170 lines
4.8 KiB

.MODEL small
SKIPPRIMITIVES = 0 ; set to 1 to skip unwound drawing
INCLUDE viewsize.inc
INCLUDE macros.inc
SCREEN = 0a0000h
PEL_DATA = 03c9h
EXTRN viewbuffer:WORD
EXTRN viewLocation:DWORD
EXTRN windowWidth:DWORD
EXTRN windowHeight:DWORD
;= VI_DrawMaskedPicToBuffer =
;= =
;= C prototype: =
;= void VI_DrawMaskedPicToBuffer (int x, int y, pic_t *pic) =
@Proc VI_DrawMaskedPicToBuffer, <eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi>, <<x,DWORD>,<y,DWORD>,<pic,DWORD>>
mov edi,OFFSET viewbuffer
mov esi,[pic] ; si -> pic
;----- Set up y and height
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,[esi+2] ; get height (row count) of image
mov eax,[y] ; get row location
sub ax,[esi+6] ; subtract orgy
;----- Adjust for y < 0
or eax,eax ; is y < 0 ?
jnl short @@findheight ; if not, go to height adjust
add ecx,eax ; if so, add y to height (h -= (-y))
xor eax,eax ; y = 0
;----- Check for bitmap going off the bottom edge
push eax ; save y
add eax,ecx ; bottom row of image
cmp eax,windowHeight
pop eax ; restore y
jle short @@heightok ; if not, get on with it
mov ecx,windowHeight
sub ecx,eax ; h = bottom - y
;;;; set es:edi to di+(eax*MAX_VIEW_WIDTH)
mov ebx,windowWidth
mul ebx ; oh no, not a mul!
add edi,eax ; move down Viewbuffer to proper row
;----- Set up x and width
mov edx,[x] ; get column location
sub dx,[esi+4] ; subtract orgx
mov bx,[esi] ; get width (col count) of image
;----- Set up esi to pic->data
add esi,8
;----- Adjust for x < 0
or edx,edx ; is x < 0:
jnl short @@findwidth ; if not, go to width adjust
add ebx,edx ; if so, add x to width (w -= (-x))
;----- Check for bitmap going off the right edge
push edx ; save x
add edx,ebx ; rightmost col of image
cmp edx,windowWidth ; is (w+x) > right ?
pop edx ; restore x
jle short @@widthok ; if not, get on with it
mov ebx,windowWidth ; if so,
sub ebx,edx ; w = right - x
;----- Set up edi to point to Veiwbuffer[x,y]
add edi,edx
mov edx,windowWidth ; set eax to pixels in viewbuffer
sub edx,ebx ; to right of our image
push ecx ; save height (row count)
;------ Copy this row (masked) to Viewbuffer
mov ecx,ebx ; get width (col count) of image
shr ecx,2
@@colloop: ; for each pixel in row
; lodsb ; get the pixel
; test al,al ; check for zero (mask)
; jnz short @@putit ; if not zero, put it in Viewbuffer
; inc di ; otherwise, increment Viewbuffer ptr
test eax,eax
jnz short @@try1
add edi,4
loop @@colloop
jmp short @@rowdone
test al,al
jz short @@try2
mov [es:edi],al
inc edi
shr eax,8
test al,al
jz short @@try3
mov [es:edi],al
inc edi
shr eax,8
test al,al
jz short @@try4
mov [es:edi],al
inc edi
shr eax,8
test al,al
jz short @@next4
mov [es:edi],al
inc edi
loop @@colloop ; and go to next pixel
; jmp short @@rowdone ; we must be done with this row
;@@putit: ; put the pixel in Viewbuffer
; stosb ; go ahead, put it there
; loop @@colloop ; go to the next pixel
@@rowdone: ; this row is finished
pop ecx ; restore height (row count)
add edi,edx ; increment Viewbuffer to next row
loop @@rowloop ; go to the next row
@exitp <eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi>