282 lines
8.1 KiB
282 lines
8.1 KiB
#ifndef __AI_PATH_PRE_H
#define __AI_PATH_PRE_H
#include "q_shared.h"
#include "g_local.h"
#include "fields.h"
#include "ai.h"
#define MAX_LINK_DIST 512
#define MIN_NODE_DIST 96
#define NODE_COLINEAR .97 // this should be 14 degrees or so...
#define MAX_PATH_SLOPE .5 // sin of 30 degrees
#define COS_25 .9063
#define SIN_25 .4226
#define COS_45 .70711
#define NUM_NEAR_NODES 12
#define NODEDISTSCALE 25.0
#define EPS_NORMAL 0x00000001
#define EPS_FLEE 0x00000004
#define EPS_FLEEFRIENDLY 0x00008000
#define EPS_FLEEENEMY 0x00010000
// if a floor is only partial, record if any of it's edges are clear if it's adjacent to another partial
#define PARTIAL_FLOOR 0x1
#define PARTIAL_YMINUS 0x2
#define PARTIAL_XPLUS 0x4
#define PARTIAL_YPLUS 0x8
#define PARTIAL_XMINUS 0x10
#define PARTIAL_FLOORGAP 0x20 //these are very very very very bad
class CAIRegion
int id;
vec3_t min;
vec3_t max;
int targNode;
int blockSide;
CAIRegion(void){targNode = -1; blockSide = 0;}
void save(FILE *fp);
void load(FILE **fp);
void load(unsigned char **data);
void saveExport(FILE *fp);
class CAIFloorSquare
vec3_t min;
float topZ;//this being the only possible changing thing
short id;
short yMinus;
short xPlus;
short yPlus;
short xMinus;
byte partial;
short nearNodes[NUM_NEAR_NODES];
float nearNodeDist[NUM_NEAR_NODES];
{id = -1; xPlus = -1; xMinus = -1; yPlus = -1; yMinus = -1; topZ = 0;}
float *getMin(void){return min;}
void setPartial(int val){partial = val;}
int getPartial(void){return partial;}
void save(FILE *fp);
void load(FILE **fp);
void saveExport(FILE **fp);
void setId(short newVal){id = newVal;}
short getId(void){return id;}
void setYMinus(short newVal){yMinus = newVal;}
short getYMinus(void){return yMinus;}
void setXPlus(short newVal){xPlus = newVal;}
short getXPlus(void){return xPlus;}
void setYPlus(short newVal){yPlus = newVal;}
short getYPlus(void){return yPlus;}
void setXMinus(short newVal){xMinus = newVal;}
short getXMinus(void){return xMinus;}
void setTopZ(float newVal){topZ = newVal;}
float getTopZ(void){return topZ;}
void clearNear(void);
void setNearNode(int i, int val){nearNodes[i] = val;}
int getNearNode(int i){return nearNodes[i];}
void setNearDist(int i, float dist){nearNodeDist[i] = dist;}
float getNearDist(int i){return nearNodeDist[i];}
int setFirstFreeNode(int val);
int hasNodes(void);
short getNode(void){return nearNodes[0];}
void setNode(short val){nearNodes[0] = val;}
void setPartialFlag(int val){partial |= val;}
int getPartialFlag(int val){return partial & val;}
class CAIFloorDataEdit
int regionsInUse;
CAIFloorSquare floorSpaces[16000];//erm
CAIFloorDataEdit(void){regionsInUse = 0;}
void ensureRegion(vec3_t spot);
void save(FILE *fp);
void load(FILE **fp);
void clear(void){regionsInUse = 0;}
void saveExport(FILE **fp);
void prepareForExport(void);
void AddNodesViaLine(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int id1, int id2);
int getFloorForSpot(vec3_t spot);
int clearLineForFloor(int startID, int endID, int traceStyle);
class CAIConnect
int linkId;
float dist;
int first;
int valid;
connectType type;
CAIConnect(int newId, float curDist, int initNode, connectType ctype = LINK_NORMAL){linkId = newId; dist = curDist; first = initNode; valid = 1; type = ctype;}
CAIConnect(void){linkId = 0; dist = 0; first = 0;valid = 1; type = LINK_NORMAL;}
void setId(int newVal){linkId = newVal;}
int getLinkId(void){return linkId;}
void setDist(float val){dist = val;}
float getDist(void){return dist;}
int getFirst(void){return first;}
void setFirst(int val){first = val;}
int getValid(void){return valid;}
void setValid(int newVal){valid = newVal;}
connectType getType(void){return type;}
void save(FILE **fp);
class CAINode
list<CAIConnect> links;//ids of everything connected to this...
list<CAIConnect> combatPoints;
vec3_t pos;
int id;
byte *paths;
short *pathRanks;//lower is better
int checked;
float radius;
int pointType;
vec3_t dest;
edict_t *myMarker;
int flee1;
int flee2;
int ignoreForSpawning;
float minHeight;
float maxHeight;
list<int> connectedNodes;
vec3_t min;
vec3_t max;
int myFloor;
CAINode(vec3_t spot, int newId) {set(spot, newId); paths = 0; radius = 0; pointType = EPS_NORMAL;
VectorClear(dest);ignoreForSpawning = 0; minHeight = 0; maxHeight = 0; pathRanks = 0;}
CAINode(void){id = 0; VectorClear(pos); paths = 0; VectorClear(dest); pointType = EPS_NORMAL;
ignoreForSpawning = 0; minHeight = 0; maxHeight = 0; pathRanks = 0;}
void addLink(int newLink, int isCombatPoint = 0, connectType cType = LINK_NORMAL);
void save(FILE *fp);
void load(FILE **fp);
void savePaths(FILE **fp);
void setOrg(vec3_t newOrg){VectorCopy(newOrg, pos);}
void drawConnections(void);
float *getPos(void){return pos;}
void setChecked(int val){checked = val;}
int getChecked(void){return checked;}
void initPathData(int num);
void calcPath(void);
int getId(void){return id;}
void set(vec3_t spot, int newId){VectorCopy(spot, pos); id = newId;}
int isConnectedTo(int linkId);
void destroyLink(int deadId);
void setId(int newId){id = newId;}
void calcRadius(void);
void setPointType(int newVal){pointType = newVal;}
int getPointType(void){return pointType;}
int getPathToPoint(int p);
void clearLinks(void);
float *getDest(void){if(pointType == EPS_NORMAL)return 0; return dest;}
void setPos(vec3_t newPos){VectorCopy(newPos, pos);}
void setMarker(edict_t *ed){myMarker = ed;}
edict_t *getMarker(void){return myMarker;}
float getPathDist(int destNode);
void removeBadLink(int deadId);
void removeBadCombatPoint(int deadId);
void destroyLinks(void);
CAIConnect *getLinkNum(int num);
int toggleIgnore(void){return (ignoreForSpawning = !ignoreForSpawning);}
int getNumLinks(void){return links.size();}
int getNumCombatPoints(void){return combatPoints.size();}
void display(void);
void setMyFloor(int val){myFloor = val;}
int getMyFloor(void){return myFloor;}
int getIgnore(void){return ignoreForSpawning;}
class CAIListData
vector<CAINode> nodes;
CAIFloorDataEdit floorData;
vector<CAINode> combatPoints;//obsolete
vector<CAIRegion> regions;//obsolete
CAINode *getNode(int num);
CAINode *getCombatNode(int num);
void addPoint(edict_t *ent, char *cmd, int type, float *altCenter = 0);
void save(void);
void connect(CAINode &one, CAINode &two, connectType newType);
void load(void);
void exportPaths(void);
void clearChecks(void);
int getNumElems(void){return nodes.size();}
void eliminateRedundantConnections(void);
void buildPathConnections(void);
void saveExport(void);
void add(edict_t *ent);
int usesCmd(edict_t *ent, char *cmd);
void connectNode(CAINode &start, int combat = 0);
void validateNodeLinks(void);
int getNearestNode(vec3_t spot, float *distVal = 0);
int getNearestCombatPoint(vec3_t spot, float *distVal = 0);
void deleteNode(vec3_t spot);
void toggleIgnoreNode(vec3_t spot);
void movePoint(vec3_t spot);
void graphicData(float val);
void numberLists(void);
void checkEnvironments(void);
void ensureRegion(edict_t *ent);
void clearNodesFromWall(void);
extern CAIListData *aiList;
#endif //__ENEMY_PRE_H