
1842 lines
44 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Raven Software
#include "g_local.h"
// g_client.c -- client functions that don't happen every frame
static vec3_t playerMins = {-15, -15, -46};
static vec3_t playerMaxs = {15, 15, 48};
adds a spawnpoint to the spawnpoint array using the given entity for
origin and angles as well as the team for filtering teams.
void G_AddClientSpawn ( gentity_t* ent, team_t team )
static vec3_t mins = {-15,-15,-45};
static vec3_t maxs = {15,15,46};
vec3_t end;
trace_t tr;
// Drop it to the ground, and if it starts solid just throw it out
VectorCopy ( ent->s.origin, end );
end[2] -= 1024;
tr.fraction = 0.0f;
trap_Trace ( &tr, ent->s.origin, mins, maxs, end, ent->s.number, MASK_SOLID );
// We are only looking for terrain collisions at this point
if ( tr.contents & CONTENTS_TERRAIN )
// If its in the ground then throw it awway
if ( tr.startsolid )
// Drop it down to the ground now
else if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f && tr.fraction > 0.0f )
VectorCopy ( tr.endpos, ent->s.origin );
ent->s.origin[2] += 1.0f;
tr.startsolid = qfalse;
if ( tr.startsolid )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: gametype_player starting in solid at %.2f,%.2f,%.2f\n", ent->s.origin[0], ent->s.origin[1], ent->s.origin[2] );
level.spawns[level.spawnCount].team = team;
// Release the entity and store the spawn in its own array
VectorCopy ( ent->s.origin, level.spawns[level.spawnCount].origin );
VectorCopy ( ent->s.angles, level.spawns[level.spawnCount].angles );
// Increase the spawn count
/*QUAKED info_player_deathmatch (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -46) (16 16 48) initial
potential spawning position for deathmatch games.
The first time a player enters the game, they will be at an 'initial' spot.
Targets will be fired when someone spawns in on them.
void SP_info_player_deathmatch( gentity_t *ent )
// Cant take any more spawns!!
if ( level.spawnCount >= MAX_SPAWNS )
G_FreeEntity ( ent );
G_AddClientSpawn ( ent, TEAM_FREE );
G_FreeEntity ( ent );
/*QUAKED info_player_intermission (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -46) (16 16 48)
The intermission will be viewed from this point. Target an info_notnull for the view direction.
void SP_info_player_intermission( gentity_t *ent )
qboolean G_SpotWouldTelefrag( gspawn_t* spawn )
int i, num;
int touch[MAX_GENTITIES];
gentity_t *hit;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
VectorAdd( spawn->origin, playerMins, mins );
VectorAdd( spawn->origin, playerMaxs, maxs );
num = trap_EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, touch, MAX_GENTITIES );
for (i=0 ; i<num ; i++)
hit = &g_entities[touch[i]];
if ( hit->client)
if ( G_IsClientSpectating ( hit->client ) )
if ( G_IsClientDead ( hit->client ) )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
go to a random point that doesn't telefrag
gspawn_t* G_SelectRandomSpawnPoint ( team_t team )
int i;
int count;
int tfcount;
gspawn_t *spawns[MAX_SPAWNS];
gspawn_t *tfspawns[MAX_SPAWNS];
count = 0;
tfcount = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < level.spawnCount; i ++ )
gspawn_t* spawn = &level.spawns[i];
if ( team != -1 && team != spawn->team )
if ( G_SpotWouldTelefrag( spawn ) )
tfspawns[tfcount++] = spawn;
spawns[ count++ ] = spawn;
// no spots that won't telefrag so just pick one that will
if ( !count )
// No telefrag spots, just return NULL since there is no more to find
if ( !tfcount )
return NULL;
// telefrag someone
return tfspawns[ rand() % tfcount ];
return spawns[ rand() % count ];
Select a random spawn point that is safe for the client to spawn at. A safe spawn point
is one that is at least a certain distance from another client.
gspawn_t* G_SelectRandomSafeSpawnPoint ( team_t team, float safeDistance )
gspawn_t* spawns[MAX_SPAWNS];
float safeDistanceSquared;
int count;
int i;
// Square the distance for faster comparisons
safeDistanceSquared = safeDistance * safeDistance;
// Build a list of spawns
for ( i = 0, count = 0; i < level.spawnCount; i ++ )
gspawn_t* spawn = &level.spawns[i];
int j;
// Ensure the team matches
if ( team != -1 && team != spawn->team )
// Make sure this spot wont kill another player
if ( G_SpotWouldTelefrag( spawn ) )
// Loop through connected clients
for ( j = 0; j < level.numConnectedClients && count < MAX_SPAWNS; j ++ )
gentity_t* other = &g_entities[level.sortedClients[j]];
vec3_t diff;
if ( other->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED )
// Skip clients that are spectating or dead
if ( G_IsClientSpectating ( other->client ) || G_IsClientDead ( other->client ) )
// on safe team, dont count this guy
if ( level.gametypeData->teams && team == other->client-> )
VectorSubtract ( other->r.currentOrigin, spawn->origin, diff );
// Far enough away to qualify
if ( VectorLengthSquared ( diff ) < safeDistanceSquared )
// If we didnt go through the whole list of clients then we must
// have hit one that was too close. But if we did go through teh whole
// list then this spawn point is good to go
if ( j >= level.numConnectedClients )
spawns[count++] = spawn;
// Nothing found, try it at half the safe distance
if ( !count )
// Gotta stop somewhere
if ( safeDistance / 2 < 250 )
return G_SelectRandomSpawnPoint ( team );
return G_SelectRandomSafeSpawnPoint ( team, safeDistance / 2 );
// Spawn them at one of the spots
return spawns[ rand() % count ];
gspawn_t* G_SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint( void )
static gspawn_t spawn;
VectorCopy( level.intermission_origin, spawn.origin );
VectorCopy( level.intermission_angle, spawn.angles );
return &spawn;
void G_InitBodyQueue (void)
gentity_t *ent;
int max;
if ( level.gametypeData->respawnType == RT_NONE )
level.bodySinkTime = 0;
level.bodySinkTime = BODY_SINK_DELAY;
level.bodyQueIndex = 0;
for ( level.bodyQueSize = 0;
level.bodyQueSize < max && level.bodyQueSize < level.maxclients;
ent = G_Spawn();
ent->classname = "bodyque";
ent->neverFree = qtrue;
level.bodyQue[level.bodyQueSize] = ent;
After sitting around for five seconds, fall into the ground and dissapear
void BodySink( gentity_t *ent )
if ( level.time - ent->timestamp > level.bodySinkTime + BODY_SINK_TIME )
// the body ques are never actually freed, they are just unlinked
trap_UnlinkEntity( ent );
ent->physicsObject = qfalse;
ent->s.eFlags |= EF_NOSHADOW;
ent->nextthink = level.time + 100;
ent->s.pos.trBase[2] -= 1;
A player is respawning, so make an entity that looks
just like the existing corpse to leave behind.
void CopyToBodyQue( gentity_t *ent, int hitLocation, vec3_t direction )
gentity_t *body;
int contents;
int parm;
trap_UnlinkEntity (ent);
// if client is in a nodrop area, don't leave the body
contents = trap_PointContents( ent->r.currentOrigin, -1 );
if ( contents & CONTENTS_NODROP )
// grab a body que and cycle to the next one
body = level.bodyQue[ level.bodyQueIndex ];
level.bodyQueIndex = (level.bodyQueIndex + 1) % level.bodyQueSize;
trap_UnlinkEntity (body);
body->s = ent->s;
body->s.eType = ET_BODY;
body->s.eFlags = EF_DEAD;
body->s.gametypeitems = 0;
body->s.loopSound = 0;
body->s.number = body - g_entities;
body->timestamp = level.time;
body->physicsObject = qtrue;
body->physicsBounce = 0;
body->s.otherEntityNum = ent->s.clientNum;
if ( body->s.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
body->s.pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
body->s.pos.trTime = level.time;
VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.velocity, body->s.pos.trDelta );
body->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
body->s.event = 0;
parm = (DirToByte( direction )&0xFF);
parm += (hitLocation<<8);
G_AddEvent(body, EV_BODY_QUEUE_COPY, parm);
body->r.svFlags = ent->r.svFlags | SVF_BROADCAST;
VectorCopy (ent->r.mins, body->r.mins);
VectorCopy (ent->r.maxs, body->r.maxs);
VectorCopy (ent->r.absmin, body->r.absmin);
VectorCopy (ent->r.absmax, body->r.absmax);
body->s.torsoAnim = body->s.legsAnim = ent->client->ps.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT;
body->r.contents = 0; // CONTENTS_CORPSE;
body->r.ownerNum = ent->s.number;
if ( level.bodySinkTime )
body->nextthink = level.time + level.bodySinkTime;
body->think = BodySink;
body->s.time2 = 0;
// Store the time the body was spawned so the client can make them
// dissapear if need be.
body->s.time2 = level.time;
body->die = body_die;
body->takedamage = qtrue;
body->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = 0;
body->s.pos.trBase[2] = ent->client->ps.origin[2];
VectorCopy ( body->s.pos.trBase, body->r.currentOrigin );
trap_LinkEntity (body);
void SetClientViewAngle( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t angle )
int i;
// set the delta angle
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
int cmdAngle;
cmdAngle = ANGLE2SHORT(angle[i]);
ent->client->ps.delta_angles[i] = cmdAngle - ent->client->pers.cmd.angles[i];
VectorCopy( angle, ent->s.angles );
VectorCopy (ent->s.angles, ent->client->ps.viewangles);
void G_SetRespawnTimer ( gentity_t* ent )
// Start a new respawn interval if the old one has passed
if ( level.time > level.gametypeRespawnTime[ent->client->] )
level.gametypeRespawnTime[ent->client->] = level.time + g_respawnInterval.integer * 1000;
// start the interval if its not already started
ent->client->ps.respawnTimer = level.gametypeRespawnTime[ent->client->] + 1000;
void respawn( gentity_t *ent )
gentity_t *tent;
qboolean ghost = qfalse;
// No respawning when intermission is queued
if ( level.intermissionQueued )
// When we get here the user has just accepted their fate and now
// needs to wait for the ability to respawn
switch ( level.gametypeData->respawnType )
G_SetRespawnTimer ( ent );
ghost = qtrue;
case RT_NONE:
// Turn into a ghost
ghost = qtrue;
// If they are a ghost then give a health point, but dont respawn
if ( ghost )
G_StartGhosting ( ent );
trap_UnlinkEntity (ent);
// Add a teleportation effect.
tent = G_TempEntity( ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN );
tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;
Returns number of ghosts on a team, if -1 is given for a team all ghosts in the game
are returned instead
int G_GhostCount ( team_t team )
int i;
int count;
for ( i = 0, count = 0; i < level.numConnectedClients; i ++ )
if (g_entities[level.sortedClients[i]].client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED )
if ( g_entities[level.sortedClients[i]].client->sess.ghost )
if ( team != -1 && team != g_entities[level.sortedClients[i]].client->sess.ghost )
count ++;
return count;
Returns qtrue if the client is dead and qfalse if not
qboolean G_IsClientDead ( gclient_t* client )
if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 )
return qtrue;
if ( client->ps.pm_type == PM_DEAD )
return qtrue;
if ( client->sess.ghost )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
Returns qtrue if the client is spectating and qfalse if not
qboolean G_IsClientSpectating ( gclient_t* client )
if ( client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED )
return qtrue;
if ( client-> == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
return qtrue;
if ( client->sess.ghost )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
Returns number of players on a team
int TeamCount( int ignoreClientNum, team_t team, int *alive )
int i;
int count = 0;
if ( alive )
*alive = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.maxclients ; i++ )
if ( i == ignoreClientNum )
if ( level.clients[i].pers.connected == CON_DISCONNECTED )
if ( level.clients[i] == team )
if ( !level.clients[i].sess.ghost && alive )
return count;
team_t PickTeam( int ignoreClientNum )
int counts[TEAM_NUM_TEAMS];
counts[TEAM_BLUE] = TeamCount( ignoreClientNum, TEAM_BLUE, NULL );
counts[TEAM_RED] = TeamCount( ignoreClientNum, TEAM_RED, NULL );
if ( counts[TEAM_BLUE] > counts[TEAM_RED] )
return TEAM_RED;
if ( counts[TEAM_RED] > counts[TEAM_BLUE] )
return TEAM_BLUE;
// equal team count, so join the team with the lowest score
if ( level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE] > level.teamScores[TEAM_RED] )
return TEAM_RED;
return TEAM_BLUE;
void G_ClientCleanName ( const char *in, char *out, int outSize, qboolean colors )
int len;
int colorlessLen;
char ch;
char *p;
int spaces;
//save room for trailing null byte
len = 0;
colorlessLen = 0;
p = out;
*p = 0;
spaces = 0;
while( 1 )
ch = *in++;
if( !ch )
// don't allow leading spaces
if( !*p && ch == ' ' )
// check colors
if( ch == Q_COLOR_ESCAPE )
// solo trailing carat is not a color prefix
if( !*in )
// don't allow black in a name, period
if( !colors || ColorIndex(*in) == 0 )
// make sure room in dest for both chars
if( len > outSize - 2 )
*out++ = ch;
*out++ = *in++;
len += 2;
// don't allow too many consecutive spaces
if( ch == ' ' )
if( spaces > 3 )
spaces = 0;
if( len > outSize - 1 )
*out++ = ch;
*out = 0;
// Trim whitespace off the end of the name
for ( out --; out >= p && (*out == ' ' || *out == '\t'); out -- )
*out = 0;
// don't allow empty names
if( *p == 0 || colorlessLen == 0 )
Q_strncpyz( p, "UnnamedPlayer", outSize );
Updates the clients current outfittin
void G_UpdateOutfitting ( int clientNum )
gentity_t *ent;
gclient_t *client;
int group;
int ammoIndex;
int idle;
int equipWeapon;
int equipWeaponGroup;
ent = g_entities + clientNum;
client = ent->client;
// No can do if
if ( client->noOutfittingChange )
// Clear all ammo, clips, and weapons
client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = 0;
memset ( client->ps.ammo, 0, sizeof(client->ps.ammo) );
memset ( client->ps.clip, 0, sizeof(client->ps.clip) );
// Everyone gets some knives
client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_KNIFE );
client->ps.firemode[WP_KNIFE] = BG_FindFireMode ( WP_KNIFE, ATTACK_NORMAL, WP_FIREMODE_AUTO );
if ( BG_IsWeaponAvailableForOutfitting ( WP_KNIFE, 2 ) )
equipWeapon = WP_KNIFE;
// Give all the outfitting groups to the player
for ( group = 0; group < OUTFITTING_GROUP_ACCESSORY; group ++ )
gitem_t* item;
int ammoIndex;
// Nothing available in this group
if ( client->pers.outfitting.items[group] == -1 )
// Grab the item that represents the weapon
item = &bg_itemlist[bg_outfittingGroups[group][client->pers.outfitting.items[group]]];
client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= (1 << item->giTag);
ammoIndex = weaponData[item->giTag].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].ammoIndex;
client->ps.ammo[ammoIndex] += weaponData[item->giTag].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].extraClips * weaponData[item->giTag].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].clipSize;
client->ps.clip[ATTACK_NORMAL][item->giTag] = weaponData[item->giTag].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].clipSize;
// Lower group numbers are bigger guns
if ( group < equipWeaponGroup )
equipWeaponGroup = group;
equipWeapon = item->giTag;
// alt-fire ammo
ammoIndex = weaponData[item->giTag].attack[ATTACK_ALTERNATE].ammoIndex;
if ( weaponData[item->giTag].attack[ATTACK_ALTERNATE].fireAmount && AMMO_NONE != ammoIndex )
client->ps.clip[ATTACK_ALTERNATE][item->giTag] = weaponData[item->giTag].attack[ATTACK_ALTERNATE].clipSize;
client->ps.ammo[ammoIndex] += weaponData[item->giTag].attack[ATTACK_ALTERNATE].extraClips * weaponData[item->giTag].attack[ATTACK_ALTERNATE].clipSize;
// Set the default firemode for this weapon
if ( client->ps.firemode[item->giTag] == WP_FIREMODE_NONE )
client->ps.firemode[item->giTag] = BG_FindFireMode ( item->giTag, ATTACK_NORMAL, WP_FIREMODE_AUTO );
client->ps.weapon = equipWeapon;
client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY; //WEAPON_SPAWNING;
client->ps.weaponTime = 0;
client->ps.weaponAnimTime = 0;
// Bot clients cant use the spawning state
#ifdef _SOF2_BOTS
if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT )
client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY;
// Default to auto (or next available fire mode).
client->ps.weaponAnimId = idle;
client->ps.weaponAnimIdChoice = 0;
client->ps.weaponCallbackStep = 0;
// Armor?
client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = 0;
client->ps.stats[STAT_GOGGLES] = GOGGLES_NONE;
switch ( bg_outfittingGroups[OUTFITTING_GROUP_ACCESSORY][client->pers.outfitting.items[OUTFITTING_GROUP_ACCESSORY]] )
client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = MAX_HEALTH;
// Stuff which grenade is being used into stats for later use by
// the backpack code
client->ps.stats[STAT_OUTFIT_GRENADE] = bg_itemlist[bg_outfittingGroups[OUTFITTING_GROUP_GRENADE][client->pers.outfitting.items[OUTFITTING_GROUP_GRENADE]]].giTag;
Called from ClientConnect when the player first connects and
directly by the server system when the player updates a userinfo variable.
The game can override any of the settings and call trap_SetUserinfo
if desired.
void ClientUserinfoChanged( int clientNum )
gentity_t *ent;
int team;
int health;
char *s;
gclient_t *client;
char oldname[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
TIdentity *oldidentity;
ent = g_entities + clientNum;
client = ent->client;
trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );
// check for malformed or illegal info strings
if ( !Info_Validate(userinfo) )
strcpy (userinfo, "\\name\\badinfo");
// check for local client
s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" );
if ( !strcmp( s, "localhost" ) )
client->pers.localClient = qtrue;
// check the item prediction
s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_predictItems" );
if ( !atoi( s ) )
client->pers.predictItemPickup = qfalse;
client->pers.predictItemPickup = qtrue;
// Is anti-lag turned on?
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo, "cg_antiLag" );
client->pers.antiLag = atoi( s )?qtrue:qfalse;
// Is auto-reload turned on?
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo, "cg_autoReload" );
client->pers.autoReload = atoi( s )?qtrue:qfalse;
if ( client->pers.autoReload )
client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_AUTORELOAD;
client->ps.pm_flags &= ~PMF_AUTORELOAD;
// set name
Q_strncpyz ( oldname, client->pers.netname, sizeof( oldname ) );
s = Info_ValueForKey (userinfo, "name");
G_ClientCleanName( s, client->pers.netname, sizeof(client->pers.netname), level.gametypeData->teams?qfalse:qtrue );
if ( client-> == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
if ( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_SCOREBOARD )
Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, "scoreboard", sizeof(client->pers.netname) );
// set max health
health = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
// bots set their team a few frames later
if ( level.gametypeData->teams && (g_entities[clientNum].r.svFlags & SVF_BOT))
s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "team" );
if ( !Q_stricmp( s, "red" ) || !Q_stricmp( s, "r" ) )
team = TEAM_RED;
else if ( !Q_stricmp( s, "blue" ) || !Q_stricmp( s, "b" ) )
team = TEAM_BLUE;
// pick the team with the least number of players
team = PickTeam( clientNum );
team = client->;
// Enforce the identities
oldidentity = client->pers.identity;
if( level.gametypeData->teams )
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo, "team_identity" );
// Lookup the identity by name and if it cant be found then pick a random one
client->pers.identity = BG_FindIdentity ( s );
if ( team != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
// No identity or a team mismatch means they dont get to be that skin
if ( !client->pers.identity || Q_stricmp ( level.gametypeTeam[team], client->pers.identity->mTeam ) )
// Get first matching team identity
client->pers.identity = BG_FindTeamIdentity ( level.gametypeTeam[team], -1 );
// Spectators are going to have to choose one of the two team skins and
// the chance of them having the proper one in team_identity is slim, so just
// give them a model they may use later
client->pers.identity = BG_FindTeamIdentity ( level.gametypeTeam[TEAM_RED], 0 );
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo, "identity" );
// Lookup the identity by name and if it cant be found then pick a random one
client->pers.identity = BG_FindIdentity ( s );
// If the identity wasnt in the list then just give them the first identity. We could
// be fancy here and give them a random one, but this way you get less unwanted models
// loaded
if ( !client->pers.identity )
client->pers.identity = &bg_identities[0];
// Report the identity change
if ( client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED )
if ( client->pers.identity && oldidentity && client->pers.identity != oldidentity && team != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " has changed identities\n\"", client->pers.netname ) );
// If the client is changing their name then handle some delayed name changes
if ( strcmp( oldname, client->pers.netname ) )
// Dont let them change their name too much
if ( level.time - client->pers.netnameTime < 5000 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( client - &level.clients[0], "print \"You must wait 5 seconds before changing your name again.\n\"" );
strcpy ( client->pers.netname, oldname );
// voting clients cannot change their names
else if ( (level.voteTime || level.voteExecuteTime) && strstr ( level.voteDisplayString, oldname ) )
trap_SendServerCommand ( client - &level.clients[0], "print \"You are not allowed to change your name while there is an active vote against you.\n\"" );
strcpy ( client->pers.netname, oldname );
// If they are a ghost or spectating in an inf game their name is deferred
else if ( level.gametypeData->respawnType == RT_NONE && (client->sess.ghost || G_IsClientDead ( client ) ) )
trap_SendServerCommand ( client - &level.clients[0], "print \"Name changes while dead will be deferred until you spawn again.\n\"" );
strcpy ( client->pers.deferredname, client->pers.netname );
strcpy ( client->pers.netname, oldname );
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s renamed to %s\n\"", oldname, client->pers.netname) );
client->pers.netnameTime = level.time;
// Outfitting if pickups are disabled
if ( level.pickupsDisabled )
// Parse out the new outfitting
BG_DecompressOutfitting ( Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo, "outfitting" ), &client->pers.outfitting );
G_UpdateOutfitting ( clientNum );
// send over a subset of the userinfo keys so other clients can
// print scoreboards, display models, and play custom sounds
if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT )
s = va("n\\%s\\t\\%i\\identity\\%s\\skill\\%s",
client->pers.netname, team, client->pers.identity->mName,
Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "skill" ) );
s = va("n\\%s\\t\\%i\\identity\\%s",
client->pers.netname, team, client->pers.identity->mName );
trap_SetConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS+clientNum, s );
G_LogPrintf( "ClientUserinfoChanged: %i %s\n", clientNum, s );
Called when a player begins connecting to the server.
Called again for every map change or map restart.
The session information will be valid after exit.
Return NULL if the client should be allowed, otherwise return
a string with the reason for denial.
Otherwise, the client will be sent the current gamestate
and will eventually get to ClientBegin.
firstTime will be qtrue the very first time a client connects
to the server machine, but qfalse on map changes and map
char *ClientConnect( int clientNum, qboolean firstTime, qboolean isBot )
char *value;
gclient_t *client;
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
gentity_t *ent;
ent = &g_entities[ clientNum ];
trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );
// check to see if they are on the banned IP list
value = Info_ValueForKey (userinfo, "ip");
if ( G_FilterPacket( value ) )
return "Banned.";
// we don't check password for bots and local client
// NOTE: local client <-> "ip" "localhost"
// this means this client is not running in our current process
if ( !( isBot ) && (strcmp(value, "localhost") != 0))
// check for a password
value = Info_ValueForKey (userinfo, "password");
if ( g_password.string[0] && Q_stricmp( g_password.string, "none" ) &&
strcmp( g_password.string, value) != 0)
return va("Invalid password: %s", value );
// they can connect
ent->client = level.clients + clientNum;
client = ent->client;
memset( client, 0, sizeof(*client) );
client->pers.connected = CON_CONNECTING;
client-> = TEAM_SPECTATOR;
// read or initialize the session data
if ( firstTime || level.newSession )
G_InitSessionData( client, userinfo );
G_ReadSessionData( client );
if( isBot )
ent->r.svFlags |= SVF_BOT;
ent->inuse = qtrue;
if( !G_BotConnect( clientNum, !firstTime ) )
return "BotConnectfailed";
// get and distribute relevent paramters
G_LogPrintf( "ClientConnect: %i\n", clientNum );
ClientUserinfoChanged( clientNum );
// don't do the "xxx connected" messages if they were caried over from previous level
if ( firstTime )
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " is connecting...\n\"", client->pers.netname) );
// Broadcast team change if not going to spectator
if ( level.gametypeData->teams && client-> != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
BroadcastTeamChange( client, -1 );
// count current clients and rank for scoreboard
// Make sure they are unlinked
trap_UnlinkEntity ( ent );
return NULL;
called when a client has finished connecting, and is ready
to be placed into the level. This will happen every level load,
and on transition between teams, but doesn't happen on respawns
void ClientBegin( int clientNum )
gentity_t *ent;
gclient_t *client;
gentity_t *tent;
int flags;
int spawncount;
ent = g_entities + clientNum;
client = level.clients + clientNum;
if ( ent->r.linked )
trap_UnlinkEntity( ent );
// Run a gametype check just in case the game hasnt started yet
if ( !level.gametypeStartTime )
CheckGametype ( );
G_InitGentity( ent );
ent->touch = 0;
ent->pain = 0;
ent->client = client;
client->pers.connected = CON_CONNECTED;
client->pers.enterTime = level.time;
client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_BEGIN;
// save eflags around this, because changing teams will
// cause this to happen with a valid entity, and we
// want to make sure the teleport bit is set right
// so the viewpoint doesn't interpolate through the
// world to the new position
flags = client->ps.eFlags;
spawncount = client->ps.persistant[PERS_SPAWN_COUNT];
memset( &client->ps, 0, sizeof( client->ps ) );
client->ps.eFlags = flags;
client->ps.persistant[PERS_SPAWN_COUNT] = spawncount;
// locate ent at a spawn point
ClientSpawn( ent );
if ( client-> != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
// send event
tent = G_TempEntity( ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN );
tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " entered the game\n\"", client->pers.netname) );
G_LogPrintf( "ClientBegin: %i\n", clientNum );
// count current clients and rank for scoreboard
Selects a spawn point for the given client entity
gspawn_t* G_SelectClientSpawnPoint ( gentity_t* ent )
gclient_t* client = ent->client;
gspawn_t* spawnPoint;
// find a spawn point
// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
// ranging doesn't count this client
if ( client-> == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
spawnPoint = G_SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint ( );
if ( level.gametypeData->teams && level.gametypeData->respawnType != RT_NORMAL )
// Dont bother selecting a safe spawn on non-respawn games, the map creator should
// have done this for us.
if ( level.gametypeData->respawnType == RT_NONE )
spawnPoint = G_SelectRandomSpawnPoint ( ent->client-> );
spawnPoint = G_SelectRandomSafeSpawnPoint ( ent->client->, 1500 );
if ( !spawnPoint )
// don't spawn near other players if possible
spawnPoint = G_SelectRandomSpawnPoint ( ent->client-> );
// Spawn at any deathmatch spawn, telefrag if needed
if ( !spawnPoint )
spawnPoint = G_SelectRandomSpawnPoint ( TEAM_FREE );
// Try deathmatch spawns first
spawnPoint = G_SelectRandomSafeSpawnPoint ( TEAM_FREE, 1500 );
// If none found use any spawn
if ( !spawnPoint )
spawnPoint = G_SelectRandomSafeSpawnPoint ( -1, 1500 );
// Spawn at any deathmatch spawn, telefrag if needed
if ( !spawnPoint )
spawnPoint = G_SelectRandomSpawnPoint ( TEAM_FREE );
// Spawn at any gametype spawn, telefrag if needed
if ( !spawnPoint )
spawnPoint = G_SelectRandomSpawnPoint ( -1 );
return spawnPoint;
Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent)
int index;
vec3_t spawn_origin;
vec3_t spawn_angles;
gclient_t *client;
int i;
clientPersistant_t saved;
clientSession_t savedSess;
int persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
gspawn_t *spawnPoint;
int flags;
int savedPing;
int eventSequence;
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
int start_ammo_type;
int ammoIndex;
int idle;
index = ent - g_entities;
client = ent->client;
// Where do we spawn?
spawnPoint = G_SelectClientSpawnPoint ( ent );
if ( spawnPoint )
VectorCopy ( spawnPoint->angles, spawn_angles );
VectorCopy ( spawnPoint->origin, spawn_origin );
spawn_origin[2] += 9;
SetTeam ( ent, "s", NULL );
client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_ACTIVE;
// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
// and never clear the voted flag
flags = ent->client->ps.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_VOTED);
// clear everything but the persistant data
saved = client->pers;
savedSess = client->sess;
savedPing = client->;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ )
persistant[i] = client->ps.persistant[i];
eventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;
memset (client, 0, sizeof(*client));
client->pers = saved;
client->sess = savedSess;
client-> = savedPing;
client->lastkilled_client = -1;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ )
client->ps.persistant[i] = persistant[i];
client->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;
// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = client->;
client->ps.persistant[PERS_ATTACKER] = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;
trap_GetUserinfo( index, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo) );
// clear entity values
client->ps.eFlags = flags;
ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
ent->client = &level.clients[index];
ent->takedamage = qtrue;
ent->inuse = qtrue;
ent->classname = "player";
ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
ent->die = player_die;
ent->waterlevel = 0;
ent->watertype = 0;
ent->flags = 0;
VectorCopy (playerMins, ent->r.mins);
VectorCopy (playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);
client->ps.clientNum = index;
// Bring back the saved firemodes
memcpy ( client->ps.firemode, client->pers.firemode, sizeof(client->ps.firemode) );
//give default weapons
client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << WP_NONE );
client->noOutfittingChange = qfalse;
// Give the client their weapons depending on whether or not pickups are enabled
if ( level.pickupsDisabled )
G_UpdateOutfitting ( ent->s.number );
// Prevent the client from picking up a whole bunch of stuff
client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_LIMITED_INVENTORY;
// Knife.
client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_KNIFE );
client->ps.firemode[WP_KNIFE] = BG_FindFireMode ( WP_KNIFE, ATTACK_NORMAL, WP_FIREMODE_AUTO );
// Set up some weapons and ammo for the player.
client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_USSOCOM_PISTOL );
start_ammo_type = weaponData[WP_USSOCOM_PISTOL].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].ammoIndex;
client->ps.ammo[start_ammo_type] = weaponData[WP_USSOCOM_PISTOL].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].clipSize;
client->ps.clip[ATTACK_NORMAL][WP_USSOCOM_PISTOL] = weaponData[WP_USSOCOM_PISTOL].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].clipSize;
// alt-fire ammo
start_ammo_type = weaponData[WP_USSOCOM_PISTOL].attack[ATTACK_ALTERNATE].ammoIndex;
if (AMMO_NONE != start_ammo_type)
client->ps.ammo[start_ammo_type] = ammoData[start_ammo_type].max;
// Everyone gets full armor in deathmatch
client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = MAX_HEALTH;
client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->health = MAX_HEALTH;
G_SetOrigin( ent, spawn_origin );
VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.origin );
// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;
if ( client->pers.autoReload )
client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_AUTORELOAD;
client->ps.pm_flags &= ~PMF_AUTORELOAD;
trap_GetUsercmd( client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd );
SetClientViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles );
if ( ent->client-> != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
G_KillBox( ent );
trap_LinkEntity (ent);
// force the base weapon up
if ( !level.pickupsDisabled )
client->ps.weapon = WP_USSOCOM_PISTOL;
client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_RAISING;
client->ps.weaponTime = 500;
// Default to auto (or next available fire mode).
client->ps.firemode[client->ps.weapon] = BG_FindFireMode ( client->ps.weapon, ATTACK_NORMAL, WP_FIREMODE_AUTO );
client->ps.weaponAnimId = idle;
client->ps.weaponAnimIdChoice = 0;
client->ps.weaponCallbackStep = 0;
client->ps.weapon = WP_KNIFE;
client->ps.weaponAnimId = idle;
// don't allow full run speed for a bit
client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
client->ps.pm_time = 100;
client->respawnTime = level.time;
client->invulnerableTime = level.time;
client->ps.eFlags |= EF_INVULNERABLE;
client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
client->latched_buttons = 0;
// set default animations
client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY;
client->ps.torsoAnim = -1;
client->ps.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;
// Not on a ladder
client->ps.ladder = -1;
// Not leaning
client->ps.leanTime = LEAN_TIME;
if ( level.intermissiontime )
MoveClientToIntermission( ent );
// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
// initialize animations and other things
client->ps.commandTime = level.time - 100;
ent->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
ClientThink( ent-g_entities );
// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
if ( ent->client-> != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );
trap_LinkEntity( ent );
// run the presend to set anything else
ClientEndFrame( ent );
// clear entity state values
BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
// Frozen?
if ( level.gametypeDelayTime > level.time )
ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_FROZEN] = level.gametypeDelayTime - level.time;
// Handle a deferred name change
if ( client->pers.deferredname[0] )
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " renamed to %s\n\"", client->pers.netname, client->pers.deferredname) );
strcpy ( client->pers.netname, client->pers.deferredname );
client->pers.deferredname[0] = '\0';
client->pers.netnameTime = level.time;
ClientUserinfoChanged ( client->ps.clientNum );
// Update the time when other people can join the game
if ( !level.gametypeJoinTime && level.gametypeData->teams )
// As soon as both teams have people on them the counter starts
if ( TeamCount ( -1, TEAM_RED, NULL ) && TeamCount ( -1, TEAM_BLUE, NULL ) )
level.gametypeJoinTime = level.time;
Called when a player drops from the server.
Will not be called between levels.
This should NOT be called directly by any game logic,
call trap_DropClient(), which will call this and do
server system housekeeping.
void ClientDisconnect( int clientNum )
gentity_t *ent;
gentity_t *tent;
int i;
// cleanup if we are kicking a bot that
// hasn't spawned yet
G_RemoveQueuedBotBegin( clientNum );
ent = g_entities + clientNum;
if ( !ent->client )
// stop any following clients
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.maxclients ; i++ )
if ( G_IsClientSpectating ( &level.clients[i] ) &&
level.clients[i].sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_FOLLOW &&
level.clients[i].sess.spectatorClient == clientNum )
G_StopFollowing( &g_entities[i] );
// send effect if they were completely connected
if ( ent->client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED &&
!G_IsClientSpectating ( ent->client ) &&
!G_IsClientDead ( ent->client ) )
tent = G_TempEntity( ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_OUT );
tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;
// Dont drop weapons
ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = 0;
// Get rid of things that need to drop
TossClientItems( ent );
G_LogPrintf( "ClientDisconnect: %i\n", clientNum );
trap_UnlinkEntity (ent);
ent->s.modelindex = 0;
ent->inuse = qfalse;
ent->classname = "disconnected";
ent->client->pers.connected = CON_DISCONNECTED;
ent->client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = TEAM_FREE;
ent->client-> = TEAM_FREE;
trap_SetConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum, "");
#ifdef _SOF2_BOTS
if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT )
BotAIShutdownClient( clientNum, qfalse );
Updates the animation information for the client
void G_UpdateClientAnimations ( gentity_t* ent )
gclient_t* client;
client = ent->client;
// Check for anim change in the legs
if ( client->legs.anim != ent->s.legsAnim )
client->legs.anim = ent->s.legsAnim;
client->legs.animTime = level.time;
// Check for anim change in the torso
if ( client->torso.anim != ent->s.torsoAnim )
client->torso.anim = ent->s.torsoAnim;
client->torso.animTime = level.time;
// Force the legs and torso to stay aligned for now to ensure the client
// and server are in sync with the angles.
// TODO: Come up with a way to keep these in sync on both client and server
client->torso.yawing = qtrue;
client->torso.pitching = qtrue;
client->legs.yawing = qtrue;
// Calculate the real torso and leg angles
BG_PlayerAngles ( ent->client->ps.viewangles,
(float)(ent->client->ps.leanTime - LEAN_TIME) / LEAN_TIME * LEAN_OFFSET,
level.time - level.previousTime,
Locates a client thats near the given origin
gentity_t* G_FindNearbyClient ( vec3_t origin, team_t team, float radius, gentity_t* ignore )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < level.numConnectedClients; i ++ )
gentity_t* other = &g_entities[ level.sortedClients[i] ];
vec3_t diff;
if ( other->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED )
if ( other == ignore )
if ( G_IsClientSpectating ( other->client ) || G_IsClientDead ( other->client ) )
if ( other->client-> != team )
// See if this client is close enough to yell sniper
VectorSubtract ( other->r.currentOrigin, origin, diff );
if ( VectorLengthSquared ( diff ) < radius * radius )
return other;
return NULL;