
469 lines
10 KiB

#include "../precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
idBounds bounds_zero( vec3_zero, vec3_zero );
float idBounds::GetRadius( void ) const {
int i;
float total, b0, b1;
total = 0.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
b0 = (float)idMath::Fabs( b[0][i] );
b1 = (float)idMath::Fabs( b[1][i] );
if ( b0 > b1 ) {
total += b0 * b0;
} else {
total += b1 * b1;
return idMath::Sqrt( total );
float idBounds::GetRadius( const idVec3 &center ) const {
int i;
float total, b0, b1;
total = 0.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
b0 = (float)idMath::Fabs( center[i] - b[0][i] );
b1 = (float)idMath::Fabs( b[1][i] - center[i] );
if ( b0 > b1 ) {
total += b0 * b0;
} else {
total += b1 * b1;
return idMath::Sqrt( total );
float idBounds::PlaneDistance( const idPlane &plane ) const {
idVec3 center;
float d1, d2;
center = ( b[0] + b[1] ) * 0.5f;
d1 = plane.Distance( center );
d2 = idMath::Fabs( ( b[1][0] - center[0] ) * plane.Normal()[0] ) +
idMath::Fabs( ( b[1][1] - center[1] ) * plane.Normal()[1] ) +
idMath::Fabs( ( b[1][2] - center[2] ) * plane.Normal()[2] );
if ( d1 - d2 > 0.0f ) {
return d1 - d2;
if ( d1 + d2 < 0.0f ) {
return d1 + d2;
return 0.0f;
// jscott: for BSE attenuation
float idBounds::ShortestDistance( const idVec3 &point ) const {
int i;
float delta, distance;
if( ContainsPoint( point ) ) {
return( 0.0f );
distance = 0.0f;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
if( point[i] < b[0][i] ) {
delta = b[0][i] - point[i];
distance += delta * delta;
} else if ( point[i] > b[1][i] ) {
delta = point[i] - b[1][i];
distance += delta * delta;
return( idMath::Sqrt( distance ) );
// abahr:
idVec3 idBounds::FindEdgePoint( const idVec3& dir ) const {
return FindEdgePoint( GetCenter(), dir );
idVec3 idBounds::FindEdgePoint( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir ) const {
idVec3 center( GetCenter() );
float radius = GetRadius( center );
idVec3 point( start + dir * radius );
float scale = 0.0f;
RayIntersection( point, -dir, scale );
idVec3 p = point + -dir * scale;
return p;
idVec3 idBounds::FindVectorToEdge( const idVec3& dir ) const {
return idVec3( FindVectorToEdge(GetCenter(), dir) );
idVec3 idBounds::FindVectorToEdge( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir ) const {
return idVec3( FindEdgePoint(start, dir) - start );
int idBounds::PlaneSide( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon ) const {
idVec3 center;
float d1, d2;
center = ( b[0] + b[1] ) * 0.5f;
d1 = plane.Distance( center );
d2 = idMath::Fabs( ( b[1][0] - center[0] ) * plane.Normal()[0] ) +
idMath::Fabs( ( b[1][1] - center[1] ) * plane.Normal()[1] ) +
idMath::Fabs( ( b[1][2] - center[2] ) * plane.Normal()[2] );
if ( d1 - d2 > epsilon ) {
if ( d1 + d2 < -epsilon ) {
Returns true if the line intersects the bounds between the start and end point.
bool idBounds::LineIntersection( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end ) const {
float ld[3];
idVec3 center = ( b[0] + b[1] ) * 0.5f;
idVec3 extents = b[1] - center;
idVec3 lineDir = 0.5f * ( end - start );
idVec3 lineCenter = start + lineDir;
idVec3 dir = lineCenter - center;
ld[0] = idMath::Fabs( lineDir[0] );
if ( idMath::Fabs( dir[0] ) > extents[0] + ld[0] ) {
return false;
ld[1] = idMath::Fabs( lineDir[1] );
if ( idMath::Fabs( dir[1] ) > extents[1] + ld[1] ) {
return false;
ld[2] = idMath::Fabs( lineDir[2] );
if ( idMath::Fabs( dir[2] ) > extents[2] + ld[2] ) {
return false;
idVec3 cross = lineDir.Cross( dir );
if ( idMath::Fabs( cross[0] ) > extents[1] * ld[2] + extents[2] * ld[1] ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( cross[1] ) > extents[0] * ld[2] + extents[2] * ld[0] ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( cross[2] ) > extents[0] * ld[1] + extents[1] * ld[0] ) {
return false;
return true;
Returns true if the ray intersects the bounds.
The ray can intersect the bounds in both directions from the start point.
If start is inside the bounds it is considered an intersection with scale = 0
bool idBounds::RayIntersection( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale ) const {
int i, ax0, ax1, ax2, side, inside;
float f;
idVec3 hit;
ax0 = -1;
inside = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
if ( start[i] < b[0][i] ) {
side = 0;
else if ( start[i] > b[1][i] ) {
side = 1;
else {
if ( dir[i] == 0.0f ) {
f = ( start[i] - b[side][i] );
if ( ax0 < 0 || idMath::Fabs( f ) > idMath::Fabs( scale * dir[i] ) ) {
scale = - ( f / dir[i] );
ax0 = i;
if ( ax0 < 0 ) {
scale = 0.0f;
// return true if the start point is inside the bounds
return ( inside == 3 );
ax1 = (ax0+1)%3;
ax2 = (ax0+2)%3;
hit[ax1] = start[ax1] + scale * dir[ax1];
hit[ax2] = start[ax2] + scale * dir[ax2];
return ( hit[ax1] >= b[0][ax1] && hit[ax1] <= b[1][ax1] &&
hit[ax2] >= b[0][ax2] && hit[ax2] <= b[1][ax2] );
void idBounds::FromTransformedBounds( const idBounds &bounds, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis ) {
int i;
idVec3 center, extents, rotatedExtents;
center = (bounds[0] + bounds[1]) * 0.5f;
extents = bounds[1] - center;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
rotatedExtents[i] = idMath::Fabs( extents[0] * axis[0][i] ) +
idMath::Fabs( extents[1] * axis[1][i] ) +
idMath::Fabs( extents[2] * axis[2][i] );
center = origin + center * axis;
b[0] = center - rotatedExtents;
b[1] = center + rotatedExtents;
Most tight bounds for a point set.
void idBounds::FromPoints( const idVec3 *points, const int numPoints ) {
SIMDProcessor->MinMax( b[0], b[1], points, numPoints );
Most tight bounds for the translational movement of the given point.
void idBounds::FromPointTranslation( const idVec3 &point, const idVec3 &translation ) {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
if ( translation[i] < 0.0f ) {
b[0][i] = point[i] + translation[i];
b[1][i] = point[i];
else {
b[0][i] = point[i];
b[1][i] = point[i] + translation[i];
Most tight bounds for the translational movement of the given bounds.
void idBounds::FromBoundsTranslation( const idBounds &bounds, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis, const idVec3 &translation ) {
int i;
if ( axis.IsRotated() ) {
FromTransformedBounds( bounds, origin, axis );
else {
b[0] = bounds[0] + origin;
b[1] = bounds[1] + origin;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
if ( translation[i] < 0.0f ) {
b[0][i] += translation[i];
else {
b[1][i] += translation[i];
only for rotations < 180 degrees
idBounds BoundsForPointRotation( const idVec3 &start, const idRotation &rotation ) {
int i;
float radiusSqr;
idVec3 v1, v2;
idVec3 origin, axis, end;
idBounds bounds;
end = start * rotation;
axis = rotation.GetVec();
origin = rotation.GetOrigin() + axis * ( axis * ( start - rotation.GetOrigin() ) );
radiusSqr = ( start - origin ).LengthSqr();
v1 = ( start - origin ).Cross( axis );
v2 = ( end - origin ).Cross( axis );
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
// if the derivative changes sign along this axis during the rotation from start to end
if ( ( v1[i] > 0.0f && v2[i] < 0.0f ) || ( v1[i] < 0.0f && v2[i] > 0.0f ) ) {
if ( ( 0.5f * (start[i] + end[i]) - origin[i] ) > 0.0f ) {
bounds[0][i] = Min( start[i], end[i] );
bounds[1][i] = origin[i];
if( axis[i] * axis[i] < 1.0f ) {
bounds[1][i] += idMath::Sqrt( radiusSqr * ( 1.0f - axis[i] * axis[i] ) );
else {
bounds[0][i] = origin[i];
if( axis[i] * axis[i] < 1.0f ) {
bounds[0][i] -= idMath::Sqrt( radiusSqr * ( 1.0f - axis[i] * axis[i] ) );
bounds[1][i] = Max( start[i], end[i] );
else if ( start[i] > end[i] ) {
bounds[0][i] = end[i];
bounds[1][i] = start[i];
else {
bounds[0][i] = start[i];
bounds[1][i] = end[i];
return bounds;
Most tight bounds for the rotational movement of the given point.
void idBounds::FromPointRotation( const idVec3 &point, const idRotation &rotation ) {
float radius;
if ( idMath::Fabs( rotation.GetAngle() ) < 180.0f ) {
(*this) = BoundsForPointRotation( point, rotation );
else {
radius = ( point - rotation.GetOrigin() ).Length();
// FIXME: these bounds are usually way larger
b[0].Set( -radius, -radius, -radius );
b[1].Set( radius, radius, radius );
Most tight bounds for the rotational movement of the given bounds.
void idBounds::FromBoundsRotation( const idBounds &bounds, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis, const idRotation &rotation ) {
int i;
float radius;
idVec3 point;
idBounds rBounds;
if ( idMath::Fabs( rotation.GetAngle() ) < 180.0f ) {
(*this) = BoundsForPointRotation( bounds[0] * axis + origin, rotation );
for ( i = 1; i < 8; i++ ) {
point[0] = bounds[(i^(i>>1))&1][0];
point[1] = bounds[(i>>1)&1][1];
point[2] = bounds[(i>>2)&1][2];
(*this) += BoundsForPointRotation( point * axis + origin, rotation );
else {
point = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * 0.5f;
radius = (bounds[1] - point).Length() + (point - rotation.GetOrigin()).Length();
// FIXME: these bounds are usually way larger
b[0].Set( -radius, -radius, -radius );
b[1].Set( radius, radius, radius );
void idBounds::ToPoints( idVec3 points[8] ) const {
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
points[i][0] = b[(i^(i>>1))&1][0];
points[i][1] = b[(i>>1)&1][1];
points[i][2] = b[(i>>2)&1][2];