//B_local.h //re-added by MCG #ifndef __B_LOCAL_H__ #define __B_LOCAL_H__ #include "g_local.h" #include "say.h" #include "AI.h" // // Navigation susbsystem // #define NAVF_DUCK 0x00000001 #define NAVF_JUMP 0x00000002 #define NAVF_HOLD 0x00000004 #define NAVF_SLOW 0x00000008 #define DEBUG_LEVEL_DETAIL 4 #define DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO 3 #define DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING 2 #define DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR 1 #define DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE 0 #define MAX_GOAL_REACHED_DIST_SQUARED 256//16 squared #define MIN_ANGLE_ERROR 0.01f // // NPC.cpp // // ai debug cvars void SetNPCGlobals( gentity_t *ent ); void SaveNPCGlobals(); void RestoreNPCGlobals(); extern cvar_t *debugNPCAI; // used to print out debug info about the NPC AI extern cvar_t *debugNPCFreeze; // set to disable NPC ai and temporarily freeze them in place extern cvar_t *debugNPCAimingBeam; extern cvar_t *debugBreak; extern cvar_t *debugNoRoam; extern cvar_t *debugNPCName; void NPC_Think ( gentity_t *self); //NPC_reactions.cpp void NPC_Pain( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, int damage ); void NPC_Touch( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace ); void NPC_Use( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator ); // // NPC_misc.cpp // void Debug_Printf( cvar_t *cv, int level, char *fmt, ... ); void Debug_NPCPrintf( gentity_t *printNPC, cvar_t *cv, int debugLevel, char *fmt, ... ); //MCG - Begin============================================================ //NPC_ai variables - shared by NPC.cpp andf the following modules extern gentity_t *NPC; extern gNPC_t *NPCInfo; extern gclient_t *client; extern usercmd_t ucmd; extern qboolean blocked; extern visibility_t enemyVisibility; //NPC_behavior qboolean NPC_StandTrackAndShoot (gentity_t *NPC); void NPC_BSIdle( void ); void NPC_BSRoam (void); void NPC_BSWalk (void); void NPC_BSCrouch (void); void NPC_BSRun (void); void NPC_BSStandGuard (void); void NPC_BSPatrol (void); void NPC_BSHuntAndKill (void); void NPC_BSStandAndShoot (void); void NPC_BSEvade (void); void NPC_BSEvadeAndShoot (void); void NPC_BSRunAndShoot (void); void NPC_BSDefend (void); void NPC_BSCombat (void); void NPC_BSGetAmmo (void); void NPC_BSAdvanceFight (void); void NPC_BSTakeCover (void); void NPC_ClearPatient (void); void NPC_BSMedic (void); void NPC_BSMedicHide (void); void NPC_BSMedicCombat (void); void NPC_BSWait( void ); void NPC_BSFace (void); void NPC_BSMove(void); void NPC_BSWaitHeal(void); void NPC_BSShoot(void); void NPC_BSSniper (void); void NPC_TakePatient (gentity_t *patient); void NPC_BSPointShoot(qboolean shoot); void NPC_BSInvestigate (void); void NPC_BSSleep( void ); void NPC_BSSay (void); void NPC_BSFlee (void); void NPC_BSRetreat (void); void NPC_BSCover (void); void NPC_BSMelee (void); qboolean NPC_BSPointCombat (void); void NPC_BSFollowLeader (void); qboolean isMedic (gentity_t *self); void NPC_BSJump (void); void NPC_BSRemove (void); void NPC_BSSearch (void); void NPC_BSSearchStart (int homeWp, bState_t bState); void NPC_BSFly ( void ); void NPC_BSWander (void); void NPC_BSFaceLeader (void); //NPC_combat int ChooseBestWeapon( void ); void NPC_ChangeWeapon( int newWeapon ); void ShootThink( void ); void WeaponThink( qboolean inCombat ); qboolean HaveWeapon( int weapon ); qboolean CanShoot ( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *shooter ); void NPC_CheckPossibleEnemy( gentity_t *other, visibility_t vis ); gentity_t *NPC_PickEnemy (gentity_t *closestTo, int enemyTeam, qboolean checkVis, qboolean findPlayersFirst, qboolean findClosest); void NPC_CheckEnemy (qboolean findNew, qboolean tooFarOk); qboolean NPC_CheckAttack (float scale); qboolean NPC_CheckDefend (float scale); int NPC_AttackDebounceForWeapon (void); qboolean EntIsGlass (gentity_t *check); qboolean ShotThroughGlass (trace_t *tr, gentity_t *target, vec3_t spot, int mask); qboolean ValidEnemy (gentity_t *ent); void G_ClearEnemy (gentity_t *self); void G_SetEnemy (gentity_t *self, gentity_t *enemy); gentity_t *NPC_PickAlly ( qboolean facingEachOther, float range, qboolean ignoreGroup, qboolean movingOnly ); void NPC_LostEnemyDecideChase(void); //NPC_formation qboolean NPC_SlideMoveToGoal (void); float NPC_FindClosestTeammate (gentity_t *self); void NPC_CalcClosestFormationSpot(gentity_t *self); void G_MaintainFormations (gentity_t *self); void NPC_BSFormation (void); void NPC_CreateFormation (gentity_t *self); void NPC_DropFormation (gentity_t *self); void NPC_ReorderFormation (gentity_t *self); void NPC_InsertIntoFormation (gentity_t *self); void NPC_DeleteFromFormation (gentity_t *self); #define COLLISION_RADIUS 32 #define NUM_POSITIONS 30 //NPC spawnflags #define SFB_SMALLHULL 1 #define SFB_RIFLEMAN 2 #define SFB_OLDBORG 2//Borg #define SFB_PHASER 4 #define SFB_GUN 4//Borg #define SFB_TRICORDER 8 #define SFB_TASER 8//Borg #define SFB_DRILL 16//Borg #define SFB_SILENTSPAWN 32 #define SFB_NOTSOLID 64 #define SFB_STARTINSOLID 128 //NPC_goal void SetGoal( gentity_t *goal, float rating ); void NPC_SetGoal( gentity_t *goal, float rating ); void NPC_ClearGoal( void ); qboolean ReachedGoal( gentity_t *goal ); gentity_t *UpdateGoal( void ); //void NPC_StuckCheck( void ); //void NPC_StuckHousekeeping( void ); //void NPC_Predict( void ); //void NPC_StuckCheck( void ); //void NPC_StuckHousekeeping( void ); qboolean NPC_ClearPathToGoal(vec3_t dir, gentity_t *goal); qboolean NPC_MoveToGoal( void ); //NPC_reactions //NPC_senses #define CHECK_PVS 1 #define CHECK_360 2 #define CHECK_FOV 4 #define CHECK_SHOOT 8 #define CHECK_VISRANGE 16 qboolean CanSee ( gentity_t *ent ); qboolean InFOV ( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *from, int hFOV, int vFOV ); qboolean InFOV( vec3_t origin, gentity_t *from, int hFOV, int vFOV ); qboolean InFOV( vec3_t spot, vec3_t from, vec3_t fromAngles, int hFOV, int vFOV ); visibility_t NPC_CheckVisibility ( gentity_t *ent, int flags ); qboolean InVisrange ( gentity_t *ent ); //NPC_sounds void NPC_AngerSound(void); //NPC_spawn void NPC_Spawn( gentity_t *self ); //NPC_stats int NPC_ReactionTime ( void ); qboolean NPC_ParseParms( const char *NPCName, gentity_t *NPC ); void NPC_LoadParms( void ); //NPC_utils extern int teamNumbers[TEAM_NUM_TEAMS]; extern int teamStrength[TEAM_NUM_TEAMS]; extern int teamCounter[TEAM_NUM_TEAMS]; void CalcEntitySpot ( gentity_t *ent, spot_t spot, vec3_t point ); qboolean NPC_UpdateAngles ( qboolean doPitch, qboolean doYaw ); void NPC_UpdateShootAngles (vec3_t angles, qboolean doPitch, qboolean doYaw ); qboolean NPC_UpdateFiringAngles ( qboolean doPitch, qboolean doYaw ); void SetTeamNumbers (void); void G_ActivateBehavior (gentity_t *self, int bset ); //g_nav.cpp int NAV_FindClosestWaypointForEnt (gentity_t *ent, int targWp); qboolean NAV_CheckAhead( gentity_t *self, vec3_t end, trace_t &trace, int clipmask ); //other modules extern void CalcMuzzlePoint ( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up, vec3_t muzzlePoint, float lead_in ); //g_combat void ExplodeDeath( gentity_t *self ); void ExplodeDeath_Wait( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath ); void GoExplodeDeath( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator); float IdealDistance ( gentity_t *self ); //g_client qboolean SpotWouldTelefrag( gentity_t *spot, team_t checkteam ); //g_squad void NPC_SetSayState (gentity_t *self, gentity_t *to, int saying); //g_utils extern qboolean G_CheckInSolid (gentity_t *self, qboolean fix); extern qboolean infront(gentity_t *from, gentity_t *to); //MCG - End============================================================ // NPC.cpp void NPC_SetAnim(gentity_t *ent,int type,int anim,int priority); qboolean NPC_EnemyTooFar(gentity_t *enemy, float dist, qboolean toShoot); // ================================================================== qboolean NPC_ClearLOS( vec3_t start, vec3_t end ); qboolean NPC_ClearLOS( vec3_t start, gentity_t *ent ); qboolean NPC_ClearLOS( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t end ); qboolean NPC_ClearLOS( gentity_t *ent ); qboolean NPC_ClearLOS( vec3_t end ); qboolean NPC_ClearShot( gentity_t *ent ); int NPC_FindCombatPoint( vec3_t position, vec3_t avoidPosition, vec3_t enemyPosition, int flags ); int NPC_FindCombatPoint( int flags ); qboolean NPC_ReserveCombatPoint( int combatPointID ); qboolean NPC_FreeCombatPoint( int combatPointID ); qboolean NPC_SetCombatPoint( int combatPointID ); #define CP_ANY 0 //No flags #define CP_COVER 0x00000001 //The enemy cannot currently shoot this position #define CP_CLEAR 0x00000002 //This cover point has a clear shot to the enemy #define CP_FLEE 0x00000004 //This cover point is marked as a flee point #define CP_DUCK 0x00000008 //This cover point is marked as a duck point #define CP_NEAREST 0x00000010 //Find the nearest combat point #define CP_AVOID_ENEMY 0x00000020 //Avoid our enemy #define CP_INVESTIGATE 0x00000040 //A special point worth enemy investigation if searching #define CP_SQUAD 0x00000080 //Squad path #define CP_AVOID 0x00000100 //Avoid supplied position #define CPF_NONE 0 #define CPF_DUCK 0x00000001 #define CPF_FLEE 0x00000002 #define CPF_INVESTIGATE 0x00000004 #define CPF_SQUAD 0x00000008 #define CPF_LEAN 0x00000010 #define MAX_COMBAT_POINT_CHECK 32 int NPC_ValidEnemy( gentity_t *ent ); int NPC_CheckEnemyExt( void ); qboolean NPC_FindPlayer( void ); qboolean NPC_CheckCanAttackExt( void ); int NPC_CheckSoundEvents( void ); int NPC_CheckSightEvents( void ); int NPC_CheckAlertEvents( void ); void G_AlertTeam( gentity_t *victim, gentity_t *attacker, float radius, float soundDist ); void AddSightEvent( gentity_t *owner, vec3_t position, float radius, alertEventLevel_e alertLevel ); void AddSoundEvent( gentity_t *owner, vec3_t position, float radius, alertEventLevel_e alertLevel ); int NPC_FindSquadPoint( vec3_t position ); //int NPC_FindSquadPoint( vec3_t position, vec3_t dirToPlayer, float distToPlayer, vec3_t playerDir ); void ClearPlayerAlertEvents( void ); qboolean G_BoundsOverlap(const vec3_t mins1, const vec3_t maxs1, const vec3_t mins2, const vec3_t maxs2); qboolean NAV_HitNavGoal( vec3_t point, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t dest, int radius ); void NPC_SetMoveGoal( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t point, int radius, bool isNavGoal = qfalse ); extern qboolean NAV_ClearPathToPoint(gentity_t *self, vec3_t pmins, vec3_t pmaxs, vec3_t point, int clipmask); extern void NPC_ApplyWeaponFireDelay(void); //NPC_FaceXXX suite qboolean NPC_FacePosition( vec3_t position, qboolean doPitch = qtrue ); qboolean NPC_FaceEntity( gentity_t *ent, qboolean doPitch = qtrue ); qboolean NPC_FaceEnemy( qboolean doPitch = qtrue ); extern BYTE G_AddBoltOn( gentity_t *NPC, const char *boltOnName ); //Skill level cvar extern cvar_t *g_spskill; #define NIF_NONE 0x00000000 #define NIF_FAILED 0x00000001 //failed to find a way to the goal #define NIF_MACRO_NAV 0x00000002 //using macro navigation #define NIF_COLLISION 0x00000004 //resolving collision with an entity #define NIF_BLOCKED 0x00000008 //blocked from moving /* ------------------------- struct navInfo_s ------------------------- */ typedef struct navInfo_s { gentity_t *blocker; vec3_t direction; vec3_t pathDirection; float distance; trace_t trace; int flags; } navInfo_t; int NAV_MoveToGoal( gentity_t *self, navInfo_t &info ); void NAV_GetLastMove( navInfo_t &info ); qboolean NAV_AvoidCollision( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *goal, navInfo_t &info ); #endif