// Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Raven Software. // /***************************************************************************** * name: ai_main.c * * desc: Quake3 bot AI * * $Archive: /MissionPack/code/game/ai_main.c $ * $Author: Mrelusive $ * $Revision: 35 $ * $Modtime: 6/06/01 1:11p $ * $Date: 6/06/01 12:06p $ * *****************************************************************************/ #include "g_local.h" #include "q_shared.h" #include "botlib.h" //bot lib interface #include "be_aas.h" #include "be_ea.h" #include "be_ai_char.h" #include "be_ai_chat.h" #include "be_ai_gen.h" #include "be_ai_goal.h" #include "be_ai_move.h" #include "be_ai_weap.h" // #include "ai_main.h" // #include "chars.h" #include "inv.h" #include "syn.h" /* #define BOT_CTF_DEBUG 1 */ #define MAX_PATH 144 #define BOT_THINK_TIME 0 //bot states bot_state_t *botstates[MAX_CLIENTS]; //number of bots int numbots; //floating point time float floattime; //time to do a regular update float regularupdate_time; // boteventtracker_t gBotEventTracker[MAX_CLIENTS]; //rww - new bot cvars.. #ifdef _DEBUG vmCvar_t bot_debugmessages; #endif vmCvar_t bot_attachments; vmCvar_t bot_camp; vmCvar_t bot_pause; vmCvar_t bot_wp_info; vmCvar_t bot_wp_edit; vmCvar_t bot_wp_clearweight; vmCvar_t bot_wp_distconnect; vmCvar_t bot_wp_visconnect; //end rww wpobject_t *flagRed; wpobject_t *oFlagRed; wpobject_t *flagBlue; wpobject_t *oFlagBlue; gentity_t *eFlagRed; gentity_t *droppedRedFlag; gentity_t *eFlagBlue; gentity_t *droppedBlueFlag; char *ctfStateNames[] = { "CTFSTATE_NONE", "CTFSTATE_ATTACKER", "CTFSTATE_DEFENDER", "CTFSTATE_RETRIEVAL", "CTFSTATE_GUARDCARRIER", "CTFSTATE_GETFLAGHOME", "CTFSTATE_MAXCTFSTATES" }; char *ctfStateDescriptions[] = { "I'm not occupied", "I'm attacking the enemy's base", "I'm defending our base", "I'm getting our flag back", "I'm escorting our flag carrier", "I've got the enemy's flag" }; char *teamplayStateDescriptions[] = { "I'm not occupied", "I'm following my squad commander", "I'm assisting my commanding", "I'm attempting to regroup and form a new squad" }; void BotStraightTPOrderCheck(gentity_t *ent, int ordernum, bot_state_t *bs) { switch (ordernum) { case 0: if (bs->squadLeader == ent) { bs->teamplayState = 0; bs->squadLeader = NULL; } break; case TEAMPLAYSTATE_FOLLOWING: bs->teamplayState = ordernum; bs->isSquadLeader = 0; bs->squadLeader = ent; bs->wpDestSwitchTime = 0; break; case TEAMPLAYSTATE_ASSISTING: bs->teamplayState = ordernum; bs->isSquadLeader = 0; bs->squadLeader = ent; bs->wpDestSwitchTime = 0; break; default: bs->teamplayState = ordernum; break; } } void BotReportStatus(bot_state_t *bs) { if ( level.gametypeData->teams ) { trap_EA_SayTeam(bs->client, teamplayStateDescriptions[bs->teamplayState]); } } void BotOrder(gentity_t *ent, int clientnum, int ordernum) { int stateMin = 0; int stateMax = 0; int i = 0; if (!ent || !ent->client) { return; } if (clientnum != -1 && !botstates[clientnum]) { return; } if (clientnum != -1 && !OnSameTeam(ent, &g_entities[clientnum])) { return; } if ( !level.gametypeData->teams ) { return; } /* if (level.gametype == GT_CTF) { stateMin = CTFSTATE_NONE; stateMax = CTFSTATE_MAXCTFSTATES; } else if (level.gametype == GT_TDM) { stateMin = TEAMPLAYSTATE_NONE; stateMax = TEAMPLAYSTATE_MAXTPSTATES; } */ if ((ordernum < stateMin && ordernum != -1) || ordernum >= stateMax) { return; } if (clientnum != -1) { if (ordernum == -1) { BotReportStatus(botstates[clientnum]); } else { BotStraightTPOrderCheck(ent, ordernum, botstates[clientnum]); botstates[clientnum]->state_Forced = ordernum; botstates[clientnum]->chatObject = ent; botstates[clientnum]->chatAltObject = NULL; if (BotDoChat(botstates[clientnum], "OrderAccepted", 1)) { botstates[clientnum]->chatTeam = 1; } } } else { while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { if (botstates[i] && OnSameTeam(ent, &g_entities[i])) { if (ordernum == -1) { BotReportStatus(botstates[i]); } else { BotStraightTPOrderCheck(ent, ordernum, botstates[i]); botstates[i]->state_Forced = ordernum; botstates[i]->chatObject = ent; botstates[i]->chatAltObject = NULL; if (BotDoChat(botstates[i], "OrderAccepted", 0)) { botstates[i]->chatTeam = 1; } } } i++; } } } int BotGetWeaponRange(bot_state_t *bs); int PassLovedOneCheck(bot_state_t *bs, gentity_t *ent); void ExitLevel( void ); void QDECL BotAI_Print(int type, char *fmt, ...) { return; } int IsTeamplay(void) { return level.gametypeData->teams; } /* ================== BotAI_GetClientState ================== */ int BotAI_GetClientState( int clientNum, playerState_t *state ) { gentity_t *ent; ent = &g_entities[clientNum]; if ( !ent->inuse ) { return qfalse; } if ( !ent->client ) { return qfalse; } memcpy( state, &ent->client->ps, sizeof(playerState_t) ); return qtrue; } /* ================== BotAI_GetEntityState ================== */ int BotAI_GetEntityState( int entityNum, entityState_t *state ) { gentity_t *ent; ent = &g_entities[entityNum]; memset( state, 0, sizeof(entityState_t) ); if (!ent->inuse) return qfalse; if (!ent->r.linked) return qfalse; if (ent->r.svFlags & SVF_NOCLIENT) return qfalse; memcpy( state, &ent->s, sizeof(entityState_t) ); return qtrue; } /* ================== BotAI_GetSnapshotEntity ================== */ int BotAI_GetSnapshotEntity( int clientNum, int sequence, entityState_t *state ) { int entNum; entNum = trap_BotGetSnapshotEntity( clientNum, sequence ); if ( entNum == -1 ) { memset(state, 0, sizeof(entityState_t)); return -1; } BotAI_GetEntityState( entNum, state ); return sequence + 1; } /* ============== BotEntityInfo ============== */ void BotEntityInfo(int entnum, aas_entityinfo_t *info) { trap_AAS_EntityInfo(entnum, info); } /* ============== NumBots ============== */ int NumBots(void) { return numbots; } /* ============== AngleDifference ============== */ float AngleDifference(float ang1, float ang2) { float diff; diff = ang1 - ang2; if (ang1 > ang2) { if (diff > 180.0) diff -= 360.0; } else { if (diff < -180.0) diff += 360.0; } return diff; } /* ============== BotChangeViewAngle ============== */ float BotChangeViewAngle(float angle, float ideal_angle, float speed) { float move; angle = AngleMod(angle); ideal_angle = AngleMod(ideal_angle); if (angle == ideal_angle) return angle; move = ideal_angle - angle; if (ideal_angle > angle) { if (move > 180.0) move -= 360.0; } else { if (move < -180.0) move += 360.0; } if (move > 0) { if (move > speed) move = speed; } else { if (move < -speed) move = -speed; } return AngleMod(angle + move); } /* ============== BotChangeViewAngles ============== */ void BotChangeViewAngles(bot_state_t *bs, float thinktime) { float diff, factor, maxchange, anglespeed, disired_speed; int i; if (bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH] > 180) bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH] -= 360; if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis) { factor = bs->skills.turnspeed_combat*bs->settings.skill; } else { factor = bs->skills.turnspeed; } if (factor > 1) { factor = 1; } if (factor < 0.001) { factor = 0.001f; } maxchange = bs->skills.maxturn; //if (maxchange < 240) maxchange = 240; maxchange *= thinktime; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { bs->viewangles[i] = AngleMod(bs->viewangles[i]); bs->ideal_viewangles[i] = AngleMod(bs->ideal_viewangles[i]); diff = AngleDifference(bs->viewangles[i], bs->ideal_viewangles[i]); disired_speed = diff * factor; bs->viewanglespeed[i] += (bs->viewanglespeed[i] - disired_speed); if (bs->viewanglespeed[i] > 180) bs->viewanglespeed[i] = maxchange; if (bs->viewanglespeed[i] < -180) bs->viewanglespeed[i] = -maxchange; anglespeed = bs->viewanglespeed[i]; if (anglespeed > maxchange) anglespeed = maxchange; if (anglespeed < -maxchange) anglespeed = -maxchange; bs->viewangles[i] += anglespeed; bs->viewangles[i] = AngleMod(bs->viewangles[i]); bs->viewanglespeed[i] *= 0.45 * (1 - factor); } if (bs->viewangles[PITCH] > 180) bs->viewangles[PITCH] -= 360; trap_EA_View(bs->client, bs->viewangles); } /* ============== BotInputToUserCommand ============== */ void BotInputToUserCommand(bot_input_t *bi, usercmd_t *ucmd, int delta_angles[3], int time, int useTime) { vec3_t angles, forward, right; short temp; int j; //clear the whole structure memset(ucmd, 0, sizeof(usercmd_t)); // //Com_Printf("dir = %f %f %f speed = %f\n", bi->dir[0], bi->dir[1], bi->dir[2], bi->speed); //the duration for the user command in milli seconds ucmd->serverTime = time; // if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_DELAYEDJUMP) { bi->actionflags |= ACTION_JUMP; bi->actionflags &= ~ACTION_DELAYEDJUMP; } //set the buttons if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_RESPAWN) { ucmd->buttons = BUTTON_ATTACK; } if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_ATTACK) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_ALT_ATTACK) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; // if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_TALK) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_TALK; // if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_GESTURE) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_GESTURE; #ifdef BOT_USE_HOLDABLE if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_USE) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_USE_HOLDABLE; #endif if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_WALK) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING; if (useTime < level.time && Q_irand(1, 10) < 5) { //for now just hit use randomly in case there's something useable around ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_USE; } #if 0 // Here's an interesting bit. The bots in TA used buttons to do additional gestures. // I ripped them out because I didn't want too many buttons given the fact that I was already adding some for JK2. // We can always add some back in if we want though. if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_AFFIRMATIVE) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_AFFIRMATIVE; if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_NEGATIVE) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_NEGATIVE; if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_GETFLAG) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_GETFLAG; if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_GUARDBASE) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_GUARDBASE; if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_PATROL) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_PATROL; if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_FOLLOWME) ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_FOLLOWME; #endif //0 // ucmd->weapon = bi->weapon; //set the view angles //NOTE: the ucmd->angles are the angles WITHOUT the delta angles ucmd->angles[PITCH] = ANGLE2SHORT(bi->viewangles[PITCH]); ucmd->angles[YAW] = ANGLE2SHORT(bi->viewangles[YAW]); ucmd->angles[ROLL] = ANGLE2SHORT(bi->viewangles[ROLL]); //subtract the delta angles for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { temp = ucmd->angles[j] - delta_angles[j]; ucmd->angles[j] = temp; } //NOTE: movement is relative to the REAL view angles //get the horizontal forward and right vector //get the pitch in the range [-180, 180] if (bi->dir[2]) angles[PITCH] = bi->viewangles[PITCH]; else angles[PITCH] = 0; angles[YAW] = bi->viewangles[YAW]; angles[ROLL] = 0; AngleVectors(angles, forward, right, NULL); //bot input speed is in the range [0, 400] bi->speed = bi->speed * 127 / 400; //set the view independent movement ucmd->forwardmove = DotProduct(forward, bi->dir) * bi->speed; ucmd->rightmove = DotProduct(right, bi->dir) * bi->speed; ucmd->upmove = abs(forward[2]) * bi->dir[2] * bi->speed; //normal keyboard movement if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_MOVEFORWARD) ucmd->forwardmove += 127; if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_MOVEBACK) ucmd->forwardmove -= 127; if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_MOVELEFT) ucmd->rightmove -= 127; if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_MOVERIGHT) ucmd->rightmove += 127; //jump/moveup if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_JUMP) ucmd->upmove += 127; //crouch/movedown if (bi->actionflags & ACTION_CROUCH) ucmd->upmove -= 127; // //Com_Printf("forward = %d right = %d up = %d\n", ucmd.forwardmove, ucmd.rightmove, ucmd.upmove); //Com_Printf("ucmd->serverTime = %d\n", ucmd->serverTime); } /* ============== BotUpdateInput ============== */ void BotUpdateInput(bot_state_t *bs, int time, int elapsed_time) { bot_input_t bi; int j; //add the delta angles to the bot's current view angles for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { bs->viewangles[j] = AngleMod(bs->viewangles[j] + SHORT2ANGLE(bs->cur_ps.delta_angles[j])); } //change the bot view angles BotChangeViewAngles(bs, (float) elapsed_time / 1000); //retrieve the bot input trap_EA_GetInput(bs->client, (float) time / 1000, &bi); //respawn hack if (bi.actionflags & ACTION_RESPAWN) { // IF already trying to respawn or a ghost then cancel the respawn if ((bs->lastucmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK) || (bs->cur_ps.pm_flags&PMF_GHOST)) { bi.actionflags &= ~(ACTION_RESPAWN|ACTION_ATTACK); } } //convert the bot input to a usercmd BotInputToUserCommand(&bi, &bs->lastucmd, bs->cur_ps.delta_angles, time, bs->noUseTime); //subtract the delta angles for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { bs->viewangles[j] = AngleMod(bs->viewangles[j] - SHORT2ANGLE(bs->cur_ps.delta_angles[j])); } } /* ============== BotAIRegularUpdate ============== */ void BotAIRegularUpdate(void) { if (regularupdate_time < FloatTime()) { trap_BotUpdateEntityItems(); regularupdate_time = FloatTime() + 0.3; } } /* ============== RemoveColorEscapeSequences ============== */ void RemoveColorEscapeSequences( char *text ) { int i, l; l = 0; for ( i = 0; text[i]; i++ ) { if (Q_IsColorString(&text[i])) { i++; continue; } if (text[i] > 0x7E) continue; text[l++] = text[i]; } text[l] = '\0'; } /* ============== BotAI ============== */ int BotAI(int client, float thinktime) { bot_state_t *bs; char buf[1024], *args; int j; #ifdef _DEBUG int start = 0; int end = 0; #endif trap_EA_ResetInput(client); // bs = botstates[client]; if (!bs || !bs->inuse) { BotAI_Print(PRT_FATAL, "BotAI: client %d is not setup\n", client); return qfalse; } //retrieve the current client state BotAI_GetClientState( client, &bs->cur_ps ); //retrieve any waiting server commands while( trap_BotGetServerCommand(client, buf, sizeof(buf)) ) { //have buf point to the command and args to the command arguments args = strchr( buf, ' '); if (!args) continue; *args++ = '\0'; //remove color espace sequences from the arguments RemoveColorEscapeSequences( args ); if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "cp ")) { /*CenterPrintf*/ } else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "cs")) { /*ConfigStringModified*/ } else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "scores")) { /*FIXME: parse scores?*/ } else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "clientLevelShot")) { /*ignore*/ } } //add the delta angles to the bot's current view angles for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { bs->viewangles[j] = AngleMod(bs->viewangles[j] + SHORT2ANGLE(bs->cur_ps.delta_angles[j])); } //increase the local time of the bot bs->ltime += thinktime; // bs->thinktime = thinktime; //origin of the bot VectorCopy(bs->cur_ps.origin, bs->origin); //eye coordinates of the bot VectorCopy(bs->cur_ps.origin, bs->eye); bs->eye[2] += bs->cur_ps.viewheight; //get the area the bot is in #ifdef _DEBUG start = trap_Milliseconds(); #endif StandardBotAI(bs, thinktime); #ifdef _DEBUG end = trap_Milliseconds(); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_debugmessages); if (bot_debugmessages.integer) { Com_Printf("Single AI frametime: %i\n", (end - start)); } #endif //subtract the delta angles for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { bs->viewangles[j] = AngleMod(bs->viewangles[j] - SHORT2ANGLE(bs->cur_ps.delta_angles[j])); } //everything was ok return qtrue; } /* ================== BotScheduleBotThink ================== */ void BotScheduleBotThink(void) { int i, botnum; botnum = 0; for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } //initialize the bot think residual time botstates[i]->botthink_residual = BOT_THINK_TIME * botnum / numbots; botnum++; } } int PlayersInGame(void) { int i = 0; gentity_t *ent; int pl = 0; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (ent && ent->client && ent->client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED) { pl++; } i++; } return pl; } /* ============== BotAISetupClient ============== */ int BotAISetupClient(int client, struct bot_settings_s *settings, qboolean restart) { bot_state_t *bs; if (!botstates[client]) botstates[client] = B_Alloc(sizeof(bot_state_t)); //G_Alloc(sizeof(bot_state_t)); //rww - G_Alloc bad! B_Alloc good. memset(botstates[client], 0, sizeof(bot_state_t)); bs = botstates[client]; if (bs && bs->inuse) { BotAI_Print(PRT_FATAL, "BotAISetupClient: client %d already setup\n", client); return qfalse; } memcpy(&bs->settings, settings, sizeof(bot_settings_t)); bs->client = client; //need to know the client number before doing personality stuff //initialize weapon weight defaults.. bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_NONE] = 0; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_KNIFE] = 1; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_M1911A1_PISTOL] = 3; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_SILVER_TALON] = 4; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_USSOCOM_PISTOL] = 2; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_M4_ASSAULT_RIFLE] = 10; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_AK74_ASSAULT_RIFLE] = 9; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_M60_MACHINEGUN] = 11; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_MICRO_UZI_SUBMACHINEGUN] = 8; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_M3A1_SUBMACHINEGUN] = 7; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_MSG90A1] = 11; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_USAS_12_SHOTGUN] = 12; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_M590_SHOTGUN] = 13; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_MM1_GRENADE_LAUNCHER] = 8; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_RPG7_LAUNCHER] = 16; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_M84_GRENADE] = 6; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_SMOHG92_GRENADE] = 2; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_ANM14_GRENADE] = 2; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_M15_GRENADE] = 2; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_MP5] = 7; bs->botWeaponWeights[WP_SIG551] = 7; BotUtilizePersonality(bs); //allocate a goal state bs->gs = trap_BotAllocGoalState(client); //allocate a weapon state bs->ws = trap_BotAllocWeaponState(); bs->inuse = qtrue; bs->entitynum = client; bs->setupcount = 4; bs->entergame_time = FloatTime(); bs->ms = trap_BotAllocMoveState(); numbots++; //NOTE: reschedule the bot thinking BotScheduleBotThink(); if (PlayersInGame()) { //don't talk to yourself BotDoChat(bs, "GeneralGreetings", 0); } return qtrue; } /* ============== BotAIShutdownClient ============== */ int BotAIShutdownClient(int client, qboolean restart) { bot_state_t *bs; bs = botstates[client]; if (!bs || !bs->inuse) { //BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "BotAIShutdownClient: client %d already shutdown\n", client); return qfalse; } trap_BotFreeMoveState(bs->ms); //free the goal state` trap_BotFreeGoalState(bs->gs); //free the weapon weights trap_BotFreeWeaponState(bs->ws); // //clear the bot state memset(bs, 0, sizeof(bot_state_t)); //set the inuse flag to qfalse bs->inuse = qfalse; //there's one bot less numbots--; //everything went ok return qtrue; } /* ============== BotResetState called when a bot enters the intermission or observer mode and when the level is changed ============== */ void BotResetState(bot_state_t *bs) { int client, entitynum, inuse; int movestate, goalstate, weaponstate; bot_settings_t settings; playerState_t ps; //current player state float entergame_time; //save some things that should not be reset here memcpy(&settings, &bs->settings, sizeof(bot_settings_t)); memcpy(&ps, &bs->cur_ps, sizeof(playerState_t)); inuse = bs->inuse; client = bs->client; entitynum = bs->entitynum; movestate = bs->ms; goalstate = bs->gs; weaponstate = bs->ws; entergame_time = bs->entergame_time; //reset the whole state memset(bs, 0, sizeof(bot_state_t)); //copy back some state stuff that should not be reset bs->ms = movestate; bs->gs = goalstate; bs->ws = weaponstate; memcpy(&bs->cur_ps, &ps, sizeof(playerState_t)); memcpy(&bs->settings, &settings, sizeof(bot_settings_t)); bs->inuse = inuse; bs->client = client; bs->entitynum = entitynum; bs->entergame_time = entergame_time; //reset several states if (bs->ms) trap_BotResetMoveState(bs->ms); if (bs->gs) trap_BotResetGoalState(bs->gs); if (bs->ws) trap_BotResetWeaponState(bs->ws); if (bs->gs) trap_BotResetAvoidGoals(bs->gs); if (bs->ms) trap_BotResetAvoidReach(bs->ms); } /* ============== BotAILoadMap ============== */ int BotAILoadMap( int restart ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (botstates[i] && botstates[i]->inuse) { BotResetState( botstates[i] ); botstates[i]->setupcount = 4; } } return qtrue; } //rww - bot ai int OrgVisible(vec3_t org1, vec3_t org2, int ignore) { trace_t tr; trap_Trace(&tr, org1, NULL, NULL, org2, ignore, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { return 1; } return 0; } int WPOrgVisible(gentity_t *bot, vec3_t org1, vec3_t org2, int ignore) { trace_t tr; trap_Trace(&tr, org1, NULL, NULL, org2, ignore, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { return 1; } return 0; } int OrgVisibleBox(vec3_t org1, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t org2, int ignore) { trace_t tr; trap_Trace(&tr, org1, mins, maxs, org2, ignore, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1 && !tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid) { return 1; } return 0; } int CheckForFunc(vec3_t org, int ignore) { gentity_t *fent; vec3_t under; trace_t tr; VectorCopy(org, under); under[2] -= 64; trap_Trace(&tr, org, NULL, NULL, under, ignore, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { return 0; } fent = &g_entities[tr.entityNum]; if (!fent) { return 0; } if (strstr(fent->classname, "func_")) { return 1; //there's a func brush here } return 0; } int GetNearestVisibleWP(vec3_t org, int ignore) { int i; float bestdist; float flLen; int bestindex; vec3_t a, mins, maxs; i = 0; bestdist = 800;//99999; //don't trace over 800 units away to avoid GIANT HORRIBLE SPEED HITS ^_^ bestindex = -1; mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = -1; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 1; while (i < gWPNum) { if (gWPArray[i] && gWPArray[i]->inuse) { VectorSubtract(org, gWPArray[i]->origin, a); flLen = VectorLength(a); if (flLen < bestdist && trap_InPVS(org, gWPArray[i]->origin) && OrgVisibleBox(org, mins, maxs, gWPArray[i]->origin, ignore)) { bestdist = flLen; bestindex = i; } } i++; } return bestindex; } //wpDirection //0 == FORWARD //1 == BACKWARD int PassWayCheck(bot_state_t *bs, int windex) { if (!gWPArray[windex] || !gWPArray[windex]->inuse) { return 0; } if (bs->wpDirection && (gWPArray[windex]->flags & WPFLAG_ONEWAY_FWD)) { return 0; } else if (!bs->wpDirection && (gWPArray[windex]->flags & WPFLAG_ONEWAY_BACK)) { return 0; } return 1; } float TotalTrailDistance(int start, int end, bot_state_t *bs) { int beginat; int endat; float distancetotal; float gdif = 0; distancetotal = 0; if (start > end) { beginat = end; endat = start; } else { beginat = start; endat = end; } while (beginat < endat) { if (beginat >= gWPNum || !gWPArray[beginat] || !gWPArray[beginat]->inuse) { return -1; //error } if ((end > start && gWPArray[beginat]->flags & WPFLAG_ONEWAY_BACK) || (start > end && gWPArray[beginat]->flags & WPFLAG_ONEWAY_FWD)) { return -1; } if (gWPArray[beginat]->forceJumpTo) { if (gWPArray[beginat-1] && gWPArray[beginat-1]->origin[2]+64 < gWPArray[beginat]->origin[2]) { gdif = gWPArray[beginat]->origin[2] - gWPArray[beginat-1]->origin[2]; } if (gdif) { // if (bs && bs->cur_ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] < gWPArray[beginat]->forceJumpTo) // { // return -1; // } } } /* if (bs->wpCurrent && gWPArray[windex]->forceJumpTo && gWPArray[windex]->origin[2] > (bs->wpCurrent->origin[2]+64) && bs->cur_ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] < gWPArray[windex]->forceJumpTo) { return -1; }*/ distancetotal += gWPArray[beginat]->disttonext; beginat++; } return distancetotal; } void CheckForShorterRoutes(bot_state_t *bs, int newwpindex) { float bestlen; float checklen; int bestindex; int i; i = 0; if (!bs->wpDestination) { return; } if (newwpindex < bs->wpDestination->index) { bs->wpDirection = 0; } else if (newwpindex > bs->wpDestination->index) { bs->wpDirection = 1; } if (bs->wpSwitchTime > level.time) { return; } if (!gWPArray[newwpindex]->neighbornum) { return; } bestindex = newwpindex; bestlen = TotalTrailDistance(newwpindex, bs->wpDestination->index, bs); while (i < gWPArray[newwpindex]->neighbornum) { checklen = TotalTrailDistance(gWPArray[newwpindex]->neighbors[i].num, bs->wpDestination->index, bs); if (checklen < bestlen-64 || bestlen == -1) { if (!gWPArray[newwpindex]->neighbors[i].forceJumpTo) { bestlen = checklen; bestindex = gWPArray[newwpindex]->neighbors[i].num; } } i++; } if (bestindex != newwpindex && bestindex != -1) { bs->wpCurrent = gWPArray[bestindex]; bs->wpSwitchTime = level.time + 3000; } } void WPConstantRoutine(bot_state_t *bs) { if (!bs->wpCurrent) { return; } if (bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_DUCK) { bs->duckTime = level.time + 100; } } qboolean BotCTFGuardDuty(bot_state_t *bs) { /* if (level.gametype != GT_CTF) { return qfalse; } if (bs->ctfState == CTFSTATE_DEFENDER) { return qtrue; } */ return qfalse; } void WPTouchRoutine(bot_state_t *bs) { int lastNum; if (!bs->wpCurrent) { return; } bs->wpTravelTime = level.time + 10000; if (bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_NOMOVEFUNC) { bs->noUseTime = level.time + 4000; } #ifdef FORCEJUMP_INSTANTMETHOD if ((bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_JUMP) && bs->wpCurrent->forceJumpTo) { //jump if we're flagged to but not if this indicates a force jump point. Force jumping is //handled elsewhere. bs->jumpTime = level.time + 100; } #else if ((bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_JUMP) && !bs->wpCurrent->forceJumpTo) { //jump if we're flagged to but not if this indicates a force jump point. Force jumping is //handled elsewhere. bs->jumpTime = level.time + 100; } #endif trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_camp); if (bs->isCamper && bot_camp.integer && (BotIsAChickenWuss(bs) || BotCTFGuardDuty(bs) || bs->isCamper == 2) && ((bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_SNIPEORCAMP) || (bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_SNIPEORCAMPSTAND)) && bs->cur_ps.weapon != WP_KNIFE) { //if we're a camper and a chicken then camp if (bs->wpDirection) { lastNum = bs->wpCurrent->index+1; } else { lastNum = bs->wpCurrent->index-1; } if (gWPArray[lastNum] && gWPArray[lastNum]->inuse && gWPArray[lastNum]->index && bs->isCamping < level.time) { bs->isCamping = level.time + rand()%15000 + 30000; bs->wpCamping = bs->wpCurrent; bs->wpCampingTo = gWPArray[lastNum]; if (bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_SNIPEORCAMPSTAND) { bs->campStanding = qtrue; } else { bs->campStanding = qfalse; } } } else if ((bs->cur_ps.weapon == WP_KNIFE) && bs->isCamping > level.time) { bs->isCamping = 0; bs->wpCampingTo = NULL; bs->wpCamping = NULL; } if (bs->wpDestination) { if (bs->wpCurrent->index == bs->wpDestination->index) { bs->wpDestination = NULL; if (bs->runningLikeASissy) { //this obviously means we're scared and running, so we'll want to keep our navigational priorities less delayed bs->destinationGrabTime = level.time + 500; } else { bs->destinationGrabTime = level.time + 3500; } } else { CheckForShorterRoutes(bs, bs->wpCurrent->index); } } } void MoveTowardIdealAngles(bot_state_t *bs) { VectorCopy(bs->goalAngles, bs->ideal_viewangles); } #define BOT_STRAFE_AVOIDANCE #ifdef BOT_STRAFE_AVOIDANCE #define STRAFEAROUND_RIGHT 1 #define STRAFEAROUND_LEFT 2 int BotTrace_Strafe(bot_state_t *bs, vec3_t traceto) { vec3_t playerMins = {-15, -15, /*-24*/-8}; vec3_t playerMaxs = {15, 15, 32}; vec3_t from, to; vec3_t dirAng, dirDif; vec3_t forward, right; trace_t tr; if (bs->cur_ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE) { //don't do this in the air, it can be.. dangerous. return 0; } VectorSubtract(traceto, bs->origin, dirAng); VectorNormalize(dirAng); vectoangles(dirAng, dirAng); if (AngleDifference(bs->viewangles[YAW], dirAng[YAW]) > 60 || AngleDifference(bs->viewangles[YAW], dirAng[YAW]) < -60) { //If we aren't facing the direction we're going here, then we've got enough excuse to be too stupid to strafe around anyway return 0; } VectorCopy(bs->origin, from); VectorCopy(traceto, to); VectorSubtract(to, from, dirDif); VectorNormalize(dirDif); vectoangles(dirDif, dirDif); AngleVectors(dirDif, forward, 0, 0); to[0] = from[0] + forward[0]*32; to[1] = from[1] + forward[1]*32; to[2] = from[2] + forward[2]*32; trap_Trace(&tr, from, playerMins, playerMaxs, to, bs->client, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { return 0; } AngleVectors(dirAng, 0, right, 0); from[0] += right[0]*32; from[1] += right[1]*32; from[2] += right[2]*16; to[0] += right[0]*32; to[1] += right[1]*32; to[2] += right[2]*32; trap_Trace(&tr, from, playerMins, playerMaxs, to, bs->client, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { return STRAFEAROUND_RIGHT; } from[0] -= right[0]*64; from[1] -= right[1]*64; from[2] -= right[2]*64; to[0] -= right[0]*64; to[1] -= right[1]*64; to[2] -= right[2]*64; trap_Trace(&tr, from, playerMins, playerMaxs, to, bs->client, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { return STRAFEAROUND_LEFT; } return 0; } #endif int BotTrace_Jump(bot_state_t *bs, vec3_t traceto) { vec3_t mins, maxs, a, fwd, traceto_mod, tracefrom_mod; trace_t tr; int orTr; VectorSubtract(traceto, bs->origin, a); vectoangles(a, a); AngleVectors(a, fwd, NULL, NULL); traceto_mod[0] = bs->origin[0] + fwd[0]*4; traceto_mod[1] = bs->origin[1] + fwd[1]*4; traceto_mod[2] = bs->origin[2] + fwd[2]*4; mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = -15; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 32; trap_Trace(&tr, bs->origin, mins, maxs, traceto_mod, bs->client, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { return 0; } orTr = tr.entityNum; VectorCopy(bs->origin, tracefrom_mod); tracefrom_mod[2] += 41; traceto_mod[2] += 41; mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = 0; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 8; trap_Trace(&tr, tracefrom_mod, mins, maxs, traceto_mod, bs->client, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { if (orTr >= 0 && orTr < MAX_CLIENTS && botstates[orTr] && botstates[orTr]->jumpTime > level.time) { return 0; //so bots don't try to jump over each other at the same time } if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->currentEnemy->s.number == orTr && (BotGetWeaponRange(bs) == BWEAPONRANGE_SABER || BotGetWeaponRange(bs) == BWEAPONRANGE_MELEE)) { return 0; } return 1; } return 0; } int BotTrace_Duck(bot_state_t *bs, vec3_t traceto) { vec3_t mins, maxs, a, fwd, traceto_mod, tracefrom_mod; trace_t tr; VectorSubtract(traceto, bs->origin, a); vectoangles(a, a); AngleVectors(a, fwd, NULL, NULL); traceto_mod[0] = bs->origin[0] + fwd[0]*4; traceto_mod[1] = bs->origin[1] + fwd[1]*4; traceto_mod[2] = bs->origin[2] + fwd[2]*4; mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = -23; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 8; trap_Trace(&tr, bs->origin, mins, maxs, traceto_mod, bs->client, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if (tr.fraction != 1) { return 0; } VectorCopy(bs->origin, tracefrom_mod); tracefrom_mod[2] += 31;//33; traceto_mod[2] += 31;//33; mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = 0; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 32; trap_Trace(&tr, tracefrom_mod, mins, maxs, traceto_mod, bs->client, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if (tr.fraction != 1) { return 1; } return 0; } int PassStandardEnemyChecks(bot_state_t *bs, gentity_t *en) { if (!bs || !en) { return 0; } if (!en->client) { return 0; } if (en->health < 1) { return 0; } if (!en->takedamage) { return 0; } if (en->client) { if (en->client->ps.pm_type != PM_NORMAL ) { return 0; } if ( G_IsClientSpectating ( en->client ) ) { return 0; } } if (!en->s.solid) { return 0; } if (bs->client == en->s.number) { return 0; } if (OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], en)) { return 0; } /* if (en->client && en->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED) { return 0; } */ return 1; } void BotDamageNotification(gclient_t *bot, gentity_t *attacker) { bot_state_t *bs; bot_state_t *bs_a; int i; if (!bot || !attacker || !attacker->client) { return; } bs_a = botstates[attacker->s.number]; if (bs_a) { bs_a->lastAttacked = &g_entities[bot->ps.clientNum]; i = 0; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { if (botstates[i] && i != bs_a->client && botstates[i]->lastAttacked == &g_entities[bot->ps.clientNum]) { botstates[i]->lastAttacked = NULL; } i++; } } else //got attacked by a real client, so no one gets rights to lastAttacked { i = 0; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { if (botstates[i] && botstates[i]->lastAttacked == &g_entities[bot->ps.clientNum]) { botstates[i]->lastAttacked = NULL; } i++; } } bs = botstates[bot->ps.clientNum]; if (!bs) { return; } bs->lastHurt = attacker; if (bs->currentEnemy) { return; } if (!PassStandardEnemyChecks(bs, attacker)) { return; } if (PassLovedOneCheck(bs, attacker)) { bs->currentEnemy = attacker; bs->enemySeenTime = level.time + ENEMY_FORGET_MS; } } int BotCanHear(bot_state_t *bs, gentity_t *en, float endist) { float minlen; if (!en || !en->client) { return 0; } /* if (en && en->client && en->client->ps.otherSoundTime > level.time) { minlen = en->client->ps.otherSoundLen; goto checkStep; } */ /* if (en && en->client && en->client->ps.footstepTime > level.time) { minlen = 256; goto checkStep; } */ if (gBotEventTracker[en->s.number].eventTime < level.time) { return 0; } switch(gBotEventTracker[en->s.number].events[gBotEventTracker[en->s.number].eventSequence & (MAX_PS_EVENTS-1)]) { case EV_GLOBAL_SOUND: minlen = 256; break; case EV_FIRE_WEAPON: case EV_ALT_FIRE: minlen = 512; break; case EV_STEP_4: case EV_STEP_8: case EV_STEP_12: case EV_STEP_16: case EV_FOOTSTEP: case EV_FOOTWADE: minlen = 256; break; case EV_JUMP: minlen = 256; break; default: minlen = 999999; break; } if (endist <= minlen) { return 1; } return 0; } void UpdateEventTracker(void) { int i; i = 0; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { if (gBotEventTracker[i].eventSequence != level.clients[i].ps.eventSequence) { //updated event gBotEventTracker[i].eventSequence = level.clients[i].ps.eventSequence; gBotEventTracker[i].events[0] = level.clients[i].ps.events[0]; gBotEventTracker[i].events[1] = level.clients[i].ps.events[1]; gBotEventTracker[i].eventTime = level.time + 0.5; } i++; } } int InFieldOfVision(vec3_t viewangles, float fov, vec3_t angles) { int i; float diff, angle; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { angle = AngleMod(viewangles[i]); angles[i] = AngleMod(angles[i]); diff = angles[i] - angle; if (angles[i] > angle) { if (diff > 180.0) { diff -= 360.0; } } else { if (diff < -180.0) { diff += 360.0; } } if (diff > 0) { if (diff > fov * 0.5) { return 0; } } else { if (diff < -fov * 0.5) { return 0; } } } return 1; } int PassLovedOneCheck(bot_state_t *bs, gentity_t *ent) { int i; bot_state_t *loved; if (!bs->lovednum) { return 1; } i = 0; if (!botstates[ent->s.number]) { //not a bot return 1; } trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_attachments); if (!bot_attachments.integer) { return 1; } loved = botstates[ent->s.number]; while (i < bs->lovednum) { if (strcmp(level.clients[loved->client].pers.netname, bs->loved[i].name) == 0) { if (!IsTeamplay() && bs->loved[i].level < 2) { //if FFA and level of love is not greater than 1, just don't care return 1; } else if (IsTeamplay() && !OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], &g_entities[loved->client]) && bs->loved[i].level < 2) { //is teamplay, but not on same team and level < 2 return 1; } else { return 0; } } i++; } return 1; } int ScanForEnemies(bot_state_t *bs) { vec3_t a; float distcheck; float closest; int bestindex; int i; float hasEnemyDist = 0; closest = 999999; i = 0; bestindex = -1; if (bs->currentEnemy) { hasEnemyDist = bs->frame_Enemy_Len; } while (i <= MAX_CLIENTS) { if (i != bs->client && g_entities[i].client && !OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], &g_entities[i]) && PassStandardEnemyChecks(bs, &g_entities[i]) && trap_InPVS(g_entities[i].client->ps.origin, bs->eye) && PassLovedOneCheck(bs, &g_entities[i])) { VectorSubtract(g_entities[i].client->ps.origin, bs->eye, a); distcheck = VectorLength(a); vectoangles(a, a); if (distcheck < closest && ((InFieldOfVision(bs->viewangles, 90, a) /*&& !BotMindTricked(bs->client, i)*/) || BotCanHear(bs, &g_entities[i], distcheck)) && OrgVisible(bs->eye, g_entities[i].client->ps.origin, -1)) { if (!hasEnemyDist || distcheck < (hasEnemyDist - 128)) { //if we have an enemy, only switch to closer if he is 128+ closer to avoid flipping out closest = distcheck; bestindex = i; } } } i++; } return bestindex; } int WaitingForNow(bot_state_t *bs, vec3_t goalpos) { //checks if the bot is doing something along the lines of waiting for an elevator to raise up vec3_t xybot, xywp, a; if (!bs->wpCurrent) { return 0; } if ((int)goalpos[0] != (int)bs->wpCurrent->origin[0] || (int)goalpos[1] != (int)bs->wpCurrent->origin[1] || (int)goalpos[2] != (int)bs->wpCurrent->origin[2]) { return 0; } VectorCopy(bs->origin, xybot); VectorCopy(bs->wpCurrent->origin, xywp); xybot[2] = 0; xywp[2] = 0; VectorSubtract(xybot, xywp, a); if (VectorLength(a) < 16 && bs->frame_Waypoint_Len > 100) { if (CheckForFunc(bs->origin, bs->client)) { return 1; //we're probably standing on an elevator and riding up/down. Or at least we hope so. } } else if (VectorLength(a) < 64 && bs->frame_Waypoint_Len > 64 && CheckForFunc(bs->origin, bs->client)) { bs->noUseTime = level.time + 2000; } return 0; } int BotGetWeaponRange(bot_state_t *bs) { switch (weaponData[bs->cur_ps.weapon].category) { case CAT_KNIFE: return BWEAPONRANGE_MELEE; case CAT_PISTOL: return BWEAPONRANGE_MID; //short case CAT_SHOTGUN: return BWEAPONRANGE_MID; //short case CAT_SUB: return BWEAPONRANGE_MID; case CAT_ASSAULT: return BWEAPONRANGE_MID; case CAT_SNIPER: return BWEAPONRANGE_LONG; case CAT_HEAVY: return BWEAPONRANGE_LONG; case CAT_GRENADE: return BWEAPONRANGE_MID; //short default: return BWEAPONRANGE_MID; } } int BotIsAChickenWuss(bot_state_t *bs) { int bWRange; if (bs->chickenWussCalculationTime > level.time) { return 2; //don't want to keep going between two points... } bs->chickenWussCalculationTime = level.time + MAX_CHICKENWUSS_TIME; if (g_entities[bs->client].health < BOT_RUN_HEALTH) { return 1; } bWRange = BotGetWeaponRange(bs); if (bWRange == BWEAPONRANGE_MELEE) { if (!bs->meleeSpecialist) { return 1; } } if (bs->cur_ps.weapon < WP_USAS_12_SHOTGUN) { //the bryar is a weak weapon, so just try to find a new one if it's what you're having to use return 1; } if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->currentEnemy->client && bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.weapon == WP_KNIFE && bs->frame_Enemy_Len < 512 && bs->cur_ps.weapon != WP_KNIFE) { //if close to an enemy with a knife and not using a knife, then try to back off return 1; } //didn't run, reset the timer bs->chickenWussCalculationTime = 0; return 0; } gentity_t *GetNearestBadThing(bot_state_t *bs) { int i = 0; float glen; vec3_t hold; int bestindex = 0; float bestdist = 800; //if not within a radius of 800, it's no threat anyway int foundindex = 0; float factor = 0; gentity_t *ent; trace_t tr; while (i < MAX_GENTITIES) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if ( (ent && !ent->client && ent->inuse && ent->damage && /*(ent->s.weapon == WP_THERMAL || ent->s.weapon == WP_FLECHETTE)*/ ent->s.weapon && ent->splashDamage) ) { //try to escape from anything with a non-0 s.weapon and non-0 damage. This hopefully only means dangerous projectiles. //Or a sentry gun if bolt_Head == 1000. This is a terrible hack, yes. VectorSubtract(bs->origin, ent->r.currentOrigin, hold); glen = VectorLength(hold); //if (ent->s.weapon != WP_THERMAL && ent->s.weapon != WP_FLECHETTE && // ent->s.weapon != WP_DET_PACK && ent->s.weapon != WP_TRIP_MINE) if (weaponData[ent->s.weapon].category != CAT_GRENADE) { factor = 0.5; } else { factor = 1; } if (ent->s.weapon == WP_RPG7_LAUNCHER && (ent->r.ownerNum == bs->client || (ent->r.ownerNum > 0 && ent->r.ownerNum < MAX_CLIENTS && g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum].client && OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum]))) ) { //don't be afraid of your own rockets or your teammates' rockets factor = 0; } if (glen < bestdist*factor && trap_InPVS(bs->origin, ent->s.pos.trBase)) { trap_Trace(&tr, bs->origin, NULL, NULL, ent->s.pos.trBase, bs->client, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1 || tr.entityNum == ent->s.number) { bestindex = i; bestdist = glen; foundindex = 1; } } } i++; } if (foundindex) { bs->dontGoBack = level.time + 1500; return &g_entities[bestindex]; } else { return NULL; } } int BotDefendFlag(bot_state_t *bs) { wpobject_t *flagPoint; vec3_t a; if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.team == TEAM_RED) { flagPoint = flagRed; } else if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.team == TEAM_BLUE) { flagPoint = flagBlue; } else { return 0; } if (!flagPoint) { return 0; } VectorSubtract(bs->origin, flagPoint->origin, a); if (VectorLength(a) > BASE_GUARD_DISTANCE) { bs->wpDestination = flagPoint; } return 1; } int BotGetEnemyFlag(bot_state_t *bs) { wpobject_t *flagPoint; vec3_t a; if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.team == TEAM_RED) { flagPoint = flagBlue; } else if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.team == TEAM_BLUE) { flagPoint = flagRed; } else { return 0; } if (!flagPoint) { return 0; } VectorSubtract(bs->origin, flagPoint->origin, a); if (VectorLength(a) > BASE_GETENEMYFLAG_DISTANCE) { bs->wpDestination = flagPoint; } return 1; } int BotGetFlagBack(bot_state_t *bs) { #ifdef BOT_KNOW_CTF int i = 0; int myFlag = 0; int foundCarrier = 0; int tempInt = 0; gentity_t *ent = NULL; vec3_t usethisvec; if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) { myFlag = PW_REDFLAG; } else { myFlag = PW_BLUEFLAG; } while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (ent && ent->client && ent->client->ps.powerups[myFlag] && !OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { foundCarrier = 1; break; } i++; } if (!foundCarrier) { return 0; } if (!ent) { return 0; } if (bs->wpDestSwitchTime < level.time) { if (ent->client) { VectorCopy(ent->client->ps.origin, usethisvec); } else { VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, usethisvec); } tempInt = GetNearestVisibleWP(usethisvec, 0); if (tempInt != -1 && TotalTrailDistance(bs->wpCurrent->index, tempInt, bs) != -1) { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[tempInt]; bs->wpDestSwitchTime = level.time + Q_irand(1000, 5000); } } return 1; #else return 0; #endif } int BotGuardFlagCarrier(bot_state_t *bs) { #ifdef BOT_KNOW_CTF int i = 0; int enemyFlag = 0; int foundCarrier = 0; int tempInt = 0; gentity_t *ent = NULL; vec3_t usethisvec; if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) { enemyFlag = PW_BLUEFLAG; } else { enemyFlag = PW_REDFLAG; } while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (ent && ent->client && ent->client->ps.powerups[enemyFlag] && OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { foundCarrier = 1; break; } i++; } if (!foundCarrier) { return 0; } if (!ent) { return 0; } if (bs->wpDestSwitchTime < level.time) { if (ent->client) { VectorCopy(ent->client->ps.origin, usethisvec); } else { VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, usethisvec); } tempInt = GetNearestVisibleWP(usethisvec, 0); if (tempInt != -1 && TotalTrailDistance(bs->wpCurrent->index, tempInt, bs) != -1) { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[tempInt]; bs->wpDestSwitchTime = level.time + Q_irand(1000, 5000); } } return 1; #else return 0; #endif } int BotGetFlagHome(bot_state_t *bs) { #ifdef BOT_KNOW_CTF wpobject_t *flagPoint; vec3_t a; if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) { flagPoint = flagRed; } else if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_BLUE) { flagPoint = flagBlue; } else { return 0; } if (!flagPoint) { return 0; } VectorSubtract(bs->origin, flagPoint->origin, a); if (VectorLength(a) > BASE_FLAGWAIT_DISTANCE) { bs->wpDestination = flagPoint; } return 1; #else return 0; #endif } void GetNewFlagPoint(wpobject_t *wp, gentity_t *flagEnt, int team) { //get the nearest possible waypoint to the flag since it's not in its original position #ifdef BOT_KNOW_CTF int i = 0; vec3_t a, mins, maxs; float bestdist; float testdist; int bestindex = 0; int foundindex = 0; trace_t tr; mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = -5; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 5; VectorSubtract(wp->origin, flagEnt->s.pos.trBase, a); bestdist = VectorLength(a); if (bestdist <= WP_KEEP_FLAG_DIST) { trap_Trace(&tr, wp->origin, mins, maxs, flagEnt->s.pos.trBase, flagEnt->s.number, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { //this point is good return; } } while (i < gWPNum) { VectorSubtract(gWPArray[i]->origin, flagEnt->s.pos.trBase, a); testdist = VectorLength(a); if (testdist < bestdist) { trap_Trace(&tr, gWPArray[i]->origin, mins, maxs, flagEnt->s.pos.trBase, flagEnt->s.number, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { foundindex = 1; bestindex = i; bestdist = testdist; } } i++; } if (foundindex) { if (team == TEAM_RED) { flagRed = gWPArray[bestindex]; } else { flagBlue = gWPArray[bestindex]; } } #endif } int CTFTakesPriority(bot_state_t *bs) { /* #ifdef BOT_KNOW_CTF gentity_t *ent = NULL; int enemyFlag = 0; int myFlag = 0; int enemyHasOurFlag = 0; int weHaveEnemyFlag = 0; int numOnMyTeam = 0; int numOnEnemyTeam = 0; int numAttackers = 0; int numDefenders = 0; int i = 0; int idleWP; int dosw = 0; wpobject_t *dest_sw = NULL; #ifdef BOT_CTF_DEBUG vec3_t t; G_Printf("CTFSTATE: %s\n", ctfStateNames[bs->ctfState]); #endif if (level.gametype != GT_CTF) { return 0; } if (bs->cur_ps.weapon == WP_BRYAR_PISTOL && (level.time - bs->lastDeadTime) < BOT_MAX_WEAPON_GATHER_TIME) { //get the nearest weapon laying around base before heading off for battle idleWP = GetBestIdleGoal(bs); if (idleWP != -1 && gWPArray[idleWP] && gWPArray[idleWP]->inuse) { if (bs->wpDestSwitchTime < level.time) { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[idleWP]; } return 1; } } else if (bs->cur_ps.weapon == WP_BRYAR_PISTOL && (level.time - bs->lastDeadTime) < BOT_MAX_WEAPON_CHASE_CTF && bs->wpDestination && bs->wpDestination->weight) { dest_sw = bs->wpDestination; dosw = 1; } if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) { myFlag = PW_REDFLAG; } else { myFlag = PW_BLUEFLAG; } if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) { enemyFlag = PW_BLUEFLAG; } else { enemyFlag = PW_REDFLAG; } if (!flagRed || !flagBlue || !flagRed->inuse || !flagBlue->inuse || !eFlagRed || !eFlagBlue) { return 0; } #ifdef BOT_CTF_DEBUG VectorCopy(flagRed->origin, t); t[2] += 128; G_TestLine(flagRed->origin, t, 0x0000ff, 500); VectorCopy(flagBlue->origin, t); t[2] += 128; G_TestLine(flagBlue->origin, t, 0x0000ff, 500); #endif if (droppedRedFlag && (droppedRedFlag->flags & FL_DROPPED_ITEM)) { GetNewFlagPoint(flagRed, droppedRedFlag, TEAM_RED); } else { flagRed = oFlagRed; } if (droppedBlueFlag && (droppedBlueFlag->flags & FL_DROPPED_ITEM)) { GetNewFlagPoint(flagBlue, droppedBlueFlag, TEAM_BLUE); } else { flagBlue = oFlagBlue; } if (!bs->ctfState) { return 0; } i = 0; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (ent && ent->client) { if (ent->client->ps.powerups[enemyFlag] && OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { weHaveEnemyFlag = 1; } else if (ent->client->ps.powerups[myFlag] && !OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { enemyHasOurFlag = 1; } if (OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { numOnMyTeam++; } else { numOnEnemyTeam++; } if (botstates[ent->s.number]) { if (botstates[ent->s.number]->ctfState == CTFSTATE_ATTACKER || botstates[ent->s.number]->ctfState == CTFSTATE_RETRIEVAL) { numAttackers++; } else { numDefenders++; } } else { //assume real players to be attackers in our logic numAttackers++; } } i++; } if (bs->cur_ps.powerups[enemyFlag]) { if ((numOnMyTeam < 2 || !numAttackers) && enemyHasOurFlag) { bs->ctfState = CTFSTATE_RETRIEVAL; } else { bs->ctfState = CTFSTATE_GETFLAGHOME; } } else if (bs->ctfState == CTFSTATE_GETFLAGHOME) { bs->ctfState = 0; } if (bs->state_Forced) { bs->ctfState = bs->state_Forced; } if (bs->ctfState == CTFSTATE_DEFENDER) { if (BotDefendFlag(bs)) { goto success; } } if (bs->ctfState == CTFSTATE_ATTACKER) { if (BotGetEnemyFlag(bs)) { goto success; } } if (bs->ctfState == CTFSTATE_RETRIEVAL) { if (BotGetFlagBack(bs)) { goto success; } else { //can't find anyone on another team being a carrier, so ignore this priority bs->ctfState = 0; } } if (bs->ctfState == CTFSTATE_GUARDCARRIER) { if (BotGuardFlagCarrier(bs)) { goto success; } else { //can't find anyone on our team being a carrier, so ignore this priority bs->ctfState = 0; } } if (bs->ctfState == CTFSTATE_GETFLAGHOME) { if (BotGetFlagHome(bs)) { goto success; } } return 0; success: if (dosw) { //allow ctf code to run, but if after a particular item then keep going after it bs->wpDestination = dest_sw; } return 1; #else return 0; #endif */ return 0; } int EntityVisibleBox(vec3_t org1, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t org2, int ignore, int ignore2) { trace_t tr; trap_Trace(&tr, org1, mins, maxs, org2, ignore, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1 && !tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid) { return 1; } else if (tr.entityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE && tr.entityNum == ignore2) { return 1; } return 0; } int BotHasAssociated(bot_state_t *bs, wpobject_t *wp) { gentity_t *as; if (wp->associated_entity == ENTITYNUM_NONE) { //make it think this is an item we have so we don't go after nothing return 1; } as = &g_entities[wp->associated_entity]; if (!as || !as->item) { return 0; } if (as->item->giType == IT_WEAPON) { if (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << as->item->giTag)) { return 1; } return 0; } #ifdef BOT_USE_HOLDABLE else if (as->item->giType == IT_HOLDABLE) { if (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << as->item->giTag)) { return 1; } return 0; } #endif else if (as->item->giType == IT_AMMO) { if (bs->cur_ps.ammo[as->item->giTag] > 10) //hack { return 1; } return 0; } return 0; } int GetBestIdleGoal(bot_state_t *bs) { int i = 0; int highestweight = 0; int desiredindex = -1; int dist_to_weight = 0; int traildist; if (!bs->wpCurrent) { return -1; } if (bs->isCamper != 2) { if (bs->randomNavTime < level.time) { if (Q_irand(1, 10) < 5) { bs->randomNav = 1; } else { bs->randomNav = 0; } bs->randomNavTime = level.time + Q_irand(5000, 15000); } } if (bs->randomNav) { //stop looking for items and/or camping on them return -1; } while (i < gWPNum) { if (gWPArray[i] && gWPArray[i]->inuse && (gWPArray[i]->flags & WPFLAG_GOALPOINT) && gWPArray[i]->weight > highestweight && !BotHasAssociated(bs, gWPArray[i])) { traildist = TotalTrailDistance(bs->wpCurrent->index, i, bs); if (traildist != -1) { dist_to_weight = (int)traildist/10000; dist_to_weight = (gWPArray[i]->weight)-dist_to_weight; if (dist_to_weight > highestweight) { highestweight = dist_to_weight; desiredindex = i; } } } i++; } return desiredindex; } void GetIdealDestination(bot_state_t *bs) { int tempInt, cWPIndex, bChicken, idleWP; float distChange, plusLen, minusLen; vec3_t usethisvec, a; gentity_t *badthing; if (!bs->wpCurrent) { return; } if ((level.time - bs->escapeDirTime) > 4000) { badthing = GetNearestBadThing(bs); } else { badthing = NULL; } if (badthing && badthing->inuse && badthing->health > 0 && badthing->takedamage) { bs->dangerousObject = badthing; } else { bs->dangerousObject = NULL; } if (!badthing && bs->wpDestIgnoreTime > level.time) { return; } if (!badthing && bs->dontGoBack > level.time) { if (bs->wpDestination) { bs->wpStoreDest = bs->wpDestination; } bs->wpDestination = NULL; return; } else if (!badthing && bs->wpStoreDest) { //after we finish running away, switch back to our original destination bs->wpDestination = bs->wpStoreDest; bs->wpStoreDest = NULL; } if (badthing && bs->wpCamping) { bs->wpCamping = NULL; } if (bs->wpCamping) { bs->wpDestination = bs->wpCamping; return; } if (!badthing && CTFTakesPriority(bs)) { if (bs->ctfState) { bs->runningToEscapeThreat = 1; } return; } if (badthing) { bs->runningLikeASissy = level.time + 100; if (bs->wpDestination) { bs->wpStoreDest = bs->wpDestination; } bs->wpDestination = NULL; if (bs->wpDirection) { tempInt = bs->wpCurrent->index+1; } else { tempInt = bs->wpCurrent->index-1; } if (gWPArray[tempInt] && gWPArray[tempInt]->inuse && bs->escapeDirTime < level.time) { VectorSubtract(badthing->s.pos.trBase, bs->wpCurrent->origin, a); plusLen = VectorLength(a); VectorSubtract(badthing->s.pos.trBase, gWPArray[tempInt]->origin, a); minusLen = VectorLength(a); if (plusLen < minusLen) { if (bs->wpDirection) { bs->wpDirection = 0; } else { bs->wpDirection = 1; } bs->wpCurrent = gWPArray[tempInt]; bs->escapeDirTime = level.time + Q_irand(500, 1000);//Q_irand(1000, 1400); //G_Printf("Escaping from scary bad thing [%s]\n", badthing->classname); } } //G_Printf("Run away run away run away!\n"); return; } distChange = 0; //keep the compiler from complaining tempInt = BotGetWeaponRange(bs); if (tempInt == BWEAPONRANGE_MELEE) { distChange = 1; } else if (tempInt == BWEAPONRANGE_SABER) { distChange = 1; } else if (tempInt == BWEAPONRANGE_MID) { distChange = 128; } else if (tempInt == BWEAPONRANGE_LONG) { distChange = 300; } if (bs->revengeEnemy && bs->revengeEnemy->health > 0 && bs->revengeEnemy->client && (bs->revengeEnemy->client->pers.connected == CA_ACTIVE || bs->revengeEnemy->client->pers.connected == CA_AUTHORIZING)) { //if we hate someone, always try to get to them if (bs->wpDestSwitchTime < level.time) { if (bs->revengeEnemy->client) { VectorCopy(bs->revengeEnemy->client->ps.origin, usethisvec); } else { VectorCopy(bs->revengeEnemy->s.origin, usethisvec); } tempInt = GetNearestVisibleWP(usethisvec, 0); if (tempInt != -1 && TotalTrailDistance(bs->wpCurrent->index, tempInt, bs) != -1) { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[tempInt]; bs->wpDestSwitchTime = level.time + Q_irand(5000, 10000); } } } else if (bs->squadLeader && bs->squadLeader->health > 0 && bs->squadLeader->client && (bs->squadLeader->client->pers.connected == CA_ACTIVE || bs->squadLeader->client->pers.connected == CA_AUTHORIZING)) { if (bs->wpDestSwitchTime < level.time) { if (bs->squadLeader->client) { VectorCopy(bs->squadLeader->client->ps.origin, usethisvec); } else { VectorCopy(bs->squadLeader->s.origin, usethisvec); } tempInt = GetNearestVisibleWP(usethisvec, 0); if (tempInt != -1 && TotalTrailDistance(bs->wpCurrent->index, tempInt, bs) != -1) { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[tempInt]; bs->wpDestSwitchTime = level.time + Q_irand(5000, 10000); } } } else if (bs->currentEnemy) { if (bs->currentEnemy->client) { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.origin, usethisvec); } else { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->s.origin, usethisvec); } bChicken = BotIsAChickenWuss(bs); bs->runningToEscapeThreat = bChicken; if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len < distChange || (bChicken && bChicken != 2)) { cWPIndex = bs->wpCurrent->index; if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len > 400) { //good distance away, start running toward a good place for an item or powerup or whatever idleWP = GetBestIdleGoal(bs); if (idleWP != -1 && gWPArray[idleWP] && gWPArray[idleWP]->inuse) { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[idleWP]; } } else if (gWPArray[cWPIndex-1] && gWPArray[cWPIndex-1]->inuse && gWPArray[cWPIndex+1] && gWPArray[cWPIndex+1]->inuse) { VectorSubtract(gWPArray[cWPIndex+1]->origin, usethisvec, a); plusLen = VectorLength(a); VectorSubtract(gWPArray[cWPIndex-1]->origin, usethisvec, a); minusLen = VectorLength(a); if (minusLen > plusLen) { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[cWPIndex-1]; } else { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[cWPIndex+1]; } } } else if (bChicken != 2 && bs->wpDestSwitchTime < level.time) { tempInt = GetNearestVisibleWP(usethisvec, 0); if (tempInt != -1 && TotalTrailDistance(bs->wpCurrent->index, tempInt, bs) != -1) { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[tempInt]; bs->wpDestSwitchTime = level.time + Q_irand(1000, 5000); } } } if (!bs->wpDestination && bs->wpDestSwitchTime < level.time) { //G_Printf("I need something to do\n"); idleWP = GetBestIdleGoal(bs); if (idleWP != -1 && gWPArray[idleWP] && gWPArray[idleWP]->inuse) { bs->wpDestination = gWPArray[idleWP]; } } } void CommanderBotCTFAI(bot_state_t *bs) { #ifdef BOT_KNOW_CTF int i = 0; gentity_t *ent; int squadmates = 0; gentity_t *squad[MAX_CLIENTS]; int defendAttackPriority = 0; //0 == attack, 1 == defend int guardDefendPriority = 0; //0 == defend, 1 == guard int attackRetrievePriority = 0; //0 == retrieve, 1 == attack int myFlag = 0; int enemyFlag = 0; int enemyHasOurFlag = 0; int weHaveEnemyFlag = 0; int numOnMyTeam = 0; int numOnEnemyTeam = 0; int numAttackers = 0; int numDefenders = 0; if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) { myFlag = PW_REDFLAG; } else { myFlag = PW_BLUEFLAG; } if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) { enemyFlag = PW_BLUEFLAG; } else { enemyFlag = PW_REDFLAG; } while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (ent && ent->client) { if (ent->client->ps.powerups[enemyFlag] && OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { weHaveEnemyFlag = 1; } else if (ent->client->ps.powerups[myFlag] && !OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { enemyHasOurFlag = 1; } if (OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { numOnMyTeam++; } else { numOnEnemyTeam++; } if (botstates[ent->s.number]) { if (botstates[ent->s.number]->ctfState == CTFSTATE_ATTACKER || botstates[ent->s.number]->ctfState == CTFSTATE_RETRIEVAL) { numAttackers++; } else { numDefenders++; } } else { //assume real players to be attackers in our logic numAttackers++; } } i++; } i = 0; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (ent && ent->client && botstates[i] && botstates[i]->squadLeader && botstates[i]->squadLeader->s.number == bs->client && i != bs->client) { squad[squadmates] = ent; squadmates++; } i++; } squad[squadmates] = &g_entities[bs->client]; squadmates++; i = 0; if (enemyHasOurFlag && !weHaveEnemyFlag) { //start off with an attacker instead of a retriever if we don't have the enemy flag yet so that they can't capture it first. //after that we focus on getting our flag back. attackRetrievePriority = 1; } while (i < squadmates) { if (squad[i] && squad[i]->client && botstates[squad[i]->s.number]) { if (botstates[squad[i]->s.number]->ctfState != CTFSTATE_GETFLAGHOME) { //never tell a bot to stop trying to bring the flag to the base if (defendAttackPriority) { if (weHaveEnemyFlag) { if (guardDefendPriority) { botstates[squad[i]->s.number]->ctfState = CTFSTATE_GUARDCARRIER; guardDefendPriority = 0; } else { botstates[squad[i]->s.number]->ctfState = CTFSTATE_DEFENDER; guardDefendPriority = 1; } } else { botstates[squad[i]->s.number]->ctfState = CTFSTATE_DEFENDER; } defendAttackPriority = 0; } else { if (enemyHasOurFlag) { if (attackRetrievePriority) { botstates[squad[i]->s.number]->ctfState = CTFSTATE_ATTACKER; attackRetrievePriority = 0; } else { botstates[squad[i]->s.number]->ctfState = CTFSTATE_RETRIEVAL; attackRetrievePriority = 1; } } else { botstates[squad[i]->s.number]->ctfState = CTFSTATE_ATTACKER; } defendAttackPriority = 1; } } else if ((numOnMyTeam < 2 || !numAttackers) && enemyHasOurFlag) { //I'm the only one on my team who will attack and the enemy has my flag, I have to go after him botstates[squad[i]->s.number]->ctfState = CTFSTATE_RETRIEVAL; } } i++; } #endif } void BotDoTeamplayAI(bot_state_t *bs) { if (bs->state_Forced) { bs->teamplayState = bs->state_Forced; } if (bs->teamplayState == TEAMPLAYSTATE_REGROUP) { //force to find a new leader bs->squadLeader = NULL; bs->isSquadLeader = 0; } } void CommanderBotTeamplayAI(bot_state_t *bs) { int i = 0; int squadmates = 0; int teammates = 0; int teammate_indanger = -1; int teammate_helped = 0; int foundsquadleader = 0; int worsthealth = 50; gentity_t *squad[MAX_CLIENTS]; gentity_t *ent; bot_state_t *bst; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (ent && ent->client && OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent) && botstates[ent->s.number]) { bst = botstates[ent->s.number]; if (foundsquadleader && bst && bst->isSquadLeader) { //never more than one squad leader bst->isSquadLeader = 0; } if (bst && !bst->isSquadLeader) { squad[squadmates] = ent; squadmates++; } else if (bst) { foundsquadleader = 1; } } if (ent && ent->client && OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { teammates++; if (ent->health < worsthealth) { teammate_indanger = ent->s.number; worsthealth = ent->health; } } i++; } if (!squadmates) { return; } i = 0; while (i < squadmates && squad[i]) { bst = botstates[squad[i]->s.number]; if (bst && !bst->state_Forced) { //only order if this guy is not being ordered directly by the real player team leader if (teammate_indanger >= 0 && !teammate_helped) { //send someone out to help whoever needs help most at the moment bst->teamplayState = TEAMPLAYSTATE_ASSISTING; bst->squadLeader = &g_entities[teammate_indanger]; teammate_helped = 1; } else if ((teammate_indanger == -1 || teammate_helped) && bst->teamplayState == TEAMPLAYSTATE_ASSISTING) { //no teammates need help badly, but this guy is trying to help them anyway, so stop bst->teamplayState = TEAMPLAYSTATE_FOLLOWING; bst->squadLeader = &g_entities[bs->client]; } if (bs->squadRegroupInterval < level.time && Q_irand(1, 10) < 5) { //every so often tell the squad to regroup for the sake of variation if (bst->teamplayState == TEAMPLAYSTATE_FOLLOWING) { bst->teamplayState = TEAMPLAYSTATE_REGROUP; } bs->isSquadLeader = 0; bs->squadCannotLead = level.time + 500; bs->squadRegroupInterval = level.time + Q_irand(45000, 65000); } } i++; } } void CommanderBotAI(bot_state_t *bs) { /* if (level.gametype == GT_CTF) { CommanderBotCTFAI(bs); } else if (level.gametype == GT_TDM) { CommanderBotTeamplayAI(bs); } */ } void MeleeCombatHandling(bot_state_t *bs) { vec3_t usethisvec; vec3_t downvec; vec3_t midorg; vec3_t a; vec3_t fwd; vec3_t mins, maxs; trace_t tr; int en_down; int me_down; int mid_down; if (!bs->currentEnemy) { return; } if (bs->currentEnemy->client) { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.origin, usethisvec); } else { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->s.origin, usethisvec); } if (bs->meleeStrafeTime < level.time) { if (bs->meleeStrafeDir) { bs->meleeStrafeDir = 0; } else { bs->meleeStrafeDir = 1; } bs->meleeStrafeTime = level.time + Q_irand(500, 1800); } mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = -24; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 32; VectorCopy(usethisvec, downvec); downvec[2] -= 4096; trap_Trace(&tr, usethisvec, mins, maxs, downvec, -1, MASK_SOLID); en_down = (int)tr.endpos[2]; VectorCopy(bs->origin, downvec); downvec[2] -= 4096; trap_Trace(&tr, bs->origin, mins, maxs, downvec, -1, MASK_SOLID); me_down = (int)tr.endpos[2]; VectorSubtract(usethisvec, bs->origin, a); vectoangles(a, a); AngleVectors(a, fwd, NULL, NULL); midorg[0] = bs->origin[0] + fwd[0]*bs->frame_Enemy_Len/2; midorg[1] = bs->origin[1] + fwd[1]*bs->frame_Enemy_Len/2; midorg[2] = bs->origin[2] + fwd[2]*bs->frame_Enemy_Len/2; VectorCopy(midorg, downvec); downvec[2] -= 4096; trap_Trace(&tr, midorg, mins, maxs, downvec, -1, MASK_SOLID); mid_down = (int)tr.endpos[2]; if (me_down == en_down && en_down == mid_down) { VectorCopy(usethisvec, bs->goalPosition); } } #if 0 void SaberCombatHandling(bot_state_t *bs) { vec3_t usethisvec; vec3_t downvec; vec3_t midorg; vec3_t a; vec3_t fwd; vec3_t mins, maxs; trace_t tr; int en_down; int me_down; int mid_down; if (!bs->currentEnemy) { return; } if (bs->currentEnemy->client) { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.origin, usethisvec); } else { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->s.origin, usethisvec); } if (bs->meleeStrafeTime < level.time) { if (bs->meleeStrafeDir) { bs->meleeStrafeDir = 0; } else { bs->meleeStrafeDir = 1; } bs->meleeStrafeTime = level.time + Q_irand(500, 1800); } mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = -24; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 32; VectorCopy(usethisvec, downvec); downvec[2] -= 4096; trap_Trace(&tr, usethisvec, mins, maxs, downvec, -1, MASK_SOLID); en_down = (int)tr.endpos[2]; if (tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid) { en_down = 1; me_down = 2; } else { VectorCopy(bs->origin, downvec); downvec[2] -= 4096; trap_Trace(&tr, bs->origin, mins, maxs, downvec, -1, MASK_SOLID); me_down = (int)tr.endpos[2]; if (tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid) { en_down = 1; me_down = 2; } } VectorSubtract(usethisvec, bs->origin, a); vectoangles(a, a); AngleVectors(a, fwd, NULL, NULL); midorg[0] = bs->origin[0] + fwd[0]*bs->frame_Enemy_Len/2; midorg[1] = bs->origin[1] + fwd[1]*bs->frame_Enemy_Len/2; midorg[2] = bs->origin[2] + fwd[2]*bs->frame_Enemy_Len/2; VectorCopy(midorg, downvec); downvec[2] -= 4096; trap_Trace(&tr, midorg, mins, maxs, downvec, -1, MASK_SOLID); mid_down = (int)tr.endpos[2]; if (me_down == en_down && en_down == mid_down) { if (usethisvec[2] > (bs->origin[2]+32) && bs->currentEnemy->client && bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE) { bs->jumpTime = level.time + 100; } if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len > 128) { //be ready to attack bs->saberDefending = 0; bs->saberDefendDecideTime = level.time + Q_irand(1000, 2000); } else { if (bs->saberDefendDecideTime < level.time) { if (bs->saberDefending) { bs->saberDefending = 0; } else { bs->saberDefending = 1; } bs->saberDefendDecideTime = level.time + Q_irand(500, 2000); } } if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len < 54) { VectorCopy(bs->origin, bs->goalPosition); bs->saberBFTime = 0; } else { VectorCopy(usethisvec, bs->goalPosition); } if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len > 90 && bs->saberBFTime > level.time && bs->saberBTime > level.time && bs->beStill < level.time && bs->saberSTime < level.time) { bs->beStill = level.time + Q_irand(500, 1000); bs->saberSTime = level.time + Q_irand(1200, 1800); } else if (bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER && bs->frame_Enemy_Len < 80 && (Q_irand(1, 10) < 8 && bs->saberBFTime < level.time) || bs->saberBTime > level.time) { vec3_t vs; vec3_t groundcheck; VectorSubtract(bs->origin, usethisvec, vs); VectorNormalize(vs); bs->goalPosition[0] = bs->origin[0] + vs[0]*64; bs->goalPosition[1] = bs->origin[1] + vs[1]*64; bs->goalPosition[2] = bs->origin[2] + vs[2]*64; if (bs->saberBTime < level.time) { bs->saberBFTime = level.time + Q_irand(900, 1300); bs->saberBTime = level.time + Q_irand(300, 700); } VectorCopy(bs->goalPosition, groundcheck); groundcheck[2] -= 64; trap_Trace(&tr, bs->goalPosition, NULL, NULL, groundcheck, bs->client, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1.0) { //don't back off of a ledge VectorCopy(usethisvec, bs->goalPosition); } } else if (bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER && bs->frame_Enemy_Len >= 75) { bs->saberBFTime = level.time + Q_irand(700, 1300); bs->saberBTime = 0; } /*AngleVectors(bs->viewangles, NULL, fwd, NULL); if (bs->meleeStrafeDir) { bs->goalPosition[0] += fwd[0]*16; bs->goalPosition[1] += fwd[1]*16; bs->goalPosition[2] += fwd[2]*16; } else { bs->goalPosition[0] -= fwd[0]*16; bs->goalPosition[1] -= fwd[1]*16; bs->goalPosition[2] -= fwd[2]*16; }*/ } else if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len <= 56) { bs->doAttack = 1; bs->saberDefending = 0; } } #endif float BotWeaponCanLead(bot_state_t *bs) { switch (bs->cur_ps.weapon) { default: return 0; case WP_KNIFE: return 0.5; // no leading needed for any bullet weapons case WP_M1911A1_PISTOL: case WP_SILVER_TALON: case WP_USSOCOM_PISTOL: case WP_M4_ASSAULT_RIFLE: case WP_AK74_ASSAULT_RIFLE: case WP_M60_MACHINEGUN: case WP_MICRO_UZI_SUBMACHINEGUN: case WP_M3A1_SUBMACHINEGUN: case WP_MP5: case WP_SIG551: case WP_MSG90A1: case WP_USAS_12_SHOTGUN: case WP_M590_SHOTGUN: return 0; // projectile weapons lead case WP_MM1_GRENADE_LAUNCHER: return 0.5; case WP_RPG7_LAUNCHER: return 0.5; case WP_M84_GRENADE: case WP_SMOHG92_GRENADE: case WP_ANM14_GRENADE: case WP_M15_GRENADE: return 0.7; } } // Calculate proper angle for ballistic weapon static float CalcWeaponAngle(float vel, float gravity, float targetRange) { float angle = 0; float val = (gravity * targetRange) / (vel * vel); if (val >= -1 && val <= 1) angle = RAD2DEG(asin(val)/2); else angle = 90; return angle; } void BotAimLeading(bot_state_t *bs, vec3_t headlevel, float leadAmount) { int x; vec3_t predictedSpot; vec3_t movementVector; vec3_t a, ang; float vtotal; if (!bs->currentEnemy || !bs->currentEnemy->client) { return; } if (!bs->frame_Enemy_Len) { return; } vtotal = 0; if (bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity[0] < 0) { vtotal += -bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity[0]; } else { vtotal += bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity[0]; } if (bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity[1] < 0) { vtotal += -bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity[1]; } else { vtotal += bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity[1]; } if (bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity[2] < 0) { vtotal += -bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity[2]; } else { vtotal += bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity[2]; } //G_Printf("Leadin target with a velocity total of %f\n", vtotal); VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.velocity, movementVector); VectorNormalize(movementVector); x = bs->frame_Enemy_Len*leadAmount; //hardly calculated with an exact science, but it works if (vtotal > 400) { vtotal = 400; } if (vtotal) { x = (bs->frame_Enemy_Len*0.9)*leadAmount*(vtotal*0.0012); //hardly calculated with an exact science, but it works } else { x = (bs->frame_Enemy_Len*0.9)*leadAmount; //hardly calculated with an exact science, but it works } predictedSpot[0] = headlevel[0] + (movementVector[0]*x); predictedSpot[1] = headlevel[1] + (movementVector[1]*x); predictedSpot[2] = headlevel[2] + (movementVector[2]*x); VectorSubtract(predictedSpot, bs->eye, a); vectoangles(a, ang); VectorCopy(ang, bs->goalAngles); } void BotAimOffsetGoalAngles(bot_state_t *bs) { int i; float accVal; i = 0; if (bs->skills.perfectaim) { return; } if (bs->aimOffsetTime > level.time) { if (bs->aimOffsetAmtYaw) { bs->goalAngles[YAW] += bs->aimOffsetAmtYaw; } if (bs->aimOffsetAmtPitch) { bs->goalAngles[PITCH] += bs->aimOffsetAmtPitch; } while (i <= 2) { if (bs->goalAngles[i] > 360) { bs->goalAngles[i] -= 360; } if (bs->goalAngles[i] < 0) { bs->goalAngles[i] += 360; } i++; } return; } accVal = bs->skills.accuracy/bs->settings.skill; if (bs->revengeEnemy && bs->revengeHateLevel && bs->currentEnemy == bs->revengeEnemy) { //bot becomes more skilled as anger level raises accVal = accVal/bs->revengeHateLevel; } if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis) { //assume our goal is aiming at the enemy, seeing as he's visible and all if (!bs->currentEnemy->s.pos.trDelta[0] && !bs->currentEnemy->s.pos.trDelta[1] && !bs->currentEnemy->s.pos.trDelta[2]) { accVal = 0; //he's not even moving, so he shouldn't really be hard to hit. } else { accVal += accVal*0.25; //if he's moving he's this much harder to hit } if (g_entities[bs->client].s.pos.trDelta[0] || g_entities[bs->client].s.pos.trDelta[1] || g_entities[bs->client].s.pos.trDelta[2]) { accVal += accVal*0.15; //make it somewhat harder to aim if we're moving also } } if (accVal > 90) { accVal = 90; } if (accVal < 1) { accVal = 0; } if (!accVal) { bs->aimOffsetAmtYaw = 0; bs->aimOffsetAmtPitch = 0; return; } if (rand()%10 <= 5) { bs->aimOffsetAmtYaw = rand()%(int)accVal; } else { bs->aimOffsetAmtYaw = -(rand()%(int)accVal); } if (rand()%10 <= 5) { bs->aimOffsetAmtPitch = rand()%(int)accVal; } else { bs->aimOffsetAmtPitch = -(rand()%(int)accVal); } bs->aimOffsetTime = level.time + rand()%500 + 200; } int ShouldSecondaryFire(bot_state_t *bs, vec3_t eorg, vec3_t dir) { weaponData_t *weapon = &weaponData[bs->cur_ps.weapon]; attackData_t *attack = &weapon->attack[ATTACK_ALTERNATE]; if ((bs->cur_ps.ammo[attack->ammoIndex] < 1) || 0 == attack->damage) { // no ammo for alt fire return 0; } #ifdef BOT_LAUNCH_ANGLES if ((attack->weaponFlags & PROJECTILE_FIRE) && bs->frame_Enemy_Len > MAX_PROJECTILE_DISTANCE) //don't forget to make sure the bot doesn't shoot it off in his own face! { // if alt-fire is projectile if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len < attack->rV.velocity * attack->projectileLifetime * 0.001) { // in range // 2D range float range2D = max(0, SQRTFAST(dir[0]*dir[0] + dir[1]*dir[1]) - attack->splashRadius); if (attack->weaponFlags & PROJECTILE_TIMED) { // if timed projectile, let bounce for 1 sec. range2D = max(0, range2D - attack->rV.velocity); } // calculate projectile launch angle bs->launchAngle = CalcWeaponAngle( attack->rV.velocity, DEFAULT_GRAVITY, range2D); if (bs->launchAngle < 90) { if (!OrgVisible(bs->eye, eorg, bs->client)) bs->launchAngle = 90 - bs->launchAngle; return 1; } } } else if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len < attack->rV.range) { // alt-fire is bullet return 1; } #else if ((attack->weaponFlags & PROJECTILE_FIRE) && bs->frame_Enemy_Len > MAX_PROJECTILE_DISTANCE) //don't forget to make sure the bot doesn't shoot it off in his own face! { return 1; } else if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len < attack->rV.range) { // alt-fire is bullet return 1; } #endif return 0; } int CombatBotAI(bot_state_t *bs, float thinktime) { vec3_t eorg, a, dir; int secFire; float fovcheck; if (!bs->currentEnemy) { return 0; } if (bs->currentEnemy->client) { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.origin, eorg); } else { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->s.origin, eorg); } VectorSubtract(eorg, bs->eye, dir); vectoangles(dir, a); if (BotGetWeaponRange(bs) == BWEAPONRANGE_SABER) { if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len <= SABER_ATTACK_RANGE) { bs->doAttack = 1; } } else if (BotGetWeaponRange(bs) == BWEAPONRANGE_MELEE) { if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len <= MELEE_ATTACK_RANGE) { bs->doAttack = 1; } } else { if (bs->cur_ps.weapon == WP_MSG90A1 || bs->cur_ps.weapon == WP_RPG7_LAUNCHER) { //be careful with the hurty weapons fovcheck = 10; } else { fovcheck = 60; } if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len < 128) { fovcheck *= 2; } if (InFieldOfVision(bs->viewangles, fovcheck, a)) { #ifdef BOT_LAUNCH_ANGLES weaponData_t *weapon = &weaponData[bs->cur_ps.weapon]; if (CAT_GRENADE == weapon->category || WP_MM1_GRENADE_LAUNCHER == bs->cur_ps.weapon) { attackData_t* attack; float range2D; // are we using a grenade type weapon? if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len < weapon->attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].rV.velocity * weapon->attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].projectileLifetime * 0.001) { attack = &weapon->attack[ATTACK_NORMAL]; } else { attack = &weapon->attack[ATTACK_ALTERNATE]; } // only 2D range since Z is for the ballistic path only range2D = max(0, SQRTFAST(dir[0]*dir[0] + dir[1]*dir[1]) - attack->splashRadius); if (attack->weaponFlags & PROJECTILE_TIMED) { // if timed projectile, let bounce for 1 sec. range2D = max(0, range2D - attack->rV.velocity); } bs->launchAngle = CalcWeaponAngle(attack->rV.velocity, DEFAULT_GRAVITY, range2D); if (bs->launchAngle < 90) { if (!OrgVisible(bs->eye, eorg, bs->client)) { bs->launchAngle = 90 - bs->launchAngle; } bs->doAttack = 1; } } else #endif { secFire = ShouldSecondaryFire(bs, eorg, dir); if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT) { bs->altChargeTime = Q_irand(500, 1000); } if (secFire == 1) { bs->doAltAttack = 1; } else if (!secFire) { bs->doAttack = 1; } if (secFire == 2) { //released a charge return 1; } } } } return 0; } int BotFallbackNavigation(bot_state_t *bs) { vec3_t b_angle, fwd, trto, mins, maxs; trace_t tr; if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis) { return 2; //we're busy } mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = 0; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 32; bs->goalAngles[PITCH] = 0; bs->goalAngles[ROLL] = 0; VectorCopy(bs->goalAngles, b_angle); AngleVectors(b_angle, fwd, NULL, NULL); trto[0] = bs->origin[0] + fwd[0]*16; trto[1] = bs->origin[1] + fwd[1]*16; trto[2] = bs->origin[2] + fwd[2]*16; trap_Trace(&tr, bs->origin, mins, maxs, trto, -1, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { VectorCopy(trto, bs->goalPosition); return 1; //success! } else { bs->goalAngles[YAW] = rand()%360; } return 0; } int BotTryAnotherWeapon(bot_state_t *bs) { //out of ammo, resort to the first weapon we come across that has ammo int i; i = 0; while (i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS) { if ((bs->cur_ps.ammo[weaponData[i].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].ammoIndex] > 1 || bs->cur_ps.clip[ATTACK_NORMAL][i] > 1) && (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << i))) { bs->virtualWeapon = i; trap_EA_SelectWeapon(bs->client, i); //bs->cur_ps.weapon = i; //level.clients[bs->client].ps.weapon = i; return 1; } i++; } if (bs->cur_ps.weapon != 1 && bs->virtualWeapon != 1) { //should always have this.. shouldn't we? bs->virtualWeapon = 1; trap_EA_SelectWeapon(bs->client, 1); //bs->cur_ps.weapon = 1; //level.clients[bs->client].ps.weapon = 1; return 1; } return 0; } int BotSelectIdealWeapon(bot_state_t *bs) { int i; int bestweight = -1; int bestweapon = 0; i = 0; while (i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS) { if ((bs->cur_ps.ammo[weaponData[i].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].ammoIndex] > 1 || bs->cur_ps.clip[ATTACK_NORMAL][i] > 1) && (bs->botWeaponWeights[i] > bestweight) && (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << i))) { bestweight = bs->botWeaponWeights[i]; bestweapon = i; } i++; } if (bestweight != -1 && bs->cur_ps.weapon != bestweapon && bs->virtualWeapon != bestweapon) { bs->virtualWeapon = bestweapon; trap_EA_SelectWeapon(bs->client, bestweapon); //bs->cur_ps.weapon = bestweapon; //level.clients[bs->client].ps.weapon = bestweapon; return 1; } return 0; } int BotSelectChoiceWeapon(bot_state_t *bs, int weapon, int doselection) { //if !doselection then bot will only check if he has the specified weapon and return 1 (yes) or 0 (no) int i; int hasit = 0; i = 0; while (i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS) { if ((bs->cur_ps.ammo[weaponData[i].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].ammoIndex] > 1 || bs->cur_ps.clip[ATTACK_NORMAL][i] > 1) && i == weapon && (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << i))) { hasit = 1; break; } i++; } if (hasit && bs->cur_ps.weapon != weapon && doselection && bs->virtualWeapon != weapon) { bs->virtualWeapon = weapon; trap_EA_SelectWeapon(bs->client, weapon); //bs->cur_ps.weapon = weapon; //level.clients[bs->client].ps.weapon = weapon; return 2; } if (hasit) { return 1; } return 0; } int BotSelectMelee(bot_state_t *bs) { if (bs->cur_ps.weapon != 1 && bs->virtualWeapon != 1) { bs->virtualWeapon = 1; trap_EA_SelectWeapon(bs->client, 1); //bs->cur_ps.weapon = 1; //level.clients[bs->client].ps.weapon = 1; return 1; } return 0; } int GetLoveLevel(bot_state_t *bs, bot_state_t *love) { int i = 0; const char *lname = NULL; if (!bs || !love || !g_entities[love->client].client) { return 0; } if (!bs->lovednum) { return 0; } trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_attachments); if (!bot_attachments.integer) { return 0; } lname = g_entities[love->client].client->pers.netname; if (!lname) { return 0; } while (i < bs->lovednum) { if (strcmp(bs->loved[i].name, lname) == 0) { return bs->loved[i].level; } i++; } return 0; } void BotLovedOneDied(bot_state_t *bs, bot_state_t *loved, int lovelevel) { if (!loved->lastHurt || !loved->lastHurt->client || loved->lastHurt->s.number == loved->client) { return; } if (!IsTeamplay()) { if (lovelevel < 2) { return; } } else if (OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], loved->lastHurt)) { //don't hate teammates no matter what return; } if (loved->client == loved->lastHurt->s.number) { return; } if (bs->client == loved->lastHurt->s.number) { //oops! return; } trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_attachments); if (!bot_attachments.integer) { return; } if (!PassLovedOneCheck(bs, loved->lastHurt)) { //a loved one killed a loved one.. you cannot hate them bs->chatObject = loved->lastHurt; bs->chatAltObject = &g_entities[loved->client]; BotDoChat(bs, "LovedOneKilledLovedOne", 0); return; } if (bs->revengeEnemy == loved->lastHurt) { if (bs->revengeHateLevel < bs->loved_death_thresh) { bs->revengeHateLevel++; if (bs->revengeHateLevel == bs->loved_death_thresh) { //broke into the highest anger level //CHAT: Hatred section bs->chatObject = loved->lastHurt; bs->chatAltObject = NULL; BotDoChat(bs, "Hatred", 1); } } } else if (bs->revengeHateLevel < bs->loved_death_thresh-1) { //only switch hatred if we don't hate the existing revenge-enemy too much //CHAT: BelovedKilled section bs->chatObject = &g_entities[loved->client]; bs->chatAltObject = loved->lastHurt; BotDoChat(bs, "BelovedKilled", 0); bs->revengeHateLevel = 0; bs->revengeEnemy = loved->lastHurt; } } void BotDeathNotify(bot_state_t *bs) { //in case someone has an emotional attachment to us, we'll notify them int i = 0; int ltest = 0; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { if (botstates[i] && botstates[i]->lovednum) { ltest = 0; while (ltest < botstates[i]->lovednum) { if (strcmp(level.clients[bs->client].pers.netname, botstates[i]->loved[ltest].name) == 0) { BotLovedOneDied(botstates[i], bs, botstates[i]->loved[ltest].level); break; } ltest++; } } i++; } } void StrafeTracing(bot_state_t *bs) { vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t right, rorg, drorg; trace_t tr; mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; //mins[2] = -24; mins[2] = -22; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 32; AngleVectors(bs->viewangles, NULL, right, NULL); if (bs->meleeStrafeDir) { rorg[0] = bs->origin[0] - right[0]*32; rorg[1] = bs->origin[1] - right[1]*32; rorg[2] = bs->origin[2] - right[2]*32; } else { rorg[0] = bs->origin[0] + right[0]*32; rorg[1] = bs->origin[1] + right[1]*32; rorg[2] = bs->origin[2] + right[2]*32; } trap_Trace(&tr, bs->origin, mins, maxs, rorg, bs->client, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction != 1) { bs->meleeStrafeDisable = level.time + Q_irand(500, 1500); } VectorCopy(rorg, drorg); drorg[2] -= 32; trap_Trace(&tr, rorg, NULL, NULL, drorg, bs->client, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { //this may be a dangerous ledge, so don't strafe over it just in case bs->meleeStrafeDisable = level.time + Q_irand(500, 1500); } } int PrimFiring(bot_state_t *bs) { if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING && bs->doAttack) { return 1; } if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING && !bs->doAttack) { return 1; } return 0; } int KeepPrimFromFiring(bot_state_t *bs) { if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING && bs->doAttack) { bs->doAttack = 0; } if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING && !bs->doAttack) { bs->doAttack = 1; } return 0; } int AltFiring(bot_state_t *bs) { if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT && bs->doAltAttack) { return 1; } if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT && !bs->doAltAttack) { return 1; } return 0; } int KeepAltFromFiring(bot_state_t *bs) { if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT && bs->doAltAttack) { bs->doAltAttack = 0; } if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT && !bs->doAltAttack) { bs->doAltAttack = 1; } return 0; } gentity_t *CheckForFriendInLOF(bot_state_t *bs) { vec3_t fwd; vec3_t trfrom, trto; vec3_t mins, maxs; gentity_t *trent; trace_t tr; mins[0] = -3; mins[1] = -3; mins[2] = -3; maxs[0] = 3; maxs[1] = 3; maxs[2] = 3; AngleVectors(bs->viewangles, fwd, NULL, NULL); VectorCopy(bs->eye, trfrom); trto[0] = trfrom[0] + fwd[0]*2048; trto[1] = trfrom[1] + fwd[1]*2048; trto[2] = trfrom[2] + fwd[2]*2048; trap_Trace(&tr, trfrom, mins, maxs, trto, bs->client, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if (tr.fraction != 1 && tr.entityNum <= MAX_CLIENTS) { trent = &g_entities[tr.entityNum]; if (trent && trent->client) { if (IsTeamplay() && OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], trent)) { return trent; } if (botstates[trent->s.number] && GetLoveLevel(bs, botstates[trent->s.number]) > 1) { return trent; } } } return NULL; } void BotScanForLeader(bot_state_t *bs) { //bots will only automatically obtain a leader if it's another bot using this method. int i = 0; gentity_t *ent; if (bs->isSquadLeader) { return; } while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (ent && ent->client && botstates[i] && botstates[i]->isSquadLeader && bs->client != i) { if (OnSameTeam(&g_entities[bs->client], ent)) { bs->squadLeader = ent; break; } if (GetLoveLevel(bs, botstates[i]) > 1 && !IsTeamplay()) { //ignore love status regarding squad leaders if we're in teamplay bs->squadLeader = ent; break; } } i++; } } void BotReplyGreetings(bot_state_t *bs) { int i = 0; int numhello = 0; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { if (botstates[i] && botstates[i]->canChat && i != bs->client) { botstates[i]->chatObject = &g_entities[bs->client]; botstates[i]->chatAltObject = NULL; if (BotDoChat(botstates[i], "ResponseGreetings", 0)) { numhello++; } } if (numhello > 3) { //don't let more than 4 bots say hello at once return; } i++; } } void CTFFlagMovement(bot_state_t *bs) { int diddrop = 0; gentity_t *desiredDrop = NULL; vec3_t a, mins, maxs; trace_t tr; mins[0] = -15; mins[1] = -15; mins[2] = -7; maxs[0] = 15; maxs[1] = 15; maxs[2] = 7; if (bs->wantFlag && (bs->wantFlag->flags & FL_DROPPED_ITEM)) { if (bs->staticFlagSpot[0] == bs->wantFlag->s.pos.trBase[0] && bs->staticFlagSpot[1] == bs->wantFlag->s.pos.trBase[1] && bs->staticFlagSpot[2] == bs->wantFlag->s.pos.trBase[2]) { VectorSubtract(bs->origin, bs->wantFlag->s.pos.trBase, a); if (VectorLength(a) <= BOT_FLAG_GET_DISTANCE) { VectorCopy(bs->wantFlag->s.pos.trBase, bs->goalPosition); return; } else { bs->wantFlag = NULL; } } else { bs->wantFlag = NULL; } } else if (bs->wantFlag) { bs->wantFlag = NULL; } if (flagRed && flagBlue) { if (bs->wpDestination == flagRed || bs->wpDestination == flagBlue) { if (bs->wpDestination == flagRed && droppedRedFlag && (droppedRedFlag->flags & FL_DROPPED_ITEM) && droppedRedFlag->classname && strcmp(droppedRedFlag->classname, "freed") != 0) { desiredDrop = droppedRedFlag; diddrop = 1; } if (bs->wpDestination == flagBlue && droppedBlueFlag && (droppedBlueFlag->flags & FL_DROPPED_ITEM) && droppedBlueFlag->classname && strcmp(droppedBlueFlag->classname, "freed") != 0) { desiredDrop = droppedBlueFlag; diddrop = 1; } if (diddrop && desiredDrop) { VectorSubtract(bs->origin, desiredDrop->s.pos.trBase, a); if (VectorLength(a) <= BOT_FLAG_GET_DISTANCE) { trap_Trace(&tr, bs->origin, mins, maxs, desiredDrop->s.pos.trBase, bs->client, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1 || tr.entityNum == desiredDrop->s.number) { VectorCopy(desiredDrop->s.pos.trBase, bs->goalPosition); VectorCopy(desiredDrop->s.pos.trBase, bs->staticFlagSpot); return; } } } } } } int BotUseInventoryItem(bot_state_t *bs) { #ifdef BOT_USE_HOLDABLE if (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_MEDPAC)) { if (g_entities[bs->client].health <= 50) { bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = BG_GetItemIndexByTag(HI_MEDPAC, IT_HOLDABLE); goto wantuseitem; } } if (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_SEEKER)) { if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis) { bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = BG_GetItemIndexByTag(HI_SEEKER, IT_HOLDABLE); goto wantuseitem; } } if (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_SENTRY_GUN)) { if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis) { bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = BG_GetItemIndexByTag(HI_SENTRY_GUN, IT_HOLDABLE); goto wantuseitem; } } if (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_SHIELD)) { if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis && bs->runningToEscapeThreat) { //this will (hopefully) result in the bot placing the shield down while facing //the enemy and running away bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = BG_GetItemIndexByTag(HI_SHIELD, IT_HOLDABLE); goto wantuseitem; } } return 0; wantuseitem: level.clients[bs->client].ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]; return 1; #else return 0; #endif } int BotSurfaceNear(bot_state_t *bs) { trace_t tr; vec3_t fwd; AngleVectors(bs->viewangles, fwd, NULL, NULL); fwd[0] = bs->origin[0]+(fwd[0]*64); fwd[1] = bs->origin[1]+(fwd[1]*64); fwd[2] = bs->origin[2]+(fwd[2]*64); trap_Trace(&tr, bs->origin, NULL, NULL, fwd, bs->client, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction != 1) { return 1; } return 0; } wpobject_t *GetLastWP(bot_state_t *bs, int wpIndex) { int goalWPIndex = 0; //reverse because we want the last wp to the current, not the next if (bs->wpDirection) { goalWPIndex = bs->wpCurrent->index+1; } else { goalWPIndex = bs->wpCurrent->index-1; } if (goalWPIndex < 0) { return NULL; } if (goalWPIndex >= gWPNum) { return NULL; } return gWPArray[goalWPIndex]; } void StandardBotAI(bot_state_t *bs, float thinktime) { int wp, enemy; int desiredIndex; int goalWPIndex; int doingFallback; vec3_t a, ang, headlevel, eorg, dif; float reaction; float bLeadAmount; int meleestrafe = 0; int cBAI = 0; gentity_t *friendInLOF = 0; int visResult = 0; int selResult = 0; trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_pause); if (gDeactivated || bot_pause.integer ) { bs->wpCurrent = NULL; bs->currentEnemy = NULL; bs->wpDestination = NULL; bs->wpDirection = 0; return; } if (g_entities[bs->client].inuse && g_entities[bs->client].client && G_IsClientSpectating ( g_entities[bs->client].client ) ) { bs->wpCurrent = NULL; bs->currentEnemy = NULL; bs->wpDestination = NULL; bs->wpDirection = 0; return; } if (!bs->lastDeadTime) { //just spawned in? bs->lastDeadTime = level.time; } if (g_entities[bs->client].health < 1) { bs->lastDeadTime = level.time; if (!bs->deathActivitiesDone && bs->lastHurt && bs->lastHurt->client && bs->lastHurt->s.number != bs->client) { BotDeathNotify(bs); if (PassLovedOneCheck(bs, bs->lastHurt)) { //CHAT: Died bs->chatObject = bs->lastHurt; bs->chatAltObject = NULL; BotDoChat(bs, "Died", 0); } else if (!PassLovedOneCheck(bs, bs->lastHurt) && botstates[bs->lastHurt->s.number] && PassLovedOneCheck(botstates[bs->lastHurt->s.number], &g_entities[bs->client])) { //killed by a bot that I love, but that does not love me bs->chatObject = bs->lastHurt; bs->chatAltObject = NULL; BotDoChat(bs, "KilledOnPurposeByLove", 0); } bs->deathActivitiesDone = 1; } bs->wpCurrent = NULL; bs->currentEnemy = NULL; bs->wpDestination = NULL; bs->wpCamping = NULL; bs->wpCampingTo = NULL; bs->wpStoreDest = NULL; bs->wpDestIgnoreTime = 0; bs->wpDestSwitchTime = 0; bs->wpSeenTime = 0; bs->wpDirection = 0; if (rand()%10 < 5 && (!bs->doChat || bs->chatTime < level.time)) { trap_EA_Attack(bs->client); } return; } bs->doAttack = 0; bs->doAltAttack = 0; //reset the attack states if (bs->isSquadLeader) { CommanderBotAI(bs); } else { BotDoTeamplayAI(bs); } if (!bs->currentEnemy) { bs->frame_Enemy_Vis = 0; } if (bs->revengeEnemy && bs->revengeEnemy->client && bs->revengeEnemy->client->pers.connected != CA_ACTIVE && bs->revengeEnemy->client->pers.connected != CA_AUTHORIZING) { bs->revengeEnemy = NULL; bs->revengeHateLevel = 0; } if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->currentEnemy->client && bs->currentEnemy->client->pers.connected != CA_ACTIVE && bs->currentEnemy->client->pers.connected != CA_AUTHORIZING) { bs->currentEnemy = NULL; } doingFallback = 0; bs->deathActivitiesDone = 0; if (BotUseInventoryItem(bs)) { if (rand()%10 < 5) { trap_EA_Use(bs->client); } } if ((bs->cur_ps.ammo[weaponData[bs->cur_ps.weapon].attack[ATTACK_NORMAL].ammoIndex] < 1 && bs->cur_ps.clip[ATTACK_NORMAL][bs->cur_ps.weapon] < 1)) { if (BotTryAnotherWeapon(bs)) { return; } } else { if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->lastVisibleEnemyIndex == bs->currentEnemy->s.number && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis && bs->forceWeaponSelect /*&& bs->plantContinue < level.time*/) { bs->forceWeaponSelect = 0; } if (bs->forceWeaponSelect) { selResult = BotSelectChoiceWeapon(bs, bs->forceWeaponSelect, 1); } if (selResult) { if (selResult == 2) { //newly selected return; } } else if (BotSelectIdealWeapon(bs)) { return; } } /*if (BotSelectMelee(bs)) { return; }*/ reaction = bs->skills.reflex/bs->settings.skill; if (reaction < 0) { reaction = 0; } if (reaction > 2000) { reaction = 2000; } if (!bs->currentEnemy) { bs->timeToReact = level.time + reaction; } if (bs->wpCamping) { if (bs->isCamping < level.time) { bs->wpCamping = NULL; bs->isCamping = 0; } if (bs->currentEnemy && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis) { bs->wpCamping = NULL; bs->isCamping = 0; } } if (bs->wpCurrent && (bs->wpSeenTime < level.time || bs->wpTravelTime < level.time)) { bs->wpCurrent = NULL; } if (bs->currentEnemy) { if (bs->enemySeenTime < level.time || !PassStandardEnemyChecks(bs, bs->currentEnemy)) { if (bs->revengeEnemy == bs->currentEnemy && bs->currentEnemy->health < 1 && bs->lastAttacked && bs->lastAttacked == bs->currentEnemy) { //CHAT: Destroyed hated one [KilledHatedOne section] bs->chatObject = bs->revengeEnemy; bs->chatAltObject = NULL; BotDoChat(bs, "KilledHatedOne", 1); bs->revengeEnemy = NULL; bs->revengeHateLevel = 0; } else if (bs->currentEnemy->health < 1 && PassLovedOneCheck(bs, bs->currentEnemy) && bs->lastAttacked && bs->lastAttacked == bs->currentEnemy) { //CHAT: Killed bs->chatObject = bs->currentEnemy; bs->chatAltObject = NULL; BotDoChat(bs, "Killed", 0); } bs->currentEnemy = NULL; } } if (!bs->wpCurrent) { wp = GetNearestVisibleWP(bs->origin, bs->client); if (wp != -1) { bs->wpCurrent = gWPArray[wp]; bs->wpSeenTime = level.time + 1500; bs->wpTravelTime = level.time + 10000; //never take more than 10 seconds to travel to a waypoint } } if (bs->enemySeenTime < level.time || !bs->frame_Enemy_Vis || !bs->currentEnemy || (bs->currentEnemy /*&& bs->cur_ps.weapon == WP_SABER && bs->frame_Enemy_Len > 300*/)) { enemy = ScanForEnemies(bs); if (enemy != -1) { bs->currentEnemy = &g_entities[enemy]; bs->enemySeenTime = level.time + ENEMY_FORGET_MS; } } if (!bs->squadLeader && !bs->isSquadLeader) { BotScanForLeader(bs); } if (!bs->squadLeader && bs->squadCannotLead < level.time) { //if still no leader after scanning, then become a squad leader bs->isSquadLeader = 1; } if (bs->isSquadLeader && bs->squadLeader) { //we don't follow anyone if we are a leader bs->squadLeader = NULL; } //ESTABLISH VISIBILITIES AND DISTANCES FOR THE WHOLE FRAME HERE if (bs->wpCurrent) { VectorSubtract(bs->wpCurrent->origin, bs->origin, a); bs->frame_Waypoint_Len = VectorLength(a); visResult = WPOrgVisible(&g_entities[bs->client], bs->origin, bs->wpCurrent->origin, bs->client); if (visResult == 2) { bs->frame_Waypoint_Vis = 0; bs->wpSeenTime = 0; bs->wpDestination = NULL; bs->wpDestIgnoreTime = level.time + 5000; if (bs->wpDirection) { bs->wpDirection = 0; } else { bs->wpDirection = 1; } } else if (visResult) { bs->frame_Waypoint_Vis = 1; } else { bs->frame_Waypoint_Vis = 0; } } if (bs->currentEnemy) { if (bs->currentEnemy->client) { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.origin, eorg); eorg[2] += bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.viewheight; } else { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->s.origin, eorg); } VectorSubtract(eorg, bs->eye, a); bs->frame_Enemy_Len = VectorLength(a); if (OrgVisible(bs->eye, eorg, bs->client)) { bs->frame_Enemy_Vis = 1; VectorCopy(eorg, bs->lastEnemySpotted); VectorCopy(bs->origin, bs->hereWhenSpotted); bs->lastVisibleEnemyIndex = bs->currentEnemy->s.number; //VectorCopy(bs->eye, bs->lastEnemySpotted); bs->hitSpotted = 0; } else { bs->frame_Enemy_Vis = 0; } } else { bs->lastVisibleEnemyIndex = ENTITYNUM_NONE; } //END if (bs->frame_Enemy_Vis) { bs->enemySeenTime = level.time + ENEMY_FORGET_MS; } if (bs->wpCurrent) { WPConstantRoutine(bs); if (!bs->wpCurrent) { //WPConstantRoutine has the ability to nullify the waypoint if it fails certain checks, so.. return; } if (bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_WAITFORFUNC) { if (!CheckForFunc(bs->wpCurrent->origin, -1)) { bs->beStill = level.time + 500; //no func brush under.. wait } } if (bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_NOMOVEFUNC) { if (CheckForFunc(bs->wpCurrent->origin, -1)) { bs->beStill = level.time + 500; //func brush under.. wait } } if (bs->frame_Waypoint_Vis || (bs->wpCurrent->flags & WPFLAG_NOVIS)) { bs->wpSeenTime = level.time + 1500; //if we lose sight of the point, we have 1.5 seconds to regain it before we drop it } VectorCopy(bs->wpCurrent->origin, bs->goalPosition); if (bs->wpDirection) { goalWPIndex = bs->wpCurrent->index-1; } else { goalWPIndex = bs->wpCurrent->index+1; } if (bs->wpCamping) { VectorSubtract(bs->wpCampingTo->origin, bs->origin, a); vectoangles(a, ang); VectorCopy(ang, bs->goalAngles); VectorSubtract(bs->origin, bs->wpCamping->origin, a); if (VectorLength(a) < 64) { VectorCopy(bs->wpCamping->origin, bs->goalPosition); bs->beStill = level.time + 1000; if (!bs->campStanding) { bs->duckTime = level.time + 1000; } } } /* else if (gWPArray[goalWPIndex] && gWPArray[goalWPIndex]->inuse && !(bs->cur_ps.pm_flags & PMF_LADDER)) { //don't look at one ahead if on a ladder.. if (bs->cur_ps.pm_flags & PMF_LADDER) { vec3_t ladderMod; wpobject_t *prevWP; prevWP = GetLastWP(bs, gWPArray[goalWPIndex]->index); VectorCopy(gWPArray[goalWPIndex]->origin, ladderMod); if (prevWP && prevWP->origin[2] < gWPArray[goalWPIndex]->origin[2]) { //We're going up a ladder, as opposed to down ladderMod[2] += 400; } VectorSubtract(ladderMod, bs->origin, a); vectoangles(a, ang); VectorCopy(ang, bs->goalAngles); //bs->jumpTime = level.time + 100; } else { VectorSubtract(gWPArray[goalWPIndex]->origin, bs->origin, a); vectoangles(a, ang); VectorCopy(ang, bs->goalAngles); } } */ //This code usually causes horrible issues in SoF2 because the levels are more cramped and tight. //So I guess for now they'll just have snappier viewangles. else { if (bs->cur_ps.pm_flags & PMF_LADDER) { vec3_t ladderMod; wpobject_t *prevWP; prevWP = GetLastWP(bs, bs->wpCurrent->index); VectorCopy(bs->wpCurrent->origin, ladderMod); if (prevWP && prevWP->origin[2] < bs->wpCurrent->origin[2]) { //We're going up a ladder, as opposed to down ladderMod[2] += 400; } VectorSubtract(ladderMod, bs->origin, a); vectoangles(a, ang); VectorCopy(ang, bs->goalAngles); //bs->jumpTime = level.time + 100; } else { VectorSubtract(bs->wpCurrent->origin, bs->origin, a); vectoangles(a, ang); VectorCopy(ang, bs->goalAngles); } } if (bs->destinationGrabTime < level.time /*&& (!bs->wpDestination || (bs->currentEnemy && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis))*/) { GetIdealDestination(bs); } if (bs->wpCurrent && bs->wpDestination) { if (TotalTrailDistance(bs->wpCurrent->index, bs->wpDestination->index, bs) == -1) { bs->wpDestination = NULL; bs->destinationGrabTime = level.time + 10000; } } if (bs->frame_Waypoint_Len < BOT_WPTOUCH_DISTANCE) { WPTouchRoutine(bs); if (!bs->wpDirection) { desiredIndex = bs->wpCurrent->index+1; } else { desiredIndex = bs->wpCurrent->index-1; } if (gWPArray[desiredIndex] && gWPArray[desiredIndex]->inuse && desiredIndex < gWPNum && desiredIndex >= 0 && PassWayCheck(bs, desiredIndex)) { bs->wpCurrent = gWPArray[desiredIndex]; } else { if (bs->wpDestination) { bs->wpDestination = NULL; bs->destinationGrabTime = level.time + 10000; } if (bs->wpDirection) { bs->wpDirection = 0; } else { bs->wpDirection = 1; } } } } else //We can't find a waypoint, going to need a fallback routine. { doingFallback = BotFallbackNavigation(bs); } if (bs->timeToReact < level.time && bs->currentEnemy && bs->enemySeenTime > level.time + (ENEMY_FORGET_MS - (ENEMY_FORGET_MS*0.2))) { if (bs->frame_Enemy_Vis) { cBAI = CombatBotAI(bs, thinktime); } else if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT) { //keep charging in case we see him again before we lose track of him bs->doAltAttack = 1; } if (bs->destinationGrabTime > level.time + 100) { bs->destinationGrabTime = level.time + 100; //assures that we will continue staying within a general area of where we want to be in a combat situation } if (bs->cur_ps.pm_flags & PMF_LADDER) { //keep navigating the ladder but if anyone happens in front of us on it, shoot them up good. goto skipviewchecks; } if (bs->currentEnemy->client) { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.origin, headlevel); headlevel[2] += bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.viewheight; } else { VectorCopy(bs->currentEnemy->client->ps.origin, headlevel); } bLeadAmount = BotWeaponCanLead(bs); if ((bs->skills.accuracy/bs->settings.skill) <= 8 && bLeadAmount) { BotAimLeading(bs, headlevel, bLeadAmount); } else { VectorSubtract(headlevel, bs->eye, a); vectoangles(a, ang); VectorCopy(ang, bs->goalAngles); } #ifdef BOT_LAUNCH_ANGLES if ((CAT_GRENADE == weapon->category || WP_MM1_GRENADE_LAUNCHER == bs->cur_ps.weapon) && bs->launchAngle < 90) { bs->goalAngles[PITCH] = bs->goalAngles[PITCH]-bs->launchAngle; } #endif BotAimOffsetGoalAngles(bs); } skipviewchecks: if (bs->currentEnemy) { if (BotGetWeaponRange(bs) == BWEAPONRANGE_MELEE) { if (bs->frame_Enemy_Len <= MELEE_ATTACK_RANGE) { MeleeCombatHandling(bs); meleestrafe = 1; } } } if (doingFallback && bs->currentEnemy) //just stand and fire if we have no idea where we are { VectorCopy(bs->origin, bs->goalPosition); } if (bs->doChat && bs->chatTime > level.time && (!bs->currentEnemy || !bs->frame_Enemy_Vis)) { return; } else if (bs->doChat && bs->currentEnemy && bs->frame_Enemy_Vis) { //bs->chatTime = level.time + bs->chatTime_stored; bs->doChat = 0; //do we want to keep the bot waiting to chat until after the enemy is gone? bs->chatTeam = 0; } else if (bs->doChat && bs->chatTime <= level.time) { if (bs->chatTeam) { trap_EA_SayTeam(bs->client, bs->currentChat); bs->chatTeam = 0; } else { trap_EA_Say(bs->client, bs->currentChat); } if (bs->doChat == 2) { BotReplyGreetings(bs); } bs->doChat = 0; } CTFFlagMovement(bs); if (/*bs->wpDestination &&*/ bs->shootGoal && /*bs->wpDestination->associated_entity == bs->shootGoal->s.number &&*/ bs->shootGoal->health > 0 && bs->shootGoal->takedamage) { dif[0] = (bs->shootGoal->r.absmax[0]+bs->shootGoal->r.absmin[0])/2; dif[1] = (bs->shootGoal->r.absmax[1]+bs->shootGoal->r.absmin[1])/2; dif[2] = (bs->shootGoal->r.absmax[2]+bs->shootGoal->r.absmin[2])/2; if (!bs->currentEnemy || bs->frame_Enemy_Len > 256) { //if someone is close then don't stop shooting them for this VectorSubtract(dif, bs->eye, a); vectoangles(a, a); VectorCopy(a, bs->goalAngles); if (InFieldOfVision(bs->viewangles, 30, a) && EntityVisibleBox(bs->origin, NULL, NULL, dif, bs->client, bs->shootGoal->s.number)) { bs->doAttack = 1; } } } if (bs->beStill < level.time && !WaitingForNow(bs, bs->goalPosition)) { VectorSubtract(bs->goalPosition, bs->origin, bs->goalMovedir); VectorNormalize(bs->goalMovedir); if (bs->jumpTime > level.time && bs->jDelay < level.time && level.clients[bs->client].pers.cmd.upmove > 0) { // trap_EA_Move(bs->client, bs->origin, 5000); bs->beStill = level.time + 200; } else { trap_EA_Move(bs->client, bs->goalMovedir, 5000); } if (meleestrafe) { StrafeTracing(bs); } if (bs->meleeStrafeDir && meleestrafe && bs->meleeStrafeDisable < level.time) { trap_EA_MoveRight(bs->client); } else if (meleestrafe && bs->meleeStrafeDisable < level.time) { trap_EA_MoveLeft(bs->client); } if (BotTrace_Jump(bs, bs->goalPosition)) { bs->jumpTime = level.time + 100; } else if (BotTrace_Duck(bs, bs->goalPosition)) { bs->duckTime = level.time + 100; } #ifdef BOT_STRAFE_AVOIDANCE else { int strafeAround = BotTrace_Strafe(bs, bs->goalPosition); if (strafeAround == STRAFEAROUND_RIGHT) { trap_EA_MoveRight(bs->client); } else if (strafeAround == STRAFEAROUND_LEFT) { trap_EA_MoveLeft(bs->client); } } #endif } if (bs->jumpTime > level.time && bs->jDelay < level.time) { if (!(bs->cur_ps.pm_debounce & PMD_JUMP )) { trap_EA_Jump(bs->client); } } if (bs->duckTime > level.time) { trap_EA_Crouch(bs->client); } if ( bs->dangerousObject && bs->dangerousObject->inuse && bs->dangerousObject->health > 0 && bs->dangerousObject->takedamage && (!bs->frame_Enemy_Vis || !bs->currentEnemy) && (BotGetWeaponRange(bs) == BWEAPONRANGE_MID || BotGetWeaponRange(bs) == BWEAPONRANGE_LONG) && // bs->cur_ps.weapon != WP_DET_PACK && bs->cur_ps.weapon != WP_TRIP_MINE && !bs->shootGoal ) { float danLen; VectorSubtract(bs->dangerousObject->r.currentOrigin, bs->eye, a); danLen = VectorLength(a); if (danLen > 256) { vectoangles(a, a); VectorCopy(a, bs->goalAngles); if (Q_irand(1, 10) < 5) { bs->goalAngles[YAW] += Q_irand(0, 3); bs->goalAngles[PITCH] += Q_irand(0, 3); } else { bs->goalAngles[YAW] -= Q_irand(0, 3); bs->goalAngles[PITCH] -= Q_irand(0, 3); } if (InFieldOfVision(bs->viewangles, 30, a) && EntityVisibleBox(bs->origin, NULL, NULL, bs->dangerousObject->r.currentOrigin, bs->client, bs->dangerousObject->s.number)) { bs->doAttack = 1; } } } if (PrimFiring(bs) || AltFiring(bs)) { friendInLOF = CheckForFriendInLOF(bs); if (friendInLOF) { if (PrimFiring(bs)) { KeepPrimFromFiring(bs); } if (AltFiring(bs)) { KeepAltFromFiring(bs); } } } if (bs->doAttack) { trap_EA_Attack(bs->client); } else if (bs->doAltAttack) { trap_EA_Alt_Attack(bs->client); } MoveTowardIdealAngles(bs); } //end rww /* ================== BotAIStartFrame ================== */ int BotAIStartFrame(int time) { #ifdef _SOF2_BOTS int i; int elapsed_time, thinktime; static int local_time; static int botlib_residual; static int lastbotthink_time; G_CheckBotSpawn(); //rww - addl bot frame functions if (gBotEdit) { trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_wp_info); BotWaypointRender(); } UpdateEventTracker(); //end rww //cap the bot think time //if the bot think time changed we should reschedule the bots if (BOT_THINK_TIME != lastbotthink_time) { lastbotthink_time = BOT_THINK_TIME; BotScheduleBotThink(); } elapsed_time = time - local_time; local_time = time; if (elapsed_time > BOT_THINK_TIME) thinktime = elapsed_time; else thinktime = BOT_THINK_TIME; // execute scheduled bot AI for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } // botstates[i]->botthink_residual += elapsed_time; // if ( botstates[i]->botthink_residual >= thinktime ) { botstates[i]->botthink_residual -= thinktime; if (g_entities[i].client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED) { BotAI(i, (float) thinktime / 1000); } } } // execute bot user commands every frame for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } if( g_entities[i].client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) { continue; } BotUpdateInput(botstates[i], time, elapsed_time); trap_BotUserCommand(botstates[i]->client, &botstates[i]->lastucmd); } return qtrue; #else return qfalse; #endif } /* ============== BotAISetup ============== */ int BotAISetup( int restart ) { //rww - new bot cvars.. #ifdef _DEBUG trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_debugmessages, "bot_debugmessages", "0", CVAR_CHEAT, 0.0, 0.0); #endif trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_attachments, "bot_attachments", "1", 0, 0.0, 0.0); trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_camp, "bot_camp", "1", 0, 0.0, 0.0); trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_pause, "bot_pause", "0", 0, 0.0, 0.0); trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_wp_info, "bot_wp_info", "1", 0, 0.0, 0.0); trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_wp_edit, "bot_wp_edit", "0", CVAR_CHEAT, 0.0, 0.0); trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_wp_clearweight, "bot_wp_clearweight", "1", 0, 0.0, 0.0); trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_wp_distconnect, "bot_wp_distconnect", "1", 0, 0.0, 0.0); trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_wp_visconnect, "bot_wp_visconnect", "1", 0, 0.0, 0.0); //end rww //if the game is restarted for a tournament if (restart) { return qtrue; } //initialize the bot states memset( botstates, 0, sizeof(botstates) ); if (!trap_BotLibSetup()) { return qfalse; //wts?! } return qtrue; } /* ============== BotAIShutdown ============== */ int BotAIShutdown( int restart ) { int i; //if the game is restarted for a tournament if ( restart ) { //shutdown all the bots in the botlib for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (botstates[i] && botstates[i]->inuse) { BotAIShutdownClient(botstates[i]->client, restart); } } //don't shutdown the bot library } else { trap_BotLibShutdown(); } return qtrue; }