// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // // cg_drawtools.c -- helper functions called by cg_draw, cg_scoreboard, cg_info, etc #include "cg_local.h" #define CHARMAX 256 /* ================ CG_AdjustFrom640 Adjusted for resolution and screen aspect ratio ================ */ void CG_AdjustFrom640( float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h ) { #if 0 // adjust for wide screens if ( cgs.glconfig.vidWidth * 480 > cgs.glconfig.vidHeight * 640 ) { *x += 0.5 * ( cgs.glconfig.vidWidth - ( cgs.glconfig.vidHeight * 640 / 480 ) ); } #endif // scale for screen sizes *x *= cgs.screenXScale; *y *= cgs.screenYScale; *w *= cgs.screenXScale; *h *= cgs.screenYScale; } /* ================ CG_FillRect Coordinates are 640*480 virtual values ================= */ void CG_FillRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color ) { trap_R_SetColor( color ); CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &width, &height ); trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, cgs.media.whiteShader ); trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } /* ================ CG_DrawPic Coordinates are 640*480 virtual values ================= */ void CG_DrawPic( float x, float y, float width, float height, qhandle_t hShader ) { CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &width, &height ); trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, hShader ); } /* =============== CG_DrawChar Coordinates and size in 640*480 virtual screen size =============== */ void CG_DrawChar( int x, int y, int width, int height, int ch ) { int row, col; float frow, fcol; float size,size2; float ax, ay, aw, ah; ch &= 255; if ( ch == ' ' ) { return; } ax = x; ay = y; aw = width; ah = height; CG_AdjustFrom640( &ax, &ay, &aw, &ah ); row = ch>>4; col = ch&15; frow = row*0.0625; fcol = col*0.0625; size = 0.03125; size2 = 0.0625; trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol + size, frow + size2, cgs.media.charsetShader ); } /* ================== CG_DrawStringExt Draws a multi-colored string with a drop shadow, optionally forcing to a fixed color. Coordinates are at 640 by 480 virtual resolution ================== */ void CG_DrawStringExt( int x, int y, const char *string, const float *setColor, qboolean forceColor, qboolean shadow, int charWidth, int charHeight, int maxChars ) { vec4_t color; const char *s; int xx; int cnt; if (maxChars <= 0) maxChars = 32767; // do them all! // draw the drop shadow if (shadow) { color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0; color[3] = setColor[3]; trap_R_SetColor( color ); s = string; xx = x; cnt = 0; while ( *s && cnt < maxChars) { if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) { s += 2; continue; } CG_DrawChar( xx + 2, y + 2, charWidth, charHeight, *s ); cnt++; xx += charWidth; s++; } } // draw the colored text s = string; xx = x; cnt = 0; trap_R_SetColor( setColor ); while ( *s && cnt < maxChars) { if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) { if ( !forceColor ) { memcpy( color, g_color_table[ColorIndex(*(s+1))], sizeof( color ) ); color[3] = setColor[3]; trap_R_SetColor( color ); } s += 2; continue; } CG_DrawChar( xx, y, charWidth, charHeight, *s ); xx += charWidth; cnt++; s++; } trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } void CG_DrawBigString( int x, int y, const char *s, float alpha ) { float color[4]; color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1.0; color[3] = alpha; CG_DrawStringExt( x, y, s, color, qfalse, qtrue, BIGCHAR_WIDTH, BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, 0 ); } void CG_DrawBigStringColor( int x, int y, const char *s, vec4_t color ) { CG_DrawStringExt( x, y, s, color, qtrue, qtrue, BIGCHAR_WIDTH, BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, 0 ); } void CG_DrawSmallString( int x, int y, const char *s, float alpha ) { float color[4]; color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1.0; color[3] = alpha; CG_DrawStringExt( x, y, s, color, qfalse, qfalse, SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT, 0 ); } void CG_DrawSmallStringColor( int x, int y, const char *s, vec4_t color ) { CG_DrawStringExt( x, y, s, color, qtrue, qfalse, SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT, 0 ); } /* ================= CG_DrawStrlen Returns character count, skiping color escape codes ================= */ int CG_DrawStrlen( const char *str ) { const char *s = str; int count = 0; while ( *s ) { if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) { s += 2; } else { count++; s++; } } return count; } /* ============= CG_TileClearBox This repeats a 64*64 tile graphic to fill the screen around a sized down refresh window. ============= */ static void CG_TileClearBox( int x, int y, int w, int h, qhandle_t hShader ) { float s1, t1, s2, t2; s1 = x/64.0; t1 = y/64.0; s2 = (x+w)/64.0; t2 = (y+h)/64.0; trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, h, s1, t1, s2, t2, hShader ); } /* ============== CG_TileClear Clear around a sized down screen ============== */ void CG_TileClear( void ) { int top, bottom, left, right; int w, h; w = cgs.glconfig.vidWidth; h = cgs.glconfig.vidHeight; if ( cg.refdef.x == 0 && cg.refdef.y == 0 && cg.refdef.width == w && cg.refdef.height == h ) { return; // full screen rendering } top = cg.refdef.y; bottom = top + cg.refdef.height-1; left = cg.refdef.x; right = left + cg.refdef.width-1; // clear above view screen CG_TileClearBox( 0, 0, w, top, cgs.media.backTileShader ); // clear below view screen CG_TileClearBox( 0, bottom, w, h - bottom, cgs.media.backTileShader ); // clear left of view screen CG_TileClearBox( 0, top, left, bottom - top + 1, cgs.media.backTileShader ); // clear right of view screen CG_TileClearBox( right, top, w - right, bottom - top + 1, cgs.media.backTileShader ); } /* ================ CG_FadeColor ================ */ float *CG_FadeColor( int startMsec, int totalMsec ) { static vec4_t color; int t; if ( startMsec == 0 ) { return NULL; } t = cg.time - startMsec; if ( t >= totalMsec ) { return NULL; } // fade out if ( totalMsec - t < FADE_TIME ) { color[3] = ( totalMsec - t ) * 1.0/FADE_TIME; } else { color[3] = 1.0; } color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1; return color; } /* ================ CG_TeamColor ================ */ float *CG_TeamColor( int team ) { static vec4_t red = {1, 0.2, 0.2, 1}; static vec4_t blue = {0.2, 0.2, 1, 1}; static vec4_t other = {1, 1, 1, 1}; static vec4_t spectator = {0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1}; switch ( team ) { case TEAM_RED: return red; case TEAM_BLUE: return blue; case TEAM_SPECTATOR: return spectator; default: return other; } } /* ================= CG_GetColorForHealth ================= */ void CG_GetColorForHealth( int health, int armor, vec4_t hcolor ) { int count; int max; // calculate the total points of damage that can // be sustained at the current health / armor level if ( health <= 0 ) { VectorClear( hcolor ); // black hcolor[3] = 1; return; } count = armor; // kef -- FIXME ...not sure what's happening here, but a divide-by-zero would be bad max = health;// * ARMOR_PROTECTION / ( 1.0 - ARMOR_PROTECTION ); if ( max < count ) { count = max; } health += count; // set the color based on health hcolor[0] = 1.0; hcolor[3] = 1.0; if ( health >= 100 ) { hcolor[2] = 1.0; } else if ( health < 66 ) { hcolor[2] = 0; } else { hcolor[2] = ( health - 66 ) / 33.0; } if ( health > 60 ) { hcolor[1] = 1.0; } else if ( health < 30 ) { hcolor[1] = 0; } else { hcolor[1] = ( health - 30 ) / 30.0; } } /* ================= CG_ColorForHealth ================= */ void CG_ColorForHealth( vec4_t hcolor ) { CG_GetColorForHealth( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH], cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR], hcolor ); } static int propMapTiny[CHARMAX][3]; static int propMap[CHARMAX][3]; static int propMapBig[CHARMAX][3]; static int propMapB[26][3] = { {11, 12, 33}, {49, 12, 31}, {85, 12, 31}, {120, 12, 30}, {156, 12, 21}, {183, 12, 21}, {207, 12, 32}, {13, 55, 30}, {49, 55, 13}, {66, 55, 29}, {101, 55, 31}, {135, 55, 21}, {158, 55, 40}, {204, 55, 32}, {12, 97, 31}, {48, 97, 31}, {82, 97, 30}, {118, 97, 30}, {153, 97, 30}, {185, 97, 25}, {213, 97, 30}, {11, 139, 32}, {42, 139, 51}, {93, 139, 32}, {126, 139, 31}, {158, 139, 25}, }; #define PROPB_GAP_WIDTH 4 #define PROPB_SPACE_WIDTH 12 #define PROPB_HEIGHT 36 /* ================= UI_DrawBannerString ================= */ static void UI_DrawBannerString2( int x, int y, const char* str, vec4_t color ) { const char* s; char ch; float ax; float ay; float aw; float ah; float frow; float fcol; float fwidth; float fheight; // draw the colored text trap_R_SetColor( color ); // ax = x * cgs.screenXScale + cgs.screenXBias; ax = x * cgs.screenXScale; ay = y * cgs.screenYScale; s = str; while ( *s ) { ch = *s & 255; if ( ch == ' ' ) { ax += ((float)PROPB_SPACE_WIDTH + (float)PROPB_GAP_WIDTH)* cgs.screenXScale; } else if ( ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' ) { ch -= 'A'; fcol = (float)propMapB[ch][0] / 256.0f; frow = (float)propMapB[ch][1] / 256.0f; fwidth = (float)propMapB[ch][2] / 256.0f; fheight = (float)PROPB_HEIGHT / 256.0f; aw = (float)propMapB[ch][2] * cgs.screenXScale; ah = (float)PROPB_HEIGHT * cgs.screenYScale; trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol+fwidth, frow+fheight, cgs.media.charsetPropB ); ax += (aw + (float)PROPB_GAP_WIDTH * cgs.screenXScale); } s++; } trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } void UI_DrawBannerString( int x, int y, const char* str, int style, vec4_t color ) { const char * s; int ch; int width; vec4_t drawcolor; // find the width of the drawn text s = str; width = 0; while ( *s ) { ch = *s; if ( ch == ' ' ) { width += PROPB_SPACE_WIDTH; } else if ( ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' ) { width += propMapB[ch - 'A'][2] + PROPB_GAP_WIDTH; } s++; } width -= PROPB_GAP_WIDTH; switch( style & UI_FORMATMASK ) { case UI_CENTER: x -= width / 2; break; case UI_RIGHT: x -= width; break; case UI_LEFT: default: break; } if ( style & UI_DROPSHADOW ) { drawcolor[0] = drawcolor[1] = drawcolor[2] = 0; drawcolor[3] = color[3]; UI_DrawBannerString2( x+2, y+2, str, drawcolor ); } UI_DrawBannerString2( x, y, str, color ); } #define MAX_STRINGWIDTH 2048 /* ================= UI_ProportionalSizeScale ================= */ int UI_ProportionalStringWidth( const char* str,int style ) { const char * s; int ch; int charWidth; int width; char holdStr[2048]; Q_strncpyz( holdStr, str, MAX_STRINGWIDTH ); Q_CleanStr(holdStr); if (style & UI_TINYFONT) { s = holdStr; width = 0; while ( *s ) { ch = *s & 255; charWidth = propMapTiny[ch][2]; if ( charWidth != -1 ) { width += charWidth; width += PROP_GAP_TINY_WIDTH; } s++; } width -= PROP_GAP_TINY_WIDTH; } else if (style & UI_BIGFONT) { s = holdStr; width = 0; while ( *s ) { ch = *s & 255; charWidth = propMapBig[ch][2]; if ( charWidth != -1 ) { width += charWidth; width += PROP_GAP_BIG_WIDTH; } s++; } width -= PROP_GAP_BIG_WIDTH; } else { s = holdStr; width = 0; while ( *s ) { ch = *s & 255; charWidth = propMap[ch][2]; if ( charWidth != -1 ) { width += charWidth; width += PROP_GAP_WIDTH; } s++; } width -= PROP_GAP_WIDTH; } return width; } static int specialTinyPropChars[CHARMAX][2] = { {0, 0}, {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 10 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 20 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 30 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 40 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 50 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 60 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 70 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 80 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 90 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 100 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 110 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 120 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 130 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 140 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 150 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{2,-3},{0, 0}, // 160 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 170 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 180 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 190 {0,-1},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{0, 0},{2, 0},{2,-3}, // 200 {2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{0,-1},{2,-3},{2,-3}, // 210 {2,-3},{3,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{0, 0},{0,-1},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3}, // 220 {2,-3},{0,-1},{0,-1},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{0, 0}, // 230 {2, 0},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{0, 0}, // 240 {2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{0, 0},{0,-1},{2,-3},{2,-3}, // 250 {2,-3},{2,-3},{2,-3},{0,-1},{2,-3} // 255 }; static int specialPropChars[CHARMAX][2] = { {0, 0}, {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 10 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 20 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 30 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 40 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 50 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 60 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 70 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 80 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 90 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 100 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 110 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 120 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 130 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 140 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 150 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 160 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 170 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 180 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 190 {2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{0, 0},{1, 1},{2,-2}, // 200 {2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{0, 0},{2,-2},{2,-2}, // 210 {2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{0, 0},{0, 0},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2},{2,-2}, // 220 {2,-2},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 230 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 240 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 250 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0} // 255 }; static int specialBigPropChars[CHARMAX][2] = { {0, 0}, {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 10 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 20 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 30 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 40 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 50 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 60 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 70 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 80 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 90 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 100 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 110 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 120 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 130 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 140 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 150 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 160 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 170 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 180 {0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}, // 190 {3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{0, 0},{3, 1},{3,-3}, // 200 {3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{0, 0},{3,-3},{3,-3}, // 210 {3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{0, 0},{0, 0},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3}, // 220 {3,-3},{0, 0},{0, 0},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{0, 0}, // 230 {3, 1},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{0, 0}, // 240 {3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{0, 0},{0, 0},{3,-3},{3,-3}, // 250 {3,-3},{3,-3},{3,-3},{0, 0},{3,-3} // 255 }; /* ================= UI_DrawProportionalString2 ================= */ static void UI_DrawProportionalString2( int x, int y, const char* str, vec4_t color, float sizeScale,int style, qhandle_t charset,qboolean forceColor ) { const char* s; unsigned char ch; float ax; float ay,holdY; float aw = 0; // stop compiler complaining about uninitialised vars float ah; float frow; float fcol; float fwidth; float fheight; vec4_t givenColor; int colorI; int special; givenColor[0] = color[0]; givenColor[1] = color[1]; givenColor[2] = color[2]; givenColor[3] = color[3]; // draw the colored text trap_R_SetColor( color ); // ax = x * cgs.screenXScale + cgs.screenXBias; ax = x * cgs.screenXScale; ay = y * cgs.screenYScale; holdY = ay; if (style & UI_TINYFONT) { s = str; while ( *s ) { // Is there a color character if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) { if (!forceColor) { colorI = ColorIndex( *(s+1) ); trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[colorI] ); } s += 2; continue; } ch = *s & 255; if ( ch == ' ' ) { aw = (float)PROP_SPACE_TINY_WIDTH; } else if ( propMapTiny[ch][2] != -1 ) { // Because some foreign characters were a little different special = specialTinyPropChars[ch][0]; ay = holdY + (specialTinyPropChars[ch][1] * cgs.screenYScale); fcol = (float ) propMapTiny[ch][0] / 256.0f; frow = (float)propMapTiny[ch][1] / 256.0f; fwidth = (float)propMapTiny[ch][2] / 256.0f; fheight = (float)(PROP_TINY_HEIGHT + special) / 256.0f; aw = (float)propMapTiny[ch][2] * cgs.screenXScale * sizeScale; ah = (float)(PROP_TINY_HEIGHT + special) * cgs.screenYScale * sizeScale; trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol + fwidth, frow + fheight, charset ); } ax += (aw + (float)PROP_GAP_TINY_WIDTH * cgs.screenXScale * sizeScale); s++; } } else if (style & UI_BIGFONT) { s = str; while ( *s ) { // Is there a color character if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) { if (!forceColor) { colorI = ColorIndex( *(s+1) ); trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[colorI] ); } s += 2; continue; } ch = *s & 255; if ( ch == ' ' ) { aw = (float)PROP_SPACE_BIG_WIDTH* cgs.screenXScale * sizeScale; } else if ( propMap[ch][2] != -1 ) { // Because some foreign characters were a little different special = specialBigPropChars[ch][0]; ay = holdY + (specialBigPropChars[ch][1] * cgs.screenYScale); fcol = (float ) propMapBig[ch][0] / 256.0f; frow = (float)propMapBig[ch][1] / 256.0f; fwidth = (float)propMapBig[ch][2] / 256.0f; fheight = (float)(PROP_BIG_HEIGHT+ special) / 256.0f; aw = (float)propMapBig[ch][2] * cgs.screenXScale * sizeScale; ah = (float)(PROP_BIG_HEIGHT+ special) * cgs.screenYScale * sizeScale; trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol + fwidth, frow + fheight, charset ); } else { aw = 0; } ax += (aw + (float)PROP_GAP_BIG_WIDTH * cgs.screenXScale * sizeScale); s++; } } else { s = str; while ( *s ) { // Is there a color character if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) { if (!forceColor) { colorI = ColorIndex( *(s+1) ); trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[colorI] ); } s += 2; continue; } ch = *s & 255; if ( ch == ' ' ) { aw = (float)PROP_SPACE_WIDTH * cgs.screenXScale * sizeScale; } else if ( propMap[ch][2] != -1 ) { // Because some foreign characters were a little different special = specialPropChars[ch][0]; ay = holdY + (specialPropChars[ch][1] * cgs.screenYScale); fcol = (float)propMap[ch][0] / 256.0f; frow = (float)propMap[ch][1] / 256.0f; fwidth = (float)propMap[ch][2] / 256.0f; fheight = (float)(PROP_HEIGHT+ special) / 256.0f; aw = (float)propMap[ch][2] * cgs.screenXScale * sizeScale; ah = (float)(PROP_HEIGHT+ special) * cgs.screenYScale * sizeScale; trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol+fwidth, frow+fheight, charset ); } else { aw = 0; } ax += (aw + (float)PROP_GAP_WIDTH * cgs.screenXScale * sizeScale); s++; } } trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } /* ================= UI_ProportionalSizeScale ================= */ float UI_ProportionalSizeScale( int style ) { if( style & UI_SMALLFONT ) { return 1; } return 1.00; } /* ================= UI_DrawProportionalString ================= */ void UI_DrawProportionalString( int x, int y, const char* str, int style, vec4_t color ) { vec4_t drawcolor; int width; float sizeScale; qhandle_t charset; sizeScale = UI_ProportionalSizeScale( style ); switch( style & UI_FORMATMASK ) { case UI_CENTER: width = UI_ProportionalStringWidth( str, style ) * sizeScale; x -= width / 2; break; case UI_RIGHT: width = UI_ProportionalStringWidth( str,style ) * sizeScale; x -= width; break; case UI_LEFT: default: break; } if (style & UI_TINYFONT) { charset = cgs.media.charsetPropTiny; } else if (style & UI_BIGFONT) { charset = cgs.media.charsetPropBig; sizeScale = 1; } else { charset = cgs.media.charsetProp; sizeScale = 1; } if ( style & UI_DROPSHADOW ) { drawcolor[0] = drawcolor[1] = drawcolor[2] = 0; drawcolor[3] = color[3]; UI_DrawProportionalString2( x+2, y+2, str, drawcolor, sizeScale,style, charset,qtrue ); } if ( style & UI_INVERSE ) { drawcolor[0] = color[0] * 0.8; drawcolor[1] = color[1] * 0.8; drawcolor[2] = color[2] * 0.8; drawcolor[3] = color[3]; UI_DrawProportionalString2( x, y, str, drawcolor, sizeScale,style, charset,qtrue ); return; } if ( style & UI_PULSE ) { drawcolor[0] = color[0] * 0.8; drawcolor[1] = color[1] * 0.8; drawcolor[2] = color[2] * 0.8; drawcolor[3] = color[3]; UI_DrawProportionalString2( x, y, str, color, sizeScale,style, charset,qtrue ); drawcolor[0] = color[0]; drawcolor[1] = color[1]; drawcolor[2] = color[2]; drawcolor[3] = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin( cg.time / PULSE_DIVISOR ); UI_DrawProportionalString2( x, y, str, drawcolor, sizeScale,style,charset,qtrue ); return; } if ( style & UI_FORCECOLOR ) { UI_DrawProportionalString2( x, y, str, color, sizeScale,style, charset,qtrue); return; } UI_DrawProportionalString2( x, y, str, color, sizeScale,style, charset,qfalse); } /* ============== CG_DrawNumField Take x,y positions as if 640 x 480 and scales them to the proper resolution ============== */ void CG_DrawNumField (int x, int y, int width, int value,int charWidth,int charHeight,int style) { char num[16], *ptr; int l; int frame; int xWidth; if (width < 1) { return; } // draw number string if (width > 5) { width = 5; } switch ( width ) { case 1: value = value > 9 ? 9 : value; value = value < 0 ? 0 : value; break; case 2: value = value > 99 ? 99 : value; value = value < -9 ? -9 : value; break; case 3: value = value > 999 ? 999 : value; value = value < -99 ? -99 : value; break; case 4: value = value > 9999 ? 9999 : value; value = value < -999 ? -999 : value; break; } Com_sprintf (num, sizeof(num), "%i", value); l = strlen(num); if (l > width) l = width; if (style & NUM_FONT_SMALL) { xWidth = 4 + 2; } else { xWidth = (charWidth/2) + 3;//(charWidth/6); } x += 2 + (xWidth)*(width - l); ptr = num; while (*ptr && l) { if (*ptr == '-') frame = STAT_MINUS; else frame = *ptr -'0'; if (style & NUM_FONT_SMALL) { CG_DrawPic( x,y, charWidth, charHeight, cgs.media.smallnumberShaders[frame] ); } else { CG_DrawPic( x,y, charWidth, charHeight, cgs.media.numberShaders[frame] ); } x += (xWidth); ptr++; l--; } } /* ================ CG_PrintInterfaceGraphics ================ */ void CG_PrintInterfaceGraphics(int min,int max) { int i; vec4_t drawcolor; // Printing graphics for (i=min;ips.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_RED ) { drawcolor[0] = 1; } else if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_BLUE ) { drawcolor[2] = 1; } if (interface_graphics[i].type == SG_GRAPHIC) { trap_R_SetColor(drawcolor); CG_DrawPic( interface_graphics[i].x, interface_graphics[i].y, interface_graphics[i].width, interface_graphics[i].height, interface_graphics[i].graphic); } else if (interface_graphics[i].type == SG_NUMBER) { if (interface_graphics[i].style & UI_PULSE) { drawcolor[3] = 0.5+0.5*sin(cg.time/PULSE_DIVISOR); } trap_R_SetColor( drawcolor); CG_DrawNumField ( interface_graphics[i].x, interface_graphics[i].y, 3, interface_graphics[i].max, interface_graphics[i].width, interface_graphics[i].height,interface_graphics[i].style); } } trap_R_SetColor(NULL); } /* ================= CG_ParseFontParms ================= */ static char *CG_ParseFontParms(char *buffer,int propArray[CHARMAX][3]) { char *token; int i,i2; while ( buffer ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buffer, qtrue ); // Start with open braket if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) { for (i=0;i FONT_BUFF_LENGTH) { trap_Print( va( S_COLOR_RED "CG_LoadFonts : FONTS.DAT file bigger than %d!\n",FONT_BUFF_LENGTH)); return; } // initialise the data area memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); trap_FS_Read( buffer, len, f ); trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); COM_BeginParseSession(); holdBuf = (char *) buffer; holdBuf = CG_ParseFontParms( holdBuf,propMapTiny); holdBuf = CG_ParseFontParms( holdBuf,propMap); holdBuf = CG_ParseFontParms( holdBuf,propMapBig); }