
2387 lines
68 KiB

// VehicleParts.cpp
// Copyright 2002-2004 Raven Software
#include "../../idlib/precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "../Game_local.h"
#include "../Projectile.h"
#include "../Effect.h"
#include "Vehicle.h"
#include "VehicleParts.h"
#include "../ai/AI_Manager.h"
ABSTRACT_DECLARATION( idClass, rvVehiclePart )
bool rvVehiclePart::Init ( rvVehiclePosition* _position, const idDict& args, s_channelType _soundChannel ) {
spawnArgs.Copy ( args );
soundChannel = _soundChannel;
position = _position;
parent = position->GetParent();
fl.active = false;
fl.useCenterMass = false;
return true;
void rvVehiclePart::Spawn ( void ) {
// Get joint for orienting the part
joint = parent->GetAnimator()->GetJointHandle ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint", "" ) );
// More position information
fl.useCenterMass = spawnArgs.GetBool ( "useCenterMass", "0" );
spawnArgs.GetVector ( "offset", "0 0 0", localOffset );
fl.active = false;
fl.useViewAxis = spawnArgs.GetBool( "useViewAxis", "0" );
// Initialize the origin so we can determine which side of the vehicle we are on
UpdateOrigin ( );
// Determine if this part is on the left and/or front side of the vehicle
idVec3 localOrigin;
localOrigin = (worldOrigin - parent->GetPhysics()->GetCenterMass());
fl.front = (localOrigin * parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[0] < 0.0f);
fl.left = (localOrigin * parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[1] < 0.0f);
void rvVehiclePart::UpdateOrigin ( void ) {
if ( joint != INVALID_JOINT ) {
parent->GetJointWorldTransform ( joint, gameLocal.time, worldOrigin, worldAxis );
} else {
if ( fl.useViewAxis ) {
worldAxis = parent->viewAxis;
} else {
worldAxis = parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis();
worldOrigin = fl.useCenterMass ? parent->GetPhysics()->GetCenterMass() : parent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
worldOrigin += (localOffset * worldAxis);
// Include this part in the total bounds
// FIXME: bounds are local
parent->AddToBounds ( worldOrigin );
void rvVehiclePart::Save ( idSaveGame* savefile ) const {
savefile->Write( &fl, sizeof( fl ) );
savefile->WriteDict ( &spawnArgs );
parent.Save ( savefile );
savefile->WriteJoint ( joint );
savefile->WriteInt ( soundChannel );
savefile->WriteInt ( parent->GetPositionIndex ( position ) );
savefile->WriteVec3 ( worldOrigin );
savefile->WriteMat3 ( worldAxis );
savefile->WriteVec3 ( localOffset );
void rvVehiclePart::Restore ( idRestoreGame* savefile ) {
int temp;
savefile->Read( &fl, sizeof( fl ) );
savefile->ReadDict ( &spawnArgs );
parent.Restore ( savefile );
savefile->ReadJoint ( joint );
savefile->ReadInt ( soundChannel );
savefile->ReadInt ( temp );
position = parent->GetPosition ( temp );
savefile->ReadVec3 ( worldOrigin );
savefile->ReadMat3 ( worldAxis );
savefile->ReadVec3 ( localOffset );
CLASS_DECLARATION( rvVehiclePart, rvVehicleSound )
rvVehicleSound::rvVehicleSound ( void ) {
memset( &refSound, 0, sizeof( refSound ) );
refSound.referenceSoundHandle = -1;
fade = false;
autoActivate = true;
rvVehicleSound::~rvVehicleSound ( void ) {
soundSystem->FreeSoundEmitter( SOUNDWORLD_GAME, refSound.referenceSoundHandle, true );
refSound.referenceSoundHandle = -1;
void rvVehicleSound::Spawn ( void ) {
soundName = spawnArgs.GetString ( "snd_loop" );
spawnArgs.GetVec2 ( "freqShift", "1 1", freqShift );
spawnArgs.GetVec2 ( "volume", "0 0", volume );
// Temp fix for volume
volume[0] = idMath::dBToScale( volume[0] );
volume[1] = idMath::dBToScale( volume[1] );
declManager->FindSound ( soundName )->GetParms ( &refSound.parms );
void rvVehicleSound::RunPostPhysics ( void ) {
Update ( );
void rvVehicleSound::Activate ( bool active ) {
rvVehiclePart::Activate ( active );
if ( autoActivate ) {
if ( active ) {
Play ( );
} else {
Stop ( );
void rvVehicleSound::Play ( void ) {
if ( !soundName.Length ( ) ) {
idSoundEmitter *emitter = soundSystem->EmitterForIndex( SOUNDWORLD_GAME, refSound.referenceSoundHandle );
if ( !emitter ) {
refSound.referenceSoundHandle = soundSystem->AllocSoundEmitter( SOUNDWORLD_GAME );
Attenuate ( 0.0f, 0.0f );
Update ( true );
emitter = soundSystem->EmitterForIndex( SOUNDWORLD_GAME, refSound.referenceSoundHandle );
if( emitter ) {
emitter->UpdateEmitter( refSound.origin, refSound.velocity, refSound.listenerId, &refSound.parms );
emitter->StartSound ( declManager->FindSound( soundName ), soundChannel, 0, 0 );
void rvVehicleSound::Stop ( void ) {
if ( IsPlaying ( ) ) {
idSoundEmitter *emitter = soundSystem->EmitterForIndex( SOUNDWORLD_GAME, refSound.referenceSoundHandle );
if( emitter ) {
emitter->StopSound( soundChannel );
void rvVehicleSound::Update ( bool force ) {
if ( !force && !IsPlaying ( ) ) {
if ( fade && currentVolume.IsDone ( gameLocal.time ) ) {
Stop ( );
idSoundEmitter *emitter = soundSystem->EmitterForIndex( SOUNDWORLD_GAME, refSound.referenceSoundHandle );
if( !emitter ) {
UpdateOrigin ( );
refSound.parms.volume = currentVolume.GetCurrentValue ( gameLocal.time );
refSound.parms.frequencyShift = currentFreqShift.GetCurrentValue ( gameLocal.time );
emitter->ModifySound ( soundChannel, &refSound.parms );
refSound.origin = worldOrigin;
// bdube: please put something sensible here if you want doppler from the sound system
refSound.velocity = vec3_origin;
emitter->UpdateEmitter( refSound.origin, refSound.velocity, parent->entityNumber + 1, &refSound.parms );
void rvVehicleSound::Attenuate ( float volumeAttenuate, float freqAttenuate ) {
float f;
fade = false;
f = volume[0] + (volume[1]-volume[0]) * volumeAttenuate;
currentVolume.Init ( gameLocal.time, 100, currentVolume.GetCurrentValue(gameLocal.time), f );
f = freqShift[0] + (freqShift[1]-freqShift[0]) * freqAttenuate;
currentFreqShift.Init ( gameLocal.time, 100, currentFreqShift.GetCurrentValue(gameLocal.time), f );
void rvVehicleSound::Fade ( int duration, float toVolume, float toFreq ) {
currentVolume.Init ( gameLocal.time, duration, currentVolume.GetCurrentValue(gameLocal.time), toVolume );
currentFreqShift.Init ( gameLocal.time, duration, currentFreqShift.GetCurrentValue(gameLocal.time), toFreq );
void rvVehicleSound::Save ( idSaveGame* savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteVec2 ( volume );
savefile->WriteVec2 ( freqShift );
savefile->WriteString ( soundName );
savefile->WriteRefSound ( refSound );
savefile->WriteInterpolate ( currentVolume );
savefile->WriteInterpolate ( currentFreqShift );
savefile->WriteBool ( fade );
savefile->WriteBool ( autoActivate );
void rvVehicleSound::Restore ( idRestoreGame* savefile ) {
savefile->ReadVec2 ( volume );
savefile->ReadVec2 ( freqShift );
savefile->ReadString ( soundName );
savefile->ReadRefSound ( refSound );
savefile->ReadInterpolate ( currentVolume );
savefile->ReadInterpolate ( currentFreqShift );
savefile->ReadBool ( fade );
savefile->ReadBool ( autoActivate );
// rvVehicleLight
CLASS_DECLARATION( rvVehiclePart, rvVehicleLight )
rvVehicleLight::rvVehicleLight ( void ) {
lightHandle = -1;
rvVehicleLight::~rvVehicleLight ( void ) {
if ( lightHandle != -1 ) {
gameRenderWorld->FreeLightDef( lightHandle );
lightHandle = -1;
void rvVehicleLight::Spawn ( void ) {
idVec3 color;
const char* temp;
memset ( &renderLight, 0, sizeof(renderLight) );
renderLight.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( spawnArgs.GetString ( "mtr_light", "lights/muzzleflash" ), false );
renderLight.pointLight = spawnArgs.GetBool( "pointlight", "1" );
spawnArgs.GetVector( "color", "0 0 0", color );
renderLight.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ] = color[0];
renderLight.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ] = color[1];
renderLight.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ] = color[2];
renderLight.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_TIMESCALE ] = 1.0f;
// dluetscher: added detail levels to render lights
renderLight.detailLevel = DEFAULT_LIGHT_DETAIL_LEVEL;
renderLight.lightRadius[0] = renderLight.lightRadius[1] =
renderLight.lightRadius[2] = (float)spawnArgs.GetInt( "radius" );
if ( !renderLight.pointLight ) {
renderLight.target = spawnArgs.GetVector( "target" );
renderLight.up = spawnArgs.GetVector( "up" );
renderLight.right = spawnArgs.GetVector( "right" );
renderLight.end = spawnArgs.GetVector( "target" );;
// Hide flare surface if there is one
temp = spawnArgs.GetString ( "flaresurface", "" );
if ( temp && *temp ) {
parent->ProcessEvent ( &EV_HideSurface, temp );
// Sounds shader when turning light
spawnArgs.GetString ( "snd_on", "", soundOn );
// Sound shader when turning light off
spawnArgs.GetString ( "snd_off", "", soundOff);
lightOn = spawnArgs.GetBool( "start_on", "1" );
lightHandle = -1;
void rvVehicleLight::RunPostPhysics ( void ) {
if ( lightHandle == -1 || !lightOn ) {
UpdateLightDef ( );
void rvVehicleLight::UpdateLightDef ( void ) {
UpdateOrigin ( );
renderLight.origin = worldOrigin;
renderLight.axis = worldAxis;
if ( lightHandle == -1 ) {
gameRenderWorld->UpdateLightDef( lightHandle, &renderLight );
void rvVehicleLight::Activate ( bool active ) {
rvVehiclePart::Activate ( active );
if ( active && lightOn ) {
TurnOn ( );
} else {
TurnOff ( );
void rvVehicleLight::TurnOff ( void ) {
const char* surface;
if ( lightHandle != -1 ) {
gameRenderWorld->FreeLightDef( lightHandle );
lightHandle = -1;
// Play off sound
if ( soundOff.Length() ) {
parent->StartSoundShader ( declManager->FindSound ( soundOff ), soundChannel, 0, false, NULL );
// Hide flare surface if there is one
surface = spawnArgs.GetString ( "flaresurface", "" );
if ( surface && *surface ) {
parent->ProcessEvent ( &EV_HideSurface, surface );
void rvVehicleLight::TurnOn ( void ) {
const char* surface;
if ( lightHandle == -1 ) {
lightHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddLightDef( &renderLight );
// Play off sound
if ( soundOn.Length() ) {
parent->StartSoundShader ( declManager->FindSound ( soundOn ), soundChannel, 0, false, NULL );
// Show flare surface if there is one
surface = spawnArgs.GetString ( "flaresurface", "" );
if ( surface && *surface ) {
parent->ProcessEvent ( &EV_ShowSurface, surface );
UpdateLightDef ( );
void rvVehicleLight::Impulse ( int impulse ) {
switch ( impulse ) {
case IMPULSE_50:
if ( lightOn ) {
lightOn = false;
TurnOff ( );
} else {
lightOn = true;
TurnOn ( );
void rvVehicleLight::Save ( idSaveGame* savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteRenderLight ( renderLight );
savefile->WriteInt ( lightHandle );
savefile->WriteBool ( lightOn );
savefile->WriteString ( soundOn );
savefile->WriteString ( soundOff );
void rvVehicleLight::Restore ( idRestoreGame* savefile ) {
savefile->ReadRenderLight ( renderLight );
savefile->ReadInt ( lightHandle );
if ( lightHandle != -1 ) {
//get the handle again as it's out of date after a restore!
lightHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddLightDef( &renderLight );
savefile->ReadBool ( lightOn );
savefile->ReadString ( soundOn );
savefile->ReadString ( soundOff );
CLASS_DECLARATION( rvVehiclePart, rvVehicleWeapon )
rvVehicleWeapon::rvVehicleWeapon ( void ) {
#ifdef _XENON
bestEnemy = 0;
nextFireTime = 0;
fireDelay = 0;
hitScanDef = NULL;
projectileDef = NULL;
animNum = 0;
rvVehicleWeapon::~rvVehicleWeapon ( void ) {
if ( muzzleFlashHandle != -1 ) {
gameRenderWorld->FreeLightDef( muzzleFlashHandle );
muzzleFlashHandle = -1;
StopTargetEffect( );
void rvVehicleWeapon::Spawn ( void ) {
int i;
idStr temp;
idVec3 color;
#ifdef _XENON
bestEnemy = 0;
launchFromJoint = spawnArgs.GetBool ( "launchFromJoint", "0" );
lockScanning = spawnArgs.GetBool ( "lockScanning", "0" );
lastLockTime = 0;
if ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "def_hitscan", "", temp ) ) {
hitScanDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "def_hitscan" ) );
} else {
projectileDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "def_projectile" ) );
fireDelay = SEC2MS ( spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "firedelay" ) );
spread = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "spread" );
jointIndex = 0;
count = spawnArgs.GetInt ( "count", "1" );
lockRange = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "lockrange", "0" );
ammoPerCharge = spawnArgs.GetInt ( "ammopercharge", "-1" );
chargeTime = SEC2MS ( spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "chargetime" ) );
currentAmmo = ammoPerCharge;
muzzleFlashHandle = -1;
if( spawnArgs.GetString("anim", "", temp) && *temp ) {
animNum = parent->GetAnimator()->GetAnim( temp );
animChannel = spawnArgs.GetInt( "animChannel" );
spawnArgs.GetVector ( "force", "0 0 0", force );
// Vehicle guns can have multiple joints to fire from. They will be cycled through
// when firing.
joints.Append ( joint );
for ( i = 2; ; i ++ ) {
jointHandle_t joint2;
joint2 = parent->GetAnimator()->GetJointHandle ( spawnArgs.GetString ( va("joint%d", i ) ) );
if ( joint2 == INVALID_JOINT ) {
joints.Append ( joint2 );
// Muzzle Flash
memset ( &muzzleFlash, 0, sizeof(muzzleFlash) );
spawnArgs.GetVector ( "flashOffset", "0 0 0", muzzleFlashOffset );
muzzleFlash.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( spawnArgs.GetString ( "mtr_flashShader", "lights/muzzleflash" ), false );
muzzleFlash.pointLight = spawnArgs.GetBool( "flashPointLight", "1" );
// dluetscher: added detail levels to render lights
muzzleFlash.detailLevel = DEFAULT_LIGHT_DETAIL_LEVEL;
spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashColor", "0 0 0", color );
muzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ] = color[0];
muzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ] = color[1];
muzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ] = color[2];
muzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_TIMESCALE ] = 1.0f;
muzzleFlash.lightRadius[0] = muzzleFlash.lightRadius[1] = muzzleFlash.lightRadius[2] = (float)spawnArgs.GetInt( "flashRadius" );
if ( !muzzleFlash.pointLight ) {
muzzleFlash.target = spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashTarget" );
muzzleFlash.up = spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashUp" );
muzzleFlash.right = spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashRight" );
muzzleFlash.end = spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashTarget" );
shaderFire = declManager->FindSound ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "snd_fire" ), false );
shaderReload = declManager->FindSound ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "snd_reload" ), false );
// get the brass def
idStr name;
brassDict = NULL;
if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "def_ejectBrass", "", name ) && *name ) {
brassDict = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( name, false );
if ( !brassDict ) {
gameLocal.Warning( "Unknown brass def '%s' for weapon on vehicle '%s'", name, position->mParent->name );
spawnArgs.GetVector ( "ejectOffset", "0 0 0", brassEjectOffset );
brassEjectJoint = parent->GetAnimator()->GetJointHandle( spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint_view_eject", "eject" ) );
if ( brassDict ) {
brassEjectDelay = SEC2MS( brassDict->GetFloat( "delay", "0.01" ) );
brassEjectNext = 0;
targetEnt = NULL;
targetJoint = INVALID_JOINT;
targetPos.Zero ();
// Zoom
zoomFov = spawnArgs.GetInt( "zoomFov", "-1" );
zoomGui = uiManager->FindGui ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "gui_zoom", "" ), true );
zoomTime = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "zoomTime", ".15" );
// wfl.zoomHideCrosshair = spawnArgs.GetBool ( "zoomHideCrosshair", "1" );
void rvVehicleWeapon::Activate ( bool activate ) {
rvVehiclePart::Activate ( activate );
nextFireTime = gameLocal.time + WEAPON_DELAY_FIRE;
#ifdef _XENON
bestEnemy = 0;
void rvVehicleWeapon::StopTargetEffect ( void ) {
if ( targetEffect ) {
targetEffect->Stop( );
targetEffect = NULL;
void rvVehicleWeapon::UpdateLock ( void ) {
#ifdef _XENON
bestEnemy = 0;
// Handle auto-aim if it's enabled
if ( cvarSystem->GetCVarBool("pm_AimAssist") ) {
const float testDist = 2000.0f; // huge because we're outdoors
idPlayer *player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer();
if ( player && position->GetDriver() == player ) {
idVec3 start = position->GetEyeOrigin();
idVec3 end = start + (position->GetEyeAxis().ToAngles().ToForward() * testDist);
idBounds bounds( start );
bounds.AddPoint( end );
idClipModel *clipModelList[ MAX_GENTITIES ];
int numClipModels = gameLocal.ClipModelsTouchingBounds( player, bounds, -1, clipModelList, MAX_GENTITIES );
float bDist = testDist;
float fovX, fovY;
gameLocal.CalcFov( player->CalcFov( true ), fovX, fovY );
float dNear = cvarSystem->GetCVarFloat( "r_znear" );
float dFar = testDist;
float size = dFar * idMath::Tan( DEG2RAD( fovY * 0.5f ) ) * float(cvarSystem->GetCVarInteger("pm_AimAssistFOV")) / 100.0f;
idFrustum aimArea;
aimArea.SetOrigin( start );
aimArea.SetAxis( position->GetEyeAxis() );
aimArea.SetSize( dNear, dFar, size, size );
for ( int i = 0; i < numClipModels; i++ ) {
idClipModel *clip = clipModelList[ i ];
idEntity *ent = clip->GetEntity();
if ( ent->IsHidden() ) {
bool isAI = ent->IsType( idAI::GetClassType() );
bool isFriendly = false;
if ( isAI ) {
if ( static_cast<idAI *>( ent )->team == player->team ) {
} else {
float focusLength = (ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() - start).LengthFast() - ent->GetPhysics()->GetBounds().GetRadius();
const idBounds &b = ent->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds();
bool inside = aimArea.IntersectsBounds(b);
if ( inside ) {
float dist = b.ShortestDistance(start);
if ( bDist > dist ) {
bDist = dist;
bestEnemy = (idActor *)ent;
if ( !position->GetDriver() || parent->health <= 0 || !lockScanning) {
StopTargetEffect( );
} else if ( lockScanning && position->GetDriver() && position->GetDriver()->IsType( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) ) {
//always update locking info
GetLockInfo( position->GetEyeOrigin(), position->GetEyeAxis() );
idPlayer *player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer();
if ( player && position->GetDriver() == player ) {
// Update the guide effect
if ( targetEnt && targetEnt.IsValid() && targetEnt->health > 0 && targetEnt->IsType( idActor::GetClassType() ) ) {
idVec3 eyePos;
if ( targetJoint != INVALID_JOINT ) {
idMat3 jointAxis;
targetEnt->GetAnimator()->GetJointTransform( targetJoint, gameLocal.GetTime(), eyePos, jointAxis );
eyePos = targetEnt->GetRenderEntity()->origin + (eyePos*targetEnt->GetRenderEntity()->axis);
if ( !targetPos.Compare( vec3_origin ) ) {
jointAxis = jointAxis * targetEnt->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
eyePos += jointAxis[0]*targetPos[0];
eyePos += jointAxis[1]*targetPos[1];
eyePos += jointAxis[2]*targetPos[2];
} else {
eyePos = static_cast<idActor *>(targetEnt.GetEntity())->GetEyePosition();
eyePos += targetEnt->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().GetCenter ( );
eyePos *= 0.5f;
if ( targetEffect ) {
targetEffect->SetOrigin ( eyePos );
targetEffect->SetAxis ( player->firstPersonViewAxis.Transpose() );
} else {
targetEffect = gameLocal.PlayEffect( gameLocal.GetEffect( spawnArgs, "fx_guide" ), eyePos, player->firstPersonViewAxis.Transpose(), true, vec3_origin, false );
if ( targetEffect ) {
targetEffect->GetRenderEffect()->weaponDepthHackInViewID = position->GetDriver()->entityNumber + 1;
targetEffect->GetRenderEffect()->allowSurfaceInViewID = position->GetDriver()->entityNumber + 1;
} else {
StopTargetEffect( );
void rvVehicleWeapon::RunPostPhysics ( void ) {
if ( !IsActive() || !parent->IsShootingEnabled ( ) ) {
if ( currentAmmo <= 0 && currentCharge.IsDone( gameLocal.GetTime() ) ) {
currentAmmo = ammoPerCharge;
if ( !(position->mInputCmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) ) {
if ( gameLocal.time <= nextFireTime || !currentCharge.IsDone(gameLocal.GetTime()) ) {
// Gun animation?
if ( animNum ) {
parent->GetAnimator()->PlayAnim ( animChannel, animNum, gameLocal.time, 0 );
if( !spawnArgs.GetBool("launchOnFrameCommand") ) {
if (!Fire())
nextFireTime = gameLocal.time + fireDelay;
void rvVehicleWeapon::WeaponFeedback( const idDict* dict ) {
if( !dict || !GetPosition() || !GetPosition()->IsOccupied() ) {
idActor* actor = GetPosition()->GetDriver();
if( !actor || !actor->IsType( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) ) {
//abahr: This feels like a hack. I hate using def files for logic but it just seems the easiest way to do it
idPlayer* player = static_cast<idPlayer*>( actor );
if( dict->GetInt("recoilTime") ) {
player->playerView.WeaponFireFeedback( dict );
if( dict->GetInt("shakeTime") ) {
player->playerView.SetShakeParms( MS2SEC(gameLocal.GetTime() + dict->GetInt("shakeTime")), dict->GetFloat("shakeMagnitude") );
void rvVehicleWeapon::MuzzleFlashLight( const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis ) {
if ( !muzzleFlash.lightRadius[0] ) {
muzzleFlash.origin = origin;
muzzleFlash.axis = axis;
// these will be different each fire
muzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_TIMEOFFSET ] = -MS2SEC( gameLocal.time );
muzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_DIVERSITY ] = parent->GetRenderEntity()->shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_DIVERSITY ];
// the light will be removed at this time
muzzleFlashEnd = gameLocal.time + muzzleFlashTime;
if ( muzzleFlashHandle != -1 ) {
gameRenderWorld->UpdateLightDef( muzzleFlashHandle, &muzzleFlash );
} else {
muzzleFlashHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddLightDef( &muzzleFlash );
void rvVehicleWeapon::UpdateCursorGUI ( idUserInterface* gui ) const {
// cnicholson: I do't see a reason why this if statement is here. Its ALWAYS false and so this block never executed,
// thus if the player was in a vehicle, the crosshair was always the player's last held weapon, not the crosshair defined in the vehicle .def.
// So I commented the if part out.
//if ( spawnArgs.GetBool( "hide_crosshair", "0" ) ) {
gui->SetStateString ( "crossImage", spawnArgs.GetString ( "mtr_crosshair" ) );
const idMaterial *material = declManager->FindMaterial( spawnArgs.GetString ( "mtr_crosshair" ) );
if ( material ) {
material->SetSort( SS_GUI );
gui->SetStateString ( "crossColor", g_crosshairColor.GetString() );
gui->SetStateInt ( "crossOffsetX", spawnArgs.GetInt ( "crosshairOffsetX", "0" ) );
gui->SetStateInt ( "crossOffsetY", spawnArgs.GetInt ( "crosshairOffsetY", "0" ) );
gui->StateChanged ( gameLocal.time );
void rvVehicleWeapon::Save ( idSaveGame* savefile ) const {
int i;
savefile->WriteInt ( nextFireTime );
savefile->WriteInt ( fireDelay );
savefile->WriteInt ( count );
// TOSAVE: const idDict* projectileDef;
// TOSVAE: const idDict* hitScanDef;
savefile->WriteFloat ( spread );
savefile->WriteBool ( launchFromJoint );
savefile->WriteBool ( lockScanning );
savefile->WriteInt ( lastLockTime );
savefile->WriteFloat ( lockRange );
savefile->WriteInt ( joints.Num() );
for ( i = 0; i < joints.Num(); i ++ ) {
savefile->WriteJoint ( joints[i] );
savefile->WriteInt ( jointIndex );
savefile->WriteVec3 ( force );
savefile->WriteInt ( ammoPerCharge );
savefile->WriteInt ( chargeTime );
savefile->WriteInt ( currentAmmo );
savefile->WriteInterpolate ( currentCharge );
savefile->WriteRenderLight ( muzzleFlash );
savefile->WriteInt ( muzzleFlashHandle );
savefile->WriteInt ( muzzleFlashEnd );
savefile->WriteInt ( muzzleFlashTime );
savefile->WriteVec3 ( muzzleFlashOffset );
savefile->WriteInt ( animNum );
savefile->WriteInt ( animChannel );
targetEnt.Save( savefile );
savefile->WriteJoint( targetJoint );
savefile->WriteVec3( targetPos );
targetEffect.Save( savefile );
// Don't save shaderFire or shaderReload, they are setup in Restore
savefile->WriteInt( zoomFov );
savefile->WriteUserInterface( zoomGui, true );
savefile->WriteFloat( zoomTime );
void rvVehicleWeapon::Restore ( idRestoreGame* savefile ) {
int i;
int num;
idStr temp;
#ifdef _XENON
bestEnemy = 0;
savefile->ReadInt ( nextFireTime );
savefile->ReadInt ( fireDelay );
savefile->ReadInt ( count );
savefile->ReadFloat ( spread );
savefile->ReadBool ( launchFromJoint );
savefile->ReadBool ( lockScanning );
savefile->ReadInt ( lastLockTime );
savefile->ReadFloat ( lockRange );
savefile->ReadInt ( num );
joints.Clear ( );
joints.SetNum ( num );
for ( i = 0; i < num; i ++ ) {
savefile->ReadJoint ( joints[i] );
savefile->ReadInt ( jointIndex );
savefile->ReadVec3 ( force );
savefile->ReadInt ( ammoPerCharge );
savefile->ReadInt ( chargeTime );
savefile->ReadInt ( currentAmmo );
savefile->ReadInterpolate( currentCharge );
savefile->ReadRenderLight ( muzzleFlash );
savefile->ReadInt ( muzzleFlashHandle );
if ( muzzleFlashHandle != -1 ) {
//get the handle again as it's out of date after a restore!
muzzleFlashHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddLightDef( &muzzleFlash );
savefile->ReadInt ( muzzleFlashEnd );
savefile->ReadInt ( muzzleFlashTime );
savefile->ReadVec3 ( muzzleFlashOffset );
savefile->ReadInt ( animNum );
savefile->ReadInt ( animChannel );
if ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "def_hitscan", "", temp ) ) {
hitScanDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "def_hitscan" ) );
} else {
projectileDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "def_projectile" ) );
shaderFire = declManager->FindSound ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "snd_fire" ), false );
shaderReload = declManager->FindSound ( spawnArgs.GetString ( "snd_reload" ), false );
// Brass Def
brassDict = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( spawnArgs.GetString( "def_ejectBrass" ), false );
spawnArgs.GetVector ( "ejectOffset", "0 0 0", brassEjectOffset );
brassEjectJoint = parent->GetAnimator()->GetJointHandle( spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint_view_eject", "eject" ) );
if ( brassDict ) {
brassEjectDelay = SEC2MS( brassDict->GetFloat( "delay", "0.01" ) );
brassEjectNext = 0;
targetEnt.Restore( savefile );
savefile->ReadJoint( targetJoint );
savefile->ReadVec3( targetPos );
targetEffect.Restore( savefile );
savefile->ReadInt( zoomFov );
savefile->ReadUserInterface( zoomGui, &spawnArgs );
savefile->ReadFloat( zoomTime );
bool rvVehicleWeapon::Fire() {
if ( muzzleFlashHandle != -1 && gameLocal.time >= muzzleFlashEnd ) {
gameRenderWorld->FreeLightDef( muzzleFlashHandle );
muzzleFlashHandle = -1;
// twhitaker: moved to rvVehicleWeapon::RunPostPhysics so that the HUD would update without having to fire the gun
// if ( currentAmmo == 0 ) {
// currentAmmo = ammoPerCharge;
// }
if ( currentAmmo == -1 ) {
currentCharge.Init ( gameLocal.time, fireDelay, 0.0, 1.0f );
} else {
if ( currentAmmo <= 0 ) {
currentAmmo = 0;
if ( chargeTime ) {
parent->StartSoundShader( shaderReload, SND_CHANNEL_ANY, 0, false, NULL );
currentCharge.Init ( gameLocal.time, chargeTime, 0.0f, 1.0f );
return true;
#ifdef _XENON
void rvVehicleWeapon::AutoAim( idPlayer* player, const idVec3& origin, idVec3& dir ) {
if ( player ) {
// If we have a enemy selected, handle aim correction
if ( bestEnemy ) {
idVec3 dif = bestEnemy->GetRenderEntity()->origin - origin;
idVec3 muzzleDest = origin + (dir * dif.Length() );
// Transform start and end into the enemy's body space
idVec3 localStart = bestEnemy->GetRenderEntity()->axis / (origin - bestEnemy->GetRenderEntity()->origin);
idVec3 localEnd = bestEnemy->GetRenderEntity()->axis / (muzzleDest - bestEnemy->GetRenderEntity()->origin);
if ( bestEnemy->GetAnimator() ) {
int numJoints = bestEnemy->GetAnimator()->NumJoints();
if ( numJoints ) {
jointHandle_t nearJoint = bestEnemy->GetAnimator()->GetNearestJoint( localStart, localEnd, gameLocal.time, 0, numJoints );
// If we found a valid joint to snap to...
if ( nearJoint > 0 ) {
idMat3 dummy;
bestEnemy->GetJointWorldTransform( nearJoint, gameLocal.time, muzzleDest, dummy );
dir = muzzleDest - origin;
} else {
dir = bestEnemy->GetRenderEntity()->origin - origin;
} else {
dir = bestEnemy->GetRenderEntity()->origin - origin;
void rvVehicleWeapon::LaunchHitScan( const idVec3& origin, const idVec3& _dir, const idVec3& jointOrigin ) {
idPlayer* player = 0;
idVec3 dir = _dir;
// Let the AI know about the new attack
if ( !gameLocal.isMultiplayer ) {
if ( position->GetDriver() && position->GetDriver()->IsType( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) ) {
player = dynamic_cast<idPlayer*>(position->GetDriver());
if ( player ) {
aiManager.ReactToPlayerAttack ( player, origin, dir );
#ifdef _XENON
AutoAim( player, origin, dir );
gameLocal.HitScan ( *hitScanDef, origin, dir, jointOrigin, position->GetDriver(), false, 1.0f, parent );
void rvVehicleWeapon::LaunchProjectile( const idVec3& origin, const idVec3& _dir, const idVec3& pushVelocity ) {
idPlayer *player = 0;
idEntity* ent;
idProjectile* projectile;
idVec3 dir = _dir;
gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef ( *projectileDef, &ent );
if ( !ent ) {
if ( !gameLocal.isMultiplayer ) {
if ( position->GetDriver() && position->GetDriver()->IsType( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) ) {
player = dynamic_cast<idPlayer*>(position->GetDriver());
if ( player ) {
aiManager.ReactToPlayerAttack ( player, origin, dir );
#ifdef _XENON
AutoAim( player, origin, dir );
projectile = ( idProjectile * )ent;
projectile->Create( position->GetDriver(), origin, dir, parent );
projectile->Launch( origin, dir, pushVelocity, 0.0f, 1.0f );
if ( projectile->IsType ( idGuidedProjectile::GetClassType() ) ) {
if ( spawnArgs.GetBool("guideTowardsDir") && (!targetEnt || targetJoint == INVALID_JOINT) ) {
#ifndef _XENON
static_cast<idGuidedProjectile*>(projectile)->GuideTo ( position->GetEyeOrigin(), position->GetEyeAxis()[0] );
if ( bestEnemy ) {
static_cast<idGuidedProjectile*>(projectile)->GuideTo ( origin, dir );
} else {
static_cast<idGuidedProjectile*>(projectile)->GuideTo ( position->GetEyeOrigin(), position->GetEyeAxis()[0] );
} else if ( targetEnt ) {
static_cast<idGuidedProjectile*>(projectile)->GuideTo ( targetEnt, targetJoint, targetPos );
} else {
static_cast<idGuidedProjectile*>(projectile)->GuideTo ( targetPos );
void rvVehicleWeapon::LaunchProjectiles() {
idVec3 jointOrigin;
idMat3 jointAxis;
idVec3 origin;
idMat3 axis;
float spreadRad = DEG2RAD( spread );
idVec3 dir;
float ang = 0.0f;
float spin = 0.0f;
parent->GetJointWorldTransform ( joints[jointIndex], gameLocal.time, jointOrigin, jointAxis );
MuzzleFlashLight ( jointOrigin + muzzleFlashOffset * jointAxis, jointAxis );
if( launchFromJoint ) {
origin = jointOrigin;
axis = jointAxis;
} else {
origin = position->GetEyeOrigin();
axis = position->GetEyeAxis();
if ( !lockScanning || !targetEnt || !position->GetDriver() || !position->GetDriver()->IsType( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) ) {
//don't do this continuously, so have to do it here
GetLockInfo( position->GetEyeOrigin(), position->GetEyeAxis() );
parent->StartSoundShader( shaderFire, SND_CHANNEL_WEAPON, 0, false, NULL );
parent->PlayEffect( gameLocal.GetEffect( spawnArgs, "fx_muzzleflash" ), joints[jointIndex], vec3_origin, mat3_identity );
gameLocal.AlertAI( parent );
for( int i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) {
ang = idMath::Sin( spreadRad * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() );
spin = DEG2RAD( 360.0f ) * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat();
dir = axis[0] + axis[ 2 ] * ( ang * idMath::Sin( spin ) ) - axis[ 1 ] * ( ang * idMath::Cos( spin ) );
if ( g_debugWeapon.GetBool() ) {
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine ( colorBlue, origin, origin + dir * 10000.0f, 10000 );
if ( hitScanDef ) {
LaunchHitScan( origin, dir, jointOrigin );
} else {
LaunchProjectile( origin, dir, parent->GetPhysics()->GetPushedLinearVelocity() );
jointIndex = (jointIndex+1) % joints.Num();
parent->GetPhysics()->ApplyImpulse ( 0, origin, force * axis );
WeaponFeedback( &spawnArgs );
void rvVehicleWeapon::GetLockInfo( const idVec3& eyeOrigin, const idMat3& eyeAxis ) {
if ( lastLockTime < gameLocal.GetTime() - 2000
|| (targetEnt && (!targetEnt.IsValid() || targetEnt.GetEntity()->health <= 0)) ) {
targetEnt = NULL;
targetJoint = INVALID_JOINT;
targetPos.Zero ();
if ( lockRange > 0.0f ) {
idVec3 end;
trace_t tr;
bool lockFound = false;
idEntity* newTargetEnt = NULL;
jointHandle_t newTargetJoint = INVALID_JOINT;
end = eyeOrigin + eyeAxis[0] * lockRange;
// gameLocal.TracePoint( parent.GetEntity(), tr, eyeOrigin, end, MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX, NULL );
gameLocal.TracePoint( parent.GetEntity(), tr, eyeOrigin, end, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL, NULL );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 ) {
newTargetEnt = gameLocal.entities[ tr.c.entityNum ];
lockFound = true;
// Make sure the target is an actor and is alive
if ( !(newTargetEnt->IsType ( idActor::GetClassType() ) || newTargetEnt->IsType ( idProjectile::GetClassType() )) || newTargetEnt->health <= 0 ) {
newTargetEnt = NULL;
lockFound = false;
} else {
//see if there's a joint to lock onto
if ( newTargetEnt->spawnArgs.MatchPrefix ( "lockJoint" ) ) {
jointHandle_t testJointHandle;
idVec3 testJointOffset;
idStr lockJointName;
idVec3 jointOrg;
idMat3 jointAxis;
int lockJointNum = 1;
float bestDist = 100.0f;
float dist = 0.0f;
lockJointName = newTargetEnt->spawnArgs.GetString( va("lockJoint%d",lockJointNum), NULL );
while ( lockJointName.Length() ) {
testJointHandle = newTargetEnt->GetAnimator()->GetJointHandle( lockJointName );
if ( testJointHandle != INVALID_JOINT ) {
newTargetEnt->GetAnimator()->GetJointTransform( testJointHandle, gameLocal.GetTime(), jointOrg, jointAxis );
jointOrg = newTargetEnt->GetRenderEntity()->origin + (jointOrg*newTargetEnt->GetRenderEntity()->axis);
jointAxis = jointAxis * newTargetEnt->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
testJointOffset = newTargetEnt->spawnArgs.GetVector( va("lockJointOffset%d",lockJointNum), "0 0 0" );
jointOrg += jointAxis*testJointOffset;
dist = (jointOrg - tr.endpos).Length();
if ( dist < bestDist ) {
bestDist = dist;
newTargetJoint = testJointHandle;
targetPos = testJointOffset;
lockJointName = newTargetEnt->spawnArgs.GetString( va("lockJoint%d",++lockJointNum), NULL );
if ( spawnArgs.GetBool("guideTowardsDir") ) {
if ( newTargetJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) {
newTargetEnt = NULL;
lockFound = false;
} else if ( spawnArgs.GetBool( "guideTowardsDir" ) && !targetEnt ) {
targetPos = tr.endpos;
if ( lockFound ) {
targetEnt = newTargetEnt;
targetJoint = newTargetJoint;
lastLockTime = gameLocal.GetTime();
if ( g_debugVehicle.GetInteger() == 2 ) {
gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow ( colorGreen, eyeOrigin, end, 3, 10000 );
gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow ( colorWhite, eyeOrigin, tr.endpos, 4, 10000 );
void rvVehicleWeapon::EjectBrass ( void ) {
if ( !brassDict || gameLocal.time > brassEjectNext || g_brassTime.GetFloat() <= 0.0f || gameLocal.isMultiplayer || brassEjectJoint == INVALID_JOINT || !brassDict->GetNumKeyVals() ) {
idMat3 axis;
idVec3 origin;
idVec3 linear_velocity;
idVec3 angular_velocity;
int brassTime;
if ( !parent->GetJointWorldTransform( brassEjectJoint, gameLocal.time, origin, axis ) ) {
brassEjectNext += brassEjectDelay;
// Spawn the client side moveable for the brass
idVec3 offset;
idMat3 playerViewAxis;
gameLocal.GetPlayerView( offset, playerViewAxis );
rvClientMoveable* cent = NULL;
gameLocal.SpawnClientEntityDef( *brassDict, (rvClientEntity**)(&cent), false );
if( !cent ) {
cent->SetOrigin ( origin + axis * brassEjectOffset );
cent->SetAxis ( playerViewAxis );
cent->SetOwner ( position->GetDriver() );
// Depth hack the brass to make sure it clips in front of view weapon properly
cent->GetRenderEntity()->weaponDepthHackInViewID = position->GetDriver()->entityNumber + 1;
// Clear the depth hack soon after it clears the view
cent->PostEventMS ( &CL_ClearDepthHack, 200 );
// Fade the brass out so they dont accumulate
brassTime =(int)SEC2MS(g_brassTime.GetFloat() / 6.0f);
cent->PostEventMS ( &CL_FadeOut, brassTime, brassTime );
// Generate a good velocity for the brass
idVec3 linearVelocity = brassDict->GetVector("linear_velocity").Random( brassDict->GetVector("linear_velocity_range"), gameLocal.random );
cent->GetPhysics()->SetLinearVelocity( position->GetDriver()->GetPhysics()->GetLinearVelocity() + linearVelocity * cent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis() );
idAngles angularVelocity = brassDict->GetAngles("angular_velocity").Random( brassDict->GetVector("angular_velocity_range"), gameLocal.random );
cent->GetPhysics()->SetAngularVelocity( angularVelocity.ToAngularVelocity() * cent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis() );
CLASS_DECLARATION( rvVehiclePart, rvVehicleTurret )
rvVehicleTurret::rvVehicleTurret ( void ) {
moveTime = 0;
soundPart = -1;
void rvVehicleTurret::Spawn ( void ) {
angles[0][PITCH] = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "minpitch", "0" );
angles[1][PITCH] = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "maxpitch", "0" );
axisMap[PITCH] = spawnArgs.GetInt ( "pitch", "-1" );
invert[PITCH] = spawnArgs.GetBool ( "pitchinvert", "0" ) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
angles[0][ROLL] = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "minroll", "0" );
angles[1][ROLL] = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "maxroll", "0" );
axisMap[ROLL] = spawnArgs.GetInt ( "roll", "-1" );
invert[ROLL] = spawnArgs.GetBool ( "rollinvert", "0" ) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
angles[0][YAW] = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "minyaw", "0" );
angles[1][YAW] = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "maxyaw", "0" );
axisMap[YAW] = spawnArgs.GetInt ( "yaw", "-1" );
invert[YAW] = spawnArgs.GetBool ( "yawinvert", "0" ) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
turnRate = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "turnrate", "360" );
currentAngles.Zero ( );
//the parent is *not* stuck on spawn.
parentStuck = false;
// Find the vehicle part for the turret sound
if ( *spawnArgs.GetString ( "snd_loop", "" ) ) {
soundPart = position->AddPart ( rvVehicleSound::GetClassType(), spawnArgs );
static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->SetAutoActivate ( false );
void rvVehicleTurret::Activate ( bool active ) {
rvVehiclePart::Activate( active );
if ( !IsActive() && soundPart >= 0 ) {
static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->Stop ( );
void rvVehicleTurret::RunPostPhysics ( void ) {
int i;
idAngles inputAngles;
idAngles lastInputAngles;
idMat3 mat[3];
idAngles oldAngles;
if ( IsActive ( ) ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
inputAngles[i] = SHORT2ANGLE( position->mInputCmd.angles[i] );
lastInputAngles[i] = SHORT2ANGLE( position->mOldInputCmd.angles[i] );
} else {
inputAngles.Zero ( );
lastInputAngles.Zero ( );
oldAngles = currentAngles;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) {
if ( axisMap[i] != -1 ) {
float diff = (invert[i] * idMath::AngleDelta ( inputAngles[i], lastInputAngles[i] ));
diff = SignZero( diff ) * idMath::ClampFloat ( 0.0f, turnRate * MS2SEC(gameLocal.GetMSec()), idMath::Fabs ( diff ) );
if ( angles[0][i] == angles[1][i] ) {
currentAngles[axisMap[i]] = idMath::AngleNormalize360( currentAngles[axisMap[i]] + diff );
} else {
currentAngles[axisMap[i]] = idMath::ClampFloat ( angles[0][i], angles[1][i], currentAngles[axisMap[i]] + diff );
idAngles angles;
angles[axisMap[i]] = currentAngles[axisMap[i]];
mat[axisMap[i]] = angles.ToMat3();
// Update the turret moving sound
if ( soundPart >= 0 ) {
float speed;
speed = idMath::Fabs( idMath::AngleDelta( oldAngles[YAW], currentAngles[YAW] ) );
speed = Max( speed, idMath::Fabs( idMath::AngleDelta( oldAngles[PITCH], currentAngles[PITCH] ) ) );
speed = Max( speed, idMath::Fabs( idMath::AngleDelta( oldAngles[ROLL], currentAngles[ROLL] ) ) );
if ( speed ) {
if ( !moveTime ) {
static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->Play ( );
moveTime = gameLocal.time + TURRET_MOVESOUND_FADE;
} else if ( moveTime && gameLocal.time > moveTime ) {
static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->Fade ( TURRET_MOVESOUND_FADE, 0.0f, 1.0f );
moveTime = 0;
// Update the volume of the turret move sound using the current speed of the
// turret as well as how long it has been since it has last moved.
if ( moveTime ) {
float f;
f = idMath::ClampFloat ( 0.0f, 1.0f, fabs(speed) / (turnRate * MS2SEC(gameLocal.GetMSec())) );
static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->Attenuate ( f, f );
// Rotate the turret with the mouse
parent->GetAnimator()->SetJointAxis( joint, JOINTMOD_LOCAL, mat[YAW] * mat[PITCH] * mat[ROLL] );
if ( g_vehicleMode.GetInteger() != 0 && joint != INVALID_JOINT && parent->GetAnimator()->GetJointHandle( spawnArgs.GetString( "alignment_joint" ) ) == joint ) {
idMat3 turretAxis;
idVec3 temp;
parent->GetJointWorldTransform( joint, gameLocal.GetTime(), temp, turretAxis );
const idMat3 & vehicleAxis = parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis();
int alignmentAxis = spawnArgs.GetInt( "alignment_axis" );
float dotRight = vehicleAxis[1] * turretAxis[alignmentAxis];
float dotForward = vehicleAxis[0] * turretAxis[alignmentAxis];
float acosForward = idMath::ACos( dotForward );
idAngles oldAngles = currentAngles;
idMat3 oldAxis = vehicleAxis;
if ( idMath::Fabs(1.0f - dotForward) > VECTOR_EPSILON ) {
float sinus = idMath::Cos( dotForward );
float power = idMath::Pow( sinus, spawnArgs.GetFloat( "alignment_power", "5" ) );
float deg = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, spawnArgs.GetFloat( "alignment_delta", "2.4" ), RAD2DEG( acosForward ) ) * power;
idAngles delta( 0, deg * SignZero(dotRight), 0 );
//move the tank
parent->GetPhysics()->SetAxis( (delta).ToMat3() * vehicleAxis );
currentAngles -= delta;
trace_t tr;
//trace the tank against the world.
idBounds traceBounds;
idVec3 raiseVector( 0, 0, 80);
idVec3 reduceVector( 0, 0, -16);
idVec3 parentOrigin = parent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
idVec3 parentVecForward = parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[0];
traceBounds = parent->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds();
traceBounds.ExpandSelf( reduceVector );
//zero the tracebounds-- abs bounds is the right size but not the right location :)
traceBounds.TranslateSelf( traceBounds.GetCenter() * -1 );
//raise the bounds up so the hover tank can hover.
traceBounds.TranslateSelf( raiseVector );
gameLocal.TraceBounds( parent, tr, parentOrigin, parentOrigin, traceBounds, MASK_SOLID | CONTENTS_VEHICLECLIP ,parent);
//draw the debug turning bounds if we need to. It will be redder if there's collision.
if ( gameDebug.IsHudActive ( DBGHUD_VEHICLE, parent ) ) {
idVec4 vecColor(1.0f - ( tr.fraction) , 0.25f, (0.5f * tr.fraction), 1.0f);
gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( vecColor, traceBounds, parentOrigin, 10, true );
//roll it back if it's colliding.
if( tr.fraction < 1.0f) {
if ( gameDebug.IsHudActive ( DBGHUD_VEHICLE, parent ) ) {
gameLocal.Warning("Turret move caused vehicle block %d distance %f", tr.c.entityNum, tr.fraction );
parent->GetPhysics()->SetAxis( oldAxis );
currentAngles = oldAngles;
//apply a push to the parent based on the direction of the collision?
parentStuck = true;
void rvVehicleTurret::RunPrePhysics ( void ) {
//in case we're stuck, apply an impulse to the parent based on the direction the turret is facing. This will help us pull out in the right direction.
if( parentStuck ) {
idVec3 impulseForce( 0,0,0);
idMat3 turretAxis;
idVec3 temp;
int alignmentAxis = spawnArgs.GetInt( "alignment_axis" );
parent->GetJointWorldTransform( joint, gameLocal.GetTime(), temp, turretAxis );
impulseForce += ( turretAxis[alignmentAxis] * 50 * MS2SEC(gameLocal.msec) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetMass());
//impulseForce += ( position->mInputCmd.forwardmove / 127.0f ) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[0] * 25 * MS2SEC(gameLocal.msec) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetMass ();
// Apply the impulse to the parent entity
parent->GetPhysics()->ApplyImpulse( 0, parent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), impulseForce);
parentStuck = false;
void rvVehicleTurret::Save ( idSaveGame* savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteBounds ( angles );
savefile->WriteInt ( axisMap[0] );
savefile->WriteInt ( axisMap[1] );
savefile->WriteInt ( axisMap[2] );
savefile->WriteFloat ( invert[0] );
savefile->WriteFloat ( invert[1] );
savefile->WriteFloat ( invert[2] );
savefile->WriteAngles ( currentAngles );
savefile->WriteInt ( moveTime );
savefile->WriteFloat ( turnRate );
savefile->WriteInt ( soundPart );
void rvVehicleTurret::Restore ( idRestoreGame* savefile ) {
savefile->ReadBounds ( angles );
savefile->ReadInt ( axisMap[0] );
savefile->ReadInt ( axisMap[1] );
savefile->ReadInt ( axisMap[2] );
savefile->ReadFloat ( invert[0] );
savefile->ReadFloat ( invert[1] );
savefile->ReadFloat ( invert[2] );
savefile->ReadAngles ( currentAngles );
savefile->ReadInt ( moveTime );
savefile->ReadFloat ( turnRate );
savefile->ReadInt ( soundPart );
CLASS_DECLARATION( rvVehiclePart, rvVehicleHoverpad )
rvVehicleHoverpad::rvVehicleHoverpad ( void ) {
clipModel = NULL;
effectDust = NULL;
soundPart = -1;
effectDustMaterialType = NULL;
rvVehicleHoverpad::~rvVehicleHoverpad ( void ) {
if ( effectDust ) {
effectDust->Stop ( );
effectDust = NULL;
delete clipModel;
void rvVehicleHoverpad::Spawn ( void ) {
float size;
spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "size", "10", size );
spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "height", "70", height );
spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "dampen", "10", dampen );
spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "forceRandom", "10", forceRandom );
spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "thrustForward", "0", thrustForward );
spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "thrustLeft", "0", thrustLeft );
maxRestAngle = idMath::Cos ( DEG2RAD(spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "maxRestAngle", "20" ) ) );
fadeTime = SEC2MS(spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "fadetime", ".5" ));
effectDust = NULL;
atRest = true;
delete clipModel;
clipModel = new idClipModel ( idTraceModel ( idBounds ( spawnArgs.GetVector("mins"),spawnArgs.GetVector("maxs")) ) );
force = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "force", "1066" );
forceUpTime = SEC2MS ( spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "forceUpTime", "1" ) );
forceDownTime = SEC2MS ( spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "forceDownTime", "1" ) );
forceTable = declManager->FindTable( spawnArgs.GetString ( "forceTable", "linear" ), false );
currentForce.Init ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// Is a sound part specified?
if ( *spawnArgs.GetString ( "snd_loop", "" ) ) {
soundPart = position->AddPart ( rvVehicleSound::GetClassType(), spawnArgs );
static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->SetAutoActivate ( false );
Activate ( false );
void rvVehicleHoverpad::Activate ( bool active ) {
rvVehiclePart::Activate ( active );
if ( active ) {
currentForce.Init ( gameLocal.time, forceUpTime, currentForce.GetCurrentValue( gameLocal.time ), force );
atRest = false;
} else {
currentForce.Init ( gameLocal.time, forceDownTime, currentForce.GetCurrentValue( gameLocal.time ), 0 );
Called before RunPhysics. Since impact velocities are altered by calls to ApplyImpulse
we need to cache them to ensure other hoverpads are not altering the data. The start
position of the hoverpad is also cached here for efficiency.
void rvVehicleHoverpad::RunPrePhysics ( void ) {
impactInfo_t info;
UpdateOrigin ( );
// Cache velocity at start point
parent->GetPhysics()->GetImpactInfo( 0, worldOrigin, &info );
velocity = info.velocity;
void rvVehicleHoverpad::RunPhysics ( void ) {
idVec3 end;
idMat3 axis;
trace_t tr;
idVec3 impulseForce;
idVec3 dampingForce;
float hoverForce;
float curlength;
// Disable pad?
if ( !IsActive() && !atRest ) {
if ( parent->IsAtRest ( ) || currentForce.GetCurrentValue ( gameLocal.time ) <= 0.0f || parent->IsFlipped( ) || parent->IsStalled() ) {
if ( soundPart >= 0 ) {
float fadeVolume;
fadeVolume = idMath::dBToScale ( spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "fadevolume", "0" ) );
static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->Fade ( fadeTime, fadeVolume, spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "fadefreqshift", "0.1" ) );
if ( effectDust ) {
effectDust->Stop ( );
effectDust = NULL;
atRest = true;
// If the vehicle isnt activate then kill the effect on it and dont think
if ( atRest ) {
// Prepare for trace
axis[0] = -parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[2];
axis[1] = parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[0];
axis[2] = parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[1];
// Always point the hover jets towards gravity
end = worldOrigin + (parent->GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal ( ) * height);
// Determine how far away the hoverpad is from the ground
gameLocal.Translation ( parent.GetEntity(), tr, worldOrigin, end, clipModel, axis, MASK_SOLID|CONTENTS_VEHICLECLIP, parent );
if ( tr.fraction >= 1.0f && tr.endpos == end ) {
UpdateDustEffect ( worldOrigin, axis, 0.0f, NULL );
// Determine spring properties from trace
tr.c.point = worldOrigin + (end-worldOrigin) * (tr.fraction + 0.001f);
curlength = height - (worldOrigin - tr.c.point).Length ( );
// Dampening
dampingForce = tr.c.point - worldOrigin;
dampingForce = ( dampen * ( (velocity * dampingForce) / (dampingForce * dampingForce) ) ) * dampingForce;
// Random swap forces
float rnd = 0.0f;
if ( !position->mInputCmd.forwardmove && !position->mInputCmd.rightmove ) {
float angle = DEG2RAD( ( (float)( gameLocal.time % 5000 ) / 5000.0f ) * 360.f );
if ( fl.left ) {
angle += 90;
if ( fl.front ) {
angle += 180;
rnd = forceRandom * idMath::Sin( angle );
// Determine how much force should be applied at the center of the hover spring
hoverForce = (currentForce.GetCurrentValue(gameLocal.time) + rnd) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetMass () * MS2SEC(gameLocal.GetMSec());
// If the slope under the hoverpad is < 30 degress then use the gravity vector to allow the hovertank to
// stop on slopes, otherwise use the vehicles axis which will cause it to slide down steep slopes
float f = (-parent->GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal ( ) * tr.c.normal);
if ( f < maxRestAngle || (thrustForward && position->mInputCmd.forwardmove != 0 ) ) {
impulseForce = (forceTable->TableLookup ( curlength / height ) * hoverForce) * -axis[0] - dampingForce;
} else {
impulseForce = (forceTable->TableLookup ( curlength / height ) * hoverForce) * -parent->GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal ( ) - dampingForce;
// No thrust if movement is disabled
if ( parent->IsMovementEnabled ( ) ) {
idMat3 axis;
idVec3 offset;
jointHandle_t axisJoint = joint;
if ( axisJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) {
axisJoint = parent->GetAnimator()->GetJointHandle( "gun_pivot" );
parent->GetJointWorldTransform( axisJoint, gameLocal.time, offset, axis );
// Add forward/backward thrust
if ( thrustForward ) {
if ( g_vehicleMode.GetInteger() == 2 ) {
impulseForce += ( position->mInputCmd.forwardmove / 127.0f ) * axis[0] * thrustForward * MS2SEC(gameLocal.msec) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetMass ();
} else {
impulseForce += ( position->mInputCmd.forwardmove / 127.0f ) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[0] * thrustForward * MS2SEC(gameLocal.msec) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetMass ();
// Add right/left thrust. The front pads will add force to the right if the right button is pressed and the rear will do the opposite. If moving backward the directions are flipped again
if ( thrustLeft ) {
if ( !parent->IsStrafing() && g_vehicleMode.GetInteger() != 0 ) {
impulseForce += ( position->mInputCmd.rightmove / 127.0f ) * -axis[2] * thrustLeft * MS2SEC(gameLocal.msec) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetMass ();
} else {
impulseForce += ( position->mInputCmd.rightmove / 127.0f ) * (position->mInputCmd.forwardmove<0?-1:1) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[1] * thrustLeft * MS2SEC(gameLocal.msec) * parent->GetPhysics()->GetMass () * (fl.front ? 1 : -1);
// Apply the impulse to the parent entity
parent->GetPhysics()->ApplyImpulse( 0, worldOrigin, impulseForce);
// Update the position and intensity of the dust effect
UpdateDustEffect ( tr.c.point, tr.c.normal.ToMat3( ), (curlength / height), tr.c.materialType );
// Debug information
if ( gameDebug.IsHudActive ( DBGHUD_VEHICLE, parent ) ) {
idVec3 offset;
offset = worldOrigin - parent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
offset *= parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis().Transpose();
gameDebug.AppendList ( "hover", va("%c%c %d\t%0.1f\t%0.1f\t%d\t", (offset[0]>0?'F':'B'),(offset[1]<0?'R':'L'), (int)impulseForce.Length(), curlength, dampingForce.Length(), (int)(velocity*axis[0] ) ) );
// Draw debug information
if ( g_debugVehicle.GetInteger() == 2 ) {
collisionModelManager->DrawModel ( clipModel->GetCollisionModel(), tr.c.point, axis, vec3_origin, mat3_identity, 0.0f );
gameRenderWorld->DebugCircle ( colorGreen, tr.c.point, axis[0], 5, 10 );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine ( colorMagenta, worldOrigin, worldOrigin + idVec3(0,0,-height));
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine ( colorWhite, worldOrigin, end );
gameRenderWorld->DebugCircle ( colorBlue, worldOrigin, axis[0], 5, 10 );
gameRenderWorld->DebugCircle ( colorBlue, end, axis[0], 5, 10 );
if ( thrustForward && position->mInputCmd.forwardmove != 0 ) {
gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorCyan, worldOrigin, worldOrigin + parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[1] * 50.0f * (fl.front ? 1 : -1) * ( position->mInputCmd.rightmove / 127.0f ), 10);
if ( thrustLeft && position->mInputCmd.rightmove != 0 ) {
gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorCyan, worldOrigin, worldOrigin + parent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[0] * 50.0f * ( position->mInputCmd.forwardmove / 127.0f ), 10);
void rvVehicleHoverpad::UpdateDustEffect ( const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis, float attenuation, const rvDeclMatType* mtype ) {
if ( !effectDust || (mtype && effectDustMaterialType != mtype) ) {
if ( effectDust ) {
effectDust->Stop ( );
effectDust = NULL;
effectDust = gameLocal.PlayEffect ( gameLocal.GetEffect ( spawnArgs, "fx_dust", mtype ), origin, axis, true );
effectDustMaterialType = mtype;
if ( effectDust ) {
effectDust->Attenuate ( attenuation );
effectDust->SetOrigin ( origin );
effectDust->SetAxis ( axis );
// If there is a sound playing update it as well
if ( soundPart >= 0 ) {
if ( static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->IsPlaying ( ) ) {
static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->Attenuate ( attenuation, attenuation );
} else {
static_cast<rvVehicleSound*>(position->GetPart(soundPart))->Play ( );
void rvVehicleHoverpad::Save ( idSaveGame* savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteFloat ( height );
savefile->WriteFloat ( dampen );
savefile->WriteBool ( atRest );
savefile->WriteBounds ( clipModel->GetBounds ( ) );
savefile->WriteInterpolate ( currentForce );
savefile->WriteFloat ( force );
savefile->WriteTable ( forceTable );
savefile->WriteFloat ( forceRandom );
savefile->WriteFloat ( fadeTime );
savefile->WriteVec3 ( velocity );
savefile->WriteFloat ( thrustForward );
savefile->WriteFloat ( thrustLeft );
savefile->WriteFloat ( maxRestAngle );
savefile->WriteInt ( soundPart );
savefile->WriteInt ( forceUpTime );
savefile->WriteInt ( forceDownTime );
effectDust.Save ( savefile );
savefile->WriteMaterialType ( effectDustMaterialType );
void rvVehicleHoverpad::Restore ( idRestoreGame* savefile ) {
idBounds bounds;
savefile->ReadFloat ( height );
savefile->ReadFloat ( dampen );
savefile->ReadBool ( atRest );
delete clipModel;
savefile->ReadBounds ( bounds );
clipModel = new idClipModel ( idTraceModel ( bounds ) );
savefile->ReadInterpolate ( currentForce );
savefile->ReadFloat ( force );
savefile->ReadTable ( forceTable );
savefile->ReadFloat ( forceRandom );
savefile->ReadFloat ( fadeTime );
savefile->ReadVec3 ( velocity );
savefile->ReadFloat ( thrustForward );
savefile->ReadFloat ( thrustLeft );
savefile->ReadFloat ( maxRestAngle );
savefile->ReadInt ( soundPart );
savefile->ReadInt ( forceUpTime );
savefile->ReadInt ( forceDownTime );
effectDust.Restore ( savefile );
savefile->ReadMaterialType ( effectDustMaterialType );
CLASS_DECLARATION( rvVehiclePart, rvVehicleThruster )
rvVehicleThruster::rvVehicleThruster ( void ) {
rvVehicleThruster::~rvVehicleThruster ( void ) {
void rvVehicleThruster::Save ( idSaveGame* savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteFloat ( force );
savefile->WriteInt ( forceAxis );
savefile->WriteInt ( key );
void rvVehicleThruster::Restore ( idRestoreGame* savefile ) {
savefile->ReadFloat ( force );
savefile->ReadInt ( forceAxis );
savefile->ReadInt ( (int&)key );
void rvVehicleThruster::Spawn ( void ) {
idStr keyName;
force = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "force", "0" );
forceAxis = spawnArgs.GetInt ( "forceAxis", "0" );
// Determine which key controls the thruster
spawnArgs.GetString ( "key", "", keyName );
if ( !keyName.Icmp ( "forward" ) ) {
} else if ( !keyName.Icmp ( "right" ) ) {
key = KEY_RIGHT;
} else if ( !keyName.Icmp ( "up" ) ) {
key = KEY_UP;
void rvVehicleThruster::RunPhysics ( void ) {
float mult;
if ( !IsActive ( ) ) {
// Determine the force multiplier from the key being pressed
mult = 0.0f;
switch ( key ) {
mult = idMath::ClampFloat ( -1.0f, 1.0f, position->mInputCmd.forwardmove );
mult = idMath::ClampFloat ( -1.0f, 1.0f, position->mInputCmd.rightmove );
case KEY_UP:
mult = idMath::ClampFloat ( -1.0f, 1.0f, position->mInputCmd.upmove );
// No multiplier, no move
if ( mult == 0.0f ) {
UpdateOrigin ( );
// Apply the force
parent->GetPhysics()->ApplyImpulse ( 0, worldOrigin, worldAxis[forceAxis] * force * mult );
// Debug Information
if ( g_debugVehicle.GetInteger() == 2 ) {
gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds ( colorCyan, idBounds(idVec3(-4,-4,-4), idVec3(4,4,4) ), worldOrigin );
gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow ( colorCyan, worldOrigin, worldOrigin + worldAxis[forceAxis] * 100.0f * mult * (force < 0 ? -1 : 1), 10 );
CLASS_DECLARATION( rvVehiclePart, rvVehicleUserAnimated )
EVENT( EV_PostSpawn, rvVehicleUserAnimated::Event_PostSpawn )
rvVehicleUserAnimated::rvVehicleUserAnimated ( void ) {
void rvVehicleUserAnimated::Save ( idSaveGame* savefile ) const {
void rvVehicleUserAnimated::Restore ( idRestoreGame* savefile ) {
void rvVehicleUserAnimated::Spawn ( void ) {
PostEventMS( &EV_PostSpawn, 0 );
void rvVehicleUserAnimated::Event_PostSpawn ( void ) {
InitAnim( "forward", anims[ VUAA_Forward ] );
InitAnim( "strafe", anims[ VUAA_Strafe ] );
InitAnim( "crouch", anims[ VUAA_Crouch ] );
InitAnim( "attack", anims[ VUAA_Attack ] );
InitFunc( "forward", funcs[ VUAF_Forward ] );
InitFunc( "strafe", funcs[ VUAF_Strafe ] );
InitFunc( "crouch", funcs[ VUAF_Crouch ] );
InitFunc( "attack", funcs[ VUAF_Attack ] );
void rvVehicleUserAnimated::RunPrePhysics ( void ) {
if ( !IsActive ( ) ) {
rvVehicle *vehicle = position->GetParent();
const rvVehiclePosition *position = vehicle->GetPosition( 0 );
const usercmd_t & input = position->mInputCmd;
if ( position->IsOccupied() ) {
LateralMove( input.forwardmove, VUAA_Forward, VUAF_Forward );
LateralMove( input.rightmove, VUAA_Strafe, VUAF_Strafe );
LateralMove( input.upmove, VUAA_Crouch, VUAF_Crouch );
// cheat and use LateralMove for the attack
LateralMove( input.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK, VUAA_Attack, VUAF_Attack );
void rvVehicleUserAnimated::InitAnim( const char * action, rvUserAnimatedAnim_t & anim ) {
idStr prefix( action );
rvVehicle * vehicle = position->GetParent();
anim.index = vehicle->GetAnimator()->GetAnim( spawnArgs.GetString( prefix + "_anim" ) );
anim.rate = spawnArgs.GetFloat( prefix + "_rate", "1" );
anim.frame = spawnArgs.GetInt( prefix + "_frame" ) * anim.rate;
anim.channel = spawnArgs.GetInt( prefix + "_channel" );
anim.loop = spawnArgs.GetBool( prefix + "_loop" );
anim.length = vehicle->GetAnimator()->NumFrames( anim.index );
// NOTE: I may want to add the suffix "_play" in the InitAnim() function
// this would specify that the animation should be played rather than stepped through
// which could be useful especially for the attack command
void rvVehicleUserAnimated::InitFunc( const char * action, rvScriptFuncUtility & func ) {
idStr temp = idStr( action ) + "_script";
if ( spawnArgs.GetString( temp, NULL, temp ) ) {
func.Init( temp );
void rvVehicleUserAnimated::SetFrame( const rvUserAnimatedAnim_t & anim ) {
float lerp = anim.frame - int( anim.frame );
frameBlend_t frameBlend = { 0, anim.frame, anim.frame + 1.0f, 1.0f - lerp, lerp };
position->GetParent()->GetAnimator()->SetFrame( anim.channel, anim.index, frameBlend );
void rvVehicleUserAnimated::LateralMove( signed char input, int anim, int func ) {
if ( !input ) {
rvUserAnimatedAnim_t & theAnim = anims[ anim ];
if ( theAnim.index ) {
float sign = ( ( input > 0 ) ? 1.0f : -1.0f );
theAnim.frame += theAnim.rate * sign;
if ( theAnim.frame < 1 ) {
theAnim.frame = ( ( theAnim.loop ) ? theAnim.length : 1 );
} else if ( theAnim.frame > theAnim.length ) {
theAnim.frame = ( ( theAnim.loop ) ? 1 : theAnim.length );
SetFrame( theAnim );
if ( funcs[ func ].Valid( ) )
funcs[ func ].CallFunc( &spawnArgs );