base Full example map and scripts for kam6 bin behaved.exe behaved.bhc (required to script for SoF2) ibize.exe (script compiler) radiant.exe sof2.qe4 (project file for SoF2) sklview.exe (get listing of animations for scripting) sof2map.exe sof2data.exe striped.exe sof2mpdev.exe docs Docs for: Vertigons (surface sprites) Weather Nav points RMG Animation ConfusEd Menus Scripting StripEd EffectsEd (exe was in MP SDK) gamecode Only two files included as they are needed for scripting and single player entities. resources Max files for a male figure and the inview hands SDK V1.02 09/24/2002 ----------------------- - Now includes sof2mpdev.exe to allow mod makers to use the cvars that were removed from 1.02. - Updated 1.02 source code SDK V0.02 07/03/2002 -----------------------