
1583 lines
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2002-11-22 00:00:00 +00:00
#include "b_local.h"
#include "g_navigator.h"
#include "g_nav.h"
CEdge::CEdge( void )
CEdge( -1, -1, -1 );
CEdge::CEdge( int first, int second, int cost )
m_first = first;
m_second = second;
m_cost = cost;
CEdge::~CEdge( void )
CNode::CNode( void )
m_numEdges = 0;
m_radius = 0;
m_ranks = NULL;
CNode::~CNode( void )
if ( m_ranks )
delete [] m_ranks;
CNode *CNode::Create( vec3_t position, int flags, int radius, int ID )
CNode *node = new CNode;
VectorCopy( position, node->m_position );
node->m_flags = flags;
node->m_ID = ID;
node->m_radius = radius;
return node;
CNode *CNode::Create( void )
return new CNode;
void CNode::AddEdge( int ID, int cost, int flags )
edge_t edge;
edge.ID = ID;
edge.cost = cost;
edge.flags = flags;
STL_INSERT( m_edges, edge );
void CNode::AddRank( int ID, int rank )
assert( m_ranks );
m_ranks[ ID ] = rank;
void CNode::Draw( void )
CG_DrawNode( m_position, NODE_NORMAL );
int CNode::GetEdge( int edgeNum )
if ( edgeNum > m_numEdges )
return -1;
int count = 0;
edge_v::iterator ei;
STL_ITERATE( ei, m_edges )
if ( count == edgeNum )
return (*ei).ID;
return -1;
int CNode::GetEdgeCost( int edgeNum )
if ( edgeNum > m_numEdges )
return -1;
int count = 0;
edge_v::iterator ei;
STL_ITERATE( ei, m_edges )
if ( count == edgeNum )
return (*ei).cost;
return -1;
BYTE CNode::GetEdgeFlags( int edgeNum )
if ( edgeNum > m_numEdges )
return 0;
int count = 0;
edge_v::iterator ei;
STL_ITERATE( ei, m_edges )
if ( count == edgeNum )
return (*ei).flags;
return 0;
void CNode::InitRanks( int size )
//Clear it if it's already allocated
if ( m_ranks != NULL )
delete [] m_ranks;
m_ranks = NULL;
m_ranks = new int[size];
memset( m_ranks, -1, sizeof(int)*size );
int CNode::GetRank( int ID )
assert( m_ranks );
return m_ranks[ ID ];
int CNode::Save( int numNodes, fileHandle_t file )
//Write out the header
unsigned long header = NODE_HEADER_ID;
gi.FS_Write( &header, sizeof( header ), file );
//Write out the basic information
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
gi.FS_Write( &m_position[i], sizeof( float ), file );
gi.FS_Write( &m_flags, sizeof( m_flags ), file );
gi.FS_Write( &m_ID, sizeof( m_ID ), file );
gi.FS_Write( &m_radius, sizeof( m_radius ), file );
//Write out the edge information
gi.FS_Write( &m_numEdges, sizeof( m_numEdges ), file );
edge_v::iterator ei;
STL_ITERATE( ei, m_edges )
gi.FS_Write( &(*ei), sizeof( edge_t ), file );
//Write out the node ranks
gi.FS_Write( &numNodes, sizeof( numNodes ), file );
for ( i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ )
gi.FS_Write( &m_ranks[i], sizeof( int ), file );
return true;
int CNode::Load( int numNodes, fileHandle_t file )
unsigned long header;
gi.FS_Read( &header, sizeof(header), file );
//Validate the header
if ( header != NODE_HEADER_ID )
return false;
//Get the basic information
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
gi.FS_Read( &m_position[i], sizeof( float ), file );
gi.FS_Read( &m_flags, sizeof( m_flags ), file );
gi.FS_Read( &m_ID, sizeof( m_ID ), file );
gi.FS_Read( &m_radius, sizeof( m_radius ), file );
//Get the edge information
gi.FS_Read( &m_numEdges, sizeof( m_numEdges ), file );
for ( i = 0; i < m_numEdges; i++ )
edge_t edge;
gi.FS_Read( &edge, sizeof( edge_t ), file );
STL_INSERT( m_edges, edge );
//Read the node ranks
int numRanks;
gi.FS_Read( &numRanks, sizeof( numRanks ), file );
//Allocate the memory
InitRanks( numRanks );
for ( i = 0; i < numRanks; i++ )
gi.FS_Read( &m_ranks[i], sizeof( int ), file );
return true;
CNavigator::CNavigator( void )
CNavigator::~CNavigator( void )
char CNavigator::GetChar( fileHandle_t file )
char value;
gi.FS_Read( &value, sizeof( value ), file );
return value;
int CNavigator::GetInt( fileHandle_t file )
int value;
gi.FS_Read( &value, sizeof( value ), file );
return value;
float CNavigator::GetFloat( fileHandle_t file )
float value;
gi.FS_Read( &value, sizeof( value ), file );
return value;
long CNavigator::GetLong( fileHandle_t file )
long value;
gi.FS_Read( &value, sizeof( value ), file );
return value;
void CNavigator::Init( void )
void CNavigator::Free( void )
node_v::iterator ni;
STL_ITERATE( ni, m_nodes )
delete (*ni);
bool CNavigator::Load( const char *filename, int checksum )
fileHandle_t file;
//Attempt to load the file
gi.FS_FOpenFile( va( "maps/%s.nav", filename ), &file, FS_READ );
//See if we succeeded
if ( file == NULL )
return false;
//Check the header id
long navID = GetLong( file );
if ( navID != NAV_HEADER_ID )
gi.FS_FCloseFile( file );
return false;
//Check the checksum to see if this file is out of date
int check = GetInt( file );
if ( check != checksum )
gi.FS_FCloseFile( file );
return false;
int numNodes = GetInt( file );
for ( int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ )
CNode *node = CNode::Create();
if ( node->Load( numNodes, file ) == false )
gi.FS_FCloseFile( file );
return false;
STL_INSERT( m_nodes, node );
gi.FS_FCloseFile( file );
return true;
bool CNavigator::Save( const char *filename, int checksum )
fileHandle_t file;
//Attempt to load the file
gi.FS_FOpenFile( va( "maps/%s.nav", filename ), &file, FS_WRITE );
if ( file == NULL )
return false;
//Write out the header id
unsigned long id = NAV_HEADER_ID;
gi.FS_Write( &id, sizeof (id), file );
//Write out the checksum
gi.FS_Write( &checksum, sizeof( checksum ), file );
int numNodes = m_nodes.size();
//Write out the number of nodes to follow
gi.FS_Write( &numNodes, sizeof(numNodes), file );
//Write out all the nodes
node_v::iterator ni;
STL_ITERATE( ni, m_nodes )
(*ni)->Save( numNodes, file );
gi.FS_FCloseFile( file );
return true;
int CNavigator::AddRawPoint( vec3_t point, int flags, int radius )
CNode *node = CNode::Create( point, flags, radius, m_nodes.size() );
if ( node == NULL )
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Error adding node!\n" );
return -1;
//TODO: Validate the position
//TODO: Correct stuck waypoints
STL_INSERT( m_nodes, node );
return node->GetID();
int CNavigator::GetEdgeCost( CNode *first, CNode *second )
trace_t trace;
vec3_t start, end;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
//Setup the player size
VectorSet( mins, -8, -8, -8 );
VectorSet( maxs, 8, 8, 8 );
//Setup the points
first->GetPosition( start );
second->GetPosition( end );
gi.trace( &trace, start, mins, maxs, end, -1, MASK_SOLID );
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f || trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid )
return -1;
//Connection successful, return the cost
return Distance( start, end );
void CNavigator::ConnectNodes( void )
node_v::iterator ni, ni2;
int id = 0;
int cost;
//Attempt to connect all nodes
STL_ITERATE( ni, m_nodes )
//Attempt connection against all nodes in the system
//TODO: Culling routines could speed this up
STL_ITERATE( ni2, m_nodes )
if ( (*ni) == (*ni2 ) )
cost = GetEdgeCost( (*ni), (*ni2) );
//No connection was made
if ( cost < 0 )
//Connect the edges
(*ni)->AddEdge( (*ni2)->GetID(), cost );
(*ni2)->AddEdge( (*ni)->GetID(), cost );
void CNavigator::AddNodeEdges( CNode *node, int addDist, edge_l &edgeList, bool *checkedNodes )
//Add all edge
for ( int i = 0; i < node->GetNumEdges(); i++ )
//Make sure we don't add an old edge twice
if ( checkedNodes[ node->GetEdge( i ) ] == true )
//Get the node
CNode *nextNode = m_nodes[ node->GetEdge( i ) ];
//This node has now been checked
checkedNodes[ nextNode->GetID() ] = true;
//Add it to the list
STL_INSERT( edgeList, CEdge( nextNode->GetID(), node->GetID(), addDist + ( node->GetEdgeCost( i ) ) ) );
void CNavigator::CalculatePath( CNode *node )
int curRank = 0;
edge_l pathList;
BYTE *checked;
//Init the completion table
checked = new BYTE[ m_nodes.size() ];
memset( checked, 0, m_nodes.size() );
//Mark this node as checked
checked[ node->GetID() ] = true;
node->AddRank( node->GetID(), curRank++ );
//Add all initial nodes
for ( int i = 0; i < node->GetNumEdges(); i++ )
CNode *nextNode = m_nodes[ node->GetEdge(i) ];
checked[ nextNode->GetID() ] = true;
STL_INSERT( pathList, CEdge( nextNode->GetID(), nextNode->GetID(), node->GetEdgeCost(i) ) );
float minDist;
edge_l::iterator test;
edge_l::iterator ei;
//Now flood fill all the others
while ( pathList.size() )
minDist = 999999;
test = pathList.end();
STL_ITERATE( ei, pathList )
if ( (*ei).m_cost < minDist )
minDist = (*ei).m_cost;
test = ei;
CNode *testNode = m_nodes[ (*test).m_first ];
assert( testNode );
node->AddRank( testNode->GetID(), curRank++ );
//Add in all the new edges
for ( i = 0; i < testNode->GetNumEdges(); i++ )
CNode *addNode = m_nodes[ testNode->GetEdge(i) ];
assert( addNode );
if ( checked[ addNode->GetID() ] )
int newDist = (*test).m_cost + testNode->GetEdgeCost(i);
STL_INSERT( pathList, CEdge( addNode->GetID(), (*test).m_second, newDist ) );
checked[ addNode->GetID() ] = true;
pathList.erase( test );
delete [] checked;
void CNavigator::CalculatePaths( void )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_nodes.size(); i++ )
//Allocate the needed memory
m_nodes[i]->InitRanks( m_nodes.size() );
for ( i = 0; i < m_nodes.size(); i++ )
CalculatePath( m_nodes[i] );
void CNavigator::ShowNodes( void )
node_v::iterator ni;
vec3_t position;
STL_ITERATE( ni, m_nodes )
(*ni)->GetPosition( position );
if ( gi.inPVS( g_entities[0].currentOrigin, position ) )
typedef map < int, bool > drawMap_m;
void CNavigator::ShowEdges( void )
node_v::iterator ni;
vec3_t start, end;
drawMap_m *drawMap;
drawMap = new drawMap_m[ m_nodes.size() ];
STL_ITERATE( ni, m_nodes )
//Attempt to draw each connection
for ( int i = 0; i < (*ni)->GetNumEdges(); i++ )
int id = (*ni)->GetEdge( i );
if ( id == -1 )
//Already drawn?
if ( drawMap[(*ni)->GetID()].find( id ) != drawMap[(*ni)->GetID()].end() )
BYTE flags = (*ni)->GetEdgeFlags( i );
CNode *node = m_nodes[id];
node->GetPosition( end );
(*ni)->GetPosition( start );
//Set this as drawn
drawMap[id][(*ni)->GetID()] = true;
if ( ( gi.inPVS( g_entities[0].currentOrigin, start ) == false ) && ( gi.inPVS( g_entities[0].currentOrigin, end ) == false ) )
if ( flags & EFLAG_BROKEN )
CG_DrawEdge( start, end, EDGE_BROKEN );
CG_DrawEdge( start, end, EDGE_NORMAL );
delete [] drawMap;
void CNavigator::HardConnect( int first, int second, qboolean oneway )
CNode *start, *end;
start = m_nodes[first];
end = m_nodes[second];
vec3_t p1, p2;
start->GetPosition( p1 );
end->GetPosition( p2 );
trace_t trace;
vec3_t maxs = { 12, 12, 32 };
vec3_t mins = { -12, -12, 16 };
int flags = EFLAG_NONE;
gi.trace( &trace, p1, mins, maxs, p2, -1, MASK_SOLID );
int cost = Distance( p1, p2 );
if ( trace.fraction != 1.0f )
flags |= EFLAG_BROKEN;
start->AddEdge( second, cost, flags );
if ( !oneway )
end->AddEdge( first, cost, flags );
int CNavigator::TestNodePath( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t position )
//Check the path
if ( NAV_ClearPathToPoint( ent, ent->mins, ent->maxs, position, ent->clipmask&~CONTENTS_BODY ) == false )
return false;
return true;
int CNavigator::TestNodeLOS( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t position )
return NPC_ClearLOS( ent, position );
int CNavigator::TestBestFirst( gentity_t *ent, int lastID, int flags )
//Must be a valid one to begin with
if ( lastID == NODE_NONE )
return NODE_NONE;
if ( lastID >= m_nodes.size() )
return NODE_NONE;
//Get the info
vec3_t nodePos;
CNode *node = m_nodes[ lastID ];
CNode *testNode;
int numEdges = node->GetNumEdges();
float dist;
node->GetPosition( nodePos );
//Setup our last node as our root, and search for a closer one according to its edges
int bestNode = ( TestNodePath( ent, nodePos ) ) ? lastID : NODE_NONE;
float bestDist = ( bestNode == NODE_NONE ) ? 9999999.0f : DistanceSquared( ent->currentOrigin, nodePos );
//Test all these edges first
for ( int i = 0; i < numEdges; i++ )
//Get this node and its distance
testNode = m_nodes[ node->GetEdge(i) ];
testNode->GetPosition( nodePos );
dist = DistanceSquared( ent->currentOrigin, nodePos );
//Test against current best
if ( dist < bestDist )
//See if this node is valid
if ( TestNodePath( ent, nodePos ) )
bestDist = dist;
bestNode = testNode->GetID();
return bestNode;
#define NODE_COLLECT_MAX 16 //Maximum # of nodes collected at any time
#define NODE_COLLECT_RADIUS 512 //Default radius to search for nodes in
int CNavigator::CollectNearestNodes( vec3_t origin, int radius, int maxCollect, nodeChain_l &nodeChain )
int CNavigator::CollectNearestNodes( vec3_t origin, int radius, int maxCollect, int *nodeChain )
#endif //__NEWCOLLECT
node_v::iterator ni;
float dist;
vec3_t position;
int collected = 0;
bool added = false;
//Get a distance rating for each node in the system
STL_ITERATE( ni, m_nodes )
//If we've got our quota, then stop looking
if ( collected >= maxCollect )
#endif //!__NEWCOLLECT
//Get the distance to the node
(*ni)->GetPosition( position );
dist = DistanceSquared( position, origin );
//Must be within our radius range
if ( dist > (float) ( radius * radius ) )
nodeList_t nChain;
nodeChain_l::iterator nci;
//Always add the first node
if ( nodeChain.size() == 0 )
nChain.nodeID = (*ni)->GetID();
nChain.distance = dist;
nodeChain.insert( nodeChain.begin(), nChain );
added = false;
//Compare it to what we already have
STL_ITERATE( nci, nodeChain )
//If we're less, than this entry, then insert before it
if ( dist < (*nci).distance )
nChain.nodeID = (*ni)->GetID();
nChain.distance = dist;
nodeChain.insert( nci, nChain );
collected = nodeChain.size();
added = true;
//If we've hit our collection limit, throw off the oldest one
if ( nodeChain.size() > maxCollect )
//Otherwise, always pad out the collection if possible so we don't miss anything
if ( ( added == false ) && ( nodeChain.size() < maxCollect ) )
nChain.nodeID = (*ni)->GetID();
nChain.distance = dist;
nodeChain.insert( nodeChain.end(), nChain );
#else //__NEWCOLLECT
//Add it to our list
nodeChain[collected++] = (*ni)->GetID();
#endif //__NEWCOLLECT
return collected;
int CNavigator::GetNearestNode( gentity_t *ent, int lastID, int flags )
//Must have nodes
if ( m_nodes.size() == 0 )
return NODE_NONE;
//Try and find an early match using our last node
int bestNode = TestBestFirst( ent, lastID, flags );
if ( bestNode != NODE_NONE )
return bestNode;
#define MAX_Z_DELTA 18
nodeChain_l nodeChain;
nodeChain_l::iterator nci;
//Collect all nodes within a certain radius
CollectNearestNodes( ent->currentOrigin, NODE_COLLECT_RADIUS, NODE_COLLECT_MAX, nodeChain );
vec3_t position;
int radius;
CNode *node;
//Look through all nodes
STL_ITERATE( nci, nodeChain )
node = m_nodes[(*nci).nodeID];
node->GetPosition( position );
radius = node->GetRadius();
//Are we within the known clear radius of this node?
if ( (*nci).distance < (radius*radius) )
//Do a z-difference sanity check
if ( fabs( position[2] - ent->currentOrigin[2] ) < MAX_Z_DELTA )
//Found one
return (*nci).nodeID;
//Do we need a clear path?
if ( flags & NF_CLEAR_PATH )
if ( TestNodePath( ent, position ) == false )
//Do we need a clear line of sight?
if ( flags & NF_CLEAR_LOS )
if ( TestNodeLOS( ent, position ) == false )
//Found one, we're done
return (*nci).nodeID;
#else //__NEWCOLLECT
static int nodeChain[NODE_COLLECT_MAX];
//Collect all nodes within a certain radius
int collected = CollectNearestNodes( ent->currentOrigin, NODE_COLLECT_RADIUS, NODE_COLLECT_MAX, nodeChain );
vec3_t position;
float dist, bestDist = 99999999.0f;
int radius;
CNode *node;
//Look through all nodes
for ( int i = 0; i < collected; i++ )
node = m_nodes[nodeChain[i]];
node->GetPosition( position );
dist = DistanceSquared( position, ent->currentOrigin );
radius = node->GetRadius();
if ( dist < (radius*radius) )
//Do a z-difference sanity check
if ( fabs( position[2]-ent->currentOrigin[2] ) < 18 )
bestDist = dist;
bestNode = nodeChain[i];
if ( dist < bestDist )
if ( flags & NF_CLEAR_PATH )
if ( TestNodePath( ent, position ) == false )
if ( flags & NF_CLEAR_LOS )
if ( TestNodeLOS( ent, position ) == false )
bestDist = dist;
bestNode = nodeChain[i];
//Brute force through the whole system
if ( /*( bestNode == NODE_NONE ) &&*/ ( collected == NODE_COLLECT_MAX ) ) //This denotes a collection limit hit
//NOTENOTE: If you hit this assert, the entity has failed all other attempts to find a node. Meaning that
// he is either placed too far away from any surrounding nodes (256 away) or there are too many
// nodes, too densly packed into one area. This can most likely be fixed by either reducing the
// node density of an area, or placing the NPC in question closer to a node. This is not an error,
// but it is a full search of the system, which should be avoided!
Com_Printf( "CNavigator::GetNearestNode() : WARNING : Full system search\n" );
node_v::iterator ni;
STL_ITERATE( ni, m_nodes )
(*ni)->GetPosition( position );
dist = DistanceSquared( position, ent->currentOrigin );
if ( dist < bestDist )
if ( flags & NF_CLEAR_PATH )
if ( TestNodePath( ent, position ) == false )
if ( flags & NF_CLEAR_LOS )
if ( TestNodeLOS( ent, position ) == false )
bestDist = dist;
bestNode = (*ni)->GetID();
#endif //__NEWCOLLECT
return bestNode;
void CNavigator::ShowPath( int start, int end )
//Validate the start position
if ( ( start < 0 ) || ( start > m_nodes.size() ) )
//Validate the end position
if ( ( end < 0 ) || ( end > m_nodes.size() ) )
CNode *startNode = m_nodes[ start ];
CNode *endNode = m_nodes[ end ];
CNode *moveNode = startNode;
CNode *testNode = NULL;
int bestNode;
vec3_t startPos, endPos;
int runAway = 0;
//Draw out our path
while ( moveNode != endNode )
bestNode = GetBestNode( moveNode->GetID(), end );
//Some nodes may be fragmented
if ( bestNode == -1 )
Com_Printf("No connection possible between node %d and %d\n", start, end );
//This is our next node on the path
testNode = m_nodes[ bestNode ];
//Get their origins
moveNode->GetPosition( startPos );
testNode->GetPosition( endPos );
//Draw the edge
CG_DrawEdge( startPos, endPos, EDGE_PATH );
//Take a new best node
moveNode = testNode;
if ( runAway++ > 64 )
Com_Printf("Potential Run-away path!\n");
int CNavigator::GetBestNode( int startID, int endID, int rejectID )
//Validate the start position
if ( ( startID < 0 ) || ( startID > m_nodes.size() ) )
//Validate the end position
if ( ( endID < 0 ) || ( endID > m_nodes.size() ) )
if ( startID == endID )
return startID;
CNode *start = m_nodes[ startID ];
CNode *end = m_nodes[ endID ];
int bestNode = -1;
int bestRank = 99999999;
int testRank, rejectRank = 0;
if ( rejectID != WAYPOINT_NONE )
for ( int i = 0; i < start->GetNumEdges(); i++ )
if ( start->GetEdge(i) == rejectID )
rejectRank = end->GetRank( start->GetEdge(i) );
for ( int i = 0; i < start->GetNumEdges(); i++ )
int edgeID = start->GetEdge(i);
//Found one
if ( edgeID == endID )
return edgeID;
testRank = end->GetRank( edgeID );
//Found one
if ( testRank <= rejectRank )
//No possible connection
if ( testRank == NODE_NONE )
return NODE_NONE;
//Found a better one
if ( testRank < bestRank )
bestNode = edgeID;
bestRank = testRank;
return bestNode;
int CNavigator::GetNodePosition( int nodeID, vec3_t out )
//Validate the number
if ( ( nodeID < 0 ) || ( nodeID >= m_nodes.size() ) )
return false;
CNode *node = m_nodes[ nodeID ];
node->GetPosition( out );
return true;
int CNavigator::GetNodeNumEdges( int nodeID )
if ( ( nodeID < 0 ) || ( nodeID >= m_nodes.size() ) )
return -1;
CNode *node = m_nodes[ nodeID ];
assert( node );
return node->GetNumEdges();
int CNavigator::GetNodeEdge( int nodeID, int edge )
if ( ( nodeID < 0 ) || ( nodeID >= m_nodes.size() ) )
return -1;
CNode *node = m_nodes[ nodeID ];
assert( node );
return node->GetEdge( edge );
bool CNavigator::Connected( int startID, int endID )
//Validate the start position
if ( ( startID < 0 ) || ( startID > m_nodes.size() ) )
return false;
//Validate the end position
if ( ( endID < 0 ) || ( endID > m_nodes.size() ) )
return false;
if ( startID == endID )
return true;
CNode *start = m_nodes[ startID ];
CNode *end = m_nodes[ endID ];
for ( int i = 0; i < start->GetNumEdges(); i++ )
int edgeID = start->GetEdge(i);
//Found one
if ( edgeID == endID )
return true;
if ( ( end->GetRank( edgeID ) ) != NODE_NONE )
return true;
return false;
unsigned int CNavigator::GetPathCost( int startID, int endID )
//Validate the start position
if ( ( startID < 0 ) || ( startID > m_nodes.size() ) )
return 0;
//Validate the end position
if ( ( endID < 0 ) || ( endID > m_nodes.size() ) )
return 0;
CNode *startNode = m_nodes[ startID ];
CNode *endNode = m_nodes[ endID ];
CNode *moveNode = startNode;
int bestNode;
int pathCost = 0;
int bestCost;
int bestRank;
int testRank;
//Draw out our path
while ( moveNode != endNode )
bestRank = 99999999;
bestNode = -1;
bestCost = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < moveNode->GetNumEdges(); i++ )
int edgeID = moveNode->GetEdge(i);
if ( edgeID == endID )
return pathCost + moveNode->GetEdgeCost( i );
testRank = endNode->GetRank( edgeID );
//No possible connection
if ( testRank == NODE_NONE )
return 0;
//Found a better one
if ( testRank < bestRank )
bestNode = edgeID;
bestRank = testRank;
bestCost = moveNode->GetEdgeCost( i );
pathCost += bestCost;
//Take a new best node
moveNode = m_nodes[ bestNode ];
return pathCost;
unsigned int CNavigator::GetEdgeCost( int startID, int endID )
//Validate the start position
if ( ( startID < 0 ) || ( startID > m_nodes.size() ) )
return 0;
//Validate the end position
if ( ( endID < 0 ) || ( endID > m_nodes.size() ) )
return 0;
CNode *start = m_nodes[startID];
CNode *end = m_nodes[endID];
return GetEdgeCost( start, end );
int CNavigator::GetProjectedNode( vec3_t origin, int nodeID )
//Validate the start position
if ( ( nodeID < 0 ) || ( nodeID > m_nodes.size() ) )
return NODE_NONE;
CNode *node = m_nodes[nodeID];
CNode *tempNode;
float bestDot = 0.0f;
int bestNode = NODE_NONE;
vec3_t targetDir, basePos, tempDir, tempPos;
float dot;
//Setup our target direction
node->GetPosition( basePos );
VectorSubtract( origin, basePos, targetDir );
VectorNormalize( targetDir );
//Go through all the edges
for ( int i = 0; i < node->GetNumEdges(); i++ )
tempNode = m_nodes[node->GetEdge(i)];
tempNode->GetPosition( tempPos );
VectorSubtract( tempPos, basePos, tempDir );
VectorNormalize( tempDir ); //FIXME: Retain the length here if you want it
dot = DotProduct( targetDir, tempDir );
if ( dot < 0.0f )
if ( dot > bestDot )
bestDot = dot;
bestNode = tempNode->GetID();
return bestNode;