// EXTERNAL WEAPON & AMMO DATA // // NOTE!!!!!!!!! Weapontype must start the block of weapon data. // NOTE!!!!!!!!! Ammo must start the block of ammo data. // // Weapontype - weapon data is associated with which weapon (must be first) // WP_NONE // WP_PHASER // WP_COMPRESSION_RIFLE // WP_IMOD // WP_SCAVENGER_RIFLE // WP_STASIS // WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER, // WP_TETRION_DISRUPTOR, // WP_DREADNOUGHT, // WP_QUANTUM_BURST, // WP_BORG_WEAPON // WP_BORG_TASER // WP_BORG_ASSIMILATOR // WP_BORG_DRILL // WP_TRICORDER // // Weaponclass - weapon name // Weaponmodel - weapon model used in game // weaponicon - interface image // Ammotype - type of power weapon needs to fire // 0 - No power // 1 - Star Fleet power // 2 - Alien Crystal power // 3 - Phaser power // Ammolowcount - amount when "Low ammo" warning appears on screen // Flashcolor - color generate by weapon flash (R,G,B) // Firingsound - sound file used when firing // altfiringsound - sound file used when alt-firing // flashsound - sound file used by flash // altflashsound - sound file used by an alt-fire flash // stopsound - sound file used when a firing sound stops // Firetime - amount of time between firings // altfireTime - for alt fire // Range - range of weapon // energyPerShot - amount of energy used per shot // altenergypershot- for alt fire // barrelcount - number of barrels the model has (weaponname_b?.md3) // missileModel - missile .md3 // altmissileModel - alternate missile .md3 // missileSound - played while flying // altmissileSound - alternate missile launch sound // missileLight - intensity of lightsource for missile - if 0.0 then none (float) // altmissileLight - alternate missile light // missileLightColor - color in three float style R, G, B (0.0 to 1.0) - NOTE - if you have a light, you MUST HAVE THESE // altmissileLightColor - alternate color in three float style R, G, B (0.0 to 1.0) // missileHitSound - played on impact // altmissileHitSound - for alt fire // missileFuncName - missile fly function // altmissileFuncName - for alt fire // // FUNCTION NAMES // borgfunc // scavengerfunc // altscavengerfunc // stasisfunc // grenadefunc // altgrenadefunc // tetrionfunc // dreadnoughtfunc // quantumfunc // quantumaltfunc // botrocketfunc // forgeprojfunc // forgeprojfunc2 // forgepsychfunc // parasiteacidfunc // stasisattackfunc // loaderlaserfunc // botprojfunc // // For AMMO Types // ammoicon - STRING // ammomax - INT // WP_NULL { WEAPONTYPE WP_NONE } // WP_PHASER { weapontype WP_PHASER weaponclass weapon_phaser weaponmodel models/weapons2/phaser/phaser.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_phaser flashcolor 0 0 0 flashsound sound/weapons/phaser/phaserstart.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/phaser/altphaserstart.wav firingsound sound/weapons/phaser/phaserfiring.wav altfiringsound sound/weapons/phaser/altphaserfiring.wav stopsound sound/weapons/phaser/phaserstop.wav ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 1 firetime 100 range 8192 altenergypershot 3 altfiretime 100 altrange 8192 } // WP_COMPRESSION_RIFLE { weapontype WP_COMPRESSION_RIFLE weaponclass weapon_compression_rifle weaponmodel models/weapons2/prifle/prifle.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_rifle flashcolor 0.16 0.16 1 flashsound sound/weapons/prifle/fire.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/prifle/alt_fire.wav ammotype 1 ammolowcount 15 energypershot 2 firetime 400 range 8192 altenergypershot 40 altfiretime 1000 altrange 8192 } // WP_IMOD { weapontype WP_IMOD weaponclass weapon_imod weaponmodel models/weapons2/imod/imod2.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_imod flashcolor 0.6 0.6 1 flashsound sound/weapons/IMOD/fire.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/IMOD/alt_fire.wav ammotype 1 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 4 firetime 400 range 8192 altenergypershot 8 altfiretime 800 altrange 8192 barrelcount 0 } // WP_SCAVENGER_RIFLE { weapontype WP_SCAVENGER_RIFLE weaponclass weapon_scavenger_rifle weaponmodel models/weapons2/scavenger/scavenger.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_scav flashcolor 1.0 0.6 0.6 flashsound sound/weapons/scavenger/fire.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/scavenger/alt_fire.wav ammotype 2 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 2 firetime 100 range 8192 altenergypershot 8 altfiretime 700 altrange 8192 missileFuncName scavengerfunc altmissileFuncName altscavengerfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/scavenger/hit_wall.wav } // WP_STASIS { weapontype WP_STASIS weaponclass weapon_stasis weaponmodel models/weapons2/stasis/stasis.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_stasis flashcolor 0.6 0.6 1 flashsound sound/weapons/stasis/fire.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/stasis/alt_fire.wav ammotype 2 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 6 firetime 750 range 8192 altenergypershot 10 altfiretime 900 altrange 8192 missileFuncName stasisfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/stasis/hit_wall.wav barrelcount 1 } // WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER { weapontype WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER weaponclass weapon_grenade_launcher weaponmodel models/weapons2/launcher/launcher.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_grenade flashcolor 0.6 0.6 1 flashsound sound/weapons/glauncher/fire.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/glauncher/alt_fire.wav ammotype 1 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 10 firetime 800 range 8192 altenergypershot 5 altfiretime 400 altrange 8192 missileLight 25 missileLightColor 0.5 0.75 1.0 missileModel models/weapons2/launcher/projectile3.md3 altmissileModel models/weapons2/launcher/projectile2.md3 missileFuncName grenadefunc altmissileFuncName altgrenadefunc barrelcount 2 } // WP_TETRION_DISRUPTOR { weapontype WP_TETRION_DISRUPTOR weaponclass weapon_tetrion_disruptor weaponmodel models/weapons2/tpd/tpd.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tetrion flashcolor 0.6 0.6 1 flashsound sound/weapons/tetrion/fire.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/tetrion/alt_fire.wav ammotype 2 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 1 firetime 100 range 8192 altenergypershot 4 altfiretime 200 altrange 8192 altmissileFuncName tetrionfunc barrelcount 1 altmissileHitSound sound/weapons/tetrion/alt_hit_wall.wav } // WP_DREADNOUGHT { weapontype WP_DREADNOUGHT weaponclass weapon_dreadnought weaponmodel models/weapons2/arc_welder/arc.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_dreadnought flashcolor 0.6 0.6 1 altflashsound sound/weapons/dreadnought/dn_altfire.wav altmissileHitSound sound/weapons/dreadnought/dn_altmissile.wav flashsound sound/weapons/dreadnought/dn_start.wav firingsound sound/weapons/dreadnought/dn_firing.wav stopsound sound/weapons/dreadnought/dn_stop.wav ammotype 2 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 1 firetime 100 range 8192 altenergypershot 30 altfiretime 600 altrange 8192 altmissileFuncName dreadnoughtfunc barrelcount 4 } // WP_QUANTUM_BURST { weapontype WP_QUANTUM_BURST weaponclass weapon_quantum_burst weaponmodel models/weapons2/q_burst/q_burst.md3 ammotype 1 ammolowcount 5 flashcolor 0.6 0.6 1 flashsound sound/weapons/quantum/fire.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/quantum/alt_fire.wav firetime 600 energypershot 20 range 8192 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_quantum altenergypershot 25 altfiretime 800 altrange 8192 missileLight 125 missileLightColor 1.0 1.0 0.5 missileFuncName quantumfunc altmissileFuncName quantumaltfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/quantum/hit_wall.wav altmissileHitSound sound/weapons/quantum/alt_hit_wall.wav barrelcount 1 } // WP_BORG_WEAPON { weapontype WP_BORG_WEAPON weaponclass weapon_borg_weapon weaponmodel models/weapons2/borg/claw-1.md3 ammotype 1 ammolowcount 5 flashcolor 0.6 0.6 1 flashsound sound/weapons/borg/borgshoot.wav firetime 500 range 8192 missileLight 75 missileLightColor 0.5 1.0 0.5 missileFuncName borgfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/borg/borghit.wav } // WP_BORG_TASER { weapontype WP_BORG_TASER weaponclass weapon_borg_taser weaponmodel models/weapons2/borg/pincers.md3 ammotype 1 ammolowcount 5 flashcolor 0.6 0.6 1 flashsound sound/enemies/borg/borgtaser.wav firetime 500 range 512 } // WP_BORG_ASSIMILATOR { weapontype WP_BORG_ASSIMILATOR weaponclass weapon_borg_assimilator weaponmodel models/weapons2/borg/hand.md3 ammotype 1 ammolowcount 5 flashsound sound/enemies/borg/borgass.wav firingsound sound/enemies/borg/borgassloop.wav flashcolor 0 0 0 firetime 100 range 64 } // WP_BORG_DRILL { weapontype WP_BORG_DRILL weaponclass weapon_borg_drill weaponmodel models/weapons2/borg/drill.md3 ammotype 1 ammolowcount 5 flashsound sound/enemies/borg/borgass.wav firingsound sound/enemies/borg/borgassloop.wav flashcolor 0 0 0 firetime 100 range 64 } // WP_TRICORDER { weapontype WP_TRICORDER weaponclass weapon_tricorder weaponmodel models/weapons2/tricorder/tricorder.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 flashsound sound/ambience/voyager/medictricorder.wav altflashsound sound/items/tricorderscan.wav firetime 100 range 8192 altenergypershot 0 altfiretime 100 altrange 8192 } // WP_BOT_WELDER { weapontype WP_BOT_WELDER weaponclass weapon_botwelder weaponmodel models/weapons2/noweap/noweap.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 flashsound sound/enemies/scoutbot/scoutfire.wav range 8192 altenergypershot 0 firetime 600 altrange 8192 missileFuncName botprojfunc } // WP_CHAOTICA_GUARD_GUN { weapontype WP_CHAOTICA_GUARD_GUN weaponclass weapon_chaos_gun weaponmodel models/weapons2/chaotica_guard/test_w.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_scav flashcolor 0.7 0.7 0.7 flashsound sound/weapons/scavenger/fire.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/scavenger/fire.wav ammotype 2 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 2 firetime 100 range 8192 altenergypershot 8 altfiretime 700 altrange 8192 missileFuncName scavengerfunc altmissileFuncName scavengerfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/scavenger/hit_wall.wav } // WP_BOT_ROCKET { weapontype WP_BOT_ROCKET weaponclass weapon_botrocket weaponmodel models/weapons2/noweap/noweap.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0.6 0.6 1 flashsound sound/weapons/hunter_seeker/fire.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/hunter_seeker/firelaser.wav firetime 400 missileLight 100 missileLightColor 1.0 0.75 0.4 missileModel models/players/hunterseeker/projectile.md3 missileFuncName botrocketfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/hunter_seeker/hit_wall.wav range 8192 altenergypershot 0 altfiretime 200 altrange 8192 } // WP_FORGE_PROJ { weapontype WP_FORGE_PROJ weaponclass weapon_forge_proj weaponmodel models/weapons2/tricorder/reaver.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 flashsound sound/weapons/reaver/fire.wav firetime 100 range 8192 altenergypershot 0 firetime 400 altrange 8192 missileFuncName forgeprojfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/reaver/hit_wall.wav } // WP_FORGE_PSYCH { weapontype WP_FORGE_PSYCH weaponclass weapon_forge_psych weaponmodel models/weapons2/noweap/noweap.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 flashsound sound/weapons/avatar/fire.wav firetime 400 range 8192 missileFuncName forgepsychfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/avatar/hit_wall.wav } // WP_PARASITE { weapontype WP_PARASITE weaponclass weapon_parasite weaponmodel models/weapons2/noweap/noweap.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 flashsound sound/weapons/parasite/fire.wav firetime 100 range 8192 missileFuncName parasiteacidfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/parasite/hit_wall.wav } // WP_MELEE { weapontype WP_MELEE weaponclass weapon_melee weaponmodel models/weapons2/noweap/noweap.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 firetime 0 range 1024 } // WP_STASIS_ATTACK { weapontype WP_STASIS_ATTACK weaponclass weapon_stasis_attack weaponmodel models/weapons2/noweap/noweap.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 flashsound sound/weapons/stasis_alien/fire.wav firetime 0 range 1024 missileFuncName stasisattackfunc missileHitSound sound/weapons/stasis_alien/hit_wall.wav } // WP_DN_TURRET { weapontype WP_DN_TURRET weaponclass weapon_dn_turret weaponmodel models/weapons2/noweap/noweap.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 2 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 flashsound sound/weapons/loader_arms/fire.wav firetime 400 range 1024 missileFuncName dnturretfunc } // WP_BLUE_HYPO { weapontype WP_BLUE_HYPO weaponclass weapon_blue_hypo weaponmodel models/weapons2/hypo/hypo_blue.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_hypo_blue ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashsound sound/items/jetpuffmed.wav flashcolor 0 0 0 firetime 400 range 1024 } // WP_RED_HYPO { weapontype WP_RED_HYPO weaponclass weapon_red_hypo weaponmodel models/weapons2/hypo/hypo_red.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_hypo_red ammotype 3 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashsound sound/items/jetpuffmed.wav flashcolor 0 0 0 firetime 400 range 96 } // WP_VOYAGER_HYPO { weapontype WP_VOYAGER_HYPO weaponclass weapon_voyager_hypo weaponmodel models/weapons2/tricorder/hypo.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_hypo ammotype 3 ammolowcount 40 energypershot 20 flashsound sound/items/jetpuffmed.wav flashcolor 0 0 0 firetime 400 range 96 } // WP_PROTON_GUN { weapontype WP_PROTON_GUN weaponclass weapon_proton_gun weaponmodel models/weapons2/proton/test.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_proton flashcolor 0.36 0.36 0.36 flashsound sound/weapons/proton/raygun.wav altflashsound sound/weapons/proton/raygun.wav ammotype 1 ammolowcount 15 energypershot 2 firetime 400 range 8192 altenergypershot 2 altfiretime 400 altrange 8192 } // WP_KLINGON_BLADE { weapontype WP_KLINGON_BLADE weaponclass weapon_klingon_blade weaponmodel models/weapons2/tricorder/klingon_knife.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 0 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 firetime 400 range 96 } // WP_IMPERIAL_BLADE { weapontype WP_IMPERIAL_BLADE weaponclass weapon_imperial_blade weaponmodel models/weapons2/tricorder/imperial_knife.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 0 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashcolor 0 0 0 firetime 400 range 96 } // WP_PALADIN { weapontype WP_PALADIN weaponclass weapon_paladin weaponmodel models/weapons2/tricorder/klingon_knife.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 0 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashsound sound/weapons/crossbow/fire.wav flashcolor 0 0 0 missilesound sound/weapons/crossbow/fly.wav missileHitSound sound/weapons/crossbow/hit.wav missileFuncName paladinfunc firetime 400 range 96 } // WP_DESPERADO { weapontype WP_DESPERADO weaponclass weapon_desperado weaponmodel models/weapons2/tricorder/klingon_knife.md3 weaponIcon icons/w_icon_tricorder ammotype 0 ammolowcount 5 energypershot 0 flashsound sound/weapons/rifle/fire.wav flashcolor 0 0 0 firetime 400 range 96 } // AMMO_NONE { AMMOTYPE AMMO_NONE } // AMMO_STARFLEET { AMMO AMMO_STARFLEET AMMOMAX 300 } // AMMO_ALIEN { AMMO AMMO_ALIEN AMMOMAX 300 } // AMMO_PHASER { AMMO AMMO_PHASER AMMOMAX 100 }