
227 lines
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// R_refdef.h
#include "R_public.h"
#define VALIDATE
#ifdef NeXT
#define rint(x) (int)(x+0.5)
void MS_Error(char *error, ...);
#define TANANGLES 2048 // one quadrant
#define FINESHIFT 5
#define MAXVISVERTEXES 128 // max tile corners visible at once
#define SCALE ((windowWidth/2)<<FRACBITS)
#define ISCALE (FRACUNIT/(windowWidth/2))
#define ISCALEFUDGE (FRACUNIT/(windowWidth/2+5))
// for spans
#define MAXSPANS 4096
#define ZSHIFT 21 // tml 9-26-94; shifted 1 left to increase x size
#define ZTOFRAC 7 // to shift the Z into frac position
#define ZMASK (0xfff<<ZSHIFT)
#define CEILINGBIT (1<<20) // tml; 9-26; shifted to increase x size
#define XSHIFT 11
#define XMASK (0x1ff<<XSHIFT) // tml; 9-26-94
#define SPANMASK 0x000007ff
typedef struct {
fixed_t floorheight;
fixed_t ceilingheight;
fixed_t tx, tz; // transformed x / distance
int px; // projected x if tz > 0
int floory;
int ceilingy;
float ftx, ftz;
} vertex_t;
typedef struct {
int tilex, tiley;
int xmin, xmax;
} entry_t;
/* */
/*The span_t structure is used with the spantags bit fields to determine*/
/*after sorting all the draw events. */
/* */
/* floor/ceiling doorpost scaled shape slop*/
/* --------------- ------------ ----------------- */
/*tagz pointz pointz pointz p*/
/*tagx ~xstart ~xposition 0 */
/* */
/*picture texture block top of post scale pic */
/*x2 x end + 1 ?? pointx */
/*y screen y ceiling height pointy */
/*yh ?? floor height ?? */
/*structure ?? doorobj scaleobj ?? */
/* */
/* */
typedef enum {
sp_flat, sp_slope, sp_door, sp_shape, sp_maskeddoor
} spanobj_t;
typedef struct {
spanobj_t spantype;
byte *picture;
void *structure; // either doorobj or scaleobj
int x2;
int y;
int yh;
} span_t;
typedef struct {
short leftoffset, width;
short collumnofs[256]; // only uses [width] entries
} scalepic_t;
typedef struct {
fixed_t tx, ty, tz;
int px, py;
} clippoint_t;
// R_render
extern void (*actionhook)(void);
extern int framevalid[MAPROWS][MAPCOLS];
extern vertex_t *cornervertex[MAPROWS][MAPCOLS];
extern vertex_t vertexlist[MAXVISVERTEXES], *vertexlist_p;
extern int yslope[MAX_VIEW_HEIGHT], xslope[MAX_VIEW_WIDTH+1];
extern byte **wallposts;
extern byte *colormaps;
extern int numcolormaps;
extern byte *zcolormap[(MAXZ>>FRACBITS)
extern fixed_t viewx, viewy, viewz;
extern fixed_t viewcos, viewsin;
extern fixed_t xscale, yscale;
extern int viewangle, viewfineangle;
extern int viewtilex, viewtiley;
extern int side;
extern int walltype;
extern int wallshadow;
extern vertex_t *vertex[4]; // points to the for corner vertexes in vert
extern vertex_t *p1, *p2;
extern int xclipl, xcliph; // clip window for current tile
extern int tilex, tiley; // coordinates of the tile being rendered
extern int mapspot; // tiley*MAPSIZE+tilex
extern boolean doortile; // true if the tile being renderd has a door
void SetupFrame(void);
vertex_t *TransformVertex(int tilex, int tiley);
void FlowView(fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
// R_walls
extern fixed_t tangents[TANANGLES *2];
extern fixed_t sines[TANANGLES *5];
extern fixed_t *cosines; // point 1/4 phase into sines
extern int pixelangle[MAX_VIEW_WIDTH+1]; // +1 because span ends go one past
extern fixed_t pixelcosine[MAX_VIEW_WIDTH+1];
extern int wallnumber[MAX_VIEW_WIDTH];
extern int walltopy[MAX_VIEW_WIDTH];
extern int walltexture[MAX_VIEW_WIDTH];
extern fixed_t wallz[MAX_VIEW_WIDTH];
void InitWalls(void);
void ClearWalls(void);
void RenderTileWalls(entry_t *e, fixed_t playerx, fixed_t playery);
void DrawWall(void);
// R_plane
extern byte *mr_picture; // pointer to a raw 64*64 pixel picture
extern fixed_t mf_deltaheight;
extern int spancount;
void InitPlane(void);
void ClearMapCache(void);
void RenderTileEnds(void);
void FindBackVertex(void);
// R_conten
extern scaleobj_t firstscaleobj, lastscaleobj;
extern scaleobj_t scaleobjlist[MAXSPRITES], *freescaleobj_p;
extern doorobj_t doorlist[MAXDOORS];
extern int numdoors;
extern int doorxl, doorxh;
void RenderDoor(fixed_t playerx, fixed_t playery);
void RenderSprites(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int angle, byte showBlast);
// R_draw
extern byte *sp_dest; // the bottom most pixel to be drawn (in vie
extern byte *sp_source; // the first pixel in the vertical post (may
extern byte *sp_colormap; // pointer to a 256 byte color number to pal
extern int sp_frac; // fixed point location past sp_source
extern int sp_fracstep; // fixed point step value
extern int sp_count; // the number of pixels to draw
void ScalePost(void);
void ScaleMaskedPost(void);
extern byte *mr_dest; // the left most pixel to be drawn (in viewb
extern byte *mr_picture; // pointer to a raw 64*64 pixel picture
extern byte *mr_colormap; // pointer to a 256 byte color number to pal
extern int mr_xfrac; // starting texture coordinate
extern int mr_yfrac; // starting texture coordinate
extern int mr_xstep; // fixed point step value
extern int mr_ystep; // fixed point step value
extern int mr_count; // the number of pixels to draw
void MapRow(void);
// R_spans
extern unsigned spantags[2][MAXSPANS];
extern unsigned *starttaglist_p, *endtaglist_p;
extern span_t spans[MAXSPANS], *spans_p;
extern int numspans;
void DrawSpans(void);