
568 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2004 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __MODEL_H__
#define __MODEL_H__
Render Model
// mwhitlock: Dynamic memory consolidation
#include "../idlib/rvMemSys.h"
// dluetscher: declare some classes for MD5R support
#ifdef _MD5R_SUPPORT
class rvMesh;
// shared between the renderer, game, and Maya export DLL
#define MD5_VERSION_STRING "MD5Version"
#define MD5_MESH_EXT "md5mesh"
#define MD5_ANIM_EXT "md5anim"
#define MD5_CAMERA_EXT "md5camera"
#define MD5_VERSION 10
// using shorts for triangle indexes can save a significant amount of traffic, but
// to support the large models that renderBump loads, they need to be 32 bits
#if 1
typedef int glIndex_t;
typedef short glIndex_t;
typedef struct {
// NOTE: making this a glIndex is dubious, as there can be 2x the faces as verts
glIndex_t p1, p2; // planes defining the edge
glIndex_t v1, v2; // verts defining the edge
} silEdge_t;
// this is used for calculating unsmoothed normals and tangents for deformed models
typedef struct dominantTri_s {
glIndex_t v2, v3;
float normalizationScale[3];
} dominantTri_t;
typedef struct lightingCache_s {
idVec3 localLightVector; // this is the statically computed vector to the light
// in texture space for cards without vertex programs
} lightingCache_t;
typedef struct shadowCache_s {
idVec4 xyz; // we use homogenous coordinate tricks
} shadowCache_t;
// DLuetscher: Added the vertex cache neded for penumbra map support
typedef struct penumbraCache_s {
idVec3 xyz; // local coordinates
idVec2 colorParam;
} penumbraCache_t;
const int SHADOW_CAP_INFINITE = 64;
// our only drawing geometry type
typedef struct srfTriangles_s {
idBounds bounds; // for culling
int ambientViewCount; // if == tr.viewCount, it is visible this view
bool generateNormals; // create normals from geometry, instead of using explicit ones
bool tangentsCalculated; // set when the vertex tangents have been calculated
bool facePlanesCalculated; // set when the face planes have been calculated
bool perfectHull; // true if there aren't any dangling edges
bool deformedSurface; // if true, indexes, silIndexes, mirrorVerts, and silEdges are
// pointers into the original surface, and should not be freed
int numVerts; // number of vertices
idDrawVert * verts; // vertices, allocated with special allocator
// dluetscher: added support for the rvSilTraceVertT as a replacement for some system-memory idDrawVerts (MD5R case)
#ifdef _MD5R_SUPPORT
rvSilTraceVertT * silTraceVerts; // sil-trace vertices (system memory copy of verts for sil-trace usage)
rvSilTraceVertT * silTraceVertsAlloc; // if not NULL, same array of sil-trace vertices as above, but must be freed
#elif defined( Q4SDK_MD5R )
// Q4SDK: maintain compatible structure padding
void* silTraceVerts;
void* silTraceVertsAlloc;
int numIndexes; // for shadows, this has both front and rear end caps and silhouette planes
glIndex_t * indexes; // indexes, allocated with special allocator
glIndex_t * silIndexes; // indexes changed to be the first vertex with same XYZ, ignoring normal and texcoords
int numMirroredVerts; // this many verts at the end of the vert list are tangent mirrors
int * mirroredVerts; // tri->mirroredVerts[0] is the mirror of tri->numVerts - tri->numMirroredVerts + 0
int numDupVerts; // number of duplicate vertexes
int * dupVerts; // pairs of the number of the first vertex and the number of the duplicate vertex
int numSilEdges; // number of silhouette edges
silEdge_t * silEdges; // silhouette edges
idPlane * facePlanes; // [numIndexes/3] plane equations
dominantTri_t * dominantTris; // [numVerts] for deformed surface fast tangent calculation
int numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps; // shadow volumes with front caps omitted
int numShadowIndexesNoCaps; // shadow volumes with the front and rear caps omitted
int shadowCapPlaneBits; // bits 0-5 are set when that plane of the interacting light has triangles
// projected on it, which means that if the view is on the outside of that
// plane, we need to draw the rear caps of the shadow volume
// turboShadows will have SHADOW_CAP_INFINITE
shadowCache_t * shadowVertexes; // these will be copied to shadowCache when it is going to be drawn.
// these are NULL when vertex programs are available
struct srfTriangles_s * ambientSurface; // for light interactions, point back at the original surface that generated
// the interaction, which we will get the ambientCache from
struct srfTriangles_s * nextDeferredFree; // chain of tris to free next frame
// data in vertex object space, not directly readable by the CPU
struct vertCache_s * indexCache; // int
struct vertCache_s * ambientCache; // idDrawVert
struct vertCache_s * lightingCache; // lightingCache_t
struct vertCache_s * shadowCache; // shadowCache_t
// dluetscher: Added the vertex cache neded for penumbra map support
struct vertCache_s * penumbraCache; // penumbraCache_t
// dluetscher: added support for new style of meshes (rvMesh used by rvRenderModelMD5R) that
// are based on primitive batches of "static" geometry (can be skinned) whose
// vertices always live on the video card for the purposes of drawing
#ifdef _MD5R_SUPPORT
rvMesh * primBatchMesh; // rvMesh that is based on static vertex buffers, index buffers, and primitive batches
float * skinToModelTransforms; // array of skin-to-model transforms, 4x4, stored in row-major array ordering, with translation in last column (column-major matrix)
float * skinToModelTransformsAlloc; // if not NULL, same array of skin-to-model transforms as above, but must be freed
int numSkinToModelTransforms; // the number of skin-to-model transforms stored in the above array
#elif defined( Q4SDK_MD5R )
// Q4SDK: maintain compatible structure padding
void* primBatchMesh;
float* skinToModelTransforms;
float* skinToModelTransformsAlloc;
int numSkinToModelTransforms;
// jscott: for modview
bool modviewSelected;
// jscott: for security
int numAllocedVerts;
int numAllocedIndices;
// rjohnson: attempt to fix editor crashes
int referenceCount;
struct srfTriangles_s * topAmbientSurface;
int myID;
bool noAmbientSurfaces;
bool didSilPremultiply;
bool tempAmbientCache;
#ifdef _DEBUG
char description[64];
} srfTriangles_t;
typedef idList<srfTriangles_t *> idTriList;
typedef struct modelSurface_s {
int id;
const idMaterial * shader;
srfTriangles_t * geometry;
// rjohnson: added block
idStr* mOriginalSurfaceName;
} modelSurface_t;
// bdube: tag system
typedef struct modelTag_s {
idStr name;
idVec3 t;
idMat3 m;
} modelTag_t;
typedef enum {
DM_STATIC, // never creates a dynamic model
DM_CACHED, // once created, stays constant until the entity is updated (animating characters)
DM_CONTINUOUS // must be recreated for every single view (time dependent things like particles)
} dynamicModel_t;
typedef enum {
} jointHandle_t;
struct jointWeight_t {
float weight; // joint weight
int jointMatOffset; // offset in bytes to the joint matrix
int nextVertexOffset; // offset in bytes to the first weight for the next vertex
// offsets for SIMD code
#define BASEVECTOR_SIZE (4*4) // sizeof( idVec4 )
#define JOINTWEIGHT_SIZE (3*4) // sizeof( jointWeight_t )
#define JOINTWEIGHT_WEIGHT_OFFSET (0*4) // offsetof( jointWeight_t, weight )
#define JOINTWEIGHT_JOINTMATOFFSET_OFFSET (1*4) // offsetof( jointWeight_t, jointMatOffset )
#define JOINTWEIGHT_NEXTVERTEXOFFSET_OFFSET (2*4) // offsetof( jointWeight_t, nextVertexOffset )
assert_sizeof( idVec4, BASEVECTOR_SIZE );
assert_sizeof( jointWeight_t, JOINTWEIGHT_SIZE );
assert_offsetof( jointWeight_t, weight, JOINTWEIGHT_WEIGHT_OFFSET );
assert_offsetof( jointWeight_t, jointMatOffset, JOINTWEIGHT_JOINTMATOFFSET_OFFSET );
assert_offsetof( jointWeight_t, nextVertexOffset, JOINTWEIGHT_NEXTVERTEXOFFSET_OFFSET );
class idMD5Joint {
idMD5Joint() { parent = NULL; }
idStr name;
const idMD5Joint * parent;
// AReis: Used for callback.
class idRenderModel;
typedef bool(*modelCallback_t)( idRenderModel *model, void *callbackData );
// Used for Fluid Interaction.
typedef struct fluidImpact_s
// The absolute position of the impact.
idVec3 vAbsPos;
// The force of the impact.
float fForce;
float radius;
} fluidImpact_t;
// mwhitlock: Dynamic memory consolidation
#if defined(_RV_MEM_SYS_SUPPORT)
// Create a new idRenderModel instance or one of it's derivitive classes, such
// that any further memory allocated by the instance can be directed to the same
// heap.
template <class T>
T* NewRenderModel(Rv_Sys_Heap_ID_t heapID)
// Push the heap context to be used for both instance and all allocations
// that the instance makes.
T* model=new T;
#if defined(_DEBUG)
// Pop the heap context.
return model;
// Create a new idRenderModel instance or one of it's derivitive classes, such
// that any further memory allocated by the instance can be directed to the same
// heap.
template <class T>
T* NewRenderModel(const idRenderModel* m)
// Push the heap context to be used for both instance and all allocations
// that the instance makes.
bool ok=rvPushHeapContainingMemory(m);
T* model=new T;
#if defined(_DEBUG)
model->heapPtr=currentHeapArena->GetHeap(const_cast<void*>((const void*)m));
// Pop the heap context.
return model;
// Single heap memory model.
template <class T>
T* NewRenderModel(Rv_Sys_Heap_ID_t)
return new T;
// Single heap memory model.
template <class T>
T* NewRenderModel(const idRenderModel*)
return new T;
// the init methods may be called again on an already created model when
// a reloadModels is issued
class idRenderModel {
// mwhitlock: Dynamic memory consolidation
#if defined(_RV_MEM_SYS_SUPPORT) && defined(_DEBUG)
// Debug info... the heap this instance was allocated into.
Rv_Sys_Heap_ID_t heapID;
rvHeap* heapPtr;
// AReis: Needed to send data to model.
// Callbacks to a model specified function.
modelCallback_t callback;
// mwhitlock: Xenon texture streaming
#if defined(_XENON)
// All the materials that are referenced by an instance of an idRenderModel.
idList<idMaterial*> allMaterials;
// AReis: Specific just to a fluid model.
// Dampen a grid element that intersects the world.
virtual void DampenFluidGrid( int iX, int iY, float fAmount ) {}
// mwhitlock: Dynamic memory consolidation
#if defined(_RV_MEM_SYS_SUPPORT) && defined(_DEBUG)
idRenderModel( void ) :
// rjohnson: added debugging code to try and catch a free error
// purges all the data before deleting
virtual ~idRenderModel( void );
// Loads static models only, dynamic models must be loaded by the modelManager
virtual void InitFromFile( const char *fileName ) = 0;
// renderBump uses this to load the very high poly count models, skipping the
// shadow and tangent generation, along with some surface cleanup to make it load faster
virtual void PartialInitFromFile( const char *fileName ) = 0;
// this is used for dynamically created surfaces, which are assumed to not be reloadable.
// It can be called again to clear out the surfaces of a dynamic model for regeneration.
virtual void InitEmpty( const char *name ) = 0;
// AReis: Added this function for the height map model.
// Like InitEmpty but allows a set of arguments to be passed in through a dict.
virtual void InitEmptyFromArgs( const char *name, idDict &Args ) = 0;
// dynamic model instantiations will be created with this
// the geometry data will be owned by the model, and freed when it is freed
// the geoemtry should be raw triangles, with no extra processing
virtual void AddSurface( modelSurface_t surface ) = 0;
// cleans all the geometry and performs cross-surface processing
// like shadow hulls
// Creates the duplicated back side geometry for two sided, alpha tested, lit materials
// This does not need to be called if none of the surfaces added with AddSurface require
// light interaction, and all the triangles are already well formed.
virtual void FinishSurfaces( void ) = 0;
// frees all the data, but leaves the class around for dangling references,
// which can regenerate the data with LoadModel()
virtual void PurgeModel() = 0;
// resets any model information that needs to be reset on a same level load etc..
// currently only implemented for liquids
virtual void Reset() = 0;
// used for initial loads, reloadModel, and reloading the data of purged models
// Upon exit, the model will absolutely be valid, but possibly as a default model
virtual void LoadModel() = 0;
// internal use
virtual bool IsLoaded() = 0;
virtual void SetLevelLoadReferenced( bool referenced ) = 0;
virtual bool IsLevelLoadReferenced() = 0;
// models that are already loaded at level start time
// will still touch their data to make sure they
// are kept loaded
virtual void TouchData() = 0;
// dump any ambient caches on the model surfaces
virtual void FreeVertexCache() = 0;
// returns the name of the model
virtual const char * Name() const = 0;
// prints a detailed report on the model for printModel
virtual void Print() const = 0;
// prints a single line report for listModels
virtual void List() const = 0;
// reports the amount of memory (roughly) consumed by the model
virtual int Memory() const = 0;
// for reloadModels
virtual unsigned int Timestamp() const = 0;
// returns the number of surfaces
virtual int NumSurfaces() const = 0;
// NumBaseSurfaces will not count any overlays added to dynamic models
virtual int NumBaseSurfaces() const = 0;
// get a pointer to a surface
virtual const modelSurface_t *Surface( int surfaceNum ) const = 0;
// Allocates surface triangles.
// Allocates memory for srfTriangles_t::verts and srfTriangles_t::indexes
// The allocated memory is not initialized.
// srfTriangles_t::numVerts and srfTriangles_t::numIndexes are set to zero.
virtual srfTriangles_t * AllocSurfaceTriangles( int numVerts, int numIndexes ) const = 0;
// Frees surfaces triangles.
virtual void FreeSurfaceTriangles( srfTriangles_t *tris ) const = 0;
// created at load time by stitching together all surfaces and sharing
// the maximum number of edges. This may be incorrect if a skin file
// remaps surfaces between shadow casting and non-shadow casting, or
// if some surfaces are noSelfShadow and others aren't
virtual srfTriangles_t * ShadowHull( void ) const = 0;
// models of the form "_area*" may have a prelight shadow model associated with it
virtual bool IsStaticWorldModel( void ) const = 0;
// models parsed from inside map files or dynamically created cannot be reloaded by
// reloadmodels
virtual bool IsReloadable( void ) const = 0;
// md3, md5, particles, etc
virtual dynamicModel_t IsDynamicModel( void ) const = 0;
// if the load failed for any reason, this will return true
virtual bool IsDefaultModel( void ) const = 0;
// dynamic models should return a fast, conservative approximation
// static models should usually return the exact value
virtual idBounds Bounds( const struct renderEntity_s *ent = NULL ) const = 0;
// returns value != 0.0f if the model requires the depth hack
virtual float DepthHack( void ) const = 0;
// dluetscher: added call to determine if a collision surface exists within this model
virtual bool HasCollisionSurface( const struct renderEntity_s *ent ) const = 0;
// returns a static model based on the definition and view
// currently, this will be regenerated for every view, even though
// some models, like character meshes, could be used for multiple (mirror)
// views in a frame, or may stay static for multiple frames (corpses)
// The renderer will delete the returned dynamic model the next view
// This isn't const, because it may need to reload a purged model if it
// wasn't precached correctly.
// dluetscher: added surface mask parameter
virtual idRenderModel * InstantiateDynamicModel( const struct renderEntity_s *ent, const struct viewDef_s *view, idRenderModel *cachedModel, dword surfMask = ~SURF_COLLISION ) = 0;
// Returns the number of joints or 0 if the model is not an MD5
virtual int NumJoints( void ) const = 0;
// Returns the MD5 joints or NULL if the model is not an MD5
virtual const idMD5Joint * GetJoints( void ) const = 0;
// Returns the handle for the joint with the given name.
virtual jointHandle_t GetJointHandle( const char *name ) const = 0;
// Returns the name for the joint with the given handle.
virtual const char * GetJointName( jointHandle_t handle ) const = 0;
// Returns the default animation pose or NULL if the model is not an MD5.
virtual const idJointQuat * GetDefaultPose( void ) const = 0;
// Returns number of the joint nearest to the given triangle.
virtual int NearestJoint( int surfaceNum, int a, int c, int b ) const = 0;
// Writing to and reading from a demo file.
virtual void ReadFromDemo( class idDemoFile *f ) = 0;
virtual void WriteToDemo( class idDemoFile *f ) = 0;
// bdube: surface flag manipulation
virtual int GetSurfaceMask ( const char* surface ) const = 0;;
// jscott: for portal skies
virtual void SetHasSky( bool on ) = 0;
virtual bool GetHasSky( void ) const = 0;
// ddynerman: Wolf LOD code
virtual void SetViewEntity( const struct viewEntity_s *ve ) = 0;
#if defined( _MD5R_SUPPORT )
// dluetscher: added method to determine if model maintains system-memory dynamic meshes (used
// for traces and silhouette determination) that are separate from pairs of video-memory
// meshes - one used for shadow volume drawing and one used for normal interaction drawing
// NOTE: currently, only MD5R models return true, all others return false
virtual bool HasSeparateSilTraceMeshes( void ) const;
#endif /* !__MODEL_H__ */