
417 lines
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// Vehicle.h
// Copyright 2002-2004 Raven Software
#ifndef __GAME_VEHICLE_H__
#define __GAME_VEHICLE_H__
class rvVehiclePosition {
rvVehiclePosition( void );
virtual ~rvVehiclePosition( void );
usercmd_t mInputCmd;
idAngles mInputAngles;
usercmd_t mOldInputCmd;
idAngles mOldInputAngles;
int mOldInputFlags;
int mCurrentWeapon;
idEntityPtr<idActor> mDriver;
idEntityPtr<rvVehicle> mParent;
rvVehiclePartList_t mParts;
rvVehiclePartList_t mWeapons;
idVec3 mEyeOrigin;
idMat3 mEyeAxis;
jointHandle_t mEyeJoint;
idVec3 mEyeOffset;
idMat3 mEyeJointTransform;
idAngles mDeltaEyeAxisScale;
int mEyeJointAxisMap[3];
int mEyeJointDirMap[3];
idMat3 mAxisOffset;
jointHandle_t mDriverJoint;
idVec3 mDriverOffset;
idMat3 mDriverJointTransform;
idAngles mDeltaDriverAxisScale;
int mDriverJointAxisMap[3];
int mDriverJointDirMap[3];
idVec3 mExitPosOffset;
idMat3 mExitAxisOffset;
idStr mDriverAnim;
idStr mInternalSurface;
struct positionFlags_s {
bool inputValid :1;
bool engine :1;
bool driverVisible :1;
bool depthHack :1;
bool internalView :1;
bool bindDriver :1;
bool stalled :1;
} fl;
void Init ( rvVehicle* parent, const idDict& args );
int AddPart ( const idTypeInfo &classdef, const idDict& args );
rvVehiclePart* GetPart ( int partIndex );
bool IsOccupied ( void ) const;
bool IsEngine ( void ) const;
bool SetDriver ( idActor* driver );
void SetInput ( const usercmd_t& cmd, const idAngles& newAngles );
void GetInput ( usercmd_t& cmd, idAngles& newAngles ) const;
bool EjectDriver ( bool force = false );
void RunPrePhysics ( void );
void RunPostPhysics ( void );
void SelectWeapon ( int weapon );
void UpdateHUD ( idUserInterface* gui );
void UpdateCursorGUI ( idUserInterface* gui );
void UpdateInternalView ( bool force = false );
virtual idMat3 GetAxis ( void ) const;
virtual idVec3 GetOrigin ( const idVec3& offset = vec3_zero ) const;
const idVec3& GetEyeOrigin ( void ) const;
const idMat3& GetEyeAxis ( void ) const;
rvVehicle* GetParent ( void ) const;
idActor* GetDriver ( void ) const;
void Save ( idSaveGame* savefile ) const;
void Restore ( idRestoreGame* savefile );
void WriteToSnapshot ( idBitMsgDelta &msg ) const;
void ReadFromSnapshot ( const idBitMsgDelta &msg );
void GetEyePosition ( idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis ) const;
void GetDriverPosition ( idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis ) const;
void GetPosition ( const jointHandle_t jointHandle, const idVec3& offset, const idMat3& jointTransform, const idAngles& scale, const int axisMap[], const int dirMap[], idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis ) const;
void FireWeapon ( void );
rvVehicleWeapon * GetWeapon ( int weaponIndex );
rvVehicleWeapon * GetActiveWeapon ( void );
void SetParts ( const idDict& args );
void ActivateParts ( bool active );
int mSoundPart;
float mSoundMaxSpeed;
typedef struct rvVehicleFuncs_s {
rvScriptFuncUtility enter; // script to run when the vehicle becomes occupied
rvScriptFuncUtility exit; // script to run when the vehicle becomes unoccupied
} rvVehicleFuncs_t;
class rvVehicle : public idActor {
rvVehicle ( void );
~rvVehicle ( void );
void Spawn ( void );
void Think ( void );
bool Give ( const char *statname, const char *value );
virtual void Hide ( void );
virtual void Show ( void );
void ClientPredictionThink ( void );
void WriteToSnapshot ( idBitMsgDelta &msg ) const;
void ReadFromSnapshot ( const idBitMsgDelta &msg );
void Save ( idSaveGame *savefile ) const;
void Restore ( idRestoreGame *savefile );
virtual void Damage ( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName, const float damageScale, const int location );
virtual void Killed ( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location );
virtual void AddDamageEffect ( const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity, const char *damageDefName, idEntity* inflictor );
virtual bool GetPhysicsToVisualTransform ( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis ) { return false; }
virtual const idMat3& GetAxis ( int id = 0 ) const;
virtual const idVec3& GetOrigin ( int id = 0 ) const;
virtual int AddDriver ( int position, idActor* driver );
virtual bool RemoveDriver ( int position, bool force = false );
virtual void EjectAllDrivers ( bool force = false );
rvVehiclePosition* GetPosition ( int index );
const rvVehiclePosition* GetPosition ( int index ) const;
int GetPositionIndex ( const rvVehiclePosition* position ) const;
int GetNumPositions ( void ) const;
int GetNumDrivers ( void ) const;
bool HasOpenPositions ( void ) const;
bool Collide ( const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity );
virtual void UpdateState ();
float GetEngineOffTime ( void ) const;
float GetEngineOnTime ( void ) const;
bool IsFlipped ( void ) const;
bool IsFrozen ( void ) const;
bool IsLocked ( void ) const;
bool HasDrivers ( void ) const;
bool IsShootingEnabled ( void ) const;
bool IsMovementEnabled ( void ) const;
void Lock ( void );
void Unlock ( void );
void AutoRight ( idEntity* activator );
virtual bool FindClearExitPoint ( int pos, idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis ) const;
void GetDriverPosition ( int position, idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis );
virtual void GetEyePosition ( int position, idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis );
void DrawHUD ( int position );
idUserInterface* GetHud ( void );
void UpdateCursorGUI ( int position, idUserInterface* ui );
virtual void SetInput ( int position, const usercmd_t& cmd, const idAngles& newAngles );
void GetInput ( int position, usercmd_t& cmd, idAngles& newAngles ) const;
void IssueHazardWarning ( void );
void IssueLockedWarning ( void );
void AddToBounds ( const idVec3& vec );
virtual void UpdateHUD ( idActor* driver, idUserInterface* gui ) {}
float FocusLength ( void ) const { return spawnArgs.GetFloat("focusLength_enter", "60"); }
bool IsAutoCorrecting ( void ) const { return autoCorrectionBegin != 0; }
bool IsStalled ( void ) const { return vfl.stalled; }
void OnEnter ( void ) { funcs.enter.CallFunc( NULL ); fl.exitedVehicle=false; };
void OnExit ( void ) { if ( !fl.exitedVehicle ) { fl.exitedVehicle=true; funcs.exit.CallFunc( NULL );} };
bool IsStrafing ( void ) const { return vfl.strafe; }
// void PlayAnim ( int channel, const char *name, int blendFrames );
virtual void GuidedProjectileIncoming( idGuidedProjectile * projectile );
void SelectWeapon ( int weapon );
void UpdateDrivers ( int delta );
virtual void UpdateHUD ( int position, idUserInterface* gui );
void SetPositions ( void );
void SetCombatModel ( void );
void LinkCombat ( void );
// twhitaker:
friend class rvVehicleDriver;
virtual void RunPrePhysics ( void ) { }
virtual void RunPostPhysics ( void ) { }
idList<rvVehiclePosition> positions;
int drivers;
idUserInterface * hud;
float crashSpeedSmall;
float crashSpeedMedium;
float crashSpeedLarge;
idStr crashDamage;
rvClientEffectPtr crashEffect;
int crashNextSound;
int crashTime;
float autoRightDir;
bool autoRight;
// twhitaker: for rvVehicleDriver, to avoid getting stuck.
unsigned autoCorrectionBegin; // time when obstacle avoidance state began (0 if not correcting)
struct vehicleFlags_s {
bool forward :1;
bool backward :1;
bool left :1;
bool right :1;
bool driver :1;
bool locked :1;
bool godmode :1;
bool frozen :1;
bool disableWeapons :1;
bool disableMovement :1;
bool scripted :1;
bool endWithIdle :1;
bool flipEject :1;
bool dead :1;
bool strafe :1;
bool missileWarningOn :1;
bool stalled :1;
} vfl;
float damageStaticChance;
// Shields
float shieldMaxHealth;
idInterpolate<int> shieldHealth;
int shieldHitTime;
float shieldRegenTime;
int shieldRegenDelay;
idClipModel* shieldModel;
int healthRegenDelay;
int healthRegenRate;
idInterpolate<int> healthRegenAmount;
int hazardWarningTime;
int lockWarningTime;
int healthMax;
int healthLow;
int godModeDamage;
int cachedContents;
rvVehicleFuncs_t funcs;
float crashVelocitySmall;
float crashVelocityMedium;
float crashVelocityLarge;
bool alwaysImpactDamage;
void UpdateIncomingProjectiles( void );
idList< idEntityPtr< idGuidedProjectile > > incomingProjectiles;
void Event_Lock ( bool locked );
void Event_IsLocked ( void );
void Event_EnableWeapon ( void );
void Event_DisableWeapon ( void );
void Event_EnableMovement ( void );
void Event_DisableMovement ( void );
void Event_EnableClip ( void );
void Event_DisableClip ( void );
void Event_Activate ( idEntity* activator );
void Event_LaunchProjectiles ( const idList<idStr>* parms );
void Event_SetScript ( const char* scriptName, const char* funcName );
void Event_SetHealth ( float health );
void Event_HUDShockWarningOff( void );
void Event_StalledRestart ( float shield, float damage );
void Event_GetViewAngles ( void );
virtual void OnDeath ( void ) { }
stateResult_t State_Wait_Driver ( int blendFrames );
rvVehiclePosition inlines
ID_INLINE bool rvVehiclePosition::IsOccupied ( void ) const { return mDriver.IsValid();}
ID_INLINE bool rvVehiclePosition::IsEngine ( void ) const { return fl.engine; }
ID_INLINE const idVec3& rvVehiclePosition::GetEyeOrigin ( void ) const { return mEyeOrigin; }
ID_INLINE const idMat3& rvVehiclePosition::GetEyeAxis ( void ) const { return mEyeAxis; }
ID_INLINE rvVehicle* rvVehiclePosition::GetParent ( void ) const { return mParent; }
ID_INLINE idActor* rvVehiclePosition::GetDriver ( void ) const { return mDriver; }
ID_INLINE rvVehiclePart* rvVehiclePosition::GetPart ( int partIndex ) { return mParts[partIndex]; }
ID_INLINE rvVehicleWeapon* rvVehiclePosition::GetWeapon ( int weaponIndex ){ return ( weaponIndex >= 0 && weaponIndex < mWeapons.Num() ) ? static_cast<rvVehicleWeapon*>(mWeapons[weaponIndex]) : 0; }
ID_INLINE rvVehicleWeapon* rvVehiclePosition::GetActiveWeapon ( void ) { return GetWeapon( mCurrentWeapon ); }
rvVehicle inlines
ID_INLINE bool rvVehicle::IsFlipped( void ) const {
return (( !vfl.flipEject ) ? false :
idMath::Fabs( idMath::AngleNormalize180( renderEntity.axis.ToAngles().roll ) ) > 60.f ||
idMath::Fabs( idMath::AngleNormalize180( renderEntity.axis.ToAngles().pitch ) > 60.0f ));
ID_INLINE bool rvVehicle::IsFrozen( void ) const {
return vfl.frozen;
ID_INLINE idUserInterface* rvVehicle::GetHud ( void ) {
return hud;
ID_INLINE bool rvVehicle::IsLocked ( void ) const {
return vfl.locked || hazardWarningTime != 0;
ID_INLINE rvVehiclePosition* rvVehicle::GetPosition ( int index ) {
return &positions[index];
ID_INLINE const rvVehiclePosition* rvVehicle::GetPosition ( int index ) const {
return &positions[index];
ID_INLINE void rvVehicle::SetInput ( int position, const usercmd_t& cmd, const idAngles& newAngles ) {
GetPosition(position)->SetInput ( cmd, newAngles );
ID_INLINE void rvVehicle::GetInput( int position, usercmd_t& cmd, idAngles& newAngles ) const {
GetPosition(position)->GetInput( cmd, newAngles );
ID_INLINE bool rvVehicle::HasDrivers ( void ) const {
return drivers > 0;
ID_INLINE void rvVehicle::AddToBounds ( const idVec3& vec ) {
renderEntity.bounds.AddPoint ( (vec-renderEntity.origin) * GetPhysics()->GetAxis().Transpose() );
ID_INLINE bool rvVehicle::IsShootingEnabled ( void ) const {
return !vfl.disableWeapons;
ID_INLINE bool rvVehicle::IsMovementEnabled ( void ) const {
return !vfl.disableMovement;
ID_INLINE int rvVehicle::GetNumPositions ( void ) const {
return positions.Num();
ID_INLINE int rvVehicle::GetNumDrivers ( void ) const {
return drivers;
ID_INLINE bool rvVehicle::HasOpenPositions ( void ) const {
return GetNumPositions() > GetNumDrivers();
#endif // __GAME_VEHICLE_H__