
234 lines
7.6 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2004 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __USERCMDGEN_H__
#define __USERCMDGEN_H__
Samples a set of user commands from player input.
const int USERCMD_HZ_SP = 60; // 60 frames per second
const int USERCMD_MSEC_SP = 1000 / USERCMD_HZ_SP;
//const int USERCMD_HZ_MP = 30; // 30 frames per second
//const int USERCMD_MSEC_MP = 1000 / USERCMD_HZ_MP;
//const int USERCMD_HZ_MP = 60; // 60 frames per second
//const int USERCMD_MSEC_MP = 1000 / USERCMD_HZ_MP;
// usercmd_t->button bits
const int BUTTON_ATTACK = BIT(0);
const int BUTTON_RUN = BIT(1);
const int BUTTON_ZOOM = BIT(2);
const int BUTTON_SCORES = BIT(3);
const int BUTTON_MLOOK = BIT(4);
// ddynerman: stats
// jscott: for voicechat
const int BUTTON_VOICECHAT = BIT(6);
// ddynerman: tourney display
const int BUTTON_TOURNEY = BIT(7);
// twhitaker: strafe
const int BUTTON_STRAFE = BIT(8);
// usercmd_t->impulse commands
const int IMPULSE_0 = 0; // weap 0
const int IMPULSE_1 = 1; // weap 1
const int IMPULSE_2 = 2; // weap 2
const int IMPULSE_3 = 3; // weap 3
const int IMPULSE_4 = 4; // weap 4
const int IMPULSE_5 = 5; // weap 5
const int IMPULSE_6 = 6; // weap 6
const int IMPULSE_7 = 7; // weap 7
const int IMPULSE_8 = 8; // weap 8
const int IMPULSE_9 = 9; // weap 9
const int IMPULSE_10 = 10; // weap 10
const int IMPULSE_11 = 11; // weap 11
const int IMPULSE_12 = 12; // weap 12
const int IMPULSE_13 = 13; // weap reload
const int IMPULSE_14 = 14; // weap next
const int IMPULSE_15 = 15; // weap prev
const int IMPULSE_16 = 16; // <unused>
const int IMPULSE_17 = 17; // ready to play ( toggles ui_ready )
const int IMPULSE_18 = 18; // center view
const int IMPULSE_19 = 19; // show PDA/INV/MAP
const int IMPULSE_20 = 20; // toggle team ( toggles ui_team )
const int IMPULSE_21 = 21; // tourney toggle waiting room/spec
const int IMPULSE_22 = 22; // spectate
const int IMPULSE_23 = 23; // <unused>
const int IMPULSE_24 = 24; // <unused>
const int IMPULSE_25 = 25; // <unused>
const int IMPULSE_26 = 26; // <unused>
const int IMPULSE_27 = 27; // <unused>
const int IMPULSE_28 = 28; // vote yes
const int IMPULSE_29 = 29; // vote no
const int IMPULSE_40 = 40; // repeast last radio chatter
// bdube: added flashlight
const int IMPULSE_50 = 50; // activate flashlight
const int IMPULSE_51 = 51; // switch to last weapon
// ddynerman: mp stats
const int IMPULSE_52 = 52; // mp statistics
// asalmon: impulses for weapons combos for xbox
#ifdef _XBOX
const int IMPULSE_70 = 70; //Weapon switch up
const int IMPULSE_71 = 71; //Weapon switch down
const int IMPULSE_72 = 72; //Weapon switch right
const int IMPULSE_73 = 73; //Weapon Switch left
// squirrel: Mode-agnostic buymenus
const int IMPULSE_100 = 100; // Buy weapon_shotgun
const int IMPULSE_101 = 101; // Buy weapon_machinegun
const int IMPULSE_102 = 102; // Buy weapon_hyperblaster
const int IMPULSE_103 = 103; // Buy weapon_grenadelauncher
const int IMPULSE_104 = 104; // Buy weapon_nailgun
const int IMPULSE_105 = 105; // Buy weapon_rocketlauncher
const int IMPULSE_106 = 106; // Buy weapon_railgun
const int IMPULSE_107 = 107; // Buy weapon_lightninggun
const int IMPULSE_108 = 108; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_109 = 109; // Buy weapon_napalmgun
const int IMPULSE_110 = 110; // Buy weapon_dmg
const int IMPULSE_111 = 111; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_112 = 112; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_113 = 113; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_114 = 114; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_115 = 115; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_116 = 116; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_117 = 117; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_118 = 118; // Buy item_armor_small
const int IMPULSE_119 = 119; // Buy item_armor_large
const int IMPULSE_120 = 120; // Buy ammorefill
const int IMPULSE_121 = 121; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_122 = 122; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_123 = 123; // Buy team powerup: ammo_regen
const int IMPULSE_124 = 124; // Buy team powerup: health_regen
const int IMPULSE_125 = 125; // Buy team powerup: damage_boost
const int IMPULSE_126 = 126; // UNUSED
const int IMPULSE_127 = 127; // UNUSED
const int KEY_MOVESPEED = 127;
// usercmd_t->flags
const int UCF_IMPULSE_SEQUENCE = 0x0001; // toggled every time an impulse command is sent
class usercmd_t {
int gameFrame; // frame number
int gameTime; // game time
int realTime; // real game time
int duplicateCount; // duplication count for networking
// ddynerman: expand buttons to 2 bytes
short buttons; // buttons
signed char forwardmove; // forward/backward movement
signed char rightmove; // left/right movement
signed char upmove; // up/down movement
short angles[3]; // view angles
short mx; // mouse delta x
short my; // mouse delta y
signed char impulse; // impulse command
byte flags; // additional flags
int sequence; // just for debugging
void ByteSwap(); // on big endian systems, byte swap the shorts and ints
bool operator==( const usercmd_t &rhs ) const;
typedef enum {
} inhibit_t;
const int MAX_BUFFERED_USERCMD = 64;
class idUsercmdGen {
virtual ~idUsercmdGen( void ) {}
// Sets up all the cvars and console commands.
virtual void Init( void ) = 0;
// Prepares for a new map.
virtual void InitForNewMap( void ) = 0;
// Shut down.
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
// Clears all key states and face straight.
virtual void Clear( void ) = 0;
// Clears view angles.
virtual void ClearAngles( void ) = 0;
// When the console is down or the menu is up, only emit default usercmd, so the player isn't moving around.
// Each subsystem (session and game) may want an inhibit will OR the requests.
virtual void InhibitUsercmd( inhibit_t subsystem, bool inhibit ) = 0;
// Returns a buffered command for the given game tic.
virtual usercmd_t TicCmd( int ticNumber ) = 0;
// Called async at regular intervals.
virtual void UsercmdInterrupt( void ) = 0;
// Set a value that can safely be referenced by UsercmdInterrupt() for each key binding.
virtual int CommandStringUsercmdData( const char *cmdString ) = 0;
// Returns the number of user commands.
virtual int GetNumUserCommands( void ) = 0;
// Returns the name of a user command via index.
virtual const char *GetUserCommandName( int index ) = 0;
// Continuously modified, never reset. For full screen guis.
virtual void MouseState( int *x, int *y, int *button, bool *down ) = 0;
// Directly sample a button.
virtual int ButtonState( int key ) = 0;
// Directly sample a keystate.
virtual int KeyState( int key ) = 0;
// Directly sample a usercmd.
virtual usercmd_t GetUsercmd( void ) = 0;
//asalmon: slow down the joystick movement for aim assist on xenon
virtual void SetSlowJoystick(int slow) = 0;
// nrausch: Stuff an arbitrary impulse in, which will override any other impulse this cycle
virtual void StuffImpulse( int impulse ) = 0;
virtual void StuffKey( const char *keyName, bool down ) = 0;
#ifdef _XENON
virtual void GetInputs( int &y, int &p, int &r, int &f ) = 0;
extern idUsercmdGen *usercmdGen;
#endif /* !__USERCMDGEN_H__ */