// RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: note that this file is no longer merged with Doom3 updates // // MERGE_DATE 09/30/2004 #include "../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "Game_local.h" #if !defined(__GAME_PROJECTILE_H__) #include "Projectile.h" #endif #if !defined(__GAME_VEHICLE_H__) #include "Vehicle/Vehicle.h" #endif #include "ai/AI.h" #include "ai/AI_Manager.h" /*********************************************************************** idAnimState ***********************************************************************/ /* ===================== idAnimState::idAnimState ===================== */ idAnimState::idAnimState() { self = NULL; animator = NULL; idleAnim = true; disabled = true; channel = ANIMCHANNEL_ALL; animBlendFrames = 0; lastAnimBlendFrames = 0; } /* ===================== idAnimState::~idAnimState ===================== */ idAnimState::~idAnimState() { } /* ===================== idAnimState::Save ===================== */ void idAnimState::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const { savefile->WriteBool( idleAnim ); savefile->WriteInt( animBlendFrames ); savefile->WriteInt( lastAnimBlendFrames ); savefile->WriteObject( self ); // Save the entity owner of the animator savefile->WriteObject( animator->GetEntity() ); savefile->WriteInt( channel ); savefile->WriteBool( disabled ); // RAVEN BEGIN // abahr: stateThread.Save( savefile ); // RAVEN END } /* ===================== idAnimState::Restore ===================== */ void idAnimState::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) { savefile->ReadBool( idleAnim ); savefile->ReadInt( animBlendFrames ); savefile->ReadInt( lastAnimBlendFrames ); savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast( self ) ); idEntity *animowner; savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast( animowner ) ); if ( animowner ) { animator = animowner->GetAnimator(); } savefile->ReadInt( channel ); savefile->ReadBool( disabled ); // RAVEN BEGIN // abahr: stateThread.Restore( savefile, self ); // RAVEN END } /* ===================== idAnimState::Init ===================== */ // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: converted self to entity ptr so any entity can use it void idAnimState::Init( idEntity *owner, idAnimator *_animator, int animchannel ) { // RAVEN BEGIN assert( owner ); assert( _animator ); self = owner; animator = _animator; channel = animchannel; stateThread.SetName ( va("%s_anim_%d", owner->GetName(), animchannel ) ); stateThread.SetOwner ( owner ); } /* ===================== idAnimState::Shutdown ===================== */ void idAnimState::Shutdown( void ) { stateThread.Clear ( true ); } /* ===================== idAnimState::PostState ===================== */ void idAnimState::PostState ( const char* statename, int blendFrames, int delay, int flags ) { if ( SRESULT_OK != stateThread.PostState ( statename, blendFrames, delay, flags ) ) { gameLocal.Error ( "Could not find state function '%s' for entity '%s'", statename, self->GetName() ); } disabled = false; } /* ===================== idAnimState::SetState ===================== */ void idAnimState::SetState( const char *statename, int blendFrames, int flags ) { if ( SRESULT_OK != stateThread.SetState ( statename, blendFrames, 0, flags ) ) { gameLocal.Error ( "Could not find state function '%s' for entity '%s'", statename, self->GetName() ); } animBlendFrames = blendFrames; lastAnimBlendFrames = blendFrames; disabled = false; idleAnim = false; } /* ===================== idAnimState::StopAnim ===================== */ void idAnimState::StopAnim( int frames ) { animBlendFrames = 0; animator->Clear( channel, gameLocal.time, FRAME2MS( frames ) ); } /* ===================== idAnimState::PlayAnim ===================== */ void idAnimState::PlayAnim( int anim ) { if ( anim ) { animator->PlayAnim( channel, anim, gameLocal.time, FRAME2MS( animBlendFrames ) ); } animBlendFrames = 0; } /* ===================== idAnimState::CycleAnim ===================== */ void idAnimState::CycleAnim( int anim ) { if ( anim ) { animator->CycleAnim( channel, anim, gameLocal.time, FRAME2MS( animBlendFrames ) ); } animBlendFrames = 0; } /* ===================== idAnimState::BecomeIdle ===================== */ void idAnimState::BecomeIdle( void ) { idleAnim = true; } /* ===================== idAnimState::Disabled ===================== */ bool idAnimState::Disabled( void ) const { return disabled; } /* ===================== idAnimState::AnimDone ===================== */ bool idAnimState::AnimDone( int blendFrames ) const { int animDoneTime; animDoneTime = animator->CurrentAnim( channel )->GetEndTime(); if ( animDoneTime < 0 ) { // playing a cycle return false; } else if ( animDoneTime - FRAME2MS( blendFrames ) <= gameLocal.time ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* ===================== idAnimState::IsIdle ===================== */ bool idAnimState::IsIdle( void ) const { return disabled || idleAnim; } /* ===================== idAnimState::GetAnimFlags ===================== */ animFlags_t idAnimState::GetAnimFlags( void ) const { animFlags_t flags; memset( &flags, 0, sizeof( flags ) ); if ( !disabled && !AnimDone( 0 ) ) { flags = animator->GetAnimFlags( animator->CurrentAnim( channel )->AnimNum() ); } return flags; } /* ===================== idAnimState::Enable ===================== */ void idAnimState::Enable( int blendFrames ) { if ( disabled ) { disabled = false; animBlendFrames = blendFrames; lastAnimBlendFrames = blendFrames; } } /* ===================== idAnimState::Disable ===================== */ void idAnimState::Disable( void ) { disabled = true; idleAnim = false; } /* ===================== idAnimState::UpdateState ===================== */ bool idAnimState::UpdateState( void ) { if ( disabled ) { return false; } stateThread.Execute ( ); return true; } /*********************************************************************** idActor ***********************************************************************/ const idEventDef AI_EnableEyeFocus( "enableEyeFocus" ); const idEventDef AI_DisableEyeFocus( "disableEyeFocus" ); const idEventDef AI_EnableBlink( "enableBlinking" ); const idEventDef AI_DisableBlink( "disableBlinking" ); const idEventDef EV_Footstep( "footstep" ); const idEventDef EV_FootstepLeft( "leftFoot" ); const idEventDef EV_FootstepRight( "rightFoot" ); const idEventDef EV_EnableWalkIK( "EnableWalkIK" ); const idEventDef EV_DisableWalkIK( "DisableWalkIK" ); const idEventDef EV_EnableLegIK( "EnableLegIK", "d" ); const idEventDef EV_DisableLegIK( "DisableLegIK", "d" ); const idEventDef AI_StopAnim( "stopAnim", "dd" ); const idEventDef AI_PlayAnim( "playAnim", "ds", 'd' ); const idEventDef AI_PlayCycle( "playCycle", "ds", 'd' ); const idEventDef AI_IdleAnim( "idleAnim", "ds", 'd' ); const idEventDef AI_SetSyncedAnimWeight( "setSyncedAnimWeight", "ddf" ); const idEventDef AI_SetBlendFrames( "setBlendFrames", "dd" ); const idEventDef AI_GetBlendFrames( "getBlendFrames", "d", 'd' ); const idEventDef AI_AnimDone( "animDone", "dd", 'd' ); const idEventDef AI_OverrideAnim( "overrideAnim", "d" ); const idEventDef AI_EnableAnim( "enableAnim", "dd" ); const idEventDef AI_PreventPain( "preventPain", "f" ); const idEventDef AI_DisablePain( "disablePain" ); const idEventDef AI_EnablePain( "enablePain" ); const idEventDef AI_SetAnimPrefix( "setAnimPrefix", "s" ); const idEventDef AI_HasEnemies( "hasEnemies", NULL, 'd' ); const idEventDef AI_NextEnemy( "nextEnemy", "E", 'e' ); const idEventDef AI_ClosestEnemyToPoint( "closestEnemyToPoint", "v", 'e' ); const idEventDef AI_GetHead( "getHead", NULL, 'e' ); // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: added const idEventDef AI_Flashlight("flashlight", "d" ); const idEventDef AI_Teleport("teleport", "vv"); const idEventDef AI_EnterVehicle ( "enterVehicle", "e" ); const idEventDef AI_ExitVehicle ( "exitVehicle", "d" ); const idEventDef AI_PostExitVehicle ( "", "d" ); //jshepard: change animation rate const idEventDef AI_SetAnimRate ( "setAnimRate","f"); //MCG: damage over time const idEventDef EV_DamageOverTime ( "damageOverTime","ddEEvsfd" ); const idEventDef EV_DamageOverTimeEffect ( "damageOverTimeEffect","dds" ); // MCG: script-callable joint crawl effect const idEventDef EV_JointCrawlEffect ( "jointCrawlEffect","sf" ); // RAVEN END CLASS_DECLARATION( idAFEntity_Gibbable, idActor ) EVENT( AI_EnableEyeFocus, idActor::Event_EnableEyeFocus ) EVENT( AI_DisableEyeFocus, idActor::Event_DisableEyeFocus ) EVENT( AI_EnableBlink, idActor::Event_EnableBlink ) EVENT( AI_DisableBlink, idActor::Event_DisableBlink ) EVENT( EV_Footstep, idActor::Event_Footstep ) EVENT( EV_FootstepLeft, idActor::Event_Footstep ) EVENT( EV_FootstepRight, idActor::Event_Footstep ) EVENT( EV_EnableWalkIK, idActor::Event_EnableWalkIK ) EVENT( EV_DisableWalkIK, idActor::Event_DisableWalkIK ) EVENT( EV_EnableLegIK, idActor::Event_EnableLegIK ) EVENT( EV_DisableLegIK, idActor::Event_DisableLegIK ) EVENT( AI_PreventPain, idActor::Event_PreventPain ) EVENT( AI_DisablePain, idActor::Event_DisablePain ) EVENT( AI_EnablePain, idActor::Event_EnablePain ) EVENT( AI_SetAnimPrefix, idActor::Event_SetAnimPrefix ) EVENT( AI_SetSyncedAnimWeight, idActor::Event_SetSyncedAnimWeight ) EVENT( AI_SetBlendFrames, idActor::Event_SetBlendFrames ) EVENT( AI_GetBlendFrames, idActor::Event_GetBlendFrames ) EVENT( AI_OverrideAnim, idActor::Event_OverrideAnim ) EVENT( AI_EnableAnim, idActor::Event_EnableAnim ) EVENT( AI_HasEnemies, idActor::Event_HasEnemies ) EVENT( AI_NextEnemy, idActor::Event_NextEnemy ) EVENT( AI_ClosestEnemyToPoint, idActor::Event_ClosestEnemyToPoint ) EVENT( EV_StopSound, idActor::Event_StopSound ) EVENT( AI_GetHead, idActor::Event_GetHead ) // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: added EVENT( AI_Flashlight, idActor::Event_Flashlight ) EVENT( AI_Teleport, idActor::Event_Teleport ) EVENT( AI_EnterVehicle, idActor::Event_EnterVehicle ) // twhitaker: Yeah... this just got confusing. // basically, I need a delay in between the time the space bar is hit and the time the person actually get's ejected. // this is mostly for things such as screen fades when exiting a vehicle. This was the least obtrusive way I could think of. EVENT( AI_ExitVehicle, idActor::Event_PreExitVehicle ) EVENT( AI_PostExitVehicle, idActor::Event_ExitVehicle ) // jshepard: added EVENT( AI_SetAnimRate, idActor::Event_SetAnimRate ) // twhitaker: added animation support (mostly for vehicle purposes) EVENT( AI_PlayAnim, idActor::Event_PlayAnim ) // MCG: added recurring damage EVENT( EV_DamageOverTime, idActor::Event_DamageOverTime ) EVENT( EV_DamageOverTimeEffect, idActor::Event_DamageOverTimeEffect ) // MCG: script-callable joint crawl effect EVENT( EV_JointCrawlEffect, idActor::Event_JointCrawlEffect ) // RAVEN END END_CLASS CLASS_STATES_DECLARATION ( idActor ) STATE ( "Wait_Frame", idActor::State_Wait_Frame ) STATE ( "Wait_LegsAnim", idActor::State_Wait_LegsAnim ) STATE ( "Wait_TorsoAnim", idActor::State_Wait_TorsoAnim ) END_CLASS_STATES // RAVEN END /* ===================== idActor::idActor ===================== */ idActor::idActor( void ) { viewAxis.Identity(); use_combat_bbox = false; head = NULL; eyeOffset.Zero(); chestOffset.Zero(); modelOffset.Zero(); team = 0; rank = 0; fovDot = 0.0f; pain_debounce_time = 0; pain_delay = 0; leftEyeJoint = INVALID_JOINT; rightEyeJoint = INVALID_JOINT; soundJoint = INVALID_JOINT; deltaViewAngles.Zero(); painTime = 0; inDamageEvent = false; // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: reversed var disablePain = true; // RAVEN END allowEyeFocus = false; blink_anim = NULL; blink_time = 0; blink_min = 0; blink_max = 0; finalBoss = false; attachments.SetGranularity( 1 ); enemyNode.SetOwner( this ); enemyList.SetOwner( this ); teamNode.SetOwner ( this ); memset( &flashlight, 0, sizeof( flashlight ) ); flashlightHandle = -1; deathPushTime = 0; eyeOffsetJoint = INVALID_JOINT; chestOffsetJoint = INVALID_JOINT; lightningEffects = 0; lightningNextTime = 0; } /* ===================== idActor::~idActor ===================== */ idActor::~idActor( void ) { // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: flashlights if ( flashlightHandle != -1 ) { gameRenderWorld->FreeLightDef( flashlightHandle ); flashlightHandle = -1; } // RAVEN END int i; idEntity *ent; StopSound( SND_CHANNEL_ANY, false ); delete combatModel; combatModel = NULL; if ( head.GetEntity() ) { head.GetEntity()->ClearBody(); head.GetEntity()->PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); } // remove any attached entities for( i = 0; i < attachments.Num(); i++ ) { ent = attachments[ i ].ent.GetEntity(); if ( ent ) { ent->PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); } } ShutdownThreads(); } /* ===================== idActor::Spawn ===================== */ void idActor::Spawn( void ) { idEntity *ent; idStr jointName; float fovDegrees; float fovDegreesClose; animPrefix = ""; spawnArgs.GetInt( "rank", "0", rank ); spawnArgs.GetInt( "team", "0", team ); spawnArgs.GetVector( "offsetModel", "0 0 0", modelOffset ); spawnArgs.GetBool( "use_combat_bbox", "0", use_combat_bbox ); viewAxis = GetPhysics()->GetAxis(); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fov", "90", fovDegrees ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fovClose", "200", fovDegreesClose ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fovCloseRange", "180", fovCloseRange ); SetFOV( fovDegrees, fovDegreesClose ); pain_debounce_time = 0; pain_delay = SEC2MS( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "pain_delay" ) ); LoadAF ( ); walkIK.Init( this, IK_ANIM, modelOffset ); // the animation used to be set to the IK_ANIM at this point, but that was fixed, resulting in // attachments not binding correctly, so we're stuck setting the IK_ANIM before attaching things. animator.ClearAllAnims( gameLocal.time, 0 ); // RAVEN BEGIN // jscott: new setframe stuff frameBlend_t frameBlend = { 0, 0, 0, 1.0f, 0 }; animator.SetFrame( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, animator.GetAnim( IK_ANIM ), frameBlend ); // RAVEN END // spawn any attachments we might have const idKeyValue *kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "def_attach", NULL ); while ( kv ) { idDict args; args.Set( "classname", kv->GetValue().c_str() ); // make items non-touchable so the player can't take them out of the character's hands args.Set( "no_touch", "1" ); // don't let them drop to the floor args.Set( "dropToFloor", "0" ); gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef( args, &ent ); if ( !ent ) { gameLocal.Error( "Couldn't spawn '%s' to attach to entity '%s'", kv->GetValue().c_str(), name.c_str() ); } else { Attach( ent ); } kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "def_attach", kv ); } SetupDamageGroups(); // MP sets up heads on players from UpdateModelSetup() if( !gameLocal.isMultiplayer || !IsType( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) ) { SetupHead ( ); } // clear the bind anim animator.ClearAllAnims( gameLocal.time, 0 ); idEntity *headEnt = head.GetEntity(); idAnimator *headAnimator; if ( headEnt ) { headAnimator = headEnt->GetAnimator(); } else { headAnimator = &animator; } // set up blinking blink_anim = headAnimator->GetAnim( "blink" ); blink_time = 0; // it's ok to blink right away blink_min = SEC2MS( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "blink_min", "0.5" ) ); blink_max = SEC2MS( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "blink_max", "8" ) ); fl.allowAutoBlink = spawnArgs.GetBool( "allowAutoBlink", "1" ); if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "sound_bone", "", jointName ) ) { soundJoint = animator.GetJointHandle( jointName ); if ( soundJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idAnimated '%s' at (%s): cannot find joint '%s' for sound playback", name.c_str(), GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString(0), jointName.c_str() ); } } finalBoss = spawnArgs.GetBool( "finalBoss" ); // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: flashlight flashlightJoint = animator.GetJointHandle( spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint_flashlight", "flashlight" ) ); memset( &flashlight, 0, sizeof( flashlight ) ); flashlight.suppressLightInViewID = entityNumber + 1; flashlight.allowLightInViewID = 0; flashlight.lightId = 1 + entityNumber; flashlight.allowLightInViewID = 1; idVec3 color; spawnArgs.GetVector ( "flashlightColor", "1 1 1", color ); flashlight.pointLight = spawnArgs.GetBool( "flashlightPointLight", "1" ); flashlight.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( spawnArgs.GetString( "mtr_flashlight", "muzzleflash" ), false ); flashlight.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ] = color[0]; flashlight.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ] = color[1]; flashlight.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ] = color[2]; flashlight.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_TIMESCALE ] = 1.0f; // RAVEN BEGIN // dluetscher: added a default detail level to each render light flashlight.detailLevel = DEFAULT_LIGHT_DETAIL_LEVEL; // RAVEN END flashlight.lightRadius[0] = flashlight.lightRadius[1] = flashlight.lightRadius[2] = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "flashlightRadius" ); if ( !flashlight.pointLight ) { flashlight.target = spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashlightTarget" ); flashlight.up = spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashlightUp" ); flashlight.right = spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashlightRight" ); flashlight.end = spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashlightTarget" ); } spawnArgs.GetVector ( "flashlightOffset", "0 0 0", flashlightOffset ); if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "flashlight_flaresurf", NULL ) ) { HideSurface( spawnArgs.GetString( "flashlight_flaresurf", NULL ) ); } // RAVEN END stateThread.SetName ( GetName() ); stateThread.SetOwner ( this ); // RAVEN BEGIN // cdr: Obstacle Avoidance fl.isAIObstacle = true; // RAVEN END FinishSetup(); } /* ================ idActor::FinishSetup ================ */ void idActor::FinishSetup( void ) { if ( spawnArgs.GetBool ( "flashlight", "0" ) ) { FlashlightUpdate ( true ); } SetupBody(); } /* ================ idActor::SetupHead ================ */ void idActor::SetupHead( const char* headDefName, idVec3 headOffset ) { idAFAttachment *headEnt; idStr jointName; jointHandle_t joint; const idKeyValue *sndKV; if ( gameLocal.isClient && head.GetEntity() == NULL ) { return; } // If we don't pass in a specific head model, try looking it up if( !headDefName[ 0 ] ) { headDefName = spawnArgs.GetString( "def_head", "" ); // jshepard: allow for heads to override persona defs headDefName = spawnArgs.GetString( "override_head", headDefName ); } if ( headDefName[ 0 ] ) { // free the old head if we want a new one if( gameLocal.isServer ) { if( head && idStr::Icmp( head->spawnArgs.GetString( "classname" ), headDefName ) ) { head->SetName( va( "%s_oldhead", name.c_str() ) ); head->PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); head = NULL; } else if( head ) { // the current head is OK return; } } jointName = spawnArgs.GetString( "joint_head" ); joint = animator.GetJointHandle( jointName ); if ( joint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Error( "Joint '%s' not found for 'joint_head' on '%s'", jointName.c_str(), name.c_str() ); } // copy any sounds in case we have frame commands on the head idDict args; sndKV = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "snd_", NULL ); while( sndKV ) { args.Set( sndKV->GetKey(), sndKV->GetValue() ); sndKV = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "snd_", sndKV ); } if ( !gameLocal.isClient ) { args.Set( "classname", headDefName ); if( !gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef( args, ( idEntity ** )&headEnt ) ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idActor::SetupHead() - Unknown head model '%s'\n", headDefName ); return; } headEnt->spawnArgs.Set( "classname", headDefName ); headEnt->SetName( va( "%s_head", name.c_str() ) ); headEnt->SetBody ( this, headEnt->spawnArgs.GetString ( "model" ), joint ); head = headEnt; } else { // we got our spawnid from the server headEnt = head.GetEntity(); headEnt->SetBody ( this, headEnt->spawnArgs.GetString ( "model" ), joint ); headEnt->GetRenderEntity()->suppressSurfaceInViewID = entityNumber + 1; } headEnt->BindToJoint( this, joint, true ); headEnt->GetPhysics()->SetOrigin( vec3_origin + headOffset ); headEnt->GetPhysics()->SetAxis( mat3_identity ); } else if ( head ) { head->PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); head = NULL; } if ( head ) { int i; // set the damage joint to be part of the head damage group for( i = 0; i < damageGroups.Num(); i++ ) { if ( damageGroups[ i ] == "head" ) { head->SetDamageJoint ( static_cast( i ) ); break; } } head->InitCopyJoints ( ); head->SetInstance( instance ); } } /* ================ idActor::Restart ================ */ void idActor::Restart( void ) { assert( !head.GetEntity() ); // MP sets up heads from UpdateModelSetup() if( !gameLocal.isMultiplayer ) { SetupHead(); } FinishSetup(); } /* ================ idActor::Save archive object for savegame file ================ */ void idActor::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const { idActor *ent; int i; savefile->WriteInt( team ); // cnicholson: This line was already commented out, so we aint changing it. // No need to write/read teamNode // idLinkList teamNode; savefile->WriteInt( rank ); savefile->WriteMat3( viewAxis ); // twhitaker: this confuses me... should we be writing out enemyList.Num() or enemyList.Next()->enemyNode->Num(). I'm not sure what these variables represent. // cnicholson: bdube said to do it how id does it, so here goes: savefile->WriteInt( enemyList.Num() ); for ( ent = enemyList.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->enemyNode.Next() ) { savefile->WriteObject( ent ); } savefile->WriteInt( lightningNextTime );// cnicholson: Added unwritten var savefile->WriteInt( lightningEffects ); // cnicholson: Added unwritten var savefile->WriteFloat( fovDot ); savefile->WriteFloat( fovCloseDot ); savefile->WriteFloat( fovCloseRange ); savefile->WriteVec3( eyeOffset ); savefile->WriteVec3( chestOffset ); savefile->WriteVec3( modelOffset ); savefile->WriteAngles( deltaViewAngles ); savefile->WriteInt( pain_debounce_time ); savefile->WriteInt( pain_delay ); savefile->WriteInt( damageGroups.Num() ); for( i = 0; i < damageGroups.Num(); i++ ) { savefile->WriteString( damageGroups[ i ] ); } savefile->WriteInt( damageScale.Num() ); for( i = 0; i < damageScale.Num(); i++ ) { savefile->WriteFloat( damageScale[ i ] ); } //MCG savefile->WriteBool( inDamageEvent ); savefile->WriteBool( use_combat_bbox ); savefile->WriteJoint( leftEyeJoint ); savefile->WriteJoint( rightEyeJoint ); savefile->WriteJoint( soundJoint ); savefile->WriteJoint( eyeOffsetJoint ); savefile->WriteJoint( chestOffsetJoint ); savefile->WriteJoint( neckJoint ); savefile->WriteJoint( headJoint ); walkIK.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteString( animPrefix ); savefile->WriteString( painType ); savefile->WriteString( painAnim ); savefile->WriteInt( blink_anim ); savefile->WriteInt( blink_time ); savefile->WriteInt( blink_min ); savefile->WriteInt( blink_max ); headAnim.Save( savefile ); torsoAnim.Save( savefile ); legsAnim.Save( savefile ); stateThread.Save( savefile ); // idEntityPtr head; head.Save( savefile ); // cnicholson: Added unwritten var savefile->WriteBool( disablePain ); savefile->WriteBool( allowEyeFocus ); savefile->WriteBool( finalBoss ); savefile->WriteInt( painTime ); savefile->WriteInt( attachments.Num() ); for ( i = 0; i < attachments.Num(); i++ ) { attachments[i].ent.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteInt( attachments[i].channel ); } vehicleController.Save ( savefile ); // These aren't saved in the same order as they're declared, due to the dependency (I didn't see the need to change the order of declaration) savefile->WriteInt ( flashlightHandle ); savefile->WriteJoint ( flashlightJoint ); savefile->WriteVec3 ( flashlightOffset ); savefile->WriteRenderLight ( flashlight ); savefile->WriteInt( deathPushTime ); savefile->WriteVec3( deathPushForce ); savefile->WriteJoint( deathPushJoint ); } /* ================ idActor::Restore unarchives object from save game file ================ */ void idActor::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) { int i, num; idActor *ent; savefile->ReadInt( team ); // cnicholson: This line was already commented out, so we aint changing it. // No need to write/read teamNode // idLinkList teamNode; savefile->ReadInt( rank ); savefile->ReadMat3( viewAxis ); savefile->ReadInt( num ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast( ent ) ); assert( ent ); if ( ent ) { ent->enemyNode.AddToEnd( enemyList ); } } savefile->ReadInt( lightningEffects ); savefile->ReadInt( lightningNextTime ); savefile->ReadFloat( fovDot ); savefile->ReadFloat( fovCloseDot ); savefile->ReadFloat( fovCloseRange ); savefile->ReadVec3( eyeOffset ); savefile->ReadVec3( chestOffset ); savefile->ReadVec3( modelOffset ); savefile->ReadAngles( deltaViewAngles ); savefile->ReadInt( pain_debounce_time ); savefile->ReadInt( pain_delay ); savefile->ReadInt( num ); damageGroups.SetGranularity( 1 ); damageGroups.SetNum( num ); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { savefile->ReadString( damageGroups[ i ] ); } savefile->ReadInt( num ); damageScale.SetNum( num ); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { savefile->ReadFloat( damageScale[ i ] ); } //MCG savefile->ReadBool( inDamageEvent ); savefile->ReadBool( use_combat_bbox ); savefile->ReadJoint( leftEyeJoint ); savefile->ReadJoint( rightEyeJoint ); savefile->ReadJoint( soundJoint ); savefile->ReadJoint( eyeOffsetJoint ); savefile->ReadJoint( chestOffsetJoint ); savefile->ReadJoint( neckJoint ); savefile->ReadJoint( headJoint ); walkIK.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadString( animPrefix ); savefile->ReadString( painType ); savefile->ReadString( painAnim ); savefile->ReadInt( blink_anim ); savefile->ReadInt( blink_time ); savefile->ReadInt( blink_min ); savefile->ReadInt( blink_max ); headAnim.Restore( savefile ); torsoAnim.Restore( savefile ); legsAnim.Restore( savefile ); stateThread.Restore( savefile, this ); // cnicholson: Restore unread var // idEntityPtr head; head.Restore(savefile); savefile->ReadBool( disablePain ); savefile->ReadBool( allowEyeFocus ); savefile->ReadBool( finalBoss ); savefile->ReadInt( painTime ); savefile->ReadInt( num ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { idAttachInfo &attach = attachments.Alloc(); attach.ent.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadInt( attach.channel ); } // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: added vehicleController.Restore ( savefile ); savefile->ReadInt ( flashlightHandle ); savefile->ReadJoint ( flashlightJoint ); savefile->ReadVec3 ( flashlightOffset ); savefile->ReadRenderLight ( flashlight ); if ( flashlightHandle != -1 ) { flashlightHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddLightDef( &flashlight ); } savefile->ReadInt( deathPushTime ); savefile->ReadVec3( deathPushForce ); savefile->ReadJoint( deathPushJoint ); // mekberg: update this FlashlightUpdate( ); // RAVEN END } /* ================ idActor::Hide ================ */ void idActor::Hide( void ) { idEntity *ent; idEntity *next; idAFEntity_Base::Hide(); if ( head.GetEntity() ) { head.GetEntity()->Hide(); } for( ent = GetNextTeamEntity(); ent != NULL; ent = next ) { next = ent->GetNextTeamEntity(); if ( ent->GetBindMaster() == this ) { ent->Hide(); // RAVEN BEGIN // jnewquist: Use accessor for static class type if ( ent->IsType( idLight::GetClassType() ) ) { // RAVEN END static_cast( ent )->Off(); } } } UnlinkCombat(); } /* ================ idActor::Show ================ */ void idActor::Show( void ) { idEntity *ent; idEntity *next; idAFEntity_Base::Show(); if ( head.GetEntity() ) { head.GetEntity()->Show(); } for( ent = GetNextTeamEntity(); ent != NULL; ent = next ) { next = ent->GetNextTeamEntity(); if ( ent->GetBindMaster() == this ) { ent->Show(); // RAVEN BEGIN // jnewquist: Use accessor for static class type if ( ent->IsType( idLight::GetClassType() ) ) { // RAVEN END static_cast( ent )->On(); } } } LinkCombat(); } /* ============== idActor::GetDefaultSurfaceType ============== */ int idActor::GetDefaultSurfaceType( void ) const { return SURFTYPE_FLESH; } /* ================ idActor::ProjectOverlay ================ */ void idActor::ProjectOverlay( const idVec3 &origin, const idVec3 &dir, float size, const char *material ) { idEntity *ent; idEntity *next; idEntity::ProjectOverlay( origin, dir, size, material ); for( ent = GetNextTeamEntity(); ent != NULL; ent = next ) { next = ent->GetNextTeamEntity(); if ( ent->GetBindMaster() == this ) { if ( ent->fl.takedamage && ent->spawnArgs.GetBool( "bleed" ) ) { ent->ProjectOverlay( origin, dir, size, material ); } } } } /* ================ idActor::LoadAF ================ */ bool idActor::LoadAF( const char* keyname, bool purgeAF /* = false */ ) { idStr fileName; if ( !keyname || !*keyname ) { keyname = "ragdoll"; } if ( !spawnArgs.GetString( keyname, "*unknown*", fileName ) || !fileName.Length() ) { return false; } af.SetAnimator( GetAnimator() ); return af.Load( this, fileName, purgeAF ); } /* ===================== idActor::SetupBody ===================== */ void idActor::SetupBody( void ) { const char* jointname; idAnimator* headAnimator; float height; animator.ClearAllAnims( gameLocal.time, 0 ); animator.ClearAllJoints(); // Cache the head entity pointer and determine which animator to use idAFAttachment *headEnt = head.GetEntity(); if ( headEnt ) { headAnimator = headEnt->GetAnimator ( ); } else { headAnimator = GetAnimator( ); } // Get left eye joint if ( !headEnt || !headEnt->spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint_leftEye", "", &jointname ) ) { jointname = spawnArgs.GetString( "joint_leftEye" ); } leftEyeJoint = headAnimator->GetJointHandle( jointname ); // Get right eye joint if ( !headEnt || !headEnt->spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint_rightEye", "", &jointname ) ) { jointname = spawnArgs.GetString( "joint_rightEye" ); } rightEyeJoint = headAnimator->GetJointHandle( jointname ); // If head height is specified, just use that if ( spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "eye_height", "0", height ) ) { SetEyeHeight ( height ); } else { // See if there is an eye offset joint specified, if not just use the left eye joint if ( !headEnt || !headEnt->spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint_eyeOffset", "", &jointname ) ) { jointname = spawnArgs.GetString( "joint_eyeOffset" ); } // Get the eye offset joint eyeOffsetJoint = headAnimator->GetJointHandle ( jointname ); } // If eye height is specified, just use that if ( spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "chest_height", "0", height ) ) { SetChestHeight ( height ); } else { // See if there is an eye offset joint specified, if not just use the left eye joint spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint_chestOffset", "", &jointname ); // Get the chest offset joint chestOffsetJoint = animator.GetJointHandle ( jointname ); } // Get the neck joint spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint_look_neck", "", &jointname ); neckJoint = animator.GetJointHandle ( jointname ); // Get the head joint spawnArgs.GetString ( "joint_look_head", "", &jointname ); headJoint = animator.GetJointHandle ( jointname ); headAnim.Init ( this, &animator, ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD ); torsoAnim.Init( this, &animator, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO ); legsAnim.Init( this, &animator, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS ); } /* ===================== idActor::CheckBlink ===================== */ void idActor::CheckBlink( void ) { // check if it's time to blink if ( !blink_anim || ( health <= 0 ) || ( blink_time > gameLocal.time ) || !fl.allowAutoBlink ) { return; } idAnimator *animator = head.GetEntity() ? head->GetAnimator() : &this->animator; animator->PlayAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_EYELIDS, blink_anim, gameLocal.time, 1 ); // set the next blink time blink_time = gameLocal.time + blink_min + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * ( blink_max - blink_min ); } /* ================ idActor::GetPhysicsToVisualTransform ================ */ bool idActor::GetPhysicsToVisualTransform( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis ) { if ( af.IsActive() ) { af.GetPhysicsToVisualTransform( origin, axis ); return true; } // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: position player in seat (nmckenzie: copy and paste from the player version of this call) if ( vehicleController.IsDriving ( ) ) { vehicleController.GetDriverPosition ( origin, axis ); return true; } // RAVEN END origin = modelOffset; axis = viewAxis; return true; } /* ================ idActor::GetPhysicsToSoundTransform ================ */ bool idActor::GetPhysicsToSoundTransform( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis ) { if ( soundJoint != INVALID_JOINT ) { animator.GetJointTransform( soundJoint, gameLocal.time, origin, axis ); origin += modelOffset; axis = viewAxis; } else { origin = GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal() * -eyeOffset.z; axis.Identity(); } return true; } /*********************************************************************** script state management ***********************************************************************/ /* ================ idActor::ShutdownThreads ================ */ void idActor::ShutdownThreads( void ) { headAnim.Shutdown(); torsoAnim.Shutdown(); legsAnim.Shutdown(); } /* ===================== idActor::OnStateThreadClear ===================== */ void idActor::OnStateThreadClear( const char *statename, int flags ) { } /* ===================== idActor::SetState ===================== */ void idActor::SetState( const char *statename, int flags ) { OnStateThreadClear( statename, flags ); stateThread.SetState ( statename, 0, 0, flags ); } /* ===================== idActor::PostState ===================== */ void idActor::PostState ( const char* statename, int delay, int flags ) { if ( SRESULT_OK != stateThread.PostState ( statename, 0, delay, flags ) ) { gameLocal.Error ( "unknown state '%s' on entity '%s'", statename, GetName() ); } } /* ===================== idActor::InterruptState ===================== */ void idActor::InterruptState ( const char* statename, int delay, int flags ) { if ( SRESULT_OK != stateThread.InterruptState ( statename, 0, delay, flags ) ) { gameLocal.Error ( "unknown state '%s' on entity '%s'", statename, GetName() ); } } /* ===================== idActor::UpdateState ===================== */ void idActor::UpdateState ( void ) { stateThread.Execute ( ); } /*********************************************************************** vision ***********************************************************************/ /* ===================== idActor::setFov ===================== */ void idActor::SetFOV( float fov, float fovClose ) { fovDot = idMath::Cos( DEG2RAD( fov * 0.5f ) ); fovCloseDot = idMath::Cos( DEG2RAD( fovClose * 0.5f ) ); } /* ===================== idActor::SetEyeHeight ===================== */ void idActor::SetEyeHeight( float height ) { eyeOffset = GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal() * -height; } /* ===================== idActor::EyeHeight ===================== */ float idActor::EyeHeight( void ) const { return eyeOffset.z; } /* ===================== idActor::SetChestHeight ===================== */ void idActor::SetChestHeight( float height ) { chestOffset = GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal() * -height; } /* ===================== idActor::GetEyePosition ===================== */ idVec3 idActor::GetEyePosition( void ) const { return GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + eyeOffset * viewAxis; } /* ===================== idActor::GetChestPosition ===================== */ idVec3 idActor::GetChestPosition ( void ) const { return GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + chestOffset * viewAxis; } // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: flashlights /* ===================== idActor::GetGroundEntity ===================== */ idEntity* idActor::GetGroundEntity( void ) const { return static_cast(GetPhysics())->GetGroundEntity(); } /* ===================== idActor::Present ===================== */ void idActor::Present( void ) { idAFEntity_Gibbable::Present(); FlashlightUpdate(); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_Teleport ===================== */ void idActor::Event_Teleport( idVec3 &newPos, idVec3 &newAngles ) { Teleport ( newPos, newAngles.ToAngles(), NULL ); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_EnterVehicle ===================== */ void idActor::Event_EnterVehicle ( idEntity* vehicle ) { if ( IsInVehicle ( ) ) { return; } EnterVehicle ( vehicle ); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_ExitVehicle ===================== */ void idActor::Event_ExitVehicle ( bool force ) { if ( !IsInVehicle ( ) ) { return; } ExitVehicle ( force ); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_PreExitVehicle ===================== */ void idActor::Event_PreExitVehicle ( bool force ) { if ( !IsInVehicle ( ) ) { return; } // call the script func regardless of the fact that we may not be getting out just yet. // this allows things in the script to happen before ejection actually occurs (such as screen fades). vehicleController.GetVehicle()->OnExit(); // this is done because having an exit delay when the player is dead was causing bustedness if you died in the walker // specifically the restart menu would not appear if you were still in the walker if ( health > 0 ) { PostEventMS( &AI_PostExitVehicle, vehicleController.GetVehicle()->spawnArgs.GetInt( "exit_vehicle_delay" ), force ); } else { ExitVehicle(true); } } /* ===================== idActor::Event_Flashlight ===================== */ void idActor::Event_Flashlight( bool on ) { if ( on ) { FlashlightUpdate(true); } else { if ( flashlightHandle != -1 ) { gameRenderWorld->FreeLightDef ( flashlightHandle ); flashlightHandle = -1; } if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "flashlight_flaresurf", NULL ) ) { HideSurface( spawnArgs.GetString( "flashlight_flaresurf", NULL ) ); } if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "fx_flashlight", NULL ) ) { StopEffect( "fx_flashlight", true ); } } } /* ===================== idActor::FlashlightUpdate ===================== */ void idActor::FlashlightUpdate ( bool forceOn ) { // Dont do anything if flashlight is off and its not being forced on if ( !forceOn && flashlightHandle == -1 ) { return; } if ( !flashlight.lightRadius[0] || flashlightJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) { return; } if ( forceOn && flashlightHandle == -1 ) { //first time turning it on if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "flashlight_flaresurf", NULL ) ) { ShowSurface( spawnArgs.GetString( "flashlight_flaresurf", NULL ) ); } if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "fx_flashlight", NULL ) ) { PlayEffect( "fx_flashlight", flashlightJoint, true ); } } // the flash has an explicit joint for locating it GetJointWorldTransform ( flashlightJoint, gameLocal.time, flashlight.origin, flashlight.axis ); flashlight.origin += flashlightOffset * flashlight.axis; if ( flashlightHandle != -1 ) { gameRenderWorld->UpdateLightDef( flashlightHandle, &flashlight ); } else { flashlightHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddLightDef( &flashlight ); } } // RAVEN END /* ===================== idActor::GetViewPos ===================== */ void idActor::GetViewPos( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis ) const { origin = GetEyePosition(); axis = viewAxis; } /* ===================== idActor::CheckFOV ===================== */ bool idActor::CheckFOV( const idVec3 &pos, float ang ) const { float testAng = ( ang != -1.0f ) ? idMath::Cos( DEG2RAD( ang * 0.5f ) ) : fovDot; if ( testAng == 1.0f ) { return true; } if(!GetPhysics()) { return false; } float dot; float dist; idVec3 delta; delta = pos - GetEyePosition(); dist = delta.LengthFast(); //NOTE!!! //This logic is BACKWARDS, but it's too late in the project //for me to feel comfortable fixing this. It SHOULD be: //if ( ang == -1.0f ) // - MCG if ( ang != -1.0f ) {//not overriding dot test value if (distGetGravityNormal(); // infinite vertical vision, so project it onto our orientation plane delta -= gravityDir * ( gravityDir * delta ); delta.Normalize(); dot = viewAxis[ 0 ] * delta; return ( dot >= testAng ); } /* ===================== idActor::HasFOV ===================== */ bool idActor::HasFOV( idEntity *ent ) { // Fixme: Make this do something, anything. return true; } // RAVEN END /* ===================== idActor::CanSee ===================== */ bool idActor::CanSee( const idEntity *ent, bool useFov ) const { return CanSeeFrom ( GetEyePosition ( ), ent, useFov ); } /* ===================== idActor::CanSeeFrom ===================== */ bool idActor::CanSeeFrom ( const idVec3& from, const idEntity *ent, bool useFov ) const { idVec3 toPos; if ( !ent || ent->IsHidden() ) { return false; } if ( ent->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { toPos = ((idActor*)ent)->GetEyePosition(); } else { toPos = ent->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().GetCenter ( ); } return CanSeeFrom ( from, toPos, useFov ); } bool idActor::CanSeeFrom ( const idVec3& from, const idVec3& toPos, bool useFov ) const { trace_t tr; if ( useFov && !CheckFOV( toPos ) ) { return false; } if ( g_perfTest_aiNoVisTrace.GetBool() ) { return true; } gameLocal.TracePoint( this, tr, from, toPos, MASK_OPAQUE, this ); if ( tr.fraction >= 1.0f ) { // || ( gameLocal.GetTraceEntity( tr ) == ent ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ===================== idActor::GetRenderView ===================== */ renderView_t *idActor::GetRenderView() { renderView_t *rv = idEntity::GetRenderView(); rv->viewaxis = viewAxis; rv->vieworg = GetEyePosition(); return rv; } /*********************************************************************** Model/Ragdoll ***********************************************************************/ /* ================ idActor::SetCombatModel ================ */ void idActor::SetCombatModel( void ) { idAFAttachment *headEnt; // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: set the combat model reguardless if ( 1 ) { // !use_combat_bbox ) { // RAVEN END if ( combatModel ) { combatModel->Unlink(); combatModel->LoadModel( modelDefHandle ); } else { // RAVEN BEGIN // mwhitlock: Dynamic memory consolidation RV_PUSH_HEAP_MEM(this); // RAVEN END combatModel = new idClipModel( modelDefHandle ); // RAVEN BEGIN // mwhitlock: Dynamic memory consolidation RV_POP_HEAP(); // RAVEN END } headEnt = head.GetEntity(); if ( headEnt ) { headEnt->SetCombatModel(); } } } /* ================ idActor::GetCombatModel ================ */ idClipModel *idActor::GetCombatModel( void ) const { return combatModel; } /* ================ idActor::LinkCombat ================ */ void idActor::LinkCombat( void ) { idAFAttachment *headEnt; if ( fl.hidden || use_combat_bbox ) { return; } if ( combatModel ) { // RAVEN BEGIN // ddynerman: multiple clip worlds combatModel->Link( this, 0, renderEntity.origin, renderEntity.axis, modelDefHandle ); // RAVEN END } headEnt = head.GetEntity(); if ( headEnt ) { headEnt->LinkCombat(); } } /* ================ idActor::UnlinkCombat ================ */ void idActor::UnlinkCombat( void ) { idAFAttachment *headEnt; if ( combatModel ) { combatModel->Unlink(); } headEnt = head.GetEntity(); if ( headEnt ) { headEnt->UnlinkCombat(); } } /* ================ idActor::StartRagdoll ================ */ bool idActor::StartRagdoll( void ) { float slomoStart, slomoEnd; float jointFrictionDent, jointFrictionDentStart, jointFrictionDentEnd; float contactFrictionDent, contactFrictionDentStart, contactFrictionDentEnd; // if no AF loaded if ( !af.IsLoaded() ) { return false; } // if the AF is already active if ( af.IsActive() ) { return true; } // Raise the origin up 5 units to help ensure the ragdoll doesnt start in the ground GetPhysics()->SetOrigin( GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal() * -5.0f ); UpdateModelTransform(); // disable the monster bounding box GetPhysics()->DisableClip(); af.StartFromCurrentPose( spawnArgs.GetInt( "velocityTime", "0" ) ); slomoStart = MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ) + spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ragdoll_slomoStart", "-1.6" ); slomoEnd = MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ) + spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ragdoll_slomoEnd", "0.8" ); // do the first part of the death in slow motion af.GetPhysics()->SetTimeScaleRamp( slomoStart, slomoEnd ); jointFrictionDent = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ragdoll_jointFrictionDent", "0.1" ); jointFrictionDentStart = MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ) + spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ragdoll_jointFrictionStart", "0.2" ); jointFrictionDentEnd = MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ) + spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ragdoll_jointFrictionEnd", "1.2" ); // set joint friction dent af.GetPhysics()->SetJointFrictionDent( jointFrictionDent, jointFrictionDentStart, jointFrictionDentEnd ); contactFrictionDent = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ragdoll_contactFrictionDent", "0.1" ); contactFrictionDentStart = MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ) + spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ragdoll_contactFrictionStart", "1.0" ); contactFrictionDentEnd = MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ) + spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ragdoll_contactFrictionEnd", "2.0" ); // set contact friction dent af.GetPhysics()->SetContactFrictionDent( contactFrictionDent, contactFrictionDentStart, contactFrictionDentEnd ); // drop any items the actor is holding idList list; idMoveableItem::DropItems( this, "death", &list ); for ( int i = 0; i < list.Num(); i++ ) { if ( list[i] && list[i]->GetPhysics() ) { idVec3 velocity; float pitchDir = gameLocal.random.CRandomFloat()>0.0f?1.0f:-1.0f; float yawDir = gameLocal.random.CRandomFloat()>0.0f?1.0f:-1.0f; float rollDir = gameLocal.random.CRandomFloat()>0.0f?1.0f:-1.0f; velocity.Set( pitchDir*((gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * 200.0f) + 50.0f), yawDir*((gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * 200.0f) + 50.0f), (gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * 300.0f) + 100.0f ); list[i]->GetPhysics()->SetAngularVelocity( idVec3( pitchDir*((gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * 6.0f) + 2.0f), yawDir*((gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * 6.0f) + 2.0f), rollDir*((gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * 10.0f) + 3.0f))); if ( gibbed ) { //only throw them if we end up gibbed? list[i]->GetPhysics()->SetLinearVelocity( velocity ); } } } // drop any articulated figures the actor is holding idAFEntity_Base::DropAFs( this, "death", NULL ); RemoveAttachments(); // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: evaluate one ragdoll frame RunPhysics(); // RAVEN END return true; } /* ================ idActor::StopRagdoll ================ */ void idActor::StopRagdoll( void ) { if ( af.IsActive() ) { af.Stop(); } } /* ================ idActor::UpdateAnimationControllers ================ */ bool idActor::UpdateAnimationControllers( void ) { if ( af.IsActive() ) { return idAFEntity_Gibbable::UpdateAnimationControllers(); } else { animator.ClearAFPose(); } if ( walkIK.IsInitialized() ) { walkIK.Evaluate(); return true; } idMat3 axis; idAnimatedEntity* headEnt = head.GetEntity( ); if ( !headEnt ) { headEnt = this; } // Dynamically update the eye offset if a joint was specified if ( eyeOffsetJoint != INVALID_JOINT ) { headEnt->GetJointWorldTransform( eyeOffsetJoint, gameLocal.time, eyeOffset, axis ); eyeOffset = (eyeOffset - GetPhysics()->GetOrigin()) * viewAxis.Transpose( ); } if ( DebugFilter( ai_debugMove ) ) { // RED = Eye Pos & orientation gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorRed, GetEyePosition(), GetEyePosition() + viewAxis[ 0 ] * 32.0f, 4, gameLocal.msec ); } // Dynamically update the chest offset if a joint was specified if ( chestOffsetJoint != INVALID_JOINT ) { GetJointWorldTransform( chestOffsetJoint, gameLocal.time, chestOffset, axis ); chestOffset = ( chestOffset - GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ) * viewAxis.Transpose(); } if ( DebugFilter( ai_debugMove ) ) { // RED = Eye Pos & orientation gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorPink, GetChestPosition(), GetChestPosition() + viewAxis[ 0 ] * 32.0f, 4, gameLocal.msec ); } return false; } /* ================ idActor::RemoveAttachments ================ */ void idActor::RemoveAttachments( void ) { int i; idEntity *ent; // remove any attached entities for( i = 0; i < attachments.Num(); i++ ) { ent = attachments[ i ].ent.GetEntity(); if ( ent && ent->spawnArgs.GetBool( "remove" ) ) { ent->PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); } } } /* ================ idActor::Attach ================ */ void idActor::Attach( idEntity *ent ) { idVec3 origin; idMat3 axis; jointHandle_t joint; idStr jointName; idAttachInfo &attach = attachments.Alloc(); idAngles angleOffset; idVec3 originOffset; jointName = ent->spawnArgs.GetString( "joint" ); joint = animator.GetJointHandle( jointName ); if ( joint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Error( "Joint '%s' not found for attaching '%s' on '%s'", jointName.c_str(), ent->GetClassname(), name.c_str() ); } angleOffset = ent->spawnArgs.GetAngles( "angles" ); originOffset = ent->spawnArgs.GetVector( "origin" ); attach.channel = animator.GetChannelForJoint( joint ); GetJointWorldTransform( joint, gameLocal.time, origin, axis ); attach.ent = ent; ent->SetOrigin( origin + originOffset * renderEntity.axis ); idMat3 rotate = angleOffset.ToMat3(); idMat3 newAxis = rotate * axis; ent->SetAxis( newAxis ); ent->BindToJoint( this, joint, true ); ent->cinematic = cinematic; } idEntity* idActor::FindAttachment( const char* attachmentName ) { idEntity *ent = NULL; const char* fullName = va("idAFAttachment_%s",attachmentName); // find the specified attachment for( int i = 0; i < attachments.Num(); i++ ) { ent = attachments[ i ].ent.GetEntity(); if ( ent && !ent->name.CmpPrefix(fullName) ) { return ent; } } return NULL; } void idActor::HideAttachment( const char* attachmentName ) { idEntity *ent = FindAttachment( attachmentName ); if ( ent ) { ent->Hide(); } } void idActor::ShowAttachment( const char* attachmentName ) { idEntity *ent = FindAttachment( attachmentName ); if ( ent ) { ent->Show(); } } /* ================ idActor::Teleport ================ */ void idActor::Teleport( const idVec3 &origin, const idAngles &angles, idEntity *destination ) { GetPhysics()->SetOrigin( origin + idVec3( 0, 0, CM_CLIP_EPSILON ) ); GetPhysics()->SetLinearVelocity( vec3_origin ); viewAxis = angles.ToMat3(); UpdateVisuals(); if ( !IsHidden() ) { // kill anything at the new position gameLocal.KillBox( this ); } } /* ================ idActor::GetDeltaViewAngles ================ */ const idAngles &idActor::GetDeltaViewAngles( void ) const { return deltaViewAngles; } /* ================ idActor::SetDeltaViewAngles ================ */ void idActor::SetDeltaViewAngles( const idAngles &delta ) { deltaViewAngles = delta; } /* ================ idActor::HasEnemies ================ */ bool idActor::HasEnemies( void ) const { idActor *ent; for( ent = enemyList.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->enemyNode.Next() ) { if ( !ent->fl.hidden ) { return true; } } return false; } /* ================ idActor::ClosestEnemyToPoint ================ */ idActor *idActor::ClosestEnemyToPoint( const idVec3 &pos, float maxRange, bool returnFirst, bool checkPVS ) { idActor *ent; idActor *bestEnt; float bestDistSquared; float distSquared; idVec3 delta; pvsHandle_t pvs; //just to supress the compiler warning pvs.i = 0; if ( checkPVS ) { // Setup our local variables used in the search pvs = gameLocal.pvs.SetupCurrentPVS( GetPVSAreas(), GetNumPVSAreas() ); } bestDistSquared = maxRange?(maxRange*maxRange):idMath::INFINITY; bestEnt = NULL; for( ent = enemyList.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->enemyNode.Next() ) { if ( ent->fl.hidden ) { continue; } delta = ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() - pos; distSquared = delta.LengthSqr(); if ( distSquared < bestDistSquared ) { if ( checkPVS ) { // If this enemy isnt in the same pvps then use them as a backup if ( pvs.i > 0 && pvs.i < MAX_CURRENT_PVS && !gameLocal.pvs.InCurrentPVS( pvs, ent->GetPVSAreas(), ent->GetNumPVSAreas() ) ) { continue; } } bestEnt = ent; bestDistSquared = distSquared; if ( returnFirst ) { break; } } } if ( checkPVS ) { gameLocal.pvs.FreeCurrentPVS( pvs ); } return bestEnt; } /* ================ idActor::EnemyWithMostHealth ================ */ idActor *idActor::EnemyWithMostHealth() { idActor *ent; idActor *bestEnt; int most = -9999; bestEnt = NULL; for( ent = enemyList.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->enemyNode.Next() ) { if ( !ent->fl.hidden && ( ent->health > most ) ) { bestEnt = ent; most = ent->health; } } return bestEnt; } /* ================ idActor::OnLadder ================ */ bool idActor::OnLadder( void ) const { return false; } /* ============== idActor::GetAASLocation ============== */ void idActor::GetAASLocation( idAAS *aas, idVec3 &pos, int &areaNum ) const { idVec3 size; idBounds bounds; GetFloorPos( 64.0f, pos ); if ( !aas ) { areaNum = 0; return; } size = aas->GetSettings()->boundingBoxes[0][1]; bounds[0] = -size; size.z = 32.0f; bounds[1] = size; areaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( pos, bounds, AREA_REACHABLE_WALK ); if ( areaNum ) { aas->PushPointIntoAreaNum( areaNum, pos ); } } /*********************************************************************** animation state ***********************************************************************/ /* ===================== idActor::StopAnimState ===================== */ void idActor::StopAnimState ( int channel ) { GetAnimState ( channel ).Shutdown ( ); } /* ===================== idActor::PostAnimState ===================== */ void idActor::PostAnimState ( int channel, const char* statename, int blendFrames, int delay, int flags ) { GetAnimState ( channel ).PostState ( statename, blendFrames, delay, flags ); } /* ===================== idActor::SetAnimState ===================== */ void idActor::SetAnimState( int channel, const char *statename, int blendFrames, int flags ) { switch ( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : headAnim.GetStateThread().Clear ( ); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : torsoAnim.GetStateThread().Clear ( ); legsAnim.Enable( blendFrames ); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : legsAnim.GetStateThread().Clear ( ); torsoAnim.Enable( blendFrames ); break; } OnStateChange ( channel ); PostAnimState ( channel, statename, blendFrames, flags ); } /* ===================== idActor::OnStateChange ===================== */ void idActor::OnStateChange ( int channel ) { allowEyeFocus = true; // Only clear eye focus on head channel change if ( channel == ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD ) { return; } disablePain = false; } /* ===================== idActor::OnFriendlyFire ===================== */ void idActor::OnFriendlyFire ( idActor* attacker ) { } /* ===================== idActor::UpdateAnimState ===================== */ void idActor::UpdateAnimState( void ) { // RAVEN BEGIN // jnewquist: Tag scope and callees to track allocations using "new". MEM_SCOPED_TAG(tag,MA_ANIM); // RAVEN END headAnim.UpdateState(); torsoAnim.UpdateState(); legsAnim.UpdateState(); } /* ===================== idActor::GetAnim ===================== */ int idActor::GetAnim( int channel, const char *animname, bool forcePrefix ) { int anim; const char *temp; idAnimator *animatorPtr; if ( channel == ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD ) { if ( !head.GetEntity() ) { return 0; } animatorPtr = head.GetEntity()->GetAnimator(); } else { animatorPtr = &animator; } // Allow for anim substitution animname = spawnArgs.GetString ( va("anim %s", animname ), animname ); if ( animPrefix.Length() ) { temp = va( "%s_%s", animPrefix.c_str(), animname ); anim = animatorPtr->GetAnim( temp ); if ( anim ) { return anim; } else if ( forcePrefix ) { return NULL; } } anim = animatorPtr->GetAnim( animname ); return anim; } /* =============== idActor::SyncAnimChannels =============== */ void idActor::SyncAnimChannels( int channel, int syncToChannel, int blendFrames ) { idAnimator *headAnimator; idAFAttachment *headEnt; int anim; idAnimBlend *syncAnim; int starttime; int blendTime; int cycle; blendTime = FRAME2MS( blendFrames ); if ( channel == ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD ) { headEnt = head.GetEntity(); if ( headEnt ) { headAnimator = headEnt->GetAnimator(); syncAnim = animator.CurrentAnim( syncToChannel ); if ( syncAnim ) { anim = headAnimator->GetAnim( syncAnim->AnimFullName() ); if ( !anim ) { anim = headAnimator->GetAnim( syncAnim->AnimName() ); } if ( anim ) { cycle = animator.CurrentAnim( syncToChannel )->GetCycleCount(); starttime = animator.CurrentAnim( syncToChannel )->GetStartTime(); headAnimator->PlayAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, anim, gameLocal.time, blendTime ); headAnimator->CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetCycleCount( cycle ); headAnimator->CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetStartTime( starttime ); } else { headEnt->PlayIdleAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, blendTime ); } } } } else if ( syncToChannel == ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD ) { headEnt = head.GetEntity(); if ( headEnt ) { headAnimator = headEnt->GetAnimator(); syncAnim = headAnimator->CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS ); if ( syncAnim ) { anim = GetAnim( channel, syncAnim->AnimFullName() ); if ( !anim ) { anim = GetAnim( channel, syncAnim->AnimName() ); } if ( anim ) { cycle = headAnimator->CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->GetCycleCount(); starttime = headAnimator->CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->GetStartTime(); animator.PlayAnim( channel, anim, gameLocal.time, blendTime ); animator.CurrentAnim( channel )->SetCycleCount( cycle ); animator.CurrentAnim( channel )->SetStartTime( starttime ); } } } } else { animator.SyncAnimChannels( channel, syncToChannel, gameLocal.time, blendTime ); } } /*********************************************************************** Damage ***********************************************************************/ /* ============ idActor::Gib ============ */ void idActor::Gib( const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName ) { // for multiplayer we use client-side models if ( gameLocal.isMultiplayer ) { return; } // only gib once if ( gibbed ) { return; } idAFEntity_Gibbable::Gib( dir, damageDefName ); if ( head.GetEntity() ) { head.GetEntity()->Hide(); } StopSound( SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, false ); gameLocal.PlayEffect ( spawnArgs, "fx_gib", GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), GetPhysics()->GetAxis() ); } void idActor::CheckDeathObjectives( void ) { idPlayer *player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !player || !player->GetObjectiveHud() ) { return; } if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "objectivetitle_failed", NULL ) ) { player->GetObjectiveHud()->SetStateString( "objective", "2" ); player->GetObjectiveHud()->SetStateString( "objectivetext", common->GetLocalizedString( spawnArgs.GetString( "objectivetext_failed" ) ) ); player->GetObjectiveHud()->SetStateString( "objectivetitle", common->GetLocalizedString( spawnArgs.GetString( "objectivetitle_failed" ) ) ); player->FailObjective( spawnArgs.GetString( "objectivetitle_failed" ) ); } if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "objectivetitle_completed", NULL ) ) { player->GetObjectiveHud()->SetStateString( "objective", "2" ); player->GetObjectiveHud()->SetStateString( "objectivetext", common->GetLocalizedString( spawnArgs.GetString( "objectivetext_completed" ) ) ); player->GetObjectiveHud()->SetStateString( "objectivetitle", common->GetLocalizedString( spawnArgs.GetString( "objectivetitle_completed" ) ) ); player->CompleteObjective( spawnArgs.GetString( "objectivetitle_completed" ) ); } } /* ============ idActor::Damage this entity that is being damaged inflictor entity that is causing the damage attacker entity that caused the inflictor to damage targ example: this=monster, inflictor=rocket, attacker=player dir direction of the attack for knockback in global space point point at which the damage is being inflicted, used for headshots damage amount of damage being inflicted inflictor, attacker, dir, and point can be NULL for environmental effects Bleeding wounds and surface overlays are applied in the collision code that calls Damage() ============ */ void idActor::Damage( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName, const float damageScale, const int location ) { if ( !fl.takedamage ) { return; } if ( !inflictor ) { inflictor = gameLocal.world; } if ( !attacker ) { attacker = gameLocal.world; } const idDict *damageDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( damageDefName, false ); if ( !damageDef ) { gameLocal.Error( "Unknown damageDef '%s'", damageDefName ); } int damage = damageDef->GetInt( "damage" ) * damageScale; damage = GetDamageForLocation( damage, location ); // friendly fire damage bool noDmgFeedback = false; if ( attacker->IsType ( idActor::Type ) && static_cast(attacker)->team == team ) { OnFriendlyFire ( static_cast(attacker) ); // jshepard: // if the player deals friendly fire damage it is reduced to 0. If the damage is splash damage, // then the victim should use a pain anim. if( static_cast( attacker ) == gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() ) { //play pain (maybe one day a special anim?) for damages that have the cower keyword if ( damageDef->GetBool( "cower" )) { Pain( inflictor, attacker, damage, dir, location ); } //reduce the damage damage = 0; noDmgFeedback = true; } // reduce friendly fire damage by the teamscale damage = floor( damage * damageDef->GetFloat ( "teamScale", "0.5" ) ); } if ( !IsType( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) && attacker->IsType( idAI::GetClassType() ) ) { if ( ((idAI*)attacker)->aifl.killerGuard ) { //Hard-coded to do lots of damage damage = 100; } } if ( !noDmgFeedback ) { // inform the attacker that they hit someone attacker->DamageFeedback( this, inflictor, damage ); } // RAVEN BEGIN // jnewquist: FIXME - Was this removed from Xenon intentionally? #ifdef _XENON // singleplayer stat reporting. if(!gameLocal.isMultiplayer) { int methodOfDeath = -1; // jnewquist: Use accessor for static class type if ( inflictor->IsType( idProjectile::GetClassType() ) ) { // RAVEN END methodOfDeath = static_cast(inflictor)->methodOfDeath; } else if ( inflictor->IsType( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) ) { // hitscan weapon methodOfDeath = static_cast(inflictor)->GetCurrentWeapon(); } if( methodOfDeath != -1 && attacker && attacker->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { // jnewquist: Fix Xenon compile warning statManager->WeaponHit( static_cast (attacker) , this, methodOfDeath, !!damage ); } } #endif // RAVEN END // RAVEN BEGIN // MCG - added damage over time if ( !inDamageEvent ) { if ( damageDef->GetFloat( "dot_duration" ) ) { int endTime; if ( damageDef->GetFloat( "dot_duration" ) == -1 ) { endTime = -1; } else { endTime = gameLocal.GetTime() + SEC2MS(damageDef->GetFloat( "dot_duration" )); } int interval = SEC2MS(damageDef->GetFloat( "dot_interval", "0" )); if ( endTime == -1 || gameLocal.GetTime() + interval <= endTime ) {//post it again PostEventMS( &EV_DamageOverTime, interval, endTime, interval, inflictor, attacker, dir, damageDefName, damageScale, location ); } if ( damageDef->GetString( "fx_dot", NULL ) ) { ProcessEvent( &EV_DamageOverTimeEffect, endTime, interval, damageDefName ); } if ( damageDef->GetString( "snd_dot_start", NULL ) ) { StartSound ( "snd_dot_start", SND_CHANNEL_ANY, 0, false, NULL ); } } } // RAVEN END if ( damage > 0 ) { int oldHealth = health; AdjustHealthByDamage ( damage ); if ( health <= 0 ) { //allow for quick burning if (damageDef->GetFloat( "quickburn", "0" ) && !spawnArgs.GetFloat("no_quickburn", "0")) { fl.quickBurn = true; } if ( health < -999 ) { health = -999; } //annoying hack for StartRagdoll bool saveGibbed = gibbed; bool canDMG_Gib = (spawnArgs.GetBool( "gib" ) | spawnArgs.GetBool( "DMG_gib" )); if ( health < -20 ) { if ( (spawnArgs.GetBool( "gib" ) && damageDef->GetBool( "gib" )) || (canDMG_Gib && damageDef->GetBool( "DMG_gib"))) { gibbed = true; } } Killed( inflictor, attacker, damage, dir, location ); gibbed = saveGibbed; if ( health < -20 ) { if ( (spawnArgs.GetBool( "gib" ) && damageDef->GetBool( "gib" )) || (canDMG_Gib && damageDef->GetBool( "DMG_gib"))) { Gib( dir, damageDefName ); } } if ( oldHealth > 0 && !gibbed && !fl.quickBurn) { float pushScale = 1.0f; if ( inflictor && inflictor->IsType ( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) ) { pushScale = static_cast(inflictor)->PowerUpModifier ( PMOD_PROJECTILE_DEATHPUSH ); } InitDeathPush ( dir, location, damageDef, pushScale ); } } else { painType = damageDef->GetString ( "pain" ); Pain( inflictor, attacker, damage, dir, location ); } } else { // don't accumulate knockback /* if ( af.IsLoaded() ) { // clear impacts af.Rest(); // physics is turned off by calli/ng af.Rest() BecomeActive( TH_PHYSICS ); } */ } } /* ===================== idActor::InitDeathPush ===================== */ void idActor::InitDeathPush ( const idVec3& dir, int location, const idDict* damageDict, float pushScale ) { idVec2 forceMin; idVec2 forceMax; if( !af.IsActive() ) { return; } if ( deathPushTime > gameLocal.time ) { return; } if ( !damageDict->GetInt ( "deathPush", "0", deathPushTime ) || deathPushTime <= 0 ) { return; } damageDict->GetVec2( "deathPushMin", "", forceMin ); damageDict->GetVec2( "deathPushMax", "", forceMax ); /* forceMin *= (pushScale * GetPhysics()->GetMass()); forceMax *= (pushScale * GetPhysics()->GetMass()); */ forceMin *= (pushScale); forceMax *= (pushScale); deathPushForce = dir; deathPushForce.Normalize ( ); deathPushForce = rvRandom::flrand ( forceMin.x, forceMax.x ) * deathPushForce + -rvRandom::flrand ( forceMin.y, forceMax.y ) * GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal ( ); deathPushTime += gameLocal.time; deathPushJoint = (jointHandle_t) location; } /* ===================== idActor::DeathPush ===================== */ void idActor::DeathPush ( void ) { if ( deathPushTime <= gameLocal.time ) { return; } idVec3 center; center = GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds ( ).GetCenter(); GetPhysics()->ApplyImpulse ( 0, center, -0.5f * GetPhysics()->GetMass () * MS2SEC(gameLocal.GetMSec()) * GetPhysics()->GetGravity ( ) ); if ( deathPushJoint != INVALID_JOINT ) { idVec3 origin; idMat3 axis; GetJointWorldTransform ( deathPushJoint, gameLocal.time, origin, axis ); GetPhysics()->ApplyImpulse ( 0, origin, deathPushForce ); } else { GetPhysics()->ApplyImpulse ( 0, center, deathPushForce ); } } /* ===================== idActor::SkipImpulse ===================== */ bool idActor::SkipImpulse( idEntity* ent, int id ) { return idAFEntity_Gibbable::SkipImpulse( ent, id ) || health <= 0 || gibbed || ent->IsType( idActor::GetClassType() ) || ent->IsType( idProjectile::GetClassType() ); } /* ===================== idActor::AddDamageEffect ===================== */ void idActor::AddDamageEffect( const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity, const char *damageDefName, idEntity* inflictor ) { if ( !gameLocal.isMultiplayer && inflictor && inflictor->IsType ( idActor::GetClassType ( ) ) ) { if ( static_cast(inflictor)->team == team ) { return; } } idAFEntity_Gibbable::AddDamageEffect( collision, velocity, damageDefName, inflictor ); } /* ===================== idActor::ClearPain ===================== */ void idActor::ClearPain( void ) { pain_debounce_time = 0; } /* ===================== idActor::Pain ===================== */ bool idActor::Pain( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location ) { if ( af.IsLoaded() ) { // clear impacts af.Rest(); // physics is turned off by calling af.Rest() BecomeActive( TH_PHYSICS ); } if ( gameLocal.time < pain_debounce_time ) { return false; } // No pain if being hit by a friendly target // jshepard: friendly targets can now cause pain /* if ( attacker && attacker->IsType ( idActor::GetClassType ( ) ) ) { if ( static_cast( attacker )->team == team ) { return false; } } */ // don't play pain sounds more than necessary pain_debounce_time = gameLocal.time + pain_delay; float f; // RAVEN BEGIN // mekberg: fixed divide by zero float spawnHealth = spawnArgs.GetFloat ( "health", "1" ); if (spawnHealth<1.0f) { spawnHealth = 1.0f; // more devide by zero nonsense } f = (float)damage / spawnHealth; // RAVEN END if( gameLocal.isMultiplayer && IsType( idPlayer::GetClassType() ) && (health < 0.25f * ((idPlayer*)this)->inventory.maxHealth) ) { StartSound( "snd_pain_low_health", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, 0, false, NULL ); } else { if ( f > 0.75f ) { StartSound( "snd_pain_huge", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, 0, false, NULL ); } else if ( f > 0.5f ) { StartSound( "snd_pain_large", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, 0, false, NULL ); } else if ( f > 0.25f ) { StartSound( "snd_pain_medium", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, 0, false, NULL ); } else { StartSound( "snd_pain_small", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, 0, false, NULL ); } } if ( disablePain || ( gameLocal.time < painTime ) ) { // don't play a pain anim return false; } // set the pain anim idStr damageGroup = GetDamageGroup( location ); painAnim.Clear ( ); // If we have both a damage group and a pain type then check that combination first if ( damageGroup.Length ( ) && painType.Length ( ) ) { painAnim = va ( "pain_%s_%s", painType.c_str(), damageGroup.c_str() ); if ( !animator.HasAnim ( painAnim ) ) { painAnim.Clear ( ); } } // Do we have a pain anim for just the pain type? if ( !painAnim.Length ( ) && painType.Length ( ) ) { painAnim = va ( "pain_%s", painType.c_str() ); if ( !animator.HasAnim ( painAnim ) ) { painAnim.Clear ( ); } } // Do we have a pain anim for just the damage group? if ( !painAnim.Length ( ) && damageGroup.Length ( ) ) { painAnim = va ( "pain_%s", damageGroup.c_str() ); if ( !animator.HasAnim ( painAnim ) ) { painAnim.Clear ( ); } } if ( !painAnim.Length() ) { painAnim = "pain"; } if ( g_debugDamage.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Damage: joint: '%s', zone '%s', anim '%s'\n", animator.GetJointName( ( jointHandle_t )location ), damageGroup.c_str(), painAnim.c_str() ); } return true; } /* ===================== idActor::SpawnGibs ===================== */ void idActor::SpawnGibs( const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName ) { idAFEntity_Gibbable::SpawnGibs( dir, damageDefName ); RemoveAttachments(); } /* ===================== idActor::SetupDamageGroups FIXME: only store group names once and store an index for each joint ===================== */ void idActor::SetupDamageGroups( void ) { int i; const idKeyValue *arg; idStr groupname; idList jointList; int jointnum; float scale; // create damage zones damageGroups.SetNum( animator.NumJoints() ); arg = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "damage_zone ", NULL ); while ( arg ) { groupname = arg->GetKey(); groupname.Strip( "damage_zone " ); animator.GetJointList( arg->GetValue(), jointList ); for( i = 0; i < jointList.Num(); i++ ) { jointnum = jointList[ i ]; damageGroups[ jointnum ] = groupname; } jointList.Clear(); arg = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "damage_zone ", arg ); } // initilize the damage zones to normal damage damageScale.SetNum( animator.NumJoints() ); for( i = 0; i < damageScale.Num(); i++ ) { damageScale[ i ] = 1.0f; } // set the percentage on damage zones arg = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "damage_scale ", NULL ); while ( arg ) { scale = atof( arg->GetValue() ); groupname = arg->GetKey(); groupname.Strip( "damage_scale " ); for( i = 0; i < damageScale.Num(); i++ ) { if ( damageGroups[ i ] == groupname ) { damageScale[ i ] = scale; } } arg = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "damage_scale ", arg ); } } /* ===================== idActor::GetDamageForLocation ===================== */ int idActor::GetDamageForLocation( int damage, int location ) { if ( ( location < 0 ) || ( location >= damageScale.Num() ) ) { return damage; } return (int)ceil( damage * damageScale[ location ] ); } /* ===================== idActor::GetDamageGroup ===================== */ const char *idActor::GetDamageGroup( int location ) { if ( ( location < 0 ) || ( location >= damageGroups.Num() ) ) { return ""; } return damageGroups[ location ]; } // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: added for vehicle /* ============== idActor::ExitVehicle ============== */ bool idActor::ExitVehicle ( bool force ) { idMat3 axis; idVec3 origin; if ( !IsInVehicle ( ) ) { return false; } if ( vehicleController.GetVehicle()->IsLocked() ) { if ( force ) { vehicleController.GetVehicle()->Unlock(); } else { return false; } } if( !vehicleController.FindClearExitPoint(origin, axis) ) { if ( force ) { origin = GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + idVec3( spawnArgs.GetVector( "forced_exit_offset", "-100 0 0" ) ); axis = GetPhysics()->GetAxis(); } else { return false; } } vehicleController.Eject ( force ); GetPhysics()->SetOrigin( origin ); viewAxis = axis[0].ToMat3(); GetPhysics()->SetAxis( mat3_identity ); GetPhysics()->SetLinearVelocity( vec3_origin ); return true; } /* ===================== idActor::EnterVehicle ===================== */ bool idActor::EnterVehicle ( idEntity* ent ) { // RAVEN BEGIN // jnewquist: Use accessor for static class type if ( IsInVehicle ( ) || !ent->IsType ( rvVehicle::GetClassType() ) ) { // RAVEN END return false ; } // Get in the vehicle if ( !vehicleController.Drive ( static_cast(ent), this ) ) { return false; } return true; } // RAVEN END /*********************************************************************** Events ***********************************************************************/ /* ===================== idActor::FootStep ===================== */ void idActor::FootStep ( void ) { const char* sound; const rvDeclMatType* materialType; if ( !GetPhysics()->HasGroundContacts() ) { return; } // start footstep sound based on material type materialType = GetPhysics()->GetContact( 0 ).materialType; sound = NULL; // Sound based on material type? if ( materialType ) { sound = spawnArgs.GetString( va( "snd_footstep_%s", materialType->GetName() ) ); } if ( !sound || !*sound ) { sound = spawnArgs.GetString( "snd_footstep" ); } // If we have a sound then play it if ( sound && *sound ) { StartSoundShader( declManager->FindSound( sound ), SND_CHANNEL_BODY, 0, false, NULL ); } } /* ===================== idActor::Event_EnableEyeFocus ===================== */ void idActor::Event_EnableEyeFocus( void ) { allowEyeFocus = true; blink_time = gameLocal.time + blink_min + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * ( blink_max - blink_min ); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_DisableEyeFocus ===================== */ void idActor::Event_DisableEyeFocus( void ) { allowEyeFocus = false; idEntity *headEnt = head.GetEntity(); if ( headEnt ) { headEnt->GetAnimator()->Clear( ANIMCHANNEL_EYELIDS, gameLocal.time, FRAME2MS( 2 ) ); } else { animator.Clear( ANIMCHANNEL_EYELIDS, gameLocal.time, FRAME2MS( 2 ) ); } } /* ===================== idActor::Event_EnableBlink ===================== */ void idActor::Event_EnableBlink( void ) { blink_time = gameLocal.time + blink_min + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * ( blink_max - blink_min ); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_DisableBlink ===================== */ void idActor::Event_DisableBlink( void ) { blink_time = 0x7FFFFFFF; } /* =============== idActor::Event_Footstep =============== */ void idActor::Event_Footstep( void ) { FootStep ( ); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_EnableWalkIK ===================== */ void idActor::Event_EnableWalkIK( void ) { walkIK.EnableAll(); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_DisableWalkIK ===================== */ void idActor::Event_DisableWalkIK( void ) { walkIK.DisableAll(); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_EnableLegIK ===================== */ void idActor::Event_EnableLegIK( int num ) { walkIK.EnableLeg( num ); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_DisableLegIK ===================== */ void idActor::Event_DisableLegIK( int num ) { walkIK.DisableLeg( num ); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_PreventPain ===================== */ void idActor::Event_PreventPain( float duration ) { painTime = gameLocal.time + SEC2MS( duration ); } /* =============== idActor::Event_DisablePain =============== */ void idActor::Event_DisablePain( void ) { // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: reversed var disablePain = true; // RAVEN END } /* =============== idActor::Event_EnablePain =============== */ void idActor::Event_EnablePain( void ) { // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: reversed var disablePain = false; // RAVEN END } /* ===================== idActor::Event_SetAnimPrefix ===================== */ void idActor::Event_SetAnimPrefix( const char *prefix ) { animPrefix = prefix; } /* =============== idActor::Event_StopAnim =============== */ void idActor::Event_StopAnim( int channel, int frames ) { switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : headAnim.StopAnim( frames ); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : torsoAnim.StopAnim( frames ); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : legsAnim.StopAnim( frames ); break; default: gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); break; } } /* =============== idActor::Event_PlayAnim =============== */ void idActor::Event_PlayAnim( int channel, const char *animname ) { idThread::ReturnFloat( MS2SEC(PlayAnim(channel, animname, -1)) ); } /* =============== idActor::Event_PlayCycle =============== */ void idActor::Event_PlayCycle( int channel, const char *animname ) { PlayCycle ( channel, animname, -1 ); idThread::ReturnInt( true ); } /* ===================== idAI::DebugFilter ===================== */ bool idActor::DebugFilter ( const idCVar& test ) const { return ( health>0 && (test.GetBool() || test.GetInteger()>0) && (!ai_debugFilterString.GetString()[0] || !stricmp( name.c_str(), ai_debugFilterString.GetString() ))); } /* =============== idActor::Event_IdleAnim =============== */ void idActor::Event_IdleAnim( int channel, const char *animname ) { int anim; anim = GetAnim( channel, animname ); if ( !anim ) { if ( ( channel == ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD ) && head.GetEntity() ) { gameLocal.Warning( "missing '%s' animation on '%s' (%s)", animname, name.c_str(), spawnArgs.GetString( "def_head", "" ) ); } else { gameLocal.Warning( "missing '%s' animation on '%s' (%s)", animname, name.c_str(), GetEntityDefName() ); } switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : headAnim.BecomeIdle(); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : torsoAnim.BecomeIdle(); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : legsAnim.BecomeIdle(); break; default: gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); } idThread::ReturnInt( false ); return; } switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : headAnim.BecomeIdle(); if ( torsoAnim.GetAnimFlags().prevent_idle_override ) { // don't sync to torso body if it doesn't override idle anims headAnim.CycleAnim( anim ); } else if ( torsoAnim.IsIdle() && legsAnim.IsIdle() ) { // everything is idle, so play the anim on the head and copy it to the torso and legs headAnim.CycleAnim( anim ); torsoAnim.animBlendFrames = headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); legsAnim.animBlendFrames = headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } else if ( torsoAnim.IsIdle() ) { // sync the head and torso to the legs SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, headAnim.animBlendFrames ); torsoAnim.animBlendFrames = headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, torsoAnim.animBlendFrames ); } else { // sync the head to the torso SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, headAnim.animBlendFrames ); } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : torsoAnim.BecomeIdle(); if ( legsAnim.GetAnimFlags().prevent_idle_override ) { // don't sync to legs if legs anim doesn't override idle anims torsoAnim.CycleAnim( anim ); } else if ( legsAnim.IsIdle() ) { // play the anim in both legs and torso torsoAnim.CycleAnim( anim ); legsAnim.animBlendFrames = torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } else { // sync the anim to the legs SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, torsoAnim.animBlendFrames ); } if ( headAnim.IsIdle() ) { SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : legsAnim.BecomeIdle(); if ( torsoAnim.GetAnimFlags().prevent_idle_override ) { // don't sync to torso if torso anim doesn't override idle anims legsAnim.CycleAnim( anim ); } else if ( torsoAnim.IsIdle() ) { // play the anim in both legs and torso legsAnim.CycleAnim( anim ); torsoAnim.animBlendFrames = legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); if ( headAnim.IsIdle() ) { SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } } else { // sync the anim to the torso SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, legsAnim.animBlendFrames ); } break; default: gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); } idThread::ReturnInt( true ); } /* ================ idActor::Event_SetSyncedAnimWeight ================ */ void idActor::Event_SetSyncedAnimWeight( int channel, int anim, float weight ) { idEntity *headEnt; headEnt = head.GetEntity(); switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : if ( headEnt ) { animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); } else { animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); } if ( torsoAnim.IsIdle() ) { animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); if ( legsAnim.IsIdle() ) { animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); } } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); if ( legsAnim.IsIdle() ) { animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); } if ( headEnt && headAnim.IsIdle() ) { headEnt->GetAnimator()->CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); if ( torsoAnim.IsIdle() ) { animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); if ( headEnt && headAnim.IsIdle() ) { headEnt->GetAnimator()->CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( anim, weight ); } } break; default: gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); } } /* =============== idActor::Event_OverrideAnim =============== */ void idActor::Event_OverrideAnim( int channel ) { switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : headAnim.Disable(); if ( !torsoAnim.IsIdle() ) { SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } else { SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : torsoAnim.Disable(); SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); if ( headAnim.IsIdle() ) { SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : legsAnim.Disable(); SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); break; default: gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); break; } } /* =============== idActor::Event_EnableAnim =============== */ void idActor::Event_EnableAnim( int channel, int blendFrames ) { switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : headAnim.Enable( blendFrames ); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : torsoAnim.Enable( blendFrames ); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : legsAnim.Enable( blendFrames ); break; default: gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); break; } } /* =============== idActor::Event_SetBlendFrames =============== */ void idActor::Event_SetBlendFrames( int channel, int blendFrames ) { switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : headAnim.animBlendFrames = blendFrames; headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames = blendFrames; break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : torsoAnim.animBlendFrames = blendFrames; torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames = blendFrames; break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : legsAnim.animBlendFrames = blendFrames; legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames = blendFrames; break; default: gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); break; } } /* =============== idActor::Event_GetBlendFrames =============== */ void idActor::Event_GetBlendFrames( int channel ) { switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : idThread::ReturnInt( headAnim.animBlendFrames ); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : idThread::ReturnInt( torsoAnim.animBlendFrames ); break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : idThread::ReturnInt( legsAnim.animBlendFrames ); break; default: gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); break; } } /* ================ idActor::Event_HasEnemies ================ */ void idActor::Event_HasEnemies( void ) { bool hasEnemy; hasEnemy = HasEnemies(); idThread::ReturnInt( hasEnemy ); } /* ================ idActor::Event_NextEnemy ================ */ void idActor::Event_NextEnemy( idEntity *ent ) { idActor *actor; if ( !ent || ( ent == this ) ) { actor = enemyList.Next(); } else { if ( !ent->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { gameLocal.Error( "'%s' cannot be an enemy", ent->name.c_str() ); } actor = static_cast( ent ); if ( actor->enemyNode.ListHead() != &enemyList ) { gameLocal.Error( "'%s' is not in '%s' enemy list", actor->name.c_str(), name.c_str() ); } } for( ; actor != NULL; actor = actor->enemyNode.Next() ) { if ( !actor->fl.hidden ) { idThread::ReturnEntity( actor ); return; } } idThread::ReturnEntity( NULL ); } /* ================ idActor::Event_ClosestEnemyToPoint ================ */ void idActor::Event_ClosestEnemyToPoint( const idVec3 &pos ) { idActor *bestEnt = ClosestEnemyToPoint( pos ); idThread::ReturnEntity( bestEnt ); } /* ================ idActor::Event_StopSound ================ */ void idActor::Event_StopSound( int channel, int netSync ) { if ( channel == SND_CHANNEL_VOICE ) { idEntity *headEnt = head.GetEntity(); if ( headEnt ) { headEnt->StopSound( channel, ( netSync != 0 ) ); } } StopSound( channel, ( netSync != 0 ) ); } /* ===================== idActor::Event_GetHead ===================== */ void idActor::Event_GetHead( void ) { idThread::ReturnEntity( head.GetEntity() ); } // RAVEN BEGIN // jshepard: added /* ===================== idActor::Event_SetAnimRate ===================== */ void idActor::Event_SetAnimRate( float multiplier ) { animator.SetPlaybackRate(multiplier); } /* =============================================================================== Wait States =============================================================================== */ /* ================ idActor::State_Wait_Frame Stop a state thread for a single frame ================ */ stateResult_t idActor::State_Wait_Frame ( const stateParms_t& parms ) { return SRESULT_DONE_WAIT; } /* ================ idActor::State_Wait_LegsAnim Stop a state thread until the animation running on the legs channel is finished ================ */ stateResult_t idActor::State_Wait_LegsAnim ( const stateParms_t& parms ) { if ( !AnimDone ( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, parms.blendFrames ) ) { return SRESULT_WAIT; } return SRESULT_DONE; } /* ================ idActor::State_Wait_TorsoAnim Stop a state thread until the animation running on the torso channel is finished ================ */ stateResult_t idActor::State_Wait_TorsoAnim ( const stateParms_t& parms ) { if ( !AnimDone ( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, parms.blendFrames ) ) { return SRESULT_WAIT; } return SRESULT_DONE; } /* ================ idActor::PlayAnim ================ */ int idActor::PlayAnim ( int channel, const char *animname, int blendFrames ) { animFlags_t flags; idEntity *headEnt; int anim; if ( blendFrames != -1 ) { Event_SetBlendFrames ( channel, blendFrames ); } anim = GetAnim( channel, animname ); if( ai_animShow.GetBool() ){ gameLocal.DPrintf( "Playing animation '%s' on '%s' (%s)\n", animname, name.c_str(), spawnArgs.GetString( "head", "" ) ); } if ( !anim ) { if ( ( channel == ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD ) && head.GetEntity() ) { gameLocal.Warning( "missing '%s' animation on '%s' (%s)", animname, name.c_str(), spawnArgs.GetString( "def_head", "" ) ); } else { gameLocal.Warning( "missing '%s' animation on '%s' (%s)", animname, name.c_str(), GetEntityDefName() ); } return 0; } switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : headEnt = head.GetEntity(); if ( headEnt ) { headAnim.idleAnim = false; headAnim.PlayAnim( anim ); flags = headAnim.GetAnimFlags(); if ( !flags.prevent_idle_override ) { if ( torsoAnim.IsIdle() ) { torsoAnim.animBlendFrames = headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); if ( legsAnim.IsIdle() ) { legsAnim.animBlendFrames = headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } } } } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : torsoAnim.idleAnim = false; torsoAnim.PlayAnim( anim ); flags = torsoAnim.GetAnimFlags(); if ( !flags.prevent_idle_override ) { if ( headAnim.IsIdle() ) { headAnim.animBlendFrames = torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } if ( legsAnim.IsIdle() ) { legsAnim.animBlendFrames = torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : legsAnim.idleAnim = false; legsAnim.PlayAnim( anim ); flags = legsAnim.GetAnimFlags(); if ( !flags.prevent_idle_override ) { if ( torsoAnim.IsIdle() ) { torsoAnim.animBlendFrames = legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); if ( headAnim.IsIdle() ) { headAnim.animBlendFrames = legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } } } break; default : gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); break; } return animator.CurrentAnim( channel )->Length(); } /* ================ idActor::PlayCycle ================ */ bool idActor::PlayCycle ( int channel, const char *animname, int blendFrames ) { animFlags_t flags; int anim; if ( blendFrames != -1 ) { Event_SetBlendFrames ( channel, blendFrames ); } anim = GetAnim( channel, animname ); if ( !anim ) { if ( ( channel == ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD ) && head.GetEntity() ) { gameLocal.Warning( "missing '%s' animation on '%s' (%s)", animname, name.c_str(), spawnArgs.GetString( "def_head", "" ) ); } else { gameLocal.Warning( "missing '%s' animation on '%s' (%s)", animname, name.c_str(), GetEntityDefName() ); } return false; } switch( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD : headAnim.idleAnim = false; headAnim.CycleAnim( anim ); flags = headAnim.GetAnimFlags(); if ( !flags.prevent_idle_override ) { if ( torsoAnim.IsIdle() && legsAnim.IsIdle() ) { torsoAnim.animBlendFrames = headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); legsAnim.animBlendFrames = headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO : torsoAnim.idleAnim = false; torsoAnim.CycleAnim( anim ); flags = torsoAnim.GetAnimFlags(); if ( !flags.prevent_idle_override ) { if ( headAnim.IsIdle() ) { headAnim.animBlendFrames = torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } if ( legsAnim.IsIdle() ) { legsAnim.animBlendFrames = torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } } break; case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS : legsAnim.idleAnim = false; legsAnim.CycleAnim( anim ); flags = legsAnim.GetAnimFlags(); if ( !flags.prevent_idle_override ) { if ( torsoAnim.IsIdle() ) { torsoAnim.animBlendFrames = legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); if ( headAnim.IsIdle() ) { headAnim.animBlendFrames = legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames; SyncAnimChannels( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD, ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames ); } } } break; default: gameLocal.Error( "Unknown anim group" ); } return true; } void idActor::IdleAnim ( int channel, const char *name, int blendFrames ) { Event_SetBlendFrames ( channel, blendFrames ); Event_IdleAnim ( channel, name ); } void idActor::OverrideAnim ( int channel ) { Event_OverrideAnim ( channel ); } idAnimState& idActor::GetAnimState ( int channel ) { switch ( channel ) { case ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS: return legsAnim; case ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO: return torsoAnim; case ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD: return headAnim; default: gameLocal.Error( "idActor::GetAnimState: Unknown anim channel" ); return torsoAnim; } } void idActor::DisableAnimState ( int channel ) { Event_OverrideAnim ( channel ); // GetAnimState ( channel ).Disable ( ); } void idActor::EnableAnimState ( int channel ) { GetAnimState ( channel ).Enable ( 4 ); } bool idActor::HasAnim ( int channel, const char* animname, bool forcePrefix ) { return GetAnim( channel, animname, forcePrefix ) != NULL; } bool idActor::AnimDone ( int channel, int blendFrames ) { return GetAnimState( channel ).AnimDone ( blendFrames ); } /* ===================== idActor::GetDebugInfo ===================== */ void idActor::GetDebugInfo ( debugInfoProc_t proc, void* userData ) { // Base class first idAFEntity_Gibbable::GetDebugInfo ( proc, userData ); proc ( "idActor", "state", stateThread.GetState()?stateThread.GetState()->state->name : "", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "legs_state", legsAnim.GetStateThread().GetState()?legsAnim.GetStateThread().GetState()->state->name:"", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "legs_disable", legsAnim.Disabled()?"true":"false", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "legs_anim", GetAnimator()->CurrentAnim ( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS ) ? GetAnimator()->CurrentAnim ( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->AnimName ( ) : "", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "torso_state", torsoAnim.GetStateThread().GetState()?torsoAnim.GetStateThread().GetState()->state->name:"", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "torso_disabled", torsoAnim.Disabled()?"true":"false", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "torso_anim", GetAnimator()->CurrentAnim ( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO ) ? GetAnimator()->CurrentAnim ( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO )->AnimName ( ) : "", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "head_state", headAnim.GetStateThread().GetState()?headAnim.GetStateThread().GetState()->state->name:"", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "head_disabled", headAnim.Disabled()?"true":"false", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "head_anim", GetAnimator()->CurrentAnim ( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD ) ? GetAnimator()->CurrentAnim ( ANIMCHANNEL_HEAD )->AnimName ( ) : "", userData ); proc ( "idActor", "painAnim", painAnim.c_str(), userData ); proc ( "idActor", "animPrefix", animPrefix.c_str(), userData ); } //MCG: damage over time void idActor::Event_DamageOverTime ( int endTime, int interval, idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName, const float damageScale, int location ) { const idDeclEntityDef* damageDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDef( damageDefName, false ); if ( damageDef ) { inDamageEvent = true; Damage( inflictor, attacker, dir, damageDefName, damageScale, location ); inDamageEvent = false; if ( endTime == -1 || gameLocal.GetTime() + interval <= endTime ) { //post it again PostEventMS( &EV_DamageOverTime, interval, endTime, interval, inflictor, attacker, dir, damageDefName, damageScale, location ); } } } void idActor::Event_DamageOverTimeEffect ( int endTime, int interval, const char *damageDefName ) { const idDeclEntityDef* damageDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDef( damageDefName, false ); if ( damageDef ) { rvClientCrawlEffect* effect; effect = new rvClientCrawlEffect ( gameLocal.GetEffect ( damageDef->dict, "fx_dot" ), this, interval ); effect->Play ( gameLocal.time, false ); if ( endTime == -1 || gameLocal.GetTime() + interval <= endTime ) { //post it again PostEventMS( &EV_DamageOverTimeEffect, interval, endTime, interval, damageDefName ); } } } // MCG: script-callable joint crawl effect void idActor::Event_JointCrawlEffect ( const char *effectKeyName, float crawlSecs ) { if ( effectKeyName ) { rvClientCrawlEffect* effect; effect = new rvClientCrawlEffect( gameLocal.GetEffect ( spawnArgs, effectKeyName ), this, 100 ); effect->Play ( gameLocal.GetTime(), false ); crawlSecs -= 0.1f; if ( crawlSecs >= 0.1f ) { PostEventMS( &EV_JointCrawlEffect, 100, effectKeyName, crawlSecs ); } } } idEntity* idActor::GetGroundElevator( idEntity* testElevator ) const { idEntity* groundEnt = GetGroundEntity(); if ( !groundEnt ) { return NULL; } while ( groundEnt->GetBindMaster() ) { groundEnt = groundEnt->GetBindMaster(); } if ( !groundEnt->IsType( idElevator::GetClassType() ) ) { return NULL; } if ( testElevator && groundEnt != testElevator ) { return groundEnt; } idEntity* traceEnt; idVec3 testPoint = GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); idVec3 testBottom; testPoint.z += 1.0f; for ( int x = 0; x < 2; x++ ) { testPoint.x = GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds()[x].x; for ( int y = 0; y < 2; y++ ) { testPoint.y = GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds()[y].y; testBottom = testPoint; testBottom.z -= 65.0f; trace_t tr; gameLocal.TracePoint( this, tr, testPoint, testBottom, GetPhysics()->GetClipMask(), this ); traceEnt = gameLocal.FindEntity( tr.c.entityNum ); if ( !traceEnt ) { return NULL; } while ( traceEnt->GetBindMaster() ) { traceEnt = traceEnt->GetBindMaster(); } if ( traceEnt != groundEnt ) { return traceEnt; } if ( testElevator && traceEnt != testElevator ) { return traceEnt; } } } return groundEnt; } void idActor::GuidedProjectileIncoming( idGuidedProjectile *projectile ) { if ( IsInVehicle() ) { if ( vehicleController.GetVehicle() ) { vehicleController.GetVehicle()->GuidedProjectileIncoming( projectile ); } } } // RAVEN END