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2002-11-22 00:00:00 +00:00
#ifndef __G_LOCAL_H__
#define __G_LOCAL_H__
// g_local.h -- local definitions for game module
// define GAME_INCLUDE so that g_public.h does not define the
// short, server-visible gclient_t and gentity_t structures,
// because we define the full size ones in this file
#include "../ui/gameinfo.h"
#include "g_shared.h"
//NOTENOTE: Only change this to re-point ICARUS to a new script directory
#define Q3_SCRIPT_DIR "real_scripts"
// the "gameversion" client command will print this plus compile date
#define GAMEVERSION "baseEF"
#define Q3_INFINITE 16777216
#define FRAMETIME 100 // msec
#define EVENT_VALID_MSEC 300
// gentity->flags
#define FL_GODMODE 0x00000010
#define FL_NOTARGET 0x00000020
#define FL_TEAMSLAVE 0x00000400 // not the first on the team
#define FL_NO_KNOCKBACK 0x00000800
#define FL_DROPPED_ITEM 0x00001000
#define FL_DONT_SHOOT 0x00002000 // Can target him, but not shoot him
#define FL_UNDYING 0x00004000 // Takes damage down to 1 point, but does not die
//Pointer safety utilities
#define VALID( a ) ( a != NULL )
#define VALIDATE( a ) ( assert( a ) )
#define VALIDATEV( a ) if ( a == NULL ) { assert(0); return; }
#define VALIDATEB( a ) if ( a == NULL ) { assert(0); return qfalse; }
#define VALIDATEP( a ) if ( a == NULL ) { assert(0); return NULL; }
#define VALIDSTRING( a ) ( ( a != NULL ) && ( a[0] != NULL ) )
//Interest points
typedef struct
vec3_t origin;
lookMode_t lookMode;
char *target;
} interestPoint_t;
//Combat points
typedef struct
vec3_t origin;
int flags;
// char *NPC_targetname;
// team_t team;
qboolean occupied;
} combatPoint_t;
// Alert events
enum alertEventType_e
enum alertEventLevel_e
AEL_MINOR, //Enemy responds to the sound, but only by looking
AEL_SUSPICIOUS, //Enemy looks at the sound, and will also investigate it
AEL_DISCOVERED, //Enemy knows the player is around, and will actively hunt
// !!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting struct !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct alertEvent_s
vec3_t position; //Where the event is located
float radius; //Consideration radius
alertEventLevel_e level; //Priority level of the event
alertEventType_e type; //Event type (sound,sight)
gentity_t *owner; //Who made the sound
} alertEvent_t;
typedef struct failedEdge_e
int startID;
int endID;
int checkTime;
int entID;
} failedEdge_t;
// this structure is cleared as each map is entered
#define MAX_SPAWN_VARS 64
typedef struct
gclient_t *clients; // [maxclients]
// store latched cvars here that we want to get at often
int maxclients;
int framenum;
int time; // in msec
int previousTime; // so movers can back up when blocked
int globalTime; // global time at level initialization
char mapname[MAX_QPATH]; // the server name (base1, etc)
qboolean locationLinked; // target_locations get linked
gentity_t *locationHead; // head of the location list
alertEvent_t alertEvents[ MAX_ALERT_EVENTS ];
int numAlertEvents;
failedEdge_t failedEdges[MAX_FAILED_EDGES];
// =====================================
// NOTE!!!!!! The only things beyond this point in the structure should be the ones you do NOT wish to be
// affected by loading saved-games. Since loading a game first starts the map and then loads
// over things like entities etc then these fields are usually the ones setup by the map loader.
// If they ever get modified in-game let me know and I'll include them in the save. -Ste
#define LEVEL_LOCALS_T_SAVESTOP logFile // name of whichever field is next below this in the source
fileHandle_t logFile;
//Interest points- squadmates automatically look at these if standing around and close to them
interestPoint_t interestPoints[MAX_INTEREST_POINTS];
int numInterestPoints;
//Combat points- NPCs in bState BS_COMBAT_POINT will find their closest empty combat_point
combatPoint_t combatPoints[MAX_COMBAT_POINTS];
int numCombatPoints;
char spawntarget[MAX_QPATH]; // the targetname of the spawnpoint you want the player to start at
} level_locals_t;
extern level_locals_t level;
extern game_export_t globals;
extern cvar_t *g_gravity;
extern cvar_t *g_speed;
extern cvar_t *g_cheats;
extern cvar_t *g_developer;
extern cvar_t *g_knockback;
extern cvar_t *g_inactivity;
extern cvar_t *g_debugMove;
extern cvar_t *g_subtitles;
extern cvar_t *g_language;
extern cvar_t *g_removeDoors;
extern cvar_t *g_ICARUSDebug;
extern cvar_t *g_virtualVoyager;
// g_spawn.c
qboolean G_SpawnString( const char *key, const char *defaultString, char **out );
// spawn string returns a temporary reference, you must CopyString() if you want to keep it
qboolean G_SpawnFloat( const char *key, const char *defaultString, float *out );
qboolean G_SpawnInt( const char *key, const char *defaultString, int *out );
qboolean G_SpawnVector( const char *key, const char *defaultString, float *out );
qboolean G_SpawnVector4( const char *key, const char *defaultString, float *out );
void G_SpawnEntitiesFromString( const char *entities );
// g_cmds.c
void Cmd_Score_f (gentity_t *ent);
// g_items.c
void G_RunItem( gentity_t *ent );
void RespawnItem( gentity_t *ent );
void UseHoldableItem( gentity_t *ent );
void PrecacheItem (gitem_t *it);
gentity_t *Drop_Item( gentity_t *ent, gitem_t *item, float angle, qboolean copytarget );
void SetRespawn (gentity_t *ent, float delay);
void G_SpawnItem (gentity_t *ent, gitem_t *item);
void FinishSpawningItem( gentity_t *ent );
void Think_Weapon (gentity_t *ent);
int ArmorIndex (gentity_t *ent);
void Add_Ammo (gentity_t *ent, int weapon, int count);
void Touch_Item (gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace);
void ClearRegisteredItems( void );
void RegisterItem( gitem_t *item );
void SaveRegisteredItems( void );
// g_utils.c
int G_ModelIndex( char *name );
int G_SoundIndex( char *name );
void G_TeamCommand( team_t team, char *cmd );
void G_KillBox (gentity_t *ent);
gentity_t *G_Find (gentity_t *from, int fieldofs, char *match);
int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, qboolean takeDamage, gentity_t *ent_list[MAX_GENTITIES]);
gentity_t *G_PickTarget (char *targetname);
void G_UseTargets (gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *activator);
void G_UseTargets2 (gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *activator, const char *string);
void G_SetMovedir ( vec3_t angles, vec3_t movedir);
void G_InitGentity( gentity_t *e );
gentity_t *G_Spawn (void);
gentity_t *G_TempEntity( vec3_t origin, int event );
void G_Sound( gentity_t *ent, int soundIndex );
void G_FreeEntity( gentity_t *e );
void G_TouchTriggers (gentity_t *ent);
void G_TouchTeamClients (gentity_t *ent);
void G_TouchSolids (gentity_t *ent);
float *tv (float x, float y, float z);
char *vtos( const vec3_t v );
float vectoyaw( const vec3_t vec );
void G_AddEvent( gentity_t *ent, int event, int eventParm );
void G_SetOrigin( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t origin );
void G_SetAngles( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t angles );
void G_LanguageFilename(char *baseName,char *baseExtension,char *finalName);
// g_combat.c
qboolean CanDamage (gentity_t *targ, vec3_t origin);
void G_Damage (gentity_t *targ, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, vec3_t dir, vec3_t point, int damage, int dflags, int mod);
void G_RadiusDamage (vec3_t origin, gentity_t *attacker, float damage, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, int mod);
void TossClientItems( gentity_t *self );
void ExplodeDeath_Wait( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath );
void ExplodeDeath( gentity_t *self );
void GoExplodeDeath( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator);
// damage flags
#define DAMAGE_RADIUS 0x00000001 // damage was indirect
#define DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR 0x00000002 // armour does not protect from this damage
#define DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK 0x00000008 // do not affect velocity, just view angles
#define DAMAGE_NO_HIT_LOC 0x00000010 // do not modify damage by hit loc
#define DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION 0x00000020 // armor, shields, invulnerability, and godmode have no effect
#define DAMAGE_EXTRA_KNOCKBACK 0x00000040 // add extra knockback to this damage
#define DAMAGE_DEATH_KNOCKBACK 0x00000080 // only does knockback on death of target
#define DAMAGE_IGNORE_TEAM 0x00000100 // damage is always done, regardless of teams
#define DAMAGE_NO_DAMAGE 0x00000200 // do no actual damage but react as if damage was taken
// g_missile.c
void G_RunMissile( gentity_t *ent );
gentity_t *fire_blaster (gentity_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir);
gentity_t *fire_plasma (gentity_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir);
gentity_t *fire_grenade (gentity_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir);
gentity_t *fire_rocket (gentity_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir);
// g_mover.c
void G_RunMover( gentity_t *ent );
// g_misc.c
void TeleportPlayer( gentity_t *player, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, int teleport_fx );
// g_weapon.c
//void CalcMuzzlePoint ( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up, vec3_t muzzlePoint );
//void SnapVectorTowards( vec3_t v, vec3_t to );
//qboolean CheckGauntletAttack( gentity_t *ent );
void WP_LoadWeaponParms (void);
void IT_LoadItemParms( void );
void IS_LoadInfoItemParms( void );
// g_client.c
team_t PickTeam( int ignoreClientNum );
void SetClientViewAngle( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t angle );
gentity_t *SelectSpawnPoint ( vec3_t avoidPoint, team_t team, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
void respawn (gentity_t *ent);
void InitClientPersistant (gclient_t *client);
void InitClientResp (gclient_t *client);
qboolean ClientSpawn( gentity_t *ent, SavedGameJustLoaded_e eSavedGameJustLoaded );
void player_die (gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int mod);
void AddScore( gentity_t *ent, int score );
qboolean SpotWouldTelefrag( gentity_t *spot, team_t checkteam );
// g_svcmds.c
qboolean ConsoleCommand( void );
// g_weapon.c
void FireWeapon( gentity_t *ent, qboolean alt_fire );
// p_hud.c
void MoveClientToIntermission (gentity_t *client);
void G_SetStats (gentity_t *ent);
void DeathmatchScoreboardMessage (gentity_t *client);
// g_cmds.c
static void G_SayTo( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *other, int mode, int color, const char *name, const char *message );
// g_pweapon.c
// g_main.c
void G_RunThink (gentity_t *ent);
void QDECL G_Error( const char *fmt, ... );
// g_nav.cpp
void Svcmd_Nav_f (void);
// g_squad.cpp
void Svcmd_Comm_f (void);
void Svcmd_Hail_f (void);
void Svcmd_Form_f (void);
// g_utils.cpp
void Svcmd_Use_f (void);
// g_weapons.cpp
void UseCharge (int entityNum);
// g_client.c
char *ClientConnect( int clientNum, qboolean firstTime, SavedGameJustLoaded_e eSavedGameJustLoaded );
void ClientUserinfoChanged( int clientNum );
void ClientDisconnect( int clientNum );
void ClientBegin( int clientNum, usercmd_t *cmd, SavedGameJustLoaded_e eSavedGameJustLoaded );
void ClientCommand( int clientNum );
// g_active.c
void ClientThink( int clientNum, usercmd_t *cmd );
void ClientEndFrame (gentity_t *ent);
// g_team.c
qboolean OnSameTeam( gentity_t *ent1, gentity_t *ent2 );
// g_mem.c
void *G_Alloc( int size );
void G_InitMemory( void );
void Svcmd_GameMem_f( void );
// g_session.c
void G_ReadSessionData( gclient_t *client );
void G_InitSessionData( gclient_t *client, char *userinfo );
void G_InitWorldSession( void );
void G_WriteSessionData( void );
// g_objectives.c
void OBJ_LoadObjectives (void);
void OBJ_LoadTactical (void);
//ICARUS includes
extern interface_export_t interface_export;
extern void Interface_Init( interface_export_t *pe );
extern int ICARUS_RunScript( gentity_t *ent, const char *name );
extern bool ICARUS_RegisterScript( const char *name, bool bCalledDuringInterrogate = false);
// Reference tags
#define MAX_REFTAGS 128 // Probably more than we'll ever need
#define MAX_REFNAME 32
#define RTF_NONE 0
#define RTF_NAVGOAL 0x00000001
typedef struct reference_tag_s
char name[MAX_REFNAME];
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
int flags; //Just in case
int radius; //For nav goals
} reference_tag_t;
extern void TAG_Init( void );
extern reference_tag_t *TAG_Add( const char *name, const char *owner, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, int radius, int flags );
extern int TAG_GetOrigin( const char *owner, const char *name, vec3_t origin );
extern int TAG_GetAngles( const char *owner, const char *name, vec3_t angles );
extern int TAG_GetRadius( const char *owner, const char *name );
extern int TAG_GetFlags( const char *owner, const char *name );
void TAG_ShowTags( int flags );
// Reference tags END
typedef struct pscript_s
char *buffer;
long length;
} pscript_t;
typedef map < string, int, less<string>, allocator<int> > entlist_t;
typedef map < string, pscript_t*, less<string>, allocator<pscript_t*> > bufferlist_t;
extern ICARUS_Instance *iICARUS;
extern bufferlist_t ICARUS_BufferList;
extern entlist_t ICARUS_EntList;
// g_ICARUS.cpp
void ICARUS_Init( void );
bool ICARUS_ValidEnt( gentity_t *ent );
void ICARUS_InitEnt( gentity_t *ent );
void ICARUS_FreeEnt( gentity_t *ent );
void ICARUS_AssociateEnt( gentity_t *ent );
void ICARUS_Shutdown( void );
void Svcmd_ICARUS_f( void );
extern int ICARUS_entFilter;
extern char *G_NewString( const char *string );
// some stuff for savegames...
void WriteLevel(qboolean qbAutosave);
void ReadLevel(qboolean qbAutosave, qboolean qbLoadTransition);
qboolean GameAllowedToSaveHere(void);
extern void G_ActivateBehavior( gentity_t *ent, int bset );
//Timing information
void TIMER_Clear( void );
void TIMER_Save( void );
void TIMER_Load( void );
void TIMER_Set( gentity_t *ent, const char *identifier, int duration );
int TIMER_Get( gentity_t *ent, const char *identifier );
qboolean TIMER_Done( gentity_t *ent, const char *identifier );
float NPC_GetHFOVPercentage( vec3_t spot, vec3_t from, vec3_t facing, float hFOV );
float NPC_GetVFOVPercentage( vec3_t spot, vec3_t from, vec3_t facing, float vFOV );
#endif//#ifndef __G_LOCAL_H__