
992 lines
23 KiB

#include "cg_local.h"
#include "FX_Public.h"
vec3_t WHITE = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
int numFX = 0;
void FX_PrintDebugInfo( void );
FX_state_t FX_renderList[ MAX_EFFECTS ];
FX_state_t *FX_nextValid = &FX_renderList[0];
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define ACTIVE_RESOLUTION 32 //Frames
int hopTable[ HOP_RESOLUTION ];
int curHop = 0;
int hopAverage = 0;
int activeTable[ ACTIVE_RESOLUTION ];
int curActive = 0;
int activeAverage = 0;
Allocates all FX
int FX_Init( void )
FX_Free(); //Make sure the system is cleaned out
FXMEM_Init(); //Flush out the memory manager
FX_nextValid = &FX_renderList[0];
return true;
void FX_FreeMember( FX_state_t *state )
delete state->effect;
state->effect = NULL;
Frees all FX
int FX_Free( void )
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++ )
if ( FX_renderList[ i ].effect == NULL )
FX_FreeMember( &FX_renderList[ i ] );
//Clear the FX memory
return true;
Adds all client effects (within the FX wrapper) to the view
void FX_Add( void )
FX_state_t *state;
#ifdef _DEBUG
FXMEMD_searchPeak = 0;
FXMEMD_allocListPeak = 0;
FXMEMD_freeListPeak = 0;
FXMEMD_allocatePeak = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++ )
if ( FX_renderList[ i ].effect == NULL )
state = &FX_renderList[ i ];
if ( cg_freezeFX.integer )
state->killTime += cg.frametime; //Keep the effects alive
//Clean up old events
if ( ( ( state->killTime < cg.time ) && ( state->killTime != -1 ) ) )
//Free out the effect primitive
FX_FreeMember( state );
//Update the effect
if ( !cg_freezeFX.integer && ( cg.frametime > 0 ) ) //not paused
//If the function returns false, this effect has been removed
if ( state->effect->Update() == qfalse )
FX_FreeMember( state );
//Cull the effect
if ( state->effect->Cull() == qfalse )
//Draw the effect
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( curActive > ( ACTIVE_RESOLUTION - 1 ) )
curActive = 0;
activeAverage = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ACTIVE_RESOLUTION; i++ )
activeAverage += activeTable[ i ];
activeAverage /= ACTIVE_RESOLUTION;
for ( i = 0; i < ACTIVE_RESOLUTION; i++ )
activeTable[ i ] = 0;
activeTable[ curActive ] = numFX;
//Print any debugging information, if requested
if ( cg_debugFX.value )
FX_state_t *FX_FindNextValid( void )
#ifdef _DEBUG
//Compute the new hop average if applicable
if ( curHop > ( HOP_RESOLUTION - 1 ) )
curHop = 0;
hopAverage = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < HOP_RESOLUTION; i++ )
hopAverage += hopTable[ i ];
hopAverage /= HOP_RESOLUTION;
for ( i = 0; i < HOP_RESOLUTION; i++ )
hopTable[ i ] = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++ )
FX_nextValid = ( ( FX_nextValid + 1 ) > &FX_renderList[ MAX_EFFECTS - 1 ] ) ? &FX_renderList[ 0 ] : FX_nextValid + 1;
#ifdef _DEBUG
hopTable[ curHop ]++; //Increment the number of hops made
if ( FX_nextValid->effect == NULL )
return FX_nextValid;
return NULL;
void FX_AddPrimitive( FXPrimitive *primitive, int killTime )
//assert( cg.frametime >= 0 );
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
delete primitive;
if ( ( FX_nextValid == NULL ) || ( FX_nextValid->effect ) )
//Com_Printf("MAX EFFECTS REACHED!\n");
FX_nextValid = &FX_renderList[ 0 ]; //FIXME: Blah
FX_FreeMember( FX_nextValid );
//If this effect is free, take it over
if ( FX_nextValid->effect == NULL )
// Stash these in the primitive so it has easy access to the vals
primitive->m_start_time = cg.time;
primitive->m_end_time = killTime;
FX_nextValid->effect = primitive;
FX_nextValid->killTime = killTime;
FX_nextValid = FX_FindNextValid();
Adds a sprite to the FX wrapper render list
inline FXSprite *FX_AddSprite( vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float roll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddSprite( origin, velocity, acceleration, scale, dscale,
startalpha, endalpha, WHITE, WHITE,
roll, elasticity, killTime, shader, flags );
Adds a sprite to the FX wrapper render list
Overloaded for RGB
inline FXSprite *FX_AddSprite( vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float roll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXSprite *sprite;
sprite = new FXSprite;
sprite->SetOrigin( origin );
sprite->SetVelocity( velocity );
sprite->SetAcceleration( acceleration );
sprite->SetShader( shader );
sprite->SetScale( scale );
sprite->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
sprite->SetElasticity( elasticity );
sprite->SetScaleDelta( dscale );
sprite->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
sprite->SetStartRGB( startRGB );
sprite->SetEndRGB( endRGB );
sprite->SetRoll( 0 ); //FIXME: Pass this in
sprite->SetRollDelta( roll );
sprite->SetFlags( flags );
FX_AddPrimitive( sprite, killTime + cg.time );
return sprite;
Adds a electricity bolt to the FX wrapper render list
inline FXElectricity *FX_AddElectricity( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale,
float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader,
int flags, float deviation )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXElectricity *electricity;
electricity = new FXElectricity;
electricity->SetOrigin( origin );
electricity->SetOrigin2( origin2 );
electricity->SetShader( shader );
electricity->SetScale( scale );
electricity->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
electricity->SetStartRGB( WHITE );
electricity->SetEndRGB( WHITE );
electricity->SetScaleDelta( dscale );
electricity->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
electricity->SetFlags( flags );
electricity->SetSTScale( stScale );
electricity->SetDeviation( deviation );
FX_AddPrimitive( electricity, killTime + cg.time );
return electricity;
Adds a electricity bolt to the FX wrapper render list
overloaded to pass default deviation
inline FXElectricity *FX_AddElectricity( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale,
float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddElectricity( origin, origin2, stScale, scale, dscale, startalpha, endalpha, killTime, shader, flags, DEFAULT_DEVIATION );
Adds a particle to the FX wrapper render list
inline FXParticle *FX_AddParticle( centity_t *owner, vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float roll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags, bool (*think)(FXPrimitive *, centity_t *) )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddParticle( owner, origin, velocity, acceleration, scale, dscale,
startalpha, endalpha, WHITE, WHITE,
roll, elasticity, killTime, shader, flags, think );
Adds a particle to the FX wrapper render list
Overloaded for RGB
inline FXParticle *FX_AddParticle( centity_t *owner, vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float roll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags, bool (*think)(FXPrimitive *, centity_t *) )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXParticle *particle;
particle = new FXParticle;
particle->SetOrigin( origin );
particle->SetVelocity( velocity );
particle->SetAcceleration( acceleration );
particle->SetShader( shader );
particle->SetScale( scale );
particle->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
particle->SetElasticity( elasticity );
particle->SetScaleDelta( dscale );
particle->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
particle->SetStartRGB( startRGB );
particle->SetEndRGB( endRGB );
particle->SetRoll( 0 ); //FIXME: Pass this in
particle->SetRollDelta( roll );
particle->SetFlags( flags );
particle->SetThink( think );
particle->SetCOwner( owner );
FX_AddPrimitive( particle, killTime + cg.time );
return particle;
Adds a triangle to the FX wrapper render list
inline FXTri *FX_AddTri( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, vec3_t origin3, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddTri( origin, origin2, origin3, startalpha, endalpha, WHITE, WHITE, killTime, shader, flags );
Adds a triangle to the FX wrapper render list
Overloaded for RGB
inline FXTri *FX_AddTri( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, vec3_t origin3, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags)
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXTri *tri;
tri = new FXTri;
tri->SetOrigin( origin );
tri->SetOrigin2( origin2 );
tri->SetOrigin3( origin3 );
tri->SetShader( shader );
tri->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
tri->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
tri->SetStartRGB( startRGB );
tri->SetEndRGB( endRGB );
tri->SetFlags( flags );
FX_AddPrimitive( tri, killTime + cg.time );
return tri;
Adds a quad to the FX wrapper render list
inline FXQuad *FX_AddQuad( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float roll, float droll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddQuad( origin, normal, velocity, acceleration,
scale, dscale, startalpha, endalpha, WHITE, WHITE,
roll, droll, elasticity, killTime, shader );
Adds a quad to the FX wrapper render list
Overloaded for RGB
inline FXQuad *FX_AddQuad( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float roll, float droll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXQuad *quad;
quad = new FXQuad;
quad->SetOrigin( origin );
quad->SetNormal( normal );
quad->SetVelocity( velocity );
quad->SetAcceleration( acceleration );
quad->SetShader( shader );
quad->SetScale( scale );
quad->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
quad->SetStartRGB( startRGB );
quad->SetEndRGB( endRGB );
quad->SetElasticity( elasticity );
quad->SetScaleDelta( dscale * 4 );
quad->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
quad->SetRoll( roll );
quad->SetRollDelta( droll );
FX_AddPrimitive( quad, killTime + cg.time );
return quad;
Adds a line to the FX wrapper render list
inline FXLine *FX_AddLine( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddLine( origin, origin2, stScale, scale, dscale,
startalpha, endalpha, WHITE, WHITE,
killTime, shader, flags );
Adds a line to the FX wrapper render list
Overloaded for RGB
inline FXLine *FX_AddLine( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXLine *line;
// Check to see if we need to generate a new ST scale based on the line length...
// this will cure the problem of textures on lines getting stretched out ( dreadnought gun ).
if ( flags & FXF_ADJUST_ST )
vec3_t dis;
float len;
VectorSubtract( origin, origin2, dis );
len = VectorNormalize( dis );
stScale = len / stScale;
line = new FXLine;
line->SetOrigin( origin );
line->SetOrigin2( origin2 );
line->SetShader( shader );
line->SetScale( scale );
line->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
line->SetStartRGB( startRGB );
line->SetEndRGB( endRGB );
line->SetScaleDelta( dscale );
line->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
line->SetFlags( flags );
line->SetSTScale( stScale );
line->SetEndcapShader( 0 );
FX_AddPrimitive( line, killTime + cg.time );
return line;
Adds a line to the FX wrapper render list
Overloaded for RGB
inline FXLine2 *FX_AddLine2( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale, float scale2, float dscale2, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXLine2 *line;
line = new FXLine2;
line->SetOrigin( origin );
line->SetOrigin2( origin2 );
line->SetShader( shader );
line->SetScale( scale );
line->SetScale2( scale2 );
line->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
line->SetStartRGB( WHITE );
line->SetEndRGB( WHITE );
line->SetScaleDelta( dscale );
line->SetScale2Delta( dscale2 );
line->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
line->SetFlags( flags );
line->SetSTScale( stScale );
line->SetEndcapShader( 0 );
FX_AddPrimitive( line, killTime + cg.time );
return line;
inline FXSpawner *FX_AddSpawner( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t user, int delay, float variance, float killTime, void *think, localEntity_t *owner, int radius )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddSpawner( origin, angles, velocity, user, delay, variance, killTime, 0, think, owner, radius );
inline FXSpawner *FX_AddSpawner( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t user, int delay, float variance, float killTime, int flags, void *think, localEntity_t *owner, int radius )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXSpawner *spawner;
spawner = new FXSpawner;
spawner->SetOrigin( origin );
spawner->SetAngles( angles );
spawner->SetVelocity( velocity );
spawner->SetStartRGB( user );
spawner->SetDelay( delay );
spawner->SetVariance( variance );
spawner->SetFlags( flags );
spawner->SetRadius( radius );
spawner->SetOwner( owner );
spawner->Think = (void (__cdecl *)(vec3_t, vec3_t, vec3_t, vec3_t)) think;
if ( flags & FXF_DELAY_SPAWN )
spawner->m_nextThink = cg.time + ( ( delay + ( variance * crandom() )) );
spawner->m_nextThink = cg.time;
if ( killTime > 0 )
FX_AddPrimitive( spawner, killTime + cg.time );
FX_AddPrimitive( spawner, killTime );
return spawner;
Adds a bezier curve
inline FXBezier *FX_AddBezier( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, vec3_t control1, vec3_t control2, vec3_t control1_vel, vec3_t control2_vel, vec3_t control1_accel, vec3_t control2_accel, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddBezier( origin, origin2, control1, control2,
control1_vel, control2_vel, control1_accel, control2_accel,
scale, dscale, startalpha, endalpha, WHITE, WHITE,
killTime, shader, flags );
Adds a bezier curve
Overloaded for RGB
inline FXBezier *FX_AddBezier( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, vec3_t control1, vec3_t control2, vec3_t control1_vel, vec3_t control2_vel, vec3_t control1_accel, vec3_t control2_accel, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXBezier *bezier;
bezier = new FXBezier;
bezier->SetOrigin( origin );
bezier->SetOrigin2( origin2 );
bezier->SetShader( shader );
bezier->SetScale( scale );
bezier->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
bezier->SetStartRGB( startRGB );
bezier->SetEndRGB( endRGB );
bezier->SetScaleDelta( dscale );
bezier->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
bezier->SetControl1( control1 );
bezier->SetControl2( control2 );
bezier->SetControl1_Velocity( control1_vel );
bezier->SetControl2_Velocity( control2_vel );
bezier->SetControl1_Acceleration( control1_accel );
bezier->SetControl2_Acceleration( control2_accel );
bezier->SetFlags( flags );
FX_AddPrimitive( bezier, killTime + cg.time );
return bezier;
Adds a trail to the FX wrapper render list
inline FXTrail *FX_AddTrail( vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float length, float dlength, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags)
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddTrail( origin, velocity, acceleration, length, dlength, scale, dscale,
startalpha, endalpha, WHITE, WHITE, elasticity,
killTime, shader, flags);
Adds a trail to the FX wrapper render list
overloaded for RGB
inline FXTrail *FX_AddTrail( vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float length, float dlength, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags)
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXTrail *trail;
trail = new FXTrail;
trail->SetLength( length );
trail->SetLengthDelta( dlength );
trail->SetOrigin( origin );
trail->SetOldOrigin( origin );
trail->SetVelocity( velocity );
trail->SetAcceleration( acceleration );
trail->SetShader( shader );
trail->SetScale( scale );
trail->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
trail->SetElasticity( elasticity );
trail->SetStartRGB( startRGB );
trail->SetEndRGB( endRGB );
trail->SetScaleDelta( dscale );
trail->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
trail->SetFlags( flags );
FX_AddPrimitive( trail, killTime + cg.time );
return trail;
Adds a cylinder to the FX wrapper render list
//NOTENOTE: The reigning king of parameters!
inline FXCylinder *FX_AddCylinder( vec3_t start,
vec3_t normal,
float height,
float dheight,
float scale,
float dscale,
float scale2,
float dscale2,
float startalpha,
float endalpha,
float killTime,
qhandle_t shader,
float bias )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
return FX_AddCylinder( start, normal, height, dheight, scale, dscale, scale2, dscale2,
startalpha, endalpha, WHITE, WHITE, killTime, shader, bias );
Adds a cylinder to the FX wrapper render list
Overloaded for RGB
//NOTENOTE: The reigning king of parameters!
#define DEFAULT_ST_SCALE 1.0f
inline FXCylinder *FX_AddCylinder( vec3_t start,
vec3_t normal,
float height,
float dheight,
float scale,
float dscale,
float scale2,
float dscale2,
float startalpha,
float endalpha,
vec3_t startRGB,
vec3_t endRGB,
float killTime,
qhandle_t shader,
float bias )
if (cg.frametime <= 0) //skip out if paused
return NULL;
FXCylinder *cylinder;
cylinder = new FXCylinder;
cylinder->SetStart( start );
cylinder->SetNormal( normal );
cylinder->SetHeight( height );
cylinder->SetHeightDelta( dheight );
cylinder->SetScale( scale );
cylinder->SetScaleDelta( dscale );
cylinder->SetScale2( scale2 );
cylinder->SetScaleDelta2( dscale2 );
cylinder->SetStartAlpha( startalpha );
cylinder->SetEndAlpha( endalpha );
cylinder->SetStartRGB( startRGB );
cylinder->SetEndRGB( endRGB );
cylinder->SetShader( shader );
cylinder->SetBias( bias );
cylinder->SetSTScale( DEFAULT_ST_SCALE );
if ( killTime > 0 )
FX_AddPrimitive( cylinder, killTime + cg.time );
FX_AddPrimitive( cylinder, killTime );
return cylinder;
Returns a value for the relative detail level an effect has
float FX_DetailLevel( vec3_t origin, float near_clip, float far_clip )
vec3_t dir;
float len;
//TODO: Account for the FOV range
VectorSubtract( origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
len = VectorNormalize( dir );
if ( len < near_clip )
return 0.0f;
if ( len > far_clip )
return 0.0f;
return (float) len / far_clip;
void FX_PrintDebugInfo( void )
Com_Printf( "Number of Effects Active: %d\n", numFX );
#ifdef _DEBUG
Com_Printf( "Average Hops: %d\n", hopAverage );
Com_Printf( "Average Active Effects: %d\n", activeAverage );
if ( fx_memoryInfo.value )