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Raw Normal View History

2002-11-22 00:00:00 +00:00
#ifndef __G_SHARED_H__
#define __G_SHARED_H__
#include "bg_public.h"
#include "g_public.h"
#include "b_public.h"
#include "../ICARUS/ICARUS.h"
#include "../renderer/tr_types.h"
#include "../cgame/cg_public.h"
#include "bset.h"
#define FOFS(x) ((int)&(((gentity_t *)0)->x))
typedef enum //# taskID_e
TID_CHAN_VOICE = 0, // Waiting for a voice sound to complete
TID_ANIM_UPPER, // Waiting to finish a lower anim holdtime
TID_ANIM_LOWER, // Waiting to finish a lower anim holdtime
TID_ANIM_BOTH, // Waiting to finish lower and upper anim holdtimes or normal md3 animating
TID_MOVE_NAV, // Trying to get to a navgoal or For ET_MOVERS
TID_ANGLE_FACE, // Turning to an angle or facing
TID_BSTATE, // Waiting for a certain bState to finish
TID_LOCATION, // Waiting for ent to enter a specific trigger_location
// TID_MISSIONSTATUS, // Waiting for player to finish reading MISSION STATUS SCREEN
TID_RESIZE, // Waiting for clear bbox to inflate size
NUM_TIDS, // for def of taskID array
} taskID_t;
typedef enum //# material_e
MAT_ELECTRICAL,// (sparks)
MAT_ORGANIC,// (not implemented)
MAT_BORG,//borg chunks
MAT_STASIS,//stasis chunks
MAT_GLASS_METAL,//mixed chunk type
} material_t;
typedef enum //# lockMode_e
LM_NONE = 0, //# Swing part to catch up with next upper part
LM_SWING, //# Only swing part to get within swing tolerance (usually 30 - 50 % of clamp tolerance)
LM_CLAMP, //# Only swing part to get within clamp tolerance
} lockMode_t;
//===From cg_local.h================================================
#define DEFAULT_HEADMODEL "munro"
#define DEFAULT_TORSOMODEL "hazard"
#define DEFAULT_LEGSMODEL "hazard"
// each client has an associated clientInfo_t
// that contains media references necessary to present the
// client model and other color coded effects
// this is regenerated each time a userinfo configstring changes
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct {
qboolean infoValid;
char name[MAX_QPATH];
team_t team;
int score; // updated by score servercmds
int handicap;
qhandle_t legsModel;
qhandle_t legsSkin;
qhandle_t torsoModel;
qhandle_t torsoSkin;
qhandle_t headModel;
qhandle_t headSkin;
qboolean extensions; // do we have extra face skins ?
int animFileIndex;
sfxHandle_t sounds[MAX_CUSTOM_SOUNDS];
char *customBasicSoundDir;
char *customCombatSoundDir;
char *customExtraSoundDir;
char *customScavSoundDir;
} clientInfo_t;
typedef enum
} moverState_t;
// Rendering information structure
#define MAX_BOLT_ONS 8//No more than 8 bolt-ons
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct modelInfo_s
int modelIndex;
vec3_t scaleXYZ;//Multi-axis scale
vec3_t customRGB;//Red Green Blue, 0 = don't apply
int customAlpha;//Alpha to apply, 0 = none?
} modelInfo_t;
typedef enum
} targetModel_t;
// Note declared char arrays rather than ptrs. Not nice to use hardwired numbers, but this is because nowhere else has to
// know the sizes except by doing sizeof(struct.field) instead of G_NewString(). So there.
// Also, note that any size <32 is a gain since prev malloc system consumed min 32 bytes per alloc. -slc
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct boltOnInfo_s
{//a tagged object
int index;
vec3_t lastOrigin; // When attached, where the boltOn last was
vec3_t lastAngles; // When attached, how the boltOn was last facing
int frame; // current Frame
int startFrame; // start Frame for anim
int endFrame; // end Frame for anim
int startTime; // time the effect was started (if there is an effect...)
int fxFlags; //
qboolean loopAnim; // whether or not to loop anim
} boltOnInfo_t;
// BoltOn effects
#define BOLTON_BEAMIN 0x0001
#define BOLTON_BEAMOUT 0x0002
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct renderInfo_s
// Legs model, or full model on one piece entities
modelInfo_t legsModel;
modelInfo_t model;
char legsModelName[32]; // -slc[]
char modelName[32]; // -slc[]
// Models for the other pieces (not used by one piece models)
modelInfo_t torsoModel;
modelInfo_t headModel;
char torsoModelName[32]; // -slc[]
char headModelName[32]; // -slc[]
//In whole degrees, How far to let the different model parts yaw and pitch
int headYawRangeLeft;
int headYawRangeRight;
int headPitchRangeUp;
int headPitchRangeDown;
int torsoYawRangeLeft;
int torsoYawRangeRight;
int torsoPitchRangeUp;
int torsoPitchRangeDown;
// controls turning tolerance
lockMode_t torsoYawLockMode;
lockMode_t torsoPitchLockMode;
lockMode_t legsYawLockMode;
int legsFrame;
int torsoFrame;
float legsFpsMod;
float torsoFpsMod;
//Fields to apply to entire model set, individual model's equivalents will modify this value
vec3_t scaleXYZ;//Multi-axis scale
vec3_t customRGB;//Red Green Blue, 0 = don't apply
int customAlpha;//Alpha to apply, 0 = none?
boltOnInfo_t boltOns[MAX_BOLT_ONS];//Tagged object array
int renderFlags;
vec3_t muzzlePoint;
int mPCalcTime;//Last time muzzle point was calced
float lockYaw;//
vec3_t headPoint;//Where your tag_head is
vec3_t headAngles;//where the tag_head in the torso is pointing
vec3_t torsoPoint;//Where your tag_torso is
vec3_t torsoAngles;//Where the tag_torso in your legs are pointing
vec3_t eyePoint;//Where your eyes are
vec3_t eyeAngles;//Where your eyes face
int lookTarget;//Which ent to look at with lookAngles
int lookTargetClearTime;//Time to clear the lookTarget
int lastVoiceVolume;//Last frame's voice volume
vec3_t lastHeadAngles;//Last headAngles, NOT actual facing of head model
vec3_t headBobAngles;//headAngle offsets
vec3_t targetHeadBobAngles;//head bob angles will try to get to targetHeadBobAngles
int lookingDebounceTime;//When we can stop using head looking angle behavior
} renderInfo_t;
// Movement information structure
typedef struct moveInfo_s // !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting struct !!!!!!!!
vec3_t desiredAngles; // Desired facing angles
float speed; // Speed of movement
float aspeed; // Speed of angular movement
vec3_t moveDir; // Direction of movement
vec3_t velocity; // movement velocity
int flags; // Special state flags
} moveInfo_t;
typedef enum {
} clientConnected_t;
typedef enum {
TEAM_BEGIN, // Beginning a team game, spawn at base
TEAM_ACTIVE // Now actively playing
} playerTeamStateState_t;
typedef enum //# race_e
} race_t;
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct {
playerTeamStateState_t state;
int captures;
int basedefense;
int carrierdefense;
int flagrecovery;
int fragcarrier;
int assists;
float lasthurtcarrier;
float lastreturnedflag;
float flagsince;
float lastfraggedcarrier;
} playerTeamState_t;
typedef struct objectives_s
qboolean display; // A displayable objective?
int status; // Succeed or fail or pending
} objectives_t;
#define MAX_MISSION_OBJ 80
// the auto following clients don't follow a specific client
// number, but instead follow the first two active players
#define FOLLOW_ACTIVE1 -1
#define FOLLOW_ACTIVE2 -2
// client data that stays across multiple levels or tournament restarts
// this is achieved by writing all the data to cvar strings at game shutdown
// time and reading them back at connection time. Anything added here
// MUST be dealt with in G_InitSessionData() / G_ReadSessionData() / G_WriteSessionData()
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct {
int missionObjectivesShown; // Number of times mission objectives have been updated
team_t sessionTeam;
objectives_t mission_objectives[MAX_MISSION_OBJ];
} clientSession_t;
// client data that stays across multiple respawns, but is cleared
// on each level change or team change at ClientBegin()
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct {
clientConnected_t connected;
usercmd_t lastCommand;
qboolean localClient; // true if "ip" info key is "localhost"
char netname[34];
int maxHealth; // for handicapping
int enterTime; // level.time the client entered the game
short cmd_angles[3]; // angles sent over in the last command
playerTeamState_t teamState; // status in teamplay games
} clientPersistant_t;
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct {
int tourObjectivesShown; // Number of times tour objectives have been updated
objectives_t tour_objectives[MAX_MISSION_OBJ];
} clientTourSession_t;
// this structure is cleared on each ClientSpawn(),
// except for 'client->pers' and 'client->sess'
struct gclient_s {
// ps MUST be the first element, because the server expects it
playerState_t ps; // communicated by server to clients
// private to game
clientPersistant_t pers;
clientSession_t sess;
qboolean noclip;
int lastCmdTime; // level.time of last usercmd_t, for EF_CONNECTION
usercmd_t usercmd; // most recent usercmd
int buttons;
int oldbuttons;
int latched_buttons;
// sum up damage over an entire frame, so
// shotgun blasts give a single big kick
int damage_armor; // damage absorbed by armor
int damage_blood; // damage taken out of health
int damage_knockback; // impact damage
vec3_t damage_from; // origin for vector calculation
qboolean damage_fromWorld; // if true, don't use the damage_from vector
int accurateCount; // for "impressive" reward sound
// timers
int respawnTime; // can respawn when time > this, force after g_forcerespwan
int inactivityTime; // kick players when time > this
qboolean inactivityWarning; // qtrue if the five seoond warning has been given
int airOutTime;
// timeResidual is used to handle events that happen every second
// like health / armor countdowns and regeneration
int timeResidual;
// Facial Expression Timers
float facial_blink; // time before next blink. If a minus value, we are in blink mode
float facial_frown; // time before next frown. If a minus value, we are in frown mode
float facial_aux; // time before next aux. If a minus value, we are in aux mode
//Client info - updated when ClientInfoChanged is called, instead of using configstrings
clientInfo_t clientInfo;
signed char forced_forwardmove;
signed char forced_rightmove;
int fireDelay; //msec to delay calling G_FireWeapon after EV_FIREWEAPON event is called
//Used to be in gentity_t, now here.. mostly formation stuff
team_t playerTeam;
team_t enemyTeam;
race_t race;
char *squadname;
gentity_t *team_leader;
gentity_t *leader;
gentity_t *follower;
int numFollowers;
gentity_t *formationGoal;
int nextFormGoal;
//FIXME: could combine these
float hiddenDist;//How close ents have to be to pick you up as an enemy
vec3_t hiddenDir;//Normalized direction in which NPCs can't see you (you are hidden)
renderInfo_t renderInfo;
int standheight;
int crouchheight;
clientTourSession_t tourSess;
#define MAX_PARMS 16
#define MAX_PARM_STRING_LENGTH MAX_QPATH//was 16, had to lengthen it so they could take a valid file path
typedef struct
} parms_t;
//these hold the place for the enums in functions.h so i don't have to recompile everytime it changes
#define thinkFunc_t int
#define clThinkFunc_t int
#define reachedFunc_t int
#define blockedFunc_t int
#define touchFunc_t int
#define useFunc_t int
#define painFunc_t int
#define dieFunc_t int
typedef struct centity_s centity_t;
struct gentity_s {
entityState_t s; // communicated by server to clients
struct gclient_s *client; // NULL if not a player (unless it's NPC ( if (this->NPC != NULL) ) <sigh>... -slc)
qboolean inuse;
qboolean linked; // qfalse if not in any good cluster
int svFlags; // SVF_NOCLIENT, SVF_BROADCAST, etc
qboolean bmodel; // if false, assume an explicit mins / maxs bounding box
// only set by gi.SetBrushModel
vec3_t mins, maxs;
// a non-solid entity should set to 0
vec3_t absmin, absmax; // derived from mins/maxs and origin + rotation
// currentOrigin will be used for all collision detection and world linking.
// it will not necessarily be the same as the trajectory evaluation for the current
// time, because each entity must be moved one at a time after time is advanced
// to avoid simultanious collision issues
vec3_t currentOrigin;
vec3_t currentAngles;
gentity_t *owner; // objects never interact with their owners, to
// prevent player missiles from immediately
// colliding with their owner
//Essential entity fields
// note: all the char* fields from here on should be left as ptrs, not declared, because of the way that ent-parsing
// works by forcing field offset ptrs as char* and using G_NewString()!! (see G_ParseField() in gmae/g_spawn.cpp -slc
char *classname; // set in QuakeEd
int spawnflags; // set in QuakeEd
int flags; // FL_* variables
char *model; // Normal model, or legs model on tri-models
char *model2; // Torso model
int freetime; // sv.time when the object was freed
int eventTime; // events will be cleared EVENT_VALID_MSEC after set
qboolean freeAfterEvent;
qboolean unlinkAfterEvent;
//Physics and movement fields
float physicsBounce; // 1.0 = continuous bounce, 0.0 = no bounce
int clipmask; // brushes with this content value will be collided against
// when moving. items and corpses do not collide against
// players, for instance
moveInfo_t moveInfo; //FIXME: use this more?
float speed;
vec3_t movedir;
vec3_t lastOrigin; //Where you were last frame
//Variables reflecting environment
int watertype;
int waterlevel;
//Targeting/linking fields
float angle; // set in editor, -1 = up, -2 = down
char *target;
char *target2; //For multiple targets, not used for firing/triggering/using, though, only for path branches
char *target3; //For multiple targets, not used for firing/triggering/using, though, only for path branches
char *target4; //For multiple targets, not used for firing/triggering/using, though, only for path branches
char *targetname;
char *team;
char *roff; // the roff file to use, if there is one
int roff_ctr; // current roff frame we are playing
int next_roff_time;
int fx_time; // timer for beam in/out effects.
//Think Functions
int nextthink;//Used to determine if it's time to call e_ThinkFunc again
thinkFunc_t e_ThinkFunc;//Called once every game frame for every ent
clThinkFunc_t e_clThinkFunc;//Think func for equivalent centity
reachedFunc_t e_ReachedFunc;// movers call this when hitting endpoint
blockedFunc_t e_BlockedFunc;
touchFunc_t e_TouchFunc;
useFunc_t e_UseFunc; //Called by G_UseTargets
painFunc_t e_PainFunc; //Called by G_Damage when damage is taken
dieFunc_t e_DieFunc; //Called by G_Damage when health reaches <= 0
//Health and damage fields
int health;
int max_health;
qboolean takedamage;
material_t material;
int damage;
int dflags;
//explosives, breakable brushes
int splashDamage; // quad will increase this without increasing radius
int splashRadius;
int methodOfDeath;
int splashMethodOfDeath;
//Entity pointers
gentity_t *chain;
gentity_t *enemy;
gentity_t *activator;
gentity_t *teamchain; // next entity in team
gentity_t *teammaster; // master of the team
gentity_t *lastEnemy;
//Timing variables, counters and debounce times
float wait;
float random;
int delay;
qboolean alt_fire;
int count;
int bounceCount;
int fly_sound_debounce_time; // wind tunnel
int painDebounceTime;
int disconnectDebounceTime;
int attackDebounceTime;
int pushDebounceTime;
int aimDebounceTime;
//Unions for miscellaneous fields used under very specific circumstances
qboolean trigger_formation;
qboolean misc_dlight_active;
qboolean etherian_fixit;
vec3_t fixit_start_position;
int waypoint; //Set once per frame, if you've moved, and if someone asks
int lastWaypoint; //To make sure you don't double-back
int lastValidWaypoint; //ALWAYS valid -used for tracking someone you lost
int targetWaypoint;
qboolean loopAnim;
int startFrame;
int endFrame;
//Script/ICARUS-related fields
CSequencer *sequencer;
CTaskManager *taskManager;
int taskID[NUM_TIDS];
parms_t *parms;
char *behaviorSet[NUM_BSETS];
char *script_targetname;
int delayScriptTime;
char *fullName;
// Ambient sound info
char *soundSet; //Only used for local sets
int setTime;
//Used by cameras to locate subjects
char *cameraGroup;
//For damage
team_t noDamageTeam;
//For TED info display
char *infoString;
//NPC/Player entity fields
//FIXME: Make these client only?
gNPC_t *NPC;//Only allocated if the entity becomes an NPC
//Other NPC/Player-related entity fields
char *ownername;//Used by squadpaths to locate owning NPC
//FIXME: Only used by NPCs, move it to gNPC_t
int cantHitEnemyCounter;//HACK - Makes them look for another enemy on the same team if the one they're after can't be hit
//Only used by NPC_spawners
char *NPC_type;
char *NPC_targetname;
char *NPC_target;
//Variables used by movers (most likely exclusively by them)
moverState_t moverState;
int soundPos1;
int sound1to2;
int sound2to1;
int soundPos2;
int soundLoop;
gentity_t *nextTrain;
gentity_t *prevTrain;
vec3_t pos1, pos2;
int sounds;
char *closetarget;
char *opentarget;
char *paintarget;
//Variables used only by waypoints (for the most part)
float radius;
int wpIndex;
int noise_index;
vec4_t startRGBA;
vec3_t pos3;
vec4_t finalRGBA;
vec3_t pos4;
//FIXME: Are these being used anymore?
gitem_t *item; // for bonus items -
char *message; //Used by triggers to print a message when activated
float lightLevel;
//FIXME: can these be removed/condensed/absorbed?
//Rendering info
//int color;
boltOnInfo_t boltOn;//Allowed one tagged object
int activeBoltOn;
#endif //#ifdef GAME_INCLUDE
extern gentity_t *g_entities;
#ifndef _USRDLL
extern game_import_t gi;
// each WP_* weapon enum has an associated weaponInfo_t
// that contains media references necessary to present the
// weapon and its effects
typedef struct weaponInfo_s {
qboolean registered;
gitem_t *item;
qhandle_t handsModel; // the hands don't actually draw, they just position the weapon
qhandle_t weaponModel; //for in view
qhandle_t weaponWorldModel; //for in their hands
qhandle_t barrelModel[4];
qhandle_t flashModel;
qhandle_t flash2Model;
qhandle_t flashaModel;
qhandle_t flasha2Model;
vec3_t weaponMidpoint; // so it will rotate centered instead of by tag
qhandle_t weaponIcon;
qhandle_t ammoIcon;
qhandle_t ammoModel;
qhandle_t missileModel;
sfxHandle_t missileSound;
void (*missileTrailFunc)( centity_t *, const struct weaponInfo_s *wi );
qhandle_t alt_missileModel;
sfxHandle_t alt_missileSound;
void (*alt_missileTrailFunc)( centity_t *, const struct weaponInfo_s *wi );
sfxHandle_t flashSound;
sfxHandle_t altFlashSound;
sfxHandle_t firingSound;
sfxHandle_t altFiringSound;
sfxHandle_t stopSound;
sfxHandle_t missileHitSound;
sfxHandle_t altmissileHitSound;
} weaponInfo_t;
extern sfxHandle_t CAS_GetBModelSound( const char *name, int stage );
#endif // #ifndef __G_SHARED_H__
structures heirarchy
centity_t cg_entities[MAX_GENTITIES]
entityState_t currentState, nextState
trajectory_t pos, apos
playerEntity_t pe
lerpFrame_t legs, torso
animation_t animation
gentity_t gent, g_entities[MAX_GENTITIES]
gentity_t owner, nextTrain, prevTrain, chain, enemy, activator, teamchain, teammaster, team_leader, leader, follower, formationGoal, lastEnemy
entityState_t s
trajectory_t pos, apos
gclient_t client
playerState_t ps
clientPersistant_t pers;
playerTeamState_t teamState; // status in teamplay games
clientSession_t sess
usercmd_t usercmd
clientInfo_t clientInfo
animation_t animation[MAX_ANIMATIONS]
animsounds_t torsoAnimSnds[MAX_ANIM_SOUNDS], legsAnimSnds[MAX_ANIM_SOUNDS]
gitem_t item
gNPCstats_t stats;
usercmd_t last_ucmd;
moveInfo_t moveInfo
renderInfo_t renderInfo
modelInfo_t torsoModel, headModel
boltOn_t boltOns[MAX_BOLT_ONS]
gclient_t clients
gentity_t locationHead
interestPoint_t interestPoints[MAX_INTEREST_POINTS]
combatPoint_t combatPoints[MAX_COMBAT_POINTS]