/* Valid parms and examples or valid ranges: Required: modelName models/boltOns/detpack.md3 targetModel 0 - 7, Which model to attach to 0: legs 1: torso 2: head 3: weapon1 4: weapon2 5: weapon3 6: extra model 1 7: extra model 2 targetTag tag_weapon (or tag_lhand, tag_belton, etc) Optional: pitchOffset 0 - 359 yawOffset 0 - 359 rollOffset 0 - 359 xOffset relative, in world units yOffset relative, in world units zOffset relative, in world units scale 0 - 255 (default 100 = 100%) scaleX 0 - 255 (default 100 = 100%) scaleY 0 - 255 (default 100 = 100%) scaleZ 0 - 255 (default 100 = 100%) tint 0 - 255 (default 0 = none) tintRed 0 - 255 (default 0 = none) tintGreen 0 - 255 (default 0 = none) tintBlue 0 - 255 (default 0 = none) alpha 0 - 255 (default 0 = none) */ detPack { modelName models/boltOns/detpack.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_lhand scale 50 } helmet { modelName models/boltOns/helmet.md3 targetModel 2 targetTag tag_head } helmet_lhand { modelName models/boltOns/helmet.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_lhand yOffset -4 zOffset -8 } TED { modelName models/boltOns/ted.md3 targetModel 2 targetTag tag_ear // xOffset -2 } pe_back1 { modelName models/boltOns/pat_enh.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_backons yawOffset 180 xoffset -2 yoffset -4 } pe_back2 { modelName models/boltOns/pat_enh.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_backons yawOffset 180 xoffset -2 } pe_back3 { modelName models/boltOns/pat_enh.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_backons yawOffset 180 xoffset -2 yoffset 4 } pe_lhand { modelName models/boltOns/pat_enh.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_lhand xOffset 4 } glass_rh { modelName models/mapobjects/cargo/square_cup.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon pitchOffset -15 rollOffset -10 yOffset 3 } jetpack { modelName models/boltOns/jetpack.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_backons yawOffset 180 xoffset -1 } headbot_warriorbot { modelName models/players/warbot/headbot.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_backons } headbot_scoutbot { modelName models/players/scoutbot/headbot.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_head } capsule { modelName models/mapobjects/forge/capsule2.md3 targetModel 0 targetTag tag_claw zOffset -44 } phaser_lhand { modelName models/boltOns/phaser.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_lhand } knife_hip { modelName models/weapons2/tricorder/klingon_knife_hand.md3 targetModel 0 targetTag tag_hips rollOffset 90 yOffset 8 } knife_rhand { modelName models/weapons2/tricorder/klingon_knife.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon } kmeat_rhand { modelName models/weapons2/tricorder/klingon_knife_meat.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon } kcup_rhand { modelName models/mapobjects/scavenger/k_cup.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon pitchOffset 10 xOffset -2 } handtool { modelName models/weapons2/tricorder/hand_tool.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon //yawOffset -90 //pitchOffset 10 //xOffset 13 //yOffset 1 //zOffset 2 } padd_rhand { modelName models/weapons2/tricorder/padd.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon } deck_lhand { modelName models/mapobjects/scavenger/cards.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_lhand xOffset 0.8 yOffset -0.75 zOffset 1.25 yawOffset -130 rollOffset -85 } card_rhand { modelName models/mapobjects/scavenger/card.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon zOffset 2 xOffset -2 rollOffset -100 yawOffset -80 } card2_rhand { modelName models/mapobjects/scavenger/card2.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon zOffset 2 xOffset -2 rollOffset -100 yawOffset -80 } card3_rhand { modelName models/mapobjects/scavenger/card3.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon zOffset 2 xOffset -2 rollOffset -100 yawOffset -80 } card4_rhand { modelName models/mapobjects/scavenger/card4.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_weapon zOffset 2 xOffset -2 rollOffset -100 yawOffset -80 } holoemitter { modelName models/boltons/emitter.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_larm } triscanner { modelName models/weapons2/tricorder/tricorder_scanner.md3 targetModel 1 targetTag tag_lhand }