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// Client Effects Primitive Class
// jweier
#include "cg_local.h"
#include "FX_Public.h"
Base class for all primitives
FXPrimitive::FXPrimitive( void )
VectorClear( m_origin );
VectorClear( m_velocity );
VectorClear( m_acceleration );
m_flags = 0;
FXPrimitive::~FXPrimitive( void )
bool FXPrimitive::Cull( void )
vec3_t dir;
float len;
//Get the direction to the view
VectorSubtract( m_origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's behind the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) < 0 )
return true;
len = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
//Can't be too close
if ( len < 16 * 16 )
return true;
return false;
// Movestate utility functions
void FXPrimitive::UpdateOrigin( void )
vec3_t new_origin;//, clear = { 0, 0, 0 };
float ftime, time2;
int i;
//If the velocity is dead, kill the upward acceleration (Huh? I don't recall why this is here...)
// if ( VectorCompare( m_velocity, clear ) )
// m_acceleration[2] = 0;
//Calc the time differences
ftime = cg.frametime * 0.001f;
time2 = ftime * ftime * 0.5f;
//Predict the new position
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
new_origin[i] = m_origin[i] + ftime * m_velocity[i] + time2 * m_velocity[i];
//Only perform physics if this object is tagged to do so
if ( ( m_flags & FXF_BOUNCE ) )
trace_t trace;
float dot;
CG_Trace( &trace, m_origin, NULL, NULL, new_origin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID );
//Hit something
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f && !trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid )
//Check for a bounce flag
if ( m_flags & FXF_BOUNCE )
VectorMA( m_velocity, ftime*trace.fraction, m_acceleration, m_velocity );
dot = DotProduct( m_velocity, trace.plane.normal );
VectorMA( m_velocity, -2*dot, trace.plane.normal, m_velocity );
VectorScale( m_velocity, m_elasticity, m_velocity );
//If the velocity is too low, terminate it
if ( trace.plane.normal[2] > 0 && m_velocity[2] < 40 )
VectorClear( m_velocity );
//No physics were done to this object, move it
VectorCopy( new_origin, m_origin );
void FXPrimitive::Draw( void )
void FXPrimitive::UpdateVelocity( void )
VectorMA( m_velocity, cg.frametime * 0.001f, m_acceleration, m_velocity );
void FXPrimitive::UpdateScale( void )
m_scale += md_scale * cg.frametime * 0.001f;
if (m_scale < 0.0f)
m_scale = 0.0f;
#define FREQ_CONVERSION 0.00628f // ( 2 * pi ) / 1000 ms
#define FADE_PERCENT 0.75f
void FXPrimitive::UpdateAlpha( void )
float perc;
// Get percentage of completeness
perc = (float)(cg.time - m_start_time) / (float)(m_end_time - m_start_time);
if ( ( m_flags & FXF_NON_LINEAR_FADE ) )
if ( perc > FADE_PERCENT )
// Kill this flag, then set the fade to start now...this will cause an RGB to RGB fade to act weird
// because the start time is being, just don't do it!
m_start_time = cg.time;
// Fade shouldn't begin yet
perc = 0;
m_alpha = m_startalpha * (1.0 - perc) + m_endalpha * perc;
if ( m_flags & FXF_PULSE_ALPHA )
// Use half of alpha as amplitude so it will end smoothly
m_alpha += ( sin( ( cg.time - m_start_time ) * FREQ_CONVERSION * m_alphafreq ) * m_alpha * 0.5 );
if (m_alpha < 0.0f)
m_alpha = 0.0f;
if (m_alpha > 1.0f)
m_alpha = 1.0f;
if ( m_flags & FXF_ALPHA_NOISE )
m_alpha = random() * m_alpha;
void FXPrimitive::UpdateRGB( void )
float perc;
// Get percentage of completeness
perc = (float)(cg.time - m_start_time) / (float)(m_end_time - m_start_time);
float invPerc = 1.0f - perc;
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
m_RGB[i] = ( m_startRGB[i] * invPerc + m_endRGB[i] * perc );
// Has been explicitely flagged to use the alpha channel
if ( !(m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN) )
m_RGB[i] *= m_alpha;
if (m_RGB[i] < 0.0f)
m_RGB[i] = 0.0f;
if (m_RGB[i] > 1.0f)
m_RGB[i] = 1.0f;
bool FXPrimitive::Update( void )
//Move the object
return true;
Oriented quad with texture
FXQuad::FXQuad( void )
FXQuad::~FXQuad( void )
const int NUM_QUADVERTS = 4;
const vec3_t quad_template[] =
{ -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f },
{ -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
{ 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f }
const float quad_st_template[][2] =
{ 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 1.0f },
{ 1.0f, 1.0f },
{ 1.0f, 0.0f }
void FXQuad::UpdateRoll( void )
m_roll += md_roll * cg.frametime * 0.001f;
if (m_roll > 360)
m_roll = m_roll - 360;
if (m_roll < 0)
m_roll = m_roll + 360;
bool FXQuad::Update( void )
return true;
void FXQuad::Draw( void )
polyVert_t verts[NUM_QUADVERTS];
vec3_t vr, vu;
vec3_t axis[3];
float scale;
int i;
scale = m_scale * 0.5f;
MakeNormalVectors( m_normal, vr, vu );
VectorCopy( m_normal, axis[0] );
VectorCopy( vr, axis[1] );
VectorCopy( vu, axis[2] );
RotateAroundDirection( axis, m_roll );
//Construct the quad
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_QUADVERTS; i++ )
VectorMA( m_origin, quad_template[i][0] * ( scale ), axis[1], verts[i].xyz );
VectorMA( verts[i].xyz, quad_template[i][1] * ( scale ), axis[2], verts[i].xyz );
verts[i].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[i].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[i].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[i].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[i].modulate[3] = 255;
verts[i].st[0] = quad_st_template[i][0];
verts[i].st[1] = quad_st_template[i][1];
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, NUM_QUADVERTS, verts );
Non-oriented sprite with texture
FXSprite::FXSprite( void )
FXSprite::~FXSprite( void )
bool FXSprite::Cull( void )
return false;
//Sprite vertex template
const vec3_t sprite_template[4] =
{ -1, -1, 0, }, //Top left
{ -1, 1, 0, }, //Bottom left
{ 1, 1, 0, }, //Bottom right
{ 1, -1, 0, }, //Top right
//Sprite UV template
const float sprite_texture_template[][2] =
{ 0.0f, 0.0f }, //Top left
{ 0.0f, 1.0f }, //Bottom left
{ 1.0f, 1.0f }, //Bottom right
{ 1.0f, 0.0f }, //Top right
void FXSprite::UpdateRoll( void )
m_roll += md_roll * cg.frametime * 0.001f;
if (m_roll > 360)
m_roll = m_roll - 360;
if (m_roll < 0)
m_roll = m_roll + 360;
bool FXSprite::Update( void )
if (m_start_time > cg.time)
{//i was created in the future, right after un-pausing
return false;
//Move the object
return true;
void FXSprite::Draw( void )
polyVert_t verts[4];
vec3_t axis[3];
float scale;
int i;
scale = m_scale * 0.5f;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[i], axis[i] );
//This is done to spare non-rolling sprites the odd angle snapping <?>
if ( m_roll )
RotateAroundDirection( axis, m_roll );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
VectorMA( m_origin, sprite_template[i][0] * scale, axis[1], verts[i].xyz );
VectorMA( verts[i].xyz, sprite_template[i][1] * scale, axis[2], verts[i].xyz );
//Setup the UVs
verts[i].st[0] = -sprite_texture_template[i][0];
verts[i].st[1] = -sprite_texture_template[i][1];
//Setup the vertex modulation
verts[i].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[i].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[i].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[i].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[i].modulate[3] = 255;
//Add it into the renderer
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 4, verts );
Generates a bolt of electricity
FXElectricity::FXElectricity( void )
m_init = false;
FXElectricity::~FXElectricity( void )
bool FXElectricity::Cull( void )
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract( m_origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false; //dont' cull
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false; //dont' cull
return true;
void FXElectricity::Bolt( vec3_t start, vec3_t dir, float length, int num )
vec3_t ofs, curPos;
float stepSize;
stepSize = (float)( length / (float) MAX_BOLT_SEGMENTS );
VectorCopy( start, curPos );
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_BOLT_SEGMENTS; i++ )
//Move along the bolt
ofs[PITCH] = dir[PITCH]+ (crandom() * ( m_deviation * 0.25 ) );
ofs[YAW] = dir[YAW] + (crandom() * ( m_deviation * 0.25 ) );
ofs[ROLL] = dir[ROLL] + (crandom() * ( m_deviation * 0.75 ) );
VectorMA( curPos, stepSize, ofs, curPos );
//Save the current position
VectorCopy( curPos, m_boltVerts[i] );
void FXElectricity::Build( void )
vec3_t dir, ofs, curPos;
float length, stepSize;
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, m_origin, dir );
length = VectorNormalize( dir );
stepSize = (float)( length / (float) MAX_BOLT_SEGMENTS );
VectorCopy( m_origin, curPos );
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_BOLT_SEGMENTS; i++ )
//Save the current position
VectorCopy( curPos, m_boltVerts[i] );
//Move along the bolt
ofs[PITCH] = dir[PITCH]+ (crandom() * m_deviation );
ofs[YAW] = dir[YAW] + (crandom() * m_deviation );
ofs[ROLL] = dir[ROLL] + (crandom() * ( m_deviation * 0.5 ) );
VectorMA( curPos, stepSize, ofs, curPos );
VectorCopy( m_origin2, m_boltVerts[MAX_BOLT_SEGMENTS - 1] );
inline void FXElectricity::DrawSegment( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float scale, float tcStart, float tcEnd )
vec3_t lineDir, cross, viewDir;
polyVert_t verts[4];
VectorSubtract( end, start, lineDir );
VectorSubtract( end, cg.refdef.vieworg, viewDir );
CrossProduct( lineDir, viewDir, cross );
VectorNormalize( cross );
scale *= 0.5;
//Construct the oriented quad
if ( m_init )
VectorCopy( m_lastEnd[0], verts[0].xyz );
VectorMA( start, -scale, cross, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[0].st[1] = tcStart;
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_init )
VectorCopy( m_lastEnd[1], verts[1].xyz );
VectorMA( start, scale, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = tcStart;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( end, scale, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = tcEnd;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( end, -scale, cross, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = tcEnd;
verts[3].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 4, verts );
VectorCopy( verts[2].xyz, m_lastEnd[1] );
VectorCopy( verts[3].xyz, m_lastEnd[0] );
m_init = true;
void FXElectricity::Draw( void )
float scale, incr = 0, detail = 0, tcStart = 0 , tcEnd = m_stScale;
//Check for tapering
if ( m_flags & FXF_TAPER )
// This overrides the default of zero
incr = m_scale / MAX_BOLT_SEGMENTS;
scale = m_scale;
m_init = false;
// Set up to calculate the texture coords so the texture can be mapped across the length of the bolt
if ( m_flags & FXF_WRAP )
detail = m_stScale / MAX_BOLT_SEGMENTS;
//Do all segments
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_BOLT_SEGMENTS - 1 ; i++ )
if ( m_flags & FXF_WRAP )
// This will override the defaults if necessary
tcStart = detail * i;
tcEnd = detail * (i+ 1);
scale -= incr;
DrawSegment( m_boltVerts[i], m_boltVerts[i+1], scale, tcStart, tcEnd );
Crazy particle stuff
FXParticle::FXParticle( void )
Think = NULL;
FXParticle::~FXParticle( void )
bool FXParticle::Cull( void )
return qfalse;
void FXParticle::Draw( void )
polyVert_t verts[4];
vec3_t axis[3];
float scale;
int i;
if ( m_flags & FXF_NODRAW )
scale = m_scale * 0.5f;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[i], axis[i] );
//This is done to spare non-rolling particles the odd angle snapping <?>
if (m_roll)
RotateAroundDirection( axis, m_roll );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
VectorMA( m_origin, sprite_template[i][0] * scale, axis[1], verts[i].xyz );
VectorMA( verts[i].xyz, sprite_template[i][1] * scale, axis[2], verts[i].xyz );
//Setup the UVs
verts[i].st[0] = sprite_texture_template[i][0];
verts[i].st[1] = sprite_texture_template[i][1];
//Setup the vertex modulation
verts[i].modulate[0] = (byte)(m_RGB[0] * 255);
verts[i].modulate[1] = (byte)(m_RGB[1] * 255);
verts[i].modulate[2] = (byte)(m_RGB[2] * 255);
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[i].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[i].modulate[3] = 255;
//Add it into the renderer
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 4, verts );
void FXParticle::UpdateRoll( void )
m_roll += md_roll * cg.frametime * 0.001f;
if (m_roll > 360)
m_roll = m_roll - 360;
if (m_roll < 0)
m_roll = m_roll + 360;
bool FXParticle::Update( void )
// There should be a think function, otherwise what's the point of using a particle?
if ( Think )
// All particle attributes need to be updated in the think function since
// nothing is auto-updated. This is done to ensure the most flexibility.
return Think( this, m_cowner );
return true;
Triangle primitive
FXTri::FXTri( void )
FXTri::~FXTri( void )
bool FXTri::Cull( void )
vec3_t dir;
vec3_t mid;
//Find the midpoint of the triangle
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
mid[ i ] = ( m_origin[ i ] + m_origin2[ i ] + m_origin3[ i ] ) * 0.333f;
VectorSubtract( mid, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's behind the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) < 0 )
return true;
return false;
void FXTri::Draw( void )
polyVert_t verts[3];
//Construct the tri
VectorCopy( m_origin, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[0].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorCopy( m_origin2, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorCopy( m_origin3, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = 1.0f;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 3, verts );
Oriented line
FXLine::FXLine( void )
FXLine::~FXLine( void )
bool FXLine::Cull( void )
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract( m_origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false; //dont' cull
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false;
return true; //all points behind
void FXLine::Draw( void )
vec3_t lineDir, cross, viewDir, neworg;
polyVert_t verts[4];
float scale;
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, m_origin, lineDir );
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, cg.refdef.vieworg, viewDir );
CrossProduct( lineDir, viewDir, cross );
VectorNormalize( cross );
scale = m_scale * 0.5;
//Construct the oriented quad
VectorMA( m_origin, -scale, cross, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[0].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin, scale, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, scale, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, -scale, cross, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[3].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 4, verts );
//Cap the lines
if ( m_flags & FXF_DRAWCAPS )
//Construct an oriented quad for the endcap
VectorMA( m_origin, scale, cross, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[0].st[1] = 0.02f;
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin, -scale, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = 0.1f;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorNormalize( lineDir );
VectorMA( m_origin, -scale * 2, lineDir, neworg );
VectorMA( neworg, -scale, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = 0.9f;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( neworg, scale, cross, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = 0.9f;
verts[3].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_endcap_shader, 4, verts );
//Construct an oriented quad for the endcap
VectorMA( m_origin2, -scale, cross, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[0].st[1] = 0.1f;
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, scale, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = 0.05f;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, scale * 2, lineDir, neworg );
VectorMA( neworg, scale, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = 0.9f;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( neworg, -scale, cross, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = 0.9f;
verts[3].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_endcap_shader, 4, verts );
void FXLine::UpdateOrigin( void )
if ( m_flags & FXF_SHRINK )
vec3_t dir;
float perc, len;
VectorSubtract( m_work_org, m_origin, dir );
len = VectorNormalize( dir );
// Get percentage of completeness
perc = (float)(cg.time - m_start_time) / (float)(m_end_time - m_start_time);
VectorMA( m_origin, len * ( 1.0 - perc ), dir, m_origin2 );
Oriented line
FXLine2::FXLine2( void )
FXLine2::~FXLine2( void )
bool FXLine2::Cull( void )
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract( m_origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false; //dont' cull
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false;
return true; //all points behind
void FXLine2::Draw( void )
#if 0
vec3_t lineDir, cross, viewDir;
polyVert_t verts[4];
float scale, scale2;
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, m_origin, lineDir );
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, cg.refdef.vieworg, viewDir );
CrossProduct( lineDir, viewDir, cross );
VectorNormalize( cross );
scale = m_scale * 0.5f;
scale2 = m_scale2 * 0.5f;
//Construct the oriented quad
VectorMA( m_origin, -scale, cross, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[0].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin, scale, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, scale2, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, -scale2, cross, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[3].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 4, verts );
vec3_t lineDir, cross, viewDir;
polyVert_t verts[4];
float scale, scale2;
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, m_origin, lineDir );
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, cg.refdef.vieworg, viewDir );
CrossProduct( lineDir, viewDir, cross );
VectorNormalize( cross );
scale = m_scale * 0.5f;
scale2 = m_scale2 * 0.5f;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
//Construct the tapered, oriented quad, we have to use 3 tris to do this though
VectorCopy( m_origin, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.5f;
verts[0].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, -scale2, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, scale2, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 3, verts );
VectorCopy( m_origin, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.5f;
verts[0].st[1] = 0.0f;
VectorMA( m_origin2, -scale2, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = m_stScale;
VectorMA( m_origin, -scale, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = m_stScale;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 3, verts );
VectorCopy( m_origin, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.5f;
verts[0].st[1] = 0.0f;
VectorMA( m_origin2, scale2, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = m_stScale;
VectorMA( m_origin, scale, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = m_stScale;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 3, verts );
VectorMA( m_origin, scale, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, scale2, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin2, -scale2, cross, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[3].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 4, verts );
Effect spawner
FXSpawner::FXSpawner( void )
VectorClear( m_acceleration );
m_owner = NULL;
FXSpawner::~FXSpawner( void )
bool FXSpawner::Cull( void )
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract( m_origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's behind the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) < 0 )
return true;
float len = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
//Check to see if we're outside the valid radius
if ( len > m_radius*m_radius )
return true;
return false;
void FXSpawner::Draw( void )
bool FXSpawner::Update( void )
//FIXME: This is being double called...
if ( Cull() == false )
if ( m_nextThink < cg.time )
if (Think != NULL)
Think( m_origin, m_angles, m_velocity, m_startRGB );
m_nextThink = cg.time + ( ( m_delay + ( m_variance * crandom() )) );
if ( m_flags & FXF_SPAWN_ONCE )
return false;
return true;
void FXSpawner::UpdateOrigin( void )
//If attached to an owner, move with it
if ( m_owner )
VectorCopy( m_owner->refEntity.origin, m_origin );
Bezier curve line
FXBezier::FXBezier( void )
m_init = false;
FXBezier::~FXBezier( void )
bool FXBezier::Cull( void )
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract( m_origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false; //don't cull
VectorSubtract( m_origin2, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false;
VectorSubtract( m_control1, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false;
return true; //all points behind viewer
bool FXBezier::Update( void )
vec3_t new_origin;
float ftime, time2;
VectorMA( m_control1_velocity, cg.frametime * 0.001f, m_control1_acceleration, m_control1_velocity );
VectorMA( m_control2_velocity, cg.frametime * 0.001f, m_control2_acceleration, m_control2_velocity );
ftime = cg.frametime * 0.001f;
time2 = ftime * ftime * 0.5f;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
new_origin[i] = m_control1[i] + ftime * m_control1_velocity[i] + time2 * m_control1_velocity[i];
VectorCopy( new_origin, m_control1 );
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
new_origin[i] = m_control2[i] + ftime * m_control2_velocity[i] + time2 * m_control2_velocity[i];
VectorCopy( new_origin, m_control2 );
return true;
inline void FXBezier::DrawSegment( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float texcoord1, float texcoord2 )
vec3_t lineDir, cross, viewDir;
polyVert_t verts[4];
float scale;
VectorSubtract( end, start, lineDir );
VectorSubtract( end, cg.refdef.vieworg, viewDir );
CrossProduct( lineDir, viewDir, cross );
VectorNormalize( cross );
scale = m_scale * 0.5;
//Construct the oriented quad
if ( m_init )
VectorCopy( m_lastEnd[0], verts[0].xyz );
VectorMA( start, -scale, cross, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[0].st[1] = texcoord1;
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_init )
VectorCopy( m_lastEnd[1], verts[1].xyz );
VectorMA( start, scale, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = texcoord1;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( end, scale, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = texcoord2;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( end, -scale, cross, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = texcoord2;
verts[3].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 4, verts );
VectorCopy( verts[2].xyz, m_lastEnd[1] );
VectorCopy( verts[3].xyz, m_lastEnd[0] );
m_init = true;
const float BEZIER_RESOLUTION = 16.0f;
void FXBezier::Draw( void )
vec3_t pos, old_pos;
double mu, mum1;
float incr = 1.0f / BEZIER_RESOLUTION, tex = 1.0, tc1, tc2;
int i;
VectorCopy( m_origin, old_pos );
m_init = false; //Signify a new batch for vert gluing
// Calculate the texture coords so the texture can stretch along the whole bezier
if ( m_flags & FXF_WRAP )
tex = m_stScale / 1.0f;
for ( mu = 0.0; mu <= 1.0; mu += incr )
//Four point curve
#if 1
double mum13, mu3, group1, group2;
mum1 = 1 - mu;
mum13 = mum1 * mum1 * mum1;
mu3 = mu * mu * mu;
group1 = 3 * mu * mum1 * mum1;
group2 = 3 * mu * mu *mum1;
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
pos[i] = mum13 * m_origin[i] + group1 * m_control1[i] + group2 * m_control2[i] + mu3 * m_origin2[i];
//Three point curve
double mum12, mu2;
mu2 = mu * mu;
mum1 = 1 - mu;
mum12 = mum1 * mum1;
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
pos[i] = m_origin[i] * mum12 + 2 * m_control1[i] * mum1 * mu + m_origin2[i] * mu2;
if ( m_flags & FXF_WRAP )
tc1 = mu * tex;
tc2 = ( mu + incr ) * tex;
// Texture will get mapped onto each segement
tc1 = 0.0f;
tc2 = 1.0f;
//Draw it
DrawSegment( old_pos, pos, tc1, tc2 );
VectorCopy( pos, old_pos );
Leaves a trail behind it
FXTrail::FXTrail( void )
FXTrail::~FXTrail( void )
bool FXTrail::Cull( void )
return FXPrimitive::Cull();
void FXTrail::Draw( void )
vec3_t lineDir, cross, viewDir;
polyVert_t verts[4];
float scale;
VectorSubtract( m_oldorigin, m_origin, lineDir );
VectorSubtract( m_oldorigin, cg.refdef.vieworg, viewDir );
CrossProduct( lineDir, viewDir, cross );
VectorNormalize( cross );
scale = m_scale * 0.5;
//Construct the oriented quad
VectorMA( m_origin, -scale, cross, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[0].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_origin, scale, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_oldorigin, scale, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = 1.0f;
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorMA( m_oldorigin, -scale, cross, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = 1.0f;
verts[3].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 4, verts );
void FXTrail::UpdateTailLength( void )
m_length += md_length * cg.frametime * 0.001f;
if (m_length < 0.0f)
m_length = 1.0f;
void FXTrail::UpdateTailPoint( void )
vec3_t dir;
float len;
VectorSubtract( m_oldorigin, m_origin, dir );
len = VectorNormalize( dir );
VectorMA( m_origin, m_length, dir, m_oldorigin);
bool FXTrail::Update( void )
//Move the object
return true;
FXCylinder::FXCylinder( void )
FXCylinder::~FXCylinder( void )
bool FXCylinder::Cull( void )
return FXPrimitive::Cull();
void FXCylinder::Draw( void )
polyVert_t lower_points[NUM_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS], upper_points[NUM_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS], verts[4];
vec3_t vr, vu, vu2, midpoint, origin2;
float detail, length;
int i;
int segments;
// allow for overriding the LOD mechanism, not recommended, but hey, flexibility is often cool...
if ( m_flags & FXF_NO_LOD )
//Work out the detail level of this cylinder
VectorMA( m_origin, m_height * 0.5, m_normal, midpoint );
VectorSubtract( midpoint, cg.refdef.vieworg, midpoint );
length = VectorLengthSquared( midpoint );
detail = 1 - (length / (1024.0*1024.0) );
// FIXME: the bias doesn't really work all that great
//Cylinder bias is simply implemented as a multiplier
segments = NUM_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS * detail * m_bias;
// 3 is the absolute minimum, but the pop between 3, 4 and 5 is too noticeable
if ( segments < 7 )
segments = 7;
if ( segments > NUM_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS )
//Get the direction vector
MakeNormalVectors( m_normal, vr, vu );
VectorScale( vu, m_scale2 * 0.5, vu2 );
VectorScale( vu, m_scale * 0.5, vu );
VectorMA( m_origin, m_height, m_normal, origin2 );
// Calculate the step around the cylinder
detail = 360.0 / (float)segments;
for ( i = 0; i < segments ; i++ )
//Upper ring
RotatePointAroundVector( upper_points[i].xyz, m_normal, vu, detail * i );
VectorAdd( upper_points[i].xyz, m_origin, upper_points[i].xyz );
//Lower ring
RotatePointAroundVector( lower_points[i].xyz, m_normal, vu2, detail * i );
VectorAdd( lower_points[i].xyz, origin2, lower_points[i].xyz );
// Calculate the texture coords so the texture can wrap around the whole cylinder
if ( m_flags & FXF_WRAP )
if ( m_flags & FXF_STRETCH )
detail = 1.0f / (float)segments;
detail = m_stScale / (float)segments;
for ( i = 0; i < segments ; i++ )
int nextSegment = ( i + 1 == segments ) ? 0 : i + 1;
if ( m_flags & FXF_WRAP )
verts[0].st[0] = detail * i;
verts[1].st[0] = detail * i;
verts[2].st[0] = detail * ( i + 1 );
verts[3].st[0] = detail * ( i + 1 );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[1].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[2].st[0] = m_stScale;
verts[3].st[0] = m_stScale;
if( m_flags & FXF_STRETCH )
verts[0].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[1].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = m_stScale;
verts[0].st[1] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = 1.0f;
VectorCopy( upper_points[i].xyz, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorCopy( lower_points[i].xyz, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorCopy( lower_points[nextSegment].xyz, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
VectorCopy( upper_points[nextSegment].xyz, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].modulate[0] = m_RGB[0] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = m_RGB[1] * 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = m_RGB[2] * 255;
if ( m_flags & FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN )
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = (byte)(m_alpha * 255);
verts[0].modulate[3] =
verts[1].modulate[3] =
verts[2].modulate[3] =
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene( m_shader, 4, verts );
void FXCylinder::UpdateScale( void )
m_scale += md_scale * cg.frametime * 0.001f;
if (m_scale < 0.0f)
m_scale = 0.0f;
m_scale2 += md_scale2 * cg.frametime * 0.001f;
if (m_scale2 < 0.0f)
m_scale2 = 0.0f;
void FXCylinder::UpdateHeight( void )
m_height += md_height * cg.frametime * 0.001f;
if (m_height < 0.0f)
m_height = 0.0f;
bool FXCylinder::Update( void )
return true;