
623 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-12-12 00:00:00 +00:00
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include "sgrab.h"
#pragma hdrstop
typedef struct
unsigned height; // in blocks*2
unsigned collumnofs[64];
} wall_t;
typedef struct
unsigned postofs[4096];
} holo_t;
// post data: numruns [skipvalue(*2) runlen [data]]
typedef struct
unsigned width;
unsigned top,bottom;
unsigned postofs[];
} scaleshape_t;
= GrabWall
= filename WALL xblock yblock blockheight
void GrabWall (void)
int x,y,xl,yl,xh,yh,w,h;
byte far *screen_p;
int linedelta;
wall_t far *header;
GetToken (false);
xl = atoi (token)*8;
GetToken (false);
yl = atoi (token)*8;
GetToken (false);
h = atoi (token)*8;
w = 64;
xh = xl+w;
yh = yl+h;
header = (wall_t far *)lump_p;
header->height = h/4; // block height*2
for (x=0;x<64;x++)
header->collumnofs[x] = 65*2+x*h - (96-h); // adjusted for entry
lump_p = (byte far *)&header->collumnofs[64];
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,yl*SCREENWIDTH+xl);
for (x=xl;x<xh;x++)
for (y=yl;y<yh;y++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,y*SCREENWIDTH+x);
*lump_p++ = *screen_p;
*screen_p = 0;
= GrabFlat
= filename FLAT xblock yblock
void GrabFlat (void)
int x,y,xl,yl,xh,yh,w,h;
byte far *screen_p;
int linedelta;
GetToken (false);
xl = atoi (token)*8;
GetToken (false);
yl = atoi (token)*8;
w = h =64;
xh = xl+w;
yh = yl+h;
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,yl*SCREENWIDTH+xl);
linedelta = SCREENWIDTH - w;
for (y=yl ; y<yh ; y++)
for (x=xl ; x<xh ; x++)
*lump_p++ = *screen_p;
*screen_p++ = 0;
screen_p += linedelta;
= GrabBump
= filename BUMP xblock yblock
void GrabBump (void)
int x,y,xl,yl,xh,yh,w,h;
byte far *screen_p;
int linedelta;
GetToken (false);
xl = atoi (token)*8;
GetToken (false);
yl = atoi (token)*8;
w = 64;
h = 64;
xh = xl+w;
yh = yl+h;
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,yl*SCREENWIDTH+xl);
linedelta = SCREENWIDTH - w;
for (y=yl ; y<yh ; y++)
for (x=xl ; x<xh ; x++)
*lump_p++ = *screen_p;
*screen_p++ = 0;
screen_p += linedelta;
// grab the bump map multiplied by two
yh += 64;
for ( ; y<yh ; y++)
for (x=xl ; x<xh ; x++)
*lump_p++ = *screen_p * 2;
*screen_p++ = 0;
screen_p += linedelta;
#define TRANSCOLOR 0
#define WORLDHEIGHT 96
byte post[WORLDHEIGHT];
= SparsePost
= Writes out
void SparsePost (void)
int y,count;
byte far *count_p;
if (post[0] != TRANSCOLOR)
MS_Quit ("First byte of post is not transparent");
y = 0;
// count transparent
count = 0;
while (post[y] == TRANSCOLOR)
*lump_p++ = 0; // end of post
*lump_p++ = count*2; // skip this many pixels (words)
// count solid
count_p = lump_p;
count = 0;
while (post[y] != TRANSCOLOR)
*lump_p++ = post[y];
*count_p = count;
*lump_p++ = 0; // end of post
*count_p = count; // write this many pixels
} while (1);
= GrabScale
= filename SCALE x y width height
void GrabScale (void)
int x,y,xl,yl,w,h,start,adj;
byte far *screen_p,pixel;
scaleshape_t far *header;
GetToken (false);
xl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
yl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
w = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
h = atoi (token);
start = WORLDHEIGHT-h;
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,yl*SCREENWIDTH+xl);
header = (scaleshape_t far *)lump_p;
header->width = w;
lump_p = (byte far *)&header->postofs[w];
// copy the lines to post[], then let SparsePost () write the data
header->top = WORLDHEIGHT;
header->bottom = 0;
for (x=0 ; x<w ; x++)
memset (post,0,sizeof(post));
header->postofs[x] = lump_p - (byte far *)header;
for (y=0 ; y<h ; y++)
pixel = *(screen_p+y*SCREENWIDTH);
post[start+y] = pixel;
if (pixel != TRANSCOLOR)
adj = y+start;
if (adj < header->top)
header->top = adj;
if (adj > header->bottom)
header->bottom = adj;
*(screen_p+y*SCREENWIDTH) = 0;
SparsePost ();
= GrabHolo
= filename HOLO
#define HOLOSIZE 64
void GrabHolo (void)
int x,y,z,shift;
int runcount,runs,count,lastz;
byte far *screen_p,pixel;
byte far *runs_p, far *count_p;
holo_t far *header;
byte far *plane[HOLOSIZE];
boolean inrun;
// initialize a blank hologram
// A plane is an X/Y horizontal slice through the hologram
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
plane[z] = farmalloc(HOLOSIZE*HOLOSIZE);
_fmemset (plane[z],255,HOLOSIZE*HOLOSIZE);
if (!plane[z])
MS_Quit ("Couln't allocate hologram buffer\n");
// cut the north plane all the way through
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(2*8+z)*SCREENWIDTH+2*8+x);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (!pixel)
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x) = 0;
*screen_p = pixel;
// cut the west plane all the way through
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(2*8+z)*SCREENWIDTH+11*8+y);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (!pixel)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x) = 0;
*screen_p = pixel;
// cut the top plane all the way through
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(2*8+y)*SCREENWIDTH+20*8+x);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (!pixel)
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x) = 0;
*screen_p = pixel;
// color the north plane
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(2*8+z)*SCREENWIDTH+2*8+x);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (pixel)
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
if (*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x))
if (y==0 || !*(plane[z]+(y-1)*HOLOSIZE+x))
*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x) = pixel;
*screen_p = pixel;
// color the south plane
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(11*8+z)*SCREENWIDTH+2*8+x);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (pixel)
for (y=HOLOSIZE-1;y>=0;y--)
if (*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x))
if (y==HOLOSIZE-1 || !*(plane[z]+(y+1)*HOLOSIZE+x))
*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x) = pixel;
*screen_p = pixel;
// color the west plane
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(11*8+z)*SCREENWIDTH+11*8+y);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (pixel)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
if (*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x))
if (x==0 || !*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x-1))
*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x) = pixel;
*screen_p = pixel;
// color the east plane
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(2*8+z)*SCREENWIDTH+11*8+y);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (pixel)
for (x=HOLOSIZE-1;x>=0;x--)
if (*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x))
if (x==HOLOSIZE-1 || !*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x+1))
*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x) = pixel;
*screen_p = pixel;
// color the top plane
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(2*8+y)*SCREENWIDTH+20*8+x);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (pixel)
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
if (*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x))
if (z==0 || !*(plane[z-1]+y*HOLOSIZE+x))
*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x) = pixel;
*screen_p = pixel;
// color the bottom plane
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(11*8+y)*SCREENWIDTH+20*8+x);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (pixel)
for (z=HOLOSIZE-1;z>=0;z--)
if (*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x))
if (z==HOLOSIZE-1 || !*(plane[z+1]+y*HOLOSIZE+x))
*(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x) = pixel;
*screen_p = pixel;
// draw an orthographic representation
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,0);
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE*2;y++,screen_p += SCREENWIDTH)
_fmemset ( screen_p,0,HOLOSIZE*2 );
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
shift = (HOLOSIZE-y)/2;
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,y/2*SCREENWIDTH+shift);
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
pixel = *(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x);
if (pixel && pixel != 255)
*(screen_p+SCREENWIDTH*z+x) = pixel;
// write out post lists (top view shows where posts are)
header = (holo_t far *)lump_p;
_fmemset (header,0,sizeof(*header));
lump_p = (byte far *)&header->postofs[4096];
for (y=0;y<HOLOSIZE;y++)
for (x=0;x<HOLOSIZE;x++)
screen_p = MK_FP(0xa000,(2*8+y)*SCREENWIDTH+20*8+x);
pixel = *screen_p;
*screen_p = pixel^255;
if (!pixel)
// it is still possible to have an empt post if the
// cut views are not consistant
header->postofs[y*HOLOSIZE+x] = lump_p - (byte far *)header;
runs_p = lump_p++;
runs = 0;
lastz = 0;
inrun = false;
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
pixel = *(plane[z]+y*HOLOSIZE+x);
if (inrun)
if (pixel != 0 && pixel != 255)
*lump_p++ = pixel;
*count_p = count;
lastz = z+1;
inrun = false;
if (pixel == 0 || pixel == 255)
*lump_p++ = (z-lastz)*2; // height adjustment
count = 1;
count_p = lump_p;
*lump_p++ = pixel;
inrun = true;
if (inrun)
*count_p = count;
if (!runs) // inconsistant post
header->postofs[y*HOLOSIZE+x] = 0;
*screen_p = 255;
*runs_p = runs;
*screen_p = pixel;
for (z=0;z<HOLOSIZE;z++)
farfree (plane[z]);