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/*QUAKED func_brushmodel_child (0 .8 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
brushParent --- targetname of our parent brushmodel
/*QUAKED client_model (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) No-LOD
This is a model which is handled solely on the client. This model will not have any physics.
"model" arbitrary .md3 file to display
"scale" vector representing the scale
/*QUAKED worldeffect_snow (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
This world effect will spawn snow globally into the level.
"count" the number of snow particles (default of 1000)
/*QUAKED worldeffect_snowwind (1 0.5 0.5) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
This world effect will spawn snow wind into the level.
"origin" the location of the wind
"velocity" the direction/velocity of the wind
"size" the size of the wind brush
/*QUAKED worldeffect_command (1 0.5 0.5) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
This is a generic world effect command entity.
"c0" first text command
"c1" second text command
"c99" last text command
/*QUAKED worldeffect_lightning (1 0.5 0.5) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
This is a lightning command
MinDelay min delay (ms) between lightning low
MaxDelay max delay (ms) between lightning low
MinFlash min (ms) lightning flash
MaxFlash max (ms) lightning flash
MinSoundDelay min (ms) delay until sound
MaxSoundDelay max (ms) delay until sound
FlashColor vector color of lightning (0.0 - 1.0)
NormalColor vector color of regular sky (0.0 - 1.0)
CheckForOutside 1 = check for outside flag
Flicker flicker rate (1 - 10) 10 lots of flicker, 1 = none
SoundRange max distance the thunder is away (500)
/*QUAKED emplaced_wpn (0 .8 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Please target an info_notnull entity somewhere behind the gun, so the guy knows where to stand;
about 25 units back and 25 units above the floor will do the job.
type ---------- name of gun you want to use (use the 'name' field from ext_data/sof2.wpn)
brushParent --- when mounting a weapon on a brushmodel (e.g. a helicopter)
minYaw -------- how far the gun can turn to the right (in degrees, not negative)
maxYaw -------- how far the gun can turn to the left (in degrees)
minPitch ------ how far the gun can point down (in degrees, not negative)
maxPitch ------ how far the gun can point up (in degrees)
angles -------- pitch yaw roll
accuracy ------ 0 = perfect aim, default 0.5 (npc only)
npcDmg -------- how much damage the gun does when used by an NPC in health points (npc only)
burst --------- number of shots fired in a burst, default 5 (npc only)
burstrandom --- burst variance, default 0 (npc only)
burstdelay ---- how long to wait between burst (in seconds), default 0.4 (npc only)
delayrandom --- burstdelay variance in seconds, default 0.0 (npc only)
ammo ---------- doesn't add to player's overall ammo totals. only used on this wpn.
/*QUAKED mounted_wpn (.3 .8 0) (-40 -40 -40) (40 40 40)
Use FACE_TARGET in an ICARUS script to orientate the Weapon
type ---------- name of gun you want to use (use the 'name' field from ext_data/sof2.wpn)
brushChild ---- func_brushmodel_child wpn is bolted to
brushParent --- the brushmodel that the brushmodel child is attached to
minYaw -------- how far the gun can turn to the right (in degrees, not negative)
maxYaw -------- how far the gun can turn to the left (in degrees)
minPitch ------ how far the gun can point down (in degrees, not negative)
maxPitch ------ how far the gun can point up (in degrees)
angles -------- pitch yaw roll
accuracy ------ only while NPC is using, 0 = perfect aim, default 0.5
/*QUAKED weapon_SAM (0 .3 .8) (-125 -145 -65) (125 145 45) NO_HOMING CHECK_DIST
The Sam Launcher's base rotates(yaw) and the missle rack rotates(pitch).
Use FACE_TARGET in an ICARUS script to orientate the SAM towards a target, the missiles will home in on this target when fired
Use SET_ENEMY in an ICARUS script to change the missiles targets, from the default FACE_TARGET entity
NO_HOMING missile will not adjust direction if target moves
CHECK_DIST missile does not need to impact with a target, will check if it flew close enough to it's target
minYaw -------- how far the gun can turn to the right (in degrees, not negative)
maxYaw -------- how far the gun can turn to the left (in degrees)
minPitch ------ how far the gun can point down (in degrees, not negative)
maxPitch ------ how far the gun can point up (in degrees)
maxPitchVel---- how fast pitch changes (degrees per second) default 1
maxYawVel------ how fast yaw changes (degress per second) default 2
angles -------- pitch yaw roll
wait ---------- time (in seconds) missile will wait after launch, before homing in on target, default 0.5
type ---------- name of gun you want to use (use 'name' field from ext_data/sof2.wpn -- default is "SAM")
/*QUAKED info_player_intermission (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32)
The intermission will be viewed from this point. Target an info_notnull for the view direction.
/*QUAKED func_group (0 0 0) ?
Used to group brushes together just for editor convenience. They are turned into normal brushes by the utilities.
"q3map_onlyvertexlighting" add this key along with any value to make the group have vertex only lighting (no lightmaps)
"alphamap" "textures/heightmaps/imagename" - A grayscale image used to determine texture placement on a metashader terrain.
"shader" "metashader/shadername" - References the core name of the metashader (Not mapx_0, just mapx)
"layers" - How many different textures are layered onto the metashader.
"terrain" - Set this to 1 creating a metashader terrain.
/*QUAKED misc_model (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) RMG
"model" arbitrary .md3 file to display
/*QUAKED info_null (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Used as a positional target for calculations in the utilities (spotlights, etc), but removed during gameplay.
/*QUAKED info_notnull (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Used as a positional target for in-game calculation by such ents as ref_tags and for camera TRACK commands
(same as target_position)
/*QUAKED target_position (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Used as a positional target for in-game calculation, like jumppad targets.
(same as info_notnull)
/*QUAKED info_NPClook (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Used as a positional location for npcs (like civilians), to want to look at.
/*QUAKED info_NPCtouch (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Used as a positional location for npcs (like civilians), to want to reach out and touch.
/*QUAKED info_NPCpoint (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Used as a positional location for npcs (like civilians), to want to point at.
/*QUAKED info_NPCnav (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Turns into a nav point when spawned
/*QUAKED light (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) linear noIncidence START_OFF
Non-displayed light.
"light" overrides the default 300 intensity. - affects size
a negative "light" will subtract the light's color
'Linear' checkbox gives linear falloff instead of inverse square
'noIncidence' checkbox makes lighting smoother
Lights pointed at a target will be spotlights.
"radius" overrides the default 64 unit radius of a spotlight at the target point.
"scale" multiplier for the light intensity - does not affect size (default 1)
greater than 1 is brighter, between 0 and 1 is dimmer.
"color" sets the light's color
"targetname" to indicate a switchable light
"style" to specify a specify light style, even for switchable lights!
"style_off" light style to use when switched off (Only for switchable lights)
1 FLICKER (first variety)
3 CANDLE (first variety)
6 FLICKER (second variety)
7 CANDLE (second variety)
8 CANDLE (third variety)
9 SLOW STROBE (fourth variety)
13 Test Blending
/*QUAKED misc_bsp (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
"bspmodel" arbitrary .bsp file to display
/*QUAKED info_NPCcover (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
NPC Soldiers Will Perfer To Use This Cover Point If It Is Near By. You MUST include a target as the place he will go to shoot.
/*QUAKED ref_tag (0.5 0.5 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Reference tags which can be positioned throughout the level.
These tags can later be refered to by the scripting system
so that their origins and angles can be referred to.
mTargetname - the name of this tag
/*QUAKED target_speaker (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) LOOPED-ON LOOPED-OFF GLOBAL ACTIVATOR LONGRANGE
"noise" wav file to play
"soundSet" soundset name to use (do not combine with 'noise', ignores all other flags)
Looping sound starts on
Looping sound starts off
Looped sounds will be toggled by use functions.
A global sound will play full volume throughout the level.
Activator sounds will play on the player that activated the target.
A longrange sound will be heard over longer distance but still attenuate. DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION!
Longrange can't be combined with global
Longrange noise with looping can't be toggled off
Global and activator sounds can't be combined with looping
(actually 'Global' can, but this is a special case for a level-wide siren. DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION!)
Normal sounds play each time the target is used.
Multiple identical looping sounds will just increase volume without any speed cost.
"wait" : Seconds between auto triggerings, 0 = don't auto trigger
"random" wait variance, default is 0
/*QUAKED target_relay (.5 .5 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) RANDOM
This doesn't perform any actions except fire its targets.
The activator can be forced to be from a certain team.
if RANDOM is checked, only one of the targets will be fired, not all of them
/*QUAKED terrain (1.0 1.0 1.0) ?
Terrain entity
It will stretch to the full height of the brush
numPatches - integer number of patches to split the terrain brush into (default 200)
terxels - integer number of terxels on a patch side (default 4) (2 <= count <= 8)
seed - integer seed for random terrain generation (default 0)
textureScale - float scale of texture (default 0.005)
heightMap - name of heightmap data image to use
terrainDef - defines how the game textures the terrain (file is base/ext_data/*.terrain - default is grassyhills)
instanceDef - defines which bsp instances appear
generateDef - defines how the heightmap is randomly generated
miscentDef - defines which client models spawn on the terrain (file is base/ext_data/*.miscents)
densityMap - how dense the client models are packed
/*QUAKED info_player_deathmatch (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 70)
potential spawning position for SOF2 multiplayer
/*QUAKED info_player_start (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 70) NO_RMG
player's initial spawnpoint
/*QUAKED model_ghoul2 (0 .8 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
model ---------- filename of the Ghoul2 model you want to use
/*QUAKED model_static (0 .5 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) NO_MP
This guy is an awful lot like a misc_model, except this doesn't become part of the bsp. It's
an actual entity in the game that uses an MD3 model.
model ---------- filename of the MD3 model you want to use
cshader ---------- optional MD3 shader (e.g. /models/objects/Common/toilet_test)
origin --------- like, uh, where the thing is
angles --------- pitch, yaw, roll. I promise.
/*QUAKED func_static (0 .5 .8) ? CHOPPER_FX
A bmodel that just sits there, doing nothing. Can be used for conditional walls and models.
CHOPPER_FX - does expensive checks, spawning dust or ripples depending what surface is below the chopper
parent (0, 1) indicates whether or not this model has other models bolted to it
START_OPEN the door to moves to its destination when spawned, and operate in reverse.
CRUSHER if door's blocked, it'll continue to try to close, rather than reverse direction
USABLE door opens and closes via the player's USE key
AUTO_CLOSE door will automatically return to its original position after "wait" seconds
LOCKED "USABLE" will be disabled until the first time the door is opened via a script, trigger, etc.
Afterwards, the door will behave normally.
"angles" determines the opening direction [PITCH YAW ROLL]
"color" constantLight color
"dmg" damage to inflict when blocked (0 default)
"light" constantLight radius
"lip" lip remaining at end of move (8 default)
"speed" opening speed (100 units/s default)
"wait" on automatic-closing doors, wait in seconds before returning (3 default)
"usescript" name of script to play on Use. Do NOT set this if you want default behavior. Set to NULL to return to default
You need to have an origin brush as part of this entity. The center of that brush will be
the point around which the door is rotated. It will rotate around the Z axis by default, opening in the
counter clock-wise direction when viewed from above. Use a negative "openangle" value to have it open the other
direction. Check the X or Y AXIS boxes to have it rotate about a different axis.
USABLE door opens and closes via the player's USE key
AUTO_CLOSE door will automatically return to its original position after "wait" seconds
LOCKED "USABLE" will be disabled until the first time the door is opened via a script, trigger, etc.
Afterwards, the door will behave normally.
START_OPEN the door to moves to its destination when spawned, and operate in reverse.
SMART door will rotate away from the player
STAY_LOCKED door will remain locked even after it has been opened
NON_SOLID door will be non-solid while opening (USE SPARINGLY AND WITH CARE)
UNLOCK_ONLY door (presumably locked) when first used, will unlock only, and not open. Note: STAY_LOCKED will override this.
"openangle" angle (degrees) through which the door will rotate; default value is 90
"color" constantLight color
"dmg" damage to inflict when blocked (0 default)
"light" constantLight radius
"speed" determines how fast it moves in degrees per second; default value is 90
"wait" wait time between openings and closings
"usescript" name of script to play on Use. Do NOT set this if you want default behavior. Set to NULL to return to default
/*QUAKED func_button (0 .5 .8) ? PLAYER_USE
When a button is used it moves some distance in the direction of it's angle, then triggers all of it's targets, then waits and returns to it's original position
"model2" .md3 model to also draw
"angles" determines the opening direction [PITCH YAW ROLL]
"target" all entities with a matching targetname will be used
"speed" override the default 40 speed
"wait" override the default 3 second wait (-1 = never return)
"lip" override the default 4 pixel lip remaining at end of move
"health" if set, the button must be killed instead of touched
"color" constantLight color
"light" constantLight radius
"usescript" name of script to play on Use. Do NOT set this if you want default behavior. Set to NULL to return to default
PLAYER_USE player can use button
/*QUAKED func_rotating (0 .5 .8) ? START_OFF X_AXIS Y_AXIS CRUSHER
You need to have an origin brush as part of this entity. The center of that brush will be
the point around which it is rotated. It will rotate around the Z axis by default. You can
check either the X_AXIS or Y_AXIS box to change that. Toggles on/off when used
"speed" determines how fast it moves; default value is 100.
"dmg" damage to inflict when blocked (2 default)
"usescript" name of script to play on Use. Do NOT set this if you want default behavior. Set to NULL to return to default
START_OFF - starts out not rotating
CRUSHER - does damage to entity blocking it
/*QUAKED pickup_health_small (0 .6 .6) (-8 -8 0) (8 8 10) NOT_EASY NOT_MEDIUM NOT_HARD NOT_SUPERHARD RESPAWN RMG
amount - ??
startoff - ??
/*QUAKED pickup_health_big (0 .6 .6) (-17 -17 0) (17 17 10) NOT_EASY NOT_MEDIUM NOT_HARD NOT_SUPERHARD RESPAWN RMG
amount - ??
startoff - ??
/*QUAKED pickup_armor_small (0 .6 .6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 13) NOT_EASY NOT_MEDIUM NOT_HARD NOT_SUPERHARD RESPAWN RMG
amount - ??
startoff - ??
/*QUAKED pickup_armor_big (0 .6 .6) (-18 -18 0) (18 18 34) NOT_EASY NOT_MEDIUM NOT_HARD NOT_SUPERHARD RESPAWN RMG
amount - ??
startoff - ??
/*QUAKED pickup_weapon (0 .6 .6) (-29 -5 -2) (15 9 10) NOT_EASY NOT_MEDIUM NOT_HARD NOT_SUPERHARD RESPAWN RMG
type ---------- weapon name (found in base/ext_data/sof2.wpn, see below for list as of 10/21/01)
clip ---------- what's in the clip, defaults to full clip for this weapon
altclip ------- what's in the altfire clip, defaults to full (for, say, the OICW. few weapons have this.)
accessories --- 1 adds silencer, 2 adds light, 4 adds laser, 8 is the bayonet
stationary ---- won't interfere with doors, won't be affected by gravity
AK74 (assault rifle)
M1911A1 (pistol)
M3A1 (sub-machine gun)
M4 (assault rifle)
M590 (shotgun)
M60 (machine gun)
Micro Uzi (sub-machine gun)
MM1 (grenade launcher)
MSG90A1 (sniper rifle)
OICW (assault rifle)
RPG7 (rocket launcher)
US SOCOM (pistol)
USAS-12 (shotgun)
/*QUAKED pickup_ammo (0 .6 .6) (-8 -8 0) (8 8 18) NOT_EASY NOT_MEDIUM NOT_HARD NOT_SUPERHARD RESPAWN RMG
type ---------- ammo name (found in base/ext_data/sof2.ammo, see below for list as of 11/2/01)
amount -------- how many ouchies you want to hand out (default values are in base/ext_data/sof2.ammo)
size ---------- which size model to use (1 = small, 2 = large, default is 1)
stationary ---- won't interfere with doors, won't be affected by gravity
0.45 ACP (US SOCOM, M1911A1, M3A1)
12 gauge (M590, USAS-12)
40mm grenade (M4/M203, MM1)
20mm grenade (OICW)
5.56mm (AK74, M4, OICW)
7.62mm (M60, MSG90A1)
9mm (Micro Uzi)
ANM14 (incendiary grenade)
F1 (grenade)
L2A2 (grenade)
M15 (phophorous grenade)
M67 (grenade)
M84 (stun grenade)
MDN11 (grenade)
SMOHG92 (grenade)
RPG7 (RPG7 rockets)
RMG_ammo (**Random Mission Generator**)
/*QUAKED pickup_equipment (0 .6 .6) (-10 -10 -8) (10 10 1) NOT_EASY NOT_MEDIUM NOT_HARD NOT_SUPERHARD RESPAWN RMG
type ---------- item name (found in base/ext_data/sof2.wpn, see below for list as of 10/21/01)
stationary ---- won't interfere with doors, won't be affected by gravity
Night Vision
Thermal Vision
/*QUAKED projectile_lobber (.5 .5 .8) (-5 -5 -5) (5 5 5)
lobs projectiles of any given type. "use" toggles it on and off.
wait : Seconds between triggerings, 3 second default
randomwait: wait variance in seconds, default is 0
angles: direction in which the projectiles will be fired
speed: initial speed of projectiles (default is 1000)
randomspeed: speed variance (default is 0)
altfire: using the altfire version of this projectile? (default is false)
timer: if it's timed, how long until one of these projectiles detonates (default is 5 seconds)
randomtimer: timer variance (default is 0 seconds)
count: how many projectiles to use before turning itself off (defaults to 1, -1 is infinite)
type: name of weapon projectile (default is "M67"). list is in sof2.wpn
possible types as of 4/8/02:
ANM14 (incendiary grenade)
F1 (grenade)
L2A2 (grenade)
M15 (phophorous grenade)
M67 (grenade)
M84 (stun grenade)
MDN11 (grenade)
SMOHG92 (grenade)
RPG7 (RPG7 rockets)
/*QUAKED script_runner (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4) JERSEY_BUTTON RUN_ON_ACTIVATOR
script : filename of the script
RUN_ON_ACTIVATOR: run the script on whoever activates instead of on the scriptrunner
/*QUAKED monster_spawner (1 0 0) (-17 -17 -45) (17 17 45) ONCE_ONLY FIRE_TRIGGERS
npctype : NPC Type to be Spawned (this is the classname of the NPC)
max : Maximum number of NPCs to be spawned
removeinlos : If true, characters spawned will remove dead bodies even if in LOS to player
neverdrop : If true, characters spawned will not drop guns when they die
invinciblegun : If ture, characters spawned will have INVINCIBLE_GUN spawnflag set on them
bodytime: How long in milliseconds a character from this MS will stick around after dead
combatpoint: Any characters from this MS will acquire this combat point as their own
attack: These guys will attack while running to combat point.
release: combat point will be abandoned for AI routines when enemy spotted.
ONCE_ONLY: monster spawner disappears after one successful activation
FIRE_TRIGGERS: moster spawner passes ability to fire triggers to spawned NPCs
/*QUAKED traitor_handler (0 .8 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
finaltime --- ammount of time to allow free for all before finalscript is run (default 60 seconds)
finalscript --- name of script to punish player after free for all (default common/failed)
maxhits ------- how many hits to take within buffertime before count down starts (default 3 hits)
buffertime ---- duration before hit counter clears (default 30 seconds)
voiceover ----- set to false if you dont want the voiceovers to play
/*QUAKED security_camera (0 .8 0) (-8 -8 -24) (8 8 0) START_OFF NO_THINK
------ flags ---------
START_OFF ----- the usual start off
NO_THINK ------ never moves around but you can turn it on and off by using it
------- keys ---------
type ---------- name of camera you want to use: indoor (default) or outdoor
minYaw -------- how far the camera can turn to the right (in degrees, not negative)
maxYaw -------- how far the camera can turn to the left (in degrees, not negative)
minPitch ------ how far the camera can point up (in degrees, not negative)
maxPitch ------ how far the camera can point down (in degrees, not negative)
camLight ------ non-0 if camera should have a spotlight
angles -------- pitch yaw roll
teamname ------ team the camera is on (e.g. Team_Prometheus ), if not set the camera only fires script if sees player
script ------- name of script to fire when seeing foe (or player in the case of no team)
time ------- ammount of time before auto reset (default is 10000)
startangles --- "rest position" facing of camera.
viewdist ------ how far the camera can see
scripttime ---- time between firings of the script (default is 1000 milliseconds)
deathScript --- called when camera dies. if left blank, nothing happens
the bounding box you see in the editor is for the indoor camera. the outdoor bbox is much larger.
/*QUAKED security_searchlight (0 .8 0) (-15 -15 0) (15 15 30) START_OFF NO_THINK
------ flags ---------
START_OFF ----- the usual start off
NO_THINK ------ never moves around but you can turn it on and off by using it
------- keys ---------
minYaw -------- how far the searchlight can turn to the right (in degrees, not negative)
maxYaw -------- how far the searchlight can turn to the left (in degrees, not negative)
minPitch ------ how far the searchlight can point up (in degrees, not negative)
maxPitch ------ how far the searchlight can point down (in degrees, not negative)
angles -------- pitch yaw roll
teamname ------ team the searchlight is on (e.g. Team_Prometheus ), if not set the searchlight only fires script if sees player
script ------- name of script to fire when seeing foe (or player in the case of no team)
time ------- ammount of time before auto reset (default is 10000)
startangles --- the "rest position" of the light
viewdist ------ how far the searchlight can see
longBeam ------ 1 will turn on a longer beam than normal (default = 0, meaning use the short beam)
deathScript --- called when light dies. if left blank, nothing happens
/*QUAKED target_stealth (0 .8 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) ONCE_ONLY DONTUSE1 ANYNPC INFINITETIMER DONTUSE2
time ------- ammount of time before auto reset (default is 10000)
/*QUAKED trigger_ladder (.5 .5 .8) ?
material -- determines footstep sounds when climbing. defaults to 3 (solid metal). material list is below.
angles -- which direction should the player be facing when climbing
this entity doesn't actually spawn into the game so it doesn't count against your max entity limit
----- materials -----
wait : Seconds between triggerings, 0.5 default
random: wait variance in seconds, default is 0
delay : seconds to wait after triggering to fire targets, default 0
ONCE_ONLY: trigger goes away after first activation
PLAYER_USE: player must be touching and pressing use key to activate
INACTIVE: starts inactive ( can't be used )
PLAYER_ONLY: only player can activate/touch
NPC_ONLY: only NPCs can activate/touch
FRIENDLY_ONLY: only the player and friendly NPCs can activate this trigger
DIRECTED: activation is restricted to force the player to be looking in a certain direction
actAngle: an angle [PITCH YAW ROLL], defaults to 0 0 0, specifies which way the player must be facing to have the icon
appear and to activate the trigger.
Variable sized repeatable trigger. Must be targeted at one or more entities.
The times between firing is a random time between (wait - random) and (wait + random)
/*QUAKED trigger_health_check (.5 .5 .8) ? ONCE_ONLY PLAYER_USE INACTIVE X X X X ONLY_WHEN_USED
wait : Seconds between triggerings, 0.5 default
random: wait variance in seconds, default is 0
delay : seconds to wait after triggering to fire targets, default 0
healthlevel : is the health of the player's vehicle less than this? (defaults to 1000, will be scaled by difficulty just like the vehicle's health)
ONCE_ONLY: trigger goes away after first activation. I advise setting this if you DON'T set ONLY_WHEN_USED.
PLAYER_USE: player must be touching and pressing use key to activate
INACTIVE: starts inactive ( can't be used )
ONLY_WHEN_USED: by default, trigger_health_check constantly checks its health.
with this flag trigger_health_check will only check its health when used.
***This trigger will fire its targets and remove itself as soon as it is used (or thinks) when the
vehicle's health is less than healthlevel.***
Variable sized repeatable trigger. Must be targeted at one or more entities.
The times between firing is a random time between (wait - random) and (wait + random)
wait : Seconds between triggerings, 0.5 default
random: wait variance in seconds, default is 0
delay : seconds to wait after triggering to fire targets, default 0
distancetarget : targetname of entity to gauge if we should fire targets based on distance
distance : units distancetarget must be to fire targets
lessthan : set to true if you want the target only fired when distancetarget is WITHIN range of user (default firing is out of range)
ONCE_ONLY: trigger goes away after first activation
PLAYER_USE: player must be touching and pressing use key to activate
INACTIVE: starts inactive ( can't be used )
PLAYER_ONLY: only player can activate/touch
NPC_ONLY: only NPCs can activate/touch
FRIENDLY_ONLY: only the player and friendly NPCs can activate this trigger
DIRECTED: activation is restricted to force the player to be looking in a certain direction
actAngle: an angle [PITCH YAW ROLL], defaults to 0 0 0, specifies which way the player must be facing to have the icon
appear and to activate the trigger.
Variable sized repeatable trigger. Must be targeted at one or more entities.
The times between firing is a random time between (wait - random) and (wait + random)
wait : Seconds between triggerings, 0.5 default
count : Entities to be deleted before firing donescript
type1 : NPC class name to delete (if none provided, defaults to any class name)
type2 : Second NPC class name to delete
donescript : name of script to run when count entities have been removed
ONCE_ONLY: trigger goes away after first activation
PLAYER_USE: player must be touching and pressing use key to activate
INACTIVE: starts inactive ( can't be used )
PLAYER_ONLY: only player can activate/touch
NPC_ONLY: only NPCs can activate/touch
FRIENDLY_ONLY: only the player and friendly NPCs can activate this trigger
HIDE_REMOVE: only removes when the player can not see
Variable sized repeatable trigger. Must be targeted at one or more entities.
The times between firing is a random time between (wait - random) and (wait + random)
wait : Seconds between triggerings, 0.5 default
soundlevel : Sound level the entity touching this trigger must be at to fire targets, 0.7 default
ONCE_ONLY: trigger goes away after first activation
PLAYER_USE: player must be touching and pressing use key to activate
INACTIVE: starts inactive ( can't be used )
PLAYER_ONLY: only player can activate/touch
NPC_ONLY: only NPCs can activate/touch
FRIENDLY_ONLY: only the player and friendly NPCs can activate this trigger
Variable sized repeatable trigger. Must be targeted at one or more entities.
The times between firing is a random time between (wait - random) and (wait + random)
/*QUAKED target_play_music (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4) ONCE_ONLY
music : filename of the dynamic music
speed : initial speed of music: fast, slow, or off (turns all DM off)
ONCE_ONLY: target play music runner disappears after one successful activation
/*QUAKED trigger_objective (.5 .5 .8) ? ONCE_ONLY INACTIVE
command : addmain, completemain, addsub, completesub, addinfomain, addinfosub
item : index number of thing to display, goes with command
command2 : addmain, completemain, addsub, completesub, addinfomain, addinfosub
item2 : index number of thing to display, goes with command2
command3 : addmain, completemain, addsub, completesub, addinfomain, addinfosub
item3 : index number of thing to display, goes with command3
wait : Seconds between triggerings, 0.5 default
random: wait variance in seconds, default is 0
delay : seconds to wait after triggering to fire targets, default 0
ONCE_ONLY: trigger goes away after first activation
PLAYER_USE: player must be touching and pressing use key to activate
INACTIVE: starts inactive ( can't be used )
PLAYER_ONLY: only player can activate/touch
NPC_ONLY: only NPCs can activate/touch
FRIENDLY_ONLY: only the player and friendly NPCs can activate this trigger
DIRECTED: activation is restricted to force the player to be looking in a certain direction
actAngle: an angle [PITCH YAW ROLL], defaults to 0 0 0, specifies which way the player must be facing to have the icon
appear and to activate the trigger.
noDrop -- if 'true' you can't drop bodies here (defaults to false)
Variable sized repeatable trigger. Must be targeted at one or more entities.
The times between firing is a random time between (wait - random) and (wait + random)
/*QUAKED trigger_toolbox (.5 .5 .8) ? DIRECTED ONCE_ONLY INACTIVE
When a player steps into this trigger, an icon will be displayed on the HUD. Pressing the USE key
will activate this trigger's targets. If the "holdtime" key is given a value, the USE key will need
to be held for that time in seconds for the trigger to activate.
DIRECTED: activation is restricted to force the player to be looking in a certain direction
ONCE_ONLY: trigger disappears after one successful activation
INACTIVE: starts inactive ( can't be used )
actAngle: an angle [PITCH YAW ROLL], defaults to 0 0 0, specifies which way the player must be facing to have the icon
appear and to activate the trigger.
holdtime: time (seconds) the use key needs to be held (defaults to 0)
icon: the icon that will be displayed. Refers to an image file in base\gfx\menus. (defaults to hud/blank32)
wait: time (seconds) between activations (defaults to 1)
startSound: sound played when trigger is first used
endSound: sound played when trigger is done being used
loopSound: sound played while trigger is being used
/*QUAKED trigger_arioche_objective (.5 .5 .8) ?
Generic objective for the arioche random mission generator system. When a trigger is
spawned it is associated with the objective object through the name param.
target: target to activate when objective is met
objective: name of objective (must match an objective in the .mission file)
use: 1 if this objective must be used to complete it
icon: icon to display when in range of the use objective
holdtime: amount of time the use button must be pressed before the objective is complete
Any entity that touches this will be hurt.
It does dmg points of damage each time it's triggered
"wait" Seconds between triggerings, default 0.5
"random" wait variance in seconds, default 0
"dmg" default 5
"damageType" 1 = fire (default), 2 = steam, 3 = outright death, 4 = just plain "Ow!"
START_OFF starts off
ONCE_ONLY trigger goes away after first activation
NO_PROTECTION nothing stops the damage
FALLING damage is a result of falling
INACTIVE starts inactive ( can't be used )
Counts down then fires its targets,
will happen repeatedly unless ONCE is checked
Can be turned on or off by using.
"time" seconds to wait until firing targets, default 1
"usescript" name of script to play on Use. Do NOT set this if you want default behavior. Set to NULL to return to default
START_OFF timer starts off
PLAYER_USE player can use it, must be touching it
DISPLAY displays time counting down
ONCE will count down and fire once
INACTIVE starts inactive ( can't be used )
Pushes entity touching it in specified direction. Can be turned on or off by using.
The direction of push can be specified in two ways
1) manually enter the "angles" key/value pair
2) "target" a target_position - if valid "angles" are ignored
"push" pitch yaw roll (in degrees) - determines direction of push
270 0 0 = up
90 0 0 = down
"speed" how fast ent is pushed, default 100
"target" direction to push entity in
START_OFF trigger starts off
INACTIVE starts inactive ( can't be used )
PLAYER_ONLY only player can activate/touch
NPC_ONLY only NPCs can activate/touch
/*QUAKED func_breakable_brush (0 .5 .8) ? INVINCIBLE NO_USE START_OFF
Throws debris and dissapears when used or killed
area portals can be used with this, whether it starts on or off.
if "direction" is given, debris will use it to determine explosion path, else game will determine direction
The texture placed on the brush model determines the material -- look in the shader to determine the material type
"splashDamage" damage from explosion, default none
"splashRadius" area of effect, default none
"health" damage needed to die, default 1
"direction" pitch yaw roll (in degrees) - direction of debris explosion
270 0 0 = up
90 0 0 = down
"sizescale" overrides programmatic scale determination -- useful for long, thing things
"speedscale" scales speed of debris, default 1 -- only use in special cases
"material" material number, should ONLY be used in SPECIAL cases - i.e. when a brush needs an invisible texture, which has no material.
-1 means no debris at all. period.
"usescript" name of script to play on Use. Do NOT set this if you want default behavior. Set to NULL to return to default
INVINCIBLE can't be damaged, will only die when used
NO_USE using it will not break it, must be damaged
START_OFF starts invisible, won't be visible or interact in the world in anyway until its used once
/*QUAKED func_wall (0 .5 .8) ? START_OFF PLAYER_USE WATER
bmodel that just sits there, can be toggled on/off by using it
area portals can be used with this, whether it starts on or off
"usescript" name of script to play on Use. Do NOT set this if you want default behavior. Set to NULL to return to default
START_OFF wall starts off
PLAYER_USE player can use it
WATER if it's water, it moves without doing any pushing or getting blocked
/*QUAKED func_npcwall (0 .5 .8) ? START_OFF PLAYER_USE
just like func_wall, except that it is a NPC clip brush instead
of a solid wall
bmodel that just sits there, can be toggled on/off by using it
area portals can be used with this, whether it starts on or off
"usescript" name of script to play on Use. Do NOT set this if you want default behavior. Set to NULL to return to default
START_OFF wall starts off
PLAYER_USE player can use it
/*QUAKED fx_play_effect (.2 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_OFF
Plays specified effect file
"effect" name of .efx file
"wait" seconds between triggerings, default 0.3
"random" wait variance in seconds, default 0
"target" direction of effect, default up
"count" plays effect this many times then deletes itself, default -1 = infinite
START_OFF fx starts off
/*QUAKED target_level_change ( 1 0 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
load the specified map
"mapname" name of the map to load
"menuname" go to a menu instead of map (example: "select" without the quotes. this is the outfitting menu.). ALSO REQUIRES MAPNAME!!
"menuWpnsFile" (example: "col1" without the quotes) contains list of wpns to display in the provided menu. if you provide a "menuname" you need a "menuWpnsFile", too.
"execFile" the .cfg file (example: "hos1.cfg") to execute instead of immediately changing maps. this allows you to start the next map with no weapons.
This entity will try to switch to a menu first. If it doesn't have a "menuname" then it will try to run the "execFile".
If it doesn't have an execFile it will try to change maps using "mapname".
/*QUAKED target_activate ( 1 0 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Will set the target(s) to be usable/triggerable
delay : seconds to wait after triggering to fire targets, default 0
/*QUAKED target_deactivate ( 1 0 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Will set the target(s) to be not usable/triggerable
delay : seconds to wait after triggering to fire targets, default 0
/*QUAKED target_counter ( 1 0 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
After being used count times, will fire all its targets
"count" number of times to be used, before firing targets, default 2
"resetCount" number of times the counter should reset to it's full count when it's done, default 0 (never reset), -1 = infinite
/*QUAKED target_objective ( 0 0 1 ) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Does some objective stuff this isn't in yet. Fun.
/*QUAKED target_visible ( 0 0 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_OFF NOTRACE
Fires targets as soon as player can see it, only fires targets once then removes itself.
Most target_visibles should START_OFF then turned on(used) once they're needed
"radius" player must be at least this close to 'see' this ent, default 512
"degrees" degrees player must be looking within(player's FOV), default 40
"timer" number of miliseconds player must be looking at target for it to fire
START_OFF will not actively check if player is looking until 'used'
NOTRACE will not check if player's sight is blocked, will see through walls, etc...
/*QUAKED worldspawn (0 0 0) ?
Every map should have exactly one worldspawn.
"music" path to WAV or MP3 files (e.g. "music\intro.mp3 music\loopfile.mp3")
"gravity" 800 is default gravity
"message" Text to print during connection process
"soundSet" Ambient sound set
"ambientFog" Set to 1 if the fog is purely for ambience and not for distance culling.
"npcView" View Distance for NPCs
"emplacement" player starts the map using this weapon
"spawnscript" runs on the player on entering level
"rDmgScript" if the player lobs a grenade or similar explosive device anywhere in the level, this script is run
"deathScript" called when player dies. if left blank, common/failed is used by default
"hearscript" the first time player sound is above 0.7 this will fire
"soundlevel" override the default 0.7 soundlevel that triggers hearscript
"dynamic_music" set to OFF to turn off all dynamic music on this level
"vehicle" is the player riding in a helicopter(1), truck(2), or nothing(0, the default)
"vehicleWeapon" use this in pra4, where the player will have a vehicle-mounted wpn but doesn't start the level attached to it
"suit" set to 1 if you want to use the SET_SUIT Icarus command in this map
BSP Options
"gridsize" size of lighting grid to "X Y Z". default="64 64 128"
"ambient" scale of global light (from _color)
"fog" shader name of the global fog texture - must include the full path, such as "textures/rj/fog1"
"distancecull" value for vis for the maximum viewing distance
"chopsize" value for bsp on the maximum polygon / portal size
"SkyTexture" shader name for the sky texture
"SkyHeight" z height of the sky
"SkyIntensity" intensity modifier (default of 1.0, range from 0.0 to 3.0)
"SkyAmbient" ambient light vector (default is calculated)
"SkyMinimum" minimum modifier (default of 0.5, range from 0.0 to 1.0)
"SkyEdge" world edge error deviation (default of 100.0)
"ls_Xr" override lightstyle X with this pattern for Red.
"ls_Xg" green (valid patterns are "a-z")
"ls_Xb" blue (a is OFF, z is ON)
"ignoreleaks" tells the bsp process to ignore any leaks, and continue on processing (for instances only)