
617 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2002-11-22 00:00:00 +00:00
#ifndef __FX_PUBLIC__
#define __FX_PUBLIC__
#include "cg_media.h"
#define FX_DEBUG 0
//#define _FXMEM
#include <list>
using namespace std;
// FXPrimitive flags
#define FXF_NONE 0x00000000
#define FXF_BOUNCE 0x00000001
#define FXF_PULSE_ALPHA 0x00000002
#define FXF_ALPHA_NOISE 0x00000004
#define FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN 0x00000008 // will override doing an RGB fade and use alpha fade instead, not great for a RIVA though
// this should probably not be used unless you really have to
#define FXF_NON_LINEAR_FADE 0x00000010 // currently begins fade at 75% of total life; do not use with an RGB to RGB fade.
// I may fix this later, but probably not unless it really needs to be...
#define FXF_TOUCHCALLBACK 0x00000020 // only valid for sprites
#define FXF_NODRAW 0x00000040 // only valid for particles, not used often
#define FXF_SPAWN_ONCE 0x00000080 // only valid for spawners, typically used with FXF_DELAY_SPAWN,
#define FXF_DELAY_SPAWN 0x00000100 // only valid for spawners, for delaying a spawned effect
#define FXF_DRAWCAPS 0x00000200 // only valid for lines, specify an endcap shader when using this
#define FXF_SHRINK 0x00000400 // only valid for lines; line will shorten to zero length by the end of its life
#define FXF_TAPER 0x00000800 // only valid for electricity bolts, bolt will taper on one end
#define FXF_WRAP 0x00001000 // only valid for cylinders, bezier curves, or electricity;
// texture will be stretched stScale times around cylinder or
// stScale times along the bezier curve or bolt
#define FXF_NO_LOD 0x00002000 // only valid for cylinders, always uses highest level of detail ( use at your own risk! )
#define FXF_ADJUST_ST 0x00004000 // only valid for lines, calculates ST coords based on length
#define FXF_STRETCH 0x00008000 // only valid for cylinders, allow control of texture repeat
//Memory management functions
extern void FXMEM_Init( void );
extern void FXMEM_Flush( void );
extern void *FXMEM_Allocate( size_t size );
extern void FXMEM_Free( void *ptr, size_t size );
extern void FXMEM_PrintDebugInfo( void );
#if _DEBUG
extern int FXMEMD_searchPeak;
extern int FXMEMD_allocListPeak;
extern int FXMEMD_freeListPeak;
extern int FXMEMD_allocatePeak;
extern int FXMEMD_allocateTotal;
// FXPrimitive - Parent class for all client effect types
class FXPrimitive
virtual ~FXPrimitive();
#ifdef _FXMEM
//Memory manager overrides
void*operator new ( size_t size ) { return FXMEM_Allocate( size ); }
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXPrimitive ) ); }
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Update( void ); //Move functions can be unique per effect
virtual void Draw( void ); //Move functions can be unique per effect
//FIXME: Not all primitives inherit these members, so ultimately, move them out to the individual children
inline void SetOrigin( vec3_t origin ) { if ( origin ) VectorCopy( origin, m_origin ); else VectorClear( m_origin ); }
inline void SetAngles( vec3_t angles ) { if ( angles ) VectorCopy( angles, m_angles ); else VectorClear( m_angles ); }
inline void SetVelocity( vec3_t velocity ) { if ( velocity ) VectorCopy( velocity, m_velocity ); else VectorClear( m_velocity ); }
inline void SetAcceleration( vec3_t acceleration ) { if ( acceleration ) VectorCopy( acceleration, m_acceleration ); else VectorClear( m_acceleration ); }
inline void SetScaleDelta( float dscale ) { md_scale = dscale; }
inline void SetScale( float scale ) { m_scale = scale; }
inline void SetStartAlpha( float alphastart ) { m_startalpha = alphastart; }
inline void SetEndAlpha( float alphaend ) { m_endalpha = alphaend; }
inline void SetAlphaFreq( float frequency ) { m_alphafreq = frequency; }
inline void SetStartRGB( vec3_t rgb ) { if ( rgb ) { VectorCopy(rgb, m_startRGB);
VectorCopy(rgb, m_RGB);} }
inline void SetEndRGB( vec3_t rgb ) { if ( rgb ) VectorCopy(rgb, m_endRGB); }
inline void SetElasticity( float elasticity ) { m_elasticity = elasticity; }
inline void SetShader( qhandle_t shader ) { m_shader = shader; }
inline void SetFlags( int flags ) { m_flags = flags; }
//NOTENOTE: These were moved because there was just too many functions calling into this
//Movestate information
vec3_t m_origin;
vec3_t m_angles;
vec3_t m_velocity;
vec3_t m_acceleration;
int m_flags;
float m_startalpha;
float m_endalpha;
float m_alpha; // Current interpolated alpha
float m_alphafreq; // sine wave freqency for pulsing alpha (pulses per second)
vec3_t m_startRGB;
vec3_t m_endRGB;
vec3_t m_RGB; // Current interpolated RGB
float md_scale;
float m_scale;
float m_elasticity;
int m_start_time;
int m_end_time;
qhandle_t m_shader; //Graphics shader for the effect
virtual void UpdateOrigin( void );
virtual void UpdateVelocity( void );
virtual void UpdateScale( void );
virtual void UpdateAlpha( void );
virtual void UpdateRGB( void );
//FIXME: Not all primitives inherit these variables, so ultimately, move them out to the individual children
// FXElectricity
class FXElectricity : public FXPrimitive
FXElectricity( void );
~FXElectricity( void );
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXElectricity ) ); }
void SetOrigin2( vec3_t origin2 ) { if ( origin2 ) VectorCopy( origin2, m_origin2 ); else VectorClear( m_origin2 );}
void SetSTScale( float scale ) { m_stScale = scale; }
void SetDeviation( float deviation ) { m_deviation = deviation; };
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
void Build( void );
inline void DrawSegment( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float scale, float tcStart, float tcEnd );
void Bolt( vec3_t start, vec3_t dir, float length, int num );
vec3_t m_origin2;
float m_stScale;
vec3_t m_boltVerts[ MAX_BOLT_SEGMENTS ];
vec3_t m_lastEnd[2];
float m_deviation;
bool m_tapered;
bool m_init;
// FXParticle
class FXParticle : public FXPrimitive
FXParticle( void );
~FXParticle( void );
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXParticle ) ); }
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Update( void ); //Move functions can be unique per effect
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
inline void SetThink( bool (*think)(FXPrimitive *, centity_t *owner) ) { Think = think; }
void SetRoll( float roll ) { m_roll = roll; }
void SetRollDelta( float droll ) { md_roll = droll; }
inline void SetCOwner( centity_t *cowner ) { m_cowner = cowner; }
inline const centity_t *GetCOwner( void ) const { return (const centity_t *) m_cowner; }
void UpdateRoll( void );
// The think function must update all of the particles attributes (velocity, alpha, etc.)
bool (*Think)( FXPrimitive *object, centity_t *owner );
float m_roll;
float md_roll;
centity_t *m_cowner; //cOwner of this effect
// FXTri - Triangles
class FXTri : public FXPrimitive
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXTri ) ); }
void SetOrigin2( vec3_t origin2 ) { if ( origin2 ) VectorCopy( origin2, m_origin2 ); else VectorClear( m_origin2 );}
void SetOrigin3( vec3_t origin3 ) { if ( origin3 ) VectorCopy( origin3, m_origin3 ); else VectorClear( m_origin3 );}
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
vec3_t m_origin2;
vec3_t m_origin3;
// FXQuad - Quads
class FXQuad : public FXPrimitive
FXQuad( void );
~FXQuad( void );
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXQuad ) ); }
void SetRoll( float roll ) { m_roll = roll; }
void SetRollDelta( float droll ) { md_roll = droll;}
void SetNormal( vec3_t normal ) { if ( normal ) VectorCopy( normal, m_normal ); else VectorClear( m_normal ); }
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Update( void );
void UpdateRoll( void );
float m_roll;
float md_roll;
vec3_t m_normal;
// FXSprite - Sprite
class FXSprite : public FXPrimitive
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXSprite ) ); }
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Update( void ); //Move functions can be unique per effect
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
void SetRoll( float roll ) { m_roll = roll; }
void SetRollDelta( float droll ) { md_roll = droll; }
void UpdateRoll( void );
float m_roll; //Roll factor
float md_roll;
// FXLine - Lines
class FXLine : public FXPrimitive
virtual ~FXLine();
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXLine ) ); }
inline void SetEndcapShader( qhandle_t shader ) { m_endcap_shader = shader; }
inline void SetOrigin2( vec3_t origin2 ) { if ( origin2 ){ VectorCopy( origin2, m_origin2 );
VectorCopy( origin2, m_work_org );
else { VectorClear( m_origin2 );
VectorClear( m_work_org);
inline void SetSTScale( float scale ) { m_stScale = scale; }
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
virtual void UpdateOrigin( void );
vec3_t m_origin2;
vec3_t m_work_org;
float m_stScale;
qhandle_t m_endcap_shader;
// FXLine2 - Lines
class FXLine2 : public FXLine
virtual ~FXLine2();
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXLine ) ); }
inline void SetScale2( float scale ) { m_scale2 = scale; }
inline void SetScale2Delta( float dscale ) { m_dscale2 = dscale; }
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
float m_scale2;
float m_dscale2;
// FXSpawner - Effect spawner
class FXSpawner : public FXPrimitive
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXSpawner ) ); }
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Update( void ); //Move functions can be unique per effect
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
virtual void UpdateOrigin( void );
inline void SetDelay( int delay ) { m_delay = delay; }
inline void SetVariance( float variance ) { m_variance = variance; }
inline void SetRadius( int radius ) { m_radius = radius; }
inline void SetOwner( localEntity_t *owner ){ m_owner = owner; }
void (*Think)( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t user );
int m_nextThink;
int m_delay;
float m_variance;
int m_radius;
localEntity_t *m_owner;
// FXBezier - Bezier curves
class FXBezier : public FXLine
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXBezier ) ); }
virtual bool Cull( void );
virtual bool Update( void ); //Move functions can be unique per effect
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
void SetControl1( vec3_t control ) { if ( control ) VectorCopy( control, m_control1 ); else VectorClear( m_control1 );}
void SetControl2( vec3_t control ) { if ( control ) VectorCopy( control, m_control2 ); else VectorClear( m_control2 );}
void SetControl1_Velocity( vec3_t vel ) { if ( vel ) VectorCopy( vel, m_control1_velocity ); else VectorClear( m_control1_velocity );}
void SetControl2_Velocity( vec3_t vel ) { if ( vel ) VectorCopy( vel, m_control2_velocity ); else VectorClear( m_control2_velocity );}
void SetControl1_Acceleration( vec3_t accel ) { if ( accel ) VectorCopy( accel, m_control1_acceleration ); else VectorClear( m_control1_acceleration );}
void SetControl2_Acceleration( vec3_t accel ) { if ( accel ) VectorCopy( accel, m_control2_acceleration ); else VectorClear( m_control2_acceleration );}
void DrawSegment( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float tc1, float tc2 );
vec3_t m_control1;
vec3_t m_control2;
vec3_t m_control1_velocity;
vec3_t m_control2_velocity;
vec3_t m_control1_acceleration;
vec3_t m_control2_acceleration;
vec3_t m_lastEnd[2];
bool m_init;
// FXTrail
class FXTrail : public FXPrimitive
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXTrail ) ); }
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Update( void ); //Move functions can be unique per effect
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
void SetOldOrigin( vec3_t oldorigin ) { if (oldorigin) VectorCopy( oldorigin, m_oldorigin ); else VectorClear( m_oldorigin );}
void SetLength( float length ) { m_length = length; }
void SetLengthDelta( float dlength ) { md_length = dlength; }
void UpdateTailPoint( void );
void UpdateTailLength( void );
vec3_t m_oldorigin;
float m_length;
float md_length;
// FXCylinder
class FXCylinder : public FXPrimitive
#ifdef _FXMEM
void operator delete( void *ptr ) { FXMEM_Free( ptr, sizeof( FXCylinder ) ); }
virtual bool Cull( void ); //Cull functions are unique per effect
virtual bool Update( void ); //Move functions can be unique per effect
virtual void Draw( void ); //Draw functions are unique per effect
inline void SetScale2( float scale ) { m_scale2 = scale; }
inline void SetScaleDelta2( float dscale ) { md_scale2 = dscale; }
inline void SetHeight( float height ) { m_height = height; }
inline void SetHeightDelta( float dheight ) { md_height = dheight;}
inline void SetStart( vec3_t start ) { if ( start ) VectorCopy( start, m_origin ); else VectorClear( m_origin ); }
inline void SetNormal( vec3_t normal ) { if ( normal ) VectorCopy( normal, m_normal); else VectorClear( m_normal ); }
inline void SetBias( float bias) { m_bias = bias; }
inline void SetSTScale( float scale ) { m_stScale = scale; }
virtual void UpdateScale( void );
virtual void UpdateHeight( void );
vec3_t m_normal;
float m_bias;
float m_height;
float md_height;
float m_scale2;
float md_scale2;
float m_stScale;
// Struct Declarations
typedef struct FX_state_s
FXPrimitive *effect;
int killTime;
} FX_state_t;
#define MAX_EFFECTS 1024
extern FX_state_t FX_renderList[ MAX_EFFECTS ];
extern FX_state_t *FX_nextValid;
// Function prototypes
extern void FX_Add( void );
extern int FX_Init( void );
extern inline FXSprite *FX_AddSprite( vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float roll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0);
extern inline FXSprite *FX_AddSprite( vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float roll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0);
extern inline FXElectricity *FX_AddElectricity( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0 );
extern inline FXElectricity *FX_AddElectricity( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags, float deviation );
extern inline FXParticle *FX_AddParticle( centity_t *owner, vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float roll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags, bool (*think)(FXPrimitive *, centity_t *) );
extern inline FXParticle *FX_AddParticle( centity_t *owner, vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float roll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags, bool (*think)(FXPrimitive *, centity_t *) );
extern inline FXQuad *FX_AddQuad( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float roll, float droll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader );
extern inline FXQuad *FX_AddQuad( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float roll, float droll, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader );
extern inline FXLine *FX_AddLine( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0 );
extern inline FXLine *FX_AddLine( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0 );
extern inline FXLine2 *FX_AddLine2( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, float stScale, float scale, float dscale, float scale2, float dscale2, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killtime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0 );
extern inline FXTri *FX_AddTri( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, vec3_t origin3, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0 );
extern inline FXTri *FX_AddTri( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, vec3_t origin3, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0 );
extern inline FXSpawner *FX_AddSpawner( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t user, int delay, float variance, float killTime, void *think, localEntity_t *owner = NULL, int radius = DEFAULT_SPAWNER_RADIUS );
extern inline FXSpawner *FX_AddSpawner( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t user, int delay, float variance, float killTime, int flags, void *think, localEntity_t *owner = NULL, int radius = DEFAULT_SPAWNER_RADIUS );
extern inline FXBezier *FX_AddBezier( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, vec3_t control1, vec3_t control2, vec3_t control1_vel, vec3_t control2_vel, vec3_t control1_accel, vec3_t control2_accel, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0 );
extern inline FXBezier *FX_AddBezier( vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, vec3_t control1, vec3_t control2, vec3_t control1_vel, vec3_t control2_vel, vec3_t control1_accel, vec3_t control2_accel, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0 );
extern inline FXTrail *FX_AddTrail( vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float length, float dlength, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0);
extern inline FXTrail *FX_AddTrail( vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t acceleration, float length, float dlength, float scale, float dscale, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float elasticity, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0);
extern inline FXCylinder *FX_AddCylinder( vec3_t start, vec3_t normal, float height, float dheight, float scale, float dscale, float scale2, float dscale2, float startalpha, float endalpha, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, float bias = 1.0 );
extern inline FXCylinder *FX_AddCylinder( vec3_t start, vec3_t normal, float height, float dheight, float scale, float dscale, float scale2, float dscale2, float startalpha, float endalpha, vec3_t startRGB, vec3_t endRGB, float killTime, qhandle_t shader, float bias = 1.0 );
float FX_DetailLevel( vec3_t origin, float near_clip, float far_clip );
int FX_Free( void );
void FXE_Spray ( vec3_t direction, float speed, float variation, float cone, float gravity, FXPrimitive *effect );
#endif //__FX_PUBLIC__