
205 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2004 Id Software, Inc.
struct wrapInfo_t {
int lastWhitespace;
int maxIndex;
wrapInfo_t ( void ) {
lastWhitespace = -1;
maxIndex = -1;
Draws an interactive 2D surface.
Used for all user interaction with the game.
class idFile;
class idDemoFile;
class idUserInterface {
virtual ~idUserInterface( void ) {}
// Returns the name of the gui.
virtual const char * Name( void ) const = 0;
// Returns a comment on the gui.
virtual const char * Comment( void ) const = 0;
// Returns true if the gui is interactive.
virtual bool IsInteractive() const = 0;
// bdube: added
// Changes the interactive of the gui
virtual void SetInteractive ( bool interactive ) = 0 ;
virtual bool IsUniqued() const = 0;
virtual void SetUniqued( bool b ) = 0;
// returns false if it failed to load
virtual bool InitFromFile( const char *qpath, bool rebuild = true, bool cache = true ) = 0;
// handles an event, can return an action string, the caller interprets
// any return and acts accordingly
virtual const char * HandleEvent( const sysEvent_t *event, int time, bool *updateVisuals = NULL ) = 0;
// handles a named event
virtual void HandleNamedEvent( const char *eventName ) = 0;
// repaints the ui
virtual void Redraw( int time ) = 0;
// repaints the cursor
virtual void DrawCursor( void ) = 0;
// Provides read access to the idDict that holds this gui's state.
virtual const idDict & State( void ) const = 0;
// Removes a gui state variable
virtual void DeleteStateVar( const char *varName ) = 0;
// Sets a gui state variable.
virtual void SetStateString( const char *varName, const char *value ) = 0;
virtual void SetStateBool( const char *varName, const bool value ) = 0;
virtual void SetStateInt( const char *varName, const int value ) = 0;
virtual void SetStateFloat( const char *varName, const float value ) = 0;
virtual void SetStateVector( const char *varName, const idVec3& vector ) = 0;
virtual void SetStateVec4( const char *varName, const idVec4& vector ) = 0;
// bdube: added way to clear state
virtual void ClearState( void ) = 0;
// rjohnson: added
virtual void DeleteState( const char *varName ) = 0;
virtual idVec4 GetLightColor ( void ) = 0;
// Gets a gui state variable
virtual const char* GetStateString( const char *varName, const char* defaultString = "" ) const = 0;
virtual bool GetStateBool( const char *varName, const char* defaultString = "0" ) const = 0;
virtual int GetStateInt( const char *varName, const char* defaultString = "0" ) const = 0;
virtual float GetStateFloat( const char *varName, const char* defaultString = "0" ) const = 0;
virtual idVec3 GetStateVector( const char *varName, const char* defaultString = "0 0 0" ) const = 0;
virtual idVec4 GetStateVec4( const char *varName, const char* defaultString = "0 0 0 0" ) const = 0;
// jscott: added
virtual class idWindow * GetDesktop( void ) const = 0;
// The state has changed and the gui needs to update from the state idDict.
virtual void StateChanged( int time, bool redraw = false ) = 0;
// Activated the gui.
virtual const char * Activate( bool activate, int time ) = 0;
// Triggers the gui and runs the onTrigger scripts.
virtual void Trigger( int time ) = 0;
virtual void ReadFromDemo( class idDemoFile *f ) = 0;
virtual void WriteToDemo( class idDemoFile *f ) = 0;
virtual bool WriteToSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) const = 0;
virtual bool ReadFromSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) = 0;
virtual void SetKeyBindingNames( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetCursor( float x, float y ) = 0;
virtual float CursorX( void ) = 0;
virtual float CursorY( void ) = 0;
// mekberg: Returns the index of the string where width in pixels <= specified val. Can return index of last whitespace.
virtual bool GetMaxTextIndex( const char *windowName, const char *text, wrapInfo_t& wrapInfo ) const = 0;
// mwhitlock: Xenon texture streaming
#if defined(_XENON)
virtual const idList<idMaterial*>& GetMaterialsList(void) = 0;
// mwhitlock: Dynamic memory consolidation
#if defined(_RV_MEM_SYS_SUPPORT)
virtual bool IsLevelLoadReferenced( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetLevelLoadReferenced( bool refd ) = 0;
class idUserInterfaceManager {
virtual ~idUserInterfaceManager( void ) {}
virtual void Init( void ) = 0;
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
virtual void Touch( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual void WritePrecacheCommands( idFile *f ) = 0;
// Sets the size for 640x480 adjustment.
virtual void SetSize( float width, float height ) = 0;
virtual void BeginLevelLoad( void ) = 0;
virtual void EndLevelLoad( void ) = 0;
// mwhitlock: Dynamic memory consolidation
#if defined(_RV_MEM_SYS_SUPPORT)
virtual void FlushGUIs( void ) = 0;
// Reloads changed guis, or all guis.
virtual void Reload( bool all ) = 0;
// lists all guis
virtual void ListGuis( void ) const = 0;
// Returns true if gui exists.
virtual bool CheckGui( const char *qpath ) const = 0;
// Allocates a new gui.
virtual idUserInterface * Alloc( void ) const = 0;
// De-allocates a gui.. ONLY USE FOR PRECACHING
virtual void DeAlloc( idUserInterface *gui ) = 0;
// Returns NULL if gui by that name does not exist.
virtual idUserInterface * FindGui( const char *qpath, bool autoLoad = false, bool needUnique = false, bool forceUnique = false ) = 0;
// Returns the index into the global gui list
virtual int GuiIndex( idUserInterface *gui ) = 0;
// Returns the gui at location index, or allocates a new one at location index
virtual idUserInterface * FindGuiByIndex( int index ) = 0;
// Clears out the in game guis before loading a renderdemo
virtual void ClearGameGuis( void ) = 0;
// Allocates a new GUI list handler
virtual idListGUI * AllocListGUI( void ) const = 0;
// De-allocates a list gui
virtual void FreeListGUI( idListGUI *listgui ) = 0;
// rjohnson: added option for guis to always think
virtual void RunAlwaysThinkGUIs ( int time ) = 0;
// bdube: embedded icons
virtual void RegisterIcon ( const char* code, const char* shader, int x = -1, int y = -1, int w = -1, int h = -1 ) = 0;
extern idUserInterfaceManager * uiManager;
#endif /* !__USERINTERFACE_H__ */