
3678 lines
106 KiB

#include "cg_local.h"
#include "fx_public.h"
#include "..\game\anims.h"
#include "..\game\boltOns.h"
#define LOOK_SWING_SCALE 0.5
player entities generate a great deal of information from implicit ques
taken from the entityState_t
qboolean CG_RegisterClientModelname( clientInfo_t *ci, const char *headModelName, const char *headSkinName,
const char *torsoModelName, const char *torsoSkinName,
const char *legsModelName, const char *legsSkinName );
void CG_PlayerAnimSounds( animsounds_t *animSounds, int frame, int entNum );
extern void FX_BorgDeathSparkParticles( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t vel, vec3_t user );
extern int PM_GetTurnAnim( gentity_t *gent, int anim );
extern animFileSet_t knownAnimFileSets[MAX_ANIM_FILES];
//Basic set of custom sounds that everyone needs
const char *cg_customBasicSoundNames[MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS] =
//Used as a supplement to the basic set for enemies and hazard team
const char *cg_customCombatSoundNames[MAX_CUSTOM_COMBAT_SOUNDS] =
"*anger1.wav", //Say when acquire an enemy when didn't have one before
"*combat1.wav", //Say when acquire a new enemy during combat
"*victory1.wav", //Say when killed an enemy
"*settle1.wav", //Say when killed an enemy anc can't find anymore (battle over)
//Used as a supplement to the basic set for crew and hazard team
const char *cg_customExtraSoundNames[MAX_CUSTOM_EXTRA_SOUNDS] =
"*greeting1.wav", //See player in hall, greet them
"*response1.wav", //Used by player when just standing around, no enemy
"*busy1.wav", //After responding a couple times, start playing busy
"*mission1.wav", //Say when used by player while in formation and no enemy
"*blocked1.wav", //Say when killed an enemy anc can't find anymore (battle over)
"*ff_1a.wav", //Friendly fire, level 1, subset A
"*ff_2a.wav", //Friendly fire, level 2, subset A
"*ff_3a.wav", //Friendly fire, level 3, subset A
//Scavenger combat sounds table
const char *cg_customScavSoundNames[MAX_CUSTOM_SCAV_SOUNDS] =
"*coverme.wav", //"Cover me!"
"*getdown.wav", //"Get down!"
"*mr_get.wav", //"Get him!"
"*mr_got.wav", //"I got him!"
"*mr_kill.wav", //"Kill him!"
"*mr_mine.wav", //"He's mine!"
"*mr_surround.wav", //"Surround him!"
"*overthere.wav", //"Over there!"
"*stop.wav", //"Stop the intruder!"
"*takecover.wav", //"Take cover!"
"*whatisthat.wav", //"What's that?!"
"*watchit.wav", //"Watch it!"
"*illgo.wav", //"I'll go check it out..."
"*mr_go.wav", //"Where did he go?!"
NOTE: when you call this, check the value. If zero, do not try to play the sound.
Either that or when a sound that doesn't exist is played, don't play the null
sound honk and don't display the error message
static sfxHandle_t CG_CustomSound( int entityNum, const char *soundName, int customSoundSet )
clientInfo_t *ci;
int i;
if ( soundName[0] != '*' )
return cgi_S_RegisterSound( soundName );
if ( !g_entities[entityNum].client )
// No client, this should never happen, so just use munro's sounds
ci = &g_entities[0].client->clientInfo;
ci = &g_entities[entityNum].client->clientInfo;
//FIXME: if the sound you want to play could not be found, pick another from the same
//general grouping? ie: if you want ff_2c and there is none, try ff_2b or ff_2a...
switch ( customSoundSet )
case CS_BASIC:
// There should always be a clientInfo structure if there is a client, but just make sure...
if ( ci )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS && cg_customBasicSoundNames[i] ; i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( soundName, cg_customBasicSoundNames[i] ) )
return ci->sounds[i];
// There should always be a clientInfo structure if there is a client, but just make sure...
if ( ci )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_COMBAT_SOUNDS && cg_customCombatSoundNames[i] ; i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( soundName, cg_customCombatSoundNames[i] ) )
return ci->sounds[i+MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS];
case CS_EXTRA:
// There should always be a clientInfo structure if there is a client, but just make sure...
if ( ci )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_EXTRA_SOUNDS && cg_customExtraSoundNames[i] ; i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( soundName, cg_customExtraSoundNames[i] ) )
case CS_SCAV:
// There should always be a clientInfo structure if there is a client, but just make sure...
if ( ci )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_SCAV_SOUNDS && cg_customScavSoundNames[i] ; i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( soundName, cg_customScavSoundNames[i] ) )
//no set specified, search all
if ( ci )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS && cg_customBasicSoundNames[i] ; i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( soundName, cg_customBasicSoundNames[i] ) )
return ci->sounds[i];
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_COMBAT_SOUNDS && cg_customCombatSoundNames[i] ; i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( soundName, cg_customCombatSoundNames[i] ) )
return ci->sounds[i+MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS];
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_EXTRA_SOUNDS && cg_customExtraSoundNames[i] ; i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( soundName, cg_customExtraSoundNames[i] ) )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_SCAV_SOUNDS && cg_customScavSoundNames[i] ; i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( soundName, cg_customScavSoundNames[i] ) )
CG_Error( "Unknown custom sound: %s", soundName );
return 0;
void CG_TryPlayCustomSound( vec3_t origin, int entityNum, soundChannel_t channel, const char *soundName, int customSoundSet )
sfxHandle_t soundIndex = CG_CustomSound( entityNum, soundName, customSoundSet );
if ( !soundIndex )
cgi_S_StartSound( origin, entityNum, channel, soundIndex );
For player only, NPCs get them through NPC_stats and G_ModelIndex
void CG_NewClientinfo( int clientNum )
clientInfo_t *ci;
const char *configstring;
const char *v;
const char *s;
int i;
configstring = CG_ConfigString( clientNum + CS_PLAYERS );
if ( !configstring[0] )
return; // player just left
//ci = &cgs.clientinfo[clientNum];
if ( !(&g_entities[clientNum].client) )
ci = &g_entities[clientNum].client->clientInfo;
// isolate the player's name
v = Info_ValueForKey(configstring, "n");
Q_strncpyz( ci->name, v, sizeof( ci->name ) );
// handicap
v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "hc" );
ci->handicap = atoi( v );
// team
v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "t" );
ci->team = (team_t) atoi( v );
// legsModel
v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "legsModel" );
Q_strncpyz( g_entities[clientNum].client->renderInfo.legsModelName, v,
sizeof( g_entities[clientNum].client->renderInfo.legsModelName), qtrue);
// torsoModel
v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "torsoModel" );
Q_strncpyz( g_entities[clientNum].client->renderInfo.torsoModelName, v,
sizeof( g_entities[clientNum].client->renderInfo.torsoModelName), qtrue);
// headModel
v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "headModel" );
Q_strncpyz( g_entities[clientNum].client->renderInfo.headModelName, v,
sizeof( g_entities[clientNum].client->renderInfo.headModelName), qtrue);
// sounds
cvar_t *sex = gi.cvar( "sex", "male", 0 );
if ( Q_stricmp("female", sex->string ) == 0 )
ci->customBasicSoundDir = "alexa";
ci->customBasicSoundDir = "munro";
//player uses only the basic custom sound set, not the combat or extra
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS ; i++ )
s = cg_customBasicSoundNames[i];
if ( !s )
ci->sounds[i] = cgi_S_RegisterSound( va("sound/voice/%s/misc/%s", ci->customBasicSoundDir, s + 1) );
ci->infoValid = qfalse;
extern sfxHandle_t CG_RegisterSexedSound(char* string);
void CG_RegisterNPCCustomSounds( clientInfo_t *ci )
const char *s;
int i;
// sounds
if ( ci->customBasicSoundDir && ci->customBasicSoundDir[0] )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS ; i++ )
s = cg_customBasicSoundNames[i];
if ( !s )
char finalName[MAX_QPATH];
Q_strncpyz(finalName, s+1, sizeof(finalName), qtrue);
ci->sounds[i] = CG_RegisterSexedSound( va("sound/voice/%s/misc/%s", ci->customBasicSoundDir, finalName) );
if ( ci->customCombatSoundDir && ci->customCombatSoundDir[0] )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_COMBAT_SOUNDS ; i++ )
s = cg_customCombatSoundNames[i];
if ( !s )
char finalName[MAX_QPATH];
Q_strncpyz(finalName, s+1, sizeof(finalName), qtrue);
ci->sounds[i+MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS] = CG_RegisterSexedSound( va("sound/voice/%s/misc/%s", ci->customCombatSoundDir, finalName) );
if ( ci->customExtraSoundDir && ci->customExtraSoundDir[0] )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_EXTRA_SOUNDS ; i++ )
s = cg_customExtraSoundNames[i];
if ( !s )
char finalName[MAX_QPATH];
Q_strncpyz(finalName, s+1, sizeof(finalName), qtrue);
ci->sounds[i+MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS+MAX_CUSTOM_COMBAT_SOUNDS] = CG_RegisterSexedSound( va("sound/voice/%s/misc/%s", ci->customExtraSoundDir, finalName) );
if ( ci->customScavSoundDir && ci->customScavSoundDir[0] )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_SCAV_SOUNDS ; i++ )
s = cg_customScavSoundNames[i];
if ( !s )
char finalName[MAX_QPATH];
Q_strncpyz(finalName, s+1, sizeof(finalName), qtrue);
ci->sounds[i+MAX_CUSTOM_BASIC_SOUNDS+MAX_CUSTOM_COMBAT_SOUNDS+MAX_CUSTOM_EXTRA_SOUNDS] = CG_RegisterSexedSound( va("sound/voice/%s/misc/%s", ci->customScavSoundDir, finalName) );
void CG_RegisterNPCEffects( team_t team )
This should register all the shaders, models and sounds used by a specific type
of NPC's spawn, death and other miscellaneous effects. NOT WEAPON EFFECTS, as those
are taken care of in CG_RegisterWeapon
void CG_RegisterNPCEffects( team_t team )
int i;
switch( team )
case TEAM_BORG: = cgi_S_RegisterSound("sound/enemies/borg/borgbeam.wav"); = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/misc/borgflare" ); = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "borgShield" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound("sound/enemies/borg/borgrecycle.wav"); = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/misc/dnBolt" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/ambience/spark1.wav" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/ambience/spark2.wav" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/ambience/spark3.wav" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/ambience/spark4.wav" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/ambience/spark5.wav" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/ambience/spark6.wav" );
case TEAM_IMPERIAL: = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/scav/transout.wav" ); = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "powerups/scavBeamEffect" );
//stab sounds for knife
cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/harvester/stab1.wav" );
cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/harvester/stab2.wav" );
cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/harvester/stab3.wav" );
case TEAM_STASIS: = cgi_S_RegisterSound("sound/movers/stasistransporter.wav"); = cgi_S_RegisterSound("sound/enemies/etherians/appear.wav"); = cgi_S_RegisterSound("sound/ambience/stasis/intostasis.wav");
case TEAM_FORGE: = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/misc/borgflare" );//For the reaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/misc/forge_fade" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/remove.wav" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/movers/armytransin.mp3" );
case TEAM_8472: = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/species_portal" ); = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/portal_flare" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/species8472/8472in.wav" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/species8472/8472out.wav" );
// These chunks are actually used by every type of bot[0] = cgi_R_RegisterModel( "models/chunks/warriorbot/head.md3" );[1] = cgi_R_RegisterModel( "models/chunks/warriorbot/turret.md3" );[2] = cgi_R_RegisterModel( "models/chunks/warriorbot/foot.md3" );[3] = cgi_R_RegisterModel( "models/chunks/warriorbot/arm.md3" );[4] = cgi_R_RegisterModel( "models/chunks/warriorbot/leg.md3" );[0] = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/warbot/explode1.wav" );[1] = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/warbot/explode2.wav" ); = cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/enemies/hunter/hover.wav" );
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )[i] = cgi_S_RegisterSound( va("sound/enemies/scoutbot/explode%i.mp3", i+1 ) );
qboolean ValidAnimFileIndex ( int index )
if ( index < 0 || index >= MAX_ANIM_FILES )
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Bad animFileIndex: %d\n", index );
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
void ParseAnimationSndBlock(const char *filename, animsounds_t *animSounds, animation_t *animations, int *i,char **text_p)
char *token;
char soundString[MAX_QPATH];
int lowestVal, highestVal;
int animNum, num, n;
// get past starting bracket
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) )
animSounds += *i;
// read information for each frame
while ( 1 )
// Get base frame of sequence
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
if ( !token || !token[0])
if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) // At end of block
//Compare to same table as animations used
// so we don't have to use actual numbers for animation first frames,
// just need offsets.
//This way when animation numbers change, this table won't have to be updated,
// at least not much.
animNum = GetIDForString(animTable, token);
if(animNum == -1)
{//Unrecognized ANIM ENUM name, or we're skipping this line, keep going till you get a good one
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: Unknown token %s in animSound file %s\n", token, filename );
if ( animations[animNum].numFrames == 0 )
{//we don't use this anim
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: %s animsounds.cfg: anim %s not used by this model\n", filename, token);
// Get offset to frame within sequence
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
//get soundstring
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
//get lowest value
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
//get highest value
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
//get probability
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
animSounds->keyFrame = animations[animNum].firstFrame;
// Get offset to frame within sequence
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
if ( !token )
animSounds->keyFrame += atoi( token );
//get soundstring
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
if ( !token )
strcpy(soundString, token);
//get lowest value
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
if ( !token )
lowestVal = atoi( token );
//get highest value
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
if ( !token )
highestVal = atoi( token );
//Now precache all the sounds
//NOTE: If we can be assured sequential handles, we can store sound indices
// instead of strings, unfortunately, if these sounds were previously
// registered, we cannot be guaranteed sequential indices. Thus an array
if(lowestVal && highestVal)
for ( n = lowestVal, num = 0; n <= highestVal && num < MAX_RANDOM_ANIMSOUNDS; n++, num++ )
animSounds->soundIndex[num] = cgi_S_RegisterSound( va( soundString, n ) );
animSounds->numRandomAnimSounds = num - 1;
animSounds->soundIndex[0] = cgi_S_RegisterSound( va( soundString ) );
if ( !animSounds->soundIndex[0] )
{//couldn't register it - file not found
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ParseAnimationSndBlock: sound %s does not exist (animsound.cfg %s)!\n", soundString, filename );
animSounds->numRandomAnimSounds = 0;
//get probability
token = COM_Parse( text_p );
if ( !token )
animSounds->probability = atoi( token );
resets all the soundcache so that a vid restart will recache them
void CG_ClearAnimSndCache( void )
int i;
for (i=0; i < numKnownAnimFileSets; i++) {
knownAnimFileSets[i].soundsCached = qfalse;
Read a configuration file containing animation sounds
models/players/munro/animsounds.cfg, etc
This file's presence is not required
void CG_ParseAnimationSndFile( const char *filename, int animFileIndex )
char *text_p;
int len;
char *token;
char text[20000];
char sfilename[MAX_QPATH];
fileHandle_t f;
int i, j, upper_i, lower_i;
animsounds_t *legsAnimSnds = knownAnimFileSets[animFileIndex].legsAnimSnds;
animsounds_t *torsoAnimSnds = knownAnimFileSets[animFileIndex].torsoAnimSnds;
animation_t *animations = knownAnimFileSets[animFileIndex].animations;
if ( knownAnimFileSets[animFileIndex].soundsCached )
{//already cached this one
//Mark this anim set so that we know we tried to load he sounds, don't care if the load failed
knownAnimFileSets[animFileIndex].soundsCached = qtrue;
// Load and parse animSounds.cfg file
Com_sprintf( sfilename, sizeof( sfilename ), "models/players/%s/animsounds.cfg", filename );
//initialize anim sound array
for(i = 0; i < MAX_ANIM_SOUNDS; i++)
torsoAnimSnds[i].numRandomAnimSounds = 0;
legsAnimSnds[i].numRandomAnimSounds = 0;
for(j = 0; j < MAX_RANDOM_ANIMSOUNDS; j++)
torsoAnimSnds[i].soundIndex[j] = -1;
legsAnimSnds[i].soundIndex[j] = -1;
// load the file
len = cgi_FS_FOpenFile( sfilename, &f, FS_READ );
if ( len <= 0 )
{//no file
if ( len >= sizeof( text ) - 1 )
CG_Printf( "File %s too long\n", sfilename );
cgi_FS_Read( text, len, f );
text[len] = 0;
cgi_FS_FCloseFile( f );
// parse the text
text_p = text;
upper_i =0;
lower_i =0;
// read information for batches of sounds (UPPER or LOWER)
while ( 1 )
// Get base frame of sequence
token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
if ( !token || !token[0] )
if ( !Q_stricmp(token,"UPPERSOUNDS") ) // A batch of upper sounds
ParseAnimationSndBlock( filename, torsoAnimSnds, animations, &upper_i, &text_p );
else if ( !Q_stricmp(token,"LOWERSOUNDS") ) // A batch of lower sounds
ParseAnimationSndBlock( filename, legsAnimSnds, animations, &lower_i, &text_p );
may include ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
void CG_SetLerpFrameAnimation( clientInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, int newAnimation )
animation_t *anim;
lf->animationNumber = newAnimation;
newAnimation &= ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT;
if ( newAnimation < 0 || newAnimation >= MAX_ANIMATIONS )
CG_Error( "Bad animation number: %i", newAnimation );
if ( !ValidAnimFileIndex( ci->animFileIndex ) )
CG_Error( "Bad animFileIndex: %i", ci->animFileIndex );
anim = &knownAnimFileSets[ci->animFileIndex].animations[ newAnimation ];
lf->animation = anim;
lf->animationTime = lf->frameTime + anim->initialLerp;
if ( cg_debugAnim.integer )
CG_Printf( "Anim: %i\n", newAnimation );
Sets cg.snap, cg.oldFrame, and cg.backlerp
cg.time should be between oldFrameTime and frameTime after exit
qboolean CG_RunLerpFrame( clientInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, int newAnimation, float fpsMod, int entNum ) {
int f, animFrameTime;
animation_t *anim;
qboolean newFrame = qfalse;
if(fpsMod > 2 || fpsMod < 0.5)
{//should have been set right
fpsMod = 1.0f;
// debugging tool to get no animations
if ( cg_animSpeed.integer == 0 )
lf->oldFrame = lf->frame = lf->backlerp = 0;
return qfalse;
// see if the animation sequence is switching
//FIXME: allow multiple-frame overlapped lerping between sequences? - Possibly last 3 of last seq and first 3 of next seq?
if ( newAnimation != lf->animationNumber || !lf->animation )
CG_SetLerpFrameAnimation( ci, lf, newAnimation );
// if we have passed the current frame, move it to
// oldFrame and calculate a new frame
if ( cg.time >= lf->frameTime )
lf->oldFrame = lf->frame;
lf->oldFrameTime = lf->frameTime;
// get the next frame based on the animation
anim = lf->animation;
//Do we need to speed up or slow down the anim?
/*if(fpsMod != 1.0)
{//Note! despite it's name, a higher fpsMod slows down the anim, a lower one speeds it up
animFrameTime = ceil(lf->frameTime * fpsMod);
animFrameTime = fabs(anim->frameLerp);
//special hack for player to ensure quick weapon change
if ( entNum == 0 )
if ( lf->animationNumber == TORSO_DROPWEAP1 || lf->animationNumber == TORSO_RAISEWEAP1 )
animFrameTime = 50;
if ( cg.time < lf->animationTime )
lf->frameTime = lf->animationTime; // initial lerp
lf->frameTime = lf->oldFrameTime + animFrameTime;
f = ( lf->frameTime - lf->animationTime ) / animFrameTime;
if ( f >= anim->numFrames )
{//Reached the end of the anim
//FIXME: Need to set a flag here to TASK_COMPLETE
f -= anim->numFrames;
if ( anim->loopFrames != -1 ) //Before 0 meant no loop
if(anim->numFrames - anim->loopFrames == 0)
f %= anim->numFrames;
f %= (anim->numFrames - anim->loopFrames);
f += anim->loopFrames;
f = anim->numFrames - 1;
// the animation is stuck at the end, so it
// can immediately transition to another sequence
lf->frameTime = cg.time;
if ( anim->frameLerp < 0 )
lf->frame = anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames - 1 - f;
lf->frame = anim->firstFrame + f;
if ( cg.time > lf->frameTime )
lf->frameTime = cg.time;
if ( cg_debugAnim.integer )
CG_Printf( "Clamp lf->frameTime\n");
newFrame = qtrue;
if ( lf->frameTime > cg.time + 200 )
lf->frameTime = cg.time;
if ( lf->oldFrameTime > cg.time )
lf->oldFrameTime = cg.time;
// calculate current lerp value
if ( lf->frameTime == lf->oldFrameTime )
lf->backlerp = 0;
lf->backlerp = 1.0 - (float)( cg.time - lf->oldFrameTime ) / ( lf->frameTime - lf->oldFrameTime );
return newFrame;
void CG_ClearLerpFrame( clientInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, int animationNumber )
lf->frameTime = lf->oldFrameTime = cg.time;
CG_SetLerpFrameAnimation( ci, lf, animationNumber );
if ( lf->animation->frameLerp < 0 )
{//Plays backwards
lf->oldFrame = lf->frame = (lf->animation->firstFrame + lf->animation->numFrames);
lf->oldFrame = lf->frame = lf->animation->firstFrame;
void CG_PlayerAnimation( centity_t *cent, int *legsOld, int *legs, float *legsBackLerp,
int *torsoOld, int *torso, float *torsoBackLerp ) {
clientInfo_t *ci;
int clientNum;
int legsAnim;
int legsTurnAnim = -1;
qboolean newLegsFrame = qfalse;
qboolean newTorsoFrame = qfalse;
clientNum = cent->currentState.clientNum;
if ( cg_noPlayerAnims.integer ) {
*legsOld = *legs = *torsoOld = *torso = 0;
ci = &cent->gent->client->clientInfo;
//Changed this from cent->currentState.legsAnim to cent->gent->client->ps.legsAnim because it was screwing up our timers when we've just changed anims while turning
legsAnim = (cent->gent->client->ps.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT);
// do the shuffle turn frames locally (MAN this is an Fugly-ass hack!)
if ( cent->pe.legs.yawing )
legsTurnAnim = PM_GetTurnAnim( cent->gent, legsAnim );
if ( legsTurnAnim != -1 )
newLegsFrame = CG_RunLerpFrame( ci, &cent->pe.legs, legsTurnAnim, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.legsFpsMod, cent->gent->s.number );
//This line doesn't seem to serve any useful purpose, rather it
//breaks things since any task waiting for a lower anim to complete
//never will finish if this happens!!!
//cent->gent->client->ps.legsAnimTimer = 0;
newLegsFrame = CG_RunLerpFrame( ci, &cent->pe.legs, legsAnim, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.legsFpsMod, cent->gent->s.number);
*legsOld = cent->pe.legs.oldFrame;
*legs = cent->pe.legs.frame;
*legsBackLerp = cent->pe.legs.backlerp;
if( newLegsFrame )
if ( ValidAnimFileIndex( ci->animFileIndex ) )
CG_PlayerAnimSounds( knownAnimFileSets[ci->animFileIndex].legsAnimSnds, cent->pe.legs.frame, cent->currentState.number );
if ( cent->gent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_BORG &&
cent->gent->client->ps.weapon == WP_BORG_ASSIMILATOR )
if ( cent->gent->NPC->attackHoldTime > cg.time )
if ( cent->pe.torso.frame >= 468 && cent->pe.torso.frame < 478 )
{//Do not animate
*torsoOld = *torso = cent->pe.torso.frame = 468;
*torsoBackLerp = 0;
if ( ValidAnimFileIndex( ci->animFileIndex ) )
CG_PlayerAnimSounds(knownAnimFileSets[ci->animFileIndex].torsoAnimSnds, cent->pe.torso.frame, cent->currentState.number );
newTorsoFrame = CG_RunLerpFrame( ci, &cent->pe.torso, cent->gent->client->ps.torsoAnim, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoFpsMod, cent->gent->s.number );
*torsoOld = cent->pe.torso.oldFrame;
*torso = cent->pe.torso.frame;
*torsoBackLerp = cent->pe.torso.backlerp;
if( newTorsoFrame )
if ( ValidAnimFileIndex( ci->animFileIndex ) )
CG_PlayerAnimSounds(knownAnimFileSets[ci->animFileIndex].torsoAnimSnds, cent->pe.torso.frame, cent->currentState.number );
void CG_PlayerAnimSounds( animsounds_t *animSounds, int frame, const vec3_t org, int entNum )
play any keyframed sounds - only when start a new frame
This func is called once for legs and once for torso
void CG_PlayerAnimSounds( animsounds_t *animSounds, int frame, int entNum )
int i;
int holdSnd = -1;
qboolean playSound = qfalse;
if ( entNum == 0 && !cg_thirdPerson.integer )
{//player in first person view does not play any keyframed sounds
// Check for anim sound
for (i=0;i<MAX_ANIM_SOUNDS;++i)
if (animSounds[i].soundIndex[0] == -1) // No sounds in array
if (animSounds[i].keyFrame == frame)
// are there variations on the sound?
holdSnd = animSounds[i].soundIndex[ Q_irand( 0, animSounds[i].numRandomAnimSounds ) ];
// Determine probability of playing sound
if (!animSounds[i].probability) // 100%
playSound = qtrue;
else if (animSounds[i].probability > Q_irand(0, 99) )
playSound = qtrue;
// Play sound
if (holdSnd != -1 && playSound)
if (holdSnd != 0) // 0 = default sound, ie file was missing
cgi_S_StartSound( NULL, entNum, CHAN_AUTO, holdSnd );
Turn curAngle toward destAngle at angleSpeed, but stay within clampMin and Max
void CG_UpdateAngleClamp( float destAngle, float clampMin, float clampMax, float angleSpeed, float *curAngle, float normalAngle)
float swing;
float move;
float scale;
float actualSpeed;
swing = AngleSubtract( destAngle, *curAngle );
if(swing == 0)
{//Don't have to turn
// modify the angleSpeed depending on the delta
// so it doesn't seem so linear
scale = fabs( swing );
if (swing > 0)
if ( swing < clampMax * 0.25 )
{//Pretty small way to go
scale = 0.25;
else if ( swing > clampMax * 2.0 )
{//Way out of our range
scale = 2.0;
{//Scale it smoothly
scale = swing/clampMax;
else// if (swing < 0)
if ( swing > clampMin * 0.25 )
{//Pretty small way to go
scale = 0.5;
else if ( swing < clampMin * 2.0 )
{//Way out of our range
scale = 2.0;
{//Scale it smoothly
scale = swing/clampMin;
actualSpeed = scale * angleSpeed;
// swing towards the destination angle
if ( swing >= 0 )
move = cg.frametime * actualSpeed;
if ( move >= swing )
{//our turnspeed is so fast, no need to swing, just match
*curAngle = destAngle;
*curAngle = AngleMod( *curAngle + move );
else if ( swing < 0 )
move = cg.frametime * -actualSpeed;
if ( move <= swing )
{//our turnspeed is so fast, no need to swing, just match
*curAngle = destAngle;
*curAngle = AngleMod( *curAngle + move );
swing = AngleSubtract( *curAngle, normalAngle );
// clamp to no more than normalAngle + tolerance
if ( swing > clampMax )
*curAngle = AngleMod( normalAngle + clampMax );
else if ( swing < clampMin )
*curAngle = AngleMod( normalAngle + clampMin );
If the body is not locked OR if the upper part is trying to swing beyond it's
range, turn the lower body part to catch up.
Parms: desired angle, (Our eventual goal angle
min swing tolerance,(Lower angle value threshold at which to start turning)
max swing tolerance,(Upper angle value threshold at which to start turning)
min clamp tolerance,(Lower angle value threshold to clamp output angle to)
max clamp tolerance,(Upper angle value threshold to clamp output angle to)
angle speed, (How fast to turn)
current angle, (Current angle to modify)
locked mode (Don't turn unless you exceed the swing/clamp tolerance)
void CG_SwingAngles( float destAngle,
float swingTolMin, float swingTolMax,
float clampMin, float clampMax,
float angleSpeed, float *curAngle,
lockMode_t lockMode, qboolean *turning )
float swing;
float move;
float scale;
swing = AngleSubtract( destAngle, *curAngle );
if(swing == 0)
{//Don't have to turn
*turning = qfalse;
else if ( lockMode == LM_LOCKED )
{//Never turn
*turning = qfalse;
else if ( lockMode == LM_CLAMP )
{// see if beyond clamp tolerance
if ( swing > clampMax || swing < clampMin )
{//We're locked down, but trying to look somewhere beyond our range, so unlock
*turning = qtrue;
else if ( lockMode == LM_SWING )
{// see if a swing should be started
if ( swing > swingTolMax || swing < swingTolMin )
*turning = qtrue;
*turning = qtrue;
//If we're not turning, then we're done
if ( *turning == qfalse)
// modify the angleSpeed depending on the delta
// so it doesn't seem so linear
scale = fabs( swing );
if (swing > 0)
if ( clampMax <= 0 )
*curAngle = destAngle;
if ( swing < swingTolMax * 0.5 )
{//Pretty small way to go
scale = 0.5;
else if ( scale < swingTolMax )
{//More than halfway to go
scale = 1.0;
{//Way out of our range
scale = 2.0;
else// if (swing < 0)
if ( clampMin >= 0 )
*curAngle = destAngle;
if ( swing > swingTolMin * 0.5 )
{//Pretty small way to go
scale = 0.5;
else if ( scale > swingTolMin )
{//More than halfway to go
scale = 1.0;
{//Way out of our range
scale = 2.0;
// swing towards the destination angle
if ( swing >= 0 )
move = cg.frametime * scale * angleSpeed;
if ( move >= swing )
{//our turnspeed is so fast, no need to swing, just match
move = swing;
*curAngle = AngleMod( *curAngle + move );
else if ( swing < 0 )
move = cg.frametime * scale * -angleSpeed;
if ( move <= swing )
{//our turnspeed is so fast, no need to swing, just match
move = swing;
*curAngle = AngleMod( *curAngle + move );
// clamp to no more than tolerance
if ( swing > clampMax )
*curAngle = AngleMod( destAngle - (clampMax - 1) );
else if ( swing < clampMin )
*curAngle = AngleMod( destAngle + (-clampMin - 1) );
static void CG_AddPainTwitch( centity_t *cent, vec3_t torsoAngles ) {
int t;
float f;
t = cg.time - cent->pe.painTime;
if ( t >= PAIN_TWITCH_TIME ) {
f = 1.0 - (float)t / PAIN_TWITCH_TIME;
if ( cent->pe.painDirection ) {
torsoAngles[ROLL] += 20 * f;
} else {
torsoAngles[ROLL] -= 20 * f;
//FIXME: Don't do this, use tag_eye instead?
float CG_EyePointOfsForRace[RACE_HOLOGRAM+1][2] =
0, 0,//RACE_NONE = 0,
4, 8,//RACE_HUMAN,
4, 8,//RACE_BORG,
4, 8,//RACE_MALON,
0, 0,//RACE_8472,
0, 0,//RACE_BOT,
6, -6,//RACE_REAVER,
#define LOOK_DEFAULT_SPEED 0.15f
#define LOOK_TALKING_SPEED 0.15f
static qboolean CG_CheckLookTarget( centity_t *cent, vec3_t lookAngles, float *lookingSpeed )
if ( !cent->gent->client->clientInfo.torsoModel || !cent->gent->client->clientInfo.headModel )
return qfalse;
//FIXME: also clamp the lookAngles based on the clamp + the existing difference between
// headAngles and torsoAngles? But often the tag_torso is straight but the torso itself
// is deformed to not face straight... sigh...
//Now calc head angle to lookTarget, if any
if ( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lookTarget >= 0 && cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lookTarget < ENTITYNUM_WORLD )
centity_t *lookCent = &cg_entities[cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lookTarget];
if ( lookCent && lookCent->gent )
vec3_t lookDir, lookOrg, forward, eyeOrg;
float scaleFactor;
if ( lookCent->gent != cent->gent->enemy )
{//We turn heads faster than headbob speed, but not as fast as if watching an enemy
*lookingSpeed = LOOK_DEFAULT_SPEED;
//FIXME: Ignore small deltas from current angles so we don't bob our head in synch with theirs?
if ( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lookTarget == 0 && !cg_thirdPerson.integer )
{//Special case- use cg.refdef.vieworg if looking at player and not in third person view
VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, lookOrg );
else if ( lookCent->gent->client )
VectorCopy( lookCent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, lookOrg );
else if ( lookCent->gent->s.pos.trType == TR_INTERPOLATE )
VectorCopy( lookCent->lerpOrigin, lookOrg );
VectorCopy( lookCent->gent->currentOrigin, lookOrg );
//Look in dir of lookTarget
//NOTE: We have to calc the angle from the central axis of the head so the angle we get our of this is accurate for actual head model angles
scaleFactor = (float)(cent->gent->client->renderInfo.scaleXYZ[0])/100.0f;
AngleVectors( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, forward, NULL, NULL );
VectorMA( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, CG_EyePointOfsForRace[cent->gent->client->race][0]*scaleFactor*-1, forward, eyeOrg );
VectorSubtract( lookOrg, eyeOrg, lookDir );
#if 1
vectoangles( lookDir, lookAngles );
//FIXME: get the angle of the head tag and account for that when finding the lookAngles-
// so if they're lying on their back we get an accurate lookAngle...
vec3_t headDirs[3];
vec3_t finalDir;
AnglesToAxis( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.headAngles, headDirs );
VectorRotate( lookDir, headDirs, finalDir );
vectoangles( finalDir, lookAngles );
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static qboolean CG_AddHeadBob( centity_t *cent )
renderInfo_t *renderInfo = &cent->gent->client->renderInfo;
int volume = gi.S_Override[cent->gent->s.clientNum];
int volChange = volume - renderInfo->lastVoiceVolume;
int i;
renderInfo->lastVoiceVolume = volume;
if ( !volume )
// Not talking, set our target to be the normal head position
VectorClear( renderInfo->targetHeadBobAngles );
if ( VectorLengthSquared( renderInfo->headBobAngles ) < 1.0f )
// We are close enough to being back to our normal head position, so we are done for now
return qfalse;
else if ( volChange > 2 )
// a big positive change in volume
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
// Move our head angle target a bit
renderInfo->targetHeadBobAngles[i] += Q_flrand( -1.0 * volChange, 1.0 * volChange );
// Clamp so we don't get too out of hand
if ( renderInfo->targetHeadBobAngles[i] > 7.0f )
renderInfo->targetHeadBobAngles[i] = 7.0f;
if ( renderInfo->targetHeadBobAngles[i] < -7.0f )
renderInfo->targetHeadBobAngles[i] = -7.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
// Always try to move head angles towards our target
renderInfo->headBobAngles[i] += ( renderInfo->targetHeadBobAngles[i] - renderInfo->headBobAngles[i] ) * ( cg.frametime / 150.0f );
// We aren't back to our normal position yet, so we still have to apply headBobAngles
return qtrue;
Handles seperate torso motion
legs pivot based on direction of movement
head always looks exactly at cent->lerpAngles
if motion < 20 degrees, show in head only
if < 45 degrees, also show in torso
void CG_PlayerAngles( centity_t *cent, vec3_t legs[3], vec3_t torso[3], vec3_t head[3] )
vec3_t legsAngles, torsoAngles, headAngles;
// float dest;
float speed;
vec3_t velocity;
static int movementOffsets[8] = { 0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 0, -45, 0 };
//static int movementOffsets[8] = { 0, 22, 45, -22, 0, 22, -45, -22 };
vec3_t lookAngles, viewAngles;
float headYawClampMin, headYawClampMax;
float headPitchClampMin, headPitchClampMax;
float torsoYawSwingTolMin, torsoYawSwingTolMax;
float torsoYawClampMin, torsoYawClampMax;
float torsoPitchSwingTolMin, torsoPitchSwingTolMax;
float torsoPitchClampMin, torsoPitchClampMax;
float legsYawSwingTolMin, legsYawSwingTolMax;
float maxYawSpeed, yawSpeed, lookingSpeed;
float lookAngleSpeed = LOOK_TALKING_SPEED;//shut up the compiler
float swing, scale;
int i;
qboolean looking = qfalse, talking = qfalse;
if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson && cent->gent && cent->gent->s.number == 0 )
// If we are rendering third person, we should just force the player body to always fully face
// whatever way they are looking, otherwise, you can end up with gun shots coming off of the
// gun at angles that just look really wrong.
VectorClear( viewAngles );
VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, lookAngles );
lookAngles[PITCH] = 0;
AnglesToAxis( lookAngles, legs );
AnglesToAxis( viewAngles, torso );
AnglesToAxis( viewAngles, head );
if(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_NPC)
headYawClampMin = -cent->gent->client->renderInfo.headYawRangeLeft;
headYawClampMax = cent->gent->client->renderInfo.headYawRangeRight;
//These next two are only used for a calc below- this clamp is done in PM_UpdateViewAngles
headPitchClampMin = -cent->gent->client->renderInfo.headPitchRangeUp;
headPitchClampMax = cent->gent->client->renderInfo.headPitchRangeDown;
torsoYawSwingTolMin = headYawClampMin * 0.3;
torsoYawSwingTolMax = headYawClampMax * 0.3;
torsoPitchSwingTolMin = headPitchClampMin * 0.5;
torsoPitchSwingTolMax = headPitchClampMax * 0.5;
torsoYawClampMin = -cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoYawRangeLeft;
torsoYawClampMax = cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoYawRangeRight;
torsoPitchClampMin = -cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoPitchRangeUp;
torsoPitchClampMax = cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoPitchRangeDown;
legsYawSwingTolMin = torsoYawClampMin * 0.5;
legsYawSwingTolMax = torsoYawClampMax * 0.5;
if ( cent->gent && cent->gent->next_roff_time && cent->gent->next_roff_time >= cg.time )
{//Following a roff, body must keep up with head, yaw-wise
headYawClampMin =
headYawClampMax =
torsoYawSwingTolMin =
torsoYawSwingTolMax =
torsoYawClampMin =
torsoYawClampMax =
legsYawSwingTolMin =
legsYawSwingTolMax = 0;
yawSpeed = maxYawSpeed = cent->gent->NPC->stats.yawSpeed/150;//about 0.33 normally
{//We have a specific kind of looking we are doing,
//lower the lookMode, slower the yawspeed
yawSpeed *= (float)cent->gent->NPC->lookMode/(float)LT_FULLFACE;
headYawClampMin = -70;
headYawClampMax = 70;
//These next two are only used for a calc below- this clamp is done in PM_UpdateViewAngles
headPitchClampMin = -90;
headPitchClampMax = 90;
torsoYawSwingTolMin = -90;
torsoYawSwingTolMax = 90;
torsoPitchSwingTolMin = -90;
torsoPitchSwingTolMax = 90;
torsoYawClampMin = -90;
torsoYawClampMax = 90;
torsoPitchClampMin = -90;
torsoPitchClampMax = 90;
legsYawSwingTolMin = -90;
legsYawSwingTolMax = 90;
yawSpeed = maxYawSpeed = cg_swingSpeed.value;
if(yawSpeed <= 0)
{//Just in case
yawSpeed = 0.5f; //was 0.33
lookingSpeed = yawSpeed;
VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, headAngles );
headAngles[YAW] = AngleMod( headAngles[YAW] );
VectorClear( legsAngles );
VectorClear( torsoAngles );
// --------- yaw -------------
//Clamp and swing the legs
legsAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW] + movementOffsets[ (int)cent->currentState.angles2[YAW] ];//(-45 to 45)
if(cent->gent->client->renderInfo.renderFlags & RF_LOCKEDANGLE)
cent->pe.legs.yawAngle = cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lockYaw;
cent->pe.legs.yawing = qfalse;
CG_SwingAngles( legsAngles[YAW], legsYawSwingTolMin, legsYawSwingTolMax, torsoYawClampMin, torsoYawClampMax, maxYawSpeed, &cent->pe.legs.yawAngle, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.legsYawLockMode, &cent->pe.legs.yawing );
legsAngles[YAW] = cent->pe.legs.yawAngle;
#if 0
swing = AngleSubtract( legsAngles[YAW], headAngles[YAW] );
scale = ( torsoYawClampMax ) ? ( fabs( swing ) / torsoYawClampMax ) : 1.0f;
torsoAngles[YAW] = legsAngles[YAW] - ( swing * scale );
// torso
// If applicable, swing the lower parts to catch up with the head
CG_SwingAngles( headAngles[YAW], torsoYawSwingTolMin, torsoYawSwingTolMax, headYawClampMin, headYawClampMax, yawSpeed, &cent->pe.torso.yawAngle, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoYawLockMode, &cent->pe.torso.yawing);
torsoAngles[YAW] = cent->pe.torso.yawAngle;
// ---------- pitch -----------
//As the body twists to its extents, the back tends to arch backwards
#if 0
swing = AngleSubtract( legsAngles[PITCH], headAngles[PITCH] );
scale = ( torsoPitchClampMax ) ? ( fabs( swing ) / torsoPitchClampMax ) : 1.0f;
torsoAngles[PITCH] = legsAngles[PITCH] - ( swing * scale );
float dest;
// only show a fraction of the pitch angle in the torso
if ( headAngles[PITCH] > 180 )
dest = (-360 + headAngles[PITCH]) * 0.75;
dest = headAngles[PITCH] * 0.75;
CG_SwingAngles( dest, torsoPitchSwingTolMin, torsoPitchSwingTolMax, torsoPitchClampMin, torsoPitchClampMax, 0.1f, &cent->pe.torso.pitchAngle, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoPitchLockMode, &cent->pe.torso.pitching );
torsoAngles[PITCH] = cent->pe.torso.pitchAngle;
// --------- roll -------------
// lean towards the direction of travel
if ( cent->gent->s.eFlags & EF_BANK_STRAFE )
VectorCopy( cent->gent->client->ps.velocity, velocity );
speed = VectorNormalize( velocity );
if ( speed )
vec3_t axis[3];
float side;
// Magic number fun! Speed is used for banking, so modulate the speed by a sine wave
speed *= 0.4 * sin( (cg.time - cent->gent->fx_time + 200 ) * 0.003 );
// Clamp to prevent harsh rolling
if ( speed > 12 )
speed = 12;
AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, axis );
side = speed * DotProduct( velocity, axis[1] );
legsAngles[ROLL] -= side;
torsoAngles[ROLL] -= side;
side = speed * DotProduct( velocity, axis[0] );
legsAngles[PITCH] += side;
torsoAngles[PITCH] += side;
// pain twitch
CG_AddPainTwitch( cent, torsoAngles );
//----------- Special head looking ---------------
//FIXME: to clamp the head angles, figure out tag_head's offset from tag_torso and add
// that to whatever offset we're getting here... so turning the head in an
// anim that also turns the head doesn't allow the head to turn out of range.
//Start with straight ahead
VectorCopy( headAngles, viewAngles );
VectorCopy( headAngles, lookAngles );
//Remember last headAngles
VectorCopy( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lastHeadAngles, headAngles );
//See if we're looking at someone/thing
looking = CG_CheckLookTarget( cent, lookAngles, &lookingSpeed );
//Now add head bob when talking
if ( cent->gent->client->clientInfo.extensions )
talking = CG_AddHeadBob( cent );
//Figure out how fast head should be turning
if ( cent->pe.torso.yawing || cent->pe.torso.pitching )
{//If torso is turning, we want to turn head just as fast
lookAngleSpeed = yawSpeed;
else if ( talking )
{//Slow for head bobbing
lookAngleSpeed = LOOK_TALKING_SPEED;
else if ( looking )
{//Not talking, set it up for looking at enemy, CheckLookTarget will scale it down if neccessary
lookAngleSpeed = lookingSpeed;
else if ( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lookingDebounceTime > cg.time )
{//Not looking, not talking, head is returning from a talking head bob, use talking speed
lookAngleSpeed = LOOK_TALKING_SPEED;
if ( looking || talking )
{//Keep this type of looking for a second after stopped looking
cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lookingDebounceTime = cg.time + 1000;
if ( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lookingDebounceTime > cg.time )
//Calc our actual desired head angles
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
lookAngles[i] = AngleMod( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.headBobAngles[i] + lookAngles[i] );
if( VectorCompare( headAngles, lookAngles ) == qfalse )
//FIXME: This clamp goes off viewAngles,
//but really should go off the tag_torso's axis[0] angles, no?
CG_UpdateAngleClamp( lookAngles[PITCH], headPitchClampMin/1.25, headPitchClampMax/1.25, lookAngleSpeed, &headAngles[PITCH], viewAngles[PITCH] );
CG_UpdateAngleClamp( lookAngles[YAW], headYawClampMin/1.25, headYawClampMax/1.25, lookAngleSpeed, &headAngles[YAW], viewAngles[YAW] );
CG_UpdateAngleClamp( lookAngles[ROLL], -10, 10, lookAngleSpeed, &headAngles[ROLL], viewAngles[ROLL] );
if ( !cent->gent->enemy || cent->gent->enemy->s.number != cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lookTarget )
//NOTE: Hacky, yes, I know, but necc.
//We want to turn the body to follow the lookTarget
//This is the piece of code that was making the enemies not face where
//they were actually aiming.
//Yaw change
swing = AngleSubtract( legsAngles[YAW], headAngles[YAW] );
scale = fabs( swing ) / ( torsoYawClampMax + 0.01 ); //NOTENOTE: Some ents have a clamp of 0, which is bad for division
torsoAngles[YAW] = legsAngles[YAW] - ( swing * scale );
//Pitch change
swing = AngleSubtract( legsAngles[PITCH], headAngles[PITCH] );
scale = fabs( swing ) / ( torsoPitchClampMax + 0.01 ); //NOTENOTE: Some ents have a clamp of 0, which is bad for division
torsoAngles[PITCH] = legsAngles[PITCH] - ( swing * scale );
{//Look straight ahead
VectorCopy( viewAngles, headAngles );
//Remember current headAngles next time
VectorCopy( headAngles, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.lastHeadAngles );
// pull the angles back out of the hierarchial chain
AnglesSubtract( headAngles, torsoAngles, headAngles );
AnglesSubtract( torsoAngles, legsAngles, torsoAngles );
AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, legs );
AnglesToAxis( torsoAngles, torso );
AnglesToAxis( headAngles, head );
void CG_TrailItem( centity_t *cent, qhandle_t hModel ) {
refEntity_t ent;
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t axis[3];
VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, angles );
angles[PITCH] = 0;
angles[ROLL] = 0;
AnglesToAxis( angles, axis );
memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) );
VectorMA( cent->lerpOrigin, -24, axis[0], ent.origin );
ent.origin[2] += 20;
VectorScale( cg.autoAxis[0], 0.75, ent.axis[0] );
VectorScale( cg.autoAxis[1], 0.75, ent.axis[1] );
VectorScale( cg.autoAxis[2], 0.75, ent.axis[2] );
ent.hModel = hModel;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent );
void CG_PlayerPowerups( centity_t *cent )
if ( !cent->currentState.powerups ) {
// quad gives a dlight
if ( cent->currentState.powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD ) ) {
cgi_R_AddLightToScene( cent->lerpOrigin, 200 + (rand()&31), 0.2, 0.2, 1 );
// flight plays a looped sound
if ( cent->currentState.powerups & ( 1 << PW_HIROGEN_SHIELD ) ) {
cgi_S_AddLoopingSound(cent->currentState.number, cent->lerpOrigin, vec3_origin,
cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/items/flight.wav" ) );
// powerball
if ( cent->currentState.powerups & ( 1 << PW_BALL ) ) {
CG_TrailItem( cent, );
// redflag
if ( cent->currentState.powerups & ( 1 << PW_REDFLAG ) ) {
CG_TrailItem( cent, );
cgi_R_AddLightToScene( cent->lerpOrigin, 200 + (rand()&31), 1, 0.2, 0.2 );
// blueflag
if ( cent->currentState.powerups & ( 1 << PW_BLUEFLAG ) ) {
CG_TrailItem( cent, );
cgi_R_AddLightToScene( cent->lerpOrigin, 200 + (rand()&31), 0.2, 0.2, 1 );
qboolean CG_ApplyBoltOnToRefEnt (refEntity_t *newBoltOn, boltOn_t *boltOn, boltOnInfo_t *bOInfo, const vec3_t org, refEntity_t *targModel)
attaches boltOn refEnt to the proper model and tag
qboolean CG_ApplyBoltOnToRefEnt (refEntity_t *newBoltOn, boltOn_t *boltOn, boltOnInfo_t *bOInfo, const vec3_t org, refEntity_t *targModel)
int i;
vec3_t dir;
memset( newBoltOn, 0, sizeof(*newBoltOn) );
newBoltOn->hModel = cgs.model_draw[boltOn->model.modelIndex];
if (!newBoltOn->hModel)
return qfalse;
newBoltOn->frame = bOInfo->frame;
VectorCopy( org, newBoltOn->lightingOrigin );
AnglesToAxis( boltOn->angleOffsets, newBoltOn->axis );
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if ( boltOn->model.scaleXYZ[i] != 100.0f )
VectorScale( newBoltOn->axis[i], boltOn->model.scaleXYZ[i]/100.0f, newBoltOn->axis[i] );
newBoltOn->nonNormalizedAxes = qtrue;
//NB!!! targetTag must exist in targetModel
CG_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag( newBoltOn, targModel, targModel->hModel, boltOn->targetTag, NULL );
vectoangles( newBoltOn->axis[0], bOInfo->lastAngles );
//Add the origin offsets
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if ( boltOn->originOffsets[i] )
VectorCopy( newBoltOn->axis[i], dir );
if ( newBoltOn->nonNormalizedAxes )
{//Need to normalize for this transform
VectorNormalize( dir );
VectorMA( newBoltOn->origin, boltOn->originOffsets[i], dir, newBoltOn->origin );
VectorCopy( newBoltOn->origin, bOInfo->lastOrigin );
return qtrue;
Return team value based on client userinfo
int CG_GetTeamFromUserinfo( int clientNum ) {
const char *info, *teamString;
info = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum );
teamString = Info_ValueForKey( info, "t" );
/*if ( !strcmp( teamString, "s" ) )
if ( !strcmp( teamString, "r" ) )
return TEAM_RED;
if ( !strcmp( teamString, "b" ) )
return TEAM_BLUE;*/
return TEAM_FREE;
Float a sprite over the player's head
void CG_PlayerFloatSprite( centity_t *cent, qhandle_t shader ) {
int rf;
refEntity_t ent;
if ( cent->currentState.number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum && !cg.renderingThirdPerson ) {
rf = RF_THIRD_PERSON; // only show in mirrors
} else {
rf = 0;
memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) );
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.origin );
ent.origin[2] += 48;
ent.reType = RT_SPRITE;
ent.customShader = shader;
ent.radius = 10;
ent.renderfx = rf;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent );
Returns the Z component of the surface being shadowed
should it return a full plane instead of a Z?
static qboolean CG_PlayerShadow( centity_t *cent, float *shadowPlane ) {
vec3_t end, mins = {-7, -7, 0}, maxs = {7, 7, 2};
trace_t trace;
float alpha;
*shadowPlane = 0;
if ( cg_shadows.integer == 0 ) {
return qfalse;
// no shadows when invisible
if ( cent->currentState.powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) {
return qfalse;
// send a trace down from the player to the ground
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, end );
cgi_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, cent->lerpOrigin, end, mins, maxs, 0, MASK_PLAYERSOLID );
// no shadow if too high
if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) {
return qfalse;
*shadowPlane = trace.endpos[2] + 1;
if ( cg_shadows.integer != 1 ) { // no mark for stencil or projection shadows
return qtrue;
// fade the shadow out with height
alpha = 1.0 - trace.fraction;
// add the mark as a temporary, so it goes directly to the renderer
// without taking a spot in the cg_marks array
CG_ImpactMark(, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal,
cent->pe.legs.yawAngle, 1,1,1,alpha, qfalse, 16, qtrue );
return qtrue;
Draw a mark at the water surface
void CG_PlayerSplash( centity_t *cent ) {
vec3_t start, end;
trace_t trace;
int contents;
polyVert_t verts[4];
if ( !cg_shadows.integer ) {
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, end );
end[2] -= 24;
// if the feet aren't in liquid, don't make a mark
// this won't handle moving water brushes, but they wouldn't draw right anyway...
contents = cgi_CM_PointContents( end, 0 );
if ( !( contents & ( CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_LAVA ) ) ) {
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, start );
start[2] += 32;
// if the head isn't out of liquid, don't make a mark
contents = cgi_CM_PointContents( start, 0 );
// trace down to find the surface
cgi_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, start, end, NULL, NULL, 0, ( CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_LAVA ) );
if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) {
// create a mark polygon
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, verts[0].xyz );
verts[0].xyz[0] -= 32;
verts[0].xyz[1] -= 32;
verts[0].st[0] = 0;
verts[0].st[1] = 0;
verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, verts[1].xyz );
verts[1].xyz[0] -= 32;
verts[1].xyz[1] += 32;
verts[1].st[0] = 0;
verts[1].st[1] = 1;
verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].xyz[0] += 32;
verts[2].xyz[1] += 32;
verts[2].st[0] = 1;
verts[2].st[1] = 1;
verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].xyz[0] += 32;
verts[3].xyz[1] -= 32;
verts[3].st[0] = 1;
verts[3].st[1] = 0;
verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
cgi_R_AddPolyToScene(, 4, verts );
void CG_LightningBolt( centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin )
// FIXME: This sound also plays when the weapon first fires which causes little sputtering sounds..not exactly cool
// Must be currently firing
if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_FIRING ) )
//Must be a durational weapon
if ( ( cent->currentState.weapon == WP_DREADNOUGHT && !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_ALT_FIRING ))
|| cent->currentState.weapon == WP_PHASER
/*|| cent->currentState.weapon == WP_BOT_LASER*/ )
{ /*continue*/ }
trace_t trace;
gentity_t *traceEnt;
vec3_t end, forward, org, angs;
qboolean spark = qfalse, impact = qtrue, weak = qfalse;
// for lightning weapons coming from the player, it had better hit the crosshairs or else..
if ( cent->gent->s.number || cg_thirdPerson.integer == 2 )
VectorCopy( origin, org );
VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, org );
// Find the impact point of the beam
VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, angs );
if ( cg_thirdPerson.integer == 2 )
angs[PITCH] = 0;
angs[ROLL] = 0;
AngleVectors( angs, forward, NULL, NULL );
VectorMA( org, weaponData[cent->currentState.weapon].range, forward, end );
// Add a subtle variation to the beam weapon's endpoint
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i ++ )
end[i] += crandom() * BEAM_VARIATION;
CG_Trace( &trace, org, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, cent->currentState.number, MASK_SHOT );
traceEnt = &g_entities[ trace.entityNum ];
// Make sparking be a bit less frame-rate dependent..also never add sparking when we hit a surface with a NOIMPACT flag
if ( cent->gent->fx_time < cg.time && !(trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ))
spark = qtrue;
cent->gent->fx_time = cg.time + random() * 100 + 100;
// Don't draw certain kinds of impacts when it hits a player and such..or when we hit a surface with a NOIMPACT flag
if ( (traceEnt->takedamage && traceEnt->client) || (trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT) )
impact = qfalse;
// Add in the effect
switch ( cent->currentState.weapon )
if ( cent->gent->client->ps.ammo[AMMO_PHASER] < 1 )
weak = qtrue;
if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_ALT_FIRING && !weak )
FX_PhaserAltFire( origin, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, spark, impact );
FX_PhaserFire( origin, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, spark, impact, weak );
vec3_t org;
// Move the beam back a bit to help cover up the poly edges on the fire beam
VectorMA( origin, -4, forward, org );
FX_DreadnoughtFire( org, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, spark );
FX_BotLaser( origin, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, impact );
Adds a piece with modifications or duplications for powerups
void CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( refEntity_t *ent, int powerups, gentity_t *gent )
if ( !gent )
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
// FIXME: What the heck!?! The power flags don't clear themselves?!?
if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_QUAD] < cg.time )
gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_QUAD] = 0;
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD )) )
if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_INVIS] < cg.time )
gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_INVIS] = 0;
if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_6] < cg.time )
gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_6] = 0;
if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_HASTE] < cg.time )
{//scav beam effect
gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_HASTE] = 0;
if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_REGEN] < cg.time )
gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_REGEN] = 0;
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_REGEN )) )
//stop drawing him after this effect
gent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_NODRAW;
if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_1] < cg.time )
{//arc welder disintigration
gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_1] = 0;
if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_2] < cg.time )
{//arc welder disintigration
gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_2] = 0;
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_DISINT_2 )) )
//stop drawing him after this effect
gent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_NODRAW;
if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_3] < cg.time )
{//phaser alt disruptor
gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_3] = 0;
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_DISINT_3 )) )
//stop drawing him after this effect
gent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_NODRAW;
if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_BORG_SHIELD] < cg.time )
gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_BORG_SHIELD] = 0;
// Add in the base model if neither beaming state is set
if ( !gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_INVIS] &&
!gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_QUAD] &&
!gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_6] &&
!gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_REGEN] &&
!gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_2] &&
!gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_3] )
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
// If beaming out, don't add the base model after we've gone past the halfway point
else if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_QUAD] > cg.time + 2000 )
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
// If beaming in, don't add the base model until we reach the halfway point
else if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_INVIS] > 0 && gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_INVIS] < cg.time + 2000 )
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
else if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_6] > 0 )
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_DISINT_6 )) )
{// If beaming in (weapon), fade it in
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
/* else if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_REGEN] > cg.time + 1000 )
{//FIXME: Alpha out over time
ent->shaderRGBA[3] = floor(float(gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_REGEN] - cg.time) / 2000.0f * 255.0f );
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
else if ( gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_3] > cg.time + 1000 )
{//FIXME: Alpha out over time
ent->shaderRGBA[3] = floor(float(gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_3] - cg.time) / 2000.0f * 255.0f );
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
// We are beaming in or out, so it's ok to add in the beaming effect
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS )) || (powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD )) )
ent->customShader =;
ent->shaderTime = gent->fx_time / 1000.0f;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_DISINT_6 )) )
ent->customShader =;
ent->shaderTime = (gent->fx_time - 800.0f)/ 1000.0f;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_HASTE )) )
ent->customShader =;
ent->shaderTime = gent->fx_time / 1000.0f;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
// Compression rifle
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_REGEN )) )
ent->shaderRGBA[0] = ent->shaderRGBA[1] = ent->shaderRGBA[2] = 255;
ent->shaderRGBA[3] = 0;
ent->customShader =;
ent->shaderTime = gent->fx_time / 1000.0f;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
// Phaser alt
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_DISINT_3 )) )
ent->shaderRGBA[0] = ent->shaderRGBA[1] = ent->shaderRGBA[2] = 255;
ent->shaderRGBA[3] = 0;
ent->customShader =;
ent->shaderTime = gent->fx_time / 1000.0f;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
// Electricity
if ( (powerups & ( 1 << PW_DISINT_1 )) )
if ( (gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_1] - cg.time ) > 1000 && random() > 0.4f )
// fade out over time
int brightness = floor(float(gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_1] - cg.time - 4000.0f) / 4000.0f * 255.0f );
ent->shaderRGBA[0] = ent->shaderRGBA[1] = ent->shaderRGBA[2] = brightness;
ent->shaderRGBA[3] = 255;
ent->customShader =;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
if ( random() > 0.9f )
cgi_S_StartSound ( ent->origin, gent->s.number, CHAN_AUTO, cgi_S_RegisterSound( weaponData[WP_DREADNOUGHT].altmissileHitSound ) );
// Quantum
if ( powerups & ( 1 << PW_DISINT_2 ) )
//expanding and disrupting
ent->shaderRGBA[0] = ent->shaderRGBA[1] = ent->shaderRGBA[2] = 255;
ent->shaderRGBA[3] = 255;
ent->customShader =;
ent->shaderTime = gent->fx_time / 1000.0f;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
if ( powerups & ( 1 << PW_BORG_SHIELD ) )
ent->customShader =;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
if ( powerups & ( 1 << PW_HIROGEN_SHIELD ) )
ent->customShader =;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
if ( powerups & ( 1 << PW_FORGE_DEATH ) )
float percent;
percent = (cg.time - gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_FORGE_DEATH]) / 3000.0f;
if ( percent < 0 )
percent = 0;
if ( percent > 1 )
percent = 1;
ent->shaderRGBA[0] =
ent->shaderRGBA[1] =
ent->shaderRGBA[2] = percent * 255.0f;
ent->shaderRGBA[3] = 255;
ent->customShader =;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
int CG_PlayerHeadExtension( centity_t *cent, refEntity_t *head )
clientInfo_t *ci = &cent->gent->client->clientInfo;;
// if we have facial texture extensions, go get the sound override and add it to the face skin
// if we aren't talking, then it will be 0
if (ci->extensions && (gi.S_Override[cent->gent->s.clientNum] > 0))
{//FIXME: When talking, look at talkTarget, if any
//ALSO: When talking, add a head bob/movement on syllables - when gi.S_Override[] changes drastically
if ( cent->gent->health <= 0 )
{//Dead people close their eyes and don't make faces! They also tell no tales... BUM BUM BAHHHHHHH!
//Make them always blink and frown
head->customSkin = ci->headSkin + 3;
return qtrue;
head->customSkin = ci->headSkin + gi.S_Override[cent->gent->s.clientNum];
//reset the frown and blink timers
// ok, we have facial extensions, but we aren't speaking. Lets decide if we need to frown or blink
if (ci->extensions)
int add_in = 0;
// deal with blink first
//Dead people close their eyes and don't make faces! They also tell no tales... BUM BUM BAHHHHHHH!
if ( cent->gent->health <= 0 )
//Make them always blink and frown
head->customSkin = ci->headSkin + 3;
return qtrue;
if (!cent->gent->client->facial_blink)
{ // reset blink timer
cent->gent->client->facial_blink = cg.time + Q_flrand(3000.0, 5000.0);
cent->gent->client->facial_frown = cg.time + Q_flrand(6000.0, 10000.0);
cent->gent->client->facial_aux = cg.time + Q_flrand(6000.0, 10000.0);
// now deal with auxing
// are we frowning ?
if (cent->gent->client->facial_aux < 0)
// are we done frowning ?
if (-(cent->gent->client->facial_aux) < cg.time)
// reset frown timer
cent->gent->client->facial_aux = cg.time + Q_flrand(6000.0, 10000.0);
// yes so set offset to frown
add_in = 4;
// no we aren't frowning
// but should we start ?
if (cent->gent->client->facial_aux < cg.time)
add_in = 4;
// set blink timer
cent->gent->client->facial_aux = -(cg.time + 3000.0);
// now, if we aren't auxing - lets see if we should be blinking or frowning
if (!add_in)
if( gi.S_Override[cent->gent->s.clientNum] == -1 )
{//then we're talking and don't want to use blinking normal frames, force open eyes.
add_in = 0;
// reset blink timer
cent->gent->client->facial_blink = cg.time + Q_flrand(3000.0, 5000.0);
// are we blinking ?
else if (cent->gent->client->facial_blink < 0)
// yes so set offset to blink
add_in = 1;
// are we done blinking ?
if (-(cent->gent->client->facial_blink) < cg.time)
add_in = 0;
// reset blink timer
cent->gent->client->facial_blink = cg.time + Q_flrand(3000.0, 5000.0);
// no we aren't blinking
// but should we start ?
if (cent->gent->client->facial_blink < cg.time)
add_in = 1;
// set blink timer
cent->gent->client->facial_blink = -(cg.time + 200.0);
// now deal with frowning
// are we frowning ?
if (cent->gent->client->facial_frown < 0)
// yes so set offset to frown
add_in += 2;
// are we done frowning ?
if (-(cent->gent->client->facial_frown) < cg.time)
add_in -= 2;
// reset frown timer
cent->gent->client->facial_frown = cg.time + Q_flrand(6000.0, 10000.0);
// no we aren't frowning
// but should we start ?
if (cent->gent->client->facial_frown < cg.time)
add_in += 2;
// set blink timer
cent->gent->client->facial_frown = -(cg.time + 3000.0);
// add in whatever we should
head->customSkin = ci->headSkin + add_in;
// at this point, we don't have any facial extensions, so who cares ?
head->customSkin = ci->headSkin;
return qtrue;
// CG_GetTagWorldPosition
// Can pass in NULL for the axis
void CG_GetTagWorldPosition( refEntity_t *model, char *tag, vec3_t pos, vec3_t axis[3] )
orientation_t orientation;
// Get the requested tag
cgi_R_LerpTag( &orientation, model->hModel, model->oldframe, model->frame,
1.0f - model->backlerp, tag );
VectorCopy( model->origin, pos );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
VectorMA( pos, orientation.origin[i], model->axis[i], pos );
if ( axis )
MatrixMultiply( orientation.axis, model->axis, axis );
extern void FX_HunterSeekerThruster( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, qboolean dead );
extern void FX_BotTurretBolt( vec3_t end, vec3_t start, vec3_t normal );
static qboolean calcedMp = qfalse;
void CG_HunterSeekerEffects( centity_t *cent, refEntity_t *model )
vec3_t org, axis[3];
vec3_t end;
trace_t tr;
// Alternately get one muzzle, then the other
if ( cent->gent->count )
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_weapon2", org, axis );
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_weapon3", org, axis );
// Save off the muzzlepoint so the game side can know roughly where to do the damage trace from
VectorCopy( org, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint );
VectorCopy( axis[0], cent->gent->pos2 ); // stash forward vector
cent->gent->client->renderInfo.mPCalcTime = cg.time; // save off the time when the muzzle was last calc'ed
calcedMp = qtrue;
// Add in the effects cgame side, otherwise the effects will lag and not appear to come from the muzzle
if ( cent->gent->s.eFlags & EF_ALT_FIRING )
VectorMA( org, 1024, axis[0], end );
CG_Trace( &tr, org, NULL, NULL, end, cent->gent->s.number, MASK_SHOT );
VectorMA( tr.endpos, 0.5, axis[2], end );
VectorMA( org, 0.5, axis[2], org );
FX_BotTurretBolt( end, org, tr.plane.normal );
VectorMA( tr.endpos, -1, axis[2], end );
VectorMA( org, -1, axis[2], org );
FX_BotTurretBolt( end, org, tr.plane.normal );
cent->gent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_ALT_FIRING;
// Add the thruster effects
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_thruster1", org, axis );
FX_HunterSeekerThruster( org, axis[0], (cent->gent->s.eFlags & EF_DEAD) );
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_thruster2", org, axis );
FX_HunterSeekerThruster( org, axis[0], (cent->gent->s.eFlags & EF_DEAD) );
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_thruster3", org, axis );
FX_HunterSeekerThruster( org, axis[0], (cent->gent->s.eFlags & EF_DEAD) );
cgi_S_AddLoopingSound( cent->currentState.number, cent->lerpOrigin, vec3_origin, );
void CG_SlashTrailEffects( centity_t *cent, refEntity_t *model )
vec3_t org, org2, org3, org4;
qboolean two_handed = qfalse;
// Keep the effect going for the specified frames
// NOTE: if the animation frames change this will all fall apart again...sigh.
if ( (cent->currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) == BOTH_MELEE2
&& cent->pe.torso.frame >= 228 && cent->pe.torso.frame <= 230 )
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_rhand", org, NULL );
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_weapon2", org2, NULL );
// Keep the effect going for the specified frames
else if ( (cent->currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) == BOTH_MELEE1
&& cent->pe.torso.frame >= 221 && cent->pe.torso.frame <= 223 )
two_handed = qtrue;
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_rhand", org, NULL );
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_weapon2", org2, NULL );
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_lhand", org3, NULL );
CG_GetTagWorldPosition( model, "tag_weapon", org4, NULL );
// This animation doesn't use slash trails, or it's just not time to start it yet
// If there is a set of old points that we can use...then we'll use 'em!
if ( cent->gent->trigger_formation )
// Build a quadrilateral using the old set of points and the new points
FX_AddTri( org, org2, cent->gent->pos1, 0.1f, 0.0, 400, );
FX_AddTri( cent->gent->pos1, cent->gent->pos2, org2, 0.1f, 0.0, 400, );
if ( two_handed )
FX_AddTri( org3, org4, cent->gent->pos3, 0.1f, 0.0, 400, );
FX_AddTri( cent->gent->pos3, cent->gent->pos4, org4, 0.1f, 0.0, 400, );
// Tell the system that we'll have a set of old points to use next frame
cent->gent->trigger_formation = qtrue;
// Save these puppies for later so that we can connect up the slash trail properly
VectorCopy( org, cent->gent->pos1 );
VectorCopy( org2, cent->gent->pos2 );
if ( two_handed )
VectorCopy( org3, cent->gent->pos3 );
VectorCopy( org4, cent->gent->pos4 );
// CG_AddTagBasedEffects
// For reaver melee attacks, etc.
void CG_AddTagBasedEffects( centity_t *cent, refEntity_t *legs, refEntity_t *torso )
if ( cent->gent->client->race == RACE_REAVER )
CG_SlashTrailEffects( cent, torso );
else if ( cent->gent->client->race == RACE_BOT )
// I hate sticmps!
if ( !stricmp( cent->gent->NPC_type, "hunterseeker" ) )
CG_HunterSeekerEffects( cent, legs );
// This race doesn't have any tag based effects
void CG_GetPlayerLightLevel( centity_t *cent )
vec3_t ambient, directed, lightDir;
//Poll the renderer for the light level
cgi_R_GetLighting( cent->lerpOrigin, ambient, directed, lightDir );
//Get the maximum value for the player
cent->gent->lightLevel = directed[0];
if ( directed[1] > cent->gent->lightLevel )
cent->gent->lightLevel = directed[1];
if ( directed[2] > cent->gent->lightLevel )
cent->gent->lightLevel = directed[2];
Apply scaling effects
#define STASIS_SCALE_UP_TIME 500.0f
void CG_ScaleEffects( centity_t *cent )
float scale = 0, max = 100;
if ( cent->gent->s.eFlags & EF_SCALE_UP &&
( cent->gent->client->race == RACE_STASIS
|| cent->gent->client->race == RACE_8472
|| cent->gent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_FORGE ) )
if ( cg.time > cent->gent->fx_time + STASIS_SCALE_UP_TIME )
// Kill the flag and then ensure that we are full size
cent->gent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_SCALE_UP;
VectorSet( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.scaleXYZ, max, max, max );
if ( cent->gent->client != NULL )
cent->gent->client->ps.eFlags &= ~EF_SCALE_UP;
// This assumes that full size is 100% along each axis
scale = (float)( cg.time - cent->gent->fx_time ) / STASIS_SCALE_UP_TIME;
scale *= max;
VectorSet( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.scaleXYZ, scale, scale, max );
if ( cent->gent->s.eFlags & EF_SCALE_DOWN &&
( cent->gent->client->race == RACE_STASIS
|| cent->gent->client->race == RACE_8472
|| cent->gent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_FORGE ) )
if ( cg.time > cent->gent->fx_time + STASIS_SCALE_DOWN_TIME )
// Kill the flag and then ensure that we are fully shrunk
cent->gent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_SCALE_DOWN;
VectorSet( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.scaleXYZ, 1, 1, 1 );
if ( cent->gent->client != NULL )
cent->gent->client->ps.eFlags &= ~EF_SCALE_DOWN;
// This assumes that full size is 100% along each axis, though
scale = (float)( cg.time - cent->gent->fx_time ) / STASIS_SCALE_DOWN_TIME;
scale = 100 - ( scale * 100 );
if ( scale > 100 )
scale = 100;
VectorSet( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.scaleXYZ, scale, scale, 100 );
void CG_AssimilationTubules( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t up, float scale )
vec3_t control1, control2;//, control1_vel, control2_vel;
vec3_t direction;
float len, timecycle;
timecycle = (cg.time&1023)/1023.0f*(2*3.14);
VectorSubtract( end, start, direction );
len = VectorNormalize( direction );
VectorMA(start, len*0.20f-(sin(timecycle)*0.20f), up, control1 );
VectorMA(start, len*0.20f+(sin(timecycle)*0.20f), up, control2 );
vectoangles( direction, control1_vel );
control1_vel[ROLL] += crandom() * 360;
AngleVectors( control1_vel, NULL, NULL, control1_vel );
vectoangles( direction, control2_vel );
control2_vel[ROLL] += crandom() * 360;
AngleVectors( control2_vel, NULL, NULL, control2_vel );
VectorScale( control1_vel, 10.0f + (100.0f * random()), control1_vel );
VectorScale( control2_vel, -10.0f + (-100.0f * random()), control2_vel );
FX_AddBezier( start, end,
control1, control2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
scale, //scale
0.0f, //dscale
1.0f, //alpha
0.0f, //dalpha
1.0f, //killtime );
void CG_AddFaceDisruption( refEntity_t *ent, int powerups )
if ( powerups > cg.time )
vec3_t org, end;
float alpha = (powerups - cg.time)/2000.0f;//1.0 to 0.0
float lengthScale = 1.0 - alpha;//0.0 to 1.0
if ( alpha > 0.5 )
alpha = 1.0 - alpha;
//Right eye
VectorMA( ent->origin, 4, ent->axis[0], org );//forward
VectorMA( org, 1.5, ent->axis[1], org );//right
VectorMA( org, 4, ent->axis[2], org );//up
VectorMA( org, 4, ent->axis[2], end );//up
FX_AddLine( org, end, 1.0, 5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, );
VectorMA( org, -4, ent->axis[0], org );//pull it back
VectorMA( org, 56*lengthScale, ent->axis[0], end );//forward
VectorMA( end, 6*lengthScale, ent->axis[1], end );//right
VectorMA( end, 6*lengthScale, ent->axis[2], end );//up
if( rand() & 1 )
FX_AddLine( org, end, 1.0, 2.0, 12.0, alpha, 0.0, 1.0, );
FX_AddLine( org, end, 1.0, 2.0, 12.0, alpha, 0.0, 1.0, );
//Left eye
VectorMA( ent->origin, 4, ent->axis[0], org );//forward
VectorMA( org, -1.5, ent->axis[1], org );//right
VectorMA( org, 4, ent->axis[2], org );//up
VectorMA( org, 4, ent->axis[2], end );//up
FX_AddLine( org, end, 1.0, 5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, );
VectorMA( org, -4, ent->axis[0], org );//pull it back
VectorMA( org, 56*lengthScale, ent->axis[0], end );//forward
VectorMA( end, -6*lengthScale, ent->axis[1], end );//right
VectorMA( end, 6*lengthScale, ent->axis[2], end );//up
if( rand() & 1 )
FX_AddLine( org, end, 1.0, 2.0, 12.0, alpha, 0.0, 1.0, );
FX_AddLine( org, end, 1.0, 2.0, 12.0, alpha, 0.0, 1.0, );
VectorMA( ent->origin, 4, ent->axis[0], org );//forward
VectorMA( org, 1, ent->axis[2], org );//up
VectorMA( org, 4, ent->axis[2], end );//up
FX_AddLine( org, end, 1.0, 5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, );
VectorMA( org, -4, ent->axis[0], org );//pull it back
VectorMA( org, 56*lengthScale, ent->axis[0], end );//forward
VectorMA( end, -2*lengthScale, ent->axis[2], end );//up
if( rand() & 1 )
FX_AddLine( org, end, 1.0, 2.0, 12.0, alpha, 0.0, 1.0, );
FX_AddLine( org, end, 1.0, 2.0, 12.0, alpha, 0.0, 1.0, );
Stops any weapon sounds as needed
void CG_StopWeaponSounds( centity_t *cent )
qboolean weak = qfalse;
weaponInfo_t *weapon = &cg_weapons[ cent->currentState.weapon ];
if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_FIRING ) )
if ( cent->pe.lightningFiring )
if ( weapon->stopSound )
cgi_S_StartSound( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_WEAPON, weapon->stopSound );
cent->pe.lightningFiring = qfalse;
if ( cent->gent && cent->gent->client )
if ( cent->gent->client->ps.ammo[AMMO_PHASER] < 1 )
weak = qtrue;
if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_ALT_FIRING && !weak )
if ( weapon->altFiringSound )
cgi_S_AddLoopingSound( cent->currentState.number, cent->lerpOrigin, vec3_origin, weapon->altFiringSound );
cent->pe.lightningFiring = qtrue;
else if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_FIRING )
cent->pe.lightningFiring = qtrue;
if ( weapon->firingSound )
// Weak phaser sound should stutter
if ( weak && (rand() & 1) )
cgi_S_AddLoopingSound( cent->currentState.number, cent->lerpOrigin, vec3_origin, weapon->firingSound );
FIXME: Extend this to be a render func for all multiobject entities in the game such that:
You can have and stack multiple animated pieces (not just legs and torso)
You can attach "bolt-ons" that either animate or don't (weapons, heads, borg pieces)
You can attach any object to any tag on any object (weapon on the head, etc.)
Basically, keep a list of objects:
Root object (in this case, the legs) with this info:
if animated, frame or anim number
drawn at origin and angle of master entity
Animated objects, with this info:
frame or anim number
object it's attached to
tag to attach it's tag_parent to
angle offset to attach it with
Non-animated objects, with this info:
object it's attached to
tag to attach it's tag_parent to
angle offset to attach it with
Move the auto angle setting back up to the game
Implement 3-axis scaling
Implement alpha
Implement tint
Implement other effects (generic call effect at org and dir (or tag), with parms?)
void CG_Player( centity_t *cent ) {
clientInfo_t *ci;
refEntity_t legs;
refEntity_t torso;
refEntity_t head;
refEntity_t gun;
refEntity_t flash;
refEntity_t flashlight;
int renderfx, i, index;
const weaponInfo_t *weapon;
const weaponData_t *wData;
qboolean shadow, staticScale = qfalse;
float shadowPlane, alpha;
vec3_t scaleFactor;
entityState_t *ent;
calcedMp = qfalse;
//Get the player's light level for stealth calculations
CG_GetPlayerLightLevel( cent );
if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_NODRAW )
ent = &cent->currentState;
//FIXME: make sure this thing has a gent and client
if ((in_camera) && !(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_NPC)) // If player in camera then no need for shadow
if(cent->currentState.number == 0 && !cg_thirdPerson.integer )
calcedMp = qtrue;
ci = &cent->gent->client->clientInfo;
if ( !ci->infoValid )
memset( &legs, 0, sizeof(legs) );
memset( &torso, 0, sizeof(torso) );
memset( &head, 0, sizeof(head) );
memset( &gun, 0, sizeof(gun) );
memset( &flash, 0, sizeof(flash) );
memset( &flashlight, 0, sizeof(flashlight) );
CG_ScaleEffects( cent );
// Weapon sounds may need to be stopped, so check now
CG_StopWeaponSounds( cent );
//Set the scale
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
scaleFactor[i] = (float)(cent->gent->client->renderInfo.scaleXYZ[i])/100.0f;
//FIXME: pass in the axis/angles offset between the tag_torso and the tag_head?
// get the rotation information
CG_PlayerAngles( cent, legs.axis, torso.axis, head.axis );
// get the animation state (after rotation, to allow feet shuffle)
// NB: Also plays keyframed animSounds (Bob- hope you dont mind, I was here late and at about 5:30 Am i needed to do something to keep me awake and i figured you wouldn't mind- you might want to check it, though, to make sure I wasn't smoking crack and missed something important, it is pretty late and I'm getting pretty close to being up for 24 hours here, so i wouldn't doubt if I might have messed something up, but i tested it and it looked right.... noticed in old code base i was doing it wrong too, which explains why I was getting so many damn sounds all the time! I had to lower the probabilities because it seemed like i was getting way too many sounds, and that was the problem! Well, should be fixed now I think...)
CG_PlayerAnimation( cent, &legs.oldframe, &legs.frame, &legs.backlerp,
&torso.oldframe, &torso.frame, &torso.backlerp );
cent->gent->client->renderInfo.legsFrame = cent->pe.legs.frame;
cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoFrame = cent->pe.torso.frame;
// add powerups floating behind the player
CG_PlayerPowerups( cent );
// add the shadow
shadow = CG_PlayerShadow( cent, &shadowPlane );
// add a water splash if partially in and out of water
CG_PlayerSplash( cent );
// get the player model information
renderfx = 0;
if ( cent->currentState.number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum && !cg.renderingThirdPerson )
renderfx = RF_THIRD_PERSON; // only draw in mirrors
if ( cg_shadows.integer == 3 && shadow )
renderfx |= RF_SHADOW_PLANE;
renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN; // use the same origin for all
// add the legs
legs.hModel = ci->legsModel;
legs.customSkin = ci->legsSkin;
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, legs.origin );
//Scale applied to a refEnt will apply to any models attached to it... (except boltOns?)
//This seems to copy the scale to every piece attached, kinda cool, but doesn't
//allow the body to be scaled up without scaling a bolt on or whatnot...
//Only apply scale if it's not 100% scale...
if(scaleFactor[0] != 1.0)
VectorScale( legs.axis[0], scaleFactor[0], legs.axis[0] );
legs.nonNormalizedAxes = qtrue;
if(scaleFactor[1] != 1.0)
VectorScale( legs.axis[1], scaleFactor[1], legs.axis[1] );
legs.nonNormalizedAxes = qtrue;
if(scaleFactor[2] != 1.0)
VectorScale( legs.axis[2], scaleFactor[2], legs.axis[2] );
legs.nonNormalizedAxes = qtrue;
if ( !staticScale )
//FIXME:? need to know actual height of leg model bottom to origin, not hardcoded
legs.origin[2] += 24 * (scaleFactor[2] - 1);
VectorCopy( legs.origin, legs.lightingOrigin );
legs.shadowPlane = shadowPlane;
legs.renderfx = renderfx;
VectorCopy (legs.origin, legs.oldorigin); // don't positionally lerp at all
CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( &legs, cent->currentState.powerups&~(1<<PW_DISINT_6), cent->gent );
// if the model failed, allow the default nullmodel to be displayed
if (!legs.hModel)
// add the torso
torso.hModel = ci->torsoModel;
if (torso.hModel)
orientation_t tag_torso;
torso.customSkin = ci->torsoSkin;
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, torso.lightingOrigin );
CG_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag( &torso, &legs, legs.hModel, "tag_torso", &tag_torso );
VectorCopy( torso.origin, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoPoint );
vectoangles( tag_torso.axis[0], cent->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoAngles );
torso.shadowPlane = shadowPlane;
torso.renderfx = renderfx;
CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( &torso, cent->currentState.powerups&~(1<<PW_DISINT_6), cent->gent );
// Do slash trails, etc if necessary
CG_AddTagBasedEffects( cent, &legs, &torso );
// Borg assimilator wires
//If a Borg and weapon == assimilator and fire button down:
if ( cent->currentState.weapon == WP_BORG_ASSIMILATOR && cent->gent->client->buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK && cent->gent->enemy && cent->gent->enemy->client )//&& cent->gent->enemy->s.number != 0 )
vec3_t targetSpot, start, end, dir;
refEntity_t temp;
CG_PositionEntityOnTag( &temp, &torso, torso.hModel, "tag_lhand");
//find closer point: enemy tag_torso or enemy tag_head
if ( cent->gent->enemy->s.number == 0 )
VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, targetSpot );
targetSpot[2] -= 8;
float dist;
VectorSubtract( temp.origin, cent->gent->enemy->client->renderInfo.headPoint, dir );
dist = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
VectorSubtract( temp.origin, cent->gent->enemy->client->renderInfo.torsoPoint, dir );
if ( dist > VectorLengthSquared( dir ) )
VectorCopy( cent->gent->enemy->client->renderInfo.torsoPoint, targetSpot );
VectorCopy( cent->gent->enemy->client->renderInfo.headPoint, targetSpot );
//do a bezier curve of 2 assimilation tubules from tag_muzzle
//to the closer enemy tag
VectorSubtract( temp.origin, targetSpot, dir );
if ( VectorLengthSquared( dir ) <= 576 )//24 squared
VectorMA( temp.origin, 1, temp.axis[1], start );
VectorMA( targetSpot, 1, temp.axis[1], end );
CG_AssimilationTubules( start, end, temp.axis[2], 0.25f );
VectorMA( temp.origin, -1, temp.axis[1], start );
VectorMA( targetSpot, -1, temp.axis[1], end );
CG_AssimilationTubules( start, end, temp.axis[2], 0.25f );
// add the head
head.hModel = ci->headModel;
if (head.hModel)
orientation_t tag_head;
//Deal with facial expressions
CG_PlayerHeadExtension( cent, &head );
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, head.lightingOrigin );
CG_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag( &head, &torso, torso.hModel, "tag_head", &tag_head );
VectorCopy( head.origin, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.headPoint );
vectoangles( tag_head.axis[0], cent->gent->client->renderInfo.headAngles );
head.shadowPlane = shadowPlane;
head.renderfx = renderfx;
CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( &head, cent->currentState.powerups&~(1<<PW_DISINT_6), cent->gent );
CG_AddFaceDisruption( &head, cent->gent->client->ps.powerups[PW_REGEN] );
//Temp: Add special effects
if(cent->gent->client->race == RACE_BORG && (cent->currentState.eFlags&EF_EYEBEAM) && cent->gent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0)
{//Eyebeam, only if have an enemy? Or only if awake and walking around?
trace_t trace;
vec3_t beamOrg, beamEnd, rgb = {1.0f,0.0f,0.0f};
refEntity_t temp;
//FIXME: this should be attached to a eyepiece bolt-on eventually, not the head itself
CG_PositionEntityOnTag( &temp, &head, head.hModel, "tag_ear");
VectorCopy( temp.origin, beamOrg );
VectorMA( beamOrg, 1024, temp.axis[0], beamEnd);//forward to end
VectorMA(head.origin, 6.35, head.axis[2], beamOrg);//up
VectorMA(beamOrg, 1.3, head.axis[1], beamOrg);//right
VectorMA(beamOrg, 5.65, head.axis[0], beamOrg);//forward
VectorMA(beamOrg, 1024, head.axis[0], beamEnd);//forward to end
cgi_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, beamOrg, beamEnd, NULL, NULL, 0, MASK_SHOT );
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, beamEnd);
alpha = 1.0f - (random() * 0.5);
FX_AddLine( beamOrg, beamEnd, 1.0f, 0.35f + ( crandom() * 0.1 ), 0.0f, alpha, alpha, rgb,rgb,1.0f, );
VectorMA(beamOrg, 0.5, head.axis[0], beamOrg);//forward
FX_AddSprite( beamOrg, NULL, NULL, 1.0f + (random() * 2.0f), 0.0f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, );
FX_AddQuad( beamEnd, trace.plane.normal, NULL, NULL, 2.0f + (crandom() * 1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, );
if ( !calcedMp )
{//First person player's eyePoint and eyeAngles should be copies from cg.refdef...
//Calc this client's eyepoint
VectorCopy( head.origin, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint );
VectorMA( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, CG_EyePointOfsForRace[cent->gent->client->race][1]*scaleFactor[2], head.axis[2], cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint );//up
VectorMA( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, CG_EyePointOfsForRace[cent->gent->client->race][0]*scaleFactor[0], head.axis[0], cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint );//forward
//Calc this client's eyeAngles
vectoangles( head.axis[0], cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles );
//FIXME: this should really be a function call
//If have the Borg sparkies effect, apply it
if ( cent->gent->s.eFlags & EF_BORG_SPARKIES && Q_irand( 0, cg.frametime ) > 5 )
vec3_t angles, vec, spot;
VectorAdd( head.origin, torso.origin, spot );
VectorScale( spot, 0.5, spot );
spot[0] += crandom() * 4;
spot[1] += crandom() * 4;
spot[2] += crandom() * 4;
VectorSet( angles, Q_flrand(-360, 360), Q_flrand(-360, 360), Q_flrand(-360, 360) );
AngleVectors( angles, vec, 0, 0 );
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1) )
VectorScale( vec, Q_flrand( 300, 400 ), vec );
FX_BorgDeathSparkParticles( spot, angles, vec, NULL );
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) )
cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, cent->gent->s.number, CHAN_AUTO, cgi_S_RegisterSound ( va("sound/ambience/spark%d.wav", Q_irand(1, 6)) ) );
vec3_t end;
float duration = Q_irand( 50, 500 );
VectorMA( spot, Q_flrand( 16, 52 ), vec, end );
//NOTE: Maybe bezier curves from one tag to another?
FX_AddElectricity( spot, end,
1.0f, Q_flrand(3, 9), -45,
1.0f, 0.0f,
duration * 2,[Q_irand(0, 3)], FXF_WRAP | FXF_TAPER, 0.6f );
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) )
cgi_R_AddLightToScene( spot, Q_irand(100, 200), 100, 150, 50 );
VectorCopy( torso.origin, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint );
cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint[2] += cent->gent->maxs[2] - 4;
vectoangles( torso.axis[0], cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles );
// add the gun
CG_RegisterWeapon( cent->currentState.weapon );
weapon = &cg_weapons[cent->currentState.weapon];
wData = &weaponData[cent->currentState.weapon];
gun.hModel = weapon->weaponWorldModel;
if (gun.hModel)
//FIXME: allow scale, animation and angle offsets
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, gun.lightingOrigin );
//FIXME: allow it to be put anywhere and move this out of if(torso.hModel)
//Will have to call CG_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag
CG_PositionEntityOnTag( &gun, &torso, torso.hModel, "tag_weapon");
gun.shadowPlane = shadowPlane;
gun.renderfx = renderfx;
if ( cent->currentState.weapon != WP_BORG_TASER || Q_stricmp( "satan", cent->gent->NPC_type ) != 0 )
{//uber-hack: satan's robot doesn't actually draw the weapon in-hand
CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( &gun,
(cent->currentState.powerups & ( (1<<PW_INVIS)|(1<<PW_QUAD)|(1<<PW_BATTLESUIT)|(1<<PW_BORG_SHIELD)|(1<<PW_DISINT_6) ) ),
cent->gent );
// add the flash (even if invisible)
// impulse flash
if ( cg.time - cent->muzzleFlashTime <= MUZZLE_FLASH_TIME )
if ( cent->gent->alt_fire && weapon->flashaModel ) {
if (weapon->flasha2Model && ( rand() & 1 ) ) {
flash.hModel = weapon->flasha2Model;
} else {
flash.hModel = weapon->flashaModel;
else {
// always fallback to main flash
if (weapon->flash2Model && ( rand() & 1 ) ) {
flash.hModel = weapon->flash2Model;
} else {
flash.hModel = weapon->flashModel;
if (flash.hModel)
CG_PositionEntityOnTag( &flash, &gun, gun.hModel, "tag_flash");
flash.renderfx = renderfx | RF_NOSHADOW;
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &flash );
// make a dlight for the flash
if ( wData->flashColor[0] || wData->flashColor[1] || wData->flashColor[2] ) {
cgi_R_AddLightToScene( flash.origin, 200 + (rand()&31), wData->flashColor[0],
wData->flashColor[1], wData->flashColor[2] );
// add lightning bolt
CG_LightningBolt( cent, flash.origin );
VectorCopy( flash.origin, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint );
cent->gent->client->renderInfo.mPCalcTime = cg.time;
calcedMp = qtrue;
if (!calcedMp)
{// Set the muzzle point
orientation_t orientation;
cgi_R_LerpTag( &orientation, weapon->weaponModel, gun.oldframe, gun.frame,
1.0f - gun.backlerp, "tag_flash" );
// FIXME: allow origin offsets along tag?
VectorCopy( gun.origin, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint );
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
VectorMA( cent->gent->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, orientation.origin[i], gun.axis[i], cent->gent->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint );
cent->gent->client->renderInfo.mPCalcTime = cg.time;
// Weapon wasn't firing anymore, so ditch any weapon associated looping sounds.
//cent->gent->s.loopSound = 0;
//Add a flashlight:
flashlight.hModel =;
if (flashlight.hModel)
//Add the model to trace the stencil:
CG_PositionEntityOnTag( &flashlight, &gun, weapon->weaponModel, "tag_flash");
flashlight.renderfx = renderfx;
AngleVectors(cent->lerpAngles, flashlight.lightDir, NULL, NULL);
VectorScale(flashlight.lightDir, -1, flashlight.lightDir);
cgi_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &flashlight );
//Add a lightcone model with lightcone shader
//Flag one of them to have a flare?
VectorCopy( legs.origin, cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint );
cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint[2] += cent->gent->maxs[2] - 4;
vectoangles( legs.axis[0], cent->gent->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles );
boltOnInfo_t *boltOnInfo;
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BOLT_ONS; i++ )
boltOnInfo = &cent->gent->client->renderInfo.boltOns[i];
index = boltOnInfo->index;
if ( index >= 0 && index < numBoltOns )
boltOn_t *boltOn;
refEntity_t boltOnRefEnt;
qboolean attached = qfalse;
boltOn = &knownBoltOns[index];
switch( boltOn->targetModel )
if ( head.hModel )
attached = CG_ApplyBoltOnToRefEnt( &boltOnRefEnt, boltOn, &cent->gent->client->renderInfo.boltOns[i], cent->lerpOrigin, &head );
if ( torso.hModel )
attached = CG_ApplyBoltOnToRefEnt( &boltOnRefEnt, boltOn, &cent->gent->client->renderInfo.boltOns[i], cent->lerpOrigin, &torso );
if ( legs.hModel )
attached = CG_ApplyBoltOnToRefEnt( &boltOnRefEnt, boltOn, &cent->gent->client->renderInfo.boltOns[i], cent->lerpOrigin, &legs );
if ( gun.hModel )
attached = CG_ApplyBoltOnToRefEnt( &boltOnRefEnt, boltOn, &cent->gent->client->renderInfo.boltOns[i], cent->lerpOrigin, &gun );
if ( attached )
boltOnRefEnt.shadowPlane = shadowPlane;
boltOnRefEnt.renderfx = renderfx;
//need to apply effects to boltOns too
CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( &boltOnRefEnt, cent->currentState.powerups&~(1<<PW_DISINT_6), cent->gent );
// It would have been better to use AddRefEntWithPowerups, except boltons don't have their own powerup flags
if ( boltOnInfo->fxFlags & BOLTON_BEAMIN )
boltOnRefEnt.customShader =;
boltOnRefEnt.shaderTime = (boltOnInfo->startTime + 2000 ) * 0.001f; // Scale startTime to server time
CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( &boltOnRefEnt, cent->currentState.powerups&~(1<<PW_DISINT_6), cent->gent );
if ( boltOnInfo->startTime + 1900 < cg.time )
boltOnInfo->fxFlags &= ~BOLTON_BEAMIN;
//FIXME: for debug, allow to draw a cone of the NPC's FOV...
A player just came into view or teleported, so reset all animation info
FIXME: We do not need to do this, we can remember the last anim and frame they were
on and coontinue from there.
void CG_ResetPlayerEntity( centity_t *cent ) {
cent->errorTime = -99999; // guarantee no error decay added
cent->extrapolated = qfalse;
if(cent->currentState.clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS)
CG_ClearLerpFrame( &cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ], &cent->pe.legs, cent->currentState.legsAnim );
CG_ClearLerpFrame( &cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ], &cent->pe.torso, cent->currentState.torsoAnim );
else if(cent->gent && cent->gent->client)
CG_ClearLerpFrame( &cent->gent->client->clientInfo, &cent->pe.legs, cent->currentState.legsAnim );
CG_ClearLerpFrame( &cent->gent->client->clientInfo, &cent->pe.torso, cent->currentState.torsoAnim );
EvaluateTrajectory( &cent->currentState.pos, cg.time, cent->lerpOrigin );
EvaluateTrajectory( &cent->currentState.apos, cg.time, cent->lerpAngles );
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->rawOrigin );
VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, cent->rawAngles );
memset( &cent->pe.legs, 0, sizeof( cent->pe.legs ) );
cent->pe.legs.yawAngle = cent->rawAngles[YAW];
cent->pe.legs.yawing = qfalse;
cent->pe.legs.pitchAngle = 0;
cent->pe.legs.pitching = qfalse;
memset( &cent->pe.torso, 0, sizeof( cent->pe.legs ) );
cent->pe.torso.yawAngle = cent->rawAngles[YAW];
cent->pe.torso.yawing = qfalse;
cent->pe.torso.pitchAngle = cent->rawAngles[PITCH];
cent->pe.torso.pitching = qfalse;
if ( cg_debugPosition.integer ) {
CG_Printf("%i ResetPlayerEntity yaw=%i\n", cent->currentState.number, cent->pe.torso.yawAngle );