
1456 lines
50 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Raven Software.
// cg_local.h --
#include "../game/q_shared.h"
#include "tr_types.h"
#include "../game/bg_public.h"
#include "cg_public.h"
#include "../ghoul2/g2.h"
#include "../ghoul2/G2_gore_shared.h"
#include "../game/inv.h"
// The entire cgame module is unloaded and reloaded on each level change,
// so there is NO persistant data between levels on the client side.
// If you absolutely need something stored, it can either be kept
// by the server in the server stored userinfos, or stashed in a cvar.
#define FADE_TIME 200
#define DAMAGE_TIME 500
#define LAND_RETURN_TIME 300
#define STEP_TIME 200
#define DUCK_TIME 100
#define PAIN_TWITCH_TIME 200
// Zoom vars
#define MAX_ZOOM_FOV 3.0f
#define ZOOM_OUT_TIME 100.0f
#define SINK_TIME 1000 // time for fragments to sink into ground before going away
#define NUMFLYBYS 4
#define MAX_STEP_CHANGE 32
#define CHAR_WIDTH 32
#define CHAR_HEIGHT 48
#define CHAT_WIDTH 80
#define CHAT_HEIGHT 8
#define DEFAULT_IDENTITY "mullinsjungle"
#define FX_DEPTH_HACK 0x00100000
typedef void* TGhoul2;
player entities need to track more information
than any other type of entity.
note that not every player entity is a client entity,
because corpses after respawn are outside the normal
client numbering range
when changing animation, set animationTime to frameTime + lerping time
The current lerp will finish out, then it will lerp to the new animation
typedef struct playerEntity_s
animInfo_t torso;
animInfo_t legs;
int painTime;
int painDirection; // flip from 0 to 1
int lightningFiring;
int weapon;
int weaponModelSpot;
int spawnCount; // used to track spawn transitions
vec3_t ghoulLegsAngles;
vec3_t ghoulLowerTorsoAngles;
vec3_t ghoulUpperTorsoAngles;
vec3_t ghoulHeadAngles;
} playerEntity_t;
centity_t have a direct corespondence with gentity_t in the game, but
only the entityState_t is directly communicated to the cgame
typedef struct centity_s
entityState_t currentState; // from cg.frame
entityState_t nextState; // from cg.nextFrame, if available
qboolean interpolate; // true if next is valid to interpolate to
qboolean currentValid; // true if cg.frame holds this entity
int muzzleFlashTime; // move to playerEntity?
attackType_t muzzleFlashAttack; // Which attack mode the muzzle flash was for
int previousEvent;
int teleportFlag;
int trailTime; // so missile trails can handle dropped initial packets
int dustTrailTime;
int miscTime;
int snapShotTime; // last time this entity was found in a snapshot
playerEntity_t pe;
int errorTime; // decay the error from this time
vec3_t errorOrigin;
vec3_t errorAngles;
qboolean extrapolated; // false if origin / angles is an interpolation
vec3_t rawOrigin;
vec3_t rawAngles;
vec3_t beamEnd;
// exact interpolated position of entity on this frame
vec3_t lerpOrigin;
vec3_t lerpAngles;
vec3_t lerpVelocity;
float lerpLeanOffset;
int ambientSetTime;
void *ghoul2;
vec3_t modelScale;
float radius;
int boltInfo;
CFxBoltInterface flashBoltInterface;
CFxBoltInterface ejectBoltInterface;
} centity_t;
typedef enum
} leType_t;
typedef enum
LEF_PUFF_DONT_SCALE = 0x0001, // do not scale size over time
LEF_TUMBLE = 0x0002, // tumble over time, used for ejecting shells
LEF_FADE_RGB = 0x0004, // explicitly fade
LEF_NO_RANDOM_ROTATE= 0x0008 // MakeExplosion adds random rotate which could be bad in some cases
} leFlag_t;
typedef enum
} leMarkType_t; // fragment local entities can leave marks on walls
typedef enum
} leBounceSoundType_t; // fragment local entities can make sounds on impacts
typedef struct localEntity_s
struct localEntity_s* prev;
struct localEntity_s* next;
leType_t leType;
int leFlags;
int startTime;
int endTime;
int fadeInTime;
float lifeRate; // 1.0 / (endTime - startTime)
trajectory_t pos;
trajectory_t angles;
float bounceFactor; // 0.0 = no bounce, 1.0 = perfect
float alpha;
float dalpha;
float color[4];
float radius;
float light;
vec3_t lightColor;
leMarkType_t leMarkType; // mark to leave on fragment impact
leBounceSoundType_t leBounceSoundType;
float zOffset;
refEntity_t refEntity;
} localEntity_t;
typedef struct
int client;
int score;
int kills;
int deaths;
int ping;
int time;
int scoreFlags;
int team;
int teamkillDamage; // damage inflicted to teammates (0-100)
} score_t;
// each client has an associated clientInfo_t
// that contains media references necessary to present the
// client model and other color coded effects
// this is regenerated each time a client's configstring changes,
// usually as a result of a userinfo (name, model, etc) change
typedef enum
SOUND_DIE_1 = 0,
} ECustomSounds;
typedef struct
qboolean infoValid;
qboolean ghost;
char name[MAX_QPATH];
team_t team;
int botSkill; // 0 = not bot, 1-5 = bot
vec3_t color1;
vec3_t color2;
int score; // updated by score servercmds
int location; // location index for team mode
int health; // you only get this info about your teammates
int armor;
int handicap;
int wins;
int losses;
int mLastChatTime;
int teamTask; // task in teamplay (offence/defence)
qboolean teamLeader; // true when this is a team leader
int gametypeitems; // gametype items being carried
// when clientinfo is changed, the loading of models/skins/sounds
// can be deferred until you are dead, to prevent hitches in
// gameplay
char identityName[MAX_QPATH];
TIdentity* identity;
qboolean deferred;
qboolean isMale;
gender_t gender; // from model
void *ghoul2Model;
int boltWorldWeapon; // bolt to use to hang world model of weapon on.
int boltGametypeItems[MAX_GAMETYPE_ITEMS]; // bolt to use to hang gametype items to the player
int boltNightvision;
animation_t animations[MAX_ANIMATIONS];
sfxHandle_t sounds[MAX_CUSTOM_SOUNDS];
qboolean voice;
} clientInfo_t;
// Each weapon can have multiple attacsk. SOF2 by default has 2 attacks
// per weapon, the standard attack and an alternate attack.
typedef struct weaponAttack_s
qhandle_t ammoIcon;
sfxHandle_t flashSound[4]; // fast firing weapons randomly choose
sfxHandle_t firingSound;
sfxHandle_t missileSound;
float missileDlight;
vec3_t missileDlightColor;
sfxHandle_t missileHitSound;
int shellEjectBoltView; // bolt for shell eject fx
int muzzleFlashBoltView; // bolt for flash fx
int shellEjectBoltWorld; // bolt for shell eject fx
int muzzleFlashBoltWorld; // bolt for flash fx
fxHandle_t muzzleEffect; // muzzle flash effect in view
fxHandle_t muzzleEffectInWorld;
fxHandle_t tracerEffect; // used for either a bullet tracer OR for a projectile trail effect
fxHandle_t shellEject; // shell eject effect
sfxHandle_t explosionSound; // used for when a projectile explodes
fxHandle_t explosionEffect;
void *missileG2Model; // ghoul2 model for missle
void (*missileTrailFunc)( centity_t *, int weaponNum );
} attackInfo_t;
// each WP_* weapon enum has an associated weaponInfo_t
// that contains media references necessary to present the
// weapon and its effects
typedef struct weaponInfo_s
qboolean registered;
gitem_t *item;
void *weaponG2Model; // ghoul2 model for 3rd person and in game world
void *viewG2Model; // ghoul2 model for 1st person view
int viewG2Indexes[8]; // indexes for models in viewG2Model because ghoul2 is whacky!
vec3_t weaponMidpoint; // so it will rotate centered instead of by tag
qhandle_t weaponIcon;
void *ammoG2Model; // ghoul2 model for ammo
attackInfo_t attack[ATTACK_MAX];
// All
int goreStyle;
} weaponInfo_t;
// each IT_* item has an associated itemInfo_t
// that constains media references necessary to present the
// item and its effects
typedef struct
qboolean registered;
qhandle_t models[MAX_ITEM_MODELS];
qhandle_t icon, mSimpleIcon;
void *g2Models[MAX_ITEM_MODELS];
float radius[MAX_ITEM_MODELS];
void* boltModel;
void* useModel;
} itemInfo_t;
// all cg.stepTime, cg.duckTime, cg.landTime, etc are set to cg.time when the action
// occurs, and they will have visible effects for #define STEP_TIME or whatever msec after
typedef struct
int clientFrame; // incremented each frame
int clientNum;
qboolean demoPlayback;
qboolean levelShot; // taking a level menu screenshot
int deferredPlayerLoading;
qboolean loading; // don't defer players at initial startup
qboolean intermissionStarted; // don't play voice rewards, because game will end shortly
// there are only one or two snapshot_t that are relevent at a time
int latestSnapshotNum; // the number of snapshots the client system has received
int latestSnapshotTime; // the time from latestSnapshotNum, so we don't need to read the snapshot yet
snapshot_t *snap; // cg.snap->serverTime <= cg.time
snapshot_t *nextSnap; // cg.nextSnap->serverTime > cg.time, or NULL
qboolean needNextSnap;
// snapshot_t activeSnapshots[2];
float frameInterpolation; // (float)( cg.time - cg.frame->serverTime ) / (cg.nextFrame->serverTime - cg.frame->serverTime)
qboolean mMapChange; // true if map is changing
qboolean thisFrameTeleport;
qboolean nextFrameTeleport;
int frametime; // cg.time - cg.oldTime
int time; // this is the time value that the client
// is rendering at.
int oldTime; // time at last frame, used for missile trails and prediction checking
int physicsTime; // either cg.snap->time or cg.nextSnap->time
qboolean mapRestart; // set on a map restart to set back the weapon
qboolean gametypeStarted; // has the gametype started yet?
qboolean mInRMG;
qboolean renderingThirdPerson; // during deaths, chasecams, etc
// prediction state
qboolean hyperspace; // true if prediction has hit a trigger_teleport
playerState_t predictedPlayerState;
qboolean validPPS; // clear until the first call to CG_PredictPlayerState
int predictedErrorTime;
vec3_t predictedError;
int eventSequence;
int predictableEvents[MAX_PREDICTED_EVENTS];
float stepChange; // for stair up smoothing
int stepTime;
float duckChange; // for duck viewheight smoothing
int duckTime;
float landChange; // for landing hard
int landTime;
int deathTime; // time of death
// input state sent to server
int weaponSelect;
int weaponLastSelect;
int weaponOldSelect;
int weaponMenuSelect;
qboolean weaponMenuUp; // weapon menu shown
// auto rotating items
vec3_t autoAngles;
vec3_t autoAxis[3];
vec3_t autoAnglesFast;
vec3_t autoAxisFast[3];
// view rendering
refdef_t refdef;
// zoom key
int zoomTime;
float zoomSensitivity;
// information screen text during loading
char infoScreenText[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
// scoreboard
int scoresRequestTime;
int numScores;
int teamScores[2];
score_t scores[MAX_CLIENTS];
qboolean showScores;
qboolean scoreBoardShowing; // Whether or not the scoreboard is showing
float scoreBoardBottom; // Bottom coordinate of the scoreboard
char scoreBoardSpectators[1024]; // spectators string
int scoreFadeTime;
qboolean showAutomap;
char killerName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int spectatorTime; // next time to offset
// centerprinting
int centerPrintTime;
char centerPrint[1024];
int centerPrintLines;
float centerPrintScale;
// kill timers for carnage reward
int lastKillTime;
// crosshair client ID
int crosshairClientNum;
int crosshairClientTime;
int crosshairColorClientNum;
vec4_t crosshairRGBA;
vec4_t crosshairFriendRGBA;
// attacking player
int attackerTime;
int voiceTime;
// sound buffer mainly for announcer sounds
int soundBufferIn;
int soundBufferOut;
int soundTime;
qhandle_t soundBuffer[MAX_SOUNDBUFFER];
// for voice chat buffer
int voiceChatTime;
int voiceChatBufferIn;
int voiceChatBufferOut;
// warmup countdown
int warmup;
int warmupCount;
int itemPickup;
int weaponSelectTime;
int weaponAnimation;
int weaponAnimationTime;
// blend blobs
float damageTime;
float damageX;
float damageY;
// view movement
float v_dmg_pitch;
float v_dmg_roll;
// temp working variables for player view
float bobfracsin;
int bobcycle;
float xyspeed;
int nextOrbitTime;
int loadStage;
// development tool
refEntity_t testModelEntity;
char testModelName[MAX_QPATH];
qboolean testGun;
int testModel;
// had to be moved so we wouldn't wipe these out with the memset
snapshot_t activeSnapshots[3];
int activeSnapshot;
TAnimInfoWeapon* viewWeaponAnim[5];
int weaponHideModels;
CFxBoltInterface flashBoltInterface;
qboolean cheats;
qboolean popupObjectives;
float shakeIntensity;
int shakeDuration;
int shakeStart;
char sharedBuffer[MAX_CG_SHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];
centity_t* radarEntities[MAX_GAMETYPE_ITEMS+MAX_CLIENTS];
int radarEntityCount;
int flashbangTime;
int flashbangFadeTime;
float flashbangAlpha;
animation_t hitAnimations[MAX_ANIMATIONS];
TGhoul2 hitModel;
} cg_t;
extern centity_t cg_entities[MAX_GENTITIES];
extern centity_t *cg_permanents[MAX_GENTITIES];
extern int cg_numpermanents;
// all of the model, shader, and sound references that are
// loaded at gamestate time are stored in cgMedia_t
// Other media that can be tied to clients, weapons, or items are
// stored in the clientInfo_t, itemInfo_t, weaponInfo_t
typedef struct
qhandle_t whiteShader;
qhandle_t armorShader;
qhandle_t blueFriendShader;
qhandle_t redFriendShader;
qhandle_t deadShader;
qhandle_t radarShader;
qhandle_t botSmallShader;
qhandle_t crosshairShader[NUM_CROSSHAIRS];
qhandle_t lagometerShader;
qhandle_t disconnectShader;
qhandle_t backTileShader;
qhandle_t loadClipShader;
qhandle_t loadBulletShader;
qhandle_t smokePuffShader;
qhandle_t waterBubbleShader;
qhandle_t shadowMarkShader;
// wall mark shaders
qhandle_t wakeMarkShader;
qhandle_t bloodMarkShader;
qhandle_t burnMarkShader;
// scoreboard headers
qhandle_t scoreboard;
qhandle_t scoreboardHeader;
qhandle_t scoreboardLine;
qhandle_t scoreboardFooter;
qhandle_t scoreboardTotals;
// sounds
sfxHandle_t talkSound;
sfxHandle_t waterLeave;
sfxHandle_t waterJumpIn;
sfxHandle_t waterFootstep[2];
sfxHandle_t waterWade[2];
sfxHandle_t armorHitSound[2];
sfxHandle_t fleshHitSound[2];
qhandle_t cursor;
// Fonts
qhandle_t lcdFont;
qhandle_t hudFont;
qhandle_t glassBreakSound;
qhandle_t respawnSound;
qhandle_t itemRespawnSound;
qhandle_t fragSound;
qhandle_t fragSelfSound;
qhandle_t goSound;
qhandle_t zoomSound;
qhandle_t gogglesOnSound;
qhandle_t gogglesOffSound;
qhandle_t flybySounds[NUMFLYBYS];
qhandle_t drownPainSound[2];
qhandle_t drownDeathSound;
qhandle_t damageDirShader;
qhandle_t playerFleshImpactEffect;
qhandle_t glassChunkEffect;
qhandle_t mAutomap;
qhandle_t mAutomapPlayerIcon;
TGhoul2 nightVisionModel;
qhandle_t mBloodSmall;
qhandle_t test;
} cgMedia_t;
// The client game static (cgs) structure hold everything
// loaded or calculated from the gamestate. It will NOT
// be cleared when a map_restart is done
typedef struct
gameState_t gameState; // gamestate from server
glconfig_t glconfig; // rendering configuration
float screenXScale; // derived from glconfig
float screenYScale;
float screenXBias;
int gameID;
int serverCommandSequence; // reliable command stream counter
int processedSnapshotNum;// the number of snapshots cgame has requested
qboolean localServer; // detected on startup by checking sv_running
// parsed from serverinfo
int gametype;
gametypeData_t* gametypeData;
int dmflags;
int teamflags;
int scorelimit;
int timelimit;
int maxclients;
qboolean friendlyFire;
char mapname[MAX_QPATH];
char gameover[MAX_QPATH];
qboolean pickupsDisabled;
int voteTime;
int voteDuration;
int voteYes;
int voteNeeded;
int voteNo;
qboolean voteModified; // beep whenever changed
char voteString[MAX_STRING_TOKENS];
int levelStartTime;
int gametypeTimerTime;
int gametypeMessageTime;
char gametypeMessage[MAX_STRING_TOKENS];
int scores1;
int scores2;
// locally derived information from gamestate
qhandle_t gameModels[MAX_MODELS];
sfxHandle_t gameSounds[MAX_SOUNDS];
qhandle_t gameIcons[MAX_ICONS];
qhandle_t skins[MAX_CHARSKINS];
int numInlineModels;
qhandle_t inlineDrawModel[MAX_MODELS];
vec3_t inlineModelMidpoints[MAX_MODELS];
clientInfo_t clientinfo[MAX_CLIENTS];
// teamchat width is *3 because of embedded color codes
char chatText[CHAT_HEIGHT][CHAT_WIDTH*3+1];
int chatTime[CHAT_HEIGHT];
int chatPos;
int chatLastPos;
int cursorX;
int cursorY;
qboolean eventHandling;
void* capturedItem;
qhandle_t activeCursor;
// media
cgMedia_t media;
vec3_t mWorldMins;
vec3_t mWorldMaxs;
float mIRDist;
float mIRSeeThrough;
int hudIcons[MAX_HUDICONS];
} cgs_t;
extern cgs_t cgs;
extern cg_t cg;
extern weaponInfo_t cg_weapons[MAX_WEAPONS];
extern itemInfo_t cg_items[MAX_ITEMS];
extern vmCvar_t con_notifyTime;
extern vmCvar_t cg_centertime;
extern vmCvar_t cg_centerY;
extern vmCvar_t cg_runpitch;
extern vmCvar_t cg_runroll;
extern vmCvar_t cg_bobup;
extern vmCvar_t cg_bobpitch;
extern vmCvar_t cg_bobroll;
extern vmCvar_t cg_shadows;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawTimer;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawFPS;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawSnapshot;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawCrosshair;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawCrosshairNames;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawRadar;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawTeamScores;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawHUDIcons;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairX;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairY;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairSize;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairGrow;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairRGBA;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairFriendRGBA;
extern vmCvar_t cg_draw2D;
extern vmCvar_t cg_debugEvents;
extern vmCvar_t cg_errorDecay;
extern vmCvar_t cg_nopredict;
extern vmCvar_t cg_showmiss;
extern vmCvar_t cg_footsteps;
extern vmCvar_t cg_gun_x;
extern vmCvar_t cg_gun_y;
extern vmCvar_t cg_gun_z;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawGun;
extern vmCvar_t cg_autoswitch;
extern vmCvar_t cg_ignore;
extern vmCvar_t cg_simpleItems;
extern vmCvar_t cg_fov;
extern vmCvar_t cg_shellEjection;
extern vmCvar_t cg_goreDetail;
extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPerson;
extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPersonRange;
extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPersonYaw;
extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPersonPitch;
extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset;
extern vmCvar_t cg_stereoSeparation;
extern vmCvar_t cg_lagometer;
extern vmCvar_t cg_synchronousClients;
extern vmCvar_t cg_chatTime;
extern vmCvar_t cg_chatHeight;
extern vmCvar_t cg_stats;
extern vmCvar_t cg_forceModel;
extern vmCvar_t cg_buildScript;
extern vmCvar_t cg_paused;
extern vmCvar_t cg_predictItems;
extern vmCvar_t cg_antiLag;
extern vmCvar_t cg_impactPrediction;
extern vmCvar_t cg_autoReload;
extern vmCvar_t cg_deferPlayers;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawFriend;
extern vmCvar_t cg_teamChatsOnly;
extern vmCvar_t cg_noVoiceText;
extern vmCvar_t cg_smoothClients;
extern vmCvar_t pmove_fixed;
extern vmCvar_t pmove_msec;
extern vmCvar_t cg_cameraOrbit;
extern vmCvar_t cg_cameraOrbitDelay;
extern vmCvar_t cg_timescale;
extern vmCvar_t cg_cameraMode;
extern vmCvar_t cg_noTaunt;
extern vmCvar_t cg_noProjectileTrail;
extern vmCvar_t cg_currentSelectedPlayer;
extern vmCvar_t cg_currentSelectedPlayerName;
extern vmCvar_t cg_DebugGore;
extern vmCvar_t cg_lockSever;
extern vmCvar_t cg_lockBlood;
extern vmCvar_t cg_lockDeaths;
extern vmCvar_t RMG_distancecull;
extern vmCvar_t cg_damageindicator;
extern vmCvar_t cg_tracerChance;
extern vmCvar_t cg_animBlend;
extern vmCvar_t cg_automap_x;
extern vmCvar_t cg_automap_y;
extern vmCvar_t cg_automap_w;
extern vmCvar_t cg_automap_h;
extern vmCvar_t cg_automap_a;
extern vmCvar_t ui_info_redcount;
extern vmCvar_t ui_info_bluecount;
extern vmCvar_t ui_info_speccount;
extern vmCvar_t ui_info_freecount;
extern vmCvar_t ui_info_pickupsdisabled;
extern vmCvar_t ui_info_seenobjectives;
extern vmCvar_t cg_voiceRadio;
extern vmCvar_t cg_voiceGlobal;
extern vmCvar_t cg_soundGlobal;
extern vmCvar_t cg_soundFrag;
extern vmCvar_t cg_weaponMenuFast;
extern vmCvar_t cg_bodyTime;
extern vmCvar_t rw_enabled;
extern vmCvar_t cg_zoomWeaponChange;
// cg_main.c
const char *CG_ConfigString ( int index );
const char *CG_Argv ( int arg );
centity_t* CG_GetEntity ( int index );
void CG_StartMusic ( qboolean bForceStart );
void CG_UpdateCvars ( void );
void CG_UpdateTeamCountCvars ( void );
int CG_CrosshairPlayer ( void );
int CG_LastAttacker ( void );
void CG_LoadMenus ( const char *menuFile);
void CG_KeyEvent ( int key, qboolean down);
void CG_MouseEvent ( int x, int y);
void CG_EventHandling ( int type);
// cg_view.c
void CG_TestModel_f (void);
void CG_TestGun_f (void);
void CG_TestModelNextFrame_f (void);
void CG_TestModelPrevFrame_f (void);
void CG_TestModelNextSkin_f (void);
void CG_TestModelPrevSkin_f (void);
void CG_AddBufferedSound ( sfxHandle_t sfx);
void CG_DrawActiveFrame ( int serverTime, stereoFrame_t stereoView, qboolean demoPlayback );
void CG_CameraShake ( float* origin, float intensity, int radius, int time );
void CG_UpdateCameraShake ( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
// cg_drawtools.c
void CG_AdjustFrom640 ( float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h );
void CG_FillRect ( float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color );
void CG_DrawPic ( float x, float y, float width, float height, qhandle_t hShader );
void CG_DrawStretchPic ( float x, float y, float width, float height, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh, const float* color, qhandle_t hShader );
void CG_DrawRotatePic ( float x, float y, float width, float height,float angle, qhandle_t hShader );
void CG_DrawRotatePic2 ( float x, float y, float width, float height,float angle, qhandle_t hShader );
int CG_DrawStrlen ( const char *str );
float* CG_FadeColor ( int startMsec, int totalMsec );
float* CG_TeamColor ( int team );
void CG_TileClear ( void );
void CG_DrawRect ( float x, float y, float width, float height, float size, const float *color );
void CG_DrawSides ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
void CG_DrawTopBottom ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
void CG_GetColorForHealth ( vec4_t color, int health, int armor );
void CG_DrawText ( float x, float y, qhandle_t font, float scale, vec4_t color, const char* text, int limit, int flags );
void CG_DrawTextWithCursor ( float x, float y, qhandle_t font, float scale, vec4_t color, const char* text, int limit, int flags, int cursorPos, char cursor );
void CG_DrawTimer ( float x, float y, qhandle_t font, float scale, vec4_t color, int flags, int msec );
// cg_draw.c, cg_newDraw.c
void CG_AddLagometerFrameInfo ( void );
void CG_AddLagometerSnapshotInfo ( snapshot_t *snap );
void CG_CenterPrint ( const char *str, float scale );
void CG_DrawActive ( stereoFrame_t stereoView );
void CG_OwnerDraw ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float text_x, float text_y, int ownerDraw, int ownerDrawFlags, int align, float special, qhandle_t font, float scale, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader, int textStyle, const char* param );
float CG_GetValue ( int ownerDraw );
qboolean CG_OwnerDrawVisible ( int flags, const char* param );
qboolean CG_OwnerDrawDisabled ( int flags, const char* param );
void CG_RunMenuScript ( const char **args);
void CG_GetTeamColor ( vec4_t *color);
const char* CG_GetGameStatusText ( void );
void CG_Draw3DModel ( float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t model, qhandle_t skin, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
void CG_Draw3DG2Model ( float x, float y, float w, float h, void *ghoul2, qhandle_t skin, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
void CG_Text_PaintChar ( float x, float y, float width, float height, float scale, float s, float t, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader );
const char* CG_GameTypeString ( void );
void CG_DrawMapChange ( void );
// cg_player.c
void CG_Player ( centity_t *cent );
void CG_ResetPlayerEntity ( centity_t *cent );
void CG_NewClientInfo ( int clientNum );
sfxHandle_t CG_CustomSound ( int clientNum, const char *soundName);
sfxHandle_t CG_CustomPlayerSound ( int clientNum, ECustomSounds sound);
void CG_UpdatePlayerModel ( centity_t* cent);
TGhoul2 CG_RegisterIdentity ( TIdentity* identity, char *animationFile, gender_t* gender );
void CG_RemoveIdentityItemsOnBack ( centity_t* cent );
qboolean CG_PlayerShadow ( centity_t *cent, float *shadowPlane );
// cg_predict.c
void CG_BuildSolidList ( void );
int CG_PointContents ( const vec3_t point, int passEntityNum );
void CG_Trace ( trace_t *result, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int skipNumber, int mask );
void CG_PlayerTrace ( trace_t* tr, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int skipNumber );
void CG_PredictPlayerState ( void );
void CG_LoadDeferredPlayers ( void );
void CG_InitHitModel ( void );
// cg_events.c
void CG_CheckEvents ( centity_t *cent );
const char* CG_PlaceString ( int rank );
void CG_EntityEvent ( centity_t *cent, vec3_t position );
void CG_PainEvent ( centity_t *cent, int health );
// cg_ents.c
float* CG_SetEntitySoundPosition ( centity_t *cent );
void CG_AddPacketEntities ( void );
void CG_Beam ( centity_t *cent );
void CG_AdjustPositionForMover ( const vec3_t in, int moverNum, int fromTime, int toTime, vec3_t out );
void CG_ScaleModelAxis ( refEntity_t* ent );
// cg_weapons.c
void CG_NextWeapon ( qboolean allowEmpty, int exclude );
void CG_PrevWeapon ( qboolean allowEmpty, int exclude );
void CG_Weapon_f ( void );
qboolean CG_WeaponSelectable ( int i, qboolean allowEmpty );
void CG_RegisterWeapon ( int weaponNum);
void CG_ShutDownWeapons ( void);
void CG_RegisterItemVisuals ( int itemNum );
void CG_UpdateViewWeaponSurfaces ( playerState_t* ps );
void CG_SetWeaponAnim ( int weaponAnim, playerState_t *ps );
void CG_FireWeapon ( centity_t *cent, attackType_t attack );
void CG_ProjectileThink ( centity_t *cent, int weaponNum );
void CG_MissileHitWall ( int weapon, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, int material, attackType_t attack );
void CG_MissileHitPlayer ( int weapon, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, int entityNum, attackType_t attack );
void CG_HandleStickyMissile ( centity_t *cent,entityState_t *es,vec3_t dir,int targetEnt);
void CG_Bullet ( vec3_t end, int sourceEntityNum, int weapon, vec3_t normal, int fleshEntityNum, int material, attackType_t attack );
void CG_AnimateViewWeapon ( playerState_t *ps );
void CG_AddViewWeapon ( playerState_t *ps );
void CG_PlayerWeaponEffects ( refEntity_t *parent, centity_t *cent, int team, vec3_t newAngles );
void CG_DrawWeaponSelect ( void );
void CG_OutOfAmmoChange ( int lastWeapon );
void CG_WeaponCallback ( playerState_t* ps, centity_t* cent, int weapon, int anim, int animChoice, int step );
// cg_localents.c
void CG_InitLocalEntities ( void );
void CG_FreeLocalEntity ( localEntity_t *le );
localEntity_t* CG_AllocLocalEntity ( void );
void CG_AddLocalEntities ( void );
// cg_effects.c
void CG_BubbleTrail ( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float spacing );
void CG_BulletFlyBySound ( vec3_t start, vec3_t end );
void CG_GlassShatter ( int entnum, vec3_t org, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs);
void CG_TestLine ( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int time, unsigned int color, int radius);
// cg_snapshot.c
void CG_ProcessSnapshots ( void );
// cg_info.c
void CG_LoadingString ( const char *s );
void CG_LoadingStage ( int stage );
void CG_LoadingItem ( int itemNum );
void CG_LoadingClient ( int clientNum );
void CG_DrawInformation ( void );
// cg_scoreboard.c
qboolean CG_DrawScoreboard ( void );
// cg_consolecmds.c
qboolean CG_ConsoleCommand ( void );
void CG_InitConsoleCommands ( void );
// cg_servercmds.c
void CG_MapRestart ( qboolean gametypeRestart );
void CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands ( int latestSequence );
void CG_ParseServerinfo ( void );
void CG_SetConfigValues ( void );
void CG_LoadVoiceChats ( void );
void CG_ShaderStateChanged ( void );
void CG_VoiceChatLocal ( qboolean voiceOnly, int clientNum, const char* chatprefix, const char *cmd );
void CG_PlayBufferedVoiceChats ( void );
// cg_playerstate.c
void CG_Respawn ( void );
void CG_TransitionPlayerState ( playerState_t *ps, playerState_t *ops );
void CG_CheckChangedPredictableEvents ( playerState_t *ps );
// cg_playeranim.c
qboolean CG_ParseAnimationFile ( const char *filename, clientInfo_t *ci) ;
// cg_gore.c
qboolean CG_ParseGore ( void );
void CG_ApplyGore ( int clientNum, centity_t *cent, int hitLocation, vec3_t Direction);
// system traps
// These functions are how the cgame communicates with the main game system
// print message on the local console
void trap_Print ( const char *fmt );
// abort the game
void trap_Error ( const char *fmt );
// milliseconds should only be used for performance tuning, never
// for anything game related. Get time from the CG_DrawActiveFrame parameter
int trap_Milliseconds ( void );
// console variable interaction
void trap_Cvar_Register ( vmCvar_t *vmCvar, const char *varName, const char *defaultValue, int flags, float MinValue, float MaxValue );
void trap_Cvar_Update ( vmCvar_t *vmCvar );
void trap_Cvar_Set ( const char *var_name, const char *value );
void trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer ( const char *var_name, char *buffer, int bufsize );
// ServerCommand and ConsoleCommand parameter access
int trap_Argc ( void );
void trap_Argv ( int n, char *buffer, int bufferLength );
void trap_Args ( char *buffer, int bufferLength );
// filesystem access
// returns length of file
int trap_FS_FOpenFile ( const char *qpath, fileHandle_t *f, fsMode_t mode );
void trap_FS_Read ( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
void trap_FS_Write ( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
void trap_FS_FCloseFile ( fileHandle_t f );
int trap_FS_GetFileList ( const char *path, const char *extension, char *listbuf, int bufsize );
// add commands to the local console as if they were typed in
// for map changing, etc. The command is not executed immediately,
// but will be executed in order the next time console commands
// are processed
void trap_SendConsoleCommand ( const char *text );
// register a command name so the console can perform command completion.
// FIXME: replace this with a normal console command "defineCommand"?
void trap_AddCommand ( const char *cmdName );
// send a string to the server over the network
void trap_SendClientCommand ( const char *s );
// force a screen update, only used during gamestate load
void trap_UpdateScreen ( void );
// model collision
void trap_CM_LoadMap ( const char *mapname, qboolean SubBSP );
int trap_CM_NumInlineModels ( void );
clipHandle_t trap_CM_InlineModel ( int index ); // 0 = world, 1+ = bmodels
clipHandle_t trap_CM_TempBoxModel ( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs );
int trap_CM_PointContents ( const vec3_t p, clipHandle_t model );
int trap_CM_TransformedPointContents ( const vec3_t p, clipHandle_t model, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angles );
void trap_CM_BoxTrace ( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, clipHandle_t model, int brushmask );
void trap_CM_TransformedBoxTrace ( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, clipHandle_t model, int brushmask, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angles );
// Returns the projection of a polygon onto the solid brushes in the world
int trap_CM_MarkFragments ( int numPoints, const vec3_t *points, const vec3_t projection, int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer, int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragmentBuffer );
// normal sounds will have their volume dynamically changed as their entity
// moves and the listener moves
void trap_S_StopAllSounds ( void );
void trap_S_StartSound ( vec3_t origin, int entityNum, int entchannel, sfxHandle_t sfx, int volume, int radius );
void trap_S_StopLoopingSound ( int entnum );
// a local sound is always played full volume
void trap_S_StartLocalSound ( sfxHandle_t sfx, int channelNum );
void trap_S_ClearLoopingSounds ( qboolean killall );
void trap_S_AddLoopingSound ( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, float radius, sfxHandle_t sfx );
void trap_S_AddRealLoopingSound ( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, float radius, sfxHandle_t sfx );
void trap_S_UpdateEntityPosition ( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin );
// repatialize recalculates the volumes of sound as they should be heard by the
// given entityNum and position
void trap_S_Respatialize ( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, vec3_t axis[3], int inwater );
sfxHandle_t trap_S_RegisterSound ( const char *sample); // returns buzz if not found
void trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack ( const char *intro, const char *loop, qboolean bReturnWithoutStarting); // empty name stops music
void trap_S_StopBackgroundTrack ( void );
void trap_AS_AddPrecacheEntry ( const char *set);
void trap_AS_ParseSets ( void );
void trap_AS_UpdateAmbientSet ( const char *name, vec3_t origin);
int trap_AS_AddLocalSet ( const char *name, vec3_t listener_origin, vec3_t origin, int entID, int time);
sfxHandle_t trap_AS_GetBModelSound ( const char *name, int stage);
void trap_R_LoadWorldMap ( const char *mapname );
// all media should be registered during level startup to prevent
// hitches during gameplay
qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterModel ( const char *name ); // returns rgb axis if not found
qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterSkin ( const char *name ); // returns all white if not found
qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShader ( const char *name ); // returns all white if not found
qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( const char *name ); // returns all white if not found
qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterFont ( const char *fontName );
// a scene is built up by calls to R_ClearScene and the various R_Add functions.
// Nothing is drawn until R_RenderScene is called.
void trap_R_ClearScene ( void );
void trap_R_ClearDecals ( void );
void trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene ( const refEntity_t *re );
int trap_R_GetTextWidth ( const char* text, qhandle_t font, float scale, int limit );
int trap_R_GetTextHeight ( const char* text, qhandle_t font, float scale, int limit );
void trap_R_DrawText ( int x, int y, qhandle_t font, float scale, vec4_t color, const char* text, int limit, int flags );
void trap_R_DrawTextWithCursor ( int x, int y, qhandle_t font, float scale, vec4_t color, const char* text, int limit, int flags, int cursorPos, char cursor );
// polys are intended for simple wall marks, not really for doing
// significant construction
void trap_R_AddPolyToScene ( qhandle_t hShader , int numVerts, const polyVert_t *verts );
void trap_R_AddPolysToScene ( qhandle_t hShader , int numVerts, const polyVert_t *verts, int numPolys );
void trap_R_AddDecalToScene ( qhandle_t shader, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t dir, float orientation, float r, float g, float b, float a, qboolean alphaFade, float radius, qboolean temporary );
void trap_R_AddLightToScene ( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b );
int trap_R_LightForPoint ( vec3_t point, vec3_t ambientLight, vec3_t directedLight, vec3_t lightDir );
void trap_R_RenderScene ( const refdef_t *fd );
void trap_R_DrawVisualOverlay ( visual_t type, qboolean preProcess, float parm1, float parm2 );
void trap_R_SetColor ( const float *rgba ); // NULL = 1,1,1,1
void trap_R_DrawStretchPic ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, const float* color, qhandle_t hShader );
void trap_R_ModelBounds ( clipHandle_t model, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
int trap_R_LerpTag ( orientation_t *tag, clipHandle_t mod, int startFrame, int endFrame, float frac, const char *tagName );
// Does weird, barely controllable rotation behaviour
void trap_R_DrawRotatePic ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2,float a, qhandle_t hShader );
// rotates image around exact center point of passed in coords
void trap_R_DrawRotatePic2 ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2,float a, qhandle_t hShader );
void trap_R_RemapShader ( const char *oldShader, const char *newShader, const char *timeOffset );
void trap_R_GetLightStyle ( int style, color4ub_t color);
void trap_R_SetLightStyle ( int style, int color);
// The glconfig_t will not change during the life of a cgame.
// If it needs to change, the entire cgame will be restarted, because
// all the qhandle_t are then invalid.
void trap_GetGlconfig( glconfig_t *glconfig );
// the gamestate should be grabbed at startup, and whenever a
// configstring changes
void trap_GetGameState( gameState_t *gamestate );
// cgame will poll each frame to see if a newer snapshot has arrived
// that it is interested in. The time is returned seperately so that
// snapshot latency can be calculated.
void trap_GetCurrentSnapshotNumber( int *snapshotNumber, int *serverTime );
// a snapshot get can fail if the snapshot (or the entties it holds) is so
// old that it has fallen out of the client system queue
qboolean trap_GetSnapshot( int snapshotNumber, snapshot_t *snapshot );
qboolean trap_GetDefaultState(int entityIndex, entityState_t *state );
// retrieve a text command from the server stream
// the current snapshot will hold the number of the most recent command
// qfalse can be returned if the client system handled the command
// argc() / argv() can be used to examine the parameters of the command
qboolean trap_GetServerCommand( int serverCommandNumber );
// returns the most recent command number that can be passed to GetUserCmd
// this will always be at least one higher than the number in the current
// snapshot, and it may be quite a few higher if it is a fast computer on
// a lagged connection
int trap_GetCurrentCmdNumber( void );
qboolean trap_GetUserCmd( int cmdNumber, usercmd_t *ucmd );
// used for the weapon select and zoom
void trap_SetUserCmdValue( int stateValue, float sensitivityScale );
void trap_RW_SetTeam(int team, qboolean dead);
void trap_ResetAutorun ( void );
// aids for VM testing
void testPrintInt( char *string, int i );
void testPrintFloat( char *string, float f );
// Cinematic playing
int trap_CIN_PlayCinematic ( const char *arg0, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, int bits);
e_status trap_CIN_StopCinematic ( int handle);
e_status trap_CIN_RunCinematic ( int handle);
void trap_CIN_DrawCinematic ( int handle);
void trap_CIN_SetExtents ( int handle, int x, int y, int w, int h);
// Special FX system traps
int trap_FX_InitSystem ( refdef_t* );
int trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( const char *file);
void trap_FX_PlaySimpleEffect ( const char *file, vec3_t org, int vol, int rad ); // uses a default up axis
void trap_FX_PlayEffect ( const char *file, vec3_t org, vec3_t fwd, int vol, int rad ); // builds arbitrary perp. right vector, does a cross product to define up
void trap_FX_PlayEntityEffect ( const char *file, vec3_t org, vec3_t axis[3], const int boltInfo, const int entNum, int vol, int rad );
void trap_FX_PlaySimpleEffectID ( int id, vec3_t org, int vol, int rad ); // uses a default up axis
void trap_FX_PlayEffectID ( int id, vec3_t org, vec3_t fwd, int vol, int rad ); // builds arbitrary perp. right vector, does a cross product to define up
void trap_FX_PlayEntityEffectID ( int id, vec3_t org, vec3_t axis[3], const int boltInfo, const int entNum, int vol, int rad );
void trap_FX_PlayBoltedEffectID (int id, CFxBoltInterface *obj, int vol, int rad );
void trap_FX_AddScheduledEffects ( void );
void trap_FX_Draw2DEffects ( float screenXScale, float screenYScale );
qboolean trap_FX_FreeSystem ( void );
void trap_FX_AdjustTime ( int time );
void trap_FX_Reset ( void );
void trap_FX_AddLine ( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, float size1, float size2, float sizeParm,
float alpha1, float alpha2, float alphaParm,
const vec3_t sRGB, const vec3_t eRGB, float rgbParm,
int killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags);
int trap_MemoryRemaining ( void );
// Keycatcher traps
qboolean trap_Key_IsDown ( int keynum );
int trap_Key_GetCatcher ( void );
void trap_Key_SetCatcher ( int catcher );
int trap_Key_GetKey ( const char *binding );
// RMG traps
void trap_RMG_Init ( int terrainID, const char *terrainInfo );
void trap_SnapVector( float *v );
qboolean trap_GetEntityToken( char *buffer, int bufferSize );
qboolean trap_R_inPVS( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 );
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_ISBOLT 0x00000001
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_OFF 0x00000002 // saves strcmp()ing for "_off" in surface names
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_SPARE0 0x00000004 // future-expansion fields, saves invalidating models if we add more
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_SPARE1 0x00000008 //
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_SPARE2 0x00000010 //
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_SPARE3 0x00000020 //
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_SPARE4 0x00000040 //
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_SPARE5 0x00000080 //
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_NODESCENDANTS 0x00000100 // ingame-stuff, never generated by Carcass....
#define G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED 0x00000200 //
void trap_G2API_CollisionDetect ( CollisionRecord_t *collRecMap, void* ghoul2, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position,int frameNumber, int entNum, const vec3_t rayStart, const vec3_t rayEnd, const vec3_t scale, int traceFlags, int useLod );
// CG specific API access
void trap_G2_ListModelSurfaces(void *ghlInfo);
void trap_G2_ListModelBones(void *ghlInfo, int frame);
int trap_G2API_AddBolt(void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *boneName);
void trap_G2API_SetBoltInfo(void *ghoul2, int modelIndex, int boltInfo);
qboolean trap_G2API_RemoveBolt(void *ghlInfo, const int modelIndex, const int index);
qboolean trap_G2API_AttachG2Model(void *ghoul2From, int modelFrom, void *ghoul2To, int toBoltIndex, int toModel);
qboolean trap_G2API_DetachG2Model(void *ghoul2, int modelIndex);
void trap_G2_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes(void *ghoul2, qhandle_t *modelList, qhandle_t *skinList);
qboolean trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(void *ghoul2);
qboolean trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex, mdxaBone_t *matrix,
const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position, const int frameNum, qhandle_t *modelList, vec3_t scale);
int trap_G2API_InitGhoul2Model(void **ghoul2Ptr, const char *fileName, int modelIndex, qhandle_t customSkin,
qhandle_t customShader, int modelFlags, int lodBias);
qboolean trap_G2API_GetAnimFileNameIndex (TGhoul2 ghoul2, qhandle_t modelIndex, const char* name );
int trap_G2API_CopyGhoul2Instance(void *g2From, void *g2To, int modelIndex);
int trap_G2API_CopySpecificGhoul2Model(void *g2From, int modelFrom, void *g2To, int modelTo);
void trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(void *g2From, void **g2To);
qboolean trap_G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model(void **ghlInfo, int modelIndex);
void trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(void **ghoul2Ptr);
qboolean trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(void *ghoul2, int modelIndex, const char *boneName, const vec3_t angles, const int flags,
const int up, const int right, const int forward, qhandle_t *modelList,
int blendTime , int currentTime );
char *trap_G2API_GetGLAName(void *ghoul2, int modelIndex);
qboolean trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim( void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *boneName, const int startFrame, const int endFrame,
const int flags, const float animSpeed, const int currentTime, const float setFrame , const int blendTime );
qboolean trap_G2API_GetBoneAnim( void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *boneName, const int currentTime, float* frame );
qboolean trap_G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff(void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *surfaceName, const int flags);
qboolean trap_G2API_SetRootSurface(void **ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *surfaceName);
qboolean trap_G2API_SetNewOrigin(void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex);
void trap_G2API_AddSkinGore(void *ghlInfo,SSkinGoreData *gore);
void trap_G2API_ClearSkinGore ( TGhoul2 ghoul2 );
qboolean trap_G2API_SetGhoul2ModelFlags(void *ghlInfo,int flags);
int trap_G2API_GetGhoul2ModelFlags(void *ghlInfo);
qboolean trap_G2API_SetGhoul2ModelFlagsByIndex(void *ghoul2,int index,int flags);
int trap_G2API_GetGhoul2ModelFlagsByIndex(void *ghoul2,int index);
int trap_G2API_GetNumModels(TGhoul2 ghoul2);
int trap_G2API_FindBoltIndex(TGhoul2 ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *boneName);
int trap_G2API_GetBoltIndex(TGhoul2 ghoul2, const int modelIndex);
qhandle_t trap_G2API_RegisterSkin ( const char *skinName, int numPairs, const char *skinPairs);
qboolean trap_G2API_SetSkin ( TGhoul2 ghoul2, int modelIndex, qhandle_t customSkin);
void trap_MAT_Init(void);
void trap_MAT_Reset(void);
sfxHandle_t trap_MAT_GetSound(char *key, int material);
qhandle_t trap_MAT_GetDecal(char *key, int material);
const float trap_MAT_GetDecalScale(char *key, int material);
qhandle_t trap_MAT_GetEffect(char *key, int material);
qhandle_t trap_MAT_GetDebris(char *key, int material);
const float trap_MAT_GetDebrisScale(char *key, int material);
#define MAT_FOOTSTEP_NORMAL "footstep"
#define MAT_FOOTSTEP_STEALTH "footstepStealth"
#define MAT_FOOTSTEP_PRONE "footstepProne"
#define MAT_AMMO_556 "5.56mm"
#define MAT_AMMO_9 "9mm"
#define MAT_AMMO_12 "12 gauge"
#define MAT_AMMO_045 "0.45 ACP"
#define MAT_AMMO_762 "7.62mm belt"
#define MAT_AMMO_127 "12.7mm"
#define MAT_LAND_NORMAL "land"
#define MAT_LAND_PAIN "land_pain"
#define MAT_LAND_DEATH "land_death"
#define MAT_BOUNCEMETAL_1 "bouncemetal0"
#define MAT_BOUNCEMETAL_2 "bouncemetal1"
void trap_CM_TM_Create(int terrainID);
void trap_CM_TM_AddBuilding(int x, int y, int side);
void trap_CM_TM_AddSpot(int x, int y);
void trap_CM_TM_AddTarget(int x, int y, float radius);
void trap_CM_TM_Upload(const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angle);
void trap_CM_TM_ConvertPosition(void);
int trap_CM_RegisterTerrain(const char *config);
void trap_RE_InitRendererTerrain( const char *info );
void trap_CG_RegisterSharedMemory(char *memory);
// Memory allocation (note this memory is allocated from cgames vm hunk)
void* trap_VM_LocalAlloc ( int size );
void* trap_VM_LocalAllocUnaligned ( int size ); // WARNING!!!! USE WITH CAUTION!!! BEWARE OF DOG!!!
void* trap_VM_LocalTempAlloc ( int size );
void trap_VM_LocalTempFree ( int size ); // free must be in opposite order of allocation!
const char* trap_VM_LocalStringAlloc ( const char *source );
// Direct communication with the UI module
void trap_UI_CloseAll ( void );
void trap_UI_SetActiveMenu ( int menu );
void CG_Init_CG(void);
void CG_Init_CGents(void);
void CG_SetGhoul2Info( refEntity_t *ent, centity_t *cent);
void CG_AddProcGore(centity_t *cent);
void CG_PredictedProcGore ( int weaponnum, int attack, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, centity_t* cent );
qboolean G2_PositionEntityOnBolt(refEntity_t *ent,
void *ghoul2, int modelIndex, int boltIndex,
vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t modelScale);
void CG_MiscEnt ( void );
void CG_DrawMiscEnts ( void );
qboolean CG_ParseGametypeFile ( void );