_STUCK )
return Steering::FAILED;
return AvoidObstacle( self, horizontalTrace );
SteerToCurrentNode( self );
return Steering::EVALUATING;
// Name: GotoGoal
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: steers the Actor towards the final goal
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: Steering::ReturnValue returns reason for failure
const Steering::ReturnValue FollowPath::GotoGoal( Actor &self )
float traceLength = min(Vector::DistanceXY( self.origin, GetGoalPosition() ), GetAvoidanceDistance() );
Vector traceEnd = self.origin + ( self.movementSubsystem->getMoveDir() * traceLength );
trace_t horizontalTrace;
trace_t verticalTrace;
stepmoveresult_t result = self.movementSubsystem->IsMoveValid( horizontalTrace, verticalTrace, self.origin, traceEnd );
if ( result == STEPMOVE_STUCK )
return Steering::FAILED;
return AvoidObstacle( self, horizontalTrace, true );
return Steering::EVALUATING;
// Name: Evaluate
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: attempts to move the Actor to the goal position
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: Steering::ReturnValue returns reason for failure
const Steering::ReturnValue FollowPath::Evaluate( Actor &self )
if ( _jumping )
if ( _jump.Evaluate( self ) == Steering::SUCCESS)
_jump.End( self );
_jumping = false;
self.SetAnim( _oldAnim );
return Steering::EVALUATING;
if (AtDestination( self ))
//if ( g_showactorpath->integer )
// gi.WDPrintf("Success %d\n" , self.entnum );
return Steering::SUCCESS;
Steering::ReturnValue returnValue = Steering::EVALUATING;
trace_t traceToGoal;
trace_t verticalTrace;
stepmoveresult_t moveResult = self.movementSubsystem->IsMoveValid( traceToGoal, verticalTrace, self.origin, GetGoalPosition() );
if (
(( moveResult == STEPMOVE_OK) ||
( traceToGoal.entityNum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD && traceToGoal.entityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE && ClearTraceToGoal( self, traceToGoal, GetGoalRadius() ) )
) && self.movementSubsystem->CanWalkTowardsPoint( GetGoalPosition() ) )
SteerToGoal( self );
if ( DoneTurning( self ) )
returnValue = GetPath().Evaluate( self, GetGoalPosition() );
int currentNodeIndex = GetPath().GetCurrentNodeIndex();
if ( currentNodeIndex > 1 )
FollowNodePtr lastNode = GetPath().GetNodeAt( currentNodeIndex - 1 );
const Vector currentNodePosition = GetPath().GetCurrentNode()->GetPosition();
const float distanceFromActorToCurrentNode = Vector::DistanceXY( self.origin, currentNodePosition );
const float distanceBetweenNodes = Vector::DistanceXY( lastNode->GetPosition(), currentNodePosition );
if ( lastNode->GetIsJumpNode() && ( distanceFromActorToCurrentNode > 0.5f * distanceBetweenNodes ) )
_jumping = true;
_oldAnim = self.animname;
_jump.SetGoal( GetCurrentNode()->GetPosition() );
_jump.SetLaunchAngle( lastNode->GetJumpAngle() );
_jump.Begin( self );
return Steering::EVALUATING;
if ( returnValue == Steering::EVALUATING )
returnValue = GotoCurrentNode( self );
else if ( returnValue == Steering::FAILED_NO_PATH && moveResult != STEPMOVE_BLOCKED_BY_WORLD )
returnValue = GotoGoal( self );
Vector newSteeringForce( _desiredHeading - self.movementSubsystem->getMoveDir().toAngles() );
SetSteeringForce( newSteeringForce );
if ( returnValue == Steering::EVALUATING )
self.movementSubsystem->Accelerate( GetSteeringForce() );
return Steering::EVALUATING;
return returnValue;
// Name: ShowInfo
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: prints out useful debug info for the class
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: None
void FollowPath::ShowInfo( Actor &self )
Steering::ShowInfo( self );
gi.Printf( "\npath : ( %f, %f, %f ) to ( %f, %f, %f )\n",
_path.FirstNode()->GetPosition().x, _path.FirstNode()->GetPosition().y, _path.FirstNode()->GetPosition().z,
_path.LastNode()->GetPosition().x, _path.LastNode()->GetPosition().y, _path.LastNode()->GetPosition().z );
if ( GetCurrentNode() )
gi.Printf( "currentNode: ( %f, %f, %f )\n",
GetCurrentNode()->GetPosition().x, GetCurrentNode()->GetPosition().y, GetCurrentNode()->GetPosition().z );
gi.Printf( "currentNode: NULL\n" );
// Name: DeleteTemporaryPathNodes
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: deletes all temporary FollowNodes in the path
// and removes them from the path
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
void FollowPath::DeleteTemporaryPathNodes(void)
int numNodes=GetPath().NumNodes();
int i;
for (i=numNodes; i>0; i--)
FollowNodePtr nodeToRemove=GetPath().GetNodeAt(i);
if (nodeToRemove->GetIsTemporary())
// Name: ClearTraceToGoal
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: test to determine if Actor can move directly
// to the goal
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the Actor trying to get to the goal
// trace_t trace - trace that travels from the
// Actor to the goal
// Returns: bool that is true if the trace reaches the goal
const bool FollowPath::ClearTraceToGoal( Actor &self, const trace_t &traceToGoal, const float radius ) const
// Totally clear path
bool traceToGoalIsClear = traceToGoal.fraction == 1.0f;
// Path is blocked but obstracle is inside goal radius
float distanceToEdgeOfGoal = Vector::DistanceXY( self.origin, GetGoalPosition() ) - radius;
float lengthOfTrace = Vector::DistanceXY( self.origin, Vector( traceToGoal.endpos ) );
bool traceGotInsideGoalRadius = ( distanceToEdgeOfGoal < lengthOfTrace );
return ( !traceToGoal.startsolid && ( traceToGoalIsClear || traceGotInsideGoalRadius) );
// Name: BuildAvoidancePath
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: attempts to build a temporary path around one
// side of the obstacle
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// bool passOnTheLeft - should the path be created
// on the left side if the obstacle
// Vector obstaclePosition - center point of the
// obstacle
// float avoidanceRadius - distance used to avoid
// obstacle
// Returns: bool that is true if a path is successfully
// created
const bool FollowPath::BuildAvoidancePath(Actor &self, const bool passOnTheLeft, const Vector &obstaclePosition, const float avoidanceRadius, const bool pursueGoal )
Vector myPosition(self.origin);
float distanceToGoal=Vector::DistanceXY(myPosition, GetGoalPosition());
Vector parallelDirection(self.movementSubsystem->getMoveDir());
if ( distanceToGoal < avoidanceRadius * 2.0f || pursueGoal )
parallelDirection = GetGoalPosition() - myPosition;
int currentNodeIndex = GetPath().GetNodeIndex(GetPath().GetCurrentNode());
if (currentNodeIndex < GetPath().NumNodes())
parallelDirection = GetPath().GetNodeAt(currentNodeIndex + 1)->GetPosition() - GetPath().GetCurrentNode()->GetPosition();
Vector perpendicularDirection;
perpendicularDirection.CrossProduct(parallelDirection, Vector(0,0,1));
if (passOnTheLeft)
perpendicularDirection *= -1.0f;
Vector firstPathNodeLocation(obstaclePosition + (avoidanceRadius * (perpendicularDirection - parallelDirection)));
trace_t testTraceForFirstPoint;
trace_t verticalTrace;
stepmoveresult_t firstMoveResult = self.movementSubsystem->IsMoveValid( testTraceForFirstPoint, verticalTrace, self.origin, firstPathNodeLocation );
if ( ( firstMoveResult == STEPMOVE_OK || ClearTraceToGoal( self, testTraceForFirstPoint, avoidanceRadius/2.0f ) ) )
Vector secondPathNodeLocation(obstaclePosition + (avoidanceRadius * (perpendicularDirection + parallelDirection)));
trace_t testTraceForSecondPoint;
stepmoveresult_t secondMoveResult = self.movementSubsystem->IsMoveValid( testTraceForSecondPoint, verticalTrace, firstPathNodeLocation, secondPathNodeLocation );
if ( ( secondMoveResult == STEPMOVE_OK || ClearTraceToGoal( self, testTraceForSecondPoint, avoidanceRadius/2.0f ) ) )
Vector thirdPathNodeLocation(obstaclePosition + (2.0f * avoidanceRadius * parallelDirection));
trace_t testTraceForThirdPoint;
stepmoveresult_t thirdMoveResult = self.movementSubsystem->IsMoveValid( testTraceForThirdPoint, verticalTrace, secondPathNodeLocation, thirdPathNodeLocation );
if ( ( thirdMoveResult == STEPMOVE_OK || ClearTraceToGoal( self, testTraceForThirdPoint, avoidanceRadius/2.0f ) ) )
int insertionPoint=GetPath().GetNodeIndex(GetPath().GetCurrentNode());
if (insertionPoint > 0)
FollowNodePtr nextNode=GetPath().GetNodeAt(insertionPoint);
while (nextNode != NULL && (Vector::DistanceXY(nextNode->GetPosition(), myPosition) < Vector::DistanceXY(myPosition, thirdPathNodeLocation)))
if (insertionPoint <= GetPath().NumNodes())
if ( Vector::DistanceXY(myPosition, firstPathNodeLocation) < distanceToGoal)
if (Vector::DistanceXY(myPosition, secondPathNodeLocation) < distanceToGoal)
if (Vector::DistanceXY(myPosition, thirdPathNodeLocation) < distanceToGoal)
InsertPathNode(new FollowNode(thirdPathNodeLocation, true), insertionPoint);
InsertPathNode(new FollowNode(secondPathNodeLocation, true), insertionPoint);
InsertPathNode(new FollowNode(firstPathNodeLocation, true), insertionPoint);
SetSteeringForceAndDesiredHeading( self,
self.movementSubsystem->SteerTowardsPoint (
firstPathNodeLocation, // Target Position
vec_zero, // Target Acceleration
self.movementSubsystem->getMoveDir(), // Actor Move Direction
self.movementSubsystem->getMoveSpeed()) // Actor Move Speed
return true;
return false;
// Name: AvoidObstacle
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: attempts to build a temporary path around one
// side of the obstacle
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// trace_t trace - the trace that hits the obstacle
// Returns: Steering::ReturnValue returns reason for failure
// Given that there is an obstacle in the actor's way, the actor will attempt
// trace a route around the obstacle and then insert new temporary path nodes
// into the path to allow the actor to navigate around the obstacle without
// having to do larges amounts of complex steering every frame.
// The plan is to pick a point (#1) that will get the actor away from the obstacle
// and will also allow the actor to pass the obstacle. Point 2 is passed the
// obstacle in the sense that it is further down a path that is parallel to the
// direction from the actor to the obstacle. The third point is chosen to safely
// get the actor back on the path.
// O-> X 3---------->
// \ /
// 1---2
// Actor O->
// Obstacle X
// First New Path Node 1
// Second New Path Node 2
// Third New Path Node 3
const Steering::ReturnValue FollowPath::AvoidObstacle(Actor &self, const trace_t &trace, const bool pursueGoal )
Entity *hitEntity = G_GetEntity( trace.entityNum );
assert( hitEntity->entnum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD );
if ( hitEntity == NULL )
return Steering::FAILED;
Vector obstaclePosition( hitEntity->origin );
float avoidanceRadius( hitEntity->mins.lengthXY() + self.mins.lengthXY() );
bool passOnLeft = false;
switch( self._steeringDirectionPreference )
passOnLeft = false;
passOnLeft = true;
int random = rand() % 2;
if ( random )
passOnLeft = false;
passOnLeft = true;
// To be implemented
// Intended to allow obstable avoidance to make a guess as to which way will get to goal better
passOnLeft = false;
bool foundPath = BuildAvoidancePath(self, passOnLeft, obstaclePosition, avoidanceRadius, pursueGoal );
if (!foundPath)
foundPath = BuildAvoidancePath(self, !passOnLeft, obstaclePosition, avoidanceRadius, pursueGoal );
if (foundPath)
return Steering::EVALUATING;
return Steering::FAILED;
// Name: TraceBlockedByEntity
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: test that determines if there is an entity that
// we will collide with anywhere along the trace
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// trace_t trace - the trace that hits the obstacle
// Returns: bool that is true if there is a blocking Entity
const bool FollowPath::TraceBlockedByEntity(Actor &self, const trace_t & trace ) const
if ( !trace.startsolid && (trace.fraction == 1.0f || trace.entityNum == ENTITYNUM_WORLD))
return false;
Entity *obstacleEntity = G_GetEntity( trace.entityNum );
assert( obstacleEntity != NULL );
if (obstacleEntity->velocity.lengthXY() < Vector::Epsilon())
return true;
Vector relativeVelocity = self.velocity - obstacleEntity->velocity;
float rateOfClosure = self.movementSubsystem->getMoveDir() * relativeVelocity;
// This means that the two entities are moving towards each other
if ( rateOfClosure >= 0.0f )
/* Code to check if the obstacle will move out of the way quickly enough
Vector myPosition(self.origin);
float myRadius = self.maxs.length();
Vector obstaclePosition = trace.endpos;
float obstacleRadius = obstacleEntity->maxs.length();
Vector obstacleDirection = obstaclePosition - myPosition;
float obstacleDistance = obstacleDirection.length();
obstacleDirection /= obstacleDistance; // normalize
Vector perpendicularDirection;
perpendicularDirection.CrossProduct(obstacleDirection, Vector(0,0,1));
float timeUntilCollision = obstacleDistance / self.total_delta.length(); // Adequate approximation
Vector obstacleVelocity(obstacleEntity->velocity);
float parallelSpeed=Vector::Dot(obstacleVelocity, obstacleDirection);
float perpendicularSpeed=Vector::Dot(obstacleVelocity, perpendicularDirection);
float parallelMove = parallelSpeed * timeUntilCollision;
float perpendicularMove = perpendicularSpeed * timeUntilCollision;
// If this is true then the obstacle entity will not get out of the way fast
// enoughm so we need to avoid them
if (perpendicularMove < parallelMove + myRadius + obstacleRadius)
return true;
return false;
// Name: CheckBlocked
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: test that determines if the Actor is blocked
// by a door
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: bool that is true if the Actor is blocked
const bool FollowPath::CheckBlocked( Actor &self )
trace_t trace = self.Trace( GetAvoidanceDistance() , "FollowPath" );
if ( trace.ent )
Entity *door = trace.ent->entity;
if ( door && door->isSubclassOf( Door ) )
Event *ev = new Event( EV_Use );
ev->AddEntity( &self );
door->PostEvent( ev, 0 );
return true;
return false;
// Name: ReturnBlockingObject
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: returns a code based on the type of Entity
// that is blocking the Actor
// Parameters:
// trace_t trace - the trace that hits the obstacle
// Returns: Steering::ReturnValue returns reason for failure
const Steering::ReturnValue FollowPath::ReturnBlockingObject(const trace_t &trace) const
if (trace.entityNum == ENTITYNUM_WORLD)
Entity *traceEnt = G_GetEntity( trace.entityNum );
if ( traceEnt && traceEnt->isSubclassOf( Actor) )
Actor *traceActor = static_cast<Actor *>(traceEnt);
switch (traceActor->actortype)
case IS_ENEMY:
return Steering::ERROR;
// Name: AtDestination
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: test that determines if the Actor is close to
// the goal
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: bool that is true if the Actor is at the goal
const bool FollowPath::AtDestination(Actor &self) const
//float dist = Vector::DistanceXY(GetGoalPosition(), self.origin);
//gi.WDPrintf( "Distance: %f , %d\n" , dist , self.entnum );
//Check if we are in range
if ((Vector::DistanceXY(GetGoalPosition(), self.origin)) <= GetRadius())
return true;
return false;
// Name: SteerToCurrentNode
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: steers the Actor towards the current FollowNode
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: None
void FollowPath::SteerToCurrentNode(Actor &self )
assert ( GetCurrentNode() != NULL );
// Name: SteerToGoal
// Class: FollowPath
// Description: steers the Actor towards the goal
// Parameters:
// Actor self - the actor following the path
// Returns: None
void FollowPath::SteerToGoal( Actor &self )
Vector newSteeringForce(self.movementSubsystem->SteerTowardsPoint(
) );
SetSteeringForceAndDesiredHeading( self, newSteeringForce );