
189 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2014-12-12 00:00:00 +00:00
// R_public.h
#include "viewsize.h"
extern int windowHeight;
extern int windowWidth;
extern int viewLocation;
extern int windowSize;
extern int windowLeft;
extern int windowTop;
#define WALL_CONTACT 1
#define DOOR_CONTACT 2
#define FRACBITS 16
#define PI 3.14159265
#define MAPSIZE 64 // there must not be any 65th vertexes
#define MAPROWS 64
#define MAPCOLS 64
#define TILESHIFT 6
#define TILESIZE (1<<TILESHIFT) // pixels to tile
#define ANGLES 256
#define CENTERX (windowWidth/2)
#define CENTERY (windowHeight/2)
#define MINZ (FRACUNIT/4)
#define MAXDOORS 64
#define MAXSPRITES 256
// TML - Flags for animation field of scaleobj
#define ANIM_LOOP_MASK 1
#define ANIM_CG_MASK 30
#define ANIM_MG_MASK 480
#define ANIM_DELAY_MASK 32256
// flags in mapflags
#define FL_DOOR 0x80
#define FL_FLOOR 7
#define FL_CEILING 56
#define FL_AUX 64 // not used right now
#define FLS_FLOOR 0
#define FLS_CEILING 3
#define POLY_FLAT 0
#define POLY_SLOPE 1
#define POLY_ULTOLR 2
#define POLY_URTOLL 3
// additional POLY_??? can be defined from 4-7
typedef byte pixel_t;
typedef int fixed_t;
typedef enum {
dt_high, dt_medium
} detail_t;
typedef enum {
rt_one, rt_four, rt_eight
} rotate_t;
typedef struct scaleobj_s {
// list links, don't touch
struct scaleobj_s *prev, *next;
// modify this part whenever you want
int animation;
int animationTime; // must accept all possible tick values
byte hitPoints;
fixed_t moveSpeed;
fixed_t x, y, z; // global position of the BOTTOM of the shap
int basepic; // lumpnum is spritelump+basepic+rotation
rotate_t rotate;
int angle; // 0 - ANGLES-1
void *userinfo;
} scaleobj_t;
typedef enum {
dr_horizontal, dr_vertical
} orientation_t;
typedef struct doorobj_s {
int tilex, tiley;
// modify this part whenever you want
// Added 9-14-94 by Todd M. Lewis
boolean doorOpen;
boolean doorOpening;
boolean doorClosing;
boolean doorBlocked;
boolean doorBumpable;
int doorSize;
int doorTimer;
byte doorLocks;
orientation_t orientation; // probably only want to set this once
boolean transparent; // set true if the pic has any masked areas
int pic; // lumpnum is doorlump+pic
int height; // should generally be set to the floor height
fixed_t position; // range from 0 (open) - FRACUNIT*64 (closed
void *userinfo;
} doorobj_t;
typedef enum {
id_empty, id_wall, id_floor, id_ceiling, id_door, id_sprite
} hit_t;
extern int frameon;
extern int actionflag; // if set non 0, the action hook is called
extern pixel_t viewbuffer[MAX_VIEW_WIDTH*MAX_VIEW_HEIGHT];
extern pixel_t *viewylookup[MAX_VIEW_HEIGHT];
extern int spritelump, walllump, flatlump;
extern int numsprites, numwalls, numflats;
extern int *flattranslation;
extern int *walltranslation;
extern fixed_t costable[ANGLES];
extern fixed_t sintable[ANGLES];
extern byte floorpic[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
extern byte ceilingpic[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
extern byte floorheight[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
extern byte ceilingheight[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
extern byte northwall[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
extern byte westwall[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
extern byte northbottom[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
extern byte westbottom[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
extern byte mapflags[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
extern byte mapsprites[MAPROWS*MAPCOLS];
// id_?? variables are filled in after a call to RF_PixelIdentity (sx,sy
extern hit_t id_type;
extern int id_tilex, id_tiley; // not valid for sprites
extern int id_side; // 0(north)-3(west) for walls
extern int id_px, id_py; // position in texture
extern void *id_structure; // either doorobj_t or scaleobj_t
fixed_t FIXEDMUL(fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
fixed_t FIXEDDIV(fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
void RF_Startup(void);
void RF_ClearWorld(void);
doorobj_t *RF_GetDoor(int tilex, int tiley);
scaleobj_t *RF_GetSprite(void);
void RF_RemoveSprite(scaleobj_t *spr);
fixed_t RF_GetFloorZ(fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
fixed_t RF_GetCeilingZ(fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
void RF_PixelIdentity(int sx, int sy);
void RF_SetLights(int intensity);
void RF_SetActionHook(void (*hook)(void));
void RF_CheckActionFlag(void);
void RF_RenderView(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int angle, byte showBlast);
void RF_BlitView(void);
void SetViewSize(int width, int height);