#define ITEM_TYPE_TEXT 0 // simple text #define ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON 1 // button, basically text with a border #define ITEM_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON 2 // toggle button, may be grouped #define ITEM_TYPE_CHECKBOX 3 // check box #define ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD 4 // editable text, associated with a cvar #define ITEM_TYPE_COMBO 5 // drop down list #define ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX 6 // scrollable list #define ITEM_TYPE_MODEL 7 // model #define ITEM_TYPE_OWNERDRAW 8 // owner draw, name specs what it is #define ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD 9 // editable text, associated with a cvar #define ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER 10 // mouse speed, volume, etc. #define ITEM_TYPE_YESNO 11 // yes no cvar setting #define ITEM_TYPE_MULTI 12 // multiple list setting, enumerated #define ITEM_TYPE_BIND 13 // multiple list setting, enumerated #define ITEM_TYPE_PASSWORDFIELD 14 // password field #define ITEM_TYPE_COMBOBOX 15 // Drop down combo box #define ITEM_TYPE_TEXTSCROLL 16 // scrolls text #define ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 // left alignment #define ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER 1 // center alignment #define ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT 2 // right alignment #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL 0 // normal text #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_BLINK 1 // fast blinking #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_PULSE 2 // slow pulsing #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED 3 // drop shadow ( need a color for this ) #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED 4 // drop shadow ( need a color for this ) #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINESHADOWED 5 // drop shadow ( need a color for this ) #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE 6 // drop shadow ( need a color for this ) #define WINDOW_BORDER_NONE 0 // no border #define WINDOW_BORDER_FULL 1 // full border based on border color ( single pixel ) #define WINDOW_BORDER_HORZ 2 // horizontal borders only #define WINDOW_BORDER_VERT 3 // vertical borders only #define WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY 0 // no background #define WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED 1 // filled with background color #define WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER 2 // Shaders #define WINDOW_STYLE_CINEMATIC 3 // cinematic #define MENU_TRUE 1 // uh.. true #define MENU_FALSE 0 // and false #define HUD_VERTICAL 0x00 #define HUD_HORIZONTAL 0x01 // list box element types #define LISTBOX_TEXT 0x00 #define LISTBOX_IMAGE 0x01 // list feeders #define FEEDER_HEADS 0 // model heads #define FEEDER_MAPS 1 // text maps based on game type #define FEEDER_SERVERS 2 // servers #define FEEDER_CLANS 3 // clan names #define FEEDER_ALLMAPS 4 // all maps available, in graphic format #define FEEDER_VOTEMAPS 5 // all maps available, in graphic format #define FEEDER_PLAYER_LIST 6 // players #define FEEDER_TEAMIDENTITIES 7 // team members for team voting #define FEEDER_MODS 8 // team members for team voting #define FEEDER_DEMOS 9 // team members for team voting #define FEEDER_SCOREBOARD 10 // team members for team voting #define FEEDER_IDENTITIES 11 // identities #define FEEDER_SERVERSTATUS 12 // server status #define FEEDER_FINDPLAYER 13 // find player #define FEEDER_CINEMATICS 14 // cinematics #define FEEDER_OUTFITTING_TEMPLATES 16 // templates for outfitting #define FEEDER_NEWVERSION_WEBSITES 17 // Websites for the newest version of SOF2MP #define FEEDER_NEWVERSION_TEXT 18 // Notes on the newest version of SOF2MP #define CG_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME 0x00000004 #define CG_SHOW_LANPLAYONLY 0x00000020 #define CG_SHOW_ANYNONTEAMGAME 0x00000100 #define CG_SHOW_2DONLY 0x00000200 #define CG_SHOW_ONREDTEAM 0x00000400 #define CG_SHOW_ONBLUETEAM 0x00000800 #define CG_SHOW_HUD_HEALTH 0x00020000 #define CG_SHOW_HUD_WEAPONINFO 0x00040000 #define CG_SHOW_HUD_SNIPERSCOPE 0x00080000 #define CG_SHOW_HUD_FUNDS 0x00100000 #define CG_SHOW_HUD_TIMER 0x00200000 #define CG_SHOW_HUD_NIGHTVISION 0x00400000 #define CG_SHOW_HUD_THERMAL 0x00800000 #define CG_SHOW_PLAYER_ALT_WEAPONINFO 0x20000000 #define CG_HIDE_PLAYER_ALT_WEAPONINFO 0x40000000 #define CG_SHOW_HUD_SNIPERCLIP 0x80000000 #define UI_SHOW_LEADER 0x00000001 #define UI_SHOW_NOTLEADER 0x00000002 #define UI_SHOW_FAVORITESERVERS 0x00000004 #define UI_SHOW_ANYNONTEAMGAME 0x00000008 #define UI_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME 0x00000010 #define UI_SHOW_NEWHIGHSCORE 0x00000020 #define UI_SHOW_DEMOAVAILABLE 0x00000040 #define UI_SHOW_NEWBESTTIME 0x00000080 #define UI_SHOW_NETANYNONTEAMGAME 0x00000400 #define UI_SHOW_NETANYTEAMGAME 0x00000800 #define UI_SHOW_NOTFAVORITESERVERS 0x00001000 // owner draw types // ideally these should be done outside of this file but // this makes it much easier for the macro expansion to // convert them for the designers ( from the .menu files ) #define CG_OWNERDRAW_BASE 1 #define CG_PLAYER_SCORE 2 #define CG_BLUE_SCORE 3 #define CG_RED_SCORE 4 #define CG_RED_NAME 5 #define CG_BLUE_NAME 6 #define CG_PLAYER_LOCATION 8 #define CG_TEAM_COLOR 9 #define CG_GAME_TYPE 10 #define CG_GAME_STATUS 11 #define CG_1STPLACE 13 #define CG_2NDPLACE 14 #define CG_WEAPON_LIST 15 #define CG_PLAYER_HEALTH 16 #define CG_PLAYER_HEALTH_FADE 17 #define CG_PLAYER_ARMOR 18 #define CG_PLAYER_ARMOR_FADE 19 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_NAME 20 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_AMMO 21 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_CLIP 22 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_MODE 23 #define CG_PLAYER_ALT_WEAPON_NAME 24 #define CG_PLAYER_ALT_WEAPON_AMMO 25 #define CG_PLAYER_ALT_WEAPON_AMMOICON 26 #define CG_TEAMINFO 27 #define CG_PLAYER_SNIPER_BULLET_1 28 #define CG_PLAYER_SNIPER_BULLET_2 29 #define CG_PLAYER_SNIPER_BULLET_3 30 #define CG_PLAYER_SNIPER_BULLET_4 31 #define CG_PLAYER_SNIPER_BULLET_5 32 #define CG_PLAYER_SNIPER_BULLET_6 33 #define CG_USE_ICON 34 #define CG_PLAYER_GAMETYPE_ITEMS 35 #define CG_PLAYER_SNIPER_MAGNIFICATION 36 #define UI_OWNERDRAW_BASE 200 #define UI_EFFECTS 201 #define UI_PLAYERMODEL 202 #define UI_GAMETYPE 205 #define UI_MAPPREVIEW 206 #define UI_SKILL 207 #define UI_NETSOURCE 220 #define UI_NETMAPPREVIEW 221 #define UI_NETFILTER 222 #define UI_ALLMAPS_SELECTION 236 #define UI_VOTE_KICK 238 #define UI_BOTNAME 239 #define UI_BOTSKILL 240 #define UI_REDBLUE 241 #define UI_CROSSHAIR 242 #define UI_SELECTEDPLAYER 243 #define UI_MAPCINEMATIC 244 #define UI_NETGAMETYPE 245 #define UI_NETMAPCINEMATIC 246 #define UI_SERVERREFRESHDATE 247 #define UI_SERVERMOTD 248 #define UI_GLINFO 249 #define UI_MAP_TIMETOBEAT 252 #define UI_JOINGAMETYPE 253 #define UI_PREVIEWCINEMATIC 254 #define UI_STARTMAPCINEMATIC 255 #define UI_MAPS_SELECTION 256 #define UI_VERSIONDOWNLOAD_PROGRESS 257 #define UI_REDTEAM_IDENTITY 260 #define UI_BLUETEAM_IDENTITY 261 #define UI_OUTFITTING_SLOT 270 #define UI_OUTFITTING_SLOT_RENDER 271 #define UI_OUTFITTING_SLOT_NAME 272 #define UI_OUTFITTING_SLOT_COST 273 #define UI_OUTFITTING_SLOT_BACKGROUND 274 #define UI_OBJECTIVE_PHOTOS 275 #define UI_RED_TEAM_COUNT 280 #define UI_BLUE_TEAM_COUNT 281 #define UI_RED_TEAM_SCORE 282 #define UI_BLUE_TEAM_SCORE 283 #define VOICECHAT_GETFLAG "getflag" // command someone to get the flag #define VOICECHAT_OFFENSE "offense" // command someone to go on offense #define VOICECHAT_DEFEND "defend" // command someone to go on defense #define VOICECHAT_DEFENDFLAG "defendflag" // command someone to defend the flag #define VOICECHAT_PATROL "patrol" // command someone to go on patrol (roam) #define VOICECHAT_CAMP "camp" // command someone to camp (we don't have sounds for this one) #define VOICECHAT_FOLLOWME "followme" // command someone to follow you #define VOICECHAT_RETURNFLAG "returnflag" // command someone to return our flag #define VOICECHAT_FOLLOWFLAGCARRIER "followflagcarrier" // command someone to follow the flag carrier #define VOICECHAT_YES "yes" // yes, affirmative, etc. #define VOICECHAT_NO "no" // no, negative, etc. #define VOICECHAT_ONGETFLAG "ongetflag" // I'm getting the flag #define VOICECHAT_ONOFFENSE "onoffense" // I'm on offense #define VOICECHAT_ONDEFENSE "ondefense" // I'm on defense #define VOICECHAT_ONPATROL "onpatrol" // I'm on patrol (roaming) #define VOICECHAT_ONCAMPING "oncamp" // I'm camping somewhere #define VOICECHAT_ONFOLLOW "onfollow" // I'm following #define VOICECHAT_ONFOLLOWCARRIER "onfollowcarrier" // I'm following the flag carrier #define VOICECHAT_ONRETURNFLAG "onreturnflag" // I'm returning our flag #define VOICECHAT_INPOSITION "inposition" // I'm in position #define VOICECHAT_IHAVEFLAG "ihaveflag" // I have the flag #define VOICECHAT_BASEATTACK "baseattack" // the base is under attack #define VOICECHAT_ENEMYHASFLAG "enemyhasflag" // the enemy has our flag (CTF) #define VOICECHAT_STARTLEADER "startleader" // I'm the leader #define VOICECHAT_STOPLEADER "stopleader" // I resign leadership #define VOICECHAT_TRASH "trash" // lots of trash talk #define VOICECHAT_WHOISLEADER "whoisleader" // who is the team leader #define VOICECHAT_WANTONDEFENSE "wantondefense" // I want to be on defense #define VOICECHAT_WANTONOFFENSE "wantonoffense" // I want to be on offense #define VOICECHAT_KILLINSULT "kill_insult" // I just killed you #define VOICECHAT_TAUNT "taunt" // I want to taunt you #define VOICECHAT_DEATHINSULT "death_insult" // you just killed me #define VOICECHAT_KILLGAUNTLET "kill_gauntlet" // I just killed you with the gauntlet #define VOICECHAT_PRAISE "praise" // you did something good #define OUTFITTING_GROUP_PRIMARY 0 #define OUTFITTING_GROUP_SECONDARY 1 #define OUTFITTING_GROUP_PISTOL 2 #define OUTFITTING_GROUP_GRENADE 3 #define OUTFITTING_GROUP_ACCESSORY 4 #define OUTFITTING_GROUP_MAX 5 #define OUTFITTING_GROUP_KNIFE 6