#ifndef __SURFACE_PATCH_H__ #define __SURFACE_PATCH_H__ /* =============================================================================== Bezier patch surface. =============================================================================== */ class idSurface_Patch : public idSurface { public: idSurface_Patch( void ); idSurface_Patch( int maxPatchWidth, int maxPatchHeight ); idSurface_Patch( const idSurface_Patch &patch ); ~idSurface_Patch( void ); void SetSize( int patchWidth, int patchHeight ); int GetWidth( void ) const; int GetHeight( void ) const; // subdivide the patch mesh based on error void Subdivide( float maxHorizontalError, float maxVerticalError, float maxLength, bool genNormals = false ); // subdivide the patch up to an explicit number of horizontal and vertical subdivisions void SubdivideExplicit( int horzSubdivisions, int vertSubdivisions, bool genNormals, bool removeLinear = false ); protected: int width; // width of patch int height; // height of patch int maxWidth; // maximum width allocated for int maxHeight; // maximum height allocated for bool expanded; // true if vertices are spaced out private: // put the approximation points on the curve void PutOnCurve( void ); // remove columns and rows with all points on one line void RemoveLinearColumnsRows( void ); // resize verts buffer void ResizeExpanded( int height, int width ); // space points out over maxWidth * maxHeight buffer void Expand( void ); // move all points to the start of the verts buffer void Collapse( void ); // project a point onto a vector to calculate maximum curve error void ProjectPointOntoVector( const idVec3 &point, const idVec3 &vStart, const idVec3 &vEnd, idVec3 &vProj ); // generate normals void GenerateNormals( void ); // generate triangle indexes void GenerateIndexes( void ); // lerp point from two patch point void LerpVert( const idDrawVert &a, const idDrawVert &b, idDrawVert &out ) const; // sample a single 3x3 patch void SampleSinglePatchPoint( const idDrawVert ctrl[3][3], float u, float v, idDrawVert *out ) const; void SampleSinglePatch( const idDrawVert ctrl[3][3], int baseCol, int baseRow, int width, int horzSub, int vertSub, idDrawVert *outVerts ) const; }; /* ================= idSurface_Patch::idSurface_Patch ================= */ ID_INLINE idSurface_Patch::idSurface_Patch( void ) { height = width = maxHeight = maxWidth = 0; expanded = false; } /* ================= idSurface_Patch::idSurface_Patch ================= */ ID_INLINE idSurface_Patch::idSurface_Patch( int maxPatchWidth, int maxPatchHeight ) { width = height = 0; maxWidth = maxPatchWidth; maxHeight = maxPatchHeight; verts.SetNum( maxWidth * maxHeight ); expanded = false; } /* ================= idSurface_Patch::idSurface_Patch ================= */ ID_INLINE idSurface_Patch::idSurface_Patch( const idSurface_Patch &patch ) { (*this) = patch; } /* ================= idSurface_Patch::~idSurface_Patch ================= */ ID_INLINE idSurface_Patch::~idSurface_Patch() { } /* ================= idSurface_Patch::GetWidth ================= */ ID_INLINE int idSurface_Patch::GetWidth( void ) const { return width; } /* ================= idSurface_Patch::GetHeight ================= */ ID_INLINE int idSurface_Patch::GetHeight( void ) const { return height; } #endif /* !__SURFACE_PATCH_H__ */